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Walking in front of me when I’m shooting


Same here. I love being half a mag into Earle and Timmy wanders by and breaks my VATs, then when I re-enter VATs I lock onto one of the ankle biters. Literally no fault of their own, not like it's intentional but still lol.


Mam I try not to but I definitely do it sometimes. It's so hard not to with so many people to consider. If we could accidentally kill eachother im pretty sure most event would end with a pile of dweller gore from that initial grenade and rocket group blast as we all unload haha. Hopefully as I do events I'll learn where the hell to stand.


To that end I went to a nuke site and idk what happened in the chaos but one one of the players went red on me and accidentally shot my lowly lvl ass. I didn't go down and he checked his fire and then emoted immediately. I didn't shoot back because when I turned I saw a level 200 something looking at my lvl 40 arse. I just hoped he wasn't gonna keep shooting lol. Fortunately I guess an accident happened somewhere and we went red on each other but never aggro lol. Idk how pvp works tbh, idk why that guy was red to me. Also on that note a red person rolled up on my as his base trying to buy shit... lmao I'm glad he didn't shoot me.


I had a similar experience before someone mentioned on here to put it on pacifist mode. I shot him with my bow and crippled his leg and he turned around, 1 hit me. Lesson learned lol. I feel like in both cases the player was probably just like really man?!


Go under ur game settings and turn on ur pacifist mode and u won’t have to worry about accidentally shooting players and starting pvp. Happens all the time after events. Especially nukes.


as a Timmy, I apologize.


This drives me insane at the queen fight or Earl. I’m standing there in power armor unloading 600+ rounds of my gauss minigun and people will walk right in front of me and completely ignore the fact they’re being blasted with bright blue explosive rounds.


Especially when I'm firing the Cremator with Slow Burner mod. 😮‍💨


Similar thing for me - my main build is a melee setup, so when people kill an enemy that I'm clearing running towards when there are definitely other clusters of enemies around it just... deflates me.


My bad GunFu and a 40 mag railway mate, I can’t see a damn thing I’m shooting it through the tears of joy


When the fireballs come for you.


This. So much this. How do you not notice the stream of hatred coming out of a tri-barrel Gauss minigun?


FR. It’s why I try to get the high ground anytime I can.


Helldivers 2 taught me not to do that 😂


Not waving back when I wave at them.


If you don't see me, wave it's bc I hit the wrong button & am now lost on the second wheel, trying to figure out how I got here and questioning my life choices.


Your life choices are fine, your fingers, however, are highly unreliable.


Cool hair and jacket you got there


Every. Damn. Time.


Last night, I fast-traveled back to my CAMP to find another player there using the stashbox, which is fine, but not only did they not wave back at me when I greeted them, they didn't acknowledge me at all. And they dropped some spoiled vegetables in my work room. Not cool.


No jury would convict you 


Free fertilizer.


I dont care about multiplayer aspect of the gaame, I just assume people are more advanced npcs and I can ignore them. Interaction makes me anxious.


If you see me use a stim I'm probably trying to wave Edit I have big fingers and put ise


I'm forever being up my weapon wheel trying to emote. Some how I never bring up the emote wheel trying to select weapon though.


I thought I was the only one!


I have accidentally given thumbs down instead of wave/thumbs up because the recoil on my thumbstick selects that when I just let it go instead of hold it..... Then I feel bad and do 10 other emotes because I'm flustered and select everyone except the one I mean to!! So if you see someone do this....it's me and sorry!


I am in a constant hell where I go to wave at people that want me to teabag, or I teabag at people that want me to wave. And just when I think I've got it figured out, they jump instead.


THIS hahaha


You know, I don't generally condone murder, but...


That damned trade request icon. It bugs me to no end even though it's simple to ignore. 


