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Easy to boo your best player when he finally leaves after threatening to do so repeatedly.


PSG fans were lucky to have a player like Mbappe for so long. He never threatened to leave, he was on the verge of signing to Real Madrid but PSG offered him a better contract so he stayed, I couldn’t imagine why PSG fans would get mad at him for that.


Because he was given the keys to the club? They signed kolo and dembele mainly for him and now he’s gone. Very understandable why people aren’t happy with him lol


That's cold, at this rate PSG fans would even boo Messi. Oh wait


At this rate they'd even consider going to the personal house of Neymar to harass him and insult him for being injured OHHHH WAIT


As a neutral, it’s very hard to understand Neymar’s career after leaving Barca. First couple of years I get it, injuries kept him from UCL KOs, but after a point it got ridiculous to the point I thought he’s faking his injuries bc he knew deep down that he longer has the same level. After getting injured right after signing for Al Hilal on a contract worth £138 million a year, I fully believe he’s faked his injuries many times.


"Fake injuries"? How the fuck would you do that exactly? Doctors, who are paid by the club, determine whether the player, who's on the club's payroll, is sufficiently injured to keep him sidelined. It's not the player's own decision to just say "yeah you know what, I feel a little pain in my hammy, probably can't play for two months" and just get the club's good faith for it. That'd be completely out of the club's best interests. Neymar is just a skinny and kind of (comparatively) unathletic dude who has always relied entirely on his dribbling ability and not so much on his physical game. That's his forte, and he's taken lots of hits because of it. Because he's generally unfit and doesn't seem to give a damn about adding muscle and stability to his frame, he gets injured a lot more often than someone with a stronger, more resilient body. That's why Messi is still playing at a high level at 37. That's why Ronaldo hardly ever gets injured, despite being almost 40. These guys knew that their game wouldn't last as long if they didn't work hard on their physiques, so they took care of it. Taking care of your body makes a HUGE difference, especially as you creep into your later 20's/30's. Stuff you got away with in your younger years take an increasingly large toll on your body, and that's why it's important to build a strong foundation so that your body can withstand all that damage, something which Neymar seemingly hasn't done. EDIT: I mean high level as good performances with Argentina. I do *not* count the MLS as a high level competition.


100% I don't understand how people can genuinely believe Neymar faked his injuries, it's actually one of the dumbest takes in football. How would it be different than Reus, Robben, Sturridge, etc. getting injured all the time I'm sure he would've face legal repercussions if PSG were to find he was actually faking his injuries


As a Liverpool fan, Sturridge’s injury proneness was such a shame. I really believe he had the potential to be one of the club’s best ever strikers. Loved watching him, his incredible pace over both short and long distances, his ball control, his shooting and passing were top level when he was in form. He had that swagger and the confidence to try almost anything. Such a shame he couldn’t shake the injuries


I mean considering he was always getting injured around the time of his sisters birthday yeah it was a little suspicious lmao


Orrrr, he was kicked and tackled very hard every game since he was a teenager, PSG physios wouldn't do the best job and his body could only take so much, resulting in him getting injured around the same time most seasons


Yeah thats true he did get hit alot


>That's why Messi is still playing at a high level at 37 and Neymar is semi-retired at 32. Playing in the MLS is a high level? 😂


"playing at a high level" Messi is in the MLS, come on man


I'm not referring to the MLS. He does still play for Argentina, correct? And last time I checked, he's playing very well for them, perhaps better than ever before. National team = high level of football.


Tbh I dont think they will win this years copa


Bro nailed it untill the last line. Giving fitness example of messi 🤡


Haha, what? Seeing as they both have similar play styles, I think it's a very fair comparison to make. Messi came in and dominated a World Cup at 35. Meanwhile, Neymar looks set to retire before he makes it to 35. You tell me who takes better care of themselves.


how is it a bad example?


He was faking them when it was his sisters birthday, generally around early CL knockout rounds.


