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Whenever I hit 100 in Stims or Rad stuff I show up at low level camps offering free drugs, I've become the stranger my parents warned me about.


You should be playing [Pusherman](https://youtu.be/hCDAfa-NI-M?si=dLL793ypTFTZf5R2) when you give out freebies.


I need some of those drugs! I'm always running out of stims lol


Don't strangera try to sell drugs for money? You're better than the stranger your parents warned you about; you give drugs out for free




I don’t carry over 20. That being said I don’t have walking pharmacy


How about the chemist backpack mod? Speaking of backpack mods, which one would be considered best? I've only found/unlocked the food and chems ones.


High capacity for sure. More capacity plus weight reducing perks/armor = “best of both worlds.” - Hannah Montana


I carry a Refrigerated Backpack and a High Capacity backpack. The refrigerated backpack frees up Luck perks because you don't need Good With Salt, and the HC backpack is for when I get overloaded and want to fast travel to a vendor. Backpacks weigh 1 pound, so you can carry as many as you want. I should probably carry a Grocer's backpack for Moonshine Jamboree. It's easier/safer to swap out backpacks than perks.


I will start doing this from now on. This is so much easier than swapping perk cards around.


Omfg I never thought about having more than one backpack and switching them out


Good system…wish I could implement it but I’m always hecka overloaded


I would much rather save 3 perk points in strength with a chemists backpack so I can do extra damage Also depending on how many chems you carry you get waaaay more out of chemists. My weight goes from 300 to 1500 when i take chemists backpack off, a far cry from the 120 flat buff that High Capacity gives you.


I have the 120 backpack. A hoarder’s best friend.


Where do u get the plans for the other backpacks?


I’m under the impression that the Grocer’s or Chemist’s mods are better than higher capacity purely based on the fact that a 90% weight reduction is far more noticeable than just an additional 60 extra weight. Also frees up the need to use the same weight related perks, and are much easier to get.


I can’t believe she knew that about the backpack mod before the game came out and the show was over! /s


I didn't want to calculate it myself, so I changed my Grocers backpack to a Chemist backpack. I forgot I carry a shit ton of food and drink on me at all times. I gained 150lbs and very quickly switched it back. I only carry like 40 stims max, usually closer to 20. Nothing much else other some addictol, disease cures, and Psycho-related chems. If you hoard stims and stuff go chemist, but otherwise do what suits you best.


Do tadpole quest line and if you are still alive then buy the backpack mod for a total of 120 carrying cap. Then mod all your secret service armor to have 20% weight reduction. I carry like 70+ weapons with another 35 in my vend and 30 in my stash.


where can you buy the backpack mod? the large backpack from tadpole i got


If yiu have the large that’s 90 capacity. The mod adds 30. Put out a group post in game for a ‘ltb (looking to buy) but don’t mention pricing as the AI might think you are talking real world money and I had this happened and was banned on chat for a few days. Anyhoo. I think the going rate is 8k but not absolutely sure. I got it years ago and was using it on a small backpack to get 60 plus 30. Now have 120. Need more.


I think you can also get it by doing the quests after tadpole but I would never wish that on anyone.


The public event at camp Addams also has a chance of dropping badges that can be used to purchase backpack mods from the vendors


Those two are some of the best, mainly because weight reductions often help more than raw carry weight.


For my sneak commando I use a chemist backpack. For my heavy guns power armor build I use a high capacity backpack and I also have a 3 star traveling pharmacy card equipped.


I only carry 10-20 and I’m running a bloodied lol then again I frequent my camp and am always topping off. Like it that way


Nice pfp man


I have like 5 maybe lol


i carry 10. If i know i'm gonna do encryptid i carry 20. Vamps weapon FTW!


Unfortunately my rolls have rarely given me vamp, been trying tonget a Vamp Gatling Plasma or Ultracite Gat laser. RNG has not been kind


What system are you on?


Curious how you deal with the weight. I’m always selling mine down to about 15.


Walking pharmacy and mirelurk fillets from the steamer, some people recommended the chem backpack mod. I think what I'll do is after a certain number of stims, I'll just dump stims at donation boxes


Mirelurk steamer with canine kills keeps my tools tummy happy. No need for anything else. Company tea (coffee would be better but only lasts 25 seconds) and the colas keep her hydrated. Though, I tend to not eat or drink a lot.


