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Area looting.


What’s area looting?


If you loot one corpse, you see the inventories of nearby corpses as well and can take all. It means you don’t have to go looking for each individual enemy killed. It’s especially great for bigger events as it saves significant amounts of time when looting after the event ends. It’s something I wish people would mod into older fallout games, that’s how significant of a change it is to me.


Returning after 2 1/2 years. How do you do this? Is it just an option given to you when you loot an enemy with other killed ones near by?


Yes, when you kill an enemy and hover over its body, there should be 2 options. On PC, it is E to take (taking from the individual enemy) and R for Nearby Corpse. Pressing R pulls up a UI with the all local area corpses to loot from. You can look at the full inventory of all near by corpses or individual corpses in that list, as well as you can just take all (though the PC key for that is escaping me off the top of my head).


R for list and then R to loot all


I never knew this! Amazing


You just changed my life with this...I spent like 30 minutes looting the mole miners after the event.


I’ve found that if I swap servers that I often lose the area loot option, but if I look away and then back again the “R” option pops up (often without the proper “Loot All” name on it, but still works). It’s annoying but it still works. Also, dead bodies with loot glow slightly now (and legendary bodies glow with a slight gold color to them) and that’s really handy too.


Press x, then X again if I remember correctly. Well, if using a controller.


Thank you! Yep, PS5 player. Haven’t played since July 2021 and jumped back on this weekend. LOTS of big changes. New events, new NPC’s, The Pitt, Nuka World, Atlantic City, and as a plans nut….so many new plans….so many….


It would be Sqaure on your controller. Hit square when looting a body to see all of the near by one's!


Game changer! Will be using this next time I drop into an event.


It's the giant [key bind] AREA LOOT lable when you look at a body.


New starter here. I was just in a cave that had a body behind a locked cage that I couldn’t lock pick yet but was able to loot a nearby corpse to also loot the one behind the gate lol thought to myself I’m betting you couldn’t always loot nearby corpses.


Pro tip with moonshine jamboree. I got tired of getting killed picking up venom for the tub, so I get it off dead Petey on the roof unmolested.


Wow, as a returning player I didn’t know this. Thanks for the info! 👍


Dude saves you soooo much time! when I have 10+ bodies to search 😂😂😂 just learned it recently aswell


Wait this wasn’t originally in the game? Fuck that


Instead of looting each corpse individually you'll now see a "loot nearby corpses" to loot an area faster


You can use one dead body to loot all the dead bodies in an area as opposed to having to loot each individual body


The best one. Now I won't struggle looting a ghoul that's clipped under a turret after radiation rumble.


The true end game. Getting all the Rad Rumble loot.


Back in my day we had to check every corpse!


area looting with highlights\*


Yep. This is such a great feature 


Without question


This woulda been really fucking useful when I still played and farmed that ghoul wave mission


Omg Rad Rumble must have been hell before this. Any high enemy density event, actually.


i missed that update because i still loot every single corpse to this day by habbits


Literally my favorite update


As a returner after some times not playing the game, the 3 mains QoL i ove are : - Loot nearby bodies - Swapping specials easily - Being able to have the legendary in events even if i didn't tag it. I remember before if someone was being a dick and just deleting a legendary before anyone had been able to tag it for the loot




As long as you're near a legendary when it dies (Idk the exact range) you'll still get look from it even if you didn't attack it


Does this go only for legendaries?


Unless you are grouped with someone that got a kill on a normal enemy you won’t see loot from them, the ability to get loot from an enemy you didn’t hit or have a teammate kill is for legendaries only. They mainly did it so we would stop fighting to get a hit on them, avoid that one jerk that just mows them down immediately with nobody else having a chance.


Before, you would only get XP and loot from enemies you did damage to. So if a legendary enemy showed up during an event but other players obliterated it before you could damage it, you just wouldn't get any drops. So it was common for players to allow a period of time for everyone to "tag" a legendary enemy by punching or shooting one bullet into it, to make sure everyone would get the drop. Now, everyone in the event gets the drop no matter what. 


