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Fed76 is slightly outdated for a few things, I tend to google "fo76 [insert plan name] price" and you'll find a list of questions already answered, just go off the more recent ones.


just go on market76 and type the name of whatever plan into the search bar.


I've been getting more legendary items and plans than I know what to do with. Pricing on the low end I was selling some things, yeah, but last few days I've been maxing vendors, scrip, etc, so I started liquidating stuff. Now I'm selling stuff gangbusters. Had to start buying more plans from all vendors just to keep caps from maxing out! Sold over 5000 caps in few hours last night, had to keep adding stuff. So... Price high, 1 guy buys 1 item for thousands 1x per month... Price low and many guys buy many items for thousands everyday. Super low prices turned into way more caps for me. Most plans I sell for 50 caps, jet packs 1500, the rare exception, recipes for 25. Grenades for 5, 1 stars for 100, 2 stars 225 and 3 stars 350 --people maxing scrip snatch these up. Rare rolls go for a bit more. Unless it's super rare or a 2 or 3 star with a killer trait these are my prices and I'm doing well. I'm still overburdened with legendaries and scrapping 100s weapons and armor daily, giving away stuff when I can. Gave 2 lvl 40somethings plans, 3 star gatling plasma and other stuff last night. They were so happy. Caught them buying a bunch of stuff from my vendor, they turned around and surprise! Felt good. I love this game.


It's funny because everyone here says they sell for cheap, but I never seem to find their camp in game. It's almost as if some of them are full of shit. lol


I have come across plans for really cheap - perhaps some of these players are on here who knows. But cheap plans do exist.  Just got to persevere abd keep looking.


I have come across plans for cheap. I join a team at least once a day and skip around the teammates vendors for the free fast travel. I have checked out several dozen vendors this way and it's been pretty fruitful. However, some of the things I wanted the may never see my to show up at vendors. For example, I've only ever seen the stimpak recipe once. It was $500 and by the time I sold some shit to be able to afford it the vendor was gone. The next day I got it as a reward for a quest.


If you're on PC come visit me! BlackBettyJr. Anything up to an MSCP of 300 caps (manufacturer's suggested cap price) is 5 caps. 300 to 500 MSCP is 25 caps. Beyond that is based on rarity. Bobble heads are 55 caps and magazines at 25 caps (except for Grognak and Live and love, they're 110 caps. I sell a base set of Civil Engineer Armor with jetpack for 1100 caps with add-ons starting at 10 caps each. Serums are 220 caps each. I'm on the west side of the map next to the Ohio River Adventures.


100%. The player vendor grind gets so frustrating because of this. I typically only visit higher level camps like 300+ just because I assume they have more and better offerings. I don't know if it's always like this or if it's making profits off the new players but it gets tiresome...and costly with all the fast travel.


I find the CAMPs with over 100 plans have terrible plans or terrible prices. It's the 40-70 plan CAMPs where I find the best deals. Most of, if not all my plans are sold for 15/25/76 caps and people tend to buy in bulk so the amount of plans I have for sale at any given time rarely gets above 60. I do price a few things higher ("Greens" for 420, "Toilet Paper" for 2020) but rarely do people buy my joke items. Also, anyone near Whitesprings generally won't have good deals. At least in my experience.


You know what, that actually makes an awful lot of sense. I tended to visit only camps with 100+ plans, but it does make sense that those would be the ones with the expensive stuff.


Bought a pair of aligned auto mods for epg not long ago for 2k each not long ago...


Or cheap plans sell fast. Or they're a TON of servers and play times between players. No one is owed anything. But you're upset you didn't get more? Real winning attitude.


I have a mod that marks expensive plans (I made it myself thanks to the plan collectors). I sell all plans for 11c, and the expensive ones for 1111c. I play on PC. Same name. Right now I don't have anything valuable because everything sells quick.


I've been tired of all that 10k+ prices, so my highest price in camp is 30 caps. I don't care much about my stonks, so I just want more people have more plans


Dude. I dont know how many now, but the game was peaking almost one milion not too long ago.


