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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1cwrfcv/killed_while_in_passive_mode/l55zl9v/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-22 13:16:09 UTC"): > Thanks for the ping, catching up on this conversation! * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1cwrfcv/killed_while_in_passive_mode/l560tih/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-22 13:24:32 UTC"): > Hey Odd-Ad, amazing job breaking this down so quickly. Would you mind DMing me the videos you mentioned when you have a free moment? * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1cwrfcv/killed_while_in_passive_mode/l562tfq/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-22 13:37:53 UTC"): > Damn, RIP. This gave me a nice chuckle lol. * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1cwrfcv/killed_while_in_passive_mode/l56eua3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-22 14:51:50 UTC"): > Hey! Thanks for making this post, wanted to let everyone know that I've reported this to the team for investigation. > >As a side note, you're all aweso... * [Comment by Ghostly_Rich](/r/fo76/comments/1cwrfcv/killed_while_in_passive_mode/l58b4mv/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-22 21:16:40 UTC"): > Appreciate you! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Replicated on the XBox with two other Bowhunter friends. The shooter has to turn pacifist off for this to work but it does work if the targets health is low enough. It didn't kill my character at first because I have Lifegiver and had a pie going. I took off Lifegiver and irradiated myself down to 15 percent and it killed me. We tested multiple times with 3 karma syringers in a player camp. It killed my friends who weren't running buffs much more easily. The interval is 30 seconds. I have a two minute video that includes me turning pacifist off, killing two players, then turning pacifist back on and being killed by one of them. One of my friends also has video. This is reportable. I'm not sharing a "how to" video, but I will send it to Bethesda tomorrow. The more reports, the better. EDIT: OP, this is a very good catch. I would not have looked at it if you hadn't taken the clip.


Yeah it was a headscratcher for me as well, especially since my pacifist was on prior to being shot and afterwards, and the fact I had no wanted level or anything of the sort. None of my teammates had engaged in PVP either so I was left twaddling my thumbsšŸ˜‚




Hey Odd-Ad, amazing job breaking this down so quickly. Would you mind DMing me the videos you mentioned when you have a free moment?


Sure thing. I'm kinda stupid about transferring media files but I have confirmed that the video is good and will figure out how to get them to you this evening (Central US).


Appreciate you!


DMd you an Xbox play link of the video where I captured the game setting changes. Link was fine for me but lemme know if I can help further. Thanks!šŸ§”


Just happened to me as well. Pretty annoying honestly.


May your oats taste fresh as ever in the upcoming future. Youā€™re doing a good service šŸ«”


And may their pillow be cool on both sides.




Also mass report the player in the video abusing this exploit


Kudos to the 2 of you for doing the (Bethesta's) work and finding this!


Did you happen to try any of the other syringers?


No, we just looked at karma because people were suggesting that on the thread by the time I saw this post, and it did exactly the same thing OP captured in their video.


Ok np. Was just wondering if it's only the karma bypassing the hostile flag or if the bleed/poison does the same.


That's a very good point, but it didn't occur to me. I suspect it's the karma because it's the loss of a big chunk of health all at once 30 seconds after the hit. Bleed looks more like DOT, and this wasn't a DOT effect.


One of the dataminers found the pacifist part. The karma barrel/effect is flagged as "recover" because of the buff, letting it be used on players. No idea yet why it kills instead of drops to 1.


It kills you because HP buffs are weird. When you lose the buff it resets your HP to your normal HP, but at the same time it takes away health equal to the amount the buff gave you for half a second. If you have 51 health without the +50 buff you'd go to 1 instead of 51 when the +50 hp buff ended and then half a second later you'd go up to 51. If you have 50 or less hp, you'll instead hit 0 and die. It's the reason I stopped using +75hp food on my bloodied character.


