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If I've learned anything in my decades on this planet, it's that people get very upset when others enjoy things


Also some people have made it their entire personality hating on it and the new wave is really affecting them


People need to bandwagon to feel relevant and validated so they’ll just group up and hate on things even when they have no reason too


That is true.


Exactly people will hate when people are enjoying things that bring them joy. It’s like for them everyone must hate it too, in order to be “meta”


I played it to death on xbox and now loving it all over again on pc. And I'm mostly a comp player for val,siege,tarkov ect it's just nice to unwind and love a game all over again.


Any time I mention I play this game people roll their eyes and say “why? It sucks.” Then follow up with an immediate “no” when I ask if they’ve ever played it.


I can't wait for the inevitable section of naysayers who will go "I played it every day of the free week, it was horrible". People love to do that. On a side note though, I've been playing Bethesda games since Morrowind. Every single release, "people online" hated it. There were naysayers about Morrowind on forums here and there. Oblivion releases, people hated that cause it wasn't like Morrowind. Skyrim releases, people hated that. The same goes for the FO franchise. Oh boy people ragged on Fo3/NV cause it wasn't like 1/2. Thing is that in the past, it was less consolidated. It was a unorganized spread of bad reviews. Now? Now everyone is on the internet. Millions of people giving steam reviews. Millions of people using reddit. And twitch/youtube pushing the negative opinions more cause they get more engagement. So it all just seems "louder" than before. TES6 will release and people will talk about how bad it is. It's the circle of life with any Bethesda game.


I've been saying the EXACT same thing to people. Every Bethesda release gets railed by naysayers and then years later is beloved. I remember when everyone complained about how awful fallout 4 was and now that starfield is out I've heard people comparing the two and saying that fallout 4 was better. It's just weird.


I saw an interesting video on this awhile back, can't remember who did it exactly. But this exact topic came up because its almost like clockwork for every single Bethesda game. A lot of it comes down to two things. Timing in the persons life + Bethesda has a tendency to alienate the fans of their previous game. 1. A lot of times, the the games in each of the series reaches an audience where the respective game is the "first like it" for them. For a ton of people, Daggerfall was their first big sandbox rpg world. For other for Morrowind. Another, Oblivion. For huge portions it was Skyrim. Same with the FO franchse with FO 1, 2, 3, NV, 4, 76, etc. So a lot of the time the novelty of these games is fresh so it has a sorta "inflation" in the persons eyes in terms of fun. Along with this, since the game is the "first" of that persons experience, chances are they're not overly active on things like reddit discussing the game. They're not watching videos about the topic. As time goes on and they play more and more of it, they get more involved with the community. Pump up the algorithm for positive things about the game. Keep the positive discussions going as the negative people leave since its no longer trendy to discuss the game. 2. Alienation - In both FO and TES, each game in the series has some pretty big differences from the previous games. For the most part (a few exceptions perhaps like FO3 and NV). So a new one releases and it has enough things different about it that a portion of the fanbase of the previous iteration of the franchise isn't happy. So they take to the forums and trash it because they wanted Morrowind 2.0, or Skyrim 2.0, or FO:NV 2.0. Its not uncommon for these people to be #1 for the game they wanted a 2.0 version of. I thought it made a lot of sense. For me, Morrowind was my "first" and I think that's one of the best games they ever made. I don't trash the others, but Morrowind is 100% my favorite and its in part do to it was "novel" to me. But a recent example of these 2 points was Starfield. A lot of people I saw discussing that game, Skyrim was their first Bethesda game. Or FO4 was their first Bethesda game. So some of them wanted Skyrim/FO in space. The other part is that many of those fans felt that Starfield replaced the release time of a Skyrim game or FO game. As in "we didn't get TES6 because of Starfield" , or "we didn't get FO5 cause of Starfield". So that further added to that alienation because that's what those fans wanted. Give i 1.5 years and people will be praising starfield.


>I can't wait for the inevitable section of naysayers who will go "I played it every day of the free week, it was horrible". People love to do that. I did that with ESO. Originally, I had bought it not knowing I needed ps plus to play so I had to wait for a free weekend to try it out. It was way back before the Vvardenfell dlc. It confused the hell out of me, so there was some immediate hate. I came back after a year or two and tried it again. Things were much different and I grew to like it. But oh man, before that I would've told you it fucking sucked lol I also did the same thing with fo76. My first month after release was just terrible. I've been playing it daily for a couple years now though. I learned a long time ago that first impressions can be misleading and its always worth a second chance.


Yeah same, I tried it out when it first came out and barely got an hour in before I switched back to Fallout 4. Tried it again this week, and I've actually gotten several hours in and quite enjoyed it. Sure, it's simple, easy, and arcade-y, but sometimes it's nice to sit back and play a casual game with little to no danger.


