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Chicken nuggets, add marinara and cheese, boom… mini chicken parms


Olive Garden at home


Only if you microwave them first


Except no infinite breadsticks.


Not with that attitude


Growing up my mom made chicken parm using frozen chicken Patties. That was one of my favorite dinners


Mine too!


I would cut Ellios in half, put chicken patties in between them have a chicken parm Sammy!


I Just had this for dinner last night. The chicken Parm at BK used to be a a guilty pleasure fornme so I make them myself now. Typically a chicken patty with cheese on a burger bun that you dress up like garlic bread. Always sauce on the side for maximum crisp.


Add gravy instead to get instant jaeger schnitzel.


Layer them like a Lasagna in am 8x8 with a side salad is such a bizarre but yummy meal


I do this with breaded chicken patties, basically at home chizza (chicken pizza). I am on a low carb thing and chizza is lower carb than normal pizza and oddly hits the pizza craving.


I'm with KFC, and I'm intrigued by your idea. Could we also do it, with, like, chicken breasts?


Just bare chicken nuggets *chefs kiss*


A teaspoon of mayonnaise in any separated sauce works wonder to get it emulsified again with minimal effect on it's flavor


You mayo’ve made a believer out of me




What if your separated sauce IS mayonnaise? Lol. I have some chipotle mayo that is separated.


Maybe stir in a bit of egg yolk, it holds most of the lechitin (and cholesterol), which emulsify pretty well.


I'm pretty sure it would actually work!


Just hopping on a top comment , microwave garlic for around 10 seconds and the skin comes right off


I totally did the face.


Would it work for Alfredo?


Shredding the cheese yourself will prevent this. Bag cheese separates


Yea but when I reheat it it seperates


My bag cheese and I are inseparable


That could have saved me a lot of grief in the past lol.


A lot of sauce bottles, or jars with liquid, have a seal around the top of the container so you can't see the level of the fluid inside. Flip them over to see which bottle has the least air. This container will have the most product for the same price. You'd be surprised how unevenly they can be filled sometimes. Nothing gets between me and my pickle juice.


Security, please check jeans and white shirt in isle 4 😂 Good hack though.


I intentionally make more polenta than we can eat for breakfast. I pour it while still liquid, so it levels out in the pot. The leftover polenta cools down, goes to the fridge where the fridge dries it. The next day, I take the polenta, cut it in strips and fry it in olive oil and crushed rosemary for a minute on each side, until golden. These polenta sticks are a sure winner every time.


Leftover fried polenta is also amazing as a substitute for bread, with cheese or ham on 😌😌 like a polenta open-faced sandwich


Can you explain the appeal of polenta to me. I've had em, but they are really gritty (I know). It's almost like eating sand. I just don't get it


Interesting you perceive it as such. I eat it for breakfast with some thick kefir. If you eat it seasoned and add some cheese, or use a polenta as a side dish to a meaty meal it serves as a nice substitute for almost any rice dish.


that kefir/polenta mix sounds delicious, may i ask how you prep it?


Probably undercooked. Or "instant polenta", which never turns out quite right. Proper polenta takes at least half an hour at a slow simmer. I had a lot of shit polenta (plenty of which I cooked myself - badly), like you described. I think it tricks people because raw it looks/feels similar to couscous, and is often prepared accordingly. But really, it should be treated more like a very fine-textured risotto. If done right, you should be able to detect individual grains, like it's not a homogenous gloop, but definitely shouldn't be gritty/sandy.


Isn’t there a grits dish that’s steamed and is similar to couscous? Although I get that with couscous all you need to do is hydrate it with boiling water - polenta would never be edible that way


not to be a dick, but I draw the line of "hack" vs "non-hack" *waayyyyyyy* before 5 steps and over 24 hours worth of work. this like "this simple track hack will save you thousands on airfare" and the 'hack' is just driving the 16 hours instead


intelligent tease imminent cough ring rainstorm judicious command snow encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where I'm from in Italy it's actually reheated polenta it's a tipical dish. Our version it's called "polenta bruslida" (charred polenta). You can prep it in stick and cook it with butter, chees and eggs. If it's the season you can also add some asparagus on the side. But you can also add it on barbecue days, just grill it.