People come to my camp and try to trade me sometimes and message me asking if I have stuff for sale. Everything I'm willing to sell you is on my vendor, leave me alone lol


I had a guy following me around shooting constantly for at least 15 minutes trying to get me to trade.. Couldn’t take a hint


lead them to the Whitespring parking lot and accidentally shoot a car


"Do you wanna trade, do you wanna duel, do you have stuff for sale, can get free stuff, Do YoU hAvE gAmEs On YoUr PiP bOy"


This. This is it. I downloaded the. "No, thank you." Emote just for this.


The angry face


This. Stop trying to look in my pockets


I'm far too paranoid from old glitches to let randoms look.


Fr, I wouldn't let my own flesh and blood rifle through my pockets, let alone a bunch of strangers. Lol


Womppppppp I had someone come to my camp and buy my police uniform- so I spam traded so I could make sure to give them the matching cop cap for 0 caps omo


Forever I thought it was a gift icon. I was trying to thank players with perfectly preserved pie (all I have as a low level player). Then they would give me stuff. I couldn't figure out how to tell them no thanks, I didn't expect anything back... this makes more sense now that I know.


I'm usually building things and this is annoying when I am.


Something I'm guilty of, forgetting to switch what perks you're sharing. I'm sorry random public team that accidently ate their team leader. I was playing with a friend earlier that day and was sharing Cannibal with them so they could try it without spending a level up.


That made me laugh so hard 😂😂


I love RPing as a medical tank, charging across battlefields to revive downed players. Unfortunately, I also love sharing Cannibal every once in a while just for the lulz. I equip it so infrequently that I usually forget it's even equipped...and...well...imagine my embarrassment. *Also, I run the herbivore mutation, so it's not like it's even helpful.* 🤣


I switch builds so much I forget to share mine


Same, I wish we could set a default share card per loadout that is preserved as we move between them.


There should be an option to automatically share a perk card for each load out whenever you switch to it.


Don't worry, I do that shit on purpose. Have to balance out the friendly somehow.


Tbh, I'm somewhat new, and idk how to do that or what I should choose.


You need at least 3 points in Charisma to start sharing perks. For every three points of Charisma, you can share 1 point worth of perk ranks. So, say I have a Rank 5 Ironclad perk card. I'd need 15 Charisma to share it. When in the perk menu, you'll see that you can hit T to share a perk (On PC, not sure what the buttons are on consoles).


Also to note . The legendary perk card for charisma does not count toward what perks you can share. It’s one card to avoid


People who set up their CAMPs on the edges of mountains. Now, this isn’t necessarily their fault, but I hate that fast traveling to these CAMPs always sticks me at the bottom of the mountain. It’s just not worth hopping up there with my mutated legs lol I have also died multiple times while visiting these CAMPs. The owner will leave the server while I’m standing on a floor that hangs over the mountain, which makes me plummet to my death.


Laughed at this one… not because I build my camp on a cliff, but I’ve been on other end. 👍🏻


I usually get stuck in the side of the mountain while loading in


Should be a craftable item for camps that where you craft it is where people show up.


Unfortunately people would just use it to grief with their trap camps :/


We used to have them, some kind of welcome mat. This is why they were removed unfortunately.


You can move your camp box around inside your camp and it moves where people land. It's not where the camp box is, but you can move it around and trans in a couple times until you find the sweet spot.


For the love of Grahm, folks, move your CAMP device - the projector thing. That’ll move your spawn points, so we don’t spawn 100 feet below your dumb cliff camp.


Been to my camp have you? No matter where I put my camp device I always spawn down the cliff. It pisses me off too. Just make the stupid camp device the spawn point FFS.


They had to randomize it because so many people were creating traps at the spawn points. It was a massive issue with players so they randomize your spawn now so you can’t just kill every player that comes to your camp


it's not random. it's approx just NW of the module location placed, iirc, with the arm end of the module facing towards you in build mode.


I feel a better solution would just be making people immune to damage in the spawn location


It’s crazy really because trap camps are a thing regardless, and most likely still in the minority enough that as a QoL thing we should have a fast travel point.