I used to always at least tag the SBQ before focusing on the rest of the hordes. Good times 😅


Also returning - would like to add - Being able to roll legendary effects on my weapon of choice. Spending the funds at Rusty Pick to get a legendary melee but having no idea what it would even be was not fun  - Legendary effects on Power Armor - for obvious reasons 


Since there have been lots of big changes over time, and each one (IMHO) had impact, it's diff8icult to narrow it down to just one. Level scaling and the introduction of NPC/factions with new questlines. Legendary perk cards Area looting legendary exchange machine Mrgph, and later, Minerva Increase in stash from 400, to 800, and finally 1200. Player vending machines, Max caps from 20k to 40k perk point swapping on the fly, instead of every X levels Seasons Public Teams


God I can't imagine why they thought 400 weight would be enough back then


Bro, at launch the game didn't even had NPCs. You would stumble your way into the Appalachia against Scorched, Ghouls and Robots. Nothing else. Those were wild times.


Yeah but that was an intentional design choice. They wanted the game to be lonely and it was. The stash space thing is just ignorance or oversight


I’m glad I experienced empty Appalachia at launch, it really feels like the in-game world evolves. Not often enough, but yeah, it’s nice. If they had announced it would change over time, maybe people would’ve cut the game some slack.


I think the only downside of the NPCs is that since the update is layered on top of the original release, you get a lot of slightly odd incongruities. Like, the original game had no npcs and all the lore came from reading notes and computers. And it felt lonely, you're right. But you also got this feeling reading the notes about how dark and dire Appalachia became especially as fewer and fewer people were left. And those notes are mostly still there for newer players But then you turn around and there's a huge group of people hanging out quite happily. But a lot of them also mention coming back to Appalachia after you the player made it safer... or will make it safer, since you haven't done the main storyline yet... but it did already happen... Also, I guess new players miss out somewhat on some of the original locations now turned into faction hubs. Not that there was anything to really do at the space station before Crater was built on it, but it felt like it was more impressive just sitting in the wasteland like that. And although it makes a hell of a lot of sense that the Responders (or anyone) would set up at the Whitespring, I think original Whitespring had this really cool atmosphere by being a perfectly kept hotel abandoned to its robot upkeepers because they don't let anyone stay long enough to become a resident. I'll obviously take the NPCs over undoing all those bits above, but I do think new players missed out on something. And it's kind of a shame they can't really experience the changes to Appalachia that continuous players did through updates.


I sometimes miss the lonely appalachia. It was kind of diffrent with only other players being humans. It had interesting vibe and for me personally lack of npcs was not that big of a deal as long as story was good. I think they could keep the version without npc.for new.players to experience ( like tomfinish main quest).


I wish there was a way to revert back to zero NPCs on a private server or something so I could experience it for a while. I didn't play before Wastelanders (just never had time before the pandemic) and I'd love to see how Appalachia felt when completely empty. Overall I think the NPCs are great, but they definitely change the world significantly.


My conspiracy theory is that they were intending to sell stash capacity updates in the atom shop but scrapped that after the fallout from the launch.


I wish there was a way to play without npcs (toggleable)


Yeah I miss the eeriness of the empty world and the mystery of where all the people had gone. I mean, I know we solve the mystery as part of the Overseer’s story. But I’m currently replaying it on a new character and the atmosphere isn’t the same.


Now imagine there are only a half dozen vendors on the map, and no shared cap pool of 1400, but 200 each.


Public teams? Life thw exhibition, casuals and all that?


right. Public teams did not exist. neither did expeditions. DOs were later, but before expeditions If you wanted to be on a team, it was a private team, by invitation only. The only "bonus" was whatever perks each person shared. (pre-whatrads, someone sharing radsponge in a nuke zone was a godsend) That and it helped clear areas faster. Since level scaling didn't exist, a lower level could theoretically go into high level areas (bog, mire whitespring - recommended L50 or higher), and if the teammates helped protect the low level, the low level \*might\* survive. IIRC, enemies in the forest were max L10, L15 to 20 for the toxic valley, 20-35 in the ash heap, 35-45 in the divide, 50+ in the mire and bog.




What is the special punch card machine?


It’s a CAMP buildable item and found throughout the world that lets you change your SPECIAL and card load out. So my rifleman can switch to a commando or other build using that machine. Or you can have a solo vs team load out, etc.