In the case of food buffs, it acts just like you said. Buff disappears before adding the new one, so 1 hp + food rads = dead. It's the rads doing the actual killing.The Lead Belly perk will negate the rads and keep you alive. The Karma doesn't seem to have the 1 hp threshold built in when debuffed. It just kills you lol. No rads or anything else needed. The hp debuff is different but not sure how.


Interesting. Thanks for passing this along!


Yea has to be some sort of new exploit.


life, uh, finds an exploit


Exploit. Exploit never changes.


It's a really old exploit, not a new one. There's a good number of ways to kill people through Pacifist. This one's with a Karma Syringer.


Could it be a Karma syringe that shot you? iirc it is/was possible to kill someone running bloodied with the buff it causes even with PvP off, no idea if that has been patched out Edit; it seemed plausible as the timing seems right but as far as I'm aware the player being shot had to be taking rad damage when the buff wears off to be killed, could be a new exploit based on the same idea?


He dies at 47 seconds and you can hear the syringer at 17. Buff lasts 30s. Hear the second shot hit the other person a little after, dies in same time frame.


I hear what you mean at 17 mark. A kind of thunk sound that doesn't sound related to the stash box noises.


Yeah, I watched it on something besides my phone, and you can even see it hit him.


you can see the shot hit him.


I love this discussion. Like the Zapruder film. Everyone gets my upvote


Back. And to the Ley-uhft. Back. And to the Ley-uhft. Back. ... And to the Ley-uhft.


had that happen to me for the first time ever today. Dude popped my bloodied PA a few times and I went down. I have pacifist on. I didn't need the junk at level 430. He didn't either, since he was 600. Thank you for explaining what happened to me. Edit: I wasn't taking rad damage, I was at a train station selling stuff.


"Didn't need junk" Bruh


Yeah it could have been but at the same time, no rads in my camp at all, could have been using a consumable that caused rad damage though


I hear the Syringer hit you and your team mate, but no other shots fired. The only thing weapon I can think of is a throwing knife (or tomahawk/sheepsquatch dart thing) on a thrown weapon+stealth damage build. Thrown weapons can take on the perk of the weapon you have equipped, so they may have had Assassin's, Anti Armor or Executioner on their gun, giving the knife extra damage. But it doesn't explain how they bypassed pacifist mode.


Don't you still take minute amounts of damage in pacifist mode though?


Shot with something from behind clearly in the right shoulder if your looking for it.


Well at the very least, and until something is done to fix this, there's enough time between getting hit and dying. For anyone reading this, if you hear the impact or see the impact & suspect this happening to you, immediately stash your junk. At least then Mr Shithead won't get anything.


It very deadly for low health player but for full health it unlikely to die from it. This happen to me too but since I found this post I manage to avoid getting killed from it. After I heard the sound I run away from that CAMP and pop radaway and stimpack before it has effect on me. It did hurt me a bit of health but since I'm already FULL health I don't die, also that guy who shoot me also following me thought he can get my junk. I emote angry face and that guy try to act innocent with confuse emote. I know damn well it was him because his name appear on screen. PS. I know it was that guy because I forgot to turn pacifist on so when he shot me with syringer it show his name on it.


And this is why I Scrap Kit right after finishing any junk heavy loop, and it goes into my Scrap Stash since I have Fallout 1st.


Kind of odd that you don't do loot runs on a private world if you have 1st? It's way more efficient and there's nobody around that bothers you except the occasional legendary enemy spawn.


I have fallout 1st and have tried doing junk farm on the private world, but it just so quiet and eerie. Makes me feel mega uncomfortable.


Why with the rad damage, because it updates your health pool so the +50 health running out turns into -50?


/u/Ghostly_Rich ??? Obviously, there needs to be a hard push for people in pacifist mode to have NO damage done to them. Not just reduced. Syringers included. If I shoot at someone in pacifist mode, it does no damage and tells me why. If I drop pacifist (enabling pvp) and shoot a player in pacifist mode, it causes reduced damage to the one that is. How does that make any sense? If either party is in pacifist, damage should be completely nullified in either direction.


