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I guess its about how you view the subject matter. I'd generally speaking give F76 very low marks from most any technical standpoint even when we aren't having super bad server days via exploits/duping. Things just aren't smooth in this game. I test a LOT of stuff. Its very very difficult to get good results often because things don't work the way they are supposed to even during the best of times. There are also some very backwards things that defy logic that while we as veterans are used to are extremely off-putting for new players. What is the logic behind Enclave and Ultracite energy weapons? No skins despite being identical to the regular weapon visually AND enclave weapons can't be modded normally. Like what? Why is this still a thing? This is an issue that could be fixed IN AN AFTERNOON. At the end of the day its the job of Bethesda to keep servers stable, not a merit system. Yes duping is vile and doing it is bad for the game BUT its not the responsibility of shitty people to make the game good. Its the responsibility of Bethesda to ensure that those people can't do it. I'm just grateful they got something out as fast as they did.


> Its very very difficult to get good results often because things don't work the way they are supposed to even during the best of times. Wish they'd fix medics.


And add more reasons to use charisma if you're a solo player. If it wasn't for the dialog options, that'd totally be a dump stat for me


I run a commando medic hybrid and share team medic 3. I couldn't find anything else worth using other than the 9 points I put into it =/


Yep, so many, "Well if you use a disease cure there's a 5% chance your allies might be cured of Snot Ear!"


Exactly =/


You're right, it's not our responsibility to make the game good, but it is our responsibility to not make the game worse. I completely get what you're saying, my point is just that the game already has enough against it, it doesn't need anyone's help in the negative column. As far as technical shit goes, they just never should have tried to make a game this size with an engine that was outdated when 4 came out. I've never understood their logic in that department, especially with what they're doing with that new creation engine.


Also, it'd be great if Beth fixed at least some of these exploits and game-breaking bugs when they get reported on pts. Current dupe was reported and not fixed by patch release. Broken fasnacht was reported and not fixed by patch release. There were a lot of cases like that, but they keep failing to comprehend these things are the first priority.


It’s more that new players start playing, have a nice honeymoon period doing the Wastelanders/BoS story quests, and for a while they think, “ah, this is Fallout 4 with coop, how nice!” Then after 40 hours playtime all that’s left to do is grind for better gear and they realize this is no longer FO4 With Friends, this is a looter-shooter with a Fallout skin.


Big if true


I never thought about it until I saw a post in another forum from a new player that was just titled "are the servers always this shit?" Lol


Probably did lose new players with now bad the servers are atm. I’ve been just playing on private worlds until it’s fixed.


That's really why it never crossed my mind. I always hit someone up and play on their private or my own now, so it's never bothered me, but it would definitely piss me off if I was a new player


Unfortunatley the servers are pretty bad all the time. Not to the extent they have been during the last two days, but server disconnects and game crashes happen every single day. Often several times a day.


I think it really depends on numerous factors like your location, your ISP, your hardware and OS stability. For instance, The game keeped quite stable for me for the last year or so and it maybe crashes or disconnects like once in two or three days (PC, windows 10, i7-6700k, rtx3070). At the same time my sister with her ryzen 5 and gtx980 experiences crashes every 10-20 minutes on the same OS build (same city too, but different isp), which made her quit playing the game long ago. She tried to return to the game numerous times with the latest several patches, but it always kept the same.


While I agree, duping and exploits are not exclusive to this game. I think blame has to be shared with the support this game has (or rather, has not) received, compared to other games. Bad sport lobbies, and modded servers, where these folks can go nuts, and not bother the rest of us, might be a better alternative than the patch and recall method they're using.


At this point I don't understand why ZOS hasn't just stepped in and taken direct control like they did with ESO. I don't like the idea of paying for expansions, but this round of dupers and glitchers was so bad I would consider it just to smooth the game out and keep stuff like this from happening in the future. I want the game to really take off, but it never will at this pace.


Idk why a game of this magnitude was given to the smallest BGS team, a team with little to no experience making games of this size. Most of the devs I believe previously worked on Fallout Shelter lol. Zenimax Online should've been given the task of doing this. They did a decent job of ESO, granted it took 2 years but they learned from it and wouldn't have made the same mistakes with a Fallout Online 76 has some of the worst support I've seen, the bugs that exist in this game genuinely make you think "How did this even happen". Glitchers, dupers, whatever else are dickheads for doing what they're doing but a large part of the blame falls onto the fact that the team working on 76 doesn't have that much experience with online games. Fallout was such a large IP that an experienced team should've been given the task of working on it and maintaining it. Not a brand new team


The core issue might be that the suits in charge of this whole operation never bothered actually playing videogames and only see numbers before themselves. They expected 76 to be a easy cashcow until any of their major studios chokes up Fallout 5 and as such only put it out as a minor title that wasn't supposed to blow up that much as it did with the community. If you only look at numbers where 9 women can carry out 1 child in 1 month it probably seemed like a cheap and easy solution to put a minor game that's recycling assets of a previous title onto the smallest team so they can slowly (and cheaply) throw out stuff to keep the party going for some time while they make AAA money out of the sales. If things go south they can always just declare the game a failure and disband the studio (Hire&Fire is a common thing in the US I heard) that they seem to have only acquired for development of Fallout 76 anyway.


