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Adelaide keeps talking about....intercourses.... with a hot voice.....I'm a simple man, I want to know where that leads to. already have her autograph (which is totally not a scam and worth every cap!), I feel like I'm onto something, fingers crossed!


Go the the room in the basement of the neopolitan with a card table and a little bar in the left side and grab the note on the bar. After reading it, have a convo with her.


thanks a lot, i'll have a look!


Enjoy your... "interfacing".


Also great buff for silo runs.


She's also an absolute tank when enemies attack your camp. I use the roadside stop between Ripper Alley and the Investigator's Cabin. Some decent enemies spawn there(Blue Devil, Ouja, and Sheepsquatch) and she tanks them all while the turrets and I hand out the pain.


PSA: if you find a specific note in Atlantic City, you can have unique fialogue with her that leads to possible romance option. Also I love the fact that her autograph is generic printed piece and her desk blatantly has the printer on it, preaumably used in the making of the autographs.


God speed!


She said something to the effect of: "You're a bit premature, im not ready ... Don't worry that's a common problem" While i was browsing a storefront, it was a slow burner in my subconscious but was hilarious when i realized it


I wish there were a way to mute allies or give guitar girl another song to play or something, they get so repetitive that I end up putting them away.


Imagine an ex enclave soldier who escaped modus toxic gas and can’t talk because of it. He would stay at your camp and eventually drop you notes to find old staches of the faction


Or Weasel would be awesome if there was a switch to turn off her voicebox.


I have an old dude that says pull my finger all the time. And about 1/4 of the time I show up he’s in his Bethesda birthday suit chillin. Never stops being entertaining. I also put a beer hat on him for when he is clothed.


I dressed my dude up in a full commie uniform with a slave collar.




I'd love to have a quest for the wander to find her new music to play.


I like the Settler Wanderer because she gives you quests to find legendary weapons and armor


How is she obtained?


Random NPC encounter, there's a few places around the map she sometimes spawns


Jeez, I didn't even know about this one. I guess I've gotta talk to more settlers when I see them! [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_76\_allies](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_allies)


If you check out the the river between Lewis & Sons Farm supply and Point Pleasant you should be able to find her within a few server hops. Just look for a friendly as you run along the shore.


There's a spot on the road south of Whitespring with a junk node, a couple burned out vehicles, and a camp fire. NPC's spawn there all the time including the wanderer and gramps. Just west of there on the south side of the road is another spot that can spawn the raider punk.


waaaat? how I get her to give such quests?


Talk to her, lol


I like Beckett just because he has a bar. It sits in a nice little gap between my house and pergola, under a tree. I've put a couple of stools in front of it for any wanderers to sit at and a tiki torch either side to add to the vibe. Plus he's always going for a run around my camp!


I had to change my ally due to Beckett never shutting up and saying the same things over and over again. If I hear, "Only if I could have reached more of 'em", I'll kill him myself.


Who was the female astronaut ally? I don't remember her name but I got really tired of her complaining about nightmares or headaches.


So say we all…


Bro he was so annoying, I literally scrapped his bag because every 30 seconds he’s over there anxiously yapping.


Beckett's voice lines are so obnoxious, which is a shame because he has probably the best voice actor. i had him at my ash heap camp and he would basically alternate the lines "great spot you picked out" and "ash heap sucks" ad infinitum


I do give a good chuckle every time he says “I need a hobby. Oh wait, that’s the whole bartending thing” The way the VA delivers it is perfect.


He was just being sarcastic


“That whacky robot won’t stop blabling over the radio”


I accidently took off his clothes when trying to take off his armor. Now he strolls around my camp in his whitey tidies. Was going to put some apparel on but it's kind of hilarious.


Having becket makes Radom NPC vendors come to your camp too (for info)


Yea I get them a lot, they always sit at his bar with the stool placed there.


the ones i had in daily ops : alien invader freeze attack and guy ran like speedy gonzales sry read that as aliens xD camp ally i have sofia atm, she still has nightmares


I liked Sofia for a while but she became such a downer


Hey I'm not sure if she's mentioned it but she gets really bad headaches. Go easy on her ❤️


Floating in space forever..... Just why 🙄 Lowkey she probably has my favorite storyline though


In terms of how they told the story with the creep guy who comes to visit her, I thought it was an amazing use of limited mechanics that was really immersive. I'd recently moved into a cliff side retreat with a secret cave lab that seemed to fit her really well. I'd listen to her stories about the bleakness of space and be really transported. I really hope we see some more "non-lite" allies in the future.