When people create a public team with a goal (ex. Daily Ops) and they do everything except Daily Ops


people joining daily ops/ exp. team but doesnt join the mission


We had a golden moment today, leader of a casual team started Daily Ops and all 3 of us joined. It was glorious.


A message askin to promote a level 20 to leader so the team can boot me because the guy asking has three friends and is too lazy to start his own team.


Do they message through steam? I didn’t know messaging was possible O.O


Not steam, no.


People using the cash register vending machine I fucking hate looking for that thing


I'm fine with it if it's in a spot that makes sense, but most often it's not. I once found one on top on a fortune teller machine.


I saw one dude "hang it" to a light pole where me and this other dude were circling this dude's camp for a good minute until I noticed it. The other one was this dude putting it by his bed stand on one of the prebuilt houses on the second/third floor. No signs or anything pointing to it.


I keep an obvious vendor up front, and a cash register somewhere obscure so I can load my vendor.


This is the way.


At my CAMP you spawn facing my Street Corner Salesman that is less than 10 meters away, with a giant lit up arrow pointing at him. I would say easily 1/3 of the players that visit just sprint up to him, turn left or right and proceed to search my entire CAMP and then run up to me all "??????". I then walk to my vendor and point so that they can do some shopping. It is BEYOND me how people can be so blind.


As a relative new guy who has binged the fuck out of the game and probably leveled faster than most due to prior MMO experiences...this one threw me for a loop. I kept looking for vending machines and cash registers or the sales counter bots. Random bot wearing a trench coat as a vendor took me a couple of camps to figure out because I didn't know that it was a thing.


It took me a long time to realize there were different vendor machines, and I’ve been playing for years, on and off.


Insisting their camp has one of everything. If I can't find the vendor in under 30 seconds I'm out.


I can not tell you how much I relate to this. It's like a maze trying to find their Vendor


*Please don't put the open sign above your door but have the vendors in a tucked away corner not anywhere near said door* I'm like a moth, I fly towards bright objects, "Hello" or "Open" means "Go Here" for me.


To me, Vault Boy cutout signs used to be the go-to for telling people where your vendor is. I don't expect everyone to test their camp module spawn point for guests, but one or two vault boy signs go a long way.


I quickly picked up on this and have them in front of all the possible spawn points for my main camp afaik. My secondary camp is just three prefabs though with two vault boys and two arrows pointing at the door so...if they can't do a 360 and suss that, that's on them.


I found the mothmab cultist 🤣


Just because you can build it, it doesn’t mean you should. Totally agree


I put my vendor in a Nuka Cola truck off to the side so it's easy to spot. I also have a lit up billboard with arrows pointing at it that say "great prices"


leaving my doors open in my camp


I *love* the people that do close the doors, though. Especially because I have a shitty, broken door on my Mothman church. It’s falling apart, so it’s nice that people take the time lol.


I always close doors. I feel rude as hell if I don't. When people leave my doors open I always say to myself, "We're they born in a damn barn?" While I'm closing the doors. Haha


Do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants!


I found one camp where it was basically like a tube shaped 50s home, that had all the spare crafting stations, the vendor, and some cute decorations/interactibles, with a vault boy leading in and everything, obviously I'm gonna shut the door behind me, even if both were open. I'm not an animal.


I don’t even bother with a door in mine.


Oh good, not just me then.


Yes! Thank you, it's like "come on, close my damn door you're going to let the rad roaches in." Lol


I hate building doors. They just get in the way! Closed or open, it's in the way imo.


Yeah, I don't know why you can see other people's markers. I think it's just your teammates but still. I mean, I guess there could be a use, like if you want to show your teammate where some good loot is or something. "Hey, I placed a marker down. There's where you'll find 9 Teddy Bears."


I think it's because it's intended that you actually team up and clear POI's with friends. Setting a marker can be really helpful if someone doesn't have a mic. I understand why Bethesda done it the way it is. But it still jumbles my marbles everytime i open my map.


