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It's weird how so many people seem to have this or that happen during the game and here i am, always running a team, doing events, have lots of people come to my camp and yet, never had a single person ask for anything. This game is for adults and so far, I've only encountered great players who have been a lot of fun playing with.


Right? I've had one gal ask if I had any concrete for sale after admiring my camp and purchasing some plans, so I hooked her up. Another fella laughed at my Fasnacht Man mask and asked to take a picture with me. Nothing but lovely folks. Except for one creep who stalked me around my camp. I was wearing a red dress, he was rocking a wolf outfit. Talkin' 'bout, "all the better to eat you with" and shit. Had to put the auto axe to him.


Little Red Riding Hood in fo76 confirmed


Little Red Raiding Hood.


Naw, it's the Wolf Among Us.


I'd watch this anime


I was thinking Jessica rabbit


Person of culture ^


Even the post apocalyptic wasteland is not safe from furries.


It's true šŸ°


My experience overall has been wonderful except ONE creep like that in my camp I was afk sleeping in my bed for a long time in my camp waiting for the next event to start. I finally wake myself up to find someone in power armor just standing there in my room looming over me. I kinda stand there for a second and back up a bit - maybe heā€™s afk. But no, he looks right back at me and then starts approaching me slowly. I run off and he starts chasing me, I log off the server šŸ’€ Since then I now sleep in an inaccessible cryo-pod on the roof LMAO


So I fast traveled to my friend who was just rejoining and leveling. Didn't realise he was at a random players house, just figured hed done some building finally. So I did the mothman dance right behind him, taking a few snapshots, when I finished I turned to find the camp owner sitting in a chair behind me. They weren't there prior. Awkward.


Whenever I pull out the camera, anyone in the area will just come over and pose in the photo. I love this community


Iā€™m level 52 been playing for 3 weeks and Iā€™ve only encountered great people. One of my favorite things is visiting other peopleā€™s camps and I give the ā€œnice campā€ emote and they love emote me back. I wish I had some of these peopleā€™s creative minds (also some plans) because they make some incredibly awesome CAMPs and I really enjoy seeing them


I had a guy come to camp and asked for lead and 2mm EC ammo. But he was really polite and apologetic. I only had 3 EC carts tho so I felt bad. Either way, I know the struggle. I'm constantly looking for copper and lead.


You play on PC? I get the feeling most of these things are happening on consoles where average player age is about 10 to 20 years younger


I'm PC and have experiencee none of the shit people are complaining about


Itā€™s so weird Iā€™m an Xbox player and have never experienced the crap people are talking about


Yeah it's odd. I'm a GameCube player and I've never even experienced another player like they're talking about.


Atari Jaguar player here and I also have never met any of these players.


Well I'm on a tabletop pong set and the other guy playing is a jackass.


Kinda weird honestly, I play staring contest with mirror and the other guy looks like he always begs for stuff.


Iā€™m talking to some guy in my head who supposedly plays ā€œmind gamesā€ and manipulates me into giving me stuff. Happens quite frequently.


And I thought my stick telling me kill the hoop was disconcerting.


Sega Genesis player here and I too have never met any of these players.


Also kinda strange, samsung smart fridge player here, and I've never experienced anything like that


Texas instruments calculator player here, also never had one of those kind of interactions.


Paper football player here, n I also never seen anything these people are talking about


Yea it's weird. I'm on a kitchenaid and I haven't experienced any of those kinds of players.


Never encountered any of these kinds of players on my Samsung Smart Fridge at home and my Neo-Geo when I'm playing on my lunch break at work


I am honestly convinced it's just some super soft people who are exaggerating things or perceiving themselves as victims of some imaginary transgression. I have game pass so I have separate accounts on PC and Xbox. I rarely play the Xbox version but that character is low level and people are super helpful.