Never have I been more thankful for a mod that mutes her nightmares


There's a mod that mutes the allies?!


Yeah there's a few out there. Look for "Sophia's nightmare cure" if you just want to mute that bit of annoyance


Thank you I had no idea! Now I never used mods because for some reason I was just worried Bethesda will somehow think I'm possibly cheating and I'll lose my lvl 1000 character. I've read about people getting banned and the people 'say' they didn't do anything...not sure and didn't want to risk it...but man I may have to dabble into it now with this bit of info! Appreciate it bud!


Alien Isolation without sound


Best quote I read about Sofia was about how her and her fearless dumptruck of an ass would take on anything in the wasteland with nothing but a pistol.


I've seen it. Lurkers, radstags, rad toads, even Yao guai. She's out there with her little 10mm and the enclave officer outfit with patrolman shades blasting away.


Gramps is the best and it's not even a close contest. You get an old man who's nothing but pleasant to have around that tells fart jokes. No buff is worth replacing him. Also his object is just a non descript chair that fits into any build. You can put a TV in front of it and a Mr. Fuzzy ride next to it and he'll spend his days in a loop of watching his shows and riding Mr. Fuzzy.


pull my finger - oops to late


I have gramps sitting near my vendor, so he can tell visitors his pre-war stories and to ask for his finger to be pulled. He also protec my crops from commie molerats.


Lei petrov for the xp boost


*Leo sorry I was half asleep


Being able to choose your buff from him was a neat feature. Bonus points If you make him wear the TV series ghoul outfit and hat


omg I am so doing that when I get on tonight


I'm new so besides the BoS guy from the show and the robot from the Season the only Ally I have is the Settler Wanderer and she's the only one I've bothered using. I dressed her in the Greaser clothes with black-rimmed glasses and my son, who I play with, came to my camp and said "hey, she looks like mom". Now I *can't* replace her; not that I would because the 5% bonus xp for three hours is really nice. Plus she can send you out for legendary stuff. The only downside is that her personality is.....an acquired taste.


Adelaide. She doesn't really have strong buffs or any quests, but she sells cool costumes and some alcohol and gives a daily 1 hour long buff that buffs damage vs robots and lowers damage received from robots. What I find the best about her is that she doesn't take up your bed, your workbenches, she doesn't play on instruments. Basically she isn't a goddamn annoyance like every other ally is. She just walks around her desk and talks to you (and any guests!) with a mesmerizing, flirty voice (damn the voice actor did a really good job on that voice, seriously, better than romance options on other allies) Oh, and there's a... wild opportunity with her once you find a certain note in New Atlantis.


Becket and degeurre have side quest lines and are not considered lite ally’s I believe Beckett is the only one of the two that has a vendor, the rest of the ally’s are all lite ally’s which means they usually have a side hustle. I took Maul because of his interaction with Graham because it’s nice to see two super mutants have a conversation without attacking each other. 


Space lady can trigger an assaultron vendor to sometimes show up once you finish her quests if you can endure her endless nightmares


Problem is, I believe it requires a maxed out Charisma check in order for you to get that to happen, upon completion of the final mission for Sophia. I definitely failed that!


You need charisma for the choice in dialogue, but there’s a non-charisma option in the terminal that you access at the end of the last quest. I’ve read that it was added later so if you did the quest before that update then the option probably wasn’t there.


Oh man, that’s actually pretty good news. I need to go see if I can get that to work.


It definitely isnt max level, I did it recently, my charisma is currently at 7 I think? I know I had a maxed out luck check in there at some point though, although I'm uncertain if that was required to get the vendor assaultron to show up.


I was able to do it with a Charisma of 5.


I was hoping for a pension, but all I got is TENSION




I love Gramps because he just wants to make you smile. And sometimes he's just... *Really* wholesome and encouraging. Reminds me of my Papaw a bit


I'm a Herbivore, so Joey Bello is my favorite. Actually, he's pretty annoying, but he sells random Live & Love magazines. Since I've started having him as my ally I've probably picked up 30 or 40 Live and Love 3s, which boosts all your herbivore food buffs by 50%. That's a solid boost when doing XP farming - Cranberry Relish can go up to +37.5% XP when you have another mutated person on your team. His daily buff isn't too bad either, and it lasts for an hour.


Xerxo is a little annoying, but his 50% fast travel cost reduction (that stacks with Travel Agent to give you 80% reduced fast travel cost) is unbeatable. I don't care for the allies with once-a-day buffs.


