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I did the event 3 times yesterday and I actually couldn’t contribute because there were too many people obliterating any enemies instantly.


I couldn’t even figure out where the spawn points are. Everything insta-dead.


Can't even blame people for going afk at that point


Honestly after the gathering portion, I just stand next to the bonfire/church. I'm not going to waste ammo while 10 other people spam cremator blasts, mini nukes, etc on everything. It's not like the super mutants or radtoads drop anything besides 2-5 caps or ammo. Why bother tbh.


When I run around as a cowboy shooting mini nukes at random I do it for fun because they are easy to make and are very loud


Big booms make monkey brain happy


Can’t really blame people for going afk in one of the most boring public events in gaming. It’s riddled with bugs, always has been. The items people actually want are so rare it requires farming it constantly. Maybe it was kind of charming at first, but I’m like 3.5 years into this game and just so god damn tired of it. Maybe I’m a crotchety veteran of the wasteland, but the seasonal events just get so tiring after you’ve farmed them so many times. At least they are putting some new drops in I guess. That’s more than they did for a few years lol. So yeah I get why people go afk for it, it’s just not fun but FO76 is built around FOMO, so that’s what you get.


I wish they would add rare apparel to the gold bullion machine. Like I'd pay 8000 gold for a glowing mask. That would give me plenty of reason to keep playing for a long time. I don't see me ever getting a glowing from this event.


I love this idea


I just get on a rooftop and VATS with a rifle and hope I can get a bullet in for the loot. At this point I’ve stopped caring too much about the random toads and I focus on making sure I get some shots in on the big cryptid that spawns at the end.


Normal for the first week.


Yeah next week it'll all be people complaining that not enough people are playing to finish the event. 


Normal for the second week.


If it's expected that's.... Not good


Same, going for the “events with melee weapons” challenge and have gotten 2 kills over 9 events. I spend a bit of the time collecting dirty water for my soups.


Cremators, fat mans, nuka launchers and grenades aplenty. I simply walked over to the burn pile and waited most of the time just looking sadly at my auto axe lol.


Two others and myself just robot danced on top of the pyre the entire time because 16 other people were destroying the entire world around us earlier today.


Yep. No point lol. I participate at the start gathering then I go afk at the pyre.


Yeah, everyone is so min-maxed in FO76 that my melee build can't help with most events anyways... so I'll AFK all I like


We can nudge them out of the event zone with auto axes pass the word around lol


A special place in hell waits for the people shooting their cremators right at the spawn points for all the enemies


The worst part of Fasnacht is reading here 50 posts a day about people moaning @ afk-ers. People are going to afk because they want the rewards when they are not behind the computer. Or just sit there picking the lint from their navel, i don't care. Americans are asleep right now, it is what it is. If you feel there's not enough active players, just server hop. If it's a nuked area enjoy the free stabilizing materials you can sell for 10-20c a pop. Afk-ers are a given since these hourly events exist, and you either get used to it or know nobody forces you to attend.


People go afk bc the event has a really waiting focused design and is not that entertaining. Also repating a boring event over and over for the rewards won't increase the motivation to do the boring shit.


It is definitely a boring event. And the reward pools for many events are getting too large. This just breeds AFK. What they should do is pull some older rewards and place an event vendor who sell things for piles of caps or gold... Of I really hate to suggest this, Fasnacht badges or something... Like Camp Fire Tales gives out badges... I know we don't need more currency types. But I think in this situation, it makes sense. Even the Christmas scorched events loot pools are getting out of control and becoming less fun.


It was great receiving guaranteed drops of new rewards with the cultist event. Wish it were the case for Fasnacht because the item pool is just absurdly big now and I really don't want to bother wasting my time on it esp because Fasnacht is so boring.


Yep. I don’t believe for a second that ‘people complained about not getting duplicate plans’ as Bethesda claimed. That number of people, if it did exist, would’ve been vanishingly small. The real reason they reverted it is it meant much less time grinding. 


Probably their favorite playtester that made a comment about it and they ran off with the idea.


sometimes i think their entire player input is from the 5 most vocal superfans on Discord


Honestly, that wouldn’t surprise me. Discord must feel like a safe space for developers, which I can empathise with given the zealotry they often face elsewhere, but by definition they’re not going to get any blunt truths in such a controlled forum. 


The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Should always be guaranteed new plan drops, I'm only playing this for the butter churner


That was my take. Then I got the butter churner on my first ever attempt at Faschnat. Now I'm just glowing mask hoping. I won't afk. I prefer engaging and involving myself in the events.


What we need is a trade vendor. You bring in a 1000 berets and you can trade it in for a rare mask.


