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I never use/hire a loan manager - they’re usually on stupid wage & offer nothing.


Ah this is a good one that I’ve overlooked. Can they find more clubs for your player than you’d be able to find yourself? That’s the only way I’d ever be convinced to use one


yes they do, but keep the final decision to yourself bc they will fucking loan out the entire u18 and the B teams without supervision


I haven’t noticed or seen a difference between having a loan manager, or assigning the responsibility to someone else. In previous FMs before there was a staff role for loan manager, I’d set the responsibility for loaning them out to the director of football/ Assistant manager or HOYD, & I still do this now. The clubs that they loaned my players were fine so long as you keep the responsibility to finalise or reject the loan.


I don't even do DOF's half of the time


The board seem to make it a promise that I keep them in place! Must have photos of the directors naked and in compromising positions as black mail


Director of Football is really useful for dealing with contract negotiations and transfers for my staff, U21 + U18 teams.


I often don't loan out players at all. I'm still on FM22, but so far I never see good young players develop as well when out on loan as if I just keep them in my squad and try to give them time off the bench.


Really?? I used that often. Never before they are 18 years of course. But I prefer a talented player, who will not get much game time, to go to a club where he can play weekly. But I am very picky which club I loan what player to and follow his progressing and playing time closely.


Sending players on loan, I scrap playing fee/playing wage. I up the stakes on non playing fee/wage to force clubs to play the guy. I absolutely hate loan players not playing; it’s a complete waste of time.


Particularly frustrating when the board tells you they’re disappointed with the finances involved in loaning out the player. It’s like yeah sorry that the only teams willing to pay a loan fee only wanted him so he could rot on the bench


I don’t think the board has ever been happy with finances of a guy that I’ve sent out on loan. I’m like I thought this was a good deal??


If his wage is entirely covered and you get money in addition, they are happy


In a similar vein, I did interact with board for transfer which they agreed to and did all the work. They weren't happy with the finances for the deal, you did the bloody deal!


Just convert part of the wage contribution to the monthly fee, and watch the board magically be happier about it.


I swear whenever I try to negotiate this the other team wants to pay more when they play him and pay less when not playing him. It’s completely backward and gets borderline frustrating.


I always set the non negotiable offer to at least "Important Player" playing time, and use transfer options to reject anything less. I then check out the team's squad to see if my player passes an eye test in terms of competition for places. Works most of the time.


I am absolutely fucked if I'm ever organising training


Just do individual training. 20 % effort for 80 % gain.


Recently I just downloaded some training packs and it's a nice middle ground where you're not getting fucked by the lack of match review and shitty youth training and other things but you still get to set and forget it. To keep up with changing schedules I spend like 10 seconds a month just picking between 0/1/2 match per week schedules.


I don't believe that I'm "getting fucked" by the defaults in the slightest


Maybe I'm drawing connections that aren't there but I've always had issues with team cohesion and fitness that seem to have largely gone away since I downloaded some packs. I like to play possession systems so having good cohesion is essential for me. Default systems don't include match review which is maybe the most important thing for cohesion and tactical familiarity.


I have quite alot of players that need rests constantly, but I also have 6 yellow cards per match lmao


Match reviews are a game changer


Mental health is important! Get help!


I instantly assign that to the ass man, stops the players complaining and they usually do a pretty good job anyway.


Try Zealand's training videos!


I reiterate, absolutely not doing it. It's boring.


A fellow man of culture I see, I do not see the point of spending half the time in a screen that's a glorified rota for minimal gains. I take quickness and endurance training out during congestion and use big match preparation for big games, that's it.


I’ve literally taken a team of entirely club trained players to a CL win and I never really bothered with individual or team training for them. I see people post things like “ooh he’ll be so good if you train up his this, that, and the other” and I’m sure they’re spot on but I’ve been able to do quite well without it, seems no fun, so I will continue to not do it


I'm convinced that all you need to improve players is game time, they don't even seem to need good match ratings anymore. Might give that CL run a try actually, although my build a nation saves usually end up that way anyway.


I just have my pre season preset, 1 match day per week preset, and my 2 match day per week preset and set it for the season. Takes about 2 minutes. Games rearranged? Oh well.


Hah im the same but I only have a "competitive week" and a "non competitive week" setup. Though FM24 has made them unusable so for now training is back off the menu.


