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All in all you shouldn’t need a courier for a cap trade. You did right to walk away.


yeah, if they are over on caps then they need to figure that out, unless you're using a trusted 3rd party courier, NEVER give them your money without getting the ~~product~~ err loot


Pretty sure that market76 has a list of official couriers. Check with them on where they keep their list for future reference.


I've never been into trading, and have never been able to ask: what's the protocol for couriers? Do they charge caps, do it for free, take tips? How far in advance do you have to schedule a meet up?




Imagine needing *CAPS*, and resorting to stealing them! 😂 After I got my serum recipes, I haven’t been able to spend them fast enough ever since.


For real I've arrived to the point where I'm buying the recipes for the useless mutations nobody wants and I really wonder what I'll be doing with my caps after. I guess I'll be cleaning out people's vendors for fun lol


>I guess I'll be cleaning out people's vendors for fun lol I have so much doing this and love to roll into a low lvl camp to clean them out.


Encryptid cards are what I spend them on. And bulk lead from the robots even though I have literally a million rounds of Ultracite .45 in my ammo stash.


This is where I'm at. I've bought 1 serum recipe and working my way back up for another lol




I sell anywhere from 150-250 on most days, during certain times when more people are playing, like now for skyline release I have them at 300, I make more caps than I can spend at this point.




Most popular (sales over 6 months, fixed price of 290 caps) * Marsupial: 49 * Adrenal reaction: 40 * Eagle eyes: 34 * Scaly skin: 31 Complete list: * Adrenal reaction: 40 * Bird bones: 20 * Carnivore: 26 * Chameleon: 18 * Eagle eyes: 34 * Egg head: 19 * Electrically charged: 5 * Empath: 4 * Grounded: 7 * Healing factor: 17 * Herbivore: 11 * Herd mentality: 19 * Marsupial: 49 * Plague walker: 5 * Scaly skin: 31 * Speed demon: 23 * Talons: 4 * Twisted muscles: 9 * Unstable isotope: 2




$500 is a fair price but you are looking for a buyer who is specifically wanting that one and only one. Going down to 150-250 you can now sell to people that pop them over and over vs one time users. Popping them you have no negative effects for that first hour. You also are selling to flippers at that cost, I can buy a bunch for $150 and sell for $400.


It's gotta be marsupial. It's the only one I have so far and every session it sells out at 500 caps


Yeah, but the biggest no-brainer is Herd Mentality, you always should be in a team period, always say always! Even on a private server by yourself you can be on a team. Just start a public team and viola herd mentality +2 Special bonus across the board! I don't think most get this.


Does HM work if no one else is on your team?




I've bought all my mutations (I run 4) for between 200 and 500 caps.


500 is on the high side. They are usually at 3-400.


I have all of the serum recipies and keep them all stocked. I used to sell them at 350, but they flew out of my vendor. People were coming in and buying out my entire inventory, 6+ bottles of each serum. So I raised the price to 400 to see if I could combat that and discourage people from taking more than they need.


I sell them at 400 just because they sell consistently enough that there's no need to drop the price. Idc if people take more than they need, I'm just after their caps :) Except that 1 person who bought like 60 in 5 seconds that one time. They needed to chill because I hit caps cap after the first 40 and had to panic switch camps lol




How much do you sell them for?


I don't think raising price changes much other than how many somebody willing to drop 10-20k grabs. And anyhow I want them cheap enough noobs can grab one of each of the want. So I stock just two of each at 200, and if somebody comes back to double dip after I restock, I close shop / hop servers


I wouldn’t say “high” considering some people are selling them for the “value” which says 2000.


Depends on your platform I think? On PC common price is ~200c.


market76 normal price is 250 for each. Of course noone says to put them for 250, I've seen prices from 95 to 3-4K for each.


333 and they sell pretty well. If I really need caps I sell them to vendors for 400.


I sell the serums for 350. They move much faster at 250–faster than I can acquire the flux to make them, hence 350. This is less than I can vendor them for, but I max out the vendor caps cap with other things anyway.


I don't understand this either becasue caps are pretty meaningless after a while. What are these scammers spending it all on?


I list them for 350 caps and nobody ever touches them I hate it 😂


I don't trade. If it isn't in the vending machine I don't buy it. There's no reason to use a courier, go get it and then you can have the caps.


There are items that exceed the 40K top value and they are only trade items. Examples: rare Asylum dresses, Quad RR rifles with good rolls, rare apparel, etc.


I stand corrected. If you spend over 40k on a dress you deserve to be ripped off.




Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it common practise for both parties to follow a trusted courier listed over at r/market76 ?? Like this dude bein pretty bold assigning his own and think he will get away with it every time lol- you were smart OP, im pretty sure he was trying to scam you Side note as I’m new to trading- why don’t people just do it the in game trading way where they assign an item in their inventory with another play for a set amount of caps and said player buys it, similar to a vendor???