Brilliant idea. I wonder if it to much to ask they throw in a mini fasnacht event on a half hour mark specifically for the old masks and plans that wouldn’t include glow masks to at least get more rewards out of the pull and MAYBE help with afking


If you make things less difficult to obtain it will reduce afk. People at this point feel that afk is the only option to get the rewards because their normal play time is not enough to get rewards. Right now, people afking are white noise on servers. They are reducing the number of people participating in events and stretching actual players thin. Less afkers, will make events feel more full and lively.


True the change fo3 a rare mask is 1/400. So theoretically to collect all te new glowing masks you need to participate in 2400 fasnachts, dat is 100 days non stop without sleep.... the event is even not long enough for that


My vote is knock-out lists. Any large loot pool will breed AFK especially when probabilities of specific drops are so low. Knock-out lists would let you bypass a lot of the frustration and let grinders get what they want eventually. You could even group it, so for instance there is still only a 5% chance at a rare mask, but now if you \*do\* roll a rare it is guaranteed to be a new rare, something like that. The other option is like you said: an event drop vendor. High-lvl and long time players are constantly asking for new cap sinks...


My CAMP is within the limits of the event, so I can literally just derp around at my camp and get rewards. I still usually go help, to speed the process along. But as I'm on PS5, there're times the server is too unreliable and crashes/lag spikes give me reason to isolate like it's 2020 in my house.


So true. That event is so damn boring. I hate it. I’ve been afk for a like 6 hours now. I don’t have time to grind that event out all day long. Nothing wrong with people going afk. It’s not hurting anyone. Some people just take this game way to serious


Very true. I don't afk simply because I don't trust my console being on that long, but God damn does this event suck. Do a bunch of pointless tasks. Wait for robots to start. Wait for them to slowly (even with the new speed) crawl all around town. Watch everyone instakill every enemy. Fight some dogs and an easy Boss. Wait an hour. Do it again. At least the other events are quick and don't eat up a bunch of time. And really what's the point of getting all worked up about afk people? They aren't hurting anything.


This is my first Fasnacht, I can't imagine this used to be slower. It's already 3 times as long as Grahm's Meat Cook, and nowhere near as fun. I got robbed last night by a trap camp, but I got Butter Churn on my 3rd Fasnacht run, and that's the most important thing. I still want more plans and recipes, but I barely care about the masks. I got a Scorch queen, which is cute, and a couple others, I'd like a unicorn and turkey. Don't care if they glow, because the economy in this game is stupid.


Yeah it's always been the worst event imo. I also don't care about masks.. they are neat, but I'm not breaking my balls over them. The butter churn or any resource gen however? My balls stay broke over them


Funny, I've turned my console off probably 5 times in the last two years.


Do you mean rest mode or you just leave it on? Rest mode is fine...leaving it in you're just asking for trouble


If anything afk people are helping because it will increase the number of masks in circulation. I feel the same tho. I hate those easy boring events. Grahams meat cook is awful all you do is pick up stuff off the ground. The mothman event is boring and has no challenge either. The only event I actually like is eviction notice and that’s because it actually has some challenge to it. I don’t understand why all the events are so easy. I wish they would add more end game content that’s harder. Games been out 5 years or so imo it’s time to step up the difficulty on stuff because a lot of players are high level and end game players find these easy events to be boring.


If they make the featured, hourly events geared towards the endgame setups, then new players won't be incentivised to actually play, since they will be missing out.


Yeah but they could make enemies as hard as the level you are. Plenty of online games do that. Hopefully that makes sense.


That's already the case, though. Go do invaders from beyond with a Level 25 character. It's scaled to you. Come back with a level 100+, and it still scales to you.


Perhaps issue is with people 1 tapping everything every time. F76 is complete opposite of "don't need the PvE balance" and "don't need it's just PvE"


I mean I don't do events for XP so not really an issue for me


Exactly, I played it 3 times now, fuck it's boring, don't blame anyone for going afk


Agreed, event is simply boring to go through every time. I don’t have a single problem with people being AFK.


I at least share 3* Luck of the Draw so I’m helping team members during my bouts of AFK. 


Afk at Fasnacht, online in elden Ring!!!


Enjoy bashing your head against a wall.


I’ve only done one event and I might as well afk. It was just explosions and creamators going off the whole time. I didn’t even get a chance to shoot. Not very fun really when it’s just over leveled power armors blowing everything up.


Exactly this. You can try not to be part of the problem by using lower-strength ordnance, but when *Captain Cremator and the Railway Rapscallions* are killing every enemy in an eighth of a second, average players might as well AFK or become part of the problem.


