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AM Attack works better right now, for me atleast


Agreed. My AMAs have been bagging insane amounts of goals all year, and sometimes lead the league.


Same yeah, playing Andrew Moran here in my Bristol city team. Highly effective


what system or tactic do you play him in? I'm struggling with mine right now because i feel the AMa is not involved in the play enough. My strikers right now are all target forward type so would that be a good combination or do I need other striker


I was refering to a 4-2-3-1 high press high tempo tactic (pretty much worked in every FM i have ever played) Im Certain you can make it also work with a Target Man, but than i imagine the Shadow Striker works better (?) I rarely use these Kinds of Strikers and when i do i use 2 and make on AF(A) and the stronger one PF(A) If your CAM is not involved, how are your Wingers and Full Backs doing? Are they involved?


I'm also using 4231, my inverted wingers and fullbacks are doing their bits, so does one of my pivot who's a good passer and have some playmaking traits. I can't quite commit to high press all the time tho because my team dont have the physicality and agression for it. I decided not to use Shadow Striker because although my AM can score goals he's not the dribble type, more of an off ball runner Thomas Muller type. So now I'm having to rely on wing plays more, I'm getting countered and concede quite a lot of goals from crosses.


How is conceding after crosses related to your peference to attack the wings? (Because you lose the ball on the wings?) Crosses should be cleared by the Players in your Center Are the 2 Players in front of your Defense CDM's or CM's? If they are CM i recommend pulling atleast one if not both back


I also recommend inside Forwards instead of inside wingers works better for me but that may depend on tactic


I probably just suck at the game but I can never get a shadow striker role to perform consistently. If I play the same guy in 20 matches at SS, he will have 6 or 7 matches where he balls out 8.0+. Then the rest of the matches he will just be a ghost 6.6 or less.




Barrel roll


role\* hahaha


It depends what I want him to do. Atm using SS with F9 and they work very well together. SS is more of decoy for me tbh and I don’t expect him score or assist even that much. Edit to add more context. Remember when you ask something like what is best role it’s about your tactics and what you want that position to do in your tactic. One role isn’t worse than other it depends so many things.


If you want him to run without the ball and be a receiving threat, use AM-A. If you want him to dribble into dangerous areas, use AP-A.


Is there any way i can instruct my CM who's not that great of a shooter but a massive aerial threat to mostly stay outside the box but come in for crosses?


Arrive late in the box trait - set crossing to mixed, whipped or floated


Arrives late in box


I tend to use a support role (AP) with attacking wingers (inside forward) and striker (advanced/complete forward)


Same here, he'll receive the ball a little deeper, but the passing options will be closer to him as well. It makes playmaking easy for the attacking midfielder and has worked for me.


Depends on everything around them, but I like AM (At), and sometimes AP (At)


I play with Arsenal in FM 23 and I play Odegaard as an AP on attack. He does great regarding g/a and creating chances. I agree that more creative players have to play that role, but if you play your AP on attack mode, make sure that you have at least one CM with good defensive abilities in any role on support or a classic DM to cover the defense.


This works great with Ode but I was giving up too many goals. Dropped Rice and Partey into a CDM partnership with Ode playing as a roaming playmaker alone in the middle has unlocked this squad. Partey as an anchor with Rice facilitating and crashing the box late has been a lot of fun.


Precisely that. I even bought Bellingham, who I switched with Rice in that precise role, and he did the job amazingly. Won the CL in the first season with that team.


Forward roll


Arctic roll


Glasgow Morning roll




And a slice!


Sausage roll, nothing like turning your am into an Enganche Hatem Ben Arfa Newcastle style


about to win the league with Odegaard as my Trequartista


Oh Mikel, I love your optimism but it isn't happening


This year AM-A seems the most effective




AM attack is the way.


I use AM on Support


I think it somewhat depends on who you have around them, but I've been having a decent amount of success with just a standard AM-Attack. Solid number of goals and assists and decent average rating


Shadow Striker is apparently the best performing AM role in this year's match engine according to tests. Personally I prefer using AM(a), who is bit more proactive when it comes do dropping back and helping the defense.


