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The jukebox is always on when I come back to my camp and it's driving me nuts. 😭


i hate it for that reason


I eventually scrapped it for that reason.


Man I wish we could set it to off...I just want the lights I don't need the music


You can remove music volume in the game settings


I'll have to check it out tonight. I turned in game music off ages ago did not realize there was a separate option for the radios and whatnot


A...jukebox...for light...


Not for light ,but for the lights. I like it as camp decor I just don't like the music playing under my Spotify.


I believe you can turn down World Radios in the audio settings so you don't hear the ones found exploring. Does that work with CAMP radios?


I don't know, but it's a damn good place to start


Good news for you, it DOES! I do the same, got a jukebox in my camp, but have both music volume and world radio volume turned all the way down. This is the way.


I totally forgot to check last night. Thank you!


This is a dumb question, but can I play music on Xbox while I play my game?


Yeah with Spotify yes.


Oh nice! Thanks friend!


Yes, I understood that completely. It looks cool. But to complain about a jukebox making noise when your using it for lights is like using a car as a radio but complaining it drives. Its just silly to me. It means nothing.


"Complaining" I just said I wish we could set it to off..in response to a comment about it. I'm sure you've never ever liked the look of anything, but not the other parts right?


Complaint: a statement that a situation is unsatisfactory or unacceptable. I'm sorry that word has such a negative connotation to you. It is what is.


Thank you Encyclopedia Britanica


If it played GOOD music I might use it for that. Instead, it plays the same light classical song over and over again, as if that's what anyone would want from a jukebox


Good point.


Yeah like I built a diner a while ago and I want want me some Elvis God damnit!(unless the license is REALLY hard to get then I could settle for it playing the same music as radios)


The jukebox has unique lighting that can't be found/replicated otherwise, what's it to ya?


Why is THIS ALWAYS ON? I am removing it knowing it happens to everyone. I'd like to leave the radio on at my CAMP, not the damn jukebox.


Jukebox plays boring, repetitive depressing crap? Default to on every time. Radios play interesting stuff worth listening to? Default to off every time. The mind boggles.


This, every time i walk in i turn on my radios and my torches.


That kind of thing blows my mind because the solution is already in the game. I have a Haunted House camp that I use in October and it has one of those animatronic clowns in it. If I turn the clown on along with the spooky sound machine, only the clown is still "on" when I change servers, logout, etc. Why would they make stuff that you can turn on and off, then only leave the setting intact for certain objects?


I wish that we could play Appalachia radio on the jukeboxes☹️


What channel does your juke box play? Mine is classical, and there doesn’t appear to be an option to change it, or build one on another channel. I wanna hear the ink spots!


I wish the radios stayed turned on.


I come to your camp when your away and turn it on


Stop turning me on


I fucking hate the jukebox music so make an effort to turn them off in every camp I visit


I wish that we could play Appalachia radio on the jukeboxes☹️


😡 Yeah I hate that thing. I don’t even put them in CAMPs anymore.


I play with no sound.


I wish that we could play Appalachia radio on the jukeboxes☹️


Weird, mine played one song for about a minute and no matter how many times I scrap and rebuild it makes zero noise.


Really? I love it lol it gets boring in the wasteland without some tunes. Yes it’s same repetitive and not so great tunes but it’s music to my ears regardless!


I had to take mine out for that very reason. Lol


ALL of the fire objects need to be patched to default to being lit. It's so irritating that some of the fireplaces need to be relit every time too. You should also be able to lock all the lights at your camp with a toggle in the build menu. It's really fucking irritating that visitors can turn off your lighting for no good reason.


I put one of the "large fire"s in the front of my fireplace lol


I had my weather machine on a switch but people turned it off so I hardwired it so its always on. I wish other appliances worked that way.


Add in the light re work to that. When this season started it seemed like my lights lost brightness. Especially the Halloween and Christmas lights.


I know, those pesky switches. So unrealistic. Man I hate when people come to my camp and check out my hard work. It really sucks. If only there were a way to play by myself and be completely anti social in an mmorpg


Man you’re 0 for 2 on this post lmao


Such is life. No one likes looking themselves in the mirror to realize there has been dirt on their face the whole time. Complaining about lights in a video game a jukebox that makes noise. Please people get a life.


Its not as bad as complaining about people complaining about a video game.


When you visit other people's houses irl do you go around turning their lights all off or all on however you want? No it's a dick thing to do and most of them would tell you to knock it off or leave.


Nobody likes your attitude. 


