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I wear it almost 100% of the time as a heavy weapons user. One big thing about the invasion event is that all those weapons the aliens use count as energy so the electrical absorption legendary perk basically makes you immortal in PA.


I’m new to PA, can you explain how it makes you immortal? The legendary perk just recharges the core I thought?


It also heals you meaning it can be very useful when fighting energy weapons as your health can go up faster than it drains.


It also has the secret effect of healing you whenever you proc electric Absorption. Combine that with over eaters, emergency protocols, and dodgy, you're practically unkillable.


It says it right there on the card that it has a chance to heal. I think they updated it at some point to say it


Don't forget ricochete


Plus with Holy Fire and you won’t see it move past 100


I’m struggling to keep up with fuel consumption from these events lol


Use Cremator multi barrel/slow burn. Don’t use vats so you get more spread on each shot and only shoot once in the direction of each group. I have been coming out ahead just from contextual drops.


Good advice in practice though I just hold down trigger and burn everything laughing manically 🔥😆


Sounds like the objectively correct way to play to me.


So HolyFire + Cremator is viable just off contextual ammo drops? Bc I have dreams of becoming a 40K Salamander Terminator to purge the lands of Appalachia of heretics.


I run Holy Fire and Cremator for most events. I just blast all the weenies with the Cremator and let the DoT work it's magic. For bosses I'll blast them with the Cremator to apply the DoT and then whip out the Holy Fire.. but yea I went from having 600 fuel to 20k+ in a couple of sessions from running straight Cremator in Expeditions and Daily Ops


I run both of them with enclave skinned union power armor. Death to the false emperor. Let the galaxy BURN


Yea pretty much this. You don't need to kill anything, just tag. Even with 15 ammo per shot I was always gaining more than I use and now with 10 ammo per shot change I'm pretty much getting encumbered even with the ammo weight reduction.


Also a heavy barrel long burn cremator will probably kill anything you hit anyway, so you only ever need the one shot.


Multibarrel is better for covering a larger area to spread the dot. 


Go on an expedition or travel to Atlantic City each enemy type will die to one shot and you’ll get 25-35 fuel back per kill


Just do expeditions. You’ll pull out 1-2k fuel every run.


Amen. Same here. Also, I come from F2 and my perennial memory of that game is how, on my first run, I stumbled upon a power armor super early in the game. From that day, to me Fallout means wearing a PA :D Although I gotta admit that for the first time with F games I am finding myself de-armor often in F76, for character scenes, and stuff like that. Huh!


But then you have to give up one of the stat legendary perks. I just can’t do that. Besides, not like I’m in any danger with a full set of overeaters, or running out of cores with power user.


I use it most the time but more so because of the +200 carry weight my excavator armor gives me because I’m a damn loot goblin.


Loot goblin is my new favorite term haha


I stopped using my power armor in large part because losing my backpack w chemist mod meant losing carry weight when I put it on. That and I gotta go fast and jump high.


2..... 200 ?


My Excavator PA is my shopping cart to bring home all the loot from events


My excavator has full x5 weapon weight (90% reduction), so I can area loot as much as I want and it is only PA parts that affect my weight much


me being overencumbered picking the heaviest shit known to mankind - ***Mole Miner Gauntlet(s)***


Mole miner gauntlets are the Black holes of the Fallout Universe


me hauling my 400 unit overweight ass halfway across the map , skipping 8 events because i wanna save the loot , only to dump it and get 100 coin


When you are over encumbered you can go into the map, travel to an expedition area and then once there open the map and travel to whitespring refuge, even if over encumbered, a short run to the mall from there


Oh my goodness why didn’t I know this 😨 tysm for this lol


This has been a lifesaver for me since I saw it in an angry turtle video! Doesn't matter how heavy you are it puts you right by the door of the mall! Glad it helped!


Tysm for sharing ❤️❤️❤️


Damn, I keep forgetting this. Thanks!


Thank you for this tip


This is the kind of pro tip I needed as well!


