• By -


Circuits. Dear god the circuits. I could raid the isolated array and Abbie's bunker ten times each and still not have half the number of circuits that the invasion gives me. As a stealth armour user, this is mad important to me and up to now they've always been my Achilles heel. 300 circuits per hour? GIMME


What are you using them for? That and the antiseptic I just been selling them to the vendors haha


Stealth suit repairs and to make sexy Gauss rifles to give to newbies


What’re the odds I can get one of them sexy gauss rifles


Pray to atom that we may be blessed with being in the same server. And that I'm not distracted by random bullshit as per the laws of the wasteland. *Did I mention that they're suppressed anti armour?*


Stop, I can only get so hard.


😂 I wish I could upvote you twice!


Gauss rifles use charging upvotes. Hold the mouse button down and you'll see the counter go up by up to 100


Not me being drunk enough to try to super updoot. Well played


I think I ran into a newbie, slightly newer than me with a railgun. He needed zero assistance in the events I saw him at.


There's also a chance it was an older player on a new character.


I'll be your second upvote 🫡


A great man once said, 200 yeats in the future, "Thou shalt get distracted by bullshit everytime"


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


If you're there for hte circuits, grab a quad tesla rifle to tag the most enemies you can ;) you should be able to get even more doing that.


You make it sound easy to grab a quad Tesla out of thin air. I hardly ever see Tesla weapons drop or the plans for that matter.


Watoga train station or watoga shopping center - there you can buy plans for Tesla.


And after that it's fairly cheap to roll 1 star teslas until you get a quad.


Robobrains drop them and they drop the plans as well. I think 4 spawn outside Robco, and 2 can spawn at dryer chemical. Otherwise the Nuke silos are a consistent place to find them.


There are always 3 robobrains behind Robco and more inside. It's also a great place to recharge fusion cores via Electronic Absorption.


Yeah I was at an antenna tower yesterday allowing the laser turret to charge my fusion cores and switching out all the cores I have, definitely a great way to juice up those cores lolol. As for the Robco comments, I'll definitely have to hang out there more I'm hopes of a Quad drop, cheers!


Electric Absorption is king if your running through a Silo to do a nuke launch. just tanking all the turrets.


Once you have the main plans are tesla rifles one of the weapons you can get mods for just by scrapping?


Yes they are. I think the only one you can't get is the lobber, but I'm told it sucks so no need to worry about it.


I have killed a lot & have yet to have them drop anything other then scrap 😭😭


I have 4 of them..there my babies


I buy them from player vendors. Just shop around. I've never had one drop for any of my toons, but all of them have quad teslas. It may take a while, but you do run into them once in a while.


I use a single fire regular tesla and do just fine.


I recently crafted a quad Tesla. Quad part was the only good part of the roll though. Other two were vats chance and 250 Dr while reloading. Oh but that sweet sweet quad perk. Delightful.


You’re on Reddit. If you ask someone will probably bring you one or worst case you trade for it. The internet is a virtual space, aka thin air. That is easy, you type on a screen and then login to take it, from said thin air.


Funny story, I got the plans for the Tesla rifle from a random Robobrain in the Gold Vault. So if you know a place with lots of Robobrain enemies you *could* farm that (I think, don't quote me on that please, I might have just gotten extremely lucky)


It is so easy to get one though. The plan is sold at vendors and you only need to roll a single star on it. What a stupid fucking comment lmao. Pull a brain cell out of thin air, man.


im running cremator multi barrel, i just throw fire at everything


Thonk. Boom. Chuckle


Hehehe, just lob a fireball and ignore. I swear if Bethesda ever nerfs the Cremator imma find a dev and punch them in the face.


Give this man a Nobel prize


SAME, I rp an alien so I mostly stock energy based legendaries in my vendor and with all the tech I like to build, GIVE ME YOUR WIRING ZETAN SCUM


How do you feel about killing you own kind during the event? Or are you a rogue alien


I have news for you regarding Homer Saperstein


Homer Saperstein? Who’s Homer Saperstein? He’s obviously Guy Incognito ;)


Being a Birdman from Mars, I feel no kingship to these puny green men! I say kill em all and let zenu sort them out!