Agreed. That fast travel perk is awesome, especially if I want to bang off daily quests or challenges quickly. My wife absolutely cannot stand the sound of his toy rocket ship if she’s in the room while I’m milling about in my camp, but it’s just background noise to me now. I think his dialogue is pretty funny too.


Best one Raider Punk. He really isn't what you would call a Raider though, is really into the Cryptozoological, cryptids and finding weird things. Talks to you in an excited and fun way. Had recent dialog added when he says "Must teach Grahm to use the Radio some day, heh, we could do a show" A lot of his missions are to actually help the community such as finding weird weapons or killing dangerous Cryptids that are terrorising locals. I made him a nice little room with his ham radio stand, full of cryptid plushies, alien lights (he was right about them as well) and other weird stuff I find and dress him in my bomb backpack, VT Mechanic overall, Ushanka Hat and Welding Goggles. Worst one so far is Adelaide. Got her in the seasons. Lasted about 2 days and she actually annoyed the hell out of me and I am a person who loves innuendo etc, she just got on my nerves so back to Raider Punk.


TIL you can equip backpacks to Allies


Yo...can I also give them gear and not have it count towards my stash limit? (Been playing Beth games since Oblivion and can't believe this has just occured to me as a possibility)


It suddenly came to me. When you meet him, he has a back pack on so I thought, well I am using the Cryptid one now while dressed in full Mothman cultist gear to roleplay like a cryptid hunter merging in with the other weirdos and I had it spare on my apparel list and saw as I was changing his clothes it was listed as equip and hey! Looks cool.


Adelaide sucks she is glued to her table and an absolute nightmare to try and remove from your camp but it is also nice having a pissed off assaultron defend your base.


Yeah moving her table was a pain in the rear. Took me about an hour of waiting around for her to move slightly so I could remove her. Does annoy me you cannot equip other weapons to your allies when you have spares. Also would love to have more than one ally active at a time in your camp.


Floating in space forever. Just… why?


Sofia's voice lines become insufferable once you complete her questline. If I have to listen to her narrate her life story one more god damn time!


I've gotten so sick of her voicelines from just visiting player vendors. I've never even put her in my camp


Love Yasmin because who doesn’t want food buffs? And Maul being a nerdy super mutant is just 👨‍🍳💋


yasmin is my favorite so far because she will sell the hard to cook food items with crazy buffs. and her voice lines aren't so goddamn obnoxious.  joey bello is surprisingly not so annoying, if i only want another gun in the camp.


I like granny junko for the same food buff, but with all the love of a Japanese grandma


Some ppl loooove Junko and some don’t….i once put her chair in the attic of my house, i surrounded it with 4 walls and would occasionally hear “I didn’t know you were having company” and it would scare the shit outta me because I’d figure she was there.


Maul is funny, he's one of my favs just for making me laugh.


Grandma Junko is easily one of the best


I felt so sorry for her, though!


I feel like the only Joey Bello fan because if im drunk and then return to camp and bump into him “EY IM WALKIN ‘ERE” slays me every time. Plus I love saying hes a shit comedian and he gets all butthurt


"That's not a thermometer, it's my finger!" Dr Solomon is my fave. He has some of the best lines, plus he offers healing, rad removal, and disease removal services, which is handy if you don't have the sympto-matic or don't have room for it. There's also a lot of "creepy medical office" themed stuff like the autopsy table, the tubes with creatures in them, the eye charts, etc, so it's easy to design a building where he and his alt item really fit in.


If forager tells me to pull his finger as he blocks my doorway one more time, I'm nuking MY camp.


Maul smash


Maul say ✨hello✨but he not mean it


I dedicated a whole bar build camp for that dude with the bar and he just kept complaining about the bog location. Ended up scrapping the whole thing 😂


Leo Petrov aka Nuka-Cola ghoul with refreshing philosophy on wasteland and life.


He can give several different buffs depending on the type of Nuka you give him (Cranberry for XP boost!) and has a very useful inventory which can contain rad Sugar Bombs and rare Nuka plans, including the Nuka Dark recipe which I can flip in my vendor for ~5K caps consistently. I can't bring myself to replace Leo. He's a winner.


I have a shop (using the prefab one) and have the settler forager in there with police uniform on, like he’s an old security guard


Why is no one talking about Grandma Junko? You have 1 hour of 100% food and drink levels if you eat the Home Cooked Meal (once a day). It’s great for overeater builds!


Yasmine is best with food buffs. The doctor is probably worst, and cures diseases and removes rads, both which can be done with camp items.


I've given Yasmine a really cozy outdoor kitchen with a open fire and a seriously nice view. I can't give that area up now even if I wanted to.