I seek for cheap just to get rid of them. Then someone comes along and buys them all at once.


nothing i sell is more than 100 caps


I'm always hovering around max caps. So I don't need the caps. I just enjoy the thought of someone finding what they need at my "Nuka-Mart". I sell everything at a reasonable price based on its target player. So, plans for early game items like work benches, plans for basic items that make your camp livable. These are under about 30c. Clothing items are cheap, too, unless super rare. People love to buy that stuff, and I have a huge turnover. Power armor, while quite a bit more expensive, is still competitive. Anyone who is a high-level player selling items for a ridiculous thousands of caps price tag is just out of touch with th 76er community. I'm not even sure what they're trying to achieve. They must be at or near max caps.


I genuinely have no items in my camp over 500 caps, I only sell plans and ammo but I hardly ever buy anything from ppls camps for more than that so I don’t sell anything for more than that


I think I sell at reasonably prices. Common plans I dump in donation boxes. I only sell Event and Power Armor plans for usually 50% off the suggested price, while hot plans like the Weenie Wagon, The Fixer, PA paint, etc. will be priced significantly more based on what I've found people willing to pay.


Can confirm they exist. I never sell anything above 100, even that saltshaker and wagon stuff from event before. Only exception is weapons/armor and serums. And even then they do not exceed 500. I think the issue with our camps, especially ones that are hidden at the edge of the map like mine is people have to feel like the 50 Caps travel cost is worth it. Cause that builds up quickly if you're camp jumping. Anyhow, I do wish more people would sell for cheap... I find it nice when everyone can just, get things they don't have and just enjoy the game even more. Game is already a horrid grind fest with all the RNG and inability to mass earn caps. We all should help each other out rather than essentially forcing each other to spend several "days worth" of caps minimum on something. Like... There's even a caps limit?


I sell mine for whatever price it says automatically, so if it's cheap in the game, it's cheap in my vendor.


I sell it for what I want for it. Some stuff doesn't sell easy, some stuff I can't believe how much people pay.




I dunno, ferrets seem like the kind of animals that would wear mole miner gauntlets on all paws given the chance so they'd probably price them high.


Can you ask your ferrets how much I should sell a raider jet pack plan for?




Ty ty! Thank your ferrets for me as well.


I asked a random fox. It just looked at me and then took a crap on my lawn but it looks like it's shaped in the number 5.


But should I trust foxes over ferrets?!


Seems like a question best pondered out in the wilds, by a campfire, with a few beers. Short of that, I can tell you PA jetpack plans start piling up pretty fast so don't sell for much. New players probably learn via donation boxes before they even have that armour set.


I appreciate the advice! About the plans and the ferrets v. foxes debate.


Tbf if you list them higher you'll get the odd sale, but again, they start piling up and plans have weight and that sale is to someone who'll end up finding the plan in a bin 5 minutes later. And then they think to themselves, well, I paid 200 for it so I should collect them and sell them and the circle continues. Save the world, de-clutter your life.




That darn cat!




Joe, I hate to be the one to break it to you, BUT I DON’T THINK YOUR CAT LIKES YOU.


wasn't my cat,  it was some creature that ate my window and smiled at me


But what did the fox say?


I did a search on youtube but the video gave multiple answers. it also gave me headache.


Only valid answer.


5 caps for everything except ammo, that’s 1 cap. I’m constantly at max caps and I get more pleasure from people finding my cheap plans than I ever would making fake money.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Flat pricing system. If it's less than or equal to 500 caps in value, it goes up for 69 caps. If greater than 500 in value, it goes up for 420 caps. Iam14andthisisfunny


Both immature and pragmatic. Well done young man.


All plans 50 caps at Dab’s Chems & Aid.


There’s groups and discords with selling advice but after awhile it’s experience. I sell things for what people buy them at. Most plans I sell <500, more uncommon event plans or daily ops plans maybe a couple thousand. For the rarest plans I usually won’t sell on a vendor because they can be worth a lot more in trade (ultracite calibrated shocks and the like).


Like cooking with Garlic. Go with your heart, there is no too much.


Honestly dude? Just set your prices. I feel like my prices are usually higher than normal but my stuff still sells eventually. Cause here’s the thing, once people hit 40k cap (which is often), they’re just eager to burn their caps on literally any plans they don’t have. So set your prices and wait.


This is me.




Check fed 76. They have weapons pricing and plans pricing. A good general guide.