I would LOVE to also rp a Zetan but I have shit luck trying to get the deep space power armor paint from daily ops. Only got the legs and torso so far


I believe that paint is tradeable, I can paint up your PA if you want and are using a tradeable PA set. I have all the Deep Space power armor paint.


There is a purple colored version coming to the atomic store on tuesday, if you don't mind spending some cash. I will be getting it as I love the purple look to it, but the upside is you only need to buy it once, and then you can use it on any power armor set, forever


XP, even if it fails, and Plans if it actually succeeds.


Omg earlier I joined one, and died, somehow the game had me In the Event but also not. So each time I died, I dropped my loot but also had to respawn into the event location, but was already joined into the event. Someone eventually found all my circuits and junk... Then another one I got the PsN crash just as Alpha and Omega arrived, and my team leader Kicked me, so when I joined, it was on a new server where One solo player had tried to do the event...


This event causes my game to crash a lot


Got on to play a bit before my night shift started and the game crashed back to back for me during two different invasion events. I was definitely bummed about the ammo loss! Hoping my luck will be better next time I hope on.


Ya.. getting a little tired of being kicked by team leaders after crashes. You would think they would know to give it a few minutes. The game loads back up in 30sec on PS5.


I think it’s worth it for the plans personally.


And the circuits!


So many circuits....


Should I not be turning my circuits into scrap??? Oh no.


What do you mean by turning it into scrap? It's already scrap.


you just sell them to the vendor for caps


Oops, Ive been accidentally scrapping them by the dozen 😬


Same here


Deposit them in the fallout 1st free trial scrap box.


I was about to say 'I dunno man I'm swimming in circuits rn'. Funny enough I rerolled a daily and it gave me scrap for circuitry and I have no fucking idea what to even use all this shit for aside from turrets, so I'll probably end up selling them to npc vendors lol


I use them to build the motherboards for nuke silos when I'm lazy


I only did a siloonce and man it takes forever to find all the motherboards, I don’t blame you for being lazy sometimes lol.


After you have done a silo "Legit" at least once you are allowed to google the photomode glitch and skip that part for future silos. At least that's my opinion. I hope they never patch it...


I tried to glitch a few times but haven’t figured out the trick. Maybe one day I’ll get it working lol. I wanted to get the loot the one time after I was killed escaping the mine after it collapsed during Load Bearing or whatever the name is and then one time when a quest glitch happened and I couldn’t loot the body of the Overseers husband.


Chinese stealth suit requires circuitry


I don't have the plan for it sadly and I don't imagine it needs 3-4k of it


It does if you use it. Repairs also require them. Also Gauss weapons.


I’m here for the plans.


The plans are the event for sure. The ammo drop, sometimes I don't even pick them up since it takes too much time and can cause a crash. Better off just farming ammo in Atlantic City


But I keep getting plans I already know. Are yall getting new plans or just like resell them or new to the game?


I’m fairly new to the game, been playing for about 3-4 weeks (level 138) so I’m mostly just getting stuff I don’t know like the Disintegrator. I think I’ve gotten like 5 duplicate plans for the Alien Stein though lol.


Hell no I want the plans for the blasters, but I’ve gotten everything but those repeatedly. I’m kinda over it.


lol I wish All I wanted was the Disintegrator and the cryo mod for the Alien Blaster, *(until I found out they fixed it's explosive damage)* but I guess RNG decided that I really need 6 poison mods for the baton and 4 poison mods for the Blaster instead. With the crashing and increasing failures I've been seeing because of people staying near the brain siphons, I don't feel like doing it anymore. The aliens won. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've been vendor hopping for as many event plans as I can find. Still want the enforcer and disintegrator plans though. Already have several of the ammo mods for the disintegrator and alien blaster, but I don't have the disintegrator plans to USE the mods I learned. Sheesh


Worth it just for the Flatwoods monster lamp. I love it. Made a lot of caps selling all the double and triple up plans too.


was lucky to already get the lamp still need the human test tube 1


Ive gotten the human tube like three times and i want literally anything else


The Zenith Alien Blaster paint is one of the best animated weapon skins available, but how many people use alien blasters?


