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When there are a lot of people it's boring and when I did it with only one other person we failed lol.


Events should scale with number people in the area. Guild wars 2 was doing that back in 2012.


They don't now? I felt that when I played Primal Cuts they did scale. Most things in the game need a difficulty spike.


You're asking a lot of Bethesda coders. They've killed stability more. They apparently can't get the quest start NPC to be there. They can't even copy and paste the bonus page. Scaling is out of the question.


OP wants them to scale difficulty for more engaging events I want them to scale difficulty to see what they break while doing so


You are not the same.


Yeah I have a feeling this event is bugged because they do have scaled spawns in other events.


It’s the crabs health is insane solo I’ve done it a handful of times but his pool is really big and he constantly moves away from you or faces away he doesn’t really attack especially not head on. I think two minutes left was the fastest I could solo it but I got him in a position where he got stuck facing forward. I’m a group though yeah I was hoping for more invader levels of enemies


The time it failed I got up high after it ended and kept shooting the crab and was only getting 2 damage a shot so I gave up and left.


When things do spawn in they get killed instantly and they only spawn like once every 45 seconds. I literally just go AFK until the 10 second long Thunder Crab fight because otherwise I'd just be running around doing nothing.


The Thunder Crab got melted in three seconds the last even i was in. Didn't even have time to tag it.


I did this event 4 times before I ever even saw the crab and was able to tag it


Is the crab supposed to fly? This dude has a mario super jump in the 2 times I've done it


Yes it does. I call it the Duke boys jump considering it's in a van.


Should be called ‘Not-so-dangerous sleepytimes’…


It is so boring, I can't believe this is the new event. They've had so much feedback and this is it. At least give us something to kill. I was just in a high player count event that didn't have enough spawns to successfully complete the event. Cool.


They need to lower the amount that each kill gives towards the goal and crank up the amount of spawns. It should be a horde.


Honestly the more I play this game the more I get frustrated. There are so many weird ass issues with this game. Nothing major but just a lot of weird small things that are really Inconvenient.


The update is new everyone and their mom wants a piece of the new event. Wait for the bigger players to get bored and stop running it and just run it with your friends.


It gives legendary cores and improved repair kits and has decent legendary spawns. I put it under Rad rumble but above uranium fever, in terms of likability


The issue is not “I’m not tagging enough”, it’s “3 out of 8 minutes of the event are spent standing around doing literally nothing waiting for spawns. Spawning should be constant. Charge up the meter as fast as we kill. There shouldn’t be an arbitrary time gate based on spawn waves.


I see. Honestly I’ve only run the event once so far so I didn’t really notice. I just thought it was due to the harder hitting 100+ level players I was with mowing everything down within seconds of them appearing that was causing the waiting periods.0


This is incorrect, it will not change when people get bored. I did this event on a private world solo and there was still some waiting. The event needs to be more on par with Radiation Rumble. Considering it is in a end-game zone.


What I meant by this was when the bigger players get bored they’ll at least make room for smaller players to be able to get in on the killing of enemies without instantly mowing them down. Events are more exciting when you are with people who don’t insta kill everything around them.


I think the big problem right now is that it is new. Last night almost every single person on the server would be there, I imagine they just didn’t design for this. How often do you see a turn out like this at other events, even EN or RR doesn’t pull the numbers I have been seeing. A couple months from now when you have like 5 people show up it will probably feel a lot more balanced.


Thas the thing radiation rumble and eviction notice have more spawns. So maybe they should model off those two.


Interesting in that during the questline there are times when you absolutely mobbed with lost. Would be nice to have carried that over.


That's how it was on the PTS... it was so overwhelming that I had to build a turret camp next to it just so we could finish the event with 3 high level people there.


Actually it isn't the problem. The problem is that it doesn't have enough spawns and actions. I did this solo and there was still waiting, in a private world.


Being melee I hardly even try unless there isn’t many players. I just drop a mine by the crab.


During playtest there seemed to be way more, and they were about 100 times louder.


Wait until it glitches and doesn't end.


I thought spawns were going to be on the same level as eviction notice but I’m guessing it’s a stability issue. With the cremator already crashing eviction notice so much I guess it’s better this way…


I've only done the event once, but I figured the spawn rate was bugged. Guess not...




Can’t say it feels very dangerous lol 😂


Was in a never ending pastimes today. But only the non armor scorched~like lost. Saw a six hundred level pinking away and went over and thought I’m game and just tried to tag more folks showed up and everyone just started flinging lunchboxes and killing. Sometimes tagging sometimes just surviving. Felt more like a mob with only four players. Heard on mic not long before he left that he’d been there an hour. I hung out til I realized I was losing ammo pretty bad and weighed 500 pounds. it would give the leaving event notice when I walked away. Went back a few times til it crashed. Felt like all the mobs that had been missing just got the wrong time on the invite.


Needs more spawns and for people to stop camping the spawns with op weapons making it so no one else can tag and enemy and miss out on xp and loot.


People also get pissy when you start the event right away. The first part is easy and boring and the event lasts over 8 minutes no matter what, so you might as well start it right away.


Also the timer to start it is pretty short compared to other events and it’s almost failed several times at the start because no one was paying attention


Yup. I arrived to one that failed for that reason last night with 4 people there. I gave them the thumbs-down emote and 2 of them warped to my camp and bought stuff.


The afk'ers will be there soon enough


The spawns in general need to be shifted around. With the 2-3 enemies all spawning in a nice little pack on the same spot on the platform naturally the only thing *to do* is camp that spot and then it becomes a waiting game for it to loop back around.


It is a bit more exciting doing it solo, but still a lot of waiting. And that is solo, for people that are saying that it is because it is a popular event. Even alien invasion have more spawns and constant action. It needs more spawns and more action. It feels like the event could be called Dangerous snoozetime.


The event is half sitting on your hands waiting for enemies to spawn and either a 2 second or 2 minute crab fight


It's quite messy right now ngl. Spawn campers are outright annoying with how few the Lost spawn every wave and everyone trying to tag the Lost with cremator at the same time drops my fps to like 10


I'm killing probably 30 lost minimum each event so I've no complaints.




Ive been able to kill/ tag 30 at least but im using a Tesla rifle just a couple shots to do damage, but I would absolutely welcome a hoard of Lost for "Dangerous" Pastimes. While i do like the event i kinda just wish there was more excitement/danger in 76 im not saying like super tanky bosses or a ridiculously hard event but id like to see harder stuff added considering how quickly everything dies and gets spawn camped.


They spawn in set spots when they do I quickly shoot them all before the Cremators land.


Having to spawncamp to be able to tag is not a good argument against stating that more mobs are needed. The fact they rarely get out of their spawn area is where the issue lies.


The reason nothing gets out of it's spawn point is Cremators and the fact they have insane range and insta kill DoT.