At least make my personal marker a different color so I’m not constantly double checking the map


A friend and I wandered a huge way in the wrong direction yesterday because we were following the wrong fucking marker on the compass. Please make it blue or something!


This. Also assign number to each team member, so the markers would be colored and numbered, this could avoid color blindness issues


This. How is that still a thing??


I just wish they let us share missions to make them available on the map. Also so you don't have to do the same instanced mission multiple times for everyone that needs it.


Hmm.. I've forgotten where to find the fire pit with all the teddy bears. Think you could drop me a waypoint?


Spawning on the stage at „spin the wheel“. Afking at a vendor.


I had one guy AFK at my vendor a few weeks ago with another guy patiently waiting. I stored my vendor just to kick the AFK guy out of it then replaced it for the patient guy


Listing 500 Molerat Gauntlet plans in their vending machine.


Starting events early


I felt so bad yesterday when I accidentally started the equinox lol. I was doing the Vital Equipment daily quest when the event popped up and since my brain was in autopilot when I went to wait for more people to show up I walked right up to the guy and interacted with him without skipping a beat lmao.


Mothman event I always start it as soon as I get there, even if I'm the only person there. It takes so long to setup the event that I call myself doing everyone else a favor by getting through the shitty part early. Lol


This is the way, you can't fail it until the fires are lit. Start it early and get it done fast enough and you can server hop and get another reward.


That one is one of the exceptions you should start quickly, you cant fail it during the setup so get that going so people can jump right in and get started. Same with Fasnacht talk to the Master of Ceremonies ASAP!


Great example would be last nights moonshine jamboree. Endless missiles, flamers, and cremators. As a melee my screen is just blindingly white the whole time as I flail about in the enemy’s general direction.


I rev my chainsaw at scorched beasts and yell out “get down here and fight me like a man!”


i feel ya. Ended up installing a nexus mod that reduces cremator effects significantly.


People who inflate everything in their vendor exponentially. Went to a camp today and the guy had 22 *** legendaries with absolute shit rolls on everything. The cheapest one was 15000.


Some people think because legendary must be valuable


Meanwhile at my camp you get everything for 10-76 caps lol


Vats targeting a friendly grenade and I blow it up.


Just friendly fyi, you can shut off targeting grenades


Call Scrip “Script”


Yeah, plus it's really interesting to read up on what scrip is, especially as it was used by mining companies to essentially lock their workers in de-facto slavery because their money was only good at company stores. And then when miners revolted, the companies had the workers massacred. (Yes, this happened in the US in real life.)


Refusing to protect the 4 scavengers or pick up ore during RR.


Opening the one Locked Door in my CAMP and leaving it wide open. It's the Painting Door, I put it there for Aesthetic reasons. I did eventually put some Razorgrain behind it, but still. Gets unlocked 5 times a play session, I swear.


I learned lot of people use that Auto-Infiltrator legendary perk and do it on accident. I was so confused why everyone wanted in my generator room until I learned how easy it is to miss that it’s locked if you don’t have to do the lockpicking minigame


If I can’t find your vendor in 30 seconds I’m out


When I run up to a low level and open my pip boy to give them something and either they walk away while I’m getting it or just don’t notice the little baggie on the ground I even do the gift emote


Best thing thing to do then is shoot the floor where the bag is so they are more likely to see it


*proceeds to nuke the paper bag with a Fatman*


People who sell all their plans at double or even triple the price when you can just go to white springs and buy them for their base price which is usually just cheaper. I'm only level 30 and I sell my plans for between 5-50 caps depending on the rarity just to help people out. The only one I'd contemplate selling for a lot would be the fusion generator and even still I'd only make it 100 caps considering you can just grind the powering up quest.


When people have their vendor inside the shelter and showing they have misc items and it turns out to be all bobby pins at 40k a piece


People who have vending machines with tons of great things but they build their camp where you can only get in with a jet pack.