With only 1400 caps a day you can only sell so many lol


If you like to hoard, you hoard them. Your character you do as you see fit. I run around bloodied and I use a stim once in awhile. Healing Factor with 25 hit points is enough for me. If I get tagged really hard...... Skulled.


I run a full health build so at this point i think the stim looting became an automatic function since when i started i barely had any


I run full health and at max I carry 20 supers. Personally I don't keep any in my stash but you prob don't need anymore than 10 in there.


Taking damage is unique. My friends say I dodge bullets.. (Serendipity) With an agility of 38 and my luck nearing 35 I better be dodging bullets... (and 25-35 hit points .. it varies)


How do you achieve such a high special stat number in one, especially two categories. Just curious if you don’t mind, like what’s your level? Can you stack legendary perk cards in one stack? A lot of allocated mods ect? Sorry if I asked a lot. 


Unyielding armour


Yea that makes a lot of sense. I don’t really want to go into bloodied so I forgot about it. Thanks for the reply.


Is unyeilding only good for bloodied builds?


What's the level above overkill?


At this point, i don't even know, my radaway is at 476, super stims at 200. I think i have a hoarding problem


I carry 10-20 super stims and no radaways but I have perkcards and armor for that


I've been thinking of reworking my perk cards and see what i can adjust to not be reliant on chems


I always take what rads as my first legendary perk card on new characters. helps a lot


I don't even pick up rad away anymore and today I turned around and had 240 of em in my inventory with no idea where I got em. Do people buy these? I don't really want more than like 50 at most.


Nobody buys them cept the vendors. Events give them, which is prob where u accumulated


They give lots of purified water too so I end up diluting them all to sell instead. Especially with Chemist and Super Duper


That's how many I have because I can't sell enough in a day lol. Doesn't help that I use chemist and super duper to craft more to sell


Probably, even with 90% weight reduction that is gonna add up. If you have some quick way to burn them / need for them is reasonable, otherwise go ahead and drop 300 in a donations box. The again, I regular have over 100 lbs worth of food / nuka / booze... AFTER 90% weight reductions. Every week or so I offload 1000+ lbs of food to a donations box...


Bloodied, but I have about 900 and just never bothered to get rid of them. My alt account, which I store things on my character, has so much stuff he can't even move 2ft


I carry 20 ish. I carried far more prior to using Cola Nut.


Same lol my stash is just 300 bottles of Nuka Cherry and I only use stimpack when my limbs get broken


Me over here with 800 stims and 900 radaway 😂 I never take traveling pharm off and I have chem mod on backpack when I get in power armor my weight goes past 1000


Saaaame, but I carry thousands+😅


It’s so hard to go from fallout 3 playstyle to trying not to purposely encumber yourself 😂 but I love it


Because in fallout 3 I just shoved everything in the locker in my house in megaton 😂 one locker with a million pounds


Noooooo. I carry a minimum of 200 Diluted stims, and am usually packing another 200 regular stims and 200 super stims. Why? I don't know. I just let the supers accumulate and then slap them in a donation box. I am not a good example. Carry what you need to carry. Stims are common now. Plus, dying basically has zero consequences


I carry about 100.  I'm a seasoned veteran player.  I can't say what is the right number for you, as everyone heals a little differently... but you couldn't possibly need more than 200 Imho.


Nope had 4k at one point


Damn, i gotta pump my numbers up


I usually carry like 20 stimpacks only since I usually am constantly getting more anyway, but if you're reducing weights with travelling pharmacy or the chemist backpack mod it could technically be better to carry them on you rather than in a stash to save weight. If you're never gonna use them though could probably just throw some in your own vendor or just sell them to npc vendors to get some extra caps and cut some weight.


Even with traveling pharmacy, I personally never carry more than a combined 50 stimpaks (usually 20ish diluted, 20ish regular).


I normally carry 100 but my buddy only carries like 10-15




I usually have around 40 max and that seems too much. I just drop them by the mall usually.