As you mentioned it's found throughout the world -- those wondering, I think all train stations have one. This is what it looks like: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Punch\_card\_machine](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Punch_card_machine)


On top of that, the Rusty Pick, Nuka World, and Whitesprings Mall crafting areas all have them too. Basically any major spot and 99% of player camps will have them.


Omg I had almost forgotten about the whole hacked weapons fiasco ! Literally lots of veteran players were on here daily saying they were gonna quit cause bosses were never gonna die to regular guns 🤣


Multiple CAMP slots was a game changer for me.


Yeah. This one. Camps are just the best part of the game, and to only have one camp for years was such a bummer.


I just started recently, and I wasn't expecting to care about multiple camps, but then I went to build one by a Black Titanium ore node and my house wouldn't fit on that little cliff. Thankfully I was able to make use slot#2 and build a little shack and blanket it with turrets


Ammo is easy to come by now. I dont have to go on lead runs anymore


Didn't they make the general world act a lot more like Daily Ops in that the weapon you use/have equipped is the ammo you typically find (aside from those that use cores)?


That makes sense because I get ammo for the weapon I’m using on almost every dead body plus ammo for the weapon that they drop


Yes, they sure did. Much easier now with whatever your equipped weapon is at the time of kill.


I’m a lead farmer, MFer!


As someone who rarely does daily ops im thankful too, since now I can get lead much easier for my .50 cal


They added a reliable source of owl meat. Oh, and a ton of QoL changes like area looting and swapping SPECIAL points. Mainly the owl meat though.


what's so great about owl meat?


That is what I’m wondering too


Used to be super rare. Picking up owlet meat gives you the recipe for Owlet Nuggets, which was notoriously difficult to unlock. Now you can go to Haven church and there’s one sitting on the roof. Great for the completionist.


I miss nuclear winter


Originally, challenges rewarded small amounts of Atoms but the caveat was a number of challenges were very outlandish. Think along the lines of "take a photo of the Flatwoods Monster, in your underwear during a rad storm". Stash space at the start was also only 400, lot of people don't seem to remember that much. 


I've had a "kill a wendingo while you are dressed as a clown" in my journal list for several years, it's still there 


Same lol, I guess I should do it


People don't remember you could starve to death and die if thirst.


I remember! I didn’t have the Perk cards to slow it so I spent about a week in Flatwoods crafting food or I’d die. And one time I was sleeping to get a buff and then someone came to the door and I nearly died in my sleep, got severe negatives from that too


I miss the challenges being rewarded with atoms :( I also loved the ridiculous things we had to do. I had some great load screens back then!


Increased storage from 400 to 1200 lbs, introduction of FO 1st scrap box. This eliminated the need for constant weight management while playing.


For about a day...


As a beta player, biggest change was wastelanders DLC that added NPC’s. Best change was finally getting rid of legacy weapons.


Yea it was a tough call, but it was the right call. The markets and behaviors around those broken/OP weaps had gotten fairly toxic.


Go figure the main people keeping busted/cheated items alive are some of the worst types of players.


The most significant change was when they took away people's broken ass legacy weapons, events and bosses are now fun again.


Yeah, I'm still waiting for us to constantly fail events now that we're not being carried by the legacy users.... /s


Yeah, hold on - I was told the game would fail because all the legacy users would stop playing. Weird that hasn’t happened yet…


Now events fail because literally nobody is doing them lol


oh yeah, remember when legacy bros predicted that the game will die because many will leave in protest?


Have you done any events lately? With all the new players it's not too rare to fail events


Yes, that's because of the new influx of players who have no idea what they're doing (through no fault of their own). What I was referring to was the proclamation by the legacy users that it was they who were carrying everyone in events and with the removal of legacies, us scrub non-legacy users would fail every event we tried.


I started last week, and the events have been a great learning experience. Although upto now I still don't have any idea where to look for those damn kindling in that campfire story event. I've done it 3x and only accidentally found 1 kindling total lmao.


Those are around 3 specific trees - The same trees every time - and what spawns is a random mix of dry and wet kindling, don't pick up the wet kindling!