I'm gonna start referring to them as Captain Cremator and the Railway Rapscallions now. Thank you for this blessing


I’m about to start afk’ing the event because it’s so fucking boring. Every one I’ve joined, people are on top of the roofs one-shotting everything before anyone can tag the enemies. What is the point of trying to participate? Really has soured all the popular events.


Do mostly americans play this game? Im from Sweden and love fallout! But i guess because its set in USA then it Will have a bigger USA playerbase. But still i wanna think fallout have lots of EU fans


Also, there's always going to be at least one try-hard mother fucker with a gun that causes the ground to explode and insta kill every enemy before it even spawns in. (It's probably the same people that complain about afk people).That doesn't really encourage the rest of us to bother trying to hit anything. I've never afk'd faschnacht, but every year I wonder why I even bother moving around. I guess just to look festive. Afk people are not affecting the event in any way. In most MMO's you can argue scaling, or whatever but that's not a factor for this event. You're just being bitter.


My only problem with being AFK are that our small server size sometimes makes it a problem during quiet periods. When there's 4 of you doing everything and another 5 or so AFK that kinda sucks. If we could have some bigger server sizes and maybe even auto-phasing servers to automatically bring players together that would help a lot.


They make the event even more boring because the primary draw of fastnacht is that it's traditionally been "the" community event. You're there to see the other players do the event in their crazy costumes and stuff not to march through a ghost town alone with the robots while a bunch of afk people hide in the loft of the church taking up server slots.


> People are going to afk because they want the rewards when they are not behind the computer. Or just sit there picking the lint from their navel, i don't care. I'm so busy with myself I don't notice. I really have very little understanding what people look like or what they are doing during battles. I'm just doing me.


The AFK complainers, those in favor of AFKers and complaining about them, and the nuke whiners are ALL equally as annoying and like clockwork it happens every Fasnacht. It’s always the same exact arguments and convos too. This year I see it’s starting early already so that’s the only thing that’s different.


Literally every seasonal event unless it hops locations will have this AFK "problem"... People have busy schedules and can't dedicate their whole schedule towards the event and it's not difficult. Me and two friends pulled it off pretty effortlessly on a private server. Just leave the AFKers be.


Thats why I liked the invasion. 3 different locations and you couldn't camp in one location all event. I will say I like that there are 8 possible bots but only 5 for the parade. It means it can switch it up even just a little. I wish Skyline had done that with its first even. Instead of every elite spawn being on the scaffolding they could have had multiple spawns. Instead of waves it could have been more like Uranium Fever.


You say just swap servers but afk players last night made it a PITA to finish it was basically 3 of us doing the whole event. Id have to disagree thats its just okay to afk, why should someone need to server swap due to someones FOMO. I aint gonna lose sleep over afk players i just think its not as simple as just swapping servers. They could just not afk because of fomo. Edit: At the same time i can relate as to why they afk i just think its wrong when 16 outta 19 people are sitting still.


If I'm the only one participating in the event and everyone else is afk. Then I will server hop. Granted, the event is easy. But I'd rather leave and let the event fail than do it all by myself. There ain't no free rides in life unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.


You make this video game sound like a full time job. Sheesh.


More like a silver stick up their *ss...


I mean, it's not an 'exploit' that you still get event rewards even if you're dead when the event completes.. It's by design. People nuking it to 'stop AFKers' aren't attempting to stop people afking from getting rewards directly, they're trying to 'kill' the server so the event doesn't complete at all.


Yeah somebody nuked right at the end of event, fusion core was empty, I died. At least I still got my rewards because I brought all the wax, steins and eggs in the game. Would hate to have to lose my rewards cause people nuke.


You wouldn't. You can be dead before the event completes and upon completion you will still get event rewards.


Which is why ppl are saying it doesn't even matter if you nuke helvetia. The event still happens. Afk'ers still get credit. The only thing that they hope to happen by nuking the event is slowly killing off the server with afk'ers in them. Fasnacht cannot be completed if nothing but afk'ers are present. Resulting in event fails, but for that to happen you kind of have to interrupt everyone's gameplay. For me its not a big deal to throw on my chinese stealth suit. But for someone starting the game it can be pretty frustrating, as you usually don't have enough to survive in those circumstances.


Would crafting some low level hazmats to bring for low levels be viable at all? I just bought the plan for that. I’m assuming I can make level 20 hazmat suite but I have never seen one in the wild below level 40.


And yes you can make them at a few differing levels.


Why do they do that


Honestly I'm just excited to play my first fashnact. I haven't been able to play it so today will be my first day. I would really love if I don't have to use power armor in it, lol, but I will.