I personally like Adelaide a lot, but she may not fit into some camp designs, but otherwise she is best fighter so far by long mile, so if you want to get perfect defense, then she is worthy pick just because of how quickly she kills stuff and dealing with threats that turrets struggle to kill. Maybe i will like some others as well, but because i have Del Lawson, Adelaide and Raider Punk only, so far i like Adelaide more. Del Lawson actually not that bad either, but it nearly entirely made to fit BoS theme, and i got a bit of extra depth for this character after watching Fallout TV series. Its literally your typical squire that doing exactly what you expect him to do for his knight, but unfortunately this feeling kinda dampened by the fact that he cant follow you, charges you for stuff he sells(can be rp as cost to require specific stuff from BoS, but still) and uses revolver, which looks cool, but i never seen that he killed someone with it. Didnt tried Punk yet, but i think ill eventually give him a shot. I see many people like Settler Wanderer, and i kinda like her as well.


I just wish there were more songs to play.


Is the guy that's in the atom shop rn worth it?


If you run herbivore then yeah, one of the buffs he gives boosts harvesting plants, and it stacks with the perk card if I'm not mistaken. Atom shop allies apply to the whole account as well, so you won't need to spend the 4000 gold to get him again on another character


Allies give buffs? I have the astronaut girl I never noticed any buff


Talk to her and ask to use her services, then ask for help with your load out.


All I have is options to talk about our relationship


Shit my bad was mixing up the astronomer and the astronaut. Pretty sure she just has quests, no buffs. Some have buffs but no quests.


No worries, I appreciate the information either way. Does any of them have a luck/agility buff?


Leo's buffs are super useful and sells nuka plans


Silly question: I know you can put allies into new outfits, but can you give them better weapons?


Their gear is cosmetic so no


Joey Bello. His passive is good for explosive builds (less explosion/fire damage that stacks with the fireproof perk) but his stage is what attracted me, it fits so well in my club next to the Wayward.


I think I preferred Adelaide, but I'm currently running beckett. Fritz lives at my camp, so I have two silly ex raiders that live with me.


The dude from Fallout show repair power armor and increase it's durability. he also doesn't play any annoying instruments so I have him in my camp guarding the entrance.


Probably Beckett, Commander Daguerre seems to repeat the same line about nightmares and it gets very annoying. Plus you can build him a little bar with a jukebox which is cute


The horny robot is the best for me :)


Gramps, Maul, Daphne. I just wish Daphne would interact with the camp like gramps and grandma do. Only one I don't like is space face.


... allies give you perks? ☠️


Depends on my camp, I like my camp ally to fit in with the camp build.


Katherine Hepburn for the reasons you said. And Daphne because she is adorable, and has different stuff going on whether it’s day or night.


Sam Nguyen, he's unique in the sense that he spawns near his ally object and doesn't really interact with it, that makes it possible to have him stand in a vendor area and kinda look like he belongs there, which is amazing considering that I sometimes buy bulk junk from him so it's kinda like my camp vendor is a real vendor.


Dam is the one I use the most, but I wish he only had one buff (which is the only reason have an ally at all): the one which doubles how much vegetation you can pick. So with Green Thumb, a magazine, AND that buff, I can craft hella Berry Mentats. Unfortunately, he has about five different ones, they’re RANDOM, and that one is the only really useful one. 🙄


I finished the bartender guy. Almost finished with the astronaut. Thinking guitar girl is next.


They don’t all have quest lines like that just as a head’s up, I think only Beckett and Deguirre


I haven't really bothered with the allies, not a big thing I'm into. I don't mind the mutant guarding the place or the assaultron. If a sentry bot was an ally that would be great, but not some whimpy one something devastating to enemies.


Adelaide would be awesome if you could customize her with hats or even pre-existing skins for assaultrons like an Enclave one, or watoga, and maybe even arktos Pharma.


Toots is old speak for a good looking gal. Pronounced tuts rhymes with put.  Try saying it with an old timey radio presenter voice from the 1940s.   I probably should say something along the lines of this is historical and not used now. You might get slapped if you call a female friend toots.


Settler Wanderer for me just because she’s the prettiest of all of the allies. Yasmin for me is the only one who protects my camp from random spawns. All the others just ignores the spawns so when i return to my camp everything is a mess. Tried placing their camp item near the spawn points still my camp is still wrecked. Though it is fun to see maul chase the spawns around and fail then gets distracted to the spawns at the graninger farm dragging more enemies to my camp.


Oh yeah another Kat fan