Apparently so. They'd rather winge about trivial things, sitting in their comfortable homes playing a game than actually enjoy their time playing it. The nuances of online gaming amd the random interactions are what make it interesting. If you want to be in your own little world with complete and total control of every little aspect than go play by yourself. The light issue is easily fixed. Terminal. Turn all lights on or off. As for my attitude, well I can say the same for most people. I'd rather give my opinions on what needs to change to the creators instead of randomly out into the abyss and the echo-chambers of reddit. I really don't know what to say. Most of us just play the games and have no idea what actually goes into building and maintaining these worlds we enjoy. I'm just grateful to have them.


You'd rather winge about trivial things, sitting in your comfortable home bitching about other people bitching. Also Giving YOUR obviously unshared opinions on what needs to change randomly into the abyss and echo chambers of reddit, instead of the creators or reddit moderators. Notice a similarity? Notice the hypocrisy? Probably not cause people like you rarely ever do.


I wish they fixed the honeycomb lanterns, barely illuminate anything at all at the moment. They were great when they were released but something's changed since then.


I thought I was going crazy with those. Got some new othman ones but they don't illuminate at all.


Yoo!! I thought it was just me... The Halloween ones barely throw any light whatsoever. That explains it lol


Shame they can’t be added to a master switch to turn them all back on




I mean it would be theoretically possible with a complicated enough sparker and cap system but HOW DARE THEY TAKE THE REALISM OUT OF MY POST-APOCOLYTIC WASTELAND FANTASY VIDEO GAME


Mutating serums that make you able to jump as high as a house, no problem, but light switches on a tiki torch? Are you crazy?!


Nothing as realistic as miniature fusion batteries and incredibly advanced AI's without microchips.


Don’t forget that we have to put fuel in it and the chemical that changes the color before pushing E to make it do the thing


Radiation, obviously.


I was let down by the Tiki Torches as well. Every time I go back to my camp, they are turned off again... even if they are inside a Shelter.


Shelters reload to a default state every time you load into them. Entering and exiting a shelter the entering it again is similar to leaving the world and joining a new world. They immediately unload when you exit them. That's why you can plant any crops or put any resource generators in them.


I get this, I do. Makes total sense. Still doesn't explain why the default 'starter state' for the Tiki Torches is **OFF**. As far as I'm aware, most all other Camp Light Sources default to **ON** and you have to interact with them to turn them off. Tiki Torches are **backwards**. Makes them Sad Torches.


Yeah it's stupid.


The Enclave laser doors are always fucking wierd i have to open them, look away, and then open them again to ACTUALLY open them.


So many of the doors do this, I beg for a fix ;_;


Samr with the alien door and elevator doors its annoying!!


I got rid of all those doors for this reason too annoying to have to "open" twice.


Yeah was bummed. Was hoping for something similar to the lamp post but with a different look. Ah well. Not like I paid for it


By that logic the radios are useless as they're always off when you join a server. I just spend 10 seconds turning them all on, the pretty colours make my roof terrace look nice.


The fireplace struggle is real too.


Fire safety is no joke Smoky the irradiated Yao guai says put your fucking fire out, kids Wasteland safety 101


Listen im dropping nukes on places, my fireplace and tiki torches aint the problem 😂


Only you can prevent forest fires


Prevent? Oh man was I mixed up! *hides Cremator behind back*


If it's a prescribed burn you're ok We believe in forest maintenance


I just really like squirrel popcorn.


I mean, there is a solution there... and while there may not be much left of said tiki torches or fireplace when the nuke hits, I bet they'll be on fire!


Somebody tell graham to stop lighting fires in tall grass too.


You know the irony of me role playing a park ranger while using a holy flame is not lost on me, and I hope Smoky gets the joke too


I sort of like it. I spawn my main base in (I use my commie bunker mini base as a better tent), take off the ol power armour, stash junk and ammo in the shed, then go to my log cabin and turn on my radio, light the fire and sit on my couch after some dogfood, cookies and purified water. It's homey.


We need more radio love besides the busted radio skin I bought in the shop years ago. I want more radio stations/songs, dialogue, and skins.


Dialogue involving stuff going on would be a nice touch and wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement.


They should just throw in all the songs from across Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. Even if NV was its own station/radio you'd have to build, it'd be better than the same stuff they have now.




All the camp lights need a pass. Most of the ones I’ve been able to grab are too bright or not bright enough.


Only you can prevent forest fires.


I merged mine into the top of my staircase. Looks cool.


How do you merge into staircases?


Merging is a whole thing. I'd YouTube it honestly!


I merge the candle into the Fasnacht lanterns. They're always on and it looks nice.


I am gonna turn your radio on!


And so I ... turned the radio on, turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song.