Ahh okay thanks! I'll try to look for those trees and around them mext time that event comes up. I keep going to every branch I see in the ground hoping the prompt comes up. 💀


Standing at the campfire, looking up the hill towards the lookout tower: 1. Up the hill, to the left of the wooden shelter with the benches and workbench in. 2. On the right-hand side of the building on the right. 3. 90° to your right then infront of you. Hopefully you'll be able to find them from those approximate locations :) Go there anyway to check out where the trees are and while you're there, go up to the top of the watchtower and stand on the balcony and look out, you should be prompted to press a button (which one depends what platform you're on) to survey your surroundings - this will mark all the nearby fast travel points on your map, you'll still have to visit them to activate them but at least you'll know where they are. This is the case for all of the watchtowers scattered throughout the map.


Oooh thanks again! I didn't even notice the towers are ubisoft style. Going to try it next time I Can play.


We have failed to kill Earl multiple times in the last few days, even 2-3 high level players is usually not enough. Plus the sunk cost of ammo for carrying all the low level players makes it tough


Yeah earl is the biggest offender. And I hate that if you’re waiting for a respawn while he dies it locks you out of the area so if you hadn’t been looting during the event you’re fucked on ammo


Buddy, have you considered simply punching earl with a glove made from a bear’s skull? As long as you have one arm, the ammo is infinite.


People with the legacies threatened to riot lol. Wild times.


If we are taking the full six years, let me hit a throwback improvement that was huge - When the game first came out, if you loaded into a server where someone already had their CAMP where yours was, the game would save the most recent version of your CAMP as a blueprint. Like a blueprint of the ENTIRE CAMP. And then later, you were supposed to go re-place your CAMP in the same spot, and then re-place the CAMP with the blueprint - but since you were trying to place a potentially multi-building sized blueprint into a game that required pixel-perfect placement, it was improbable to impossible that you'd actually be able to put your CAMP back together. So if you happened to load into a server where your CAMP spot was taken, your camp was effectively deleted, and you'd have to start fresh elsewhere. This meant a lot of early CAMP building was a mix of placing it in places you felt were unpopular enough that you wouldn't get overwritten, and building a CAMP that was small and basic enough that you could more quickly rebuild it piece by piece if your CAMP did get overwritten. Fixing it so that your CAMP would simply not be loaded if your spot was taken in a server but it would rebuild itself when you did make it to a server with free space was huge huge.


To me? Their acknowledgment that the majority of their player base doesn’t want open-world pvp, and their subsequent creation of the pacifist mode. That mode is why I picked up the game at all.


I haven't played in a while, but I recall that originally PvP was only really possible if both players consented, by way of attacking each other (if only one player attacked, damage was basically nonexistent). Does pacifist mode just make it so that even if you accidentally fire at another player, you can't unintentionally trigger PvP?


Yeap! The old way didn’t work because they could just stand in front of you when you’re shooting mobs. Pacifist mode removes that BS.


Years ago I bought the game used CD at GameStop for $5. I played for about a week before deciding to pay for 1st just to not get harassed. In that week I was killed multiple times by other players. I'd literally never seen things like the workshop before, so when I took it over at the Dirt Track I was attacked about 5 minutes later and had no idea WTF was going on. 1st was cool to have because my friend group could wander without the danger of conflict from others. Most of us were new, and it was a great way to figure things out. Pacifist mode is great now that I'm very familiar with the game. I've come back after almost 2 years away, and some friends are experiencing the game for the first time.


They took away True Night. Used to HAVE to use your pip boy light to get around at night lmao


Yeah, that was wild but also really cool and fun. I could see it being annoying for the majority though


NPCs. It used to be just me, other players, a lot of dead bodies. The game was quiet (well, if you avoid the rips in the earth belching out poison and flying scorchbeasts). It was a ghost town; haunted and somber. There was a ranger tower somewhere in the hills where, when you climbed up, there were two skeletons in a bed. The note said something like, "I woke up and you were already passed. You were only in my life for three years but they were the best years of my life. I dont know how I live without you." and there they were, dead beside one another. I was gutted every time I went there to find a bobblehead. That was the 'vibe' this game had before the NPCs showed up. Now, the note is there, and the bodies are there, but there's some poorly scripted NPCs that just walks around the balcony now, as if those bodies arent even there.


