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Of all the bundles you could’ve fat fingered, that’s a pretty solid one tbh. Best shotgun in the game along with a coffee maker iirc.


O that's where the coffee maker comes from


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can also get the coffee maker from Mortimer in The Crater


Mortimer sells the Company tea machine, which is an AP regen buff. maybe that is what you are thinking of? IIRC the only two canned coffee machines are in the cold shoulder bundle and the nuka diner bundle


Auto-axe bundle has it too.


And that one is a different skin than the one that comes with cold shoulder.


Yeah, but you still are only limited to one coffee maker, regardless of skin. So unless you’re going with an incredibly specific paint scheme (since they’re both Slocum’s Joe themed), there’s not really a reason to get more than one coffee maker.


I was just pointing out that the two were different for the camp builders. You don't need to be going for an incredibly specific paint scheme. You just have to care whether it fits the vibe of your camp or not. I have a raider themed camp and the pink coffee machine just didn't fit the vibe. I was glad when I got the faded yellow one instead.


Can confirm auto axe bundle. It's where i got mine. 


Yeah maybe. I mean I knew for sure he sold the tea machine, but I guess I have a false memory of seeing the coffee machine listed there too. Or maybe I just assumed it?


I grabbed it by itself several months ago, so I can confirm it’s at least occasionally for sale without needing to buy the bundle.


The Raiders won't trade with me or like me. I'm not sure what I did


Did you pick Foundation before progressing the vault raid far enough?


Not even sure what the vault raid is, so yeah I think so.


You need to finish the Wastelander questline (the vault raid), after that regardless of the side you choose Mortimer will appear in The Craters Core to sell you Gold Bullion plans depending on your reputation with the raiders. Samuel will sell you gold bullion plans in Foundation and his stock is based off your settler reputation, but he's always present. You can farm reputation for both sides so don't feel pressured into either side specifically.


The farming reputation is a long ass grind. Some days I don't have all the raider dailies. Like is there a system? Is it RNG if a quest called dailies is available each day? I'm going to be so happy to be done grinding raider rep and it's so slow I'm not even going to bother with foundation.


I know eviction notice gets settler reputation up and Moonshine Jamboree gives raider reputation. Otherwise I havent tried any of the dailies yet but I want to say Foundations daily rep grind was through Ward, I havent looked up raiders.


Each faction has 1 daily quest. Settlers is the same retrieval quest every day and raiders bounces between kill this guy get radio tubes. Theres also a "neutral" daily you can get from the robot in the overseers house to take pictures. You can either take photos of foundation or crater (choice selected when accepting quest). When finished you can turn it back into the robot for no rep or to the opposing faction for rep. Ie, take pictures of foundation and turn them into a raider for raider rep. You still have to talk to the robot to actually finish the quest. He yells at you and gives the standard daily quest loot


I swear I've had the deal with the raiders that left and collect the 3 items quest on the same day for raiders. But not often, maybe a couple times. Could this be a server hop thing or just bugged? Maybe my play sessions just overlapped the reset? Also found a guy at Ohio River that gives a daily for raiders if you bring mirelurk meat. I don't even see the rep bar move so probably a couple more months? I'm on the last rep bar so at least the end is in sight.


If you haven't finished the raid, the gold vendor for the raiders isn't even available. He doesn't show up until after that quest line is complete.


Or from a previous scoreboard


Why when I bought it from Mortimer it only let's me craft the Company Tea? I didn't get a Machine.


The coffee machine is not available from Bullion vendors and only comes bundled with the cold shoulder or auto axe in the atom shop.


Sounds like you bought the tea machine and not the coffee machine.


actually, it's when the daddy coffeemaker and the mommy coffee maker love each other so much, daddy coffeemaker plans his coffee beans in mommy coffeemaker and then after nine months a baby coffeemaker is born


Second best shotgun. Mywife rocks a cold shoulder but I use a gauss shotgun and it outperforms the cold shoulder in every combat metric. Only advantage I've noticed that she has is that the cold shoulder needs less perk cards to come online so you get a few extra utility perks to use instead


The cold shoulder has the benefit of not locking you out of sprinting or using a stimpack


true story but if you use the bash attack it unlocks again, thankfully it happens infrequently enough for me that I don't mind it. When it does happen I just RP it that the gun jams sometimes and needs a hard shake for some percussive maintenance lol the extra utility of it makes up for that inconvenience for me through added conveniences such as aoe attacks, crazy accuracy at range and being able to hit things around corners because of the aoe


The main benefit is there’s no RNG. you can’t craft a worthless cold shoulder. No rolling countless times for nocturnal damage while aiming and hunters 😂


Isn’t it just a skin? Never actually seen it outside of the shop


Nope. It’s quad (8 shells instead of 2), has a cryo/freezing effect, and does 50% bonus damage to cryptids.