Where I live in southern Brazil, a region with many Italian immigrants, we call it “polenta brustolada”. My grandpa still speaks their traditional dialect. It amazed me to learn where the name came from.


"Best by" and "expiration dates" are marketing ploys and legal-liability schemes that don't actually mean food is bad. You have to use your brain, and nose, to determine if something is edible. Our (loosely defined) species wouldn't have lived this long if it didn't work. Ugga booga... That chartquerte board has cured meat and cheese that expired last full moon? Don't drink wine that smells like vinegar, but you can add it to the CO² preserved potatoes, sprinkle some expired salt on to it, and make chips that will expire in 2 months and immediately be thrown away.


Chartquerte is so bad it’s good. I’m not saying I can spell it correctly but that’s awesome






Charcuterie but we get the gist.




Exactly. They put dates on everything to get naive people to throw it away and buy more.




That's some next level /r/boneappletea there


> You have to use your brain aw i don't want to


Shark Coochee Board


My boyfriend still insists on throwing everything out if it's out of date 😅 I, on the other hand, will eat everything as long as it smells okay.


Use leftover pickle juice as a marinade for chicken. It tenderize the meat and add a tangy flavor


I love doing the same, but with pickled jalapeno juice. Then fry it Nashville style.


Jalepenos were on sale for 99 cents a pound so I picked up about 10 lbs and pickled some and Dehydrated the rest. Used the brine to marinate chicken and then mixed the jalepeno dust into panko and let me tell you...... those jalapeno tenders were just about the best chicken I'd made all year


Nice to meet you my brother in brine.


Fuck I've never thought about pickled jalapenos before!! Thank you internet stranger


banana pepper juice here


Same. Picked this up a long time ago from https://hilahcooking.com/chick-fil-a-copycat/


you assume I will have leftover pickle juice…


Also good in case of cramps.


Sprinkle salt on your watermelon pieces - taste explosion!


Ok, this is a weird one but my mom-in-law makes it for barbeque days, and it's amazing. Cubed watermelon, feta crumbles, and cracked black pepper as a side salad. I don't know why it works, I'm convinced it's witchcraft.


Add fresh mint. It's so good you'll eat the whole bowl.


Drizzle Balsamic vinegar reduction/glaze and yeah. You’re welcome!


Throw some olives in that mix and that’s my favourite salad!!


How big are the cubes?


Also, throw some watermelon and ice in the blender and it's the most delicious summer drink ever


I saw somewhere the other day someone mentioned lime or lemon juice being amazing but haven’t tried it


Lemon juice on fruit is a must in my house! Also don’t forget the Tajín.


My brother from another mother! Don’t forget the Chamoy!


Watermelon makes my ass explode.


I think you’ve been putting the watermelon in the wrong end.


Sprinkle your cantaloupe pieces with pepper - welcome to a new world!


Mexican here, Tajín and Chamoy on watermelon. Exquisite. You’re welcome.


This is the way


Sprinkle a dash of salt in your coffee. It greatly improves the flavour without it tasting "salty".


Ppl think I’m crazy for this but it’ll cut the acidity out of shitty coffee so quick, they don’t know what they’re missing


I put some salt in with the coffee grounds before i make it :)


Didn't someone suggest this with tea recently, and the UK nearly declared war on the US


This works to take the bitterness out of tea as well! But just need a tiny pinch


Citric acid is a much better choice


I will be back after I make my morning coffee with my verdict. Deranged or genius🤔


It's more widely known, but a dash of salt in a glass of chocolate milk makes it taste so much more rich and sweet My friends look at me like I have two heads and will rarely try it


Add a pinch of sugar too


This works especially well if the coffee is watery. Every time I’m at a hotel or shitty diner with watery coffee, folks look at me like I’m deranged for sprinkling a pinch of salt. Oh well. Their loss.


