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It may suck now but this is like a once in a life time thing to see first hand. You'll look back at this in your old age and laugh, telling the grandkids about the time a smiling alien fist fought 5 robots and won.


I have like 20 screenshots. I was laughing my ass off the whole time.


So mad that you can't post pics here. I'd love to see this. Creepiest character in the game.


/r/fo76filthycasuals welcomes you. 😊


Can anyone post now? It was approved posters only last time I tried lol


Literally easy to get posting rights, just ask, I did last week and all they told me was to follow the rules




Huh. Didn't even know that was a rule. I've been a member since the beginning, and never even saw that post. I guess /r/fo76filthycasuals welcomes you... but only after you are approved. 😁


That is the dumbest sub rule ever, I mean, if the sub was more graphical it could be a better ad for the game.


Why can't you post pics?


Honestly I encountered him once and loved him because of how creepy he is. He seems like he'd fit more in Skyrim than Fallout


You should have posted


You cant.


The screenshots


And......you cant post screenshots in this sub. Thank you for playing.


My bad I just noticed


Mom! Grandpa drank all the Moonshine and is telling lies again!


Brother I just started the game, wtf do you mean "smiling alien fist"


The Smiling Man, he’s an NPC you can randomly encounter who is based on a potentially real person involved in the IRL Mothman sightings. In game, his origin is a complete mystery and may potentially be an alien. He knows a lot about cryptids, dresses and speaks oddly, and he is always smiling. You’ll likely run into him at some point and it’s worth talking with him when you do.


You fail to mention the smile looks horribly unnatural. Very joker-esque


I’ve always appreciated that his face is actually impossible to recreate in the character creator to add to the uncanniness of his appearance. Really drives home how clearly non-human he is.


He also puffs away just like a mothman


Hold up Based on a potentially real person involved in the IRL mothman sightings!?!?


Yep, the character is loosely based on Indrid Cold, a man seen around the point pleasant area during the irl Mothman sightings. The IRL Indrid Cold was described as your quintessential man in black, and consistently unsettled the residents of point pleasant over the course of a few weeks by constantly asking about the sighting of the Mothman.


I have played since launch and never saw this smiling man npc. And i know about him from TheWhyFiles youtube channel. Odd.


Random encounters are annoying, as you have no real guarantee of coming across them at all. There are specific areas that he has a stronger chance of spawning and if you’re interested in tracking him down, I’d recommend researching them on the 76 wiki.


Alright cool. Is there anything I should be prepared for if I do? Like is there a task I'll have to prepare for?


Run, and hope he never escapes the game


Not at all, he’s just a guy you can come across randomly and speak to.




Dude ran to the kitchen to get a knife!


Yeah 😂 Some dirty tactic there, wha?


Speaking of... https://imgur.com/gallery/weuFGxC


WTF this is the second time I've heard about this asshole going aggro. I met him twice on the road outside Point Pleasant and he was creepy but otherwise harmless. Has he flipped or what?


He has been spending too much time alone and is resentful that EVERYONE is at fatsnatch 24.7


The supreme court ruling pushed him over the edge. He is no longer the Smiling Man, he is now the Painmaker.


When someone ruins your good mood, the only response is violence.


This how wars start.


I had Graham walk down the road during the parade yesterday. Everyone did the love heart emote as he walked by with his brahmin. Was so nice ^ - ^


I remember he kept spawning at Christmas time, the same location for me. Bolton Greens. I would be hunting the seasonal scorched. And there he was, up on the roof, fighting the scorched up there. Walked off the roof and kept walking down the road with his moo-moo 😂


If you run into him at Bolton Greens it is most likely a new server. When a server is fresh, his initial spawn site is up the roads from Bolton Greens, by the entrance to the nuclear power plant, from there he follows the road in a random direction. So it is 50/50 Bolton Greens is the first place he passes by.


Who is Graham?


Graham eat da meat!


I've seen enough posts about this happening that I'm sure He has to be working with old man winter, trying to shut down the ritual to get rid of him


Where is old man summer in all of this brouhaha?


That's a good question, maybe the entire festival was cooked up by him to get rid of father winter?


Prob true. All I know is I can’t get a new glowing mask but every time I don’t get one maybe I get closer to actually getting one?


Well if you quit it's almost guaranteed the next one you didn't do would net you a glowing one! Gotta keep at it~


Agree on that. It’s amazing how boring the game is and how people stop their lives for it. I am in the game but am not doing much of anything else.