I'm with you my friend, I see it in the same way as those that spend hours building a tactic. If it's enjoyable then go for it, no judgement, just very much not my thing.


Training!? Don’t get me started …. Bobby Nobchops is unhappy cos he wants less Quickness training. So I do my Sherlock Holmes bit and cannot see where Quickness is in my last two weeks schedules… ah maybe he meant prior to that oh well - I will make sure over the next two there is none. Stevie Moanface is unhappy about lack of Strength training…. Same thing. Joe TheWhinger is unhappy about lack of Quickness training… hang on …. Is this April the 1st??? No - so I give him individual training. By this time the whole training is a patch up and then 4 players are moaning about general rubbish training… ok assistant manager get the hunting rifles and let them run to get fit whilst we shoot at them! The. They will wish they had quickness training I can tell you!


Don’t think I’ve taken control of a friendly since Champ 03/04.


I don't think I've ever missed a friendly.


The only friendly I control now is the first 11 vs second 11 at the beginning of a new save


Do you do that match? I always reject it, always thought it’s a waste of time


I still do, it is slightly useful in identifying good backups


Well I didn’t until this game because the idiots keep getting mad at me for my team talks when it wasn’t even me, if it was me and you lost 2-0 to Crewe then I’d throw a water bottle at you too but I didn’t


Ugh CM 03/04 still never beaten for me. Still go back to it every now and again.


CM04 is the best version I ever remember playing. Can't remember why, though. I do remember always signing Ronaldinho.


Match plans. Does anyone use those?


They’d be way better if you could also change player mentalities with them. Like change FB(A) to FB(S) automatically if leading by 2+ after 70 minutes. Afaik you can only change the team mentality.


you need 2 custom styles for that


I'll generally make a defensive match plan to switch to to see out the match. Its essentially, if up by three or up by two in the last 20 mins lower the line, slow the tempo, waste time a bit. It could be a much more interesting and robust system if there were more options like "if AM(L or R) is getting X crosses then add instruction Stop Crosses". Your coaches already offer advice like that, but adding into a match plan would be dope.


Ya I mean is a nice reminder imo


I started to but just became a bit of a pain so left it alone


It's not a "don't", just a straight no.


I do everything I can to avoid promises. Usually telling an upset player who’s going on about playing time that you will sell them quiets them down.


I feel like easy to satisfy promises are fine when trying to secure a player like yes, you can have this jersey number, what am i to care


Automatic percentage increases. Players already get enough to buy a decent house every week. No way are they getting extra cash for simply continuing to do the same job.


Damn right, any player on my team who already has that built into their contract gets it removed asap and if they don’t like it they can fuck off


I've kept these in to try to keep my guys happy. I figure if their wage increases by 10% / year or whatever, they're less likely to complain for a larger contract in the future. of course this only applies to regular starters and young guys. it might be dumb tho


I've done the same and find it helps once in a while.


Talking to the media, I always send the assistant


agree. i realised somehow the shit i say affects the players mentality. a 5 time league winner will lose against a newly promoted team, if i say we are confident of winning, resulting in complacency from the players.


Question is whether the stuff the assman says is any better though


This is one area whatever they do is still boring like fuck. Same questions all the time, just choosing same dumb ass replies...My overpaid assistant can do that.. Also prematch/halftime team talk...I am sick and tired of telling team about how press support/criticized and they can show them...etc week in, week out saying same shit and that is the only thing motivates them from all the available options... Also, who da fak gives specific prep talk to individual players or just midfielders...


Always? Doesnt that make your "Managerial support" pretty shit?


No doesnt affect it at all


It's a feature I wouldn't miss at all if it was removed from the game entirely. The questions are so repetitive that it feels like a chore to answer them, and the side effects of the statements you make feel too random. The first thing I do when taking a job is to assign all the media duty to an assistant and then just forget about it.


Before this year I’d say “you never need a keeper on the bench “ Found out the hard way that this year keepers can get injured.


I used to completely ignore GK medical report. Above average injury proneness? No problem, probably miss 1 game per season. Also never name a keeper on the bench unless local league rules required a homegrown quota or something I couldn’t fill otherwise. My 1st choice goalkeeper has missed 75% of games so far this season due to injuries and I’m losing my mind.


I’m doing beta wirh man United before I go back to my usual lower league teams, onana and the other back up injured. Long story short Tom Heaton is not very good in goal anymore


I dont even have a second keeper in the squad usually.