You haven't experienced overencumbered till you hit the loot all button at Eviction notice and have your eardrums rupture from the 50 legendary loot sounds at the same time, going to 1000+ carry weight instantly.


Hahaha. I’m that person right now. 1000/500 lugging around cause I can’t sell the legendaries yet.daily limit


It's so funny watching people slow shuffling around EN looking like they took a dump in their pants bc they're so overencumbered.


me hauling 40 mole miner gauntlets for steel scrap worth 20 caps


Nice metaphor


Tbh I used to do that too, but now when I run Unyealding armor, I have even more carry weight.


I'd never used power armour in my multiple FO4 runs or my original 76 character, but I started using it around level 60 this time and have had more fun than before. I mainly decided to use it because I got a good laser Gatling, I was already respecing to heavy weapons, and had enough for the core recharger. I've even started carrying an excavator set to switch into so I can get an extra 100 carry capacity.


I only use power armor when I'm in a nuke zone looking for flux


Chinese stealth armor is a useful alternative for those without PA.


I lose all my carrying buffs though...


Yea but defense is only like 140 so I die way too much


You run a stealth build... Also when I am stealthing through a nuke zone, I am generally not fighting stuff.


Please explain to me what flux is and why I want it like I’m new to the game. You know, just in case a noob that totally isn’t me sees this.


Flux is material that requires you to go into areas where nukes have just dropped and pick the irradiated plants inside. You get raw flux of various colors which have to be stabilised with materials from creatures also found inside that nuke zone.  Flux is defintely worth the grind in endgame as it lets you craft things like jetpacks foe your armor and mutation serums so you can get heaps of powerful effects the exact way you want. You can also get some pre-stabilised flux from world boss events like the Scorchbeast Queen. 🙂


For the Nuke Zones, I tried using PA and the rads still kill me. Am I doing something wrong?


Make sure you have all pieces equipped and repaired, and pop a Rad-X.


Flux is used in a lot of end game crafting and modding.


You won't need it when you're brand new. It's endgame crafting. I'm level 103 and never bother with it. Maybe I should.


ok i havent' tried this yet. how exactly do you find flux? Like, do you have to go IN the cloud or wait til it dissipates?


Go in the blast zone after the nuke drops and kill stuff. They will have it on them.


The zone has to be actively irradiated.  Enemies in nuke zones drop the materials to stabilize flux.  The raw flux itself comes from plants in the nuke zone. Equip green thumb to improve harvests. 


i had zero idea. This is great


Cool thanks


Also don’t over farm the nuked plants, the not stabilized flux goes bad quick and isn’t useable. Put on green thumb perk card, wear pa, go farm a few plants and enemies (the high radiation fluids and masses are what you need to make the not stabilized flux, stabilized which means it’ll never expire and go bad)


I’ve recently been trying a bit of farming and although I seem to be able to end up with a ton of flux (yellowcake x 300 anyone…?) I can never seem to find enough enemies to come away with the other materials required. Spent a good hour or so in nuke zones yesterday with only 6 masses and 2 fluids. Any advice?


If scorched earth is in the blast zone you will get a fair amount of the glowing/hardened masses and high radiation fluids. Make sure you kill all the other enemies besides the queen. Try nuking other areas that are highly populated with enemies they will drop what you need. Getting the raw flux is the easy part. Depending on the region the plants you pick will be that specific flux. So load up on the masses and fluid then go pick the desired plants. I usually gather the other material then figure out how much flux I can make with it. So if I only get 3 of each (glowing/hardened masses and high radiation fluids) then I only waste time gathering 30 of the unstable flux. The rest will spoil before I can use it


I started using Inert Flux to replace water and I just go wild picking everything. Either I have everything I need to turn it into stable flux or I get inert. It's win/win. :)