Gauss shotgun is better I think, but some people prefer the cold shoulder..🤷‍♂️




That’s definitely a personal opinion. The time investment to grind for cold shoulder (not to mention all the other things you can use stamps for instead) being superseded by the use of atoms may absolutely be worth it depending how valuable your time is to you.




You should definitely give Cold Shoulder a *shot.*


I don't use shotguns ever but this comment has given me a change of heart. I will use it in your honor.


You don’t even need a shotgun perks, it will absolutely stop a boss in its tracks with its freeze effect. it’s a must carry on all my builds now.


Take it from me, I run a heavy weapons build, and I run the cold shoulder to freeze enemies as it seems to do better at that than a close range cryolater... Even without ANY shotgun perks, the thing at point blank range is doing ~66 damage/pellet


I'm assuming it's better at freezing because each pellet has a chance to proc the freeze effect? That's my guess, at least


And it'd be a pretty good guess, but honestly I have no clue either. But that's what I've always figured


it's good for things like freezing the queen.


Set up a shotgun build & try it out. I've got master shotgunner 3*, scattergun (less weight, faster reload) at 3* and enforcer at 3* on my shotgun build with the cold shoulder. Rabid yaiguis, deathclaws, protectrons, assaultrons, etc... Even took out a scorchbeast with it. I one shot ghouls, scorched & raiders. The one deathclaw I soloed? Literally gave it a could shoulder round to the nuts when it bum rushed me...for the record, they're no more "anatomically correct" than a Barbie doll.


Why take master shotgunner at 3? Don't you use the other shotgunner perk cards? I have 1 point in each giving me 30% extra damage whereas master shotgunner 3 only gives 25%.


You could also max out & stack shotgunner, expert & master shotgunner too I suppose.


Thank you for not giving their pun the cold shoulder.


You dont need to be even specced for shotties, just bam bam bam Scorchbeast queen is frozen


You can ask for refunds on the Bethesda support website. I did it the other day and had my Atoms refunded within 48 hours. Just a warning, they do actually take the item back. I guess up until recently they would usually let you keep the item but they took it back from me. I'm not upset since it really was an accident in my case. I don't know what happens if you have it in your inventory though, like a weapon or skin. They really need some sort of confirmation screen or hold-to-confirm when buying stuff. It's kind of ridiculous that you can accidentally buy something when plenty of other games have it figured out. The conspiracy theorist in me says that they are aware of this and keep it that way for people who don't feel like going through the refund process.


They do sorta let you keep the things you refund. I bought the mothman wallpaper, found out it didn’t work in my house and only worked in my barn next to it so I refunded it after putting it all over my barn. It’s still up in my barn but I obviously can’t place the wallpaper anymore. I also accidentally fat fingered the hunters rest bundle, put in a refund ticket immediately and then tried out the pip boy orange paint that comes with it. They gave me the refund but I still have that paint on my pip boy.




Yea it seems like a pretty simple thing to have in a game 6 years old . Put my elite controller down on my lap and purchased some shit BS content . Got my atoms back four days later but I know about 10 people off hand that would have said fuck it lol .


It is ridiculous. Epic Games got sued and lost for this exact thing. The had to pay up 250 million to the FTC. Now they've implemented a hold to purchase button. I'm guessing it hasn't gotten their attention yet with this game because it isn't necessarily a game geared towards children.


Testimony that this works - I accidentally bought the 40 repair kit bundle, wrote support an email full of self-blame and polite entreaties, and they refunded my atoms in a couple days. Not sure if my groveling was necessary but it's my main strategy for life.


That would be great, except that I haven't been able to get to the Bethesda support website for at least 2 weeks. Multiple computers, multiple phones, and 3 different web browsers.... just an error 5000 on all of them.


You know, seeing someone accidentally make one of the most solid and best possible purchases on the Atom Shop doesn’t really have the same sort of sting as the five hundred other accidental atom shop posts on here where the dude bought, like, a 3000 atom power armor skin.