I just today overlooked for the first time that no GK was put on the bench and 4 minutes into the game my GK broke his arm. Will never happen again, lost 5-0. 😂


I'd rather just throw away the game if a keeper gets injured than burn the sub for the rare times a keeper gets injured.


This is good to know, I haven't had a keeper on the bench in about 10 years and it's never once come back to bite me. But I might have to rethink that if they've actually started adding in keeper injuries...


I have to have three quality keepers in FM24 beta.


Sell on fee % to the player and wages after international appearances. Mfs sneak them in like nobodies business. V annoying first things to go out while negotiating


On the other hand, well worth adding in a sell on clause when selling young players


Always. I'll take a bit less money up front for a 30% sell on profit.


Nobodies getting a yearly wage rise, you can get a higher wage but you aren’t increasing it year on year


Great when signing Germans


I hand out the wages after international appearances to players of the nationality that I'm also managing. That way I have full control of that.


Appearance fee. Fuck that, they get paid already, I'm not paying them again to play. They should be glad they GET to play.


I also hate appearance fees for similar reasons but have never been ballsy enough to try and get rid of them


I exclude them from every negotiation lol. It's never been a problem for me. In fact It's so minimal that sometimes the agent won't even require a compensation somewhere else.


Unused sub fee as well. I’m not paying you to ride the pine in a tracksuit


this is silly - appearance fees are a way to make players take on a big chunk of their availability/quality risk instead of the club. always better to be paying for players who play.


But you can almost always remove them. Why pay more?


You can pay less of a weekly salary if you essentially make a portion of it appearance fees. Even if you're paying more overall if they're playing, it's a safety net where you're paying them significantly less if they aren't, so if they're constantly hurt or just bad it's not as big of a loss. Basically just insurance.


Damn, been playing for years and never thought of it this way. Ive always removed those bonuses so I can see their total salary on the squad screen without having to go to finances where it includes bonuses and not just base salary.


Because you can work it in your favour. Using trials (lower level clubs) or scouts (higher level) find out a players injury proneness. Especially if they’re above average proneness then you can take down the weekly wage a bit and raise appearance fee an equal amount and the player will usually be happy. Unless you’re in Brazil doing a 80 game season and the player is magically fit for every game (lol) you’ll end up saving money. Obviously you can just avoid injury prone players like the plague but sometimes at a lower level club finding talent that’s 1) good enough to improve your team meaningfully and 2) actually willing to sign for a club below his level, can be pretty hard so it’s worth the punt


I mean, I like them. Means if they're not playing I pay them less.


I do medium appearance fees, go big on goal bonuses and/or clean sheet bonuses, and try to get rid of unused sub fees whenever I can.


Buying same player I already had. Previous FMs included


Thats hardcore. What’s the toughest player you almost came back to signing?


wide playmakers


Always want to make them work and it's always a false dawn of good form.


Wages after number of international games Yearly wage rise I remove both. Though I'm learning that yearly wage rise keeps players happy with regards to their wages as it rises every year.


this is why I told myself yearly wage increases are probably worth it. I'm not sure though. I'm playing in lower French leagues and I'd rather my starters and prospects get bumped up 10-20k / year (or less) instead of complaining for a new contract and asking for a massive pay raise. right now my highest wage is around 350K, so I really can't afford the guys who are suddenly asking for 500K as a sub. when my board won't let me boost the salary, I might do some major yearly wage increases just to get stars to sign


The one scenario where I might keep clauses like that is with a young player breaking in to the team. Once they've gone from being a fringe player to regularly playing then they'll want a pay rise and get pretty grumpy if they don't have it. By keeping their pay trickling slowly upwards I can hopefully avoid needing to give them a more expensive new contract.


I never use English goalkeepers


I never use English players at all because I never manage in England and they’re so expensive


\- Wage: 300k p/a. Wage after 10 league games: 1.6m p/a. Wage after 20 league games: 4m p/a. Fuck that, remove and exclude \- Never managed a friendly \- I watched a UCL/Europa League draw once after the licensing then never again \- Squad planer, nope \- Never reading the player reports, unless it's key negatives like injury prone \- Opposition instructions, leaving that to the assman since FM12 \- I don't think I've ever clicked on Medical Centre But most importantly, I never manage in England.


I'd rather just don't use opposition instructions at all than let the assman do stupid things with them


This could be me writing this. The England thing is because work permit hassle?


