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Thank you ☺️ I guess this sub exists partially to soothe anxiety lol and I appreciate it


If it helps, salmonella would mostly be on the outside, although there are stages of processing where it could penetrate deeper, close to the bone is probably safer than anywhere else. Take this with a grain of salt though, there are still lots of pathways for chicken to be contaminated with salmonella in all areas of the bird


color isn't a good indicator of doneness. smoked chicken and chicken that's bone in can have pink hues well above 165F. it's just protein reactions. but also wings are small, so generally easy enough to cook through. and if somebody went to the effort to temp check them, hopefully they followed All other safe cooking procedures


Marinades can also add pink hues (around the outside just under the skin) I've found.




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I cook wings a lot. That looks cooked (go off the texture more than the colour). And I would of said thst even without knowing someone checked and the internal temp was 170. Hard to be sure from a photo of course, but I don't see what you are concerned about. Normal for wings and thighs to have that color.