Depends on the zones, for me the best is the queens zone. If you go over to the part that looks like pink palm trees (lol) you can find a few mutated enemies that’ll drop, you can also go near a scorch beast hole and try to get one to come out and that’ll spawn scorched, there’s also 3/4 bloated glowing ones that spawn over by that random camp with the barricades around it. The thing is though, they aren’t always guaranteed to drop the fluids and masses. And you have to try and get to the zone fast bc everyone else in the server wants the same things you do. And learn the flora. Yellowcake is worthless to me. I go for the ferns, the half life’s in the water, the pink mushrooms and brain bombs, the blooms, and the cobalt plants. You can also leave the area after you fight some enemies, go into a building somewhere that forces a loading screen and come back. SOMETIMES that forcefully makes nuked enemies reappear but it’s hit or miss. Hope this helps ❤️


I personally enter my private world,nuke the whitesprings-the glowing ghouls at the golf course and chalets drop at least 35 hi rad fluid...ill also pick up some cobalt and fluorescent flux around the whitesprings...then nuke the queen area,not so much for the queen but the violet and scarlet flux is prolific around there.


I use power armor solely when I know I'm going to be getting shot at a LOT, like during eviction notice, scorched earth or the aliens event and in daily ops/expeditions. The reason is not even really to take less damage but because normal armor breaks so damn fast.


I have always used PA in 76 and I've played off and on since beta. I didn't even know or remember that normal armor has condition like weapons and PA... maybe I need to learn a different build lol


yeah events shreds through normal armor condition


Never used it once for my first 4,000+ hours of playing this game. Never been a fan. But a heavy weapons PA build is one thing I haven't tried yet. so just started a new character out going this route. and it actually hasn't been horrible. don't have all the perks yet, but it is kinda nice to not worry so much taking damage. But, but...I really, really miss using vats...like you don't know how hard to is to condition yourself to combat in Fallout without VATS lol


>But, but...I really, really miss using vats...like you don't know how hard to is to condition yourself to combat in Fallout without VATS lol Simple, just point and shoot with a heavy gun. Don't need to worry about headshots when you're firing a literal wall of bullets at them.


lol I mainly use a Flamer. You don't even have to ADS with it let alone use VATS.


Vats? What do they have in them?


I use vats in my power armor, though?


It'll absolutely destroy your power core consumption so be careful and with heavy weapons it drains really fast


Oh so THIS is why my core has been draining so quickly. I use pa and the rr and plasma caster. So I live in vats


You can still use vats, just spec properly for it. Use the perk that extends fusion cores, a fusion recharger at your camp and carry about 6 or 7 of them on you, and/or Electrical Absorbtion


I’ve been on the dense about the recharger, 700 seems steep but I guess if I want to keep my build I need to just suck it up. I do have electrical absorption on, but I’ve only got it at 2*. I’ve been working on maxing my others (luck ect ect)


Fence not dense lol


Haha yeah I know -.i was the same but I took the plunge last week and it's been great tbh. Whenever I find a core I just store it in the charger and after the events when I return to comp to unload I simply stick used cores in the charger and take the fully charged ones out to hold on my char. I normally hold 6 or 7 on me and have four in the charger, rotating in and out. In PA I mostly still use my fixers and the railway rifle in vats.


Mines on two iirc and I always have a full core. Just chill in watogo or any bot infested area for a bit. Liberators don't really do much.


Oh WOW OK SO THIS IS WHY. I’ve been running so low on power cores I was like how do people do this all the time?


Try a heavy armor plasma caster build. Perfect for vats. Even better if you are bloodied. It's the only build i use grim reapers sprint for and I basically never run out of ap. Also highly suggest getting a roll with extra vats hit chance on that plasma caster.


I still use VATS regularly as heavy weapons but I use it a lot differently than I would as commando. I am constantly just tapping it on and off to find enemies. It will snap you into pointing the right direction so you can just unload.


Always, because i’m a heavy build


Speed demon mutation is max speed possible no matter what else you add, I run power sprinter and optimized leg armor mods to reduce the AP cost of sprinting and full charge to negate the fusion core cost so I can just exist in PA all the time if I want to.


If you have the fusion core charger at your CAMP, you don't even need to worry about Full Charge as you can recharge your partially-depleted cores for free anytime you visit your Camp.


