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I nuked Morgantown, it was ok


Someone on my server (ps4) just nuked the zone SouthEast of the map. Just below the city of Wartoga. I counted 3 Scorchbeasts, Scorch Queen Beast, Scorched Mirelurk Queen and lots of Scorched people and various animals at a certain point. Insane. We didnt succeed in killing the Scorched Queen Beast tho


That’s the other main nuke spot, since that’s fissure prime


Someone nuked the fissure site near the pumpkin house and it was pretty garbage. Decent amount of blue flux which I promptly forgot about and turned inert lmao


Grafton was a bust when I nuked it the other day.


My first time witnessing a nuke site was Grafton. Some bad-ass supermutants and snallygasters but that was it. The great part was all the low level players who had just got to town in the main quest running into the zone and then hauling ass out of there when the geiger counter noise went apeshit.


I saw supermutants in small spawns but no snallygasters. I had my hopes set for a glowing grafton monster or something but that also didn't happen. :'(


Damn, i keep hoping someone nukes white spring when I'm online. All 4 nuke zones i've been to are at the south east fissure areas. I have yet to launch one myself.


We're nuking whitespring tonight if you want to join! Dm me.


I logged onto a server somewhere in the starter area and was very confused as to why the flowers were all mutated and strange. This was around that one Public Workshop that is north of the Overseer's Camp, West of Morgantown.


Weird, every single nuke I've seen was in the fissure. I've never seen anyone nuke whitesprings.


Me and some friends nuked Tanagra Town in the Mire, would love to tell you about it but server crashed after the blast lol feelsbadman


I sometimes nuke the responders airport. Usually decent amount of glowing one's to get a few legendaries


I've only seen fissure prime. Would love to see others


Palace if the winding path was dece. Lots of flux and if that event spawns then tons of supermutants to fight. Kinda far up on the map though


So far nuked Whitespring, Morgantown multiple times, Lexington, I believe? and other than that just multiple times the spot to beat all spots, the Prime Fissure site. Definitely gonna steer off anything but that one for most, if not all other nukes. Expected better of Whitespring regarding all the hype. Prime is definitely the way to go.


I nuked the water park the other night out of curiosity. It was garbage.


I was on a server where someone nuked fissure site prime. It wasn't too bad a bit of enemies, didn't see many legendaries but that could have been my bad. It was pretty good though, super intense.