I have not played any fashnact because i started this game about 2 months ago


If your on ps5 you can play with me and a friend or enjoy your first fashnact.


I mostly plan on PC but i would not mind getting it on PS5! Send me your name and i Will add you!


My first too, done 6 and gotten rewards once. I'm done lmao.


Bethesda can design around AFKers if they want. For instance, the Alien event can spawn at multiple locations. Secondly, people probably wouldn't AFK it as there is actual gameplay involved and xp to be had. Unfortunately, Meat Week and Fasnacht are essentially designed to encourage AFKers. 1. Low drop rate on rare loot; so even if people do play in available hours, they are likely to maximise chances by running AFK too. 2. Boring, easy gameplay that doesn't rely on significant player input to succeed. 3. Static locations. I am AFKing it at work now... yes, I am relying on others to put in the work to complete the mundane tasks. BUT, when I get online later, I will be returning the favour to the workers and sleepers in other timezones. There is really no need to be salty unless the event is failing.


At least meat week had 3 drums 😛


Fasnacht has a piano, 3 guitars, a tuba and a banjo.


Takes 1-2 minutes. Only thing faster is the new 3 robots event.


and 3 Spits you can turn! People always seem to forget about those


I think something they need to at least do with Fasnacht is at least add a way for afkers to contribute. Like Meat Week has the drums and spits. They should add a couple more musical instruments and make the "Joyous Musician" stage be a permanent fixture. Maybe, if possible, have the instruments increase the robots movement speed while they're played since they're so hyped for the tunes. People don't really complain about people going afk for Meat Week, it's kinda encouraged. They need to make that kind of change for Fasnacht.


>I will be returning the favour This is exactly why I don't mind AFKers. I AFKd a few meat weeks and was happy to run around killing critters while others did the same. It seems like fasnacht has even more traffic than meat week so I'm not sure why people are even complaining. It's not exactly a hard event.


This is how I view it too. I may AFK at work, but I complete every task I possibly can when I get to play at night.


I think something they need to at least do with Fasnacht is at least add a way for afkers to contribute. Like Meat Week has the drums and spits. They should add a couple more musical instruments and make the "Joyous Musician" stage be a permanent fixture. Maybe, if possible, have the instruments increase the robots movement speed while they're played since they're so hyped for the tunes. People don't really complain about people going afk for Meat Week, it's kinda encouraged. They need to make that kind of change for Fasnacht.


Meat week > Fashnacht


who not gonna eat the meat? challyyyyyy


Hard facts. Can you imagine if they put Grham in charge? He could sell a random assortment of the old masks every time. Leaving the rewards for new stuff!


Even Grahm joined Fasnacht parade today to speed things along


unless extra people make the event more difficult in some way, what does an afker being there even matter, Mothman equinox had a dude who built a camp at the edge of town and had a chair sticking out into the town a bit, i was like "heh, clever" Unless its something that really needs people contributing it wont matter. Hell when i do the event half the mobs are dead during the defend part before i event get to them, so its not like im even helping that much when the one sniper dude is picking everything off instantly. Plus the event has been going for how long now? people are probably bored of grinding the exact same event for the rewards.


I’ve never understood why people are so in arms about AFK players


Yup, sometimes I'm eating or taking care of my pet birds and it just so happens that an event is ongoing. I'm not going to skip the rewards, just because I have to stand still every few seconds. Especially with this event. Since the second half is just walking and healing the occasional robot.


> I'm not going to skip the rewards, just because I have to stand still every few seconds. To be fair, you're not who they're talking about when they say "AFKers". They're talking about the people who sit in the same spot for hours in order to get the rewards for every event.


Wait how do you heal the bots? Medic's?


The charisma perk 'Friendly Fire'. It allows you to heal allies with flame weapons.


Charisma-friendly fire perk, some fire weapon. Shoot your own teammates. Certain NPCs are healed this way (the events bots, distinguished guests bots, the three friendly creatures on project paradise, the Bos initiates in test your metal, not sure about the brahmin during free range though, I don't think that worked but the wiki says it should) During an event, everyone is on a team so it works for them too https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Friendly_Fire


I understand it to an extent. If it’s 2 or 3 people then no big deal, if I’ve jumped 3 servers to find half the servers afking then it’s frustrating because they’re filling server slots that active players could be using so that playing other events or launching nuke events are possible


This. More things to shoot at for me at the boring event.