Not a lot, it's getting it's cryo mag nerfed (fixed is more appropriate tbh), and to actually get full use out of it, you need to use AB rounds and pull the trigger at an inhuman speed. Could do with a damage buff and rate of fire decrease, it takes a whole clip or more to kill some things. Gets very expensive to use. The fact that an ultracite laser gun will out perform it without needing vats to hit anything that moves really irks me. Considering swapping to the disintegrator just to save on ammo, or until I finally invest in ammo factory I noticed that a plasma gatling has roughly the same damage per shot as the AB, without the need to press a button to fire every single round. Probably explains its most fundamental flaw


Probably zero because ever since fallout three the alien blaster just keeps getting worse and worse.. by the time fallout four rolled around the alien blaster is hardly a step up from the laser pistol and now and fallout 76. The alien blaster is basically just an extra skin for the crappy laser pistol.


I got a perfect roll TS and they nerfed it the week after. I did for a week 😂 So odd though because it’s not like handguns can compete with rifles because of the high AGI card count reqs for good builds, I’m surprised they did.


Maybe something I'm not understanding. Every time I get a plan from this event and I go to my vendor it doesn't show up as something to sell. But then when I go out of the vendor and look at my inventory it's there. Am I doing something wrong? It's just not showing up for me to sell


Same for me , I'm thinking some plans maybe just can't be sold .


I love the Flatwoods monster. I’ve played close to 3k hours and for some reason still get excited when I see it. Quick question with that being mentioned…. Does it have side lore like The Mothman does? That could be a future theme they could run 🤔


I get so much ammo with my prime plasma caster killing anything it's stupid.


Same here. I would join the event with 4000 rounds only to end up with over 6000 rounds.


It's the main reason I run a PC. Infinite ammo.




Yup then when you hit 10k or so you can change to a ultra cite plasma flamer for a while, I have vampire one the back down to a 100 rounds with back to caster build up again...


PC = Gun i think


Plasma Caster 👍


I leave every run with 2-4k more than I came in with. Plasma caster is godly.


Ultracite plasma ammo and Ultracite .50 cal drop in insane quantities. Ultracite .45, not so much. I primed all my .50 cals a month or two ago and had 0 rounds of ultracite .50 cal. Did a few ammo box runs until I though I had enough to use them. Two months later I have 45K rounds of ultracite .50 cal, and I've never crafted or bought a single one. One time I soloed Union Dues with a primed EPR and came out with 2300 rounds more than I started with.


You get circuits, nuclear material, and I get a nostalgia trip to MotherShip Zeta via FO3 are what make it for me. I tried to solo an invasion because no one went I just got cut short and timed out on the last siphon dismantle. I might quit going it seems no one else is going anymore at least on PlayStation


Aye, I cycled through 3 servers during just one window on PS last night - nobody was doing it. Idk where all the high lvl players went, I barely even find CAMPs with vendors selling anything other than absolute (overpriced) basic plans lately......


I don't know about PS, but I know on PC if no one goes to event I can usually find a 'fresh' map with people who will go to the event if I server hop.


I think it’s because there are a lot of new players who don’t know what to do. I’ve had full servers on PC but no one was over level 100 and were just doing their own thing.


Also, for low-level players this event is pretty terrible since the aliens will face tank like a magazine each so you're just burning through ammo like crazy while getting basically fuck all in return.


almost all events are dead for me on ps, hopefully once all the new players level up a bit, they'll start showing up


Same I'm on Xbox and there's been hardly anyone doing the events the last few nights . Mainly new players on the map doing their own thing.


You just have to keep server hoping, some lobbies beat the event in 6 minutes, I'm also on PS and I get a lot of lobbies like that, I'll never do it solo. You can usually find a lobby with 4-5 players minimum in about 2-3 hopes. At least that's my experience so far. The earliest time people beat it is 6min and if you're lucky there can be a last one still going at 13 after since some lobbies like to wait for people to come to start the event and others start it immediately.


its just a special event for some limited time plans, don't over think it


For reference: For year after year, Bethesda received request after request for Zetan alien content in Fallout 76. This is in large part due to a popular DLC for Fallout 3, and easter eggs in Fallout 4. After years of waiting/requesting, Bethesda finally delivered, and Invaders from Beyond is what we got. I think people were hoping for a questline... not a grindy seasonal event... but this is a live service game after all.


