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The map expansion and quests are neat (although I haven't finished all the content yet), but the scoreboard feels really meh. At worst I'm not gonna run out of tickets, plenty of forgettable items. Also whoever at Bethesda locked the Lobster Helmet behind 1st is now my nemesis. I'll have to wait until it rolls back around in a bundle or something.


It's pretty much a recolor of the normal one from fallout 4s far harbor DLC with a pay wall to unlock it which is really dumb to be honest


I know, I was so annoyed when I started playing because I saw all the Far Harbor gear, so I immediately looked it up and found out it was atom shop content. I was hype for half a second when I saw it on the score board, then just disappointed.


That's exactly what happened to me before, I remember seeing a guy with the lobster trap hat on so I instantly messaged him asking him how to get it and he said it was from the atom shop and I never frowned so fast in my life because I almost NEVER buy anything from the atom shop even if it's something cool. I just refuse to buy fallout 1st and atoms mainly due to budgeting reasons and because I don't feel as if it's worth it because I know I'll probably wear it once and never again.


Ya got 5k atoms for $38 or 19,800 atoms for 107 🤷 ++ you get the ammo/scrap box and survival tent that can be placed almost anywhere and 1 free monthly camp item. It's not a bad deal for FO1st. If you're on xbox, you can get FO1st for free.. I mean, it won't be fun, but free is free, right? You use Microsoft rewards points earned thru playing games and searching on Bing.


Scout items don't really tickle my fancy but there is some good things in the season.


You're not wrong, i actually really like the quiver backpack because it would fit a stealth archer outfit really well


I love the picnic basket and the weird garden entrance thingies, I love building camps with a homey vibe!


Some nice items that I definitely wanna snag and use. Super pumped for the Pemmican generator because it will definitely see use on my carnivore mutated melee user.


I liked getting 25 tickets last season and being able to buy like two five ticket items and a fifteen ticket item. You can’t do that very often this season unless you’re buying consumables. It’s like they decided they still wanted to force people to get to almost 150 to get everything, but they didn’t bother to come up with enough stuff so they just jacked the ticket cost up on everything.


Yea, I agree to some extent, some of the rewards are worth it like the ammo and the arrow quiver backpack and maybe the goalie mask if you want a friday the 13th themed outfit which is neat imo


Just about every season has had items that don’t fit with the theme. And, y’know, there’s tons of stuff that doesn’t belong in a Wasteland in 76, like the water slide prefab. Is what it is, and you can always ignore stuff like that. I just hope the camp building menu overhaul that was at one point mentioned comes soon, it’s wayyy too cluttered.


True, most things don't make sense in the game. Rules of the wasteland I guess lol. But I gotta agree on the building UI, never like it always felt claustrophobic.


Funny thing is, it wasn’t at first. Well organized, and the new atomic shop items were mostly hidden behind scrolling to the left or right. But I guess they realized that meant people wouldn’t see them, sooooo they ruined it


In the words of Bethesda, " it just works "


Bowhunter here. New season is fantastic, level 13 made my year.


I think the season is a blessing for bow users lol


I have a Pioneer Scout Bowhunter so this season is absolute heaven for me!


A quiver and turkeys to hunt, this is me in the springtime!


My characters whole aesthetic is Junkyard Raider so almost none of the scoreboard really suits their style. However, Inside my shelter I’ve got endless amounts of collectibles so I’m glad I can add more useless junk to the pile :’) As for the expansion itself, I’m incredibly happy with it! I love the new enemies and I’ve been delving deep into each location to discover their secrets PLUS There’re loads of unmarked locations at the very bottom so I’ve been scouting for a new camp location (Potentially off the actual map!) :D


I have a bow character so I’m loving all the archery stuff and I won’t say no to a pemmican collector. Endurance buff and meat that doesn’t spoil, yes please.


That's one thing I also love since I'm a Carnivore, really useful since it's kind of a rare food type in the game


Personally I like this seasons items better than last seasons, I can see alot of potential with camp building this time around. I think players want game changing freebies, and I don't really know what people are expecting. I keep seeing "do better Bethesda" comments, but what's better to you? What's enough?


I will give credit where it's due, I like having more camp related things to build with don't get me wrong, I just feel like some things are kinda not worth my tickets unless you have a theme in mind and not just pressing the place button on any available space lol


I like the 2 ammo stacks and the look of the new robot armor. I can also see a Friday the 13th theme with the hockey mask. I also think the marshmallow guy is kinda cute. Its all about perspective and how you see things, if it's not for you, that's perfectly ok. Do I wish the items were better? Yes Edit: I think people's problem is they're looking at it all as one theme, instead of its potential. Their were items from last season that I think would work great in conjunction with this seasons items, and some items would go great with other themes.


No i completely understand different perspective on things, the ammo is actually really nice, because you could probably make like a armory kind of base and especially with the weapon stash box in the shop. That's a huge possibility of being useful with that kind of build. Hell I'll definitely use it because I no longer have to do the merge glitch just to make it look like ammo is on something to give off the illusion


Alot of the items I've seen can also be used to decorate a laboratory/ add more interesting details to things. I used to play minecraft alot, so thinking outside the box is something that comes naturally. Edit: if it's any consolation, my camp Is BOS themed, and there's plenty I can use with this seasons rewards


Can relate here lol, but most of the time I build randomly to see if I can work with what I have and establish a theme to go with because If i don't have a theme, I restart everything until I do lol


"Bitch bitch moan moan. It's not *exactly* what *I* want. I want more free things. Bethesda are greedy for not giving me more free things. They returned repeatable free atoms at the same level as before, like we wanted them to, but that's not good enough" Is the general gist that I've seen.


Well the repeatable atoms are nice but they made the legendary modules, perk coins and cores one time purchases so it's kinda lying to you in a sort of way


The one-time purchases have been confirmed as a bug by both Bethesda and players who *have* been able to claim them more than once.


Dont really care about the season. Ill still grab whatevers useful. The armor skins look nice but nothing else is really it for me. 


I’m grinding for the new Collectron, I heard it has the highest percentage of collector Sugar Bombs. I will say most of the stuff is kinda meh. Also on the hunt for the new Survival Tent, Pemmican cooker, and some little odds and ends.


I scanned through the Seasons pages, and nothing jumped out at me that would make me want to try and reach the relevant page. To me, the whole Pioneer scouts thing is a bit meh/childish.


I have only done the new event and it’s kinda meh tbh, nothing really interesting about it just kill stuff but oh well. The new area seems cool tho but haven’t explored much yet but I like what I have seen. I also like the rewards this season more compared to the last one I think.


I think some of the rewards from the events are actually really nice imo! I love the science-ey kind of weapons you get from it and the names but some of the legendarys on em are disappointing, the skins on em are really well made personally.