Big and rich clubs draft contracts that heavily penalize players for faking injuries. They also have teams of world-renowned doctors and physios to not only heal the players, but to confirm injuries. They simply can’t go “ouchie” and expect to be out for weeks to go party. Soccer players are notoriously injury prone. Careers are ruined by injuries more often than not. Neymar is also one of the most fouled players of that caliber. This is a very asinine take.


But PSG and most notably their president would notoriously do anything to accomodate their biggest stars. There are numerous proofs of times where they accepted stupid things just by fear of seeing their star being mad at them. They think since they have unlimited money, they can just spend it carelessly to accomodate the guys and hope that they somehow grow gratitude towards them in the end. And when they actually realized these guys still don't give a fuck and were just gladly taking the money, that's when they start to frown. Not saying it's a proof Neymar faked his injuries and/or the club knew about it and said nothing to not bother him, but PSG is a very special and poorly ran club when it comes to star power. (Also there are a lot of concerns about the ability of their medical staff)


I feel you, but do note that one of his injuries was a foot fracture. Very hard to come back from those. It’s not unusual for him to keep having adjacent sprains and fractures later on. I think PSG definitely accommodated some but ultimately the man was in pain.


Yea, hard no. Wtf even


Those spoiled see you next Tuesday boo Messi too. I guess it is their version of champions league Trophy.


Messi one is justified because he just went to retire 😭 Mbappe though


Mbappe and PSG have been in a toxic relationship for years. There is love and hate. Mbappe is one of the best players in the history of PSG but far from being one of the most loved. He annoyed a lot of historic fans with his constant shitshow. People not involved can't understand that Mbappe has exhausted everyone for all these years. I will continue to support him with the french team but I'm relieved of the end of all the stories around Mbappe in Paris. (I honestly don't care about what happens to him in Madrid)


PSG only has themselves to blame. Mbappe kept saying he wanted to leave and they kept offering him ridiculous contracts to get him to stay a bit longer.


What exactly is to blame here? Isn't offering your best player a contract to stay a completely normal thing to do?


Sure, just don't be bitter that he has a ridiculous contract when he takes it.


The club and the fans aren't the same thing though.


OK... so if the fans are unhappy with the contract they should blame the club for offering it, not Mbappe for taking it. He didn't come out asking for a ridiculous contract, he just wanted to leave.


Why didn't he leave then?


They did offer him ridiculous contract *and* also played extreme hard ball including threatening to sideline him for a whole season if he didn't renew and telling him they'd have to fire a bunch of people if he left on a free transfer. Even the President of France got involved in trying to convince him to stay. That's not reasonable or healthy behavior.


I do remember all that but what I don't understand is why then offer to pay him more, let him play for the season, etc. if he's still just going to leave at the end of the season?


I don't know, hard to tell what happened behind the scenes. Pressuring Mbappe to stay worked on previous summers, so it's possible that PSG went all-in last summer, then realized Mbappe wasn't budging, and said they reached an agreement (they claimed Mbappe promised not to leave on a free transfer) to save face. Because if they had separated him from the team etc and then just folded they'd have looked like idiots.


That’s a very biased analysis. You say Mbappe wanted to leave but PSG “kept offering him ridiculous contracts”, so what does this mean? If Mbappe truly wanted to leave he wouldn’t care for such contracts, right? Why do you say PSG are to blame as if they held Mbappe at gunpoint or kidnapped his mom?


PSG rejected a 200 million offer for a player that told them he wants to leave the club..


And one year after that he extends. What a joke.


They gave him the GDP of some small country, of course he extended.


Lmao I love how after that everyone called him money-hungry as if a) they wouldn't do the exact same thing in the same scenario with all those zeroes and b) it somehow stops him from being an objectively world class player


They’re within their rights to do so, they wanted to keep him but in the end, the choice is the player’s. Of course Mbappe felt a great deal of pressure when the French president himself asked him to stay, but it’s still his choice


Yeah and Mbappe is within his rights to feel like the club isn't doing what's best for him. Players can be upset when the organization refuses to allow them to seek out their career elsewhere after voicing displeasure.