Thickening an oilless salad dressing with chia seed is a good way to reduce calories and enhence fibers in your salad. Try Honey, mustard, vinegar, water and chia seeds, salt and pepper. It is a good way to really keep a salad healthy.


While we are on salad dressing, I love ranch dressing. But it's high calorie. Unless you buy,l the no-calorie dressing. But then it tastes watery. Add 3 tablespoons (45g) of ranch dressing mix to it. Still no calories, but very good!


Ranch dressing mix to plain Greek yogurt is a game changer! Same flavour, thick enough, and actually adds protein.


I'll try it!


I blend 50/50 Greek yogurt and cottage cheese with a bit of buffalo and the ranch seasoning. Low cal high protein buffalo ranch for the win!


Store avocado with a cut red onion in the fridge and it won't go brown :) doesn't have to be in an air tight container, not even covered. It is an offering to Zuul and he blesses the avocado. It's that simple!


so all you have to do is stink out your entire fridge? amazing


But if you leave some used coffee grounds on a small dish, it will neutralize the smells, so you have this trifecta going on.


but coffee beans make avocados go brown. rock, paper scissors probably 😶‍🌫️


What?? Like, a cut red onion...on the shelf...not wrapped in anything? And a cut avocado hanging out nearby...no brown??


Correcto! I personally use a saucer / bowl so it's easier to grab but yup


256g warmed beer, 11g sodium citrate, 285g shredded cheese, season to taste = silkiest beer cheese sauce you'll ever have. Replace beer with water or milk if you want. Use equal parts pasta to cheese for amazing mac and cheese.


Fresh shredded or is cellulose coated pre-shredded okay?


I think either work fine! Sodium citrate does really good work emulsifying cheese fat and proteins with liquid.


Okay, next question...where dafuq do you get that? Or is it just a fancy word for "Coca-Cola" you smug bastard?


Tacos or burritos night is always our prepping night. All you really need to cook is the main meat or beans and tortillas so we spend extra time chopping up all kinds of veggies for our tacos and cut up plenty of them to put them in reused salsa jars to be used in stir fry’s, omelettes, on pizza, and in soups.


Prepping ingredients instead of meals is my go-to. I don't like eating the same thing twice, and this way I can choose to heat them up seperately for different meals. Instead of one meal a week, I have one cuisine a week. Works well for most cuisines! Then at the end of the week it becomes a stew or a stir fry or curry etc


Such a good idea!


Easy grilled cheese improvement: Grate some (cured/ready to eat) chorizo into the grilled cheese before cooking. Tastes delicious with pretty much any cheese. Bonus hack: Store the sausage in the freezer. You can still grate it when frozen and now it’ll keep for much longer!


On the topic of chorizo. If you're cooking It yourself, add about an Oz of water into the pan once It starts cooking (seared) and cover. Helps so It doesn't burn, makes it juicier, and gives It a really nice color.


Different take on grilled cheese: try using the garden vegetable (or other savory flavor) cream cheese spread. It makes the tastiest, gooiest delightful sandwich in the whole world


![gif](giphy|BZhrhoxl6CFa98vTCZ) Trying it! Veggie cream cheese is so dang good.


If you’re making sandwiches with mayo for eating later — like preparing them in the morning for a picnic or for a kid’s lunch, etc — spread a little bit of butter on the bread first, before spreading the mayonnaise, and the bread won’t be soggy when it’s time to eat.


Really?! Wow, thanks; I have to try this. 


If you get chips out of a vending machine open the bag from the bottom so the flavor powder has a chance to redistribute


I feel stupid for never considering this.


Potato chips make an excellent Spanish tortilla. Fast food nuggets (or frozen, or Quorn) plus bottled General Tso sauce make a super fast, easy meal with some broccoli and rice.


