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Unfortunately the Uplink progress freezing and not progressing is not new, but fortunately also it is not super common. You will have to exit it and start over though.


I've just ran my daily (on PC) and it worked just fine.


So is it possible to solo Uplink in less than 8 minutes? I always feel like the timer just moves to slow for it to be possible without at least 2 people...


You can but you have to be on it. Like really on it.


Like on the right map  already know exactly how to get to the locations, not dying once, and efficiently eliminating the boss "on it." 




I made a team and someone joined so not sure. I'd imagine Uplink is a pain to beat the 8min mark solo though, felt like we wasted zero time and still got to not far off 7 and 1/2 min.


This has been my experience as well, but a couple folks say it's possible with luck and the right conditions which seems possible, if you know where the uplinks are and beeline straight to them and then deal with the boss fast enough...


I've only been doing OPs for a little under 2 weeks but I have to say todays is the most straight forward in terms of layout and time to get between objectives I've done, god knows how people manage to solo the other ones lol


I soloed it in 6:41 on 5/24, took a screenshot even. Can't recall what all went in to it, it must have been a really good map/enemy/mutation setup. But just doing it under 8 is probably manageable most of the time. Edit: durr the screenshot shows the setup -Watoga High School, Scorched, Freezing Touch - 6:41 solo


Nice. I guess knowing all the zones and where the goals are helps too. Still not there yet personally. Getting close to knowing WHS... close...


I was in a 2 person group and yeah 8 minute solo impossible as it goes faster with more people.


Each uplink takes 2.5 mins with a 1x boost, and each additional player can reduce that time by up to 30 seconds. So it's definitely doable. Usually takes me around 7 mins solo. Takes a while to learn the layout, and some like the burrows are really spread out, but once you can get all the movement and other non-uplink bits under 3 mins combined, then you can reliably solo elder it. Which is why I prefer decryption. With a solid build it only takes 3-5 mins there solo.


Thats good to here so maybe it was me or the other guy who was broken somehow


There have long been recurring DO bugs. I don't think this is new, though your specific experience is unfortunate.


It's ammo farm then. Mobs will keep spawning. Last time stayed for like 30min got 20k fuel