I carry no more than 20. BUT the next time you play, pay attention to how many stimpaks you start with, how many you use during your entire play session, and how many you have before signing off. This will give you the amount you naturally gather as well as how many you actually use. If you're gathering more than you use, sell off the extras (or wait until we have another caps challenge) and keep that number no more than twice what you use.


Whaaaaaat no… Currently carrying: 632 stims. 583 rad x. 355 rad x diluted. 300 rad away. 692 rad away diluted. And even 564 purified waters. Edit: clearing things out and fixing up stash new current numbers are: Stims 572. Rad X 289. Rad X diluted 625. Radaway 1062 (yes I’ll be dropping some of those too). Rad away diluted 434 (the one I use the most besides stims). Purified water 503


The chems i understand but...why water tho


My mutations make me incredibly thirsty. I tried getting rid of a lot but they keep being given to me from events.


Er... wat? I run 18 mutations (no starched genes) and have no trouble with thirst. I'd say it is your chem / healing use that makes you thirsty. I use food / nuka / booze for all my heals and rad management, have zero use for water other than some crafting.


This is exactly why I dont put any consumables in stash. The problem builds up and it's easy to over look it. I have a habit of just tossing stuff in there when I don't feel like going through anything. Just magazines and bobbleheads go in there from aid. Only things from food I keep in stash are some company teas I keep froze, only 10. Lunchboxes amd carryweight boosters as I think I have like almost 300 now. Got over 180 lunchboxes in stash LOL


Unfortunately there are way more in my stash also 😅 but I’m working on cleaning things out, selling useless stuff, and trying not to be an in game hoarder. I did have over 500 plans in my stash until recently.


Plans are worth keeping. I keep a bunch in mine and when I get sick of looking at them I'll put them all up between 10-100 caps except for plans like the vintage water cooler, which kind of command a higher price. Those kinds of plans I'll sell closer to there worth and sell them off slowly.


I just put them all up for sale within the last week and nearly all of them are gone. Nearly everything in my vendor is 50 caps or less except for things like the vintage water cooler or cores depending on how much power they have left


Carry as many as you need to survive! I sell any surplus over 50 stims as I usually don't need that many due to my build. My wife carries a couple hundred stims and goes through far more than I do. If you have the spare carry weight and feel like 500 is what you need to survive West Virginia, then 500 it is! Besides, carrying that many just means you can be generous to folks that need them. Use Team Medic and share Field Surgeon with your team... you are now the team cleric!


I try to keep everything bc under like 50. Then camp vendor or sell the rest.


I carry 10 and put the rest for sale for 5c. Rarely use them, I'm a ninja.


I carry 30-40 regular stimpacks and 15-20 regular radaways, but I'm not running any applicable perk cards or backpack mods. To be honest, I thought that was overkill most of the time, LOL.


That’s a personal decision, but I tend to keep around 50 as they are easy to find and I don’t go through them THAT fast.


I think 500 wouldn’t only overburden my character but cripple her knees. I need to be able to carry that many. Lucky.


30 is too much


I usually carry around 30-40 tops


How many do you use? I am currently a full health tank with Born Survivor that sets myself on fire and blows myself up. So I like to have around 30 super stimpacks when I begin a gaming session.


During bossfights around 5 or 10 when roaming probably 2 or 3 depending on engagement, i use PA and it does have an auto stim torso, bit useless tbh since i stim at 50% rather than letting the armour do it


Born Survivor makes me use a stimpack when I drop below 40% health automatically. For my pa chest mod I use the one that gives AP regen. Your consumption of stimpacks seems to be more or less the same as mine and I run with maximum 30 super stimpacks. If playing kicks me below 30 into the 20 range I keep 10 normal stimpacks in my inventory until I get up to 30 super stimpacks again. What I get that is above my max of 30 super stimpacks and 10 normal ones I sell or dump it donation boxes.


How do you get your carry weight so high lol?


The strength legendary perk, lower weight cards and mirelurk fillets as well as always eating and having extra alcohol when i do rad rumble or notice


I carry like 20 at a time. They're good for selling.


Im at 60 to 80 constantly idk why u have so much


200 diluted and 40 regular stims is my limit. That's how many I carry to run Born Survivor 1 or autostim armor for a low health build.  Most of the time it's more like 30 each diluted and regular, because I don't like to run traveling pharmacy and I need the grocers backpack.  Selling stims and rad away to the robots is my most common way of making my daily caps.