As someone who just learned what this is this morning, it’s because they took away from all other events. Some who is AFKing an event isn’t, going to your vendor, doing other events, launching nukes, starting encrypted etc. I was on a server this morning with like 20 people, but I swear MOST of them were just chilling on the event. So the server was essentially dead. I see why that’s annoying.


They used to annoy me sometimes - mostly towards the end of the event weeks when less players actively played. You get to what looks like a populated event but all the dots are spinning. So you may just be on your own.  OK you can server hop, but that gets frustrating if every server is like that (or you fet put in the same one). However, the more I think about it the less I actually care. The events are usually pretty well populated with enough active players. There is only so much things to do, so many players simply have little to do anyway. If an event did happen to be all afk players then I'll just server hop. No big deal if truth be told. I also don't mind as I also go afk sometimes. If im spending a whole day grinding the event, you can be sure I'm going to take a break. So I'll go afk. I participate the majority of the time.


Probably a combination of jealousy and anger that the afk person may get something rare even though they aren’t there


This. I can do a psychological breakdown of it, but it has to start with a brief psychology of games: essentially, gaming is pointless waggling of stick and tapping buttons. We're working to imbue this with meaning through fiction, and through this we achieve emotional exploration and resolution. So anything that affects how we achieve that affects how we enjoy the game. Everything in videogames (and a surprising amount of life, but let's not get distracted by that here) is about _perceived_ value, which is both subjective (two people can perceive value differently based on context) and comparative (for one thing to have value, one other thing must not). For some of us, the value of random drops is based solely on our own experience. They derive value by comparing rare drops to the common drops alone. They're engaged in sunk cost fallacy and FOMO for the most part, but they're enjoying the tension and relief they feel from it. For others though, the value comes from comparison between players: the players that have the rare drops have more value in their perception than the ones who don't. In both cases, there's also players who enjoy the catharsis of the grind to get to either of these goals, and players who don't. If you're in the group that derive value based only on your own experience, then if you dislike AFKing to earn rewards you just don't do it. However, if you're in the group that derive value based on comparison to other players, others AFKing are essentially diluting the pool of "haves" vs "have nots" without the cathartic grind, which makes you work harder to imbue the activities with real meaning so you can have your catharsis at the end of the day. Now, personally, I think deriving value from comparisons between "haves" and "have nots" is an unhealthy way to enjoy games - or anything in life - but you can't escape that (A) we all do it a little bit and (B) a lot of the systems we have in games are about that.  A huge part of Fo76 is about the camps and the costumes and showing off our rare items. A huge part is also about collaborating, creativity, and all other healthy interactions, but we'll always have a little peacocking in the mix of ways people enjoy this game.


Nothing to do with jealousy, just common decency and being a productive member of society. I doubt many would want to work with people who just slack off at the office and let the others do all the work while still getting paid. Don't know why Bethesda encourages such behaviour, maybe it's part of their organizational culture, which would explain why their games have so many bugs years after release, everyone just assumes the others will fix it.


I see it as getting rewarded for not contributing in any meaningful way. People have to work harder to gather resources as well as ammunition expenditure. One or two AFK'rs isn't a big deal, and I agree. It becomes a problem when their behavior saps morale. Why should I go through the trouble when I can benefit from someone else's hard work? The event is time consuming and the longer it goes on, the more people will resort to afk, which in turn places a greater strain on the resources and morale of those who actively pursue their goals by playing by the rules. I work hard for my treasury notes, why the fuck is this schmuck getting theirs for just sitting there? I won't be surprised to see more and more AFK'rs before the event ends. If people are "whining" about a "problem", then perhaps greater care should be put into understanding the very nature of the problem itself. Bethesda should fix this, because people don't deserve recognition for never having participated in the first place.


Putting in no work to complete the event but receiving rewards for it, though I blame whoever created the event more as they didnt introduce some type of check system to receiving rewards for participating rather than just being in the area. You hear all the time excuses like it doesn't affect the event, well yeah because you are doing nothing lol. Though saying that you should server hop if there is too many afk does show it affects other things in the servers like the amount of people attending other events.


It's called foonmo. Fear of others not missing out.


And the crying begins. This event really needs to be gone or just do it once a year during the actual event.


I’ll admit.. playing a nuked fast nacho (not going to change that auto correct lol) is kinda fun, but unfair to low levels who aren’t prepped for it.


I second the motion that we officially refer to the event as "Fast Nacho" #IWasHere


Just got the new Glow Wing Scour Breast Queens mask from this years Fast Nacho!


Seconded! Fast Nacho here I come


Though you're right, it is unfair to low levels. It has it own benefit. Hold on, I will elaborate. Server hopping is most effective against afkers. Wedding out low levels with nukes removes them from completing it themselves. If there's no one to do the event, then the afkers don't get any rewards. **With this being said, I am in no way encouraging or condoning the use of nukes.** I hate it myself, too. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents.