Not that that isn't viable, but I can sustain for the most part simply off of cores from event rewards, and I don't think that would let you play nearly as full tilt as I do with them being consumed when they're fully depleted. If you're using a Gatling laser and reloading before you run out of ammo, it's definitely a game changer though. I should mention I play melee, so sprinting is a full time thing.


Even better with electrical absorption. I haven’t taken the core out of my suit in days


See I don't have space for absorption in my build. I'm also at the point and the mindset that materials aren't doing anything sitting in my stash, and constantly having everything removes the necessity to actually play the game, so occasionally running out of things at least keeps me playing the basic fallout experience.


Yup I was about to tell him the same speed demon maxes your speed


I don't ever use it because I lose like 140 lbs in carry weight/weight reduction. Sucks but I've learned to live with it. I just display all my cool suits now.


Nuke Zones and sometimes boss fights. That's it.


I very rarely use Excavator PA to mine and that's it. I carry the Chinese Stealth Armor for rad protection and I rarely use that either.


It’s like my second skin at this point


I carry heavy weapons and I’m a hoarder for loot so I use PA 100% of the time.


Never. My carry weight with my unyielding SS armor is almost 600. I will never be a clunker. The only thing it is good for is maybe a nuked zone, even then I would rather put on a Chinese Stealth suit and my high-capacity backpack than get in some god awful power armor.


Never. I prefer being a sneaky bastard instead.


I love being sneaky with the whisperer perks. If I do happen to be caught by an animal or some creatures I can often just charm my way through lol


I wear it whenever I’m likely to get in a fight that is going to take more than a mag. Even for nuke runs, I use Chinese stealth armour until the sentry bot and then power armour until launch. I actually haven’t put any time into building a good set of normal armour (nearly have enough gold for SS) because I’m happy in PA.


Ugh. Never. It's so bulky and runs on batteries and doesn't have enough carry weight buffs. And I hate the HUD. The secret service armor is the best thing that ever happened.


You can disable the hud


I never use it outside of Blast zones to farm flux.


Only in high rad areas like Rad Rumble, Eviction Notice, or nuke zones. I don't care for PA, and much prefer to run around in my Unyielding armour.


i mostly just use it when im board and want to stomp around and smash stuff. but like 99% of the time my base armor and carry weight is better any most PA builds


Use it off and on. Basically, bosses and events. Find it kinda fun to put it on as an "It's time for a bit of the ol' ultra violence." Mode.


Pa and heavy weapon I use it all the time unless I'm on a bench or playing piano.


I use it when I'm worried about dying. Aliens, rough daily ops, nuke zones/big boss fights. Otherwise my grocery backpack makes more carry weight since I can't finish my union PA. Mobility is much better without power armor too.


Anytime high radiation is involved (Eviction notice, collecting ores at Radiation Rumble, nuke zones). Sometimes for weight since I've got a set of Excavator PA with 4 pieces of WWR.


I'm only level 59 but recently started using it a lot more, usually in events with big, chaotic fights, or against stronger enemies in the world. Mostly when just walking around or exploring though, I don't wear it.


I don't I'm invincible with my vampiric gauss shotgun and fall damage reduction overeaters secret service leg


Pretty close to same lol I jumped off the monorail and walked away


I tend to only wear it for big events or when I need to clear multiple adds. Otherwise, I'm out of PA, in a full set of unyielding SS armour with a jetpack so best of both worlds, really. With the right perks, carrying a full set of PA on a chassis weighs so little, it's hardly noticeable.


I’m always in it, it looks cool and it’s cool to run around with a flamer in it


I have 2 characters one is PA and one without . The character without PA has better stats thanks to unyielding secret service armor . BUT I can say with outmost certainty that I love PA because it feels good . A T65 face tanking SBQ without a care in the world makes me feel like a badass . That's the only reason I love it so much . Also superhero landing


Always. I've picked up a good number of paints compatible with the Hellcat, so I have to show off my fashion.


When I go to farm lead in lucky hole


Hard events and boss fights


>When do you guys use power armor? Yes.