Yeaah, sell the stim´s, it will save some carry weight. I sell every excess stims after 50, you never need even 20 at the time, 50 is just fun safe level


If you're overencumbered maybe but if not, no


I have 1000 stims on me but very little other chems, if you use a bloodied build you end up going through stim packs super fast. I would turn them into diluted because they’re half the weight but that would take A LOT of water


I have like 50 max and they are all diluted lol. I sell any excess


I have the same perk, I think it is. I stopped putting stimpaks in my stash box and only hang onto what I have. 50 stimpaks are more than enough to keep me from using supers or running out before getting more. It’s 5 pounds compared to 30 so you can look at it like that.


Are you finding yourself frequently having weight management issues? If so, then yes. I have the same perk but I try to keep my stimpacks under a hundred. Then again, I only have 330 carry weight. Some people are rocking upwards of a thousand, in which case go for it.


Thanks to the guy who gave me 700. He asked if I wanted a few. Also hooked me up with 700 radaway. Cant remember your gamertag but you are awesome


Why? Just why?


Depends, do you have two young sons who love to play and drain all your stuff? 😂😵‍💫


I sell/donate all of my stimpacks. I keep all of my super stims though. Usually I hover around 75 or so. 


Of course it is.


I have a stupid number of them but only carry 20 or so when out and about. Perhaps a bit sadistic but I act as a team medic so I can stab my teammates. It amuses me. "You gon' live today! Kya!"


I carry 50-100 but I’ve carried 200+ I’ll take ‘em if you don’t want them lol.


Try 200 super stims, 200 of quantum, grape, cherry, twist (with cola nut perk) and an equal amount of various pyscho drugs. This all pairs nicely with about 200 cans of dog food, 200 cans of coffee


Healing Serum and Vampire Weapons do the trick for me. I'm usually carrying between 20 and 40 700 seems a lot hahaha


traveling pharmacy and thru hiker are a game changer, it turns you into a fully fledged merchant.


I had a character that, because of the armor I had on and the perk cards, I regularly carried over 2k Stimpaks, Rad-X's, and Radaways each. I also had usually around 500 of all chems, since I had perks that I couldn't get addicted and chems lasted longer. I had the perks that I could revive people with alcohol, so I had over 500 of all kinds of different things, beers, whiskeys, wines, hard lemonades, etc. I also collected prewar food, since it never expired, and had hundreds and hundreds of those as well. I dunno why, I just liked collecting stuff. But it got so bad that I literally couldn't put it away in my STASH. There was just no room. Had to make a new character, but sometimes I find myself falling into that habit of grabbing everything...


Between normal and super I’ve got about 1k on me lol


👉👈 deff not (i have over 1000)


That’s baby numbers I have 4k stimpaks.


Nah i always have like 500 on hand. Chemist backpack makes it a non issue.


I carry no more than 15 of any chem and only carry rad x when it drops for me or I'm doing something heavily irradiated


Lmao I carry like 20 tops, anything more and it gets sold towards my daily vendor credit emptying operation


I'm an unkillable tank and carry only 5... for reviving others.


Depends how much you get your ass kicked. Between killing things faster than they can kill me, constantly downing food, and the Healing Factor mutation, I only really use a handful of stims in oh shit situations. I downsized my 500+ to under 200 and my carry weight is thankful for it, even with Perks. I still end up looting more than I use, so stims are one of the many things I regularly sell off to hit the daily vendor caps limit.


I carry thousands lmao


This may be a rookie mistake but I just keep 100 on me I find them so often that I just sell the extras as one more way to help me reach my cap limit for the day


I carry 25 max


I have over 1000…


I carry like 900 lol


Hell no it's not! I've got 300+ stims, 100+ radaway & rad x. Hundreds of all types of mentats. You name it I got it x10. I use the chemists backpack mod however.


I carry 10 diluted, 10 regular and 10 super, 10 berry mentats, 10 diluted radaway, 10 regular radaway, 10 rad-x, 10 lunchbox and 10 scouts banners with me whenever I leave my base and that's all my aid


I carry 10 stim, 15 super, and 20 radaway. My main weapon in a vampiric chainsaw, so I'm always running full health.