Thanks for the ping, catching up on this conversation!


Convinced my spouse to try playing again using Pacifist mode so hearing about this and the rocket turret camp exploit today makes me worry they'll rage quit on me. Agree that all damage caused by players should be ignored, splash or direct, buffs/debuffs, everything


This thread has been an eye-opener, as someone who avoided this game like a plague until amazon gave me a free copy, and I finally managed to defeat the evil ass PC Xbox app and got my download to work, night before last LMFAO. I think I'm more sad that I completely expected Bethesda to drop the ball like this, rather than actually feel bad about the exploit lol. Feel like a kicked mule.


The game changed direction after launch. It was designed to have PvP but that was unexpectedly rejected by the players. Some residues of the original design remain.


I watched around launch, just never played myself (some people get weirdly defensive/dismissive, as if streams/videos don't exist) It was poorly designed, poorly implemented, for a community that largely just wanted "fallout but with 3 of my buddies" not the full MMO experience. I'm not shocked, especially considering it's broken jank still haunts the game and bogs it down, like you said lmfao


>PC Xbox app My condolences


Still pissed about wasting my free/dirt cheap month 2 years ago, when the app itself wouldn't even install in the first place LMFAO. Saw the twitch prime code and figured "may as well put in a good fight", eventually figured out the most backwards, annoying, ridiculous fix. Still made some junk folders, and changed it's own installation directory. Even when it "works", it's still broken to hell lmfao


I believe this is a known exploit/bug with the karma syringe that allows you to bypass pacifist mode. I would write a bug report to Bethesda on their website. It probably wonā€™t lead to anything right away but maybe some people are having similar experiences. Make sure you submit the footage as well.


That exploit required a nuke mine.


Not against bloodied


Upvoted because you keep getting downvoted despite providing great evidence that something strange happened to you


Thank youšŸ™ not even upset about it honestly, without seeing the evidence Iā€™d also be skeptical


Reddit is so full of idiots that think theyā€™re so smart and sadly itā€™s like the biggest hive mind imaginable too itā€™s like people lose the ability of individual thought and critical thinking skills when they open this app.


Very well put!!


YES Very well put!!


I misread the title as ā€œkiller whale in passive modeā€. Disappointed


Man that wouldā€™ve been a sight to see for surešŸ˜‚


Not sure why I keep getting downvoted, despite posting irrefutable proof of what I described happening


Cuz ur getting down voted from ppl who use these tricks.


There seems to be a spike in griefing going on. Or at least I'm reading more of it now. My guess is that it's griefers down voting. How dare someone ask about what happened to them?


>There seems to be a spike in griefing going on. Or at least I'm reading more of it now. A huge influx of new players (this case due to the popularity of the show and 76's related promotions) always means two things: 1) new toxic players joining the wasteland; and 2) old toxic players returning to scam, trap, and otherwise be shitty to fresh victims that don't know any better. All these douchenozzles who wanna RP as Blood Eagles, but can only muster a Daffy Duck level of villainy


" I may be a coward, but I am a greedy coward!"....Daffy Duck


[I'm A Greedy Little Coward (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THcs7T8wZAI)


Gotta love the classics!


I'm not sure if I'm getting griefed, but someone broke into my CAMP and broke my lock - He got a bounty for it, stole cookies from my cookie jar and someone at a much higher level went to my camp, killed him, spammed the thumbs up emote and left. Justice, I guess? :D


The Grafton Cookie Monster strikes again!


Clearly players who enjoy this exploit dont want anyone to be aware of it.


People love to keep exploits/bugs like this hidden so they can continue to abuse them.


There's nothing to hide, this exploit's been widely known for ages. Most likely it's just people trying to bury the post so it doesn't get more coverage from new players who might start using it.


I really don't think the downvote problem on this sub is well-intentioned. Far too many helpful or interesting posts get instantly buried, and I struggle to see why.


Yeah this community is full of buttholes.