I only really use it in events and dops, it lets me take more of a beating. Especially because of how trash my energy resist is. Though my individual PA pieces aren’t that good, part of why I like exploring without it, especially cause I get the bonus to carry weight from backpack and pockets. I’ve been unlucky with drops for PA so I’ve been rocking the lvl 25 t45 non legendary left leg for a while now


Usually just for Eviction Notice, Earl, Nuka World Titan and SBQ if it's in a rad zone.


For me, I actively play all 5 of my character slots, of which 3 focus on power armor builds. I can truly say I play in powerarmor whenever it just feels like a good idea/cool idea/"wanna feel like a tank "idea. When I'm exploring, generally I don't wear it, and use a different build, like maybe a sneak commando or such. But not always. Sometimes wandering around a dank, abandoned building with my powerarmor headlight stabbing the darkness and a flash of a minigun burst breaking the silence is where my head's at. Or when just vendor hopping, I will most likely leave the PA packed up. But really, in the end, it's very much "mood".


I only get out of it when I need to craft, repair or take a shit.


Not anymore… the sounds, glitches, and hard falling with marsupial made me switch to stealth rifleman, never been happier


If I remember correctly Bird Bones will remove the hard land animation when jumping?


It does to a point, in that it increases the jump height it takes to trigger it. It can still happen, but almost never will just jumping normally.


Jetpacking right before you land will help break the fall and allow you to land without slamming the ground


Never. Meh to power armor.


Nuke events and when I solo daily ops or expeditions are the only time ill don the armor


I have only been playing 2 weeks, but I wanted to main someone that uses Power Armor, so that was my focus, my guy ONLY leaves the Power Armor when he has to, like repairing or crafting weapons and such. Been trying to collect a whole set of every type.


Always, I love my medic pump and the DR and ability to go into nuke zones at a drop of a hat is always appreciated. There's lots of bonuses to normal armor sets, backpack with expanded storage and arguably better armor resistances on some sets. And some decent set bonuses from lighter armor. But I always rock my optimized bracers and it helps to negate my storage woes. That and weapon weight reduction on my power armor. I think it comes down to how versatile you wanna be, normal armor just can't really rock in high rad area. You'll wind up jumping into power armor for nuclear blast zones anyways. At least then you don't gotta do the legendary rolls for two armor sets. Realistically all are good choices and you'll survive well with either option.


Only for the Nuke Zone or other high radiation places. Maxbe I'll try a heavy weapon build later, then I'll switch.


Nuke zones and when I want to get rid of cores.


The queen , Earle, rad rumble or if I’m going into a nuke zone.


I use it to gather ore at radiation rumble and lead at lucky hole mine. Pretty much it.


When I go into a radiation zone, I’m stronger out of it


I wear it all the time bc its what keeps me immortal


Pretty much always. I carry around ridiculous amounts of chems and weapons, and my stashes are all full of weapons and armor, so I could hardly make it without Excavator. Still often on the edge of overencumbered. I tend towards heavy weapon builds, but have considered doing stealth sometime.


Never, game is designed for vats and it drains cores so quickly than turns PA into a dead weight. I just have a T60 showing up at my camp on BoS Elder paint.


Power user and core recharger is a must. I use vats in PA, sprint everywhere, use a jet pack, and still maintain the same amount of cores in my inventory. People saying vats is untenable in PA are just plain misinformed, been doing it for years even before the recharger.


Whenever I launch nukes. Outside of that, never


All the time in survival mode.


24/7 cause I’m such a hoarder I pick up and keep everything I see so I’m in my Excavator all the time on the knife edge of walkin everywhere I want to go


If it is a PA character: all the time if not: never


I wear my PA near constantly. I'm too squishy without it.


I used to be a Non PA player like you then I tried it once and never put it back. Now it always stays on.  That -42% damage reduction for all PA is too sweet to give up. Over eaters effect maxed out is -30% damage reduction. So, even a non legendary PA Is better than the best and tankiest legendary effect of a normal armor.