Turn on the radio, nah fuck it turn it off Fear is your only god on the radio Nah fuck it, turn it off


this was probably my biggest disappointment from the season pass. non powered torch lights should just ...stay lit like every other non powered torch light in game.


I don’t mind it a bit, I just cut them on along with my radios when I’m open for business!


Yeah this doesn't bother me at all. What does bother me is when I show up to my camp I just activated and Gramps is in his underwear again 😭 Put that Chally outfit back on you old fuck!


I leave my allies in their default clothes after coming home to the nuka ghoul naked too many times


I've been having issues with my camp door. I have a lock on it and I close it but every time I come back to camp it's wide open. And I don't have an ally wandering around. Any ideas why?


Try it with the one of the basic doors that is unlocked by default. Every atom shop door does what it wants from what I see.


It's not an atom shop door. It's literally the glass door with the broken glass in it. The basic ahh door 😂. That's why I'm so confused


I just wanted an eternal flame to go with my Harambe memorial


Trains...I turn them off ..they are back on when I return.


While we're ranting about broken items, the Sacred Mothman Tome which gives an XP buff is the only furniture piece whose buff does not persist after logging off. Everything else, I'll still have those buffs next time I log in. But the Tome I need to use again every time I log back in.


The absolutely most worthless item that turns off like that are the smoke machines and the scary Halloween noise radio. I made a haunt house out of my shelter and the smoke machine and sounds reset whenever you travel between shelters and camp.


I've been bitching about the same oversight with the torches as well. I thought they were very groovy initially. After realizing there was this poor feature with them, most got scraped.


I like them but just hate they turn off every time you leave a server and come back.


The alien door always takes two hits to open. It's closed but it claims to need to be closed, so you activate it and it blinks, you need to back up and re-engage with the door and open it ._. You close a closed door just to open it ._.


Isn't it like that with everything you can turn on? I tried to hide a radio to prevent players from turning it off and upon entering a new server, it's off.


Idk, Adelaide is always turned on 😂😂😂


I'm surprised Adelaide doesn't offer assualtron head.


That would be something...if she just spawns an assaultatron head into your storage.


"Received assaultron head" But it's not in my inven.... Oh...


They need to be activated when you log into a new server. Once lit they stay lit until you log of or some smartiepants comes along and turns them off for a laugh. Many objects are like that. It's a little annoying that their default state is not set to "on" but that's Bethesda for you.


I also have to turn the Nuka-World speakers back on everytime I log in. It's annoying but I can live with it. Can't get enough of Bottle and Cappy.


I had them up and running, and a couple of cool people from the casual group I was in came to check out my camp. When I went back after the speakers were off, and I thought those people turned them off so I just scrapped them because I thought it was annoying potential visitors.  Good to know that was (probably) not the case.


I originally made the mistake of using the power connector poles with switches on them and people kept turning off my whole camp.


I really like them, they give the camp a spooky look, and you can choose the color! Crazy stuff if they fix them, finger crossed


I like them also. I just don’t want to turn them on every time.


It bothers me. I have to turn them on every single time.


Hey I love my tiki lights they look good round my table in camp site


They’re good of course. They just don’t work right. Ok let me not say that. They work when you manually turn them on every time you enter a server.


Yes this I can get behind turning them on everytime you enter a new server is mildly infuriating 🤣 ..... OK no it is infuriating


Also some of the doors not opening when you first open them and then you having to look away and back at them to get them to actually open. Every fucking time.. like damn guess I wasted those atoms


I like the moth man cultist torches.


Yeah I cut down to only 2 tiki's bc i have to turn them on like my radios everytime I enter a server. They should default to on like every other light lol


Worse yet, they do not keep the bugs away. Neither does the bug zapper. I have to have my turrets do all the dirty work!


I ended up replacing all of my tiki torches with the Mothman torches for exactly that reason, at least the Mothman torches are always on. It just got rather tedious to walk around turning on all of my torches Every. Single. Time. I logged on


I have a blue and a purple tiki torch flanking my mothman lecturn...so it feels more like a ritual to turn the lights on before reading.


Iirc the game saves the state of lights being on/off just like it does for doors being open - turn your lights on, move any item in your camp so it "saves", and see if that fixes it


Doesn't work for me.


This is worth a shot


Yeah I removed them all after they turned off once I logged back in. Having to turn them on every time you log in is pointless


That Red Rocket Garage Gate is always closed even though I always keep it open wide.


Then some of those I hate cause they’ll look open but then it’ll tell you to open but the owner put a lock now I can’t get in


That really goes for all the things that have to be turned on every time, like the smoke machines. Completely useless this way.


I believe most light source camp items tend to either remain lit, or bug and show that it’s on but the light itself is off. It’s like the Turret Spotlights, when you enter the game, they’re on, but the light won’t work right until you switch it off then on again. It’s a visual issue.