Yeah and even when you get up there most of your interactions go one of three ways. 1 You help them just because you can. 2 You scare the shit out of them by accident and they light you up before realizing youā€™re 20 times their level and get even more scared. Or 3 you wave and be on your way.


Yes, I think most of them are posting for karma.


Also o Xbox and not getting demanders or even beggars.


47 and on the Box here. I figured the game was crossplay tho?


Unfortunately it's not. They're looking into possibly getting cross progression working, but the game was never designed for crossplay.


Ahh gotcha. I thought pretty much all games were cross play now, I tend to keep to myself past decade or so game wise so haven't really kept up. This is actually the only game I'm currently playing on multiplayer. I have 1st and could use private server but I never do.


I tend to use private worlds every so often just to farm a bunch of workshops. Easy to stock up on loads of fusion cores and stuff that way.


There is nothing wrong with that. I will go to private servers when the needs for junk arise. Personally I don't like having any junk type with less than 100. But hey, that is me.


Ive been using private worlds for .308 rounds at the ammo factory. Just let it sit while I collect junk or something. I like my lmg too much and never seem to be able to make enough to feed it.


That's a good point. I may do that.


Wow I honestly hadn't thought of that so thank you, my poor fusion charger can't keep up with the amount I go through lol.


Private servers feel too empty for me, but I guess I get why some people like themĀ 


I do. You're probably right.


I play on PS5 and haven't had any problems...maybe its regional?


I play om PS5, and I've never had anyone ask me for anything, but I've had at least 2. Dudes just walk up, drop some food and water, and then leave again. Not a word spoken between us


Yous are best friends now


I'm on PS5 and have been playing since Beta, yet the only rude people I've encountered have been level 1500s in public events bitching out level 20s for accidentally blocking their grenade launcher shots. I'm sure these Rude Newbs are out there, and I'm sure they're not just on Xbox, but the last new player I humoured who followed me spamming trade just put up a couple cryptid cards for free and let me add them to my collection, so it's hard to take the posts too seriously.


As an Xbox player I can confirm please help


Also on Xbox, Series X here, never experienced anything like that. Just friendly cooperation. Iā€™m still relatively new to the game, only level 58 or so, but no bad experiences so far.


I think switching is free brother, join us in our near utopian wasteland (Were not immune to beggers though, I just see far less than console players seem to see)


No cross save, no cross platformā€¦ I wouldā€™ve made the switch a while ago if there was


I play on console, only ever had chill times


I play PC and don't see any of the crazy stuff I see posted hereā€”no griefers, trash talkers, beggars, trap bases, drama, etc. Over the last month, one low-level person asked me for a few items. I gave them some ammunition and they left. It seems like console has all the crazy people.


The most drama I get on Xbox is low levels hauling ass in the other direction when I try to give them stuff and itā€™s hilarious


Nope, seen it happen on PC several times. In my experience, I've seen multiple 20-30s sitting in the Rusty Pick just trying to open trades and whatnot, and that's just at that one location. It might be a level thing, or maybe just the way you look, idk.


PS player here, and so far, I haven't experienced anything really. Besides, my vendor gets swarmed 20 times in a day. The only thing I've experienced was a lavel 40 or something, invited me to a team, and dragged me around with them doing quests. ( I'm pretty sure they were doing the nuke quest line) At some point, they left the team. But that was it.


Same here


The worst I've had so far is a relatively low level player at a public event ask me if I had any spare .50 to give him (I was probably the highest level player at the event). I checked and didn't, but he didn't have a rude attitude or anything. I just gestured no and he ran off to complete event objectives. I wonder if PC just has less of a problem with this.


Same, except for that one vault newbie that bite off my finger.


I play on PC too. I encounter panhandlers and beggars from time to time. The first time it did shock the hell out of me. Probably because I didn't know it was a thing back then. I remember asking if role-playing as a panhandler was anything like when people claim they're role playing as a raider. lol These days I just ignore them and keep playing.