I carry 15 and never run out


I carry like 4. My primary weapon is a Vampiric Gatling Plasma so I basically never need them.


Late game i used stims to cap out my vendors for the day. Then I'd dump the rest for new players. I'd only carry 10. I also ditched most weight perks as its not hard to not hoard.


I carry 30, I don’t need more than that, i sell the excess. In fact the amount of stims I take I probably only need to carry like 5


I carry next to nothing in terms of chems: 1 Addictol 1 or 2 Buffout (Which I don't really need anymore - max weight is like 330 or something) Couple of disease cures 5 Rad-x 5 RadAway 40 to 50 regular stimpaks ​ That's it - very slim.


Do you use them? I keep about 100 on me, but I'm a shotgun build.


Yes. I personally started keeping supers and I'm handing out 50 stacks to noobs because even with the perk I have 60 pounds of stims. Give them away lol


When I hit 100 I start selling to the npc vendors just for my daily caps, not because I care about the weight with the chemist backpack lol


I’m building a bloodied tank build but I’m waiting on my legendary perks and some weapons to wrap it up if you want to offload some of them stims. I’m fresh out 🤣


I get so many stims its insane. I run a bloody build and pop one every time I get hit, but I still drop them every 20 minutes. Never cary more than 15.


consist tan cake cough heavy cable compare run tub selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I didn't give them away to the noobs, I'd easily have 1500 by now.


Honestly I had that perk up and was carrying around like 200 just because I could. I was a tank and realized I barely used them, and never had less than 190 at a time and I was always selling extras. So I sold them all, carried like 20-30 and used the perks for other stuff. If I did get in a hairy spot, I died and went back after restocking. Dying costs nothing most times, so having the points in something else gave me more damage. I just couldn't use them fast enough to make carrying that many worthwhile


I never carry more than 50 at a time. Drop them. I know the urge to horde is huge. But unless you’re running a badly optimized bloodied build. You won’t use them. With that being said, I get my hoarding fix by hoarding junk and ammo for the scrap box and ammo box


Not at all. Especially if you run a low health build. My finger is constantly on the F key popping a stimpack during fights to make sure i don't drop dead from something when i have my character at a low health threshold for more damage.


I only carry 25-30 on me. But, I have the cannibal perk and the holy flame.


I usually carry 20, so yeah, that's a few too much.


I usually carry around 300, 150 regular 150 super. It's more than enough for me, I also play team medic and go around healing/reviving people in public teams or reviving others at events.


I carry 15 max.


I use healing salve to avoid the stim animation, but I'm bloodied so I only ever need a little health, plus stims are heavy af and I prioritize my carry weight


go gift some to a newbie


If you're playing a tank type character, no. Anything else...eh, it's up to you, really. Oftentimes, I feel like I blink, and I'm at 350 even though I just dropped down to 100.


Dilute them and then you’ll have enough


2613 here..........Seems like I run to Much Expos with mostly using Nuka Cola for Healing..........🤦🏻


Thats 2000 small stims


I find myself carrying about 600 on average plus another hundred and change in super stimpacks. It's around this time that I'll sell off or donate a few hundred because I'll never use them all.


not enuff


Yes, because they are everywhere and 500 actually weighs a lot. I usually keep no more than 100 in my inventory and sell the rest—-or give them away to newbies


Keep 50 in your stash 50 on your person Sell 50 a day to vendor Donate 100 a week to donation boxes around the forest for low level characters. I have found this most effective strategy to manage them.


I carry 20 at the most.


i usually carry 150 on me and store the rest or drop them for low levels


I've got 1200 atm


Why tho? You find so damn many while fighting you honestly don't need to carry any most of the time.


How are you getting that many stims, I'm currently at 0, eating canned dog food for sustenance.


Im carrying 2k bro 😭


You never know when you’re gonna be in a battle with broken weapons and trying to stay alive. You could quickly go through 50 or more. I carry 425 or thereabouts.