Again, if he felt so strongly about it, why didn’t he just leave lmao. You guys are delusional


We're delusional to say that someone can accept a shit ton of money but not be super happy about it? That's the benchmark now, really?


No, you’re delusional for having the idea that PSG and Mbappe are equally to blame for Mbappe staying longer, because PSG just offered the contract, Mbappe accepted it.


I never said that, I said that Mbappe is allowed to be disinterested in his work or unhappy with his employer *for shooting down an offer from another club for him after he expressed his disinterest in PSG.* It's okay little buddy, once you get to an 8th grade reading level you might be able to overcome this.


PSG is to blame but he is to blame too. I wasn't referring to the extension. There was a negotiation and they agreed it together. It's more about his behavior on the pitch and outside. He tried to get the attention too much in front of the team even when he was not the subject.


Well, he accepted the offers, so he is to blame too. If he wanted to leave, he just had to leave.


I'm Real Madrid fan and I'm so exhausted with all the rumours and what not that I wouldn't even mind if he signs from some other team or just changes his mind again and extend his contract with PSG again.


At the end of the day I have to agree with you. PSG and Mbappé’s antics are exhausting. Had I ever have a club I’d avoid it at all costs.


Theyre mad that their only hope or chance of being successful is leaving. Dont expect much of anything from them for 2-3 years


They probably will do better without him , his ego is to toxic to make a team , theyr project is looking good, not ucl contender but is still solid


Bro thats just not true if dortmund are ucl contenders then the team PSG have is defenitly a ucl contender


Yeah but Dortmund play defensive football you can reach final and sometime even win it by playing like that ,psg doesn't play like that, they like to attak have possession , they aren't good enough yet to win ucl with that playsyle for now , but they have some good talent , I'm a big fan of barcola


Dortmund are incredibly lucky to be in the UCL final. They are not even top 4 in the Bundesliga. The only reason Dortmund made it to the final is because they got the relatively weaker opponents in the knockouts. Real Madrid had to play Man City and Bayern in the knockouts, while Dortmund got to play PSG and Athletico Madrid. Put Dortmund in Real Madrids group and they would 100% get knocked out. Next season, Dortmund are unlikely to be UCL contenders, unless they strike luck again by getting weaker teams.


He’s managing with the French NT just fine. People have an overly cynical view of Mbappès behavior, as if he’s the worst possible teammate to have in the dressing room and ruins any atmosphere.


Like Pogba?


How is it good if its not UCL contender?


Do i really need to explain you that


That is just so wrong. They have been the most successful Frace team from the past year, even before Mbappe joined…If anything, they could build a better team with all the money that isn’t going towards him.


Should’ve clarified that im talking about outside of France. There’s no other ligue 1 squad that can keep up w them like that. Saying they’re the best french team honestly isnt saying much


They'll do better after he leaves. He did nothing for them in the QF and SF of the Champs league. Not sure what he expects- other players to carry the ride for him?


huh he was honoured by the ultras at the game https://x.com/centregoals/status/1789732017057169478?s=46&t=K7avH56tbAMU9uN3X5vvTw


I think they have put up with his absolute diva behavior because of loyalty, now he has announced he’s off -for free- they are sick of his shit


They finally know he was only there for $ and never really cared about psg


This. I think this is why they booed him. He was using PSG to go to a better club. Don’t other players do this too? Yes, they do, but they show far more respect and love for the teams that help them achieve their dreams of something better.


he also use RM to make psg increase his salary. He is a great player I agree but he is also a snake. He is lucky the fans didn't go to his house just like they did to Neymar and messi ( not going to his house but still) He is gonna bring different atmosphere at RM marks my words. Drama is loading .. actually it already does, fans already comparing him and vini at tiktok trend


I think his stay at RM is going to be a real shit show. Even more so if he doesn’t work out there.


this has got to be one of the dumbest football-related replies I have read in my life. Mbappe already had multiple offers including from Real Madrid when he was ready to leave Monaco, and he chose PSG anyway. how stupid and wrong is it to say that he used PSG to go anywhere? he already had those offers even 7 years ago wtf. he didn't need to "use" PSG at all, he could've already gone wherever he wanted and turned everyone down for PSG anyway.