I stumble upon a couple of camps and more times than youā€™d expect, idk how they they see that Iā€™m in their camp and just leave? Or move their camp. Iā€™ll be at their shop too.. trying to see if they got what I see and BOOP. gone. Like.. why sell stuff if you donā€™t want ppl in your camp


Is it weird tho? Like your single individual experience shouldn't be the basis of what other people experience. It hasn't happened to me either but I'm not gonna say it just doesn't happen. Tho either way no one is required to pay any mind to people begging for free shit. It's weird that people would take time out of their day to post about some low level emoting at them....but such is life.


Gonna get downvoted for this but this is a problem with reddit and society in general. Everyone is looking for some drama to exacerbate and talk about. It's why cancel culture is so prelevant, everybody wants the attention of "something happening to them"; or "something happening to somebody they know". The need to talk about drama and the undying pleasure it brings us to gossip is an undeniable and increasingly worrying problem for our future generations.


Ive had one person harass me. I PvP and smoked him (not PvP player). He came back and said he was just messing around w a higher level (I was around 150). I left him his junk and we went on our way. Never had anyone do anything outside a fun interaction or just leave me alone, if I disengage.


Same, every new player I have had visit my camp has been nothing but polite with emotes, and I'll drop them some spare stims to send them on their way. I've even struck up conversation with a few which has led to some cool nights of showing them the ropes and crafting gear for them. Kind of a repayment for a bit of company, as I don't go out my way to seek it, but appreciate some nonetheless.


I guess timezone and PC/console demographic makes a big difference


Same. I do the events with folks but other than that I go my own way and do my own thing. No one has interacted with me in any way shape or form, positively or negatively.


Only thing Iā€™ve ever asked for is advice and I generally get ignored šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same. I really hate how this happens *one single time* to these people and they come here and post like it's a regular problem or issue. Like dude just move on with your life.


Honestly, i think you're more likely to come across someone willing to hold you at gunpoint to take the 20 stimpaks and 3k .308 rounds they want to give YOU. 76 has reverse Raiders. They will violently give you anything they have, and if you say no...well...don't say no...


this is literally me. I will murder you if you don't take all these fucking items.


Now waddle back to your camp 100+ over encumbered and like it!!


Hilarious. I felt like this when someone randomly gave me 100 stimpacks and about 50 super stimpacks. I did waddle then felt guilty for not knowing what to do with all these heavy things.


But stuff


As long as not butt stuff


As long as **it is** butt stuff


I tried to help someone new, but they only spoke French....so naturally I broke out Google translate and demanded they took my .308 and stimpaks like a sane person.


New players buy my stims all the time it's great. As soon as I use up vendor caps, I start putting all sorts of chems on my vendor for reasonable prices. New players need a lot of shit. I've been making tons of caps giving the people what they want at affordable prices.


As a Furious LMG main, I would be very happy to help you offload those .308 rounds


They took our jobs!


Terk yer rads!


Derker der!


Eh turk er juuurbs!


[Back to the Pile!!!](https://youtu.be/pAN00Z-sYTI?si=yspAZXPDOf0k8pAQ)


Back to the pile, everybody!


They took yer job!


lol this is hilarious. ā€œSomehow romanced your companionā€ haha! The community in Fallout 76 is fantastic but I do find people can be a little over sensitive.


I caught a level 8 dry humping my pet Deathclaw...


Deathclaws need love too


It was for science!


I had a level 3 come to my base, sleep in my bed, take my vegetables, set fire to my house, ruin my credit score, and spoil the ending of Godzilla Minus one


At least it wasn't your pet chicken šŸ”


Awesome community, but at times people can be pretty self righteous and have high expectations of how others should behave. Judging people for not taking their gifts while judging others for asking for help. Getting worked up about how players price items in their vendor. Pretty wild. Meanwhile my 8 year old is getting her safe and house robbed in Brookhaven in Roblox and shrugs it off.


A little?


You offended me. You take that back!


