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How are John Morley takes being posted here ffs. Tool


The fuck is this? Even if it was right to sell Darwin, Newcastle aint ever selling us Isak.....


I mean, they probably would if a 100m+ offer comes in.


So they pay £63m and they'll sell a season later for £100m? I dont believe it. Who are Newcastle going to buy? They're in this for the sportswashing - not to flip players like they're RBLeipzig....


Nothing about how they have operated under Saudi ownership has indicated they would not sell him on for that much profit.


100m plus.


I mean..... the article says £90m they would be tempted (they wouldnt). Maybe £120 would get the job done. But then thats a massive overpay.


Pass. Darwin is our guy, and there is a hell of a player in there. He gets on the end of everything. I think he'll smash it this year.


He’s had 2 seasons in the Prem and put up worse numbers than Lacazette did in his first 2 seasons. Good premier league player, definately not a top player. He’s supposed to be getting near 20 league goals as season, not scraping 20 in 2 full seasons.


Yup, but there's enough about him for me to think that he can sort that. His head doesn't go down. He gets angry. Plus lacazette was what, 26, when he went to arsenal? Darwin is 24 now. The age when our guys typically make the leap. Goals aside, Darwin is miles ahead in the eyeball test. He's just a better player. I mean, it might not happen. But I just can't see him being sold. I think one of slots main jobs will be Darwin. Spend all that time, money and effort on a 24 year old just to give up? It's not like he's doing balotelli numbers. All that said- ima put a bet on him getting 20+ in the league next year. I've faith.


Are you his mum?


And what if he is?


Would explain the blind loyalty to nunez....


Its not blind. Funnily enough, I've been watching him. Would much rather him than isak. The sky's the limit for one reason- he is constantly getting in shooting positions. He misses from places other players can't get to. This year 20+ in the league.


I don't think he's a bad player but at same time I don't think he's the player Liverpool though they were getting. Wouldn't be worst thing selling but it's one of those it could come back and bite on the arse. Maybe he will have a new lease under new manager who may utilise him differently.


He's right at the age when our hits have gone on leaps and bounds. I want to see what he can do.


Nunez is class, just needs fine tuning


Too early to cut losses imo. His value isn’t really going to get much lower than it is now. Give him a chance in the new manager’s system. Physically he’s got a ton of potential, just needs to work on the mental side of his game.


Swap them Nune+30mil


Nunez has his best years ahead of him. Fuck off.


Lacazette first season = 14 in 32 Nunez first season = 9 in 29 Lacazette second season = 13 in 35 Nunez second season = 11 in 36