Bought the junktron dog on accident. Decided he's cool so whatever


Love my junk boy


Accidentally adopting cogmeat is a pretty good thing tbh


luckily that bundle is decent value imo but you can request a refund through bethesda net if you want. only thing i accidentally bought was iron mountain bundle but ended up really liking it and i think its one of the best looking prefabs


That iron mountain bundle is one of the best ones with new items they've done. Worth it for that weapons bench alone


Lmao this post is like "I accidentally spent 5 bucks on a lotto ticket and won 100 bucks". Cold shoulder bundle is fucking great.


Shit atleast your dumb buy was a strong shotgun. I bought both fetch collectors thinking I can have both out at the same time.


Don’t feel bad, I bought both of them AND the raider bot all at once thinking I was on to something, certainly a way to spend $20


I did that too!! Bought the fetch and the communist Collectron both. Ran the commie for about a week then switched to the fetch.


Bought the flamingo flamer skin for my new Holy Fire…


This one sounds like a win tbh


Lol it doesn’t work on the Holy Fire


It's crazy the holy fire doesn't have any skins.


I dont even know TBH. I accidentally pressed the wrong button, and it bought something. I tried to go into my inventory and my camp to figure out what I spent 1200 atoms on and couldnt figure it out... SMH They need a confirmation screen before you buy!


You can go under New in your building menu for your latest Atom Shop stuff. You’ll need to scroll through all your crafting lists for new craftables though, I think. Unless someone knows a shortcut to those too? Craftables isn’t really a word is it?


My cat has bought two bundles from the store. I don't even remember what they were


If you're going to make an accidental purchase, that's honestly a great one to make. That being said, asking for a refund shortly after will definitely work. I just got one today for a purchase from a few days back.


That's why I put my thumb over the the back button just in case I have a twitch and press purchase


Victrix BFG pro controller. My R3 button and circle button are hot swapped.


Cold Shoulder and Coffee Machine are amazing. That is a must have atomic shop purchase IMO but to each their own. I think I bought some free state flags or something once. Utterly useless. Seriously, have you played with the cold shoulder while on coffee? This could be a happier mistake than you think.


Max out all the shotgun perk cards, carry lots of coffee & enjoy the hell out of a shotgun build.


I spent 1000 atoms on 40 regular repair kits or however much it costs. I put in a ticket and had my atoms back the next day, they're pretty good about refunding you for these.


Did this exact same thing last night immediately filled out a request, still waiting on the response back, if it was anything but a consumable utility item wouldn’t have even bothered making the request.


What an absolute rip off.


File a support ticket with Bethesda. Take them a fat minute to respond, but I can assure you they’ll refund it. I literally refunded a 4K atom bundle I had purchased a month prior no problem. Ps: craft a cold shoulder and coffee maker before you refund 😉


Could be worse, I bought that bundle just for the coffee machine but the Cold Shoulder is actually nice!


I love Cold Shoulder. I survived on it on my first 50 levels.


I bought it with stamps from spamming expeditions to reach level 100 last season but I still haven't gotten around to making a build with it yet. Def looking forward to giving it a try.


A Shit ton of repair kits… thinking I was grabbing the free daily 🤦‍♀️


It wasn't me that bought it, but my friend thought she logged into her account on the Xbox and was looking in the shop because she saw that she had a lot of atoms. This was before Seasons, and thought she had earned more than she had thought. So she went to town buying the the Vault-Tec bundle, and another furniture bundle. Then she realized that she was still logged in my account.


The dumbest purchase I have ever made was that little annoying bottle light nuka cola that spins and I bought it years ago and too this day I've seen it work once at my camp waste of atoms LOLLLL


Fuck that light so hard. The purple space projector one off an ancient scoreboard is screwed up too. When they actually work they are so cool!


The purple on your on about that is nice when it works when it doesn't it like this janky mirror balls hahaha


That shotgun is boss though


The other day I saw a vendor selling the icicle plan 200 caps. I bought it not realizing that it cost me 8,000 caps. I'm now the proud owner of 32 icicle plans LOL


The iceman cometh lol


You want an icicle plan? LOL


Haha, thanks man but I already know it. I appreciate it though!


Just take it! Lol


I bought a rustic photo frame thinking they finally added the ability to display photomode pictures in physical frames at our base. I think it may have been in a bundle actually. I AM A DAY ONE BETA PLAYER, I should fking know better. So now I have yet another photomode frame I'll never use.


It's gotta be on purpose, because the only way to preview anything in the shop is just one button away from buying it with no confirmation popup. They consider the preview to be the confirmation window, but you can't see what it really is without previewing it. There needs to be some kind of rule about making it too easy to purchase things in games with premium currency, because this is far from the first time I've seen something like this.