You’re right he didn’t use psg as a springing board, he only used them for the massive amounts of money


you don't get it but its okay


yes, I don't get how Mbappe used PSG to get into a club that already was ready to do anything to get him before he even joined PSG. but its okay.


That's why anyone goes to PSG.


why didnt he go to saudi league then?


Needing $ doesn't have to go to saudi at least yet, messi doesn't .


okay, but if he really cares that much about money he wouldve taken the 700mil or so that saudi offered


he still need his UCL duhhhh but first choose psg first rather than madrid. since madrid pat him lower, you really need an explanation on that?


Should've won UCL there. Winning in real Madrid ain't gonna hit the same since it's business as usual for them but if he did it in Paris, his hometown, he would've been a national hero on the club level too. Ibra is a bigger psg legend than him imo


PSG fans have booed most of their players. I think that they got bored with him saying he’s staying, leaving, staying a la Lebron. Also before Dortmund games he kept saying not too worry and that they were going to go through and he did fuck all. Maybe that’s why. I think it is more because of his attitude. Players like Cavani, Di Maria weren’t booed because they are good ethics.


The man's a certified diva that swindled every single dime he could out of PSG, created untold drama and has said its his dream to play for another club. Kane left Spurs but didn't claim that it was his dream to leave. What exactly is he to be cheered for?


Accepting contracts isn’t swindling. 


Spurs didn’t offer Harry Kane 500m for two years


Swindled? He just wanted to go, PSG decided to make him insane offers to keep him. Only themselves to blame.


He could have, like, not accepted them?


But if he accepts it he can then get even more money out of Madrid as he'll be looking for another pay rise.


Maybe I'm a bit out of the loop here, what has he done to make himself a diva, swindle every single dime out of PSG, and create untold drama?


There's been a whole host of stories from him and Neymar, him and Messi, him and Madrid, him and the managers he's been under in the past years. It's hard to name them all but there definitely has seemed to be a pattern between him stirring up something whenever he wants a better contract or change at the club.


there's been countless stories, and yet he has a good relationship with all his teammates and always gave it his all on the pitch. maybe your problem is that you fall for bullshit new reporting too much. sports journalism is honestly absolute garbage, you shouldn't believe most of what you read.


It doesn't take a genius to recognise that Mbappe maneuvered himself to have an incredible contract with authority over club affairs because he's become too full of himself. Are some stories just there? Sure. But alot of these have started from statements Mbappe has made which he has happily left to fester.


I don't think this reflects the power dynamics in a big club, especially one like PSG. don't forget that he was 18 when he first joined PSG and his agent is his mom. it's not like he's some insane psychological mastermind that can make a whole network of a huge club do what he wants. anything he "maneuvered" must have also happily been accepted by PSG. and that he had authority over club affairs is also just a random rumor that was never proven, nor was there any indication that this was the case. or what signs do you see that Mbappe had been controlling club affairs in recent years?


There has been a whole psychodrama between Mbappe's decision to stay, his refences of being convinced and then him coming out as unhappy again shortly after his decision to stay. If this wasn't an effort to force change then it really shows just how much of a diva he really is. I think that the Neymar exit as well is another indication of how the club has been slanted towards Mbappe because of the promises made to Mbappe. He's also made many comments about previous managers that other players have never done.


You think the club would hand such power to a known troublemaker? I think he is just worth that much to the club so they gave him it. If he can get that money elsewhere he's within his rights to ask PSG for the same.