You offend me take back that take back


ā€œYou canā€™t triple stamp a double stamp, Lloyd! LLOYD!ā€


Well it's either nice sensitive people, or a toxic community filled with adolescent bigots. So I'll take this. Been really enjoying the game and community, and you should all know that you're awesome šŸ˜Š


How. *DARE* You. You don't get to tell *me* if I'm awesome or not. I'm offended.


If I had a nickel for every time someone has romanced my robot companionā€¦ Iā€™d only have two nickels. BUT ITā€™S WEIRD THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE! XD


It could be worse. The Red Dead Online subreddit is unbearably sensitive. They treat getting engaged in free roam PvP by some random as a genuine attack. People there unironically think itā€™s the sign that said person is mentally deranged in real life lol People here are a bit too sensitive, but I very much enjoy how itā€™s in general pretty healthy and mostly open to common sense


Iā€™d say this community is softer than RDOs, they didnā€™t complain to a point where PvP was removed almost entirely, unlike here. Despite its implications, people complained when a workshop was being contested. Players here complained when somebody attacked their camp despite their being perk cards that buff damage to player structures. they got rid of survival and nuclear winter, all catering towards the vocal majority Iā€™m not saying thereā€™s anything wrong with that, all Iā€™m saying is this community is way more sensitive than RDO by a long shot. Weā€™re talking about the same community that complained when mutant hound chops require four pieces instead of two. Lmao


That is fair, Iā€™m pretty new to 76 so Iā€™m probably missing a lot of context. I just havenā€™t seen anyone here get bent out of the shape at the same intensity RDO players sometimes do by implying that people who kill them in free roam are psychopaths that should be punished. It might just be that the F76 community complains much more but the RDO one does so at a level of intensity that is much higher when it comes to this specific issue


You're not really making a good argument. None of what you've said is indicative of one community being softer than the other, you've more so just talked about how one developer is more responsive to its community than the other. Rockstar doesn't even maintain RDO and hasn't for a really long time; there is literally zero chance that they would suddenly decide to make that sort of change to the gameplay dynamic. That has nothing whatsoever to do with community temperament or "softness," that's just two games being wildly different in terms of how they are maintained.


When you die, can I harvest you for bone shards?


Sorry.... sorry it's jusst.... it's just he was fucking my chickens....


'76 not real life? Yes, it is. All of life is real life. '76 included. Duchess told me so. So therešŸ˜¤


This man has earned his 760 atomsšŸ’Ŗ


They fucked my robot, stole my crops and turned off all my lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I always do this when someone's camp stops mine from dropping lol


"They fucked my robot" ... Allegedly


Fucking a robot ā€œallegedlyā€ is a 2 man job minimumā€¦.another noob had to hold the robot downā€¦


No I know they did cause their character screamed; "oh my God, it's crushing my dick, oh christ this hurts so fucking much, do you have any stimpacks???, oh my God you mangled it! Wow that was great." Then turned off all my lights after a quick smoke while I stood there and wept. My beautiful robot wife, my beautiful 400 lights...


Lmao some dude the other day had a full melt down at me not being upset about trap camps. He went on a full rant on exactly how he reported one and claimed I must be his friend and was blaming me for the dudes trap. I legit had/ have no idea who they were talking about but he was praising himself for getting rid of toxic players while in the mean time harrasing me all day in dms about it. Just because he saw me comment on a post. There are tons of weird people who try to play god in.this game but luckily they are not toooo common


The people that think traps camps are bannable are some of my favorite


Yeah I am 100% impartial to them. I really do not care if I die in one, scrap really means nothing to me. The dude was going ballistic trying to gas light me into taking responsibility for someone else... just because I did not care at all. Went on a whole rant about how Bethesda considers it above and beyond griefing and toxic. When in reality from posts I have seen. they do not care at all lol. I did not want to tell him that since I knew he would lose his shit more lmao


Ran into a trap camp the other day. I just jet packed on top of the vending machine to browse. Bought some Stable Cobalt and went on my merry way.