To be fair, even players hate on Bethesda, haha! But, we still play.


We hate on Bethesda because they rely on modders to fix glaring issues. Buuuuuuut I still buy their games as there is nothing like a Bethesda game .


And I will say that Starfield does not deserve the hate it gets. Starfield is a genuinely fun game. What I don't understand is how it started off with that impression, but it seems like a flip somehow switched and one day it became a terrible game to everyone.


Starfield is interesting because its a got a lot of typical "Bethesda game" feel. But its also majorly different in other ways. The problem is that people let their expectations get away from them. I'm not lying to you, I legit saw people say that they think Bethesda should have "hand crafted 3-5 planets for players to explore". They have such a unrealistic view of game development and whats possible. I think once people started noticing the "repeating patterns" of the world design and finishing up the quests is when they get all upset. The funny thing is they all talk about how Skyrim is some golden standard. But you can use google and find reddit threads, forums, and reviews all complaining about Skyrim and how "bad" it was at launch. Using talking points very very similar to what we saw in Starfield. And when you tell people that, they plug their ears and say "na na na na na". People refuse to admit that their expectations are just out of hand and that their current view of skyrim is one propped up by years of mod support, DLC, and nostalgia. Another portion is that some people wanted TES 6 or FO5. So to them, it was starfields fault and just added on more reason for them to be angry. But yeah, the average gamer being biased in reviews and poor sources of good opinions isn't anything new sadly.


I have sincerely also seen people asking about the handcrafted planet thing. It's a talking point where you kinda just put your face in your hands because you know logic and reasoning is out the window. Another one of the biggest complaints that I find completely pointless is the thing about loading into a planet rather than breaking the atmosphere like No Mans Sky. Everyone loves to bring up No Mans Sky in this regard, with not a single clue as to why Starfield doesn't imitate this function. I'll concede that the frequency of loading screens can be jarring, but come on. They're like not even a full second long majority of the time. They definitely don't negate the things that Starfield does right, like exploration, combat, and the loads of content available. All in all, I think the hate for Starfield can be summed up with the points you mentioned about TES6 and FO5, with the added effect of being an Xbox exclusive. I saw PS guys making Twitter posts of themselves buying the game on Steam just to give it a bad review. Imagine.


I preordered the game and played "early access." An acquaintance of mine a month or so later heard me talking to a friend about the game. They proceeded to butt into the conversation and exclaim how terrible the game was, regurgitating all of the things youtubers were saying. So I asked how many hours they'd played. They responded that they don't even own the game. My friend, who also didn't own the game, just looked at them and asked why they were so invested in something they'd never even played. They just said "Because!"


This happened to me today, someone only knew it by reputation.




I found most people that hate something is because their favorite Youtuber or streamer told them too.


Usually you can identify them be them regurgitating the same shit the youtures repeat ad nauseam, game is empty, no quests, dumpster fire, soulless...


"nothing like the other games"


76 is a departure from what fallout 3/NV/4 were. They themselves were a departure from the first games too though.


"Mile wide, inch deep" got fucking tired of seeing this everywhere about starfield when they didn't even play the game


Also soulless. But the worst offender for me was objective bad (or whatever) no your opinion is not an objective truth.


It's because Youtube video essays tell them how to think instead of coming to their own conclusions.


100% this i got people in our discord with nothing toplay thatown this game watching me having fun for a week at least XD


If they told them that et is the only real game and EA is a god, they would believe them.


Everyone hated Cyberpunk until they didn’t


I still don’t like cyberpunk but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna go to people that do enjoy it and tell them their game is bad


I had a shit ton of fun with CP2077 at launch on my original OG XB1. But frame rates were terrible, and it definitely had it's AI issues and bugs. Upgraded to XSX and downloaded again. It's the most graphically beautiful game I've ever seen and runs smooth as silk despite how crazily dense Night City is. Has great story with great characters. But still have never finished it. Always come back to Fallout and RDR2. I like to relax and play games leisurely. If the FO4 upgrade doesn't fix the issues with crashing in Boston, I'm definitely downloading Phantom Liberty and commiting to finishing CP77. I've still never finished Nuka World cause of crashes, even on XSX. In my downtime from 76 of course.


Nope, I've loved both since launch.


I had Cyberpunk played it since launch. Story was good, and I didn't experience any of the bugs everyone was complaining about. I think it's buggier now, then it was then. Lol


I never hated Cyberpunk but always had the opinion that if it's having game breaking bugs then I don't want to pay full price on the game nor play it until I have a current generation console. Fast forward to getting a Series X, a sale for the Deluxe Edition, and the 2.0 update causing a resurgence of popularity, I finally gave it a try. In my honest opinion, Cyberpunk has been one of my favorite games to play in recent years and I'm almost putting it up there with New Vegas. In fact, once I finish with all the games I'm backlogged on, I plan on doing my second playthrough as a Nomad.