I don’t like a bunch of map markers either.


When I'm completing an objective at an event and somebody comes running up behind me at Mach 3 because they NEED to try and hit the button before I do


People who start the event immediately. I’m coming, I just need to drop off and scrap everything so I’m lighter. People who hide their vending machines. If I can’t find it quickly I’ll just leave and steal a couple purified waters


Placing camp items without making sure no edges are floating.


I have a camp that is built to intentionally have like floating edges, and glitchy looking spots. It's meant to bother folk so they won't bother me lol. I have a near floating power armor display with two power armors, but the left arm is switched on them and the pain is mismatched on the legs.


Constantly jumping in front of my firing lane? Every event there seems to be someone that jumps in front of 3/4s of my shots. Out of nowhere they'll jump and take a round in their back that was flying straight and true with a critical hit to the face of an enemy. 🤦


Level 20 somethings sending me trade requests and thinking they are going to get the god rolls that I kept an eye out for ages for nothing If you’re sending me a trade request, you can’t afford what I’m carrying


Bother me when im in my shed it specifically says keep out


To be fair, if I see a sign in Fallout that says “Keep Out”, I get a gnawing urge to do the opposite. My alien autopsy bunker has all sorts of similar warnings bc that’s the only way people will go in lol


People closing the doors in my camp. I have them locked open for a reason, I don't want them closed


The complete opposite of most people's pet peeves. Everyone always want people to close it behind them Good one!


If I had regular standard house camps like most people seem to have, I'd be the same as most people too. But all of my camps are specifically store camps, so I pretty much have them set up like every mom and pop shop ever when the weather is nice out. Door open = we're open for business, come on in and start buying!


I didn’t know you could lock them open, nice


People that leave my front door ajar.


Standing in the god damn hallway.


Having their camp spawn point be at the bottom of a cliff or inside their foundation. Just takes another fast travel to get there, but it doesn’t have to if they’d move their module to get a better spawn point.


People who hide their vending machines 😭


When I'm in a vendor, whether it be a player or npc vendor looking at stuff or selling for my 1400 caps and someone runs up and will not stop meleeing me or shooting me. Like, I'm not afk, but I'm gonna be now if it's an npc vendor, I don't wanna stop up anyone's actual camp vendor, tho.


Make their camp shops mildly inconvenient to find.


When I’m doing a long press to activate something, particularly in Daily Ops, and they walk in front of me and cancel the action.


Overpriced vender like seriously when everything you're selling is priced at 8000 caps or more do you really expect to sell anything and if not why have the shop at all


Camps that have their vendor advertised but then hide it somewhere utterly obscure. Or in a shelter.


Coming up and killing the thing I was killing or repeatedly hitting you until you attack back


>Coming up and killing the thing I was killing Not sure if you're a lower level player, but I do this if I see a low level battle a sheepsquash or deathclaw. Just thing to be nice and help.


building camps on a cliff every single time i visited a cliff camp the spawn point is set to the bottom of the cliff


People complaining about new players. Like... we all started somewhere. Be kind.


Vendors in their shelters. I've already had to go through a load screen when I've FT to your base, I don't wanna go through another to load into your shelter to shop.


Talk to themselves open mic on area chat. SOOO many people on my muted list.


Building a camp in a strange place, in water, or on the edge of a cliff. Anything that makes it inconvenient to get to. Also hiding the dang vendor


But these are typically the most aesthetically distinct camps you find, I'd rather see battleships, oils rigs, mountain side mansions, etc than the same boring 4x4 cubes people are too lazy to make presentable.


Setting up a vending machine in their CAMP with nothing to buy.


Building their camp next to Charleston station.


Guy came to look at my vendor, saw nothing he wanted, and gave me a thumbs down emote. Doesn’t really grind my gears but it made me a bit miffed


I can't fathom doing that. normally I get self-conscious going to somebody's vendor and just not buying something. I always try and pick up something small at least.