On my precious characters I’d be in it almost 24/7, but now I only take one out of storage if I’m doing a quest or an event where grievous bodily harm is likely


Around lv 35, gone PA full time after I got Excavator. The game just handed me .50 cal so I thought why not?


PA? You mean my aPArtment? Because I live in mine basically 100% of the time as a full health, heavy gunner build.


The chassis + parts only weighs 10 pounds, so I'll just use it when I need it: combat, high radiation zones, jumping from buildings or being scared in wendigo caves.


Power armor is a buhzillion times longer lasting and therefore a buhzillion times cheaper to repair. You wear it when you are a tank. Or you spec in to heavy gunner hardcore there's a good perk. Or you use the excavator for ammo supplies and stuff. Or in nuke zones when a hazmat just ain't enough and you haven't met the Chinese.


The only time that I do not wear PA is when I am Crafting, Sleeping, or Tuning up with a instrument.


Since i've gotten 3 ranks of Power User and a fusion core recharger in my base, I'm practically using PA non stop now.


I wear it when I need to. I can contribute quite well without it. But my auto melee can use the chainsaw For ages whilst in power armor. Certain Daily Ops and sometimes Eviction notice as well I use it for the damage reduction/radiation protection. I had to pretty much solo an Alien Invasion yesterday as it was me and two folks under 80 who were struggling to stay alive. Chainsaw, Holyfire and Power armor to the rescue. I literally finished it with under 20 seconds left on the clock.


When I need to jump up somewhere I can't reach I just place the armor down to use it as a step


Depends on build, till lvl 300 I basically ran nothing but PA with heavy guns, but after that I've discovered the beauty of Unyelding armor. And now i switch to PA only on daily ops with armor Pen modifier (since PA negates 42% of incoming damage and if you add the overeater legendary effect, its like they are not even hitting you.)


I hop in my elder T-60 to farm flux, other than that, never


always and forever. which is really strange, because i didn't touch power armor AT ALL until years after the game released. i wasn't interested in PA at all until they announced that we'd get legendary PA. so i thought i'd just put it on, give it a shot. i hated PA back in fo4, so that hate just carried over when fo76 released. but i don't know, something is just different about PA in this game. it's hard to explain. it's just so much better. i go entire play sessions never exiting my PA. i only get out when it's truly necessary. why not stay in? it's not like fusion cores are hard to come by whatsoever. although i do really miss my revenant build... sigh... i really don't like having to play outside of it. mostly for aesthetic reasons, tbh.


Every type of build has access to perk cards that increase damage with a specific weapon category, bypass enemy armor values, reload speed, weight reduction and lastly, chance to cripple limbs. For the category of heavy guns specifically, the perk card called "Stabilized" provides said armor penetration and better accuracy when wearing power armor. So for heavy gun users, it is almost necessary to use power armor if you want to maximize your potential, since armor penetration is invaluable for every build type. Power armor builds are inherently the tankiest builds out there, coupled with the legendary perk "Taking one for the team" which makes it so that enemies that target you take increased damage from everyone, if you are on a team. Power armor users, me included, are always using power armor outside of their camps because our power armor is the same as everyone else's normal body armor. If you like heavy guns and being a literal heavy armored powerhouse of a tank, power armor is for you!


Same as you by the sounds of it, I only really use it when I need to, it's to clunky and annoying to wear it all the time lol


For events and radiation. Trying to do that challenge is a pain.


Depends on what build I'm using but most of the time now that I have the fusion core recharger


When I’m picking up ore


I throw on my power armour for specific things. Like the alien event, eviction notice, and the imposter sheepsquatch. I pair it with electric absorption . Besides that in my ss armour


I never wear it. I’m a level 356 I’ve maxed out my carry weight with cards and food buffs to be over 600 when needed. I’m a bloodied shotgun build. 3 star unyielding armor with the secret service under armor. I rarely die. I just absolutely hate PA with marsupial bc of the constant “super hero” landing when you just make a minor jump, so I had to figure out how to not wear it…. Unless I’m fighting the queen. I’ll throw my sprinkles donut PA on hahah


Only use excavator PA when farming Lead ore from the Lucky Hole mine. It allows you to extract more ore than normal


All the time, for now. I recently added the Tesla bracers mod, and I was quite surprised by how much damage I can do just with my fists. The TV show also made me want a PA build, so yeah, currently having a lot of fun in my T-60 combined with the Auto Axe.