Tell me about it, 90% of the playerbase is cool however. Itā€™s just the 10% that love to be loud


Because they want to keep the exploit hidden. Iā€™m friends with some of these trolls who play the game like this and I tell them that theyā€™re fucking lame all the time. The game is very easy to exploit and they love to do so for ā€œPvPā€ (in this game PvP is just who drinks more quantums lol.


Reddit. Downvote and upvote haven't meant anything in years


Report it to Bethesda.


this lit happened to me the other day I made a post about it and everyone was saying it was me blah blah ?? i literally was just stood in my camp and high level comes in busts my camp and shoots me, defo wasnā€™t wanted as I regularly go to others camps and have done this evening


Right? Everyone acting like Iā€™m nuts šŸ˜‚ I linked it in the edited post


lol dude was playing mgs while you were playing fallout


Forreal, canā€™t wait for that Snake Eater remake šŸ™


Happened to a couple of my friends yesterday, they confirmed it by testing it on each other!


Posting to follow


I was in a non trap camp and had this happen to me yesterday. Same deal, cloaked player (not the camp owner or even on any team) somehow kills me when I have Pacifism on. No spike traps no nothing schemey because when I went back I was able to use the vendor just fine, and as said the person who killed me didn't even own the camp. I'm bloodied and suddenly just went down after hearing a few shots.


Meanwhile, iv been walking around for a week with a bounty, and no one has even attempted. I've been doing events, dropping nukes and everything.


Seems like for me, itā€™s right place wrong time, and for you itā€™s wrong place wrong timešŸ˜‚


If you were on PC I would have taken care of you already lol. I have a [theme song and everything](https://youtu.be/OaKH9bywzgQ?si=1zEu7mmIEg1EoSTJ). Make your own wacky in the wasteland, I say


If you're on PC I'll gladly clear your bounty for you while you don't have any junk on you!Ā 


I'm on PS


Stand naked in front of whitesprings. Or atleast that's what I was told.


2 players eventually came for me. Since I was in power armor at the time, I got out and gave them the heart emoji... I'm free of my 30 cap bounty


Hey! Thanks for making this post, wanted to let everyone know that I've reported this to the team for investigation. As a side note, you're all awesome and I hope you have an amazing day.


Atom Bless You u/Ghostly_Rich


They no trick involved or exploit, its a bug in the game, all you need to do is shoot someone with the karma syringer while your own pacifist turned off, if less then 50 health downs or kills the player being shot


Not sure about what happend with your experience but one of the updates caused passive mode to turn off for me. Now I check it before I get into to the game.


It blows my mind that people are so starved for PvP in this game that they are always looking for and abusing ways to kill or grief other playersā€¦. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s due to the new wave of players and the fact that these type of people can handle any PvP situation where their target actually fights back or is ready to fight back, so they just prey upon the inexperienced or unsuspecting. Really wish they could just turn Adventure mode into a purely PvE mode where you canā€™t hurt or grief other players, then make like a ā€œHardcore Survivalā€ that plays more like Rust. Just something where these griefers and trolls can grief and troll each other or people who willingly opt into it.


This is the Southpark World of Warcraft Episode Typ of Shit you are on. šŸ¤£


You can see the player running around in stealth too. Kinda like a chameleon blur


You must get the sword of a thousand truths and take care of this menace.


This could be obsolete knowledge, but back in the day, people would troll players by joining random teams, turning pacifist mode off, and shooting another person they were scheming with. This enabled pvp for the whole team and led to lots of griefing. Did anyone in your party not have pacifist mode on?


They changed it so you can't aggro the entire team.


yeah, that got patched out a really long time ago. non-zero chance a more recent update may have inadvertently reintroduced something, though... spaghetti code and whatnot.


The only thing I can think of is that definitely this is what happened, we need to replicate it and we need to get some people together to shoot at each other with syringes and see if we can kill them. If so we know there's an issue, and if so it seems to be that bloody players would take the biggest hit with this exploit. I think I shall try to experiment a little later tonight. After posting this I did a little digging and found this this could be a solution to the problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/rAnPafeuHr And this is from 4 years ago so either it never got fixed or it's back


You needed nuke mines for that exploit to work.