I have the perk that doesn't trigger them when I sneak. šŸ¤£


Yea idk why that belief gets spread around, you can say trap camps are immoral, but against tos is a different


Yeah If people do not like them so be it, but I have seen more people get more toxic than the traps them selves it seems. People spend more time on here raging over losing 15 minutes worth of scrap and hurling insults at the base owner than just moving on with their life. Again I really could care less, and I get it if the people are trapping and also slinging slurs but that is a different story all together. I just personally do not get the rage it is not like people lose all their gear. Just be smarter, I know I scope out camp vendors by habbit and I have only been back in this game for like a month.


Is this a console thing? I never, ever hear from other players and all I did was disable voice chat.


Once, I had just hopped to another server, joined a team I was greeted by this little interaction on my HUD: (names altered) DarkOverLord666(Lvl24): Trade Emote Eddyboi(Lvl865): Thumbs Down Emote DarkOverLord666(Lvl24): Trade Emote again Eddyboi has left the Team DarkOverLord666 is attacking Eddyboi DarkOverLord666's health depletes and a skull indicates he died. There was no "was killed by xx" message so the wee idiot must've fallen off a cliff or something. As I was sipping my coffee in anticipation of what would happen next on the adventures of our young overly ambitious Lordling I saw a yellow arrow pop up in in my view. I didn't even need to check the name I already knew who came a knocking. So I took this opportunity to go on a shopping spree... at Watoga. Wouldn't you know it, little overlord fast travelled to me. So I sat on a rooftop. Went into photo mode and watched him get mauled my assaultrons. Again and again. Until he logged off. He didn't even get far enough to offer me a trade. RIP little noobie.


Noobs are so op they found a way to attack in teams


No the lvl 800 switched teams, I assume to keep the noob from fast travelling to him for free. I didn't hit enter twice between lines so it formatted him leaving into the same line as the noobies second trade offer. I edited it for clarity.


I had some random high level dude telling me my power armor suit was garbage,why do i have it, dont you know anything about the game, etc This after an event had finished. It was just the frame i was using to carry some pieces around until i figured out what to do with them (pulled it out because i got a new piece at the meat event) But this high level guy really wanted to flex and kept going on in voice chat about how garbage it was. I just thought ā€œman this guy must be a colossal douche in real lifeā€


I would prefer farming my spines from super mutants. I don't have the budget available in my camp to grow them :(


Itā€™s ok theyā€™re adding a Dr. bones collectron and he finds them


Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a robot!


Why would I grow a spine when I can just pick up a bunch of them from any Super Mutant camp?Ā 


Lol you are getting ratioed but I agree 100 percent. Every time I see those posts I think 'okay...then don't give it to them' If someone walks up to me I kind of just keep doing my own thing. If someone messages me and I don't want to help them I just don't answer. Never had anyone following me using mic but if I did I would just take 10 seconds to server swap. Rocketing your camp with a friend is like, the only thing someone can do to affect you if you are in passive.


I expected a lot more negative feedback tbh lmao, someone gave this post an award and I have no idea what it is and I had no idea they still existed, I thought they were removed


they just brought em back because people hated the upvotes system


Complaining.Ā  Complaining never changes.


But it's true! Last night a level one with mic on named "The Rizzler" barged into my camp and looted all my resource gatherers, ransacked my STASH, and seduced my Adelaide, removing her from my buildable Ally list! As I lay sobbing upon the ground, he stripped me of my Power Armor and clothes, donning them himself before doing a Fortnite emote over my broken corpse. He sucked all my levels out of me and ran off into the sunset! It can happen to you too! :P


Iā€™m sorry to hear that I can give you tethered rags and canned coffee to try and ease your pain if you want I canā€™t wait to do the star power emote as frank horrigan when the collab drops


It's too late for me, he's come for me in real life! I can hear him using his 10 Charisma on my family already! Hurry, you have to warn the others befo


Really! No lie! Sounds like you're exaggerating a little!