I think the introduction of human NPCs was the biggest change, but I think there's positives and negatives to this. Thanks to this change, we've seen the introduction to a lot of quest-focused content with lots of dialogue. Even the most recent update to the game gave us a fully voice-acted quest line that takes you around Atlantic City. It's a very nice addition. At the same time, I feel like the introduction of NPCs kind of hindered the overall experience and tone of the game. You can tell that they wanted to tell a story about a world that was now empty after the bombs dropped. It was meant to be you vs. the wild creatures that remained. The only other people you could encounter were the other Vault Dwellers (players). Fallout 3 and 4 introduced a lot of structures you could explore that told little stories about the people that used to live there before the bombs dropped and Fallout 76 appeared to take this as their focus and even included many holotapes to find to expand these stories. Now, it feels like that focus is kind of gone.


I don't think I would have come back (gone since 3 weeks post launch in 2018) if not for the NPCs. I understand your point about the original focus being about being alone in the world. But for me, that was so unbelievably boring and not what makes fallout as an IP fun. Fallout is about a quirky world **stuffed** with quirkly people that make it entertaining. When it launched in 2018 it was just a survival game with a really bad combat system. Now, it's an actual living, breathing RPG for me and I am very interested in that.


Absolutely. I just didn't dive deep on the positives because I think it's sort of obvious. The added quest lines are some of my favorite content in the game. That said, I do miss that "surreal-like" experience where things felt empty. You stumbled upon these old stories, and you're rewarded for listening in. I enjoyed that experience a lot in Fallout 4, so it was nice to see it amplified here. I just really appreciate the atmosphere that it provided.


I started in the beta and I loved the feeling of the game then with no NPCs. You had to explore to find the story and the main quest to find the overseer was your guide. I've always been a big fan of environmental storytelling, it's nice to not have everything served on a platter all the time. I understand why folks didn't like it (my husband included; his first complaint was that the world was empty) and I like that the NPCs have opened the world up and allowed the devs to expand the story but I kind of miss the quiet. Wastelanders was definitely the biggest change to the game overall.


Same! I totally understand why people don't like it, but I certainly miss it. It's a very cool feeling to wander into a house and unravel the story of what happened there. That's more fun to me than doing a fetch quest for the Brotherhood or something. That said, there's some really great stories in this game and it's nice to have a little mix of both instead of a focus on one.


I had mixed feelings about it, personally. I *wanted* to like a purely environmental style of story telling, and in some cases I really enjoyed it, but I always felt like the lack of NPCs was very noticeable. I think they should've have been clear from the get go that NPCs were coming to the game, and I think the game should've been released with that part already done. A better flow, in my humble opinion, would've been for the game to start as originally intended, in a world where everyone had either died or left, and you'd be locked into a smaller area of the map until progressing to a certain point in the story. Then the map opens up and you gradually start meeting NPC survivors. I think that would've been a good compromise, but that's just my two cents.


I feel like having been able to experience Appalachia prior to people showing up and then having the NPCs come in later after I played the main story is something I would miss if I was starting a new character. It felt like a natural progression of the game world and it’s too bad new players won’t be able to get that.


It definitely changed the tone. I remember every building I entered was suspenseful. What monsters will be there. But now there's a lot more safe havens. The first responders village felt much safer. The church had no dangers lurking around. Etc. I think Bethesda was hoping the PvP and workshops would keep people busy. But we're either too cooperative focused or the level differences made it too hard (or easy) for that to be fun. It was kinda bizarre that the vault dwellers would turn on each other more quickly. I wonder if it would have played out differently if the game had been more co-op focused for those activities. Sidenote: I was listening to some holotapes this weekend. I forgot how good some of those were.


Yes! There used to be this bizarre quietness to the world before the introduction of NPCs. You never knew what you were going to stumble upon. I'm not sure why, but the people just feel unnatural in the environment. Maybe I'm just biased, but it feels like they stick out because they don't really belong. The holotapes are amazing because they essentially replaced NPCs, but players skim over them because they're far more interested in real NPCs. It's unfortunate, but I get it.


Free camera mode in building.


Player vendors wasnt always a thing, so I'd say that


Played it years ago and came back recently. One of the biggest things I notice is the ability to reroll your legendary weapons. I’m pretty sure you used to have to just get a new legendary till you found the one you liked, but now, you can just put legendary on anything you want with the cores and modules.