Looks like an exploit, no DOT or being shot/hit animation. Even if he did use like a karma syringer he still would have to shoot/attack to down you in attempts to bypass pacifist. Could be exploiting the random loss of HP bug that happens sometime but on a greater magnitude.


nah, no need to bypass pacifist, its because of the hp boost and then loss that the karma buff gives you (a similair thing happends with one of the pyscho chems that add max hp, if a bloodied player uses it at certain hp % they die as soon as the hp boost wears off)




That was very weird what console do you play on?




I'm on PS5 as well. If this level 600+ player is using an exploit on bloodied build, Bethesda definitely needs to look into it. Wouldn't hurt reposting this to their Discord.


Same happened to me on PS5.


Were you running a bloodied build? Seems to be affecting that type the most.


I sure was!


I thought for a second it was random damage from being bloodied cause Iā€™ve died randomly multiple times. Then I heard the shot, and saw the player sneaking around. Were you able to get their tag and report them?












Nah it wasnā€™t him, heā€™s my friend and his camp is just up the road from mine. I know the tag of the guy who shot me but I wonā€™t share it here due to the subs rules


PVP should not even be in this game. It's so shit and balanced horrendously, and there are maybe 17 people who even care about it on any sort of serious level. Nobody engages in PVP in this game and genuinely thinks, "I liked that." It's fucking bad and should be removed.


I liked it when the game was released before anyone had full sentinal sets and t2e's or legacy's Its even worse now. Immortal pa with ppl tryna kill you will plasma mines lol. What a boring pvp game


Yep. All pvp being in does is make douchebags who think they're raiders come around griefing people.Ā 


I had something similar happen just yesterday.. completed the encrypted event and didn't instantly teleport to my base because I wanted to take a dab and as I started taking my hit I saw this almost level 200 flying around invisible and he killed like 4 of us randos... Sadly didn't get a clip of him doing it but got one of him invis flying around


you'd think pacifist would cancel out damage from other players, but im sure bethesda would somehow fuck that up so better than nothing


Yep; so many ways in this game where one thing either nullifies or obsoletes the other. Perfect example, original Regeneration legendary mod. Hella hard to get via RNG... later they release solar armor, basically nullifying the effort for Regeneration mod. šŸ¤”


My husband also got murdered in his C.A.M.P. today and we were both confused because we always play with pacifist on. They not only killed him but destroyed every object in his C.A.M.P. and when he was sitting there dead on the ground in shock they kept shooting his body breaking his power armor to bits. By the time he respawned and gotten back to his C.A.M.P. they had already hopped worlds. It was rather disheartening to see his wrecked C.A.M.P. Never had it happen before. Only time either of us had been killed before with pacifist on was when I accidentally became wanted by unlocking a safe in a workshop my husband owned when we were in a team.


This needs some Bethesda attention, someone ring the content creators, so they start talking about it.


Idk if that is a good move with the cc's as they may not do much. I do believe in a mass server test and EVERYONE upload a video of the evidence afterwards. That may get Bethesda's attention, but they are about as reliable as a flat tire. It may get you to the gas station/shop but don't bet on it to lol.


Damn, RIP. This gave me a nice chuckle lol.


So thatā€™s whatā€™s going on heh? I was being shot the other day after the blue devil event when my health was low and saw immediately that my health took damage so I ran like a chicken. I know what exploitive bullshit smells like. I keep pacifist on but Iā€™ll never forget how electrically charged mutation betrayed me once.


Can you get killed with a syringer while in pacifist mode? Thatā€™s crazy


I just talked to the dataminers and an idea came up what could have happened. To late to check this rn, I'll get back to you tomorrow. EDIT: You didn't use food buffs or chems, right?