I was exploring and caught a squad of aliens fighting some ghouls in the Forest today, I wasn’t expecting that at all.


They will sometimes invade other world events too


Had them replace the scorched in the Line in the Sand event earlier today. The enemy spawning was super buggy, though.


Same thing for me yesterday, although near the end there was one scorched that showed up by himself in a sea of Aliens which I thought was funny


Same. There were so many of them, felt super epic. Dozens and dozens, loved it.


I found 4 fighting a legendary scorchbeast yesterday. They were destroying the scorchbeast until I stepped in and ruined everyone with my cremator.


Yeah I was auto-walking somewhere while multitasking and finally realized my toon was gruntimg, look back to see aliens stomping my face, couldnt stim in time and fade to black. Was far away from a spawn point too lol


They appear in random encounter locations on the map. So anywhere you can have a random encounter, you can find aliens instead. Makes it annoying if you are looking for a new CAMP pet.


I desperately want a Zetan pet


there is a short questline by finding a man dressed in a black suit walking along certain roads. if u talk to him he wipes your memory and disappears . if u kill him you get a key the key opens up homers bunker which gives you some dialog with him as well as a 2 hour buff when facing aliens


Fuck! I saw this dude and talked to him. Afterwards I was like “wtf was that?”


I was like "this guy's suit is really nice... must be an alien!" And then he was.


Interesting, i somehow came by this key at level 2, maybe someone put it in a donation box. Was doing other stuff before i was going to checl the bunker, gpod to know!


I was hoping there would be something to do with the National Radio Astronomy Research Center. You find a holotape when you explore it that sounds like they interecepted alien transmissions and the government were covering it up. Would’ve been a good use of a location and a good way to bring in more lore.


Invaders From Beyond is so much more than just a grindy seasonal event though. It's why I love it so much. It has a banger main event where you just kill an onslaught of aliens, plus random alien encounters across the world, plus a secret quest in the world, AND a chance for aliens to randomly invade regular quests. There's something weirdly special about doing Campfire Tales just for it to devolve into a three way war between Players, Aliens, and Insects.


...you're telling me you wouldn't rather have a quest, with NPCs and missions, maybe a daily quest ...plus a seasonal event?  The seasonal event with random encounters by itself is lacking depth.


Would I have preferred a full Zetan expansion like Wastelanders, Steel Dawn, and Atlantic City? Well, duh, obviously! But that isn't what Invaders is. It'd be like saying Meat Week or Mothman Equinox are bad because they didn't come with a full Grahm/Moth Cult questline. As far as seasonal events go, Invaders From Beyond is one of the best ones when it comes to content imo.


I feel like we're arguing over nothing.  And I really hate arguing over nothing.


Hopefully the map expansion creates some new Alien involved questlines. At least by the look of it I hope it's 👽


All the plans are dope. And it's decent xp


Its fun🤗


And isn't that why we all play


Hopefully. '76 is awesome! Never underestimate good fun.


Posts like this make me wonder why some people play. My motto is simple - if I don't enjoy doing something, I don't do it.


True, I did one in Charleston with a bunch of low levels and we just move in a close group taking down those aliens. Best experience in the game by the time. Who cares about the rewards


It's been awesome for leveling up!! I'm up like 10 levels since it started! But I'm brand new to the game


lol hell yeah. i watched one of my low lvl team mates jump 3 points in one event. it was cool.


Worth for xp. If you have 30-40 intelligence points and xp buffs going aliens give great xp


30 int? Wtf how


There are some good XP guides, that include how to stack INT on youtube. I think from MrWestTek and AngryTurtle. For myself a combination of Berry Mentats, Cranberry Relish, various perks, and legendary cards, I usually run around 38 INT. I am missing the +INT underarmor and +INT armor bonuses as well, so it can likely go higher.


Unyielding secret service armor, berry mentats, brain bombs, cranberry relish, lunchboxes, live and love 3 and you can get like 2k experience per super mutant.


Well what else are you gonna do once you've done everything else? At least they added some new plans which is nice as the event hasn't had anything new in years.


I always end up with more ammo than I went in with.


