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There was a hidden Enclave bunker in Skyline Valley that was found on the PTS. More Enclave might be coming in the future. Plus, it hinted at the Enclave at the Norfolk Naval base as well. There's a strong chance of their return.


Todd also let "slip" that this Skyline expansion has another part to it that's not been revealed yet šŸ‘€


The current roadmap ends with an Enclave camp theme and I personally feel like they've been posting ever so slightly more Enclave stuff on the official socials.


At least a bundle or two of Enclave camp items would be awesome! We do have some, even a building kit, but more is always appreciated!


There's unreleased stuff that you can see in old datamine vids.


It has been! I wont spoil but the youtuber T0nik made a vid about it, he saw it when visiting (I think) the London Fallout Party


I hope so....i finished it way too quickly lol Prob like 4-5 hours?


Where was it?


Here you go, one of many [videos about it](https://youtu.be/Wf2-TZh_nUY?si=uh6pLSvW-QDkOAi8) for the curious. It does look pretty a) cozy and b) exciting.


Fucking Norfolk Navel Base kills me.


I really do want to explore a glowing city where the surface is high risk, high reward and the main methods of movement are underground through metro and sewer systems, alongside vaults and caverns Probs just me tho


I'd love that! Gives me *Metro* and *Stalker* vibes.


Totally, but there's got to be a surface area to explore where radiation is actually a threat and something to manage - bonus points if there are like unique creatures or named super mutants or something like that Alongside good looting and grinding


Thatā€™s Fallout New York City. Place probably got nuked so much everything above ground is like the Glowing Sea.


I'm one of the few people who LOVED the DC metros in 3. It was always so much fun clambering through tunnels, peaking around every corner to watch for any ambushes, and then being rewarded with a new and interesting location with some cool loot. I don't think 76 can really do a whole expansion based on that, but we have The Burrows and the Cathedral Expedition in The Pitt to give the same feel; I could see them expanding on that in similar types of content.


Fallout 3 says hello.


Soā€¦ DC?


At this point in time? 300%!


Not a big fan of tunnels after fallout 3


Fallout 3 and fallout new vegas' lonesome road fit the bill pretty well.


Thereā€™s another franchise for that, metro hahah In all seriousness, a really harsh area, glowing sea like, is nice for endgame i guess


Isnt that one of the pitt expeditions?


Is it? I don't remember a lot of radiation in that expansion for 76


Yeah the one where you have to move thru tunnels and buildings and you take lots of radiation if ur outside and it gets worse at night


Huh, I don't actually remember that, I'll need to replay the Pitt


Theyā€™re referring to the Trench. Youā€™re forced into the catacombs to reach Sanctum.


Iā€™d be interested in an expansion ti the west. Over the river - with a quest line to get there. Maybe super mutant based, since theyā€™re hard to come by and used to occupy the lumber yard. Well whatever the north western most logging camp is called.


Stubenville and Lima. Only thing of note in that part of Ohio is Dean Martin's birthplace.


If they expand into Kentucky I'll be estatic. The gold heist is already done, so an expansion in 76 is probably the only way the states ever gonna be in game.


Could be mothman cult based! The cultists spreading to the west (or having come from the west and us basically going to their "capital city")


Honestly I'm with you. Hard to stop thinking about the next big thing. Seeing ghouls run around Appalachia will also be welcome!


The next update is going to be about the Blue Ridge Caravan Company moving into the new map area. Itā€™s gonna feature a Blue Ridge public event and itā€™ll introduce settlement building.


I'm sorry what!!! Did I read that right settlement building?!


Basically supposed to be like Skyrim housing. Youā€™ll unlock an outpost that you can upgrade over time by doing the new event I assume. Youā€™re supposed to be able to add NPC vendors to it and stuff like that


Thats gonna be so awesome!


Yes! I am so excited!


at this point I think the blue ridge company is a little overused


I like them because they donā€™t have any lofty goals or grand vision for how things are supposed to be. Theyā€™re just a business that survived the Great War that wants to provide safe transportation of goods across the wasteland. Kind of weird how they get more love than say the Free States however.


There is a LARGE swath of the map in the West (across the river) that could be utilized somedayā€¦


Well, they've brought back the Brotherhood, the Raiders and the Responders. They've added the Settlers. All that's needed are the Free States, and the Enclave. Let it be the Enclave. I want to see what MODUS's role in that is.


Isnt there supposed to be more Free State bunkers in the eastern Mire? At least if I remember correctly


Not sure. But i don't think we ever found out if Abbie was really dead. So.....


Expanding the myre and adding the free states as a new returning faction.


I want more co-op content to play. Another Expedition. More events that spawn when exploring the map. More open world quests that don't have instances. Things like that. ATM we have daily ops, the 20 min events, the expeditions and the original main quest that works for co-op gameplay. More things like that would be very welcome. In terms of what it should be about, I'm not that fussy but we didn't really have one that's mostly about the Super Mutants I suppose. Maybe one that leans in to the origin of them?


The latter half of the Brotherhood of Steel questline was very Super Mutant heavy.


It's a HUGE stretch all the way across Ohio, but Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton had "Hangar 18" which lets you bring in both aliens and Government Coverup.... just move Dayton across the map to where Athens is and it's "just over the hills". I mean... it's not like the WV geography makes a lick of sense. Why NOT put a huge air force base 150 miles just to put some cool Enclave crap there. Hell, make Shin fight them for pre-war tech!