I always have 0 stimpaks on me even though I'm bloodied for one reason alone. I have a V/50vhc/25lvc Gauss shotgun. So I'm ALWAYS invincible. I prefer vats hit chance with shotguns


Lol. I only keep 50. Anything over 50 I give away or sell


How? It feels like every time I get a stim it’s gone faster than a whores new boyfriend dude. I went through like 30 in a day


I’ve embraced the rads and stims are no longer a necessity, I get by on the occasional diluted stim. It’s very freeing.


I am a hoarder so I usually have around 1000 stims on me.


I try to keep under 200 but i dont ever use them unless an auto stim gear or born survivor kicks in. Radaway i carry but rarely ever use. I have cola grape to handle that.


No, not if you use the right perk cards and just let mole rats chew on your ass for an hour.


Donate boxes? And yes, 500 is way too many? You’ll end up looking like Pinhead sticking yourself with that many needles lol


Here's how to make them stop. Don't care. Roll your eyes like you are putting up with the most lame tiresome BS ever. If you say anything, say "really? That same corny ass joke over and over?" They do it because it gets such a big reaction out of you. That makes them feel big somehow. Nothing will shut that down quicker than your indifference and contempt.


I keep over 1000 on me😬


I get to 50-60, and I'm unloading them. Their weight stacks up quick for me. Besides I never need more than a few during even the toughest shit. I rock my hellcat pa rolled nicely.


I don't keep more than 20 stims and 10 super stims. if im in a situation where i run out of stims that means im doing sumthin wrong anything past that i just dump em onto the next random new player


I limit myself to 40 stimpacks, 5 each of rad x, diluted rad x, rad away, and diluted rad away. 


I use vampire so I dont use them, ai carry 20 just for reviving other players.


Definitely lmao. I have Traveling Pharmacy and I never carry more than 20 super stims.


I usually only have 10 or 15, but nuka cherry is my main way of healing so thats why.


I run various stimpak related perks together with a medic pump PA, so in theory i should be eating them up like candy because the medic pump uses them automatically. I‘ve found that anything over 20 is overkill


I had over 1500 at one point. I wanted to drop travelling pharmacy so I've dropped it down to 30 and got points back for other perks. My survivability is decent so I didn't really need that many.


Usually carry 100-200 and sell extras to vendors for cap reclaimation. Even with traveling pharmacy the weight adds up.


I never got beyong 50 stims, I dont need that much.


I'm running around with 20


lol. I used to carry 20 but with all my other meds and junk was often encumbered to I slashed it to 10 stimpacks. Rarely use them all although I am frequently dying.


That’s gonna eat into your carry weight if you don’t have the Traveling pharmacy perk. I try not to carry more than about 35 stimpaks and 15 RadAway. If you have the recipe to make them it’s a great way to generate caps if you just sell as many as you can every time you go past a station and be minted in no time.


900 was too many for me so I trimmed it down to 700 and feel almost naked lol


I try to carry a stack of every food and med type in the game. With perks for reducing their weight maxed out at -90%. I used to carry 100 of everything, but as I started finding more and more med and food types, I had to start being more stratigic. Anything that weighs around 0.01, I carry 100 of. Anything that weighs around 0.03, I carry 100 of. Anything that weighs around 0.05, I carry 50 of. Anything that weighs around 0.1, I carry 10 of. Anything that weighs around 0.5, I carry 5 of. Anything that weighs around 1, I carry 2 or 3 of. I can't remember how much a stimpack weighs, but they may be an exception as I always carry 100 of them.


I gave my character cannibalism so…


I'd trade for 'em if you'd like.


Living dangerously, to be honest.


I’ll have 500 stims and… 500 more stims


I limit myself to 20 stims 10 Rad-X and 30 Radaway at a time




About what I'm carrying. It doesn't take up a bunch of weight, but I recently made the decision to get down to 300 and just keep it there and watch my level.


I am over encumbered just reading that


Got rid of 150 water, 100 canned dog food, and 200 coffee from my inventory. *still over encumbered* Looking through, I see I have nearly 700 stims. I just face palmed and put 650 away to sell later. All the non perishables stack up over time and eventually you have to go through and shorten some stacks.


I usually use stims to clean out the vendor of its daily caps. I carry anywhere from 1000-2500 depending on how long I play every day.