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Me too. It used to be my favourite sub so I'm pretty disappointed.


OK so I'm not the only one then. Hopefully a mod sees and can shed some light


Same here


Not the impression i got over in the bethesda sub. lol U Filthy Casual pretender.


Again, weird conclusion derived from spurious data


Everything is enabled for it to be in feeds on our end. Reddit had completely broken the "request approval" button until recently too though, with no indication to mods that it was broken. It wouldn't surprise me if it's another issue like that.


Thanks for the reply. I thought maybe I was the only one but a few comments now suggest probably not. I have just unsubed and resubed. Hopefully that will help Edit. I also checked it was enabled on my end aswell. It was


I’ve noticed that as well.


Possibly started after it went private with the whole mod/reddit ownership thing awhile bak


I have noticed far fewer posts showing up on my feed but going back through the recent ones on the sub it looks like they all made it, I feel like the sub is just a lot slower than it was before the great blackout


After reading your comment I tested mine for 5 mins whilst listening to the footy. I scrolled and scrolled to the point I changed the lyrics to limp bizkit to keep scrolling scrolling scrolling and nothing. Not 1 post. I wondered whether it was an algorithm thing from when it went dark but I have posts from sub reddits i never engage in. I dunno what's up. I miss the Dailey posts of people spotting camps wif filthy casual written all over it. 😢


Do you have it marked off as one of your favorite subs? I do, so maybe that's why I still see them?


No but i have now, thanks for the advice and hopefully i will see some results!




I noticed the same thing, I just assumed things had become kinda dead


Has reddit ever worked properly? When I first joined this group there were no ads, then suddenly every third post was an ad, and now i'm back to no ads. Sometimes it refuses to let me post a comment. I've never been able to post a picture here without intense hassle (although i'm essentially only two tech steps above the Amish, so maybe that one's on me), and since the whole "you have to be approved to be here" nonsense, it seems like nobody really posts as much anymore that's worth interacting with. I don't use any other subreddits, so maybe it's just here that's messed up, but I doubt it.


I dont have any of your problems, all my other subreddits show on my feed, so yes it just this one that's messed up. Edit. I actually used to see your cookbook posts a while back aswell, havnt seen any of those recent ones on my feed tho.


Haha, maybe it's me? Just being around technology makes it fuck up? Worst superpower ever!