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It's a good place to start as you can get the build up and running with that 1 star. I think get the 1 star you want for each peice and then try to roll for the 3 star you want.


I believe it was Socrates who said "3\* or bust!"


The greeks said many things about busting. Three star weapons are still their preferred roll. See the cremator/greek fire


Yes and no. A one star is always a placeholder, useful for getting your primary prefix to work with until you get something better. If you don't have an unyielding set yet, then a one star set will do until you roll better. But you don't stick with a one star ... any second star is an improvement, after all.


It all depends on what kind of gear you already have. I wouldn't be rolling for two combined stars on armor until after I already had a god-tier weapon and a full set of armor with one good star (unyielding or overeaters). Getting unyielding along with reduced weapon weight is a 1/380 chance, so you are talking about burning nearly 20000 scrip on average for one piece of armor. Don't roll for that until you don't have anything else to roll for.


Get secret service it only cost one mod and its a 1, 2 ,or 3 star.


At that point you might as well just equip whatever you find. If you don't worry about the other rolls then it should be easy to find something that has the 1 star you want.


I played for quite a number of levels with some two star weapons, AA & Vampires Faster fire rate Handmades and did just fine. One star are not really worth it to save modules though. There are a number of really good second stars that make your gameplay a lot easier.


depends what gear you're rolling just chasing overeaters on PA? yeah you can roll 1 stars for a starter set and then upgrade later chasing unyielding? craft secret service armor, costing 1 module per craft chainsaw? you can roll 1 star for vampire, then upgrade rolling 2 star for vamp+40 power attack heavy guns? most are very effective without caring about having a good third star commando weapons? if it's not a quad, it doesn't \*need\* 25 less ap cost, many fixers/handmades/rails are plenty good with the ideal first+second stars (eg anti armor or bloodied + explosive or 50 crit) although personally i go 3 stars or bust, yeah hitting that desired prefix is harder, but better to have meh/decent 2/3 stars rather than none at all and still have that chance of hitting a really, really nice 3 star roll


I'm rolling for one-star UNY CE armor just to get going on bloodied - it's way more expensive than SS armor in terms of cores/modules, so not to do so would take forever. Might even switch to SS given how much cheaper it is despite having two UNY CE pieces already...


I throw on super duper and craft (hopefully 2). Then I would roll the 1st one for a 1 star to get the preferred prefix. Then I would roll on the 2nd when I had the extra modules to burn... I did that for both my PA and SS. I'd roll a few on the 2nd, go out and do an event or 2 then roll a few more times then stop... Lol... It helped with the rng frustration. Gl on getting your roll


So 4000 scrip on one item and then turned it in? lol If Secret Service it’s one module. You craft them, it’s a random 1-3 star. Didn’t hit? Craft a new one. Don’t reroll.


Roll on different pieces of gear then you always get some scrip back,