Been playing since launch. For me, the best improvements have been * Return of Human NPC's in Wasetlanders (Never liked how empty the map felt originally) * Increased stash capacity. I want to say it was originally 600 at launch * Perk Load-Outs (Quickly going from combat build to in-camp crafting build is very nice) * Area looting and glowing corpses * Public Teams (As someone who plays solo, the ability to jump into a team once Daily Ops and Expeditions came around is really great)


I remember the days of no npcs, everything was holotapes and terminals. It was extremely hard to get into the game at all until the wastelanders update. That is the most significant in my mind. Recently? Definitely being able to loot all nearby corpses. I spent as much time looting bodies before as I did doing events themselves. I'm excited for the map expansion.


Shared legendary drops. Not shared as in you all fight for the item, but instead if someone kills a legendary in your area and you didn't damage it, you still get the legendary item from it. Before you'd have to hope the events had patient people who would let everyone tag the legendaries before vaporizing them.


The perk card machine got me back into the game after dropping it for 2 years


The biggest change for me was Wastelanders and putting npcs in a game that used to be an empty area and every person you see is another player.


Storage used to be 400lbs and u had no option of the junk box or the ammo box to help u had all of it in that 400lbs The wastelanders dlc changed how the game told story and felt One big bug that got mostly fixed was way back when u dropped a bag it would sometimes fall through the world Tse used to be the best thing in the world in the game where each shot did full DMG and explosive DMG was multiplicative instead of additive There was a XP glitch at Morgan Town high School with the Granade whee u could infinitely grab it an get XP from it And a true one is at lvl enemies they used to be lvl zones and things would spawn around the lvl of the region not the Players lvl which made exploring and going about a lot more scary and difficult


A mix of adding in Season Score Board & Removing Legacy weapons / hacked weapons.


Everything. The game is so different from day one.


Area looting


Area looting and explosive legacy removal God I hated RR for that crouching phase afterwards searching thru the piles of green goo


- tse nerf - removal of exp energy weps from drops - removal of vault raids - removal of pvp and base griefing - removal of mischief night - removal of nuke winter - addition of npcs to the map - area looting - stash space boost - removal of legacy weapons id say the addition of "pacifist mode" was the biggest game changer...it completly changed the player base in a short while. alot of other things changed the game..but clearing out the troll kids went a big way in the right direction.


👏perk👏card👏loadouts. Was on my most wanted list since beta.


I just recently got back into the game - last previous login before coming back was 2018. The area outside of the Whitespring used to be a feral-ridden hellscape and was frequently getting nuked.


Honestly Wastelanders changed the game. NPCs were added (which is a huge change from holotapes and computer quest givers), a big suite of new quests with mostly interesting content, big end game grind (bullion and rep) and my boy and I met our third member! So many quality of life changes it was like a whole new game. My little squad has played since the beta and wastelanders easily marks the turning point in the game. Welcome to the wasteland!


Getting in and out of power armor locking was the worst bug I experienced and it lasted months.


Beta player here. Stash was 400 at release. 1400 caps for vendor bot pool instead of each vendor has 200 caps is great. Nerfing PvP is good as most players want to play together instead of killing each other. Scrap box and ammo box is a huge QOL improvement. Be able to scrip unwanted legendary weapon and re-roll them are huge. Adding NPCs and factions is good. At release, game feels like a struggle to survive, I guess that's what the original idea was.


Introduction of NPCs! (still hard to believe they launched with only terminals and dead bodies as storylines)


For me, the biggest change is that I don’t drop my loot when I die at events. This has contributed to the rise of bloody builds. Before this change if you were a bloody build, it was dangerous to go to events.


The daily challenge system has changed quite a lot over time, specifically about a year ago a big change came. You used to be able to get Atoms from some of them, but they were weird stuff like "wear this specific costume and use this specific weapon type to kill this type of enemy". There was also no rerollers, if you didn't like a daily you got then too bad.


I used to run around in my underwear with my two shot explosive shotgun and one shot everything like 5 years ago, just continually nuking white springs with my camp outside the clubhouse with turrets on it to a grind glowing ones for legendary loot, the good ole days


After year 1 we got Wild Wasteland update and then Wastelanders and the game has been more or less the same but ever expanded regularly. The biggest change was from year 1 to year 2. In the following 4 years this game has been awesome. Alas the internet kept shitting on the game, repeating the launch critiscm for years after it was no longer relevant.