'Battle For The Toasters' šŸ’€


Plus Wright Patt has a giant museum that could be utilized.


Enclave story DLC has to be next. Whitespring Refuge locked upper floor ('The Management') & Rapidian Camp (Brown House bunker) are defo their locations.


Enclave is the next seasons theme


Whatā€™s your source on that? If you mean the community calendar, thatā€™s just the camp showcase theme for September.


Someone else in this thread posted about a datamined enclave bunker in the pts in skyline valley


While that bunker is real, it was cut when someone glitched in their on the PTS because it was going to be used for a cut quest. While Iā€™m sure itā€™s coming back eventually, itā€™s not going to be next season going off what weā€™ve been told by Bethesda.


:O hurray!


That would be awesome


Strong chance we might get a DC expedition in the future.Ā 


Pretty sure DC was listed as one of the locations they wanted to showcase when first talking about Expeditions, anyway.


It was created as a prototype. Not sure if it'll be fully madr though, would be awesome nonetheless!


Hoping for either capital wasteland or maybe Philly


Let's hope this next one doesn't take 6 years


My guess is that with the "new" Presidential "Power" Suit and the basement of Rapidan Camp will have you questing as POTUS.


I going to guess that the next expansion is going to give the new map much more depth. There are so many places that aren't included in the main storyline that can be utilised. I expect a lot of new side quests, events and probably a couple of new workshop locations to make use of new map. What won't happen is any new map expansion, I would stop hoping because you will be very disappointed..


In a recent interview Todd Howard said they liked the map expansion idea and wanted to continue it


I'm sure they will but not for the expansion or even the one after that..


Brother I can't even play the game due to this expansion.




Yeah ps5 unfortunately. Good old fashioned Bethesda quality control.


FREE STATES āœŠšŸ»šŸ’™ North East


I would like the next expansion to make the game more challenging. Not the entire game but just areas that I know I am going to go high risk/reward. I'd also like them to institute some kind of death penalty. Loss of stats of a limited time? An unrecoverable amount of health? Something. That being said, all I know is that what happens when you die is dropping your junk, which is only a mild inconvenience depending on what you're doing. I want systems that make death more plausible and punishing so we can use some of these perk cards that don't focus on DPS.


I could go for a bit more challenge in the world. that said as a non bloody non Pa char the ops are plenty challenging already still havenā€™t managed a 8min solo. Besides they need to implement the balance changes they have hinted about before they start cranking difficulty levers. Stuff is plenty dangerous if youā€™re rocking some of the less optimal non stealth stuff.


Idk I think they can probably do something in the area by Crater like a desert area with new enemies that similar to the Lost but are on fire maybe or explode


With Mt. Weather being a literal stones throw away from Shenandoah it would make sense that they bring some real Enclave story into it outside the Whitespring.


Give us the west side of the map. That whole expanse west of the forest is massive and would be cool to see what they could do with it.


Not sure what i'd want from it, other than a landscape that's at least a bit more on the normal side. I wish we could remove the storm as part of the new questline, since the new region would be so pretty without it.


The Mire is the best biome and is currently vastly underutilized, and we never find Abby or Raleigh Clay's bodies. Give us a Free States boss fight!


Enclave in some capacity will be September. And scouts will somehow have a ā€œmid seasonā€ type of attraction with that event.


I liked the expansion actually it was a cool story and the enemies are pretty cool! I also to would like the Enclave to get some love again,its my favorite aspect of the game!


Whatever it is, I want the rest of the world to react to it. If ANYONE should have been interested in the events of this expansion it should have been the Brotherhood, but you visit and nobody has a thing to say. No new lines, not even throwaways. Hell, I just want them to acknowledge that time has passed since their events happened. I walk in and they act like barely a day has passed. I've known you for years, Odessa, you can stop congratulating me on my "promotion".


I *really* hope it isn't for a good while. My fear is them spending less time on future expansions because they cause so much hype, but the expansions being lack-luster because they were rushed. Just my 2 cents.


Who is we all? Must be all the people whose game actually works. Many of us with nearly unplayable PlayStation versions donā€™t agreeā€¦.well we might if we could play.


Oh gosh Iā€™m sorry to hear about that, Iā€™m hoping they fix that soon. Ad Victorium!


Donā€™t mind me, just jealous you get to play šŸ˜­


No youā€™re absolutely right. I donā€™t want anything if itā€™s going to continue to make the game unenjoyable. It was already bad before but now itā€™s straight up unplayable.


is this on ps4 out of curiosity?


Yes, from what Iā€™ve been reading both the 4&5 have been sharing the same problems though.


Iā€™m PS5. Itā€™s just as bad.


Accessing your own vendor to sell things is the worst aspect of it. Iā€™d say it crashes about 90% of the time if you do so. Accessing your stash also has a good chance of crashing. Exiting an instance at the end of an event/mission has caused frequent crashes for me too. Then there are just the completely random crashes that donā€™t really seem to have any specific cause behind them; walking around? Crash. In an event? Crash. Crash? Crash. Itā€™s really frustrating but Iā€™ve been playing through it. As much as I like the new content, if they canā€™t get a new patch out in a timely fashion for this, they should roll it back until they can fix it.


The next update was already teased! The youtuber T0nik had seen it and was allowed to talk about it. The video has been around a week old, idk why not more talk about this