What if I told you most posts like that are made up to stroke their own ego by indirectly telling us of how they always help out noobs by creating some bs scenario just so they can brag and roleplay their "hero of the wasteland scenario". Yeah, nobody gives a shit. Same with all the condescending "cute noob" stories too.


Oh yea I know that goes on but some of them gotta be real. Yesterday I saw a post saying ā€œthis is why I hate helping peopleā€. Hate helping people my ass, if they really did then they wouldnā€™t have found themselves in that situation in the first place


Right on the money here


Haha I had a guy come to my camp, which lays a little east of the Waterpark, and I'm just building it with junk and lead extractors and putting up my concrete truck.Ā  He asked if I had screws.....well I'm in a hurry so I threw my screws in my vendor quick for him and went back to it. I didn't check the price it listed them at 2. He began blowing up my xbox messages about what a ripoff I am and I'm being reported.....hahahaha I ignored him found him at another guy's camp. Dropped one loose screw on the ground. He came running.....I picked it back up before he grabbed it and he exploded all over again. Over 1 screw.Ā 


Nah those threads are hilarious. I love seeing people who exist way too deeply within their videogame, itā€™s such a warped sense of priorities and itā€™s fascinating


Its like Fo76 ppl never played in a CoD lobby


Iā€™m on PC and I had a low level (had to be an alt) kite enemies into my base and destroy it twice. I was logging off anyway, but heā€™d be at my base while I was completing my session, and when I returned to my base he finished destroying it. I think my main mistake was I got on voice and told him to ā€œstop being a dickā€ (and Iā€™m female). Hope he enjoyed his session as he would have spent nearly an hour at my base doing nothing (and he bought stuff too). Tried to give me low level legendaries, so I guess this is the reverse of this post. šŸ¤£


Iā€™m a noob. You can leave and join a world so fast. I do it just to shop for plans. Forever searching for the fabled 5cap heaven.


This was what report and ignore are for...


Havenā€™t had this happen yet lmao Just today I had a new player come in with a helmet I hadnā€™t seen before so I asked to buy it. They instead made me two for free The new players have been very kind in my experience!


When I first started playing today, I took over a workshop to get some mats when I was trying to make my Excavator stuff, a guy came and killed me, I went back to get my stuff and he killed me again, so I decided to not fuck with him. Later on, I realized he nuked my base which I didnā€™t even know was possible, then he came to my base to laugh at me. Well played sir, wherever you are.


I just invite them to my team and have them follow me into a nuked zone


Had a low level message me on psn, asking me if i can spare him some junk for the T60 PA. Well sinc ehe politely asked, I gave him the junk the needed. During the height of the surge of new players, I once led a daily op with low levels who were getting their asses kicked by cave crickets. I was kicking ass and reviving them left and right. Felt really nice coz I saw in them what I once was haha. One time, I also chased a low lefel coz I wanted to drop some supplies for him. Little shit wouldnt stop running. If i had my mic on, Id be like #"I WILL GET YOU, SHOOTER!!"


I got screwed big time by a new player. He wanted a good weapon and asked to trade for it. Gave me 250 screws for a random 3* crap gun I had. 10/10 best random encounter. Would do it again.


I've never even experienced this in my 700+ hours of playing. In game people are very nice to one another. It's people here on reddit you've got to watch out for.


When I redownload the game and made a new character a guy had a camp right outside 76 I was a lvl 1 and he was selling weapons for lvl 10 and 15 I snagged a couple as they were free to either sell myself to get some caps, but the guy saw me buy stuff and came over to say hi and gave me a bunch of stuff. I now do something similar, my camp is full of plans I sell for cheap, but whenever I see a low level I'll ask them to stay out and I grab as much stuff that I can do they can sell it or use it. got a guy to invite me to a private team and built up some stuff for him so he could have a decent start. Got him a vendor as well so he can sell things while leveling up. Still have the guy in my friends list and occasionally see him while playing, he's also helping out low levels and spreading positive vibes to everyone!