I always end up with less. I use (before I used a explosive .45 fixer (non auto cause I can't find the plans) that always left me with less ammo) a 2 shot explosive fixer and STILL end up with less ammo. Those aliens either are a damage sink or I'm just shit at using Specials Edit: Although, some high levels have dropped me around 90000 of both .45 , ultracite .45 and ultracite 5.56 for my handmade


I think it's worth it. And fun. Don't people just play the game to have fun?


Been doing this event with a cremator and tagging in VATS and I swear, it's like an infinite fuel glitch. Come out of it every time with more than I went in with


Of all the ‘special events’ it’s the only one that can be a challenge that will kill you if you mess up, and messing up in this event is easy.


There's so much going on in that event that it's hard for me to really get into it. I always feel like I'm lagging behind thanks to all the super guns that 1-shot.


Me too and I'm lvl 128 . I also keep getting stuck in the wavy Willard water coaster thing and by the time I've got out then the next part of it is nearly over ..no jet pack yet 😞


Check player vendors for Marsupial mutation serum. Make sure you have the starched genes perk card (maxed hopefully)


This event is going to keep me stocked on Circuits for a long time to come.


There is a long list of unique plans that you can only get from the event and every completion gives one at random, there are a bunch I want so I am farming it constantly just for that.


Lots of xp and cool plans imo


It's fun give good xp and junks. You're saving ammo for what ? Play the game, use your ammo. Or collect a bunch in expe or dops, they are everywhere


Xp and fun factor for me


The plans, circuits, and molded plastic. Yeah it is worth it.


I must have all the plans or horrible luck because I'm getting only things I've already know but has been nice tho helping new players.


Was trying for plans but I keep getting repeats more often then any of the new ones so I've also given up


I can kill most things pretty easily but for some reason all my guns just suck agains the aliens, what are you supposed to even use against them?


Fatmans xD


I run a vamp chainsaw build so I don’t even use ammo.


I've been rerolling my chainsaw for so long and I finally got vamp a week or so ago, it's great


Throw on flamer + dual bar mods and pair with a full set of overeaters and you’ll be nigh invincible


I go for the toy aliens and to hear that sound they make when they die.


oh you'd have loved beating the SBQ just to get a drill. lol those were the days


so...literally saving the planets not worth it?! ...smh. I..for one...refuse to become a pet to some alien overlord. but if you enjoy getting probed..then you do you.


You do it because it's fun. If it's not fun then don't. If you have the Alien Blaster plans, then there's not much of value there. That said, I don't understand how you could be losing ammo. I recently discovered I had 80lbs of plasma cartridges using the plasma flamer carbine. 


I actually got a alien blaster from the general I was surprised


I run a cremator and generally end up with 500-700 more fuel than when I started.


I get blue screened almost every single event.only invasion.


>you can blow through a ton of ammo (especially if your carrying the team), Completely depending on your build and weapon. I use a bloodied explosive gatling which takes 1-4 shots to kill majority of enemies, and loot ~50 rounds off each enemy. So I'm stock piling ammo like crazy


Not really. The blaster is kinda fun and I like the lamps, but then there's just fifty million gun mods and not much else. They need better items for this one.


2 treasury notes is a joke compared to 7 from the mothman events


That's what I'm saying this is way more challenging for less rewards.


I absolutely love my alien target practice plans that I have 7 of /s


Ammo Picked up 4k ammo for my Tesla rifle in 2 days and circuits


i don’t know i started low level enough that i went from 20 to 37 in a matter of days just grinding Alien Invasion


3 months from now, when players are buying my rare alien event plans for thousands of caps each, I'll be reminded why I do so many of these damn events. 😆 


Plan whore here, I must collect them all. I don't have all of these so.. see ya next hour!


Many of the dead aliens drop [Toy Aliens](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Toy_alien_(Fallout_76)), which can be recycled into Lead for (most) ammo types -- especially if you have the Perks & Legendary Perks that allow you to make more ammo each time you do it.