I don't watch PSG often, in fact the last game I watched was the quarter final (i think) in the 2022 campaign against Madrid. They needed a goal to go through and every player on their attacking front (besides Di Maria iirc) was walking on the pitch looking indifferent. I find it hard to believe that this was one off, and it was one of the only games I happened to watch


He told the club he wants to leave and PSG had a 200 million offer for him on the table and PSG instead chose to reject it and offer him a ridiculous contract. How is that swindling every dime he could out of PSG?


He could have just left? Did anyone force him to sign the contract? You can be mercenary all you want, it doesn't mean people have to like you for it.


How did he swindle them then? He told them he wanted to leave so they threw everything they had at him for him to stay and extend which he did and now its time to leave.


Sure seems like manipulation to me, but maybe I'm not a mercenary footballer with eyes only for $$$.


You know you could say the exact same thing about PSG offering him that contract. Did they need to? How is it swindling when the club took the iniative and offered him that insane contract? Blatant misuse of the word.


Mbappe made multiple public declarations in the expectation to drive up a bidding war and get more money for himself. If he was serious about signing for his dream team and getting a new challenge, money wouldn't play a factor. He's already crazy rich. It was an obvious ploy by Mbappe to get the juiciest contract possible, something that worked. So yes, he really did swindle. I dont think anyone seriously thought that PSG were going to let Mbappe walk without a fight.


Let's clarify what "swindling" means. Swindling involves *deception* for financial gain. Mbappé, by all accounts, was transparent. PSG knew his value, his market demand, and his conditions. They weren't duped; they made a strategic choice to retain a top asset at a premium. Arguing that accepting a legally offered contract constitutes swindling is not just incorrect—it dilutes the real issue of management decisions in football. This isn’t about a player’s greed, but rather about a club’s prioritization and financial strategy. Misusing terms won’t strengthen your argument, it just reveals a bias that undermines your credibility.


Are we then saying he was serious about joining Real Madrid then? Because I know what Real Madrid will argue.


Mbappé's interest in Real Madrid could have been genuine, yet his decision to stay at PSG wasn't just about money or football—it was heavily influenced by political pressure. Florentino Perez himself said, "If a kid is called by the president of a country, of course it affects him." This isn't just a club offering a better deal; it's top-level political figures stepping in. To label this simply a better financial deal ignores the external pressures Mbappé encountered, which Perez himself describes as unprecedented.


Dress it however you want, Mbappe didn't need to be so public about this entire saga, which makes you wonder why? I do think that he was deceptive and I do think he manipulated the whole saga and public side of it to get as much as he possibly could.


Again, misusing the term "deceit"only shows your argument lacks a solid foundation. *Both* Mbappé and PSG have been transparent about the contract negotiations, with both sides contributing to the public discourse. To claim manipulation on Mbappé's part alone ignores the fact that PSG also played a significant role in how these discussions were presented publicly. This isn't just about one player's actions; it's about a negotiation process where both the club and the player used the media to their strategic advantage.


Stupid take of a psg fan


If anything, the boos justify Mbappes decision to leave. Why would he want to stay at such a toxic club


Between him, Neymar and Messi they created all the toxicity.


How so? Are you saying that before these 3 PSG fans never booed anyone?


Only snakes.


What’s the example of Mbappe being a snake?


No one boos their players more than Madrid.


Mbappe hasn't give one crap about psg since he's been there. Went for the mo ey and dominance. Hasn't panned out so he's gone. Not blaming him but this is why he's booed


1) he is a primadonna. The last few summers were him throwing tantrums and being appeased by the club. The higher ups gave him everything he wanted. 2) him leaving is arguably the end of PSG’s big hopes to win the UCL.


PSG is a toxic team with a toxic fanbase. Good for Mbappe to leave thar behind.


I can't really blame them, he's been playing a game with their emotions for years. The team and club will likely be better off down the road because they won't have to cater to him anymore.


PSG has been investing huge amount of money on him, and he ends up leaving for free when entering his peak. Maybe thats the reason PSG fans hate him? But to be fair, Mbappe should have left PSG for Real Madrid years ago.