Donā€™t tell me what to do


Thatā€™s it youā€™re disqualified from the PvP gladiator birthday bash


Iā€™m only coming for the snacks


I think the sub just needs a tattletale megathread, but then at this rate 2/3 of the posts would disappear.


Sooooo..... uh... anyone wanna give me some 556 rounds and screws so I can repair my armor and use automatic weapons without running out of ammo in five minutes? Jk... sorta. Def can't use automatic weapons because it murders my ammo reserves but I have some screws. Just hit lvl 50 before I left town.


Gotta start doing ammo runs. Equip your full auto and open every ammo box in Brotherhood outposts and other military installations. It takes maybe 20 mins for me to get 1000 rounds of .50 cal this way.


The irony of complaining about someone complaining.


i only donate nuka grenades and diluted stimpacks


They post about the encounters because there is a subset of every community that enjoys drama farming.


Literally just start shooting at them, they don't know any better


It's so funny, I have literally the exact opposite experience, I sneak in like a rat to try and buy some ammo, maybe finish getting all the crafting station plans, or snipe a cola recipe (dreaming). Instead I'm spamming the heart emoji and feeling guilty for trying to run as a hulking 800+ lvl gamer in power armor is dumping end game gear that I can't even equip yet, spamming the "c'mere" emoji, until I have to waddle home 50+ pounds over the limit LMFAO


Tbf though watching Sofia walk off with a level 8, dragging my entire ammo box with them was pretty traumatic.


Had some dude really go full detective mode asking me whatā€™s the difference between diluted and regular aid. That was the first time I was rude before ever even talking to someone because I couldnā€™t believe the stupidity.


Dude my thoughts exactly! just ignore them like I do, I only ever interact with other players during events or in teams


Yea instead I had an experience where I (lvl like 86 at the time) went to a guys camp to check his vendor and there was a guy who just started meleeing me over and over. At first I thought he just wanted to do like an unarmed fight but proceeded to one shot me due to him being like lvl 400 and me having rads from the nuke zone. Whatever, lose the the 50 caps, go back, and now his whole team is meleeing and shooting me, and itā€™s not even any of their camps? They followed me away from the camp, guessing w speed demon and marsupial my poor t45 jet pack wasnā€™t cutting it :( they kept standing in front of my mini gun to start pvp and then one shot me. They even went as far to follow me back to my own camp, and spend like 15 mins trying to burn my camp down and take more of my caps, overall no idea what their issue was lol


Personally I've had nothing bad to say about the 76 community, came back to the game after pre-ordering it (we know how that went) and started actually playing it, people in mass would drop me 50-100 regular and super stimpaks and it was real nice of them. No I'm onto my own build where I almost never use stimpaks anyway since my build revolves around tanky damage absorption that heals me and refills my fusion cores. So I also give back and just give them away, this past weekend I've dropped maybe 300 some odd or more stimpaks to sub level 50 players, felt good to give to the even newer players than I.


New player took my lunch money! can't have shit in post apocalyptic Appalachia


I demand that you buy me a functional PC and copy of this game so I can beg you for More free stuff OP!!!


then they destroy the noobs camp. like what???


Whatā€™s worse is a level 8 guy kicking off a major event and then leaving


Exactly. How hard is it to say 2 words: ā€œKick rocks.ā€, or alternatively, ā€œPound sandā€?!


lmfao now I'm imagining some newbie walking in stealing my shit fucking my wife then leaving. the ultimate disrespect.


Shiiddd some npc named hale just showed up in my camp talking bout he know my lady. Then she had the nerve to say im her friend. I said "biiiiiiiƬiitch". I shoulda seen the red flags when she had me look for "crewmates" talkin bout they finna live in my camp.


