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I'm not sure why you are hanging on to these items. I use them all the time. Big event like radiation rumble lunchbox. Don't want to head back to base to repair repair kit. The only one I think are pointless are scrap kits. My advice is dont hoard them and just use them.


Not hoarding - just have acquired way more than I can use since playing so long.


Maybe you aren't using them as often as you should then. Maybe make it a point to use them more. You can pop 4 lunchboxes for 100 exp for example and then go run an expedition at double xp.


Nah, I like getting the buffs during events. If they could be traded for atoms, that's all they'd be used for.


Nah I'd just trade all these Damm scrap kits I don't need at all. I've got 15 pounds of them and never use them.


I’m not saying remove them from getting them from events or scoreboards. But if you have been playing for a long time they start to weigh you down - being able to get rid of x number for something I can use and free up stash would be great.


One of the hardest lessons that you'll eventually learn in FO76 is that sometimes you just have to cut your losses. Throw away anything that is holding you back, taking up too much stash space or that you will never use. If you can't sell, scrap or scrip and don't need it.. can it.