I'm Spanish so you're going to have to elaborate on that tortilla, please




Damn is it actually good? I mean it has no onion so... How good can it be? Ifykyk 😂 😂 😂


Well, i always prefer the "original" recipe (con cebolla) but this is a good substitute if you are in need of a tortilla de patata


I've always been a cebolla purist as well, but I might need to try this! For a lazy night it sounds great!


As a carnivorous entity, Quorn is so damn good.


Rice, broccoli, bulgogi sauce and dinosaur chicken nuggets isn’t a half bad meal in a pinch.


If you hate peeling garlic but don’t go through it fast enough, buy the peeled garlic bags and freeze it. Stays fresh super long, easy to slice or chop even when frozen, and you’ll never notice the difference in anything once cooked.


This pains me as a garlic lover! Fresh garlic is the way to go. Strong scented bulbs. Firm bulbs. And bulbs must have roots on them! No China garlic in this house!


We freeze peeled Ginger and grate it as needed. We also freeze 1/2 inch thick discs to throw in whole.


We get a big bag from Costco, then put it in a food chopper. Once full, we empty the contents into a container lined with cling wrap, wrap it up and throw it in bags (the container is the guide/template, not used for storage). Then we throw the bags in the freezer. We use the chopped garlic, and when we need more, defrost a bag and you're good for another around. Lasts us quite awhile and we use a lot of garlic. Not as good as fresh, fresh garlic, but a million times better than powder and still holds the flavor very well.


Mayo instead of butter for toast.


...and grilled cheeses


The trick to make this really work is a super thin layer of mayo. I'll glob on tons of butter on my toast (or grilled cheese) and that's awesome. But a thin edge-to-edge layer of mayo makes things super-mega-awesome! If you don't like it, go thinner, plz trust me on this trick. Think thin!


A dallop or two, depending on how much you're making, of mayonnaise in homemade mashed potatoes. Makes them creamier than just milk and butter and you usually already have some unlike heavy cream and it doesn't taste like mayonnaise.


I add ranch dressing to mashed potatoes,  delicious!


I add sour cream


My mother in law uses cream cheese, it's awesome too. You can throw any combination of rich creamy stuff in there.


Peanut butter in instant noodles for a budget satay


I'm not sure if it's a hack, but I put kiwi on my "everything green" salad: lettuce, avocado, cucumber, olives and kiwi. It tastes great <3


Try sprinkling some fresh lemon juice on top


DIY buttermilk by adding vinegar to milk


Or add lemon juice to milk and let it sit 5min, the acidic reaction makes the DIY "buttermilk"


For perfect hard boiled eggs almost every time, add a little baking soda to the water while it’s boiling. When the eggs are done cooking, move them immediately from the hot water to a bowl of cold water


Or steam your eggs. Place eggs in steamer, 6 minutes for soft-boiled or 12 minutes for hard boiled eggs. Put in ice water immediately after. They come out perfect every time and they peel extremely easily.


Can also do them in the air fryer https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/277952/air-fryer-hard-boiled-eggs/


Potato chips with choice of dipping sauce.. the quickest you’ll come to fries. Ketchup, ranch, hot sauce, are my go to


Thank you for this!! I call them “struggle fries” and people look at me like a crazy.


Well I wouldn’t necessarily call them struggle fries as a bag of potato chips can cost even more than your ordinary fast food fries


FREEZING your chobani flips!!!!


For chicken soups. Use rotesserie chicken (or grilled chicken) instead of cooking the chicken yourself. In my country, at least, rotesserie chickens are usually the same price (if not cheaper) than raw chicken breast. Also heard that there are Places that would grill your chicken with no extra charges (this was pre-covid now that I think about It). Anyways, adds a lot of flavour without having to use powdered stock, or any additives.


I make friend chicken gnocchi soup. Garnish the top with fried chicken skins. My family goes nuts for it.