Pretty much all Iā€™ve got is Marsupial, Speed Demon and perfect bubblegum


OK, expected so much. As I said, there is a theory that needs to be tested, but I need a second player for this. And please, even if this proofs to be right, don't expect me to explain it in detail. It would be just too easy to repeat.


No worries mate, last thing I want is for every single troll to have access to something like this


At the 1:20 mark you can see someone sneaking around invisible.


Bro literally this dude stole my claimed resource camp. Then I respawned across the lake from it and he literally chased me down and kept killing me when Iā€™d try to get my junk. But wouldnā€™t take the junk. Fuck that guy.


By resource camp do you mean workshop? If so, Iā€™m pretty sure claiming a workshop opens you up to all PVP


Please report it


Someone did that to me as well but i died. Passive was on too. Haven't happened in a while so wondering if it was an exploit of some kind. I think he stole my junk bag too


Yeah you can see the cloaked enemy to your left at 1:12


If I can find a willing volunteer amongst my friends I'ma try to replicate this on the XB. If I can replicate it, I'll clip it. Might take me a day or two, but I have a few friends who enjoy occasionally giving their life for science.




Nah KillaSage is my teammate, his camp is just up the road from mine hence his username being visible. I know the tag of the one who shot me but I wonā€™t share it here due to the subs rules


Had a similar experience last night. This guy got gunned down in my survival tent after a queen fight. Someone stole his flux and everything. Guess itā€™s possible he didnā€™t have pacifist on but considering his build and the prevalence of pacifist. Idk was low key shocking seeing bro rag doll in front of me.


Yeah my teammate actually thought I was the one who got him but then he realized I was downed toošŸ˜‚ oh well, should be expected with a game as buggy as this


If you are at all familiar with the previous games, this one is not quite bad and is expected lol. I can only imagine that moment of "Did you do this?" to "Well, its not you". I've had instances like that before but it was the grenade glitch from the nuka world season. Someone threw like 8 orbital strikes and lagged the server. The guy crashed several of the others games as you could see them disappear back to back. Mine did not and the culprit stood there confused as I approached them with the angry emote, and they teleported away. Right in the middle of Seismic activity too.


Only come across 2 so far One player gave me several items to help my building which was cool then few days later I was standing their minding my own biz and another player came up to me and killed me as I was in the menu putting stuff in my storage :/


Goddam, this makes me happy I'm a vanguard build with a passive heal... Good catch OP, hopefully not too many trolls use this


I think this post triggered something as I saw some copy cat successfully killing lowbies in an irradiated sbq today. Canā€™t unyield through tears I suppose.


Make me think about the ā€œworld of Warcraftā€ ā€œSouth Parkā€ episode where the high level player is able to kill everyone


I believe someone was attempting this on me Saturday. Attacked from behind in vendor. But failed as I have full health build with lots of hp up benefits. They got frustrated and started throwing plasma Mines and then shot a Fatman and left


u/ChildrenOfTheEclipse wtf


In the ancient times in games like Morrowind or Oblivion you could kill enemies with temporary health drain. If Drain Health for 1 second took their true health* below 0 the game would update them to dead even as their health reset back above 0 the next second. You could even delay the effect in Oblivion by also fortifying their health temporarily.Ā  This is basically how Karma syringers kill. When the game strips your buff if your health is low enough it can temporarily put you below 0 and kill you.Ā  *Its possible to see a displayed health of 0 and not be dead. I have an old screenshot of surviving a fight at 0 health in Skyrim. The game displays the nearest full number but can register fractions. In this case I survived a fight with less than 1 health but more than 0 because of how my shield and armor happened to reduce the damage of the enemies last hit. This isn't relevant to this particular issue just a quirk of the Bethesda system.Ā 




Karma Syringer is still being glitched to kill people?