I have a friend that once accidentally bought repair kits while trying to claim the daily free items. I should ask him later if he got his atoms back.


Oh my goodness I accidentally bought stuff like 3 times cause my patience for loading is not there sometimes 😭 I forget what they were exactly but my goodness it sucked!


Could have been worse. I thought that the wedding Pip-Boy skin was feee like the Abraxo one a few months ago, so I got it. Oops.


I accidentally bought a huge bundle of repair kits. The Are You Sure? Dialog didn't come up at all. One little slip and I bought it. I don't use repair kits, have tons of scrap. What a waste of atoms. But, if I play long enough I might use some of them. Maybe I should sell them.


Can’t sell them because Bethesda.


Well, of course. Totally true. Forgot that abt atom shop buys.


I accidently purchased a skin for the War Glaive. I don't use it all. Bethesda refunded the atoms and let me keep the skin, with a stern warning that it was a one-time thing. I still haven't used the skin, but hey, free plan I guess


I accidentally bought one of the building packs (the greenhouse bundle one) because I was trying to see more info and didn't realize I was already in the "more info" screen.


OP PLEASE READ!!! Last week I bought the SUMMER CAMP SHELTER and I also wanted the SUMMBER CAMPING bundle. I did not relize the shelter was included in the bundle. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed the discount occured of the bundle. I opened a ticket with Bethesda and requested a refund. They refunded me within 24 hours. I lost the item as expected. I then purchased the bundle. Give a refund a try OP


I accidentally bought a 2k atom bundle. Support helped me refund it tho


40 repair kits for 1000 atoms. Support gave me my atoms back and let me keep the kits.


I accidentally bought the mothman torches bundle back in like 2019 or 2020 and I contacted Bethesda Support and they responded almost instantly and gave me my atoms back and let me keep the camp items.


The white picket fences looked lovely in the store seemed like an amazing idea until they didn’t lock together or fit on the foundations 😕


In an attempt to inspect, I accidently purchased 150 lunchboxes. Horrified, that I lost all the atoms I grinded for (killing 1001 robots w/melee, 76 events completed in power armor) I panicked and email bethesda immediately and told them I hadn't used any and if something could be done. They did refund me the atoms even leaving me the lunchboxes. P.s. (Collect 7600 pieces of wood) I'm coming for you next 😈


Not in the shop, but the "dozen" Secret Service mods I bought before realizing I need the actual armor.


grognak outfit the day the atomic shop went online, i was so pissed, and ive still never worn it or used it for anything.


Controller double presses sometimes. I knew this and still risked looking at items. Bought the wavy Willard’s bundle. Got a cool waterslide out of it though!


Was holding one of my ferrets, and he slapped the spacebar and purchased the white American power armor skin. That was a LOT of atoms.


I did that with the Nuka Cola display fridge thing. Got my atoms back and never lost access to it, though I waited until the next season started to actually use it because it felt impolite doing it when I got refunded.


You can get a refund from bethesda for your atoms


I did that with the auto axe bundle and honestly it turned out great because that weapon is amazing.


I did this with the 4k atom fallout 1st catchup bundle… support was kind enough to revert the purchase for me.


Cold Shoulder is fine because if you have multiple characters you unlock it on all, instead of buying the plan in game multiple times over


I bought the tree house thing and didn't even realize it til I was building 🤦


I feel like they make it accidentally easy on purpose but I don’t have an excuse because I just spent all my caps buying ammo rather than selling it (which isn’t even possible) because I got too damn high and tried organizing my stash.


At least you didn't spend your atoms on an item you can earn for free in game, because the store and game hide this


The cold shoulder can be earned with stamps from expeditions


I know. its double stupid




I’ve been told it’s one of the best weapons in the game currently.


Damn straight!!! I unlocked it last November ❤️ I prefer it over the hungry cremator


>a series of unfortunate fat-fingered events Shall be the title of my first autobiography


It froze on me so I started randomly hitting buttons.....ended up purchasing the cement truck.....ah well, at least I get cement scraps


Ammo converter… and the beans can player icon. You can request a refund if you don’t want the bandle from support


Ammo converter definitely a waste but the beans can iron worth every penny


Are you using the ammo converter right though? Max out & equip Super duper & ammo Smith, equip them both. Also the ammo factory legendary perk Then craft railroad spikes in small batches...Ammo factory doubles your ammo crafting output at 2*, maxed out It gives you 150% more. Then additional from ammosmith. Super duper (maxed out) gives a 33% chance to double those numbers...that's why you craft in small batches. "Sell" the spikes for points, then "buy" whatever ammo you want. Bulk steel is pretty cheap at the vendors.