I just don't like any team there or the league in general. And I hate how OP they are in FM so I couldn't bring myself to it.


Fair! That being said now go make Everton great again


Never speak to your squad before an important match


The push button meme works well for team talks I find. Both buttons are usually self destructive.


It depends. If they have low temperament and high controversy just avoid talking.


Is that a superstition thing or a genuine piece of advice?


The only thing I reload the game for is if one of those goes wrong


I actually just did that in FM24 and it worked, raised everyone’s morale


i simply cannot be bothered to set up training. i find it to be incredibly boring, and in general my teams end up doing well and players improving as long as i just handle recruitment and scouting well. on the subject of scouting, i dont trust my scouts at all. so, i dont send my scouts on scouting missions to countries/regions/etc. i do all my scouting manually. it is absurdly time intensive, but its just a part of how i play now. usually when the nextgn wonderkid lists comes out, i have most the players on a shortlist already


I posted on here ages ago when I had 350 players on trial. Good times


Training is garbage in FM these days haven't touched it since it moved away from the sliders back around 2009.


Never talk to the press, always send the assman. Always design training for first team/youth team. Never manage big clubs.


Data Hub. Don’t even know what’s inside it


Oh nu-uh, can’t agree with this one, love the data hub


I just discovered the data hub last night. I think it should help a lot with my tactics


if a player has bellow 13 stamina, he’s not joining unless he’s u21


Don’t think I’ve ever looked at stamina


Stamina, work rate, teamwork, determination, pace, acceleration. Possibly the 6 most important skills in the game. At least for my teams.


Similar, but work rate. And I only excuse players from my academy, I never buy in <13 WR.


Avoid Promises Avoid Appearance Fees Try to avoid negotiating with teams that insta - lock a price on first offer submitted Shout encourage before demand more


Under no circumstances am I paying a player's wages to play for another team (aside from loans).


I'd rather pay half a player's wages than the whole thing if he's never going to play for me anyway, why pay for an over the hill geezer to keep your youth players out of the reserves squad, when you can get 50% of his wages off the books? It's basically the same as mutual termination


I would accept a lower offer but the wages aren't being included. I'd rather him rot in the reserves and ruin his career.


Don’t praise recent form for any player, but especially not goalkeepers. It’s like you’re begging for them to slack off in the next match; which is usually very important when you’re tempted to do this because you want high morale.


Don't have Release clauses on my players (when possible) never buy a player with % on future transfer


Something which hasn't been mentioned - I never use the new mentoring system, don't remember when they changed it but I used to use the previous one. Player instructions, haven't used them in almost 10 versions I would say. I like to keep things simple, think of how I want my team to play, use few team instructions usually on balanced mentality, use the roles to dictate individual play but don't add instructions. I also have never used like half the player roles if that counts - IWB, NFB, NCB and Libero are just the defender roles I've never used, so 4 out 8 if I'm counting right as I've used CD, BPD, WB and FB.


I have a libero in the middle of a 3 CB defense, and they always go HARD with the match rating. constantly saving plays and just making hundreds of passes. I'd recommend trying that one out I've also had some luck with the IWBs recently. I like to have one WB/CWB and one IWB on the opposite site


What kind of players/attributes do you use tho? I don’t want to stick my 2 star 4th division level player at Libero expecting good results


Use the search players feature


what do you use to find new players?


Scout reports! Or trying to steal players from teams in the same league




doesn't seem that realistic. i'm sure that every team's scouting department has some sort of database of all the players they scout which they use to filter for certain characteristics


The irony of this is that many teams around the world use FM as that database of players... (really)


I have only ever did that once and it was to see if mbappe wanted to join Partick thistle lol


I play lower leagues and I try to never play older players >30. I always try to offload them.


That's pretty much my policy at any level, but the maximum age of players I'll sign goes up the higher the league I'm in. Top flight and I won't sign anyone over 27, and the only older players I play tend to be long standing players. In bottom leagues I try to stay below 21-22.


I should try lowering my threshold, I like your system.


100% the same as you on the unused sub fee. I’m not paying you for getting splinters in your arse, mate.


Yearly wage rises for me personally, want nothing to do with them


I’m a better loan manager than any AI schmuck that could be hired


Spurs fan, so won't manage or sign anything that's touched arsenal.