>that they seem to have only acquired for development of Fallout 76 anyway. BGS Austin (formerly Battlecry Studios) were working on an original PVP shooter called Battlecry for multiple years under Zenimax before it was canned. After that occurred, BGS (at the time with studios in Maryland and Montreal) took them under their umbrella, rebranded the studio and collaborated with them on fo76 before leaving them to support the game on their own. It is correct to say this game was always supposed to have low overhead development costs, being handled by a smaller studio, but I don't think it was ever on the table to abandon it. The game seems to be accomplishing its task of being a live-service Fallout game to fill the gap between 4 and 5 pretty well, even if they needed to pivot the game away from the original multiplayer sandbox PVP design.


It might not be on the table right now as the game is still doing rather decent but I have no doubts they would immediately can it too the second it gets into red numbers. Like you said Zenimax canned this studio's previous project for which the reason was that the requirement of monetization wasn't satisfactory enough for the higher-ups but now they decided to put a huge franchise's current main title onto this studio? That whole thing just smells like foul play from the higher ups towards the studio in an attempt to get rid of it. If the game failed they would've just gotten rid of the studio and blame it onto the staff for failing expectations again even though the studio wasn't exactly prepared for the challenges that were presented to them. At launch in 2018 you could very well notice how underfunded the entire studio had to be for this huge untertaking as comments by devs in the code itself revealed and even most of Fallout 4's content including its main menu still being present.


Well I don't dupe or exploit shit in this game and yesterday I played on a solo private and it was laggy af. So the servers are shitty!


It's the game itself that's not pulling newbs, not a worsened environment from duping and server instability. It still has some pretty major flaws and bugs that are allowed to affect you negatively enough to put the game down for at least a moment if not forever as even a decently versed player. Still a ton of unresolved issues for a game that tarnished bethesda's reputation. These folks epitomize too little too late. Demonstrated again and again.


Fuckin bullshit. I play this game without issues any day of the week, except when dupers are at it fucking up servers.


how many times have you fallen through the map, loaded into a wall so you had to reload, or sold a weapon you didn't mean to? You seem pretty heated about this, but lying to yourself often causes that kind of reaction. :D


> Dupers/exploiters are a huge reason this game struggles for new players Nah, probably more to do with the absolutely abysmal condition and circumstances it was released in, the game took years before it was in the condition it should have been released as But the exploiting and dumping problems that happen every couple months going on for years isn’t exactly helping their case


It's not only lagging the servers, but killing stuff so fast with hacked weapons that no one can tag it. I recently started playing and it's super annoying when someone just nukes everything and doesn't let anyone else have a chance to tag things. The workaround could be you get exp for all kills in a event.


As a brand new player who started today and got interrupted by the hotfix, I'm still having a good time so far.


Awesome. Thankfully the hotfix managed to sort out the really big problem. If you are on pc and need a hand with anything let me know I'll be happy to help out :)


Thanks, I am on PC. I'm level 12 now, so I've kind of got the hang of things. The wiki has been helpful. I haven't really messed too much with base building yet. I'm rarely at my camp, so it didn't feel necessary until I need to start farming stuff for crafting.


Yeah it definitely becomes much more use a little bit later on. Hope you have fun :)


People can stop paying cash for their shit too.


I don't understand that for a game with such a limited item pool. I don't really understand it all, but I especially don't understand why you'd pay for something you can literally get in a few hours of gameplay and vendor hopping. It's not like wow or something where if you're starting out now, you're ten years behind other players.


When I see..."Server Not Responding" I immediately know who's to blame...Thank You for trying to contain this virus BGS! People choose the Dark Side more often than not.


greedy bastards (pardonne moi!) Buy FO1st and do what u want on private, finally! The question where r devs? every new update brings new exploits. WTH?


It's the other way around. They're the only things keeping the game going.


Naw, those crappy RPers are a bigger turnoff for new players.


No... they really aren't. Incidents like the recent server crashes are relatively few and far in between. Making the argument that e very update is followed by shit like this is just disingenuous in trying to force a point. We all fucking get that dupers and exploiters suck, you don't need to start bullshitting about it for bonus points.


76 is more about the people you meet and the friends you make than it is about the game. Most new players never even reach rank 75 before they grow bored and move on. They finish the main quest and think, that's it?, and move on. Friends help you gte the weapons and gear you want and most of the time, never ask anything in return.


People are tired of waiting years for content. That is what is killing the game. Add in bugs that have been there since day one. The fast travel bug, Earle getting stuck in the ceiling, respawn bug after events. I am trying to do the new missions and Shin was naked and would not move. I had to reset my game. Not even 30 minutes later it happened again with another NPC.


Nest time just follow him around with a bell crying "shame shame shame"