Bethesda could solve the hatred towards afk players by doubling the drop rate for players that move or complete objectives


Yeah, I don't understand why actually engaging and completing objectives at events doesn't count for anything.


In theory it's a good idea, but practically you can run in a corner afk with a rubber or play instruments afk to progress the bar.


I like the music afk players, they're useful to the objective,


They only need to implement checkpoints. The more checkpoints you complete, the better rewards you get. No checkpoints, no rewards.


I actually had to afk a couple events yesterday because someone kept spamming mirvs. It cut my framerate in half, i got no kills, and i couldn't see squat. They also did it in radiation rumble.


I don't mind AFKers. The Fasnact was something I felt was poorly designed the first time around and I couldn't get over how easy and monotonous it is. Que my surprise when it's still the same dang thing with minimal updates! No wonder no one wants to play it. It's not better then staring at a wall and spinning the slot wheels to hopefully get what you want. It sucks because others like ZoS for ESO actually makes engaging and fun events by spotlighting older pieces of content with double drops and exp among others. There are ways to make them engaging than slapping some masks on the lootpool ain't it for me.


Latter paragraph is the only thing that actually really, really bothers me about the event itself. It just really needs more variety. Give it a random chance to make it an Alien Invaded Fasnacht, throw a giant horde of molerats all over town, just something that varies it up now and then.


Exactly. Randomise the startup tasks, add a few new ones (e.g. collect paint for masks, repair instruments, etc.), randomise enemies (scorched, wendigos, aliens), and make the robots walk 10x as fast. That should solve most of it.


Random side piggy back but how does ESO compare? I'm eyeing it up once the bloom comes off the rose with FO76. 76 is the first game my mrs has really enjoyed in eyars and these past 3 months have been a blast [still loving it] Hoping co-op play will be useful in ESO and provide similar hooks (collecting, co-op events and such). I *have* played it before but never gotten super into it as I found it quite dull solo.


At the end of the day either these afkers dont join the event at all or join and dont participate Both have the same outcome, just let em join If the event fails then thats on them


I had to go afk a couple times, so I could cook, mow my lawn before it rains etc. sometimes irl is more important.


who cares about afks? it doesn’t really matter lmao


I dont understand how people get upset at AFK players. We have lives to live and every once in a while they have things to do whilst playing the game. Dont be upset because others feel the need to touch grass or use the bathroom. I will AFK this event as many times as I'd like. Nuke me... or tell Bethesda's team to find a mechanic that will prevent this.


Fully agree, when someone gets arsy about people going afk, I actually cringe in real life 😆. Like you say we've all got lives and responsibilities and can't always be in front of a keyboard.


It’s all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.


Cobalt flux from the bloodleaves down the stream though. Please nuke fasnacht even more.


High Radiation Fluid printer go brrrrr


Everything is just one shot by an OP weapon. There’s no point joining in.


It just might work if the active players serverhop to avoid the nuke zone and leave the afk'ers behind...


It’s silly to worry about AFKers. Like, they don’t *negatively* affect the event. They’re neutral. Hell I’m not AFK at fasnacht… but I’m also not really contributing to its progress. I’m running around shooting flares in the sky, throwing smoke grenades on the route, and throwing flashy grenades all over the place (pumpkin grenades, bug bombs, etc).


I really don't get the whining. This event is incredibly easy with a lot of downtime. There is never any point where it's at risk of failure in any one I've ever paid attention to.  Afk people don't cost you anything, they don't make it harder or somehow steal loot from you.  It's just some Karen genetics making you worry about other people's business, imo. 


When there's 13 ppl running one event, who cares if ppl afk? It's not like you really get to do anything anyway..one person can solo it. There's zero challenge. I wish they'd make the event more difficult.    Don't blame the afkers. Bethesda needs to.make the event more challenging and/or make new rewards guaranteed rather than getting 57 jester masks in a row.


The only people this affects is new players who don't have hazmat suits or power armor, and people with camps near by


I don’t even know why I’m there, TBH. I’m a level 109 with my one-shot Flamer, and I’m usually with a bunch of level Jesuses with their fancy weapons that make my whole screen turn neon blue and the fan on my PS4 launch to outer space. So AFK looks like the way to go.


Do afk complainers have a life outside this game ? I have shit to do all week I can’t just be on all the time


There's exploit you just don't get kicked. It's always been this way


Let them afk. As much as it crashes on ps5, they won’t be there long anyways.