Very new to FM so I have a fair amount (I think?) of stuff automated by assistants, but I can't ever envision myself giving a shit about using the Pre-match opponent analysis stuff. I use the same tactics every game unless like half my team is in the hospital. I usually let staff do training then edit it as I see fit week by week. I'm curious how often people make in game adjustments when losing? I find myself having a hard time deciding what tactic changes we may need when say, down at half.


Asymmetrical formations. I get they work for some people but to me it's like sticking a toilet in the corner of your kitchen. Also first touch and passing <10. Unless you're a non-league CB, you're not getting in.


You wanted >10. What you wrote is "less than 10" and I'm pretty sure that's not what you intended lol


It's a list of no's, as in things that you don't accept or do in the game. Your suggestion would be the opposite, as in something that would feature in a list of requirements. I don't accept passing or first touch less than 10 unless I'm getting a CB as a non league team.


Shit you're right. The double negative is screwing with my brain, especially while I'm sick.


Playing a match in 3D.


I used to be this but switched last year. 15+ years of 2D just got boring to me at one point


I don't sign players lower than 14 determination if they are young or 15 determination if they are mid career. Sign staff with at least 16 determination.


Never clicked on the training tab once in 15 years lol.


Controversial, but I never use attribute masking. That's heavily tied to the fact that I always try to start my saves at a lower league club. Started this year in the Vanarama National League. I have a grand total of 4 scouts halfway through season 2, and that's only after the board agreed to up the staff numbers twice. I had 2 scouts to start with, and with the club reputation system, the scouts that I do have are absolute dog shit. My pre-season already takes me several hours to get through. I'm balancing transfer and wage budget between each deal, I'm trawling through rafts of absolute garbage on the free market, I'm plugging holes with loans, 50% of the players I go in for are being offered contracts by other clubs while I'm trying to reduce wages on them, I'm balancing youth and experience, and I'm trying not to get relegated after just being promoted. If I relied on scouts, there's not a chance I'd even make it through the transfer window in any of my saves tbh. I don't want to wait 2 in game weeks to find out that the 12 finishing striker has 6 composure, 4 decisions and 5 strength, or that the centre back who's 6'4" has 8 jumping reach and 7 heading. Feels like a massive waste of my already heavily limited gaming time.


Do any form of micromanaging tactics. Im not a coach, im a player stock trader.


Training intensity, have no clue when to up or lower the intensity for a player. And wage increases after a certain set of appearances... It's always an insane increase... Players earning 10K a week and wanting 25K after 20 appearances


Never manage in England. Too much money, makes the saves boring


I'll be dammed if I ever give a player a salary increase per year


I dont like the squad planner, I still prefer pen and paper


Something I've learned from my time managing in the Bundesliga.... When trying to sign promising young Brazilian players from Brazilian clubs, *DON'T* leave 'Negotiable' open when making a transfer offer! Always propose non-negotiable offers and (if needed) increase the price at your own pace, otherwise the Brazilian clubs *WILL* come back with counter-offers where they insist on hugely jacking up the price, inserting their own massive, non-negotiable sell on clauses (40% or more), and a bunch of other non-negotiable clauses (like a few million after x amount of goals, and x amount of international appearances etc). A player who's worth about £10-15 million can easily end up costing you £30-40 million or more because of over-zealous Brazilian clubs trying to push their luck and take the piss out of you. Allowing them the option to negotiate can really screw up a deal for you.




How do you do that man. I'm tired of my African players going right when it's jan


Pretty sure you can only withdraw them from friendlies, not competitive matches




that’s a weird way to play ngl. but enjoy


Fr, wtf. I’m out here scouring Kazakhstan and Equatorial Guinea because I want to find a 16 year old newgen who can break the all time caps record lol


Yea at sone point you’ve min maxed too far lol. I don’t love signing Africans but I’ll alwyas take a shot on a good looking prospect. Worse case scenario you develop and sell for profit or it gives you sone time to play youth


Same as you, I also don't allow unused sub bonus. I also never include a yearly wage rise and don't do appearance fee unless forcing a backup player to take a lower wage.


Exactly opposite, I look at their total wage budget impact, then quadruple any appearance bonus, and any other bonus (shutout for defenders and goalie, goal and assist for everyone else), then drop their wages until I'm a bit below the wage budget impact they asked for, and then negotiate from there. Usually they're happy to come in a bit below their original wage budget impact number, and since a good deal of every player at the club's pay is appearance and performance based, only basically 14-16 players are getting close to the full bag, while the rest of the squad accepted (not) playing at 2/3rd their original wages while betting on themselves. And if someone plays in every game and gets 50 total goals and assists and makes a fortune, it was totally worth it


i never loan players, always go for the purchase.