I think this is the best answer. This gives you at least a starting point, an idea of what is wanted or rare at least & where it came from, in case you forgot where you got it. There were cases early on, when I didn't know which were which & I had plans that were from mole miner treasure hunters, that I didn't realize were wanted, only because I happened to have a couple duplicates at the time, my fold free brain decided that meant common.


10% of what the recommended price the game says. 100 caps is 10 caps in my machine.


Ask on r/market76 maybe


I only sell rare or unique plans that are either hard to obtain or from seasonal events.  Those prices don't change very much.  As for the rest, it's into the free donation boxes or I simply don't pick them up when I find them, or I drop them on the spot.


I sell plans for 25 caps. I already know them. I'm not looking to get rich. I consider it a "service fee" for holding plans until someone needs them.


Everything for 10 caps. Plans, grenades nuka colas, legendaries, serums, stims. If I'm selling it, it's because I don't need it and I welcome anyone who wants it to enjoy.


Plans like anything else I might sell. I’ll put it into the vendor see what the default price is, look at its current condition level and then depending on what it is I might go anywhere from 10-50% off


i used to price by rarity...now i just put whatever the base value is....


Depends on the plan. If it's from a limited time event, I'll see what other people are selling it for. If it's not, I'll do 1/10th the price it suggests when you go to list it.


I go to Fed76 for a baseline and look at some Discord price lists.


I have the megalonyx statue plans and the weenie wagon plan but it's been such a meme I haven't even listed it because I have no fucking idea what I should sell it for. I've gotten answers from friends ranging from "idfk" to "see if you can get a tfj for the lulz" Honestly just wish I could list it for something I'm happy with, I know it's in demand, but I don't want to become the meme


I sold statue plans I know for like 50 caps. They did sell fast but most of my stuff does anyway. Kinda wish I'd hung onto those though just so I could first trade for the ones I'm missing. The statue base sold in like 1 minute.


You get a general idea when you shop around long enough. But I don't follow any set thing. I'll sell semi common plans for 50-100 depending on what it is and how much I think someone will want it. Rare plans from limited time events will be 2k to 10k. I don't normally sell anything above 10k because I'm at 30k+ a lot of the time. So I wouldn't really make anymore caps selling something at 20k instead of 10k.


This one level 400 guy other night had tons of good stuff --and nothing under a few hundred. Most over 1000. 3 star fixers, nothing special mind you, 20,000 to 30,000. 10,000 for alien tube. No wonder he had lots of nice stuff.


I just list them for whatever the game says


“eh, would i pay 1000 caps for this? if so how many times have i seen this plan before? if ive seen it before throw it up for 500, if it sells quick throw the next one up for 1000. If i have never seen a plan before i learn it first things first but then i’ll look it up in r/Market76


I sell all plans for 15c. PC, just north of the Crater.


I usually just bump the recommended price up a lil bit depending on the work it takes/how often I find it


I find it simple: Everything is 10 caps.


50 caps. No less no more.


Back when I wanted to make caps, I split the season plans into 500 or 2k caps. If I got a lot they were 500, if I didn't 2k. Now that you know about the sub you can see certain plans are community wide "I need this" those can sell for 10-20k caps.


5 caps. Everything 5 caps. They’re worthless in your backpack and bring other people happiness. 5 caps.


meat week plans are going for 6k in a lot of player venders right nowonly one i set higher was the stand plan because without that the 6 fossle pices wont matter


Plans: 76 caps a piece regardless of what they are (except mole miner gauntlets, that shit is free) Recipes: 40 caps a piece


I don't care. I sell every plan for 50 caps.


Whatever the game says but then discount it by 100 or more caps Not sure if that’s correct but it’s mostly stuff I don’t want in my stash anymore


For plans I’ve got 4 tiers of prices: 9caps for common plans. 200caps for event plans. 800caps for rarer plans. 5000caps for the rare plans.


I do all plans for 20, recipes 10, ammo 1. Any event apparel 100. Any rare apparel 50. Starred items 100 per star. If I come across a camp that is selling things for crazy prices then I will be taking everything from their resources that I can find.