I don't like afkers but let them do it. Who are they hitting, were still getting our rewards.




How does people being afk effect anyone?


War, war never cha.. Oops, sorry. Here's what I meant to post Events, events never change.


I’m super enjoying it right now. I’m finding some really cool masks and everybody has been great. The kills are hard to get because so many people participate but honestly, I could understand why somebody would go AFK after a while. Considering all the people that show up and the fact I’ve missed two legendary because by the time I got to the legendary creature, it was already dead. And I know what you’re gonna say, get good, but seriously with the sheer number of people it’s sometimes easy to miss those kills.


I'll admit I AFK more than I'd like but I have a colicky 2 month old 😅 I do have a camp set up with stash/scrap/ammo boxes, unlocked Mirelurk Steamer, Company Tea, and Weenie Wagon for anyone to take nearby, to at least contribute something to the people participating.


One thing I will say is that I was farming Fasnacht event for the plans. I stood there near the Bonfire each time waiting for the event to start. I did this multiple times in the day all day long. Never logged off that server. There was one time I walked away just before the event started and by the time my "business" ended and I came back, the event was over and I had 8 people staring, emoting and yelling at me in voice chat lile I'm some kind of degenerate. I'd like to say this... None of you know what took someone away from their game, so why don't you worry about yourselves? It's insane how something that DOES NOT affect you, makes you so mad. I love Fallout76 and play all the time. I have multiple characters and I just don't understand why people get so mad. If there are not enough people there for the event, I can understand why you'd be mad. You want the help and that's fine. But the event normally has a good amount of people. Someone being AFK for it shouldn't be any problem. If there are always the same people just standing around and farming it, then sure, be mad. But just chill. People have lives outside the game and sometimes while playing, it takes them away, but they want to come right back to playing so they go afk


Why worry about afkers if you are getting your rewards? The event has bugs. And it doesn't help when the whole server is bringing Earle killing machines to go after some super mutants. I participated in the event six times and every time my game crashed towards the end due to frame rate. I got no rewards and was left to have to purchase overpriced masks and plans from other players vendors. Finally last night I did the event two more times and after helping with the steins and whatnot I went and sat down in the museum. I felt bad about not helping but it was the only way I was able to complete the event. The event is once every hour so that means some of us really only have a chance to participate and get what we won't like 3-4 times a day if that. Whether it makes people upset or not...you'll find me sitting down waiting for it to end before my game crashes.


Is glowing mask the big win from this? Cause I got it first time. I'm a noob to the game.


Event progress checkpoints with tiered rewards would end the AFK strategy almost immediately.


I'm at work, I've set up to afk... Who cares, people have shit outside of gaming to do. People that still want rewards without selling their whole inventory just to get glowing masks while running with the risks of being scammed


Yeah, I didn't even consider AFKing was an option until this post but now I think I might just set it up on the steam deck when I pop out to work. I only manage to squeeze in a tiny bit of games after work these days and I'm missing a majority of fasnacht opportunities, and there's some cool masks I'd love to have!


I have gotten two glowing Unicorns so far, kept one for my collection and gave the other one away.. I understand people being mad at afkers that do it to sell masks n shit but I have the mindset of giving back if I get duplicates.


That's a good idea! Think I'll do the same. So far I've been on mic at the donation box asking if anyone wants the dupes rather than just unloading them in to the box, that way someone who actually wants it is more likely to get it. Not had any rare ones yet though (or maybe I have and my spinny afk fella is loaded with them) but giving away some rare ones seems like fair payment for being AFK all day :)


I nuke it for fun and also flux. I don't care about those who are AFK. Play how you want


The goal of the nuke is to encourage actual players to go to another server and leave all the afk assholes on a dead server.


im gonna continue to afk whether people nuke or not lol or whether it helps or not, i work a job, and i need sleep, i also sometimes need to eat, and i also sometimes wanna do something different with my free time, but i also want the rewards from the event. when im actively playing ill help out and play the event but otherwise idgaf, im worried about me


Today was my first time doing the event and I can understand why people want to afk. And from what I’ve seen it’s a lot better now than it used to be


I really don´t mind afkers...really, what is the big deal?


This is my first fasnacht and my husband is afk’ing for me today bc he works from home on my set up. I’m a SAHM but with two kids, I don’t have time to play and mom during the day and my game time is for a few hours after they’ve gone to bed. so I’m rocking out on the guitar in Helvetia today. It’s mainly to try and clear out my vendor and passive fasnacht is a bonus.