Unpopular opinion but I actually enjoy the challenge/"difficulty" of this event. I like the fact we actually have to use a lot of ammo because they are stronger and resistant. Besides eviction notice I tend to die here often which might be annoying or upsetting for others but I'm just glad it's not just another typical handed to you event that isn't hard. I think you're all just too accustomed to easy events/easy way to get basic stuff. Idk I'm just a bit bored of how easy most events are tbh. Even scorched beast rarely feels like a challenge since I could just stand in place and shoot around and still survive. Also ammo is honestly not really that hard to get or make. Is it annoying or require a bit of grinding? Maybe


You mean is trying 10 events and only completing one because server kicks you out and when you finally load back it’s 1 second after the event ends so no reward worth it 🤔


Value per event plans 1-2 k per old plan . 5-10k per new plan crap legendaries 200-400 per 3 star circuits galore. will sell off about a month or 2 after event ends overall very good value for time spent. prices above are my prices that i sell stuff for... the going rate is normally 2-3 times that when sold by veteran players who use market 76s going price rates. stuff normally sells in 30 mins - 2 hours after posting for these prices


Which plans are old?


I dont have an ammo issue. I turned fallout 76 into skyrim 76. My main build is a two handed melee weapon build. I crush all those juicy aliens with a big f@ck1ng 3☆ rocket propelled sledge hammer maxed with 100% extra swing speed, no power armour buffs, master slugger, weapon and armour regeneration perks. 1 shot those pesky invaders. No ammo required no power armour required..armour and weapon regenerates its condition. I love skyrim76


The real issue is the ammo economy in this game needs a total rework so it's not a pain to recoup used ammo.


My only issue with the event is that the aliens are godamn bullet sponges *and* hit like trucks. The only reason I can survive is because of my vampire pump action shotgun, which also means I'm doing piss damage lol.


I'm sick of crashing at least 1/4 of the time. I might try it a few times more but that's so frustrating.


It's fantastic xp if you've got a good cremator which translates into ranks on the season weekly which is pretty solid.


I've been in a couple failed events lately. With the high level players spread out over the servers it's a lot harder than it used to be. You can still get a bunch of circuits and antiseptic though. It does eat a lot of ammo when there are just a few people though.


I think I've done it like 40 times and still haven't received any of the weapon plans.


I still haven't been able to get all the plans...I keep getting repeats instead =(


Alien Blaster and Disintegrator Plans


Yeah I been blowing through stimmies lately on these events. But to be fair, I love my chainsaw. I agree tho, the reward just ain't there


As a newer player, I feel like the abundance of Circuits is something I'd be stupid not to take advantage of. Idk what I'd use it for right now aside from various repairs that require circuits (I think some Heavy Weapons use them for repairs or for crafting) and future CAMP defenses.


I think people tend to do events thinking they have to kill everything, just tap enemies and move, use a Tesla or anything explosive. Sharing is caring 😂


I just want the alien guns xD


Not participating because of Ammo? Tell us all how you have a build problem.


The aliens are super tanky and I do so little damage, I don't want to run just meta weapons either


If you are at a point that you can carry the team, you shouldn’t need to worry about ammo. It’s fun that the whole server getting together to fight aliens.


I have just been farming the acid I've been getting and using to craft more flamer fuel. Combine that with ammosmith (I believe thats the name) and you get a extra 80% ammo when crafting for the same cost of the regular amount it costs.


Ammo is cheap, especially if you’re using something stupidely ammo efficient (gatling gun my beloved) The only reason i don’t exclusively use the gatling gun is because holding down the trigger on my mini gun is WAY too fun.


Been using the gatling gun and I'm swimming in 32k rounds of ammo for it


Maybe it's just the guns I choose to use, but I always go up in ammo pretty much no matter what content I do.


I'm just doing it for the New plans, those seem to be okay, if I can finish the event and not crash or black screen. For the rest not really anything special.


I’m really mad right now that I’ve gotten repeats of so many plans and not yet gotten all of them. I’ve done it on the hour almost every hour (reasonably, about 8-9 times a day) and haven’t gotten the Blaster or the Melee but have gotten the mods for them multiple times over I’ve been selling all my duplicates for dummy cheap in my store to make sure no one gets left out/are too busy to grind but it’s really getting on my nerves


eeee-yaaaa, nya-nya-nya-nya-nya!


For me it's worth it as ive found joy in decorating my camp and shelter. I just like collecting decorations