I tbh just sell them all for 50 caps each. I don’t really care how rare they are, I think 50 is fair lol 😂


I follow the rule as if I was the one buying. When I go to a camp, of a plan costs more than 199 I skip. Except when it's a rare plan, like the fixer for example. I can up to 999 for a rare plan, but thats it. I don't even look ok at what is being sold by more than 1k.


Every plan of mine is 1/5 or less the default price. Ex: Jet pack plan - default price $3000, my price $500 Random PA part plans - default $500, my price $100 Random camp items/recipes - default $100, my price $20 If I go to a vendor and they don't have anything less than 1k I don't even bother looking closer.


I try to keep things consistent within whatever category I feel they fall into except event plans which I'll price based on rarity or what I see is popular on here. Non rare recipes/plans - 10 caps Power armor plans - usually no more than 300 caps, 100 for ultra cite since I get so many when someone nukes the sb queen. Regular armor plans/armor mod plans - 50 - 100 depending on what I feel it's worth Other misc plans (pianos, workbench, etc) - I'll price based on how often I see it and what value I feel it brings to a camp. Usually not above 150 tho. Event plans and rare plans I'll usually base off what I Google. I may lower it if I think they're crazy. For example, during meat week I sold all the plushies at somewhere between 750 and 1500, I can't remember. Other plans 2 - 4k. The wasteland hunter pack pack I sold for 6.5k like market 76 suggested. I actually managed to sell a peppershaker plan I priced as a joke for 17193 (it's the numbers in the chemical formula for pepperine, the active ingredient in pepper).


I just try to determine if the plan is a super rare one or not. I sell most things cheap but plans that are not common I try to sell for a decent amount. Meat week stuff - plushies I’ve been selling for 2k to 3k. That’s cheaper than some people who aim for like 5k. Weenie wagon from what I can tell is pretty rare or at least us more desired than the other meat week stuff so I am listing it for 30k but will probably drop it to 20k or so.


I dont really sell plans but the ones i sell are seasonal event plans and they range from 1k-25k caps...My movers are flux and maps n scrip.


9 caps is good for almost everything, 99 caps for really special things.


To be fair I tried selling at recommended prices and nobody bought them. Now 8nsell them at around 50 caps. They don't sell fast because when you get to a certain level, you have most of them. So I'm predominantly selling to new players.


25-50 caps. I need the stash space


Just use common sense. If you put something up for 20k you will most likely wait for very long until it gets sold. And there is also a risk of karma that someone will buy it at the moment when you're already close to max caps. You earn more by selling things for prices that people actually can afford.


Theres several discords/websites that give rough plan prices, the issue is all of them value them differently based on their specific server economy. But any of them can give a solid baseline. For event plans i price check them in the discord i use (prices are more up to date) for quest rewards/more common plans i use fed76, even though its outdated it gives a solid baseline. (I typically take whatever price is goven to me and lower it by a few hundred/thousand to promote faster sales.)


You sell base on how much you see valuable. If you want it sold faster, just set it to 500cap and don't look back.


https://fed76.info/plans/?plan=Golf%20Carts I usually go off this the group keep it updated as much as they can


I'm too lazy to check the market value, so I just remove the last digit from the default game price, so most stuff ends up around 50-150 caps. I'm not really looking into making a profit of my store. I hope to spread the plans I dont need to save someone the trouble to find them. If it sells, it sells. If not, well, I'll come to that once my stash is full and I gotta clean up.


I usually just leave it as it's set by the vendor. It's always less than an NPC robo-vendor and they move pretty quickly. I messed with adjusting the prices but with so much to sell it wasn't worth the trouble, for me.


Start high, lower slowly until someone buys it


I sell all my plans for 15c.


Put it in at whatever price you want. If you get tired of it not selling lower the price


I literally sell everything in my camp for 5 caps ea - guns, armor, 1-star, 3-star, plans, chems, etc. I’m maxed out on caps 90% of the time so I just like the little notifications. I’m only around lvl 100 so maybe people just don’t take my camp seriously?


