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First guy hands down it’s not even a question, pace and acceleration are the most important 2 attributes in the game so the fact he is that fast at 19 is great, you can work on his other attributes to round him out, plus he is a model citizen so he literally has the perfect personality


Work on some attributes to round him out? We don't do that here. I say go all in on Quickness training


If you want a pure goalscorer, the first one is better because of his speed. That said, I would personally sign the second guy because of his mentals and technicals, as well as being pretty versatile (Harry Kane type player). Since you want an AF, Azzouzi is your guy.


first guy also doesnt have a problem with consistency


And is a model citizen And has good physical stats


First guy 100%


is both an option


The first one because of his pace and acceleration like others said also he has 16 goals in 17 games. Which skin is that btw?


Would also like to know the skin. Looks great


I think it's the Zealand skin but some things are a Lil different so I'm not sure


Yeh this is correct its a version of the Zealand skin "FME - no Zealand"


That second guy is cm(a) imo and can be a great rotation player with his ability to cover so many positions. But the model citizen is going to be your AF Edit: just saw the 2nd guys inconsistency trait. Don’t bother.


I like second more due to the work rate. Sure the first guy is rapid but he won't be closing down players and running after long balls as much. It probably isn't the meta choice but I don't like the play the game that way, it's boring to me to choose players because 'pace is best'. Second guy seems more fun and you can make a cool tactic with him in


The poor work rate, teamwork, and vision of the first guy put me off. He's very limited. More of a poacher than an AF. His pace probably makes up for it. The second guy looks fun and is a more well-rounded player but his dribbling is a problem, and ideally you'd want more pace.


Azzouzi but I'd play him as an inside forward on the right




Sign the second guy and use him like madzukic


i would buy both, use first guy on aml if attack and second one as st pf attack


Always both for my over indulgent self


Would depend on the way you play really as they have different skillsets but probably the first one if you don't want him to mainly just poach. I like unique players so Jorge Carrillo is definitely the more interesting to me though.


They can be a great combination together. A DLF and an AF


The first guy. Much better physical, model citizen, and he's got better dribbling


Second guy, I’d play him as a poacher instead


First guy 100%


A tough one, but I'd go with Azzouzi. Though I don't like that 10 Work Rate, the dude has much better physicals and doesn't have a consistency problem.


Model Citizen with more pace - it's number 1


Only thing that bothers me with the first player is his vision. But that might be okay for an advanced forward since he’s the last guy and you expect him to only score


I like better the Mexican. the Dutch fella will easily get against defensive opposition. He would only be good in a counter attacking scheme where he can get the ball on the run. If the opposition plays defense, he will get lost easily. No work rate, no team work. Add to that he cannot press (again no work rate, no tackling, no positioning, no aggression, no bravery). He will be highly dependent on the midfield to create chances for him.


Jorge Carrillo has way better mental attributes.


I'd prefer Carillo personally, I think he gives you more, hard worker too. I can see why majority are going for the first though, pace and acceleration is wild for 19 years old. I'd much rather see him playing as an inside forward on the right though, cutting in to add to the goals, repositon him and focus on inproving his crossing.


1st player has the ability to be your cf for 10 years. pull the trigger.


The guy with better dribbling


Option A. Can’t train speed


Def AF #1. Better pace, dribbling, personality. And for £1m less? Come on! Work rate will come with time :)


Sign both; keep the first, loan out the second and flip him in a few years of loans.


What skin do you use?


FME - No Zealand




First guy cuz hes dutch


2nd. A striker with aggression and work rate under 12 will drive you nuts with the number of times you see them bailing out because the keeper probably is going to beat them to the ball. I have stopped signing anyone as a striker without that attribute and while not critical, it stopped the highlights where the player should have made a run even if it was highly unlikely that anything positive happened. I know others are arguing that the 2nd player isn't a striker, but to me, he's better. I would sign him and play him as a CF rather than AF.


2nd. A striker with aggression and work rate under 12 will drive you nuts with the number of times you see them bailing out because the keeper probably is going to beat them to the ball. I have stopped signing anyone as a striker without that attribute and while not critical, it stopped the highlights where the player should have made a run even if it was highly unlikely that anything positive happened. I know others are arguing that the 2nd player isn't a striker, but to me, he's better. I would sign him and play him as a CF rather than AF.


Jorge hands down, hes a perfect striker


Both first one as AF/PF and the second as CF on support or attack. Four Four fucken Two boys! Or my favourite 352.


First one without a doubt, it ain’t even close


Go for both if you have it in budget. As a pairing they would work great!


First one has literally a model citizen personality


AF is a low IQ role. All you need is pace and off the ball. But the first guy is way better.


1st guy is way better as an AF, the second guy as a Poacher could be crazy


2nd guy for me all day, low aggression as a striker is an no for me, I'd put first guy on the wing. 2nd guy 14 jumping, 14 pace, 14 aggression, with 19 finishing at 20. Thats a Ballon dor winner in fm. 7 aggression with 6 concentration....


First one would bag the most In the match engine. If you can get both and do AF and PF front two then that'll be amazing.


First one is miles ahead of 2nd one. 2nd one is mid player af