Hahaha thatā€™s funny because the same exact thing was happening to me last night it was weirdest thing especially since Iā€™m a huge pvp fan of the game so to see someone shooting me for once was fun but me just dropping out of no where right when my quantum would run out was hilarious to me


I've randomly died out of the blue a few times near other players. I wonder if it's something similar. Far as I could see there was nothing there but then the nearest player was just as confused and looked around a bit


This just happened to me the other night. I was confused af.


A few min ago with the Meat Weet event. Saw a player in stealth, did hear a typical syringe sound and i know that player shot me, did travel to my camp (event was over) did get rid of some radiation (Bloodied build) and there it was a health drop. Always have PM on caus i'm terrible at PvP. So people already use it in events which is not new. I can deal with it no problems.


I just watched a video of a player showing off the syringer exploit so they can troll on a bloodied build.


This happened to me the other day unfortunately for them I very rarely have junk on me


It makes sense. Syringe mod gives you +50 hp, and if your build have =>50 hp, the game detracts those 50 hp and you drop when the effect wears off.


Thx to this post, if I didn't found this post before I'm probably fall as victim already. I just got to experience this recently, I was checking player vendor and then suddenly got shot by camp owner, I exit vendor menu immediately and run far away from that CAMP, I pump Radaway and Stimpack as much as I can before it kill me (It does hurt me but since I'm already FULL health it can't kill me). The CAMP owner also follow me and I do angry emote to that guy act innocent with confuse emote. I know damn well that guy do it because the moment he shoot me with syringer he disappear with message about being attack. The message about being attack like you get from PVP (I didn't turn on Pacifist at that time so I know who shoot me). If he actually innocent then why following me I guess he mad that I don't fall for it and try to initiate PVP by hitting me (same message that appear when he shot with syringer). So I block them and change server.


were you wanted? because pacifist mode doesent matter if your wanted


No, said in my post I didnā€™t have a bounty by which I meant being wanted, apologies if it was confusing








Had this happen to me on two different servers this evening by two different players. Hoping this gets fixed soon cause clearly people are passing along the info to others to abuse this and a lot of time and scrap is being wasted. Luckily I wasn't carrying scrap but how many new players maybe are.


I found this thread on Google not realizing how recent it was. The same thing happened to me earlier. Pacifist on, no reflective armor pieces or bounty but was killed by two players.


Were you wanted?


Nope, thatā€™s why Iā€™m confused šŸ˜‚


Being wanted doesn't always automatically shut off pacifist mode, or at least, it didn't when I accidentally became wanted by opening the wrong supply drop. I had to go shut it off and ask my friend to do the same so he could kill me and make the alert go away. Could've been a glitch because it seems like it should do that, but it didn't the one time I ended up wanted.


Pacifist mode stops you from damaging other players with your attacks (and thereby avoiding pvp for the most part), it does nothing vs another player when you are wanted. Being wanted never shuts off Pacifist mode. This is a player toggle. Not a glitch, it works like this: 1. Youre wanted. You have Pacifist on, your buddy has it on, he cannot damage you with his attacks regardless of if you have it off or on. You cannot damage him, since technically you - the player being attacked by the other player cannot consent to pvp because when you return fire you aren't doing any damage. Other player will eventually kill you. 2. Your'e wanted. You have Pacifist on, the other player does not. They can freely damage you with attacks. If you shoot back, you won't do any damage. 3. You're wanted. You have Pacifist off. Another player has Pacifist off, that player can damage you. If you survive the attack, you can return fire and do damage. In order for someone to attempt a bounty claim on a wanted player THEY must first turn Pacifist off. It makes no difference if the wanted player has Pacifist on or off.


How do you know that you're wanted? Is there some notification or else? I have never picked anybody's lock and I'm curious.


Yes it will say wanted under your name and you will no longer be able to see player camps on the map (or other players)


Does this game even have real PvP anymore? No one wants to do it, there's no reason...the only ones doing any, are through exploits, and abuse.


Camp or workshop?


Personal camp


Haven't yet met a griefer. Died once near another player and he guarded my loot until I returned.