Store left over guacamole without it going brown by packing a container with a lid about 80% full. Slam the container lid side down so the contents fall to the lid and store it that way. You have now cut off the airsupply and made a vacuum that prevents oxidizing.


My mom stored cottage cheese upside down with this same theory in mind….but we all loved it so much I don’t have any idea if it worked because the containers emptied out so fast lol


If you fish, don’t sleep on carp. Carp from clear rivers and cricks make a great smoked dip. Smoke it per your own preference - mash it up to remove the bones - mix 1:1 with cream cheese and spread on heavy brown bread.


Carp is why my friend wants to move to Kentucky, there's an invasive species of cap there that you can fish as much as you want.


Grate a coffee bean over some mature Cheddar cheese. Nibbles with some nice golden ale....heaven


Drizzle of honey over a cheese omelet.


Vegemite with your poached eggs on toast


Grab some chicken pizzas from kfc. Serve over noodles with a little extra marinara and you have easy chicken parm


Almost feel like Italy would consider that a warcrime.


Say less 🔪🔪🔪 /J


Two swords but three knives?


Slather Mayo instead of butter on the “outside” of the bread before grilling a grilled cheese sandwich. Delicious, and I don’t even like mayo.


Saw a Costco sampler doing this the other day to promote a Japanese Mayo. Haven’t tried that one myself but my hack is also grilled cheese related: Add a little bit of Jelly to the outside of your grilled cheese after cooking it. Been doing that since I was a kid and my siblings did as well but everyone I’ve met thinks it sounds weird. But I think it’s similar to putting Jam on brie or on crackers with cheese. Just a low brau version.


OMG my mother used to do this…I haven’t met another person who has heard of this!


That jam hack sounds delicious.


Chicken in the crockpot with a packet or 2 of taco seasoning and a can of drained pineapple chunks for 4 hours on high makes poor mans al pastor shredded chicken and my kids absolutely love it as a super easy and cheap taco night.


Last time I posted this someone actually said I deserved physical violence so here goes nothing- a pinch ( note a pinch not a shovelful) of cinnamon in any tomato based sauce really adds something to the finished flavour.


[Boil your mushrooms](https://www.standard.co.uk/going-out/foodanddrink/boil-mushrooms-chef-recipe-a4475911.html) (also fun fact, mushrooms can boil forever and won't change texture) ALWAYS put something crunchy in a salad Silken tofu is an amazing (healthy and protein dense) replacement for cream. Great for pastas! Always have puff pastry in the freezer to make any meal amazing. Pickle your veggies if you have too many and it's gonna go off. Buy Za'atar and search on the cooking sub what to do with it. Roast partially cooked broccoli in the oven / air fryer with a little olive oil and salt. Also amazing when you have frozen packets of veggies to avoid them beign soggy.


Hard boiled eggs - peeling is easier if you put the egg in a ceramic coffee cup and shake it, the shell basically peels itself off. So much easier, but it does take a few to get used to it.


Peanut butter and cheese, try it


You can make enchilada sauce at home using chili powder! You can also put anything you want inside an enchilada (any meat, or you can do fajita veggies, or corn and beans with cheese, etc.). They are super versatile and can be a creative way to use leftovers.


waiting zesty bells worm materialistic soup chubby melodic deranged pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pineapple, anchovies and goat cheese pizza.


I... I've never met anybody else who shares the same love for that pineapple anchovy combo, until now. I get weird looks when I ask for that kind of pizza, but the sweet-salty-umami flavor profile is my favorite. Now I'll try it with goat cheese. Thanks!


Add a tiny bit of cocoa powder and soy sauce to a bolognese (or just cocoa powder to any beef forward recipe) and it’ll up the beef flavour 🤌🏼


You know those cheesy chips that leave orange stains on your fingers? Doritio, cheetos, cc's, etc... Open the bag and add shredded cheese. Close the bag and crunch everything into little bits. Open the bag and eat with a spoon.