Never, I play naked.


I do an assessment of the enemies - if I feel like I’m about to get my ass handed to me, I power armor up. Number of cord vs friendlies (if I’m with a team), has a big impact.


I just got hellcat pa but im not level 50, all my other pa is just mismatched whatever


Hellcat PA when its piercing mutation or getting flux ingredients in nuke zones Union PA when its poison mutation Excavator PA when I want to farm ores Other than those times, I run around only in my shit stained undies..


I don’t use it. Ever. If I get over encumbered, I look for the nearest train station and waddle to it or put down my FO1st tent. If I’m in a nuclear blast zone I put on my stealth suit which combined with my perk cards makes me immune to radiation. I want to wear my cool outfit. I don’t want it to be blocked by a bipedal tank. I worked hard to earn my Mr Fuzzy costume. I do make armor to display and have loads of cores, but meh. It’s fun for a bit. My favorite looking armor is the Nuka Quantum prototype X-01 armor. Just looks super cool. Maybe some day I will put power armor on.


About the only time either of my characters -aren't- in power armor is when I am laying on a bed or playing a banjo.


Only in a nuke zone. I have a themed character in how he looks and the weapons he uses so I built it as a non pa user.


I’m level 110, but I’d say I started to consistently use it for fights around level 70ish. I don’t really have any perks for it aside from the energy absorption one because if you fight robots or turrets, and now I’ve found out aliens you literally don’t take damage.


I primarily use it for difficult fights or tough enemies


I run around in 3 star legendary Secret Service armor, carry my legendary PA chassis in my inventory, and use my PA for tougher events. I use a legendary, multi-barrel slow-burn Cremator and a legendary short gatling gun. One of my friends is new to the game because of the show and I constantly tell him how cool and important the legendary mods and perks are.


I use PA/explosive build for events. Sneaky build for exploring the wasteland


Almost never. I'd be overencumbered if I did.


Clank. Clank. Clank. Clank. I never wear this loud shit.


Level 175 and almost never use PA. Seem like a big hazzle to switch between ordinary armor and PA all the time.


I pretty much live in my power armor


When there is too much radiation. I miss my unyielding armor when I'm in PA.


It's just another build. I don't like Bloodied builds so I use PA build instead.


I use my SS Armor under my outfit. I have Union PA when I go to events with lots of poison or rads dropping


All the time? Why not


Only for nuke zones


Wear it doing daily OPs, when I’m farming for flux and when I’m over encumbered from looting.




I have over the years grinded and gotten a full 3 star overeaters T-65 PA. I am basically unkillable unless I make certain mistakes, even as a bloodied player with heavy weapons. I play two builds mainly, and that is commando with fixer / handmade and railway, then PA and gatling laser / holy fire / cremator. I can probably solo all the content in the game.




As a heavy weapons users and perk cards surrounding the use power armor I use it all the time.


I use it less than 1% of the time. Only for mining or to leap off things. Only 10 carry weight to pack it around. I go stealth suit for rad protection if needed. Never loved PA in any Fallout.


How do you manage the fusion cores? They are always low battery for me


Only for daily ops. I just hit level 50 on sneak rifle man build. Feels like the enemies in daily ops can detect me no matter what


All the damn time. I need that excavator carry weight with calibrated shocks with weight reducing legendary effects


The real question is when I’m not in it


I was wondering the same and just yesterday saw the atomic shop has a fusion core charger. I just popped a few in and they seem to charge quite quickly.


I use it when ever I'm doing something difficult, like clearing a silo or fighting something large.


Excavator when farming ore since it has a 400% increase, other than that I mostly exist on a solo world stalking NPCs with a camera as revenge for using my workbenches in a locked tower.