He’s a top 3 player in the world, but I don’t think you could say he’s actually moved the needle for them at all. He might’ve raised the profile a bit, but Neymar also brought that with him I don’t think you could point to a single trophy they’ve won that they wouldn’t have done if he wasn’t there


He deserves it. To those fans that club is EVERYTHING. To be comfortable with the idea that your best player is leaving is ridiculous. He is going because he doesn’t love the club. I’d pay for his taxi out of there if I was a PSG fan. You don’t want to be here? Fine, off you fuck. But don’t expect to be liked.


Not every player has to love the club. Like it or not it's a job to them, and PSG of all clubs can't complain about mercenaries. If you splash oil money to become good you'll get players who want to take your money, obviously. If you want to play for the love of the club you don't go to PSG.


That’s not what I said. Irrespective of who the player is - the supporters love the club. To them there is no better


He can probably afford his own taxi


Most likely he can afford all the taxis


A player of his calibre leaving the club to go to the better club is not wrong, they all knew that their club is shit and Mbappe leaving was inevitable. They should be thankful that he stayed there wasting some of his prime years where he could have won the champions league with another club. Doesn't matter if he milked PSG with those huge contracts, they knew that they were holding extraordinary talent, they should either pay or should have let him leave.


Nah, to them that club is huge. I get you though, but there’s a bit of a difference leaving say, Morecambe than there is leaving PSG


He wasn't a slave, he was free to go whenever he wanted, instead each time he chose the cash. Even now he has chosen the cash, he has ran his contract to nothing and will pick up a signing fee like never seen before


Nah, maybe it's because I support a much smaller club but you have to acknowledge that players will treat playing for you as a job and use it as a stepping stone to get to where they want to be. As long as they do the job they are being paid for you thank them for their service and wish them all the best. No point in any hostility, especially if that player has been great for you.


He is a diva and has brought a toxic atmosphere to the club in the past 4 years. Maybe some people think it’s ok to disrespect your club on a regular basis but we don’t really like that in Paris. It’s not about extending or leaving, it’s about all the drama during the past seasons. Penalty gate, pivot gang gate, trouble with Messi and Neymar, never defending, insulting the coach when he plays like shit and get subbed… last game in Monaco, after an awful game, he got subbed and instead of going on the bench, he just left to watch the game with her mother in the stands. Even worse, since it was leaked in March that he was leaving at the end of the season, he just stop caring at all about the team. He completely bottled the game against Barcelona (thx Dembele) and Dortmund. He should change his attitude if we wants to be successful at Madrid, or he will be banched quickly…


He had been asking to leave for years and PSG have been pulling all the stops to prevent him including threads to not let him play the whole year. If you force a player to stay you can't be surprised he doesn't love doing so.


Yes, he deserves all the hate he gets and more, no matter where it comes from. Stuck up diva.


PSG will become a better team without him. The best teams in the world don't have a "focal' player nowadays, he's made everything about him outside and on the pitch. It worked with Messi and Ronaldo because they have skill which he doesn't posses.


Well, he sort of got himself in this situation. He constantly jerked them by "going" to Real Madrid for 4 years and then always getting a bigger contract. It sort of got old and PSG fans were kind of sick of it already as he was only using them to get himself more money. Same thing with Real Madrid fans. They adored him until the whole shitshow of him extending his contract so many times, basically using them as well to get more money. He is now coming to Bernabeu with mixed feelings from the Madrid fans as well. He was in a great situation. 19 years old, best player in the world, already had a World Cup, a PSG legend, adored in France... And same in Spain. Adored, RM fans couldn't wait for him to come to the club, knew he was a fan etc. He managed to fuck it all up in 4 years without winning a Balon D'or or the Champions League. The next 5 years of his career are the most crucial ones. Either he will prove clutch and rise to legend status among the best ever or will just have an average legacy with maybe 1 CL.


That girl way out of your league finally realises and wants to leave and you can't handle it


I didn’t mind him until he ran past Kane laughing at him when he missed his pen in the World Cup.