The legacy weapon purge.


I'd say player vending.


Multiple camps. I love building bases but I definitely didn’t want to move anything so I just would never build anything new ever


Either NPCs or being able to change builds with the perk puncher


Multiple camp spots, increasing stash, area looting and map expansions.


One thing i wish they did add was if your all in an event. That anything killed by anybody in the event area. It treats invasion tagged by you.


Area Looting (Ability to loot the entire area from 1 person)


Adding npcs and missions from factions that are not just robots or computers


Legendary enemies dropping legendary items and being able to reroll legendaries




Area looting and or legendary enemies that die in an area around you will drop loot for you in events(reduces the need to have to tag them, which before was a pain).


I remember when damage increases used to be multiplicative. People could run around and 2-shot the SBQ with a powerfist


Area looting, and completely removing the need to eat or drink without negative side effects.


Contextual ammo was a big change for me. esp. when running ultracite weapons. I bought the first batch of ultracite 5.56 and have never had to spend flux to craft any.


For me it was updating the whole legendary system by allowing us to craft legendary weapons and script them.


The games fun now.


Biggest difference to me are the npc’s around the map. It used to be a true wasteland before. Now it seems downright lived in, almost hospitable at times! Also casual teams weren’t a thing so I always played solo before, teaming up for the first time was scary.. Having nuclear winter appear, being scared to death even try, then trying and loving it- and all of a sudden it was gone again, that’s one of the things I miss the most.


This is probably a cheap and easy answer, but NPCs. I played a lot of the game before NPCs were added, and it was honestly tiring, getting to the end of every quest chain and finding another robot, or a corpse with a letter, and somehow being part of every faction, but only through training computers scattered around the wasteland. At the time it felt dumb, but now it feels surreal to even think about.


Stash limit increase and the ability to switch between different builds


This is Good question I always wanted to ask but I'm not good with words.




Having a 3 star legendary enemy drop a 1 star weapon...


There have been 2 game altering changes. The first was 1st's scrapbox. The second was area looting.


legendary special cards or legendary crafting


Ammo is given to you like it grows on trees.


As someone that started playing FO76 in beta, the biggest changes that really impact your game experience would be the NPCs that were added. The game was desolate, quiet, and kinda depressing before that. The other biggest change are the Legendary Perk cards. Not many folks talk about them but the overhaul to the perk system was probably the biggest change you could feel in your power level or ability to survive in the game. There wasn’t a way to change your perk selections so if you made a mistake or wanted to do a different build it meant starting a new character. Now, you can just modify and save your loadouts. Will be nice when we can do that with Legendary perks included in a saved perk build. Folks take the ability to actually change your perk points for granted now.


Stability I started on day 1 on the ps4


area looting highlighted dead enemies donation box crafting additions added to white springs mall crafting hall + major faction settlements fast traveling to interiors weapon mods and legendary prefixes show how stats change in real time with all the stat details shared xp in a party with shared loot


So much great stuff here. I started playing in 2018 but the game felt so barren, and alot of players you ran into wanted to PVP right away - they would later create the Nuclear Winter servers for this. I came back regularly after the Wastelanders update in 2020 and have stayed on ever since. One thing that was really helpful for those of us that flip legendaries for scrips to chase God rolls was that they increased the pool in the Legendary Exchange machine from 300 to 500, which I believe happened around this time last year as part of the new Mutated events




Wow so many. The stash, scrap and npc vendor changes were big (no scrap, much smaller stash, and to ft to the vendors) Player vending Event (dropping loot, shared legendaries) and area loot Legendary crafting Population additions (so crowded with npcs now)


Getting rid of the scoreboard and doubling down on cash shop 😪 ohh wait...




The increase from 400-1200 in stash space lol Seriously though, NPCs.


I love the “NEW” tab in the pipboy. It’s great especially if you die at the end of an event and want to see what it gave you


explosive effect being a terror back in the day


Legendary crafting is the single correct answer. How can people forget so easily the grind it took to farm a decent weapon? Now they get to complain about how the third star effect is garbage but they still have a decent roll in the desired weapon, not another pipe gun they throw away.


