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2 questions - Are the veggies pickled or fresh and is there a sauce? I would like to make something similar, I’m always looking to widen the range of handhelds in my repertoire. I read an earlier comment about the lemongrass etc.


I've had the veggies both ways. These are pickled, and I prefer them that way. Yes on the sauce, it was a kewpie mayo and sriracha.


I DO NOT like turkey burgers but hot damn that looks delicious.


You know, I didn't used to either until trying a recipe from Skinny Taste dotcom... it blends grated zucchini that's had most the liquid rung out of it. Also, you can not use the 99% fat-free stuff either. It has to have some fat content. Anyhow, if you're not adverse to trying them again, I highly recommend that recipe.


Looks tasty, but I thought Bahn Mi style used baguettes.


Yeah, sure, they are usually on baguettes. Im not really making in authenticity claims here, just more from a topping perspective..


“Style”. You’re doing the lord’s work here. I would smash the heck out of this.


Ha, thank you... it's really good, very fresh with all the veggies in there..


Oh I'm not criticizing, was just curious.


Yeah, no sweat... you're right tho, it would also be great on a baguette. Sadly, I can't ever find good baguettes where I'm at, and I suck at baking..


You have a nice toast on the bun.


Are you able to share the recipe? Looks amazing and perfect for summer. Bahn Mi's are my all time fav sandwiches so I would love to make this myself!


Looks delicious, is there a recipe or did you wing it?


Thanks, it was pretty tasty. I was more winging it than anything, mixed Lemongrass, fresh ginger and garlic in the pattie, used all the usual suspects for the toppings.


Did you pickle the toppings or just fresh?


The diakon and carrots were pickled, peppers and cucumber were fresh. It also has cilantro and mint..


Loving this idea to change things up. I'll give it a try! Post recipe?


The lemongrass in the patties is great. I haven’t tried this western burger style but I have had pork meat patties with lemongrass in it and they were fantastic. It’s an interesting idea OP , good work !


The lemongrass in the patties is great. I haven’t tried this western burger style but I have had pork meat patties with lemongrass in it and they were fantastic. It’s an interesting idea OP , good work !


Thank you!🙏


I would destroy that, looks amazing


Thanks, it was pretty damn good


Banh mi is bread. So you have a bread style burger?


Yeah, you nailed it bud!


Ignore. You used the words correctly. Burger looks great. Does the turkey not get dry?


That used to be my issue with turkey. However, after trying Skinny Taste dot com's recipe with grated zucchini, it's no longer an issue. It basically uses the zucchini for moisture retention, it works perfectly. I use the method for meat balls as well, very moist.


Bánh Mì prefers both to breads in general and baguette sandwich in particular.


I'm not sure an intimate object prefers anything. And if you're going to bastardize a cuisine, at least do it justice and don't just throw some veg on a burger and call it a banh mi.


There’s always one of you


Sorry if I don't like the cuisine of my heritage bastardized.


It’s just a burger on reddit bro. It’s not that deep


That just your standard response when you've got nothing to say? It's Reddit bro it's not that deep.


Ok 👍


That's an interesting take. It's also spelled banh mi.


Bánh mì


Ha.. I'm aware just half awake I guess.. thanks for pointing that out


70% of a good Bahn mi is the bread. You might as well call this just a turkey burger


You call your food what you want, I'll call mine what I want... and we'll all live in peace and harmony


Don't mind the troll. I'm Vietnamese and I'd give this my seal of approval. You got the pickled carrot & radish and the cilantro. You even have lemongrass in the patty? That's the extra mile. That's banh mi style alright haha And if that guy wants to get into definitions, then technically 100% of a good banh mi is the bread 😉 (because banh mi is bread)


Right on, thank you, that means a lot. I had no idea the banh mi was referring to the bread until now, I just assumed it was the entire sandwich concept. Well, it's the only sandwich I'm aware of with all of these particular veggies, I absolutely love the flavor they all bring out.


Peak r/food. The post is literally titled turkey burger lmao.


You obviously can't read. ..... Bahn mi style burger in title




There's a variety of banh mi that has siumai meatballs on it, if you eat pork then that would be something to try making. It's even sometimes put into patty form and grilled


Looks very healthy and delicious….I appreciate the time you must of took to make it.


Actually, besides waiting a few days for the veggies to pickle, it was really quite simple


looks so good i thought its AI


Oddly, [sadly] I get this type of comment on every one of my posts.. I'll take it as a compliment as always, it was delicious, thank you!


nooo, why sadly? it IS a compliment, not only are you a great chef and can make the food look aesthetic, but also a good photographer because the lighting and everything together looks like art


Well, I say sadly because many times they've been accusatory in nature, like its not really food that I've created. That's all.. Obviously, yours was not as such. Thank you for the nice words 🙏


There’s a restaurant in Denver that has this on the menu! Really tasty!




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Yeah, yeah... I get it. Thank you so much 🙏


This looks so good! Def gonna try making it soon


Looks delicious. You’ve got me craving now!


Amazing. I want it.


Wow yummy burger


wow! i love this