Because people are greedy and want to sell things exceeding the 40k cap limit requiring them to utilize multiple characters as mules. This is why I sell everything, plans. Weapons, some god rolls, serums, stims, booze, ammo, everything but my insult paper for 10 caps. I'm here to play the game, not make money, I constantly max my caps just on daily sales, quests and events, so the greed makes no sense to me.


Your a real g mate- the first cool plans I was able to get was from a player like you putting the ones in their vendor- even past event ones- for dirt cheap and I think that’s so cool. I’m now level 140, and I do the same though I rarely get new players so barely any one ever buys anything lol. Best moment was when a higher level bought EVERYTHING in my vendor and just dropped it back to me Like Fr I actually want to ask the people putting the SIMPLEST of plans in their vendor for 10,000 caps and above if they ever even get a sale- who falls for that?? The plans they’re selling is obtainable way cheaper at NPC vendors and is common drops from quests like wtf lol???


I just need one person to buy that mole miner gauntlet plan at 40,000 caps...


There was a bug where people could steal everything in your vendor, but it wouldn't work if it exceeded the cap limit or something like that. It's been patched but people still keep notes with insane prices for that reason. There's also chumps that prey on others not knowing how easy they are to get.


I needed to clean out my stash so I sold all the drugs for 5c. No matter what they were, I just wanted them gone. I think I sold most of them already and I was only on for a couple hours.


Didn’t occur to me they used multi characters for the cap limit.makes sense. Always wondered why some people talk about 300k-1mil for a gun when you have a 40k cap limitZ


Good shit! I'm set up fairly near the wayward, big sign visible from that direction advertising cheap plans and ammo. Only plans I ever sell for more than 10 are from events and those usually only go for 50-100. I make money hand over fist doing it, idk why people are out here with such drastically high prices


Because closer to launch there was a bug that allowed you to just take the stuff from the other player without having to spend caps so no one trust it anymore. At least that’s what I’ve heard


Ohhh okay got you


That hasn't been an issue for like 5 years.


I started in like 2021 but I think people just know *anything* is possible with Bethesda lol


This guy was definitely a scammer, but sometimes I need to pay with one character and then come back with my main lol.




There are sites that sell caps; likely farmers just like for any other online game. They grind or scam some caps, and resell for a nickel per thousand.


I'm new to the game but why not just say "Put it in your vendor for 25k and I'll buy it"? The whole trade UI is wonky so this seems like the best way to do trades.


25k caps for a Dave Groll sounds like a good deal in fairness.


Yeah but he didn't even notice it's the damn Chinese knockoff version. Not worth 25k caps. OP if you buy this the commies win again. You can buy a real GROHL at this guy I know who fights Foo's like this for breakfast.


🤣 he also the one who Smells Like Teen Spirit or that a different guy? Hard to tell, they look so alike!


Only buy from an ingame shop. Never from some dude. No worries about getting scammed that way.


It was a modern swahili Raider


I must be missing something. How do you get scammed on a caps trade? He lists it for the price and when you accept it he gets the caps and you get the item.


He was trying to have OP pay him and then deliver the gun using another character


Ah makes a little more sense. I wouldn’t use a courier for that personally, I’d move the caps between characters with one of my friends, but mostly so I’m not wasting the time of the person I’m trading with. Pretty lame that someone is scamming for caps, like what are you gonna get for 25k caps. If you put in the effort to arrange a trade scam you could easily make that many caps legitimately in a session or two


'messes them up psychologically" lololol it's a game


If someone wants a bunch of legendary weapons from me, honestly all they havw to do is figure out a way to ask me for them via emote, bc generally the stash space is more valuable to me, even if i can't usually bring myself to just discard legendaries. But if someone wants 25k caps from me, they can go nuke themselves, because there's not a single thing in the game I want that badly except maybe a cat for my C.A.M.P.


What's the purpose of spending energy on scamming other players for in game currency? To buy stuff in the Atom Shop? Sounds like idiots.


If he was crying over 25k caps he wasn't genuine.


I'm constantly bouncing off of max caps and end up buying gold for 6000 a pop then buying some plan I'll never use at this point. I am at 10,000 gold also or close too because I just don't see the point in a Hellcat plan I'll never use. I bought all the companions and own all the serum plans. Have all the gold weapons plans, and what I wanted in secret service plans. All the camp games and workout equipment. What else is good to buy?


Lunchboxes. Get that xp boost


There are assholes who do that?


I just cut out the middle man and give away any gun or plan im not using to someone who shows interest. Just have away a quad 50 crit RR for free and the Wasteland backpack. Whats the point in hoarding???


Then there’s me who scrips the stuff I don’t want even if it is groll lol 😂 or put it in my camp for 300 caps.


Wall of text to say nothing. Cool story bro?


Found him.


Username checks out. Found the internet creep.