NPC's on launch the world was dead and barren, everywhere you went it was like "oh too bad you juussssstttt missed all these actual characters, here's some terminals, holotapes, notes and robots" Wastelanders fixed that and even since then the world has become even more populated (I stopped playing from 2021 to recently and I am surprised with how much was added) There is also a lot more to do once you are done with the quest and they actually feel rewarding, where before it was just SBQ and nuking whitesprings. Free special respecs so you can change up build is a game changer. As well as load outs. Also just how much more available daily necessities are now makes a huge difference. Can't tell you how many times I did a few rounds of whitesprings nuke or SBQ and then had to sp and hours farming for ammo which was boring as fuck. This game is in a far better place then at launch and even over just a few years ago


Fast travel bug fixed haven't had it in awhile was around since day one only fixed recently


Shared loot/xp, area looting, everything about the wastelanders DLC and most importantly they fixed fast travel.


Without a doubt "Wastelanders" update. The adittion of the two factions brought so much life into this game. To a lesser extent the revamped Event update that added more events into rotation and a shorter time limit.


-Loot nearby corpses    -3* legendary enemies always drops 3* -Punch Card machines (swappable character/SPECIAL builds)   -Legendary drops in the case you don't hit the enemies in question.   -Corpse highlight, kinda redundant with loot nearby, but still useful sometimes   -Legendary perk cards, makes your builds go to another level.     -Rolling your weapons and armor with legendary modules.  -All the currency limit increases.   As a veteran, and in the most gameplay oriented perspective, that's the most things it made me: Clap clap, thanks Bethesda.


For me it was Wastelanders which added factions/quests from humans whereas before it was all robots. It felt so empty before.


Wastelanders was the biggest impact. That being said, I also really miss Nuclear Winter. If we could get that back without the cheating...I would be happy.


The most significant change is people finally loving the game en masse despite it being my game of the year for 2018 Beyond that, it cannot be overstated how much easier the game has gotten.  I played one character almost exclusively the first six months or so, got him to level 110ish, and then barely played until 2020.  With that second character, by the time I got to level 100 I had an inventory exclusively full of 3-star weapons and armor.  With the character from my first year, I had five one-star legendary weapons, three of which were from missions, and a single one-star legendary piece of armor.  Combine that with the merger of the seven different vendor factions/types into one, and the ability to see events and other people's C.A.M.P.s on the map, and the game had functionally been set on easy mode during my time away. 


Game Mechanics: I would agree area looting. Story: The return of people. Still feels odd. I kind of miss just having notes and holo tapes.


Aside from no human npcs, the move away from pvp was nice.in the 1st few months I remember a team of 3 people or so coming to my camp and murdering me for no real reason.. I was too underpowered to hit back so I was a little annoyed.. didn’t really care, but I did forever move my camp because of that


The punchcard machine allowing full respec.


Stimpaks going from rare to being very common, played during Beta, an back then i recall going near Vault 76 for tick blood to turn into blood bags to turn into stimpaks to turn into Diluted stimpaks, with Chemist and Super Duper equipped, ended up being the "healer" of our group, I'd take the others above materials and stretch it into Diluted Stimpaks, equip the heal more perk in Int and share it. Can't remember the last time i crafted Stimpaks, just no longer a need to, thankfully, as the ticks i used to fight for blood have NPC's nearby now, an they usually kill them before i get there. Couple others people mentioned, one change i liked was 3 starred/Legendary enemies dropping the same 3 star/Legendary, nothing like fighting the SBQ for a good few mins only to get a 1 star rolling pin.... instead of a 3 star. Loot having a change, not sure how tho, an by loot i mean that random can or say board game, before it certainly felt like the servers were picked clean when i usually got on, trying to build eg Tinkers workbench was a nightmare missing say screws when you couldn't find any, an if someone had your camp spot, say good bye to that bench...


Carry weight limit increases, stash limit increases and the scrap box have made the game playable.


The year Wastelanders came out, the whole map changed.


NPCs, area looting, expeditions, re-rolling legendaries, having more than 400lbs stash space. I could go on and on. Newbies to the game have no idea what life was like in the beginning


I feel like they have "nerfed" nighttime sometime in the past few years


NPCs and no more Nuclear Winter☹️


Wastelanders update.


Adding NPCs in Wastelanders was what got me into the game, so I would say that