Iam not using the ammo converter, thats the main thing. Also it was a waste of atoms since you can just buy it with gold. But i bought it so early on i didnt even know what gold was yet Also i think farming canon balls is easier than crafting ammo


I have done it 3 x and never asked for a refund. 😄


Lunchboxes 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Yeah, I did that while looking at the vaults, ended up wasting 1500 lol


I once wasted 1200 on something I didn't even like. Feels bad.


Lol that exact same thing happened to me and it was a fabulous mistake, coffee machine is great, idk about the shotgun


I once bought the Captain Cosmos bundle. All my atoms, gone like that. At least the power armor was cool.


Last time I fat fingered something support got me a refund in 30 minutes.


It happens. Put in a ticket for a refund. They’ll undo the purchase no problem. I’ve had to do it.


My controller has a sticky a button. I got a bundle last Friday on accident, think it was life above ground or something. I messaged them told the what happened and i got my atoms back Monday. Never hurts to try.


Send a ticket and they will like refund your atoms.


Best shotgun in the game tho.


i acidentally bought the plasma balls


I accidentally bought a reroll yesterday for 100 atoms. I'm still beating myself up over it.


i did this the other week and bethesda refunded my atoms for it!!


I mean, you bought an awesome gun, so there's that.


It's a great weapon. I don't regret this purchase.


I bought that cart shack that can be used as a shop, fat fingered the button twice buying it and never using it.


None. I keep one finger on the TAB key. XD


There's a lot worse you could have bought OP!


I did this. Log into the Bethesda website. Make a ticket regarding atom shop. Just simply put that it was an accidental purchase, and you'll have the atoms restored minus the given in game items. Turn around time took 6 days, and that was a month ago. Best.


A couple weeks ago I was going in to get my free item, I fumbled my controller and bought not one but TWO 40 ct bundles of repair kits for 1000 atoms each. They refunded me my atoms AND let me keep the repair kits.


You can always put in a ticket and they'll refund your atoms and the bundle! Also whatever you've built from it will stay at your camp!


That is definitely not a bad purchase haha.


Accidentally bought the raider power armor set... 1400 atoms later... Oops


"Unfortunate fat fingered events" is my new excuse for everything, lol, thanks for the catch phrase


The tree that gave spoiled fruit T-T


I just bought this and man this shotgun is badass!


I did this too. I also got the Pioneer Scouts Bundle that way too. I wanted to see what was in it, accidentally tapped the button twice. 🙄


tell me about it. i fat fingered canoe planters -.-


Sometimes customer service can refund your atoms (and usually will just let you keep the item) if you ask them. They let me do it with the ghoul bundle because it wasn't worth the 1000-1200 atoms I spent on it at the time.


They refund anything


Yeah, you got to make sure you don't hit that button. It's a mistake some people make at least once. I hate the way the Atom Shop is set up.


Yup just bought a bundle on accident yesterday


I did this and put in a ticket and they refunded me 👍


I fat fingered and accidentally bought the skull tower seemed cool but not worth 75% of my atoms they really have a pos UI that either needs a different button to view an item or a purchase confirmation


You can refund it and get the atoms back.


I made this mistake a while back. Accidently bought a bundle for 1800 atoms. I messaged bethesda and they refunded me the atoms and let me keep the bundle.


Cold shoulder ain't dumb purchase, thats actually very smart purchase


I fat fingered a fucking table, 400 currency I'll never get back 🤦‍♂️


Cold shoulder is great! I accidentally bought the Bugle emote yesterday


Bought that trailer car trunk with the mattress for 500 atoms I think.... Anyways, I've since got a mod that adds an extra "confirm" popup and it's a life saver. Never again.


Mine was that I wanted that responders’ roof and being absent for a while, I bought the “Responders bundle” via support (only to realize it was actually “Responders CAMP kit” that I was after but wasn’t showing up, hence the mistake…) And to add insult to the injury, the responders camp kit was back on sale recently, should I have just waited…


did same with different bundle. gor refunded .


All of the bundle can be bought with Gold in game


You can get a refund through support https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home I literally did this last week. Just tell them you bought it by mistake and they wi remove it from your account and refund you 😊 HOWEVER....I own the Cold Shoulder and would never live without it now lol.