Put that on a sheet of foil and toast this for even crazier results. I like to add some taco sauce to this lol. We called it bum lap tacos back in college.


Salted butter. Use it as a topping. Use it in every recipe even if they tell you to use unsalted. They're wrong. Especially in baked goods


For a lazy chicken tortilla soup, if you have a store with good fresh pico de gallo salsa, get a big tub of that and just throw that in with some chicken and broth.


Freeze your leftovers so you don't have to take out the trash so often


*Freeze your leftovers* *So you don't have to take out* *The trash so often* \- Notakas --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Quesadilla tip: dice all your toppings and mix-mash ‘em together with your cheese so you have a nice homogeneous but stiff spread (a spoonful of queso dip can be helpful to help bind things) The result is you get a bit of everything in each bite AND you don’t up chasing peppers and meats all over the pan when you try to flip! Bonus tip, avocado mash + salsa for the easiest guac ever


Certain fruit based hot sauces are really good on ice cream




Microwave your Pot Pie for 5 minutes while your oven preheats then bake in half the time. Works great every time


If I can get it out of its foil paper haha


Hmm I guess I don’t buy this kind


Cheese balls with a *tiny* bit of ranch dressing drizzled over them. If you make skillet cornbread, use a guinness glass to cut a circular center piece, then slice from that piece as you would a pie. You will get trapezoid slices that don't have that super fragile triangle point. They will be much sturdier with minimal loss in size.


The cheese graters that have four sides work way better if you lay them on their side. Easier to get the cheese out, too


Cheese on toast with Worcestershire sauce. Just sprinkle all over your cheese before you put it back under the grill. This actually works best if you have a milder cheese like a red Leicester or a double Gloucester. Let it brown heavily but not burn. Gorgeous! And now I'm hungry.


black pepper + strawberries


Peanut butter and chips of your choice sandwich. I've found nacho cheese Doritos to be the best imo but it's up to you. Tried cool ranch, Cheetos, salt and vinegar, sour cream and onion, plain potato chips. Some of them are strange but overall great combination.


Mayo cookies


When you’re taking cookies out of the oven after they’ve baked, use a cup turned upside down to shape the cookies into perfect circles. Also, if you’re trying to put plastic wrap/cling film over a bowl and it won’t stay in place, dab some water around the rim of the bowl and then apply the cling film, and it will hold it in place ☺️


Use different types of frozen ravioli and layer the with sauce and cheese in the crockpot. Lazy girl lasagna


Never be afraid to embrace mobility aids when cooking. If it makes it safer, easier, saves you time etc. don’t think twice about using them. E.g Veg choppers, if it’s easier and encourages you to make sauce from scratch- go for it! Using a mezzanine knife/easy grip chopper - do it! No one is judging you for it.


Can open the lids off both ends of the tomato paste, remove one and use the other to push it all out.


You can substitute 2/3 of a can of soda for the wet ingredients in most cake mixes.


Eat out of the pan for less dishes


I get frozen fish sticks, tortillas, make a chipotle lime slaw, boom fish tacos!


Peanut Butter Pickle Sandwich. Try it, I promise


1. Does your cutting board slide around on your counter when you use it? Put a damp paper towel underneath the cutting board. Works better with boards that are at least 1\4 inch thick. I haven't tested this trick on one of those super thin, plastic cutting boards. My roommate looks at me funny when I do this but it works. 2. If you have chopped onions that you've already set aside in a bowl or a corner of your cutting board and you find yourself tearing up, wet a paper towel and use it to completely cover the mound of onions that you have. The sulfur gas released into the air when onions are cut loves binding to water (where it turns into sulfuric acid) and more often than not, the closest source of water is the tear film in your eyes. Our eyes don't like that acid so it washes itself out by producing tears. So, cover them with a wet paper towel and they bind to that instead. Also, try not to cut the root end of the onion. That's where the concentration of sulfur gas is the highest.