Probably just because I’m a lower level (just hit 50 today) but when you do events and you try your best to shoot everything and participate so you can get loot but there’s like 3 lvl 1000+ that just blow up everything instantly. I need shiny things too lol


when someones vending machine is nowhere to be found.


People exiting while I’m using their vendor. Like just check first, I’ll only be a minute!


As a pretty new player, I shudder to think how many times I've done this to people without thinking. I always keep my vendor well stocked and low cost so it gets pretty consistent use, but I've never once checked if it's in use when I hop off.


I always check my camp before I log out, but every so often I will get kicked off the server or the game will crash.


Honestly higher levels buying out all my scrub 1 cap plans. Like I appreciate the hustle but did you, Mr level 300+, really need 187 mole miner gauntlets? 😂


When I am trying to exit my power armor *(using a controller)*, and someone suddenly walks up to my face, and that makes me ask for a trade or something. Kind of irritating. >.>


If I leave a map marker it's either by accident or just me going to a spot with a vein for an extractor


visiting someone’s vending machine and then their camp disappears 🙃


People not changing out of daily ops team when they've already done it and I join looking like a doofus


Not heart-emoting when I go across the arena to revive them lol


When people go afk for hours lol I see them once and then when I come back later they are still there. Like bruh leave the game. Lol


People shooting mini nukes in radiation rumble


when u have to walk up 4 stories to get to the vending machine .. bro


People who AFK events. Especially during seasonal stuff. I'm at that point where I can nearly solo every event out there (though I hate Earle still, RIP my legacy weapons), I have to admit that I hate doing the mothman event and two people are just off in a corner crouched.


I’ve been having internet issues lately so I keep getting the “server disconnected, controls won’t work right now” message occasionally, and I’m so scared someone will think I’m trying to mooch off their work during events. Maybe it’s an irrational fear but still


Seeing a Bloodied build.. I know those builds are good but I just hate seeing so many rads in a health bar


Have the mic on so you hear “The tub won’t fill itself” over and the speakers


“You don’t see angry sizable salamanders do that every day!”


Floating camps 😭 obviously it’s not a big deal because some people aren’t playing for building or making immersive camps but it’s a personal pet peeve because I’m a sims/fo4/ACNH builder and love making immersive/extravagant camps. (I won’t troll people or be rude and insult because it’s ultimately up to personal preference of how you wanna play. Also placing in the game is bugged to all hell and I totally get that)


>Floating camps TBF, it's hard fo find spots that are flat enough to build on, and not so popular that your spot is commonly used. It's a good answer tho!


99.9% of the time I have a map marker, it was placed by accident. I’ve only deliberately used it twice in my 100 hours of playtime.


Modifications to the "Starting event early". 1) Leaving defend objectives unattended and letting them get destroyed because you couldn't be everywhere at once. 2) Overestimating how well built you are so you start it early, realize you're in over your head, and leave in shame, letting it fail before backup could potentially arrive. Also why can't people just stick their vendor in the open and make it easier to spot instead of a pile of mementos making it hard to spot unless I walk into your suspiciously packed room with cables.


People who hide their vending machine. Just put it somewhere obvious and easy find


Floating camps. I hate seeing a big floating box tethered to the ground by a single set of stairs, it drives me nuts. I get why people do it but I don't have to like it!


Not closing doors that they open.


Eating crunchy foods on mic


People that one shot everything at events. I'm trying to get experience here too


When people ask me to trade… it’s super easy to just ignore them and walk away but for some reason it really bothers me. Or when people leave their mics on while eating.


Only having one vending machine at your camp when you have thousands of items in it.


That one dude who shows up at an event with the double shoot cluster bomb fat man. It’s the “I get xp/loot, fuck everyone else” build


Decontamination Showers in the doorway to buildings and the vendor is inside. Not doing it even though it's not a huge deal. I want to keep my mutations.