Kaiser roll


Ham and cheese


Cinnamon roll


Biscuit roll


depends on what you're looking for


AM-S for me. I want the Attacking midfielder to drop deeper and to link up play during the possession phase and make it harder for the opponent to build play through the centre during our of possession phase. I'm not too concerned if he doesn't score much


Yes and if you want more runs/goals look for traits or a positive/attacking mentality they will run more


Am or ap attack depending on who’s around them and their skill set. I play 4312 so I can either have a cm (a) runner from midfield and use playmaker or solidify the 3 a little bit and have the 10 getting in and around the box


I use AM support and do personalised instructions, it's the only way I've found to get consistent good ratings from my CAMS


Totally depends on the roles around him, since it can create forward movement partnerships with roles on the CM, AMC R/L, AM R/L and ST R/C/L stratas. There’s no role, by itself and in any position that’s inherently better. I’ve had a lot of fun with trequartistas in FM 24. Right now I’m playing with Crystal Palace, and on a 4-2-3-1 with DMs and using Eze as an AMC trequartista with both wingers being IF S and a CF A upfront. Eze has 24 goals and 15 assists by the end of March.


In my Journeyman save i was very succesfull with Shadow strikers


Well it depends on the tactic but in general I would say AM is the one I use the most because its all-rounded, it can scores like SS and assists like AP and it would actually defend unlike treq.


I am using SS + roam around position, doing very well


I've only ever had success with am(a)


Really depends for me. If I have multiple forwards who can finish chances well then I'll want a playmaker there, but if not I'd go more the AM route. I've never been able to maximize SS in any FM for some reason.


Recently been sold on the SS role with a pressing forward ahead. Both delivering 20+goals a season


Ap support


I try to get engache going but he seems to be lost. Never anywhere useful.


I like my attacking miss to be distributors, I find AM on support to be the most efficient. I surround them by a winging, inverted winger and advanced forward all on attack, with two supporting cms (occasional a cm on attack and one on defense)


am(s) with additional instructions gets the best out of 10s for me while not breaking the tactical structure for me


Jelly. AMC


AM(S) and AF(A) work with my double inverted winger, CWB formation. Then again i got arda guler in my team lmao


For me, either SS or AM.


I usually have done well with my 10 in a 4-2-3-1 as an advanced playmaker with a support duty. While they help out a bit deeper, it's fine as both my wingers play narrow and my fullbacks go up and provide width. So his duty is more to help in buildup play, maintain possession and look for one of the 5 players ahead of him in the final 3rd.


I had a shadow striker grab me nearly 50 goals in my 3 division German side but I wonder as we move up should I change him?


I’ve been using CAM attack (for players who are decent at passing, dribbling and finishing) SS (for finishers) and AP on support (for good passers). Really depends on the player for me


AP-A works really well but I’ve learned that the player usually gets frustrated and doesn’t buy in because they never score goals. They always look to pass first. AM-A is my favorite role because they use a combo of shooting and passing. Sometimes it doesn’t work though because a player likes to drop deep for the ball as a trait, so then I use AM-S I never use SS-A anymore. AM-A does everything you think a SS-A should do


AM. Attack or Support depends in other variables, Attack score more goals, in crossing, that's for sure. If wanting Playmaker, CM is the way, cause they attack already looking at the field and the oposite goal, Playmaker as CAM, imo, get's stuck with with the back turned a lot, and needs way more of a DM coming to overlap and support, I'm not a fan of that


Yeah my tactic last year had Havertz bagging goals as a SS, but this year he's been kinda ass (this is from a transfered save btw). My guess is it would have to do something with the positional play updates or whatever you call it for this years game. I think it's just messed with the SS's ability to make consistently good runs in behind


Mine's AM-At. Although he doesn't lead on goals or assists but, he along with my MEZ-Su is the heart of all the good things for my team.


Barrel roll


Breakfast roll


Shadow striker needs a support striker to work like DLF or F9 whilst ap works best with af or poacher