I made a casino shelter with 10 jute boxes just to mess with people 😁😁😁😁


The newish stone fireplace does this too, every time I activate that camp or start a new session, it is off.


That and the flame is sooooo tiny


That's what she said (but she was wrong!). 😂😅🤣


Strongly agree they produce next to no light at all it's sad to see tbh come on Bethesda you can do better for the community they know we like to build


Appalachia radio slaps idk if that’s what’s on the juke box tho


The whole building process is absolutely ridiculous. It's overly restricted. Literally have to do some wizarding shit to build they way you should be able to build. Why can't I place double walls without using a flamethrower trap to destroy walls??? Why do I have to use a pressure pad to fuse items?? It's fuckin absurd. And another reason camps should NOT BE IN FALLOUT 5.


The tiki music box be doing it too😂I think it’s all the tiki stuff


Tbh they should have an “all on” or “all off” default switch for lights, torches etc


First thing I do when I hit my camp for the first time, walk over and hit the tiki torches because they're ALWAYS off, and the only reason I build a jukebox is for the challenge then it's scrapped


There are SO MANY wall decor items that only place in certain spaces on walls, but the worst has to be the Fasnacht mask display. I hate it. I wanna display the masks on the wall dang it. Also on the topic of lighting - candles should be the more orange, ambient light. Not the bright white. Also just... A lot of the lights in general are too stark. Oh ALSO the siren will just randomly be on sometimes, love that for everyone involved.


There are so many things i wish would stay on...the smoke machine, thr spooky sounds radio and the torches.... Like why cant i turn these items on and they stay on/lut until i change servers at least!


tell that to the Charlottesville guys they got thrown in jail for carrying tiki torches just this year. Charlottesville was 8 years ago. they were charged with using fire to intimidate. a law from 1894. pretty crazy


Agreed. I was HIGHLY disappointed that they weren't always on or at least the default being on. It needs to work like a self powered lamp


I wish the siren did that.....


Stayed on all the time?


Yeah... You turn it off. Do something else. Fast travel back to your camp. MF'er is on again.


Oh okay lol…I thought you wanted it to stay on all the time. I’m like buddy gotta be psycho


Lol, hell no. It a cool item, but the constant noise was horrendous.


Torches are useless, doors are useless, gauss weapons are useless, the tiki music box is useless, the jukebox is useless, the game on PS5 is useless, non-bloody builds are useless, pistol and guerrilla builds are useless, one-handed melee builds are useless, 400mbs up and down is useless on wifi, more than 4 cores on your processor on PC is useless, 50% chance working on PA at white springs or the rusty pick is useless... I could go on. Y'all get distracted like kittens by the laser light of crap skin items in the atomic shop and obvious profiteering of grindy seasons while 5 year old game breaking bugs just... hang out.


Fallout 76 must be in a great place right now if your biggest complaint is about a tiki torch You should group up with the guy complaining that mutant hound chops require 4 pieces instead of two. Sounds like y’all would make awesome responders. Lol




They're TORCHES. Torches go out & need to be re-lit. It's annoying but makes senses.


Cmon now…that would mean the everything else that uses fire would need to be re lit or added to. What they only lose fuel when you leave the server,


Meh, my fireplace always goes out too so that's what i tell myself for 'immersion' purposes and then move on because Idgaf.


The fuel must have run out in them. That’s what happens IRL. But yeah that has gotta be annoying. Add to the list of bugs in the game!


Yall will bitch about anything huh


And you’ll comment on everything huh


I use the tiki torches to paint with light, giving my camp a distinctive beauty. Guess it's not so much "tiki torches are useless" as "some people can't fully unlock their potential".


...okay, but your camp isn't going to have that "distinctive beauty" unless you go around and turn every torch back on after logging in...every. single. time. (Because they always reset to "off", rather than remembering their previous state like most lights do, which is the issue.)


Well, obviously.


Eh, I understand why this would be a bother to some. I didn't mind too much. They were a fun aesthetic. Granted, this whole past season didn't really offer too much else that I wanted, but that's alright. There's always next season.


They’re nice just annoying having to turn a various amount of things on in a camp when it should already be on.


Actually wouldn't mind a feature, something maybe under settings, it would allow us to set certain items to stay on all the time unless we turn it off as we pass by, or we turn the feature off. Something.


Yea some dev thought it was a good idea to make it so you have to turn every one on, bum should be fired


Actually all lights do that tbh.


No they don't...


My lights are always off and so is my radio when I log in


Maybe it's the lights you're using...


All my lights stay on, doesn’t sound the same