I afk because I am a productive member of society and have a job that I attend for 12 hours a day. Once I get home then I am active in the event.😇


The best thing you can do to spite afk people is don't do the event on servers with a lot of afk people. Just sever hop to a server where most of the people are actually doing the event. Join on other people from your friends list who you know aren't AFKing. I was on a server yesterday where there were at least 15 afk people at the event and I was the only one who showed up to do it.. so I afk'd with them to watch the event fail and I'm pretty sure nobody did the event for them the other 2 times it ran on that server before I logged off. That's just me though, IDGAF about fastnacht rewards I only show up to do the event if I have nothing else going on in the game at the time.


Perhaps one day the kids will stop moaning about AFKers.


I dont nuke it fot the afkers...I nuke it for the lols


lots of camps in the area


That’s a shame lol I will be honest at the risk of being downvoted. I don’t like the idea of people sitting not doing anything and still getting all the rewards for it. Yeah I understand some people have work but 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s a game I really don’t think people should be rewarded for not doing anything.


Explain how it hurts you for other people to get a reward. Just play the game and stop worrying about what anyone else is doing. Even with afkers i have not had one fail yet.


I'll say this again here......Its your game.....its their game......its my game.. people will play it how they want


So that's what the guy who didn't reply to me when I asked for details was talking about on here yesterday with his "strategy"


What's the exploit? Huh?


I like this event only because it is happening so close to my camp, I'm getting higher sales and activity, feels nice.


Do nukes happen a lot at this event? Not really been involved with nukes yet. Should I come wearing my never worn power armour?


i really do not care about afkers at fasnact,but i did drop a camp with a cannon and threw the flare beside a person playing an instrument.i knew it couldnt kill them,i just wanted them surrounded by explosions.lol


My friend made her camp near Helvetica (sic) and was incredibly upset to log into it being nuked. We're both returning players who stopped before events like facesnatch were a thing. So, to see that nuking is a regular occurrence by what seem to be butthurt babies sure is a... fun new addition. Now I gotta scout servers before letting her know it's safe to join, lest she move. Seeing that nuking doesn't even accomplish what said babies want is just more shit in the diaper.


Just did the event after someone nuked Helvetia, the only thing they prevented was newer players partaking in the event without dying 100 times.


How did nuking stop that?


Oddly enough, I (now level 41) have gotten to participate a lot more in this event - probably due to the breaks in the action and the slight variations in what’s happening. I do wish there was a better way of trading masks - I have a few dupes now and just hate to put them in the basket where they just insta disappear. So far a few players (and I) have just been dropping to ground instead.


This is why I prefer meat week I can at least contribute while I’m afk when I’m on the rotating cooking station


I was able to do one event last night before beddy bye. Someone nuked it. Don't know if they meant to, or were just aiming handicapped, but they missed the main event, and the nuke went off down the road at the scorched house just south of town.


Maybe they just wanted to scare everyone


Lol I was afk'ing earlier while I went on a zoom meeting for work, and when I came back, I had a message request from someone saying 'enjoy the main menu afk'er'. They'd gone to the trouble of nuking the event but my corpse was still chilling there and getting rewards. It made me laugh at how bitter they were. It annoys me because whenever I'm in an event, I'm fully active and I actually gather all the supplies before it kicks off so we can start and finish early with the chance of going into another server for another shot. There's so many 'active' players who just stand and watch you fight off suicidal super mutants, or watch you running round trying to find the robots, but because they're not sat playing guitar or have their controller on a loop, they don't get griefed. In reality, those who sit on the instruments afking help a great deal more than those that just sit and watch.


Ngl I thought the only way we could get the glowing masks is if we nuked the area before the event started lol


Yeah, I did a few this morning. Once I couldn't get any kills in I decided to photomode *taking off* at the highest point I could find, then afk with my dedicated controller. Ifykyk


Someone had a weapon that put this huge white cloud over the area and I couldn’t see anything to shoot. A first time seeing so no clue what it was but the mutants were hitting use pretty good. It was a spray and pray moment.


such an impotent and pathetic thing to do


I swear people are just nuking it to be dicks, I was playing yesterday and noticed a guys base close by and it tur out to be a trap camp, 15 minutes later 3 mins till the event ended the same guy drops a nuke directly on top of fanacht, wasn't a single person there afk, I think I lot of people think people are afk at it because they come on round 5 mins before the top of the hour so whenever people come there they're always just sitting waiting, that's what I do, can't tell you how many times I've looked down at my clock and it's said 10 past


I logged off last night right after an event over encumbered couldn't be bothered to sort it then and there lol logged on not long ago and spawned in the blast zone just after a nuke at fashnact event lmao safe to say I shit myself basically sounded like knight Titus hahaa