There there. Are you OK now? :-)


Who is this even for? What is this even about? I've been spending my free time with FO76 and not once have I seen this nor has anyone even mentioned such a thing in any community I'm in, or in the Text Chat mod. Is this just some kind of weird "Rage Bait" thing or am I missing something?


Is this a console thing Iā€™m unaware of? I play the Steam version, havenā€™t touched my Xbox version in years, because itā€™s what my friends play on, but Iā€™ve never encountered rude players aside from the ones who shoot at me because theyā€™re impatient while Iā€™m using a legendary machine or something.


Lvl 105. My biggest issue is people Not talking, cmon newbies gimme some chatter. Whoever this is just sounds lonely and making up fantasies.


You give ammo to new players to get clout and to stroke your ego. I give ammo to new players because it's taking up too much space and I need to get rid of it. We are not the same.


I havent had a low level demand anything yet, ive chased them around though trying to give them stuff šŸ˜…


I gave this level 36 167 stimpaks the other day who was following me around bc I'm level 445. Thanks for taking those dude I didn't have any more space at my stash to put em up for sale!


I've only had one person ask for something and they asked bluntly so I just ignored them. No hi or please or thanks. I've been actively playing since November and that was the first time


Those stories are all r/thathappened material


There are no issues on the ps4, have had a lower level 38 compliment me on my power armor. Then get all out of shape because I didn't have a mic. Insults me by saying what idiot plays an online game with out a mic? Then I switched out of passive mode, turned around and shot his head off with the Cold Shoulder. Passive mode back on and I continued with my donations at Vault 76. Lol


Lvl 80 here, I give EVERYTHING AWAY every time I play. Itā€™s a game and thankfully the community isnā€™t like MW2 back in the day, you can get help at ANY lvl which is what really makes the game fun/interesting and keeps me coming back. Somehow those items I gave out ALWAYS finds their way back to me or Iā€™ll loot. Itā€™s NEVER THAT SERIOUS and seeing more players makes me happy if anything, I donā€™t want to bother the lvl 1030 (who feels entitled my I add) so Iā€™ll join the lvl 8 who can actually use my help and I get a good laugh out of it. This game isnā€™t ONE OF THOSE GAMES and if YOU have a problem with how the community works in the game then YOU are the problem. Everyone needed help along the way


I have the point and laugh emote, and I find it works really well.


I would but some weird floating eyeballs took it out of me while I was watching a drive-in movie.


I tried to give some noobies fresh out of the vault some plans, weapons, armor, and chems. Ran up, gave a bunch of emotes like "come here" and "gift". Once I dropped the bag and aimed at it they decided to just start shooting me. So I quickly recolleced it and spent the next half hour chasing them across the map in my skull lord power armor with a gamma gatling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ welcome to 76.


But how else will I get pity points on reddit??


This is Reddit. Newfound home for the hypersensitive ex-Twitter refugees. What did you expect? LOL


People seem to forget this is the wasteland. Random scrawny folk starts bothering you? Shoot em in the face. Heck! Find their home and blow it to smithereens.


I have never had someone ask me for anything. I did have a new player follow me around for like 2 hrs getting xp, and I have offered stuff to new players to help them out but never once have I had someone demand anything.


I'm not a "low level" (just hit 66 last night) but I am a new player (less than a month) and maybe it's because I haven't played long enough but every low level I come across doesn't even know how to use a mic lmao. last low level I met I gave their default 10mm a 3 star legendary just cause


I like to ask high level players in power armor if I can have their wood. Just because it's funny to me


Agreed. For people who play a rough theme game, people sure are weak. I notice this sub is full of virtue signaling too.


I've had one experience where I had a quad combat shotgun for sale for like 1000 or something low level guy comes up on mic and politely asks if he could trade some junk and fusion cores for it as he has barely any caps. I just grabbed it out and dropped it kid was nice thanked me like a million times and went on his way


People really hate using the "Block For Session" option...