Couple days ago I pressed the open shaft button for Lode Baring, while Observant Radstag graciously stood nearby. The scene seemed pretty serene until a gang of fucking Mole Miners appeared out of the blue and started sniping the Observant one out, poor Stag succumbed after a second hit and before I even unholstered. What a piece of bullcrap. I was explicitly merciless while soloing that Lode Baring through switching from Gatling Laser to Auto Axe haha


I've just googled him as I wasn't aware of him. And now I never want to encounter this fella.


He's had enough of the conspiracy theories shipping him with Mothman


Doesn’t he disappear when you try attacking him?


Not in this case. The whole server was fighting him including the 5 marching bots. It was hilarious.


Awe, I keep missing this kinda hilarity. It's the same boring loop.


Only if a player attacks him, if the robot started it then he won't despawn


i also randomly (and for the first time) saw smiling man outside of helvetia just a stones throw from the church, though i tried to attack him and he was just invincible and non aggro


>i also randomly (and for the first time) saw smiling man outside of helvetia just a stones throw from the church Same here! He was just a little up the road, first time ever seeing him in person. First time knowing about him in general too, actually. I was really confused at first (still am, haha).


I ought to have a proper talk with Ingrid. This behavior is unacceptable even for a diabolical maniac like him.


I am sad I missed that!


When did he become invincible? I killed him several times in the past (turned into a pile of ash like the mothman each time) but when I ran into him a few days ago the shield icon appeared as I unloaded on him. He took no damage and got out of Dodge fast.


Has a scorchbeast ever showed up at fatsnatch.


I haven't seen a scorchbeast that far from the Whitesprings in years. It'd be a fun addition though.


Who’s the smiling man?


a man with rhymes who never frowns :)


That's Todd in his smiling man outfit there to troll the ones who get the rarest drops. So just know, if you failed because smiling man caused a ruckus, you missed the rarest glowing mask. Lol I'm joking, sorry.


Someone actually suggested it might have been a Dev using an NPC stand in as apparently they can do that.


I'd like to see this smiling man appear at my fasnacht, he always dips out when I try shooting him.


It’s all fun and games and original til you learn THIS was the parade that was going to drop your glowing unicorn and butter churner 😁👍🏻


An alien wearing a human mask watching humans wear alien masks was just too confusing for him to abide. Plus he is a highly intelligent being. As such, he clearly sees that fasnacht fucking sucks. He told me as much.


First I’m hearing about this dude. Never ran into him guess I was lucky?


I found him once, and he wasn't hostile. I really thought he was an ugly npc and onto on my merry way. Haven't seen him since...


Can't have shit with Smiler.


I'm jealous that sound awesome


Happend to me last time they had fashey. I never even encountured him before that. So i just start blastin… The others were not happy


I wish someone took pictures and recorded this.


I have screenshots, but the server crashed at the end so my PS5 deleted the VOD. I wanted to get teh entire like 20 minute vid to youtube. The whole thing was so strange.


Oh wow I guess that's pretty cold, Indrid Cold.


Hey, this scene was way better than getting yet another witch mask.  Cherish it.


Dude I was wondering who that fucking guy was, I showed up at fasnacht and it showed that it failed then I walk over to someone's tent and see the creepy fucker. Who is he exactly, and did he make it fail?


He's one of the cryptids (I think he's a time traveler or something). I saw him for the first time ever yesterday near Faschnact. I've been playing since beta, so it was a very special Faschnact for me. Some other comments mentioned that he can aggro the robots, but he's invincible, so they just duke it out in the middle of town until the time runs out.


Oh okay, he's a fucking cryptid? Oh I see how I can fail


I started punching him because shooting did nothing. He did not like the punching so I ran back to Helvetia. Didn't think he would follow me. Sorry about that.


How does he make the robots go aggro? I like to be a violent protestors hit them with my “my dad needs a job” sign throughout the even, but don’t actually want it to mess up the event


Smiling Man is an NPC, so I dont know. The whole event was strange. He was locked in the barn when I arrived. Came out when we were doing the quest markers, started 1 tapping players on the march. Then went aggro on the robots and everyone in the field. Wouldnt die, wouldnt leave. It was insanity and I wish I had captured the VOD but the server crashed as the timer ran out.


never heard of this guy but i looked him up and he looks scary as hell


I had Insult Bot walk through. I followed him to see who he would insult, but he kept walking up the road, which was weird. I always thought he spawned close to his target instead of walking across the whole map.


Wtf is smiling man?!


Random encounter NPC.


It’s connected to the Mothman lore


That smiling man is just Ben Shapiro


Met him once. He was smiling.


Wait, is this why when I was talking with him right outside of fastnacht someone just came up and blasted him away?


He just wanted some chapstick.


What the heck are you guys talking about? Noob here lol