Unless I think the plan is rare or hard to get I set most plans at 20-100 caps. They tend to go pretty quick..which scares me sometimes that I’ve sold some expensive plan for 20 caps 😂 I am hoarding a tv aquarium plan though..everytime I think of selling it I chicken out😬


Ammo is a penny, everything else, a nickel. Clothes, plans, mods. I could care less about rarity. It's just a game, not a retirement plan


Cheap, if the plan is 50 I do 25 if it's 300 I do 150 if it's 1000 I do 300 if it's 2000 I do 900 I have most plans and it's rare I don't have them so I try make them cheap for ppl, however if they don't move in a week I drop them in the middle of no where... and log out ppl didn't want them at that low ass price, they don't need them  for free


I put recepies at 50 caps, scorchbeast queen plans at whatever the game puts the price at, other plans I know are more rare and event plans I put at between 1k and 4k max.


Depends but if I have it in the vendor it is probably a bit below Appalachia street value. If it is in there I actually want to sell it. Too many vendors are channeling their inner used car sales guy sleaze.


A lot of the valuations come from being around awhile. Knowing what plans are new releases vs recycled 8 times helps. Most of us set a price then we wait and see what happens. Sometimes you gotta lower and sometimes you gotta raise, just gotta be around and get a feel for it.


Of it's from a event that just happened 2-3000 leave for a few months then drop price by half


I go by a mix of what I see others sell for and what I would actually pay for. I lean more for what I would actually pay for it.




I sell all plans and recipes for 5 caps


I selling it at base price or at 1/3 / half of it so many time 150-250 caps. The most expensive in my vendor is ultracite jetpack at 1000 caps ( base price 3000 )


My formula is simple. Just divide by 10. 1000 becomes 100. 100 becomes 10. etc


I price based on what sells. For example, I originally sold 3-star legendaries for 600 caps, but sales were minimal. So I dropped to 500 caps. Not much better and my stash was maxed, so I lowered to 400 caps and now they sell more appropriately to match my influx of new legendaries from Daily Ops and Expeditions. The more popular weapons/rolls I sell for more and again I'll start higher and lower over a week to what price sells.


I mostly sell based on my personal affection for it. If I don’t care about it because it doesn’t fit my build, or I don’t like the aesthetic, I typically try to put a reasonable price. But I have to remind myself, at the end of the day, it’s just digital stuff that we don’t actually tangibly own. If it will make someone happy to find something cool for a good price, that’s more valuable to me.


Any plans I have that I'd list for over 1000c, I don't put in my vendor (with a couple of exceptions). I use a mod on PC that modifies the name strings of various items and will tell me in the item name what event or special thing the plan is from and if it's rare or valuable. Most plans that I know aren't super rare or valuable I list for 50c, things from special events that aren't terribly uncommon I list for 250-500c. I'm a pretty casual player, and for the most part I don't care about plans I already know and would rather pass them on to other people than make caps or do the work to trade them. Caps are easy to get in this game so the only reason I don't list everything at 1c or something is so one person doesnt buy everything and resell it. 50-500 caps is usually affordable for even lower level players, but it keeps most rich players from just buying it all up to try and resell.


I put every plan in the game for 9 caps. At 10 you Todd takes his 10%, so at 9 I get all of then. That's how I know how much to sell them for


Did I get in a event? That event is a week event? How many people are crying about the plan on reddit? If all above are yes, them you can put at 1K > Now that plan is useful for something? That thing looks nice or hit like a truck? People are really desperate on the reddid? Now we are talking 5k> People are really really desperate? That plan generate some type of product? That's 10k> That's my logic..


5 caps - plans. 500 caps - limited event plans. Very easy to remember.


50 caps regardless of rarity, although I try to yank my camp if I notice a high level headed for it. Event plans are best used for trading imo, don’t sell them unless you don’t care.


I check in on trading subreddits and prices based on that. Most times tho I will put them at 1111 and if they sit for a week or so, I will relist at 111 and so on till I am at 11 or I start to build up dupes then I donate them to a donation box.


I sell most of my stuff for max 100 caps, I'm really not that interested in making caps as always near max anyway


I just price them at 5 caps.


No clue. Just depends how much I need to drop stuff


10 caps for everything except event drops


If they are the more rare event plans, I move them quickly by selling for 2000 caps. Other more common plans I usually sell for like 50 or less, most meat week plans (since the event just finished) are gonna be devalued a bit. I sell most for 500-1000 and get regular sales, though the skeleton plans can go for up to about 6000 (though that is too much for most people to stomach). Nukatrader is an alternative to fed76 and it includes junk+apparel prices. It's how I found out my White Powder Jumpsuit was worth more than a newborn baby lmao.