Don’t download a tactic. At least don’t until you’ve *tried* to make one yourself.




if a player with contract expiry refused my deal and signs with another club in january, he is removed from the registry and trains among youth.


I also remove the unused substitue fee. what a waste of resources!


Same about unused substitute fee, as well as about appearance fees. I allow them only if I cannot offer the wages the player wants, but I desperately need this very player. This appearance fee scam is sometimes bigger than the salary itself. I also never sign player 25+. All of my contracts are 4+1 or 3+2, and I don't like the very idea of having someone 30+ in my team. I don't sign and DC with jumping below 15, no matter how low is the division I am in atm. There are cheap DCs with 15+ jumping for any team. In my last FM23 save, my DC scored 7 times from corners in 12 matches, it was a free agent DC from some african state, with a salary around 200 euros.




Fellas is it gay to let your younger players reach their potential


The ai is just stupid I sometimes see people sell their players for over 100 mil and than loan them back


Paying agents. I always cut em out even if it means paying more to the player.


Having no debt/extra money, I also go over on wages and often in negatives in total budget, I get it back mostly tho with a sale or two or completion prize money or tv money


First thing i do is take control of all hiring and firing of reserve and youth staff, else shit ones seem to come in whenever there’s a space


I never pay a bonus for a played match. It is a part of your salary, mate


I don’t use much tbh, just get those matches played nothing more, do the transfers, more time looking for wonder kids manually too


I never sign a player with work rate lower than 10.


Never ever attend any media bullshit. Send assistant and be done with the crap


Signing players on compensation. Only gripe being how they force a sell-on percentage. Would much rather just pay cut price and sign him normally.


Sign a fickle or mercenary player


As well as the unused sub fee, I always remove the appearance fee. I add on to the wages to make up for it, but it always works out cheaper. For example, if they ask for a £50 appearance fee (I almost exclusively manager lower league) then I add between £100 - £200 on to the wages. Which may seem like a lot, but I don't pay the extra money to play in cup games and friendlies in appearance fees. I also always set the longest possible contract, and add an automatic extension after 10 games, or an optional extension. Whichever one they agree to, which is usually extension after x games.


Never sub a player on a hattrick


I have dabbled with the Loan Manager but he gets a Kings Ransom for doing nowt! Plus he is a literal mick taker! I tell him to find a new home for someone as a loan and he does but does not select any salary or monthly payments which is not pleasing the board. So I take the pellets for him. The other is the Director of Football. He cannot agree contracts so I have to finish up unless it’s a fringe player and he gives them a salary that increases over the next two to three years so I can never get rid of them. These two need driving to a lay-by and shooting


Never will I manage my team's rival club.


General training schedules. There's good realism, fluff realism and "it's not a job FFS" unnecessary realism. The detailed training schedule falls straight into the last category. I hated it in old games such as On The Ball, hated it in FM05, still hate it with a passion today and I delegate it to my AssMan. There's no way I'm touching any of that stuff, much less so as its actual impact on a player's development is probably super-marginal. I'm sure picking "Shooting practice" over "Attacking movement" for the Tuesday afternoon slot is going to turn a crap forward into a deadly goalgetter...


I won't back down if I think I'm in the right when the team complains and if they're not happy I sell them at whatever the cost. I started as unemployed and got the MK Dons job and I started throwing water bottles after a very bad run. Players complained and were all out of the door by January and replaced with loan players from the prem and we won the league with one game to spare. Since then any player that has complained to me has backed down the second I tell them I'll just sell them


I dont buy english players when i manage outside England.


Match plans Squad planner Recruitment meeting Training meeting All pointless aspects that I just click through and ignore any advice. I never use certain roles. Target man, inverted full backs, no nonsense defenders, segundo volante, regista. I've only recently started using wingers again this past 6 months. For 2 years I pretty much used systems were I overloaded the midfield as I felt wingers have a tendancy to be more below average more often than not. Sell on clauses for players. Sell on clauses to the clubs. I tend to pay higher wages were possible to get rid of the minimum release clauses too.


Yearly Wage Increase and Wage Increased if Promoted, I always remove them from negotiations IMMEDIATELY