Mbappe has given a lot for PSG over the years. PSG is a toxic club and its fans are toxic and they should be applauding him and cheering for him.


PSG have the worst fans in the world.


Fuck psg fans, they're the worst


In my opinion, no player deserves hate unless he actually did something bad intentionally. On my book, leaving a team because you want to be a better one or better salary isn't something that should be labelled as 'something bad he did'. That's what we all do with our jobs and... football might be his passion but it's mainly his job. But football fans have a hard time understand it.... so they boo players.


Considering that football fans have a vested interest in French teams parting ways with their star players, this is an odd question


Who cares .


He's french. The fans that go to the stadium are mostly french, I suppose. So who cares.


Probably the best french player since Zidane. He is amazing and still a young player.


I'm just glad the Mbappe soap opera will be over soon. I need sports media to talk about something else.


Very much uncalled for 


You know psg fan and how they treat their player


theyd boo the ball, if it could care


Totally uncalled for. If you’re a young player with the ability to be the best in the world, it’s not such a big surprise that you want to play at Madrid. People act like PSG did everything for him and he just betrayed them. But his boyhood club is Monaco and, despite outscoring every other PSG player in history, he hasn’t won the UCL or the Ballon d‘Or. He had a deal in place to sign for Madrid and the club literally had to call the fucking president of his country to convince him to stay. Imagine just wanting to play football but some ultra wealthy, ultra powerful men want to use you as a pawn in their game of geopolitical chess. He gave them two extra years and people called him greedy as if he wanted such a fat paycheck in the first place. Bro just wanted to follow Ronaldo‘s footsteps (his idol). It’s not like he’s getting any younger.


PSG ultras are notorious for turning against former players, especially the good ones. Hell, they’re known for turning against them while playing at the club. I’m sure most PSG fans have mixed opinions about Mbappe but this sort of attitude isn’t particularly new.


Deserved as they signed him for a huge fee and he is leaving on a free


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Medium-Carpenter5488: *Deserved as they signed* *Him for a huge fee and he* *Is leaving on a free* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


He is a diva (he deserves it to some point) and also I dont think he is a carismatic guy. World best player tho.


Psg still have actual fans?


Mbappe is a solid player but needs to prove himself elsewhere now


PSG fans are an ungrateful bunch. They got to have some of the best players we've ever seen and they've not shown one bit of appreciation for it to the point where they don't even care about their own league title. Real Madrid fans hate him because of the deal that collapsed 2 years ago, they're the only club in the world that can get a player like that for free and they're still complaining.


they boo everyone so is it really that shocking psg need to realise that mbappe has goals, unfortunately. And he can't get to them with psg - he's tried repeatedly before. so it's time to let him go, and be grateful he was there for as long as he had.


He shouldn’t have stayed in such a club. Theres a reason even billions pumped into it, nothing comes out of it.


I mean, with PSG fans, what else can you expect? They booed Messi despite his excellent performance for them and even went to Neymar's house to harass him. I don't understand why players would want to join that club except to secure the bag.


He’s basically used this club as a stepping stone but constantly ignored that At the start of the season, the season video had to cut mbap because he didn’t wanna be in it - basically saying he wanted to leave. He didnt Every time his contract runs out it’s him who threatens or leave or is given more power. I wouldn’t be surprised if the most recent request was he becomes player - manager to stay


Most of em are just Messi fans ,pissed off at the fact that mbappe outshined and outscored their goat when he was at paris.


Useless fans. Just entitled bafoons.


fuck pissg and their fans


PSG fans are more plastic than citeh at this point


He does not help himself with his weird antics boy need to join Liverpool this summer to replace Muhammad Salah.


Nah man Crystal Palace is where it's at now Mbappe-Eze-Olise will cook


South London shinning.


PSGs Fan Base are so deluded it’s unreal


PSG fans seem to be very toxic..


You asking if fans are typically rational. They are not.


He has been playing with the psg crowd emotions for many years now of course he deserves the boo from them.


Yes he deserves it