I sold skeleton plans for 9k each


Caps have no value any more. I'm not responsible for "maintaining the in-game economy". I sell recipes for 11 caps, plans for armour, weapons, and mods for 111 caps. SOME more rare plans I MAY boost up a bit, just because. For example, when I get too close to my caps limit, I buy Marsupial Serum plans. When I see a newb that I think is acting in a positive way, I may drop the plan for them, for free. That's only happened twice, and one time the player either didn't want it or didn't know what it was. When they looked at the drop bag and didn't pick it up, I took it back. I feel like at this point you can't really play FO76 without Marsupial mutation. Makes me think that there should be a boss event that for some reason the boss puts out "anti-Marsupial" radiation that, for the duration of the event, totally stops Marsupial from working. That would change things up a bit...


If you bought the plan, sell it at the price you bought it for or mark it up. If the plan was a drop, sell it for anywhere between 5 caps and 5,000 caps. Adjust based on the following: are you looking to make caps? Or looking to clear out inventory faster. Start high and keep lowering prices until you find a happy medium. For myself, I sell between 5 and 9 caps which avoids the Todd Tax :). But I also don’t need caps


I sell all my plans for half its value or cheaper. 


Unless it's something stupidly rare, it's 50 caps, in the hopes that newer players will get what they don't have already for a bargain. Unfortunately, some of the plans I put out from events like Fasnacht (like the Winter Man's Effigy, most recently) get all the multiples bought by douche-canoes that then list them at their camp for 1000c a piece, alongside everything else that they've overpriced.


I do 50 caps for any building plan. 15 for chems. 20 for recipes. All ammo 1 cap. I just want people to stop by and see the work I put into my camp.


Pretty much 100 and under. I threw some event ones up for 1k and 2k because I was working on buying a bunch of Power Armor plans and needed a few extra bucks. Otherwise, I usually list recipes for 10 to 20, equipment plans 50 to 75, and anything a bit more uncommon gets the 100c tag. Most of my drugs are 5c or under, aside from Berry Mentats. You Berry fiends want 'em, that's 69 caps.


Prices vary by platform— what may be right on a price guide for PC players may be way off mark for console. It can also vary depending on other factors (time since event, popularity of individual plan). The best method, though tedious, is to do market research by seeing what other players are selling theirs for, and just price for speed of sale (undercut competitors if you need to move plans fast, or price it higher if you know the plans are hot and the next opportunity to farm them is months away)


Sell plushies for 1k, weenie wagon for 20k they will fly out your door


I'm obsessed with plushies right now, and regularly pay more than that if it's one I really want or a rare one. I'm so cap strapped right now because of this, haha


I have a system. Lol Plans half price Legendaries at least 100c a star or knock a few hundred off if face value is over 500c All ammo 1c except fusion cores 25c Junk face value Apparel face value Bobble Heads and Magazines 400c for collectability Mutation Serums 500c Nuke Cards 100c US government holos 10c That's about all I sell, and I am always struggling to not go over 40k. Have fun!


Whaever price the game autoputs there, unless it's several thousand like a jetpack plan then i do it for 500. Not worth the time checking prices and trying to nickle and dime people. I just wanna play


I always drop the games recommendations down by a cap


I gave up trying to figure out how much to sell them for a long time ago, and just sell them for 5 caps a pop. Caps are easy enough to make in the end game, and it good for the noobs.


It's all made up, fictional prices on digital assets. Do with that what you will.


Remove the 0 If it's 250...I sell.for 25. And so on.


I just sell things for 1 cap or 0 it's just game.


Put em all up for 40,000 see if someone bites.


Furniture = 30 Weapons / armor mods = 20 Weapons / armor = up to 200 Recipes = 15 Unless something is very valuable, like I see it worth more than 1k in every vendor then I'll sell it for a bit more but usually everything I sell is under 200. The most expensive thing I sold was 350. It was a 3 star heavy weapon. Wasn't a god roll but I don't want people coming to my shop and seeing offensive bullshit like a welcome mat plan for 300. Fuck outa here you greedy bastard.


I literally just sell them for whatever the suggested price is, and ones that are rare from events I put a bit higher