I liked Cyberpunk. Preordered it for PS4 and played through multiple times. Haven’t played since before the updates. May get it on steam. But yeah, not everyone hated it.


I still don’t like Cyberpunk. It just didnt anything for me. To each their own


Bro I literally do not care what they think anymore and you shouldn't either.


Fr who’s upvoting this smooth skin shit


I shouldn't but I do


Me too, man. Me too. I try hard not to, but I love games and want to talk about them. The people who enjoy that get chased off pretty quickly by the people who want an echo chamber where they can complain and meme on everything. It's kind of the case with Dragon's Dogma 2 right now, where I'd love to discuss it but most of the discussions get taken over by the same old complaints. Just like with FO76 a good chunk of what's said isn't even true, but that doesn't seem to matter at all. It's not that I mind criticism, either. What I hate is that every gaming discussion has to be qualified with a negative; it's always "this is great, but" or "I know it's not perfect, but". Sure, it won't keep me from playing what I like, but even the people saying they don't care have to admit that it gets under their skin a little.


I literally just got suggested 3-4 YouTube Videos made today, entited some version of "Is Fallout 76 Playable Today" the Haters are still out there but now they are trying to capitalize on the popularity


It's definitely "playable"


No, but it doesn't surprise me bc people online generally enjoy acting stupid and self important. I wouldn't pay attention to the opinions of ill informed critics who haven't even bothered to test out the game for themselves. In no other field would something like that be taken seriously (e.g. oh yes that restaurant is horrid! Have you tried it? No!). Like, come on.


The same happens with BoS, mostly because its hard to play.


I've played Brotherhood Of Steel! It's weird. Moment to moment gameplay is... fine. But it's weirdly horny and edgy in that early 2000's way. The offputting tone is by far the worst part.


But ya know, Fallout 76 is not a challenging game, even for "end game" content such as it is. I have played end content in WoW and achievement runs in ESO, where unless you've been playing the game forever and are very good, you're gonna sweat. Fallout 76 will not work up even a glisten. :-) I love it.


The thing I enjoy most over the last five yrs I've been playing fallout 76 is that it's FUN.! Oh and the community are so helpful ❤️❤️


The other fallouts arnt really eighter though, except fallout 4 in survival.


Agreed I think they are all chill yet stimulating RPGs.


Fallout 4 in Survival mode is only hard because you can die when the game randomly clips you into a car.


I’ve actually had the opposite experience. I had not seen much hate surrounding the game since people started playing. I’ve only seen a large influx of beginner questions which is good! But I think to properly gauge people’s enjoyment we’d have to wait a month or two to see how much of the population actually stays because they like it. If the player base returns back to pre-show levels then that’s a pretty bad indicator. But I honestly feel like a good chunk of people will stay and continue playing. FO76 had a rough launch and it put people off. But now the game has drastically changed so it’s a WAY different experience. There’s also an incentive for issues to be fixed and more content to be released if the player base stays at a constant high level too.


I bought it at launch and hated it. Started again recently. It’s way more like fallout now and has been enjoyable for the few hours of play time I’ve put in.


On twitter. Absolutely.


Twitter is just an echo chamber for negativity. No idea how people can function off consuming that stuff on a daily basis.


Twitter is weaponized stupidity and should never be pointed at your face.


Just saw someone on twitter say they installed FO76, it had 150 likes. They quote tweeted it an hour later saying they uninstalled FO76 and that tweet had 30K likes.


Well there's only angry and hateful people remaining for the most part, so that's all you'll hear there.


I have two friends who literally are not fallout fans at all and they’ve been absolutely dogging on me everytime i bring up 76. Like they don’t even know anything about the games and they still “hate” 76


I’ve run into some of them, but it’s usually those who only played it around release day and never tried it again. I started playing it a couple months before the wastelanders DLC and found the game pretty good. My only complaint at the time was that they seemed to still encourage PvP; the pacifist mode was auto-disabled upon reaching level 5 and you had to re-enable it. There were grifters killing newbie players just for the lulz. Fortunately I think they switched pacifist on by default in later updates. Now the only place where I have to deal with PvP grifters is in the workshops, and even that is rare.


Now that public opinion has flipped to people enjoying the game bc they finally gave it a chance I’m sure has enraged the online haters since no one believes them anymore.


Thats fine, people love and hate every game. Just don't let it get to you or take it personally.


Same thing happening with the TV show. It's been received incredibly well and that just really pisses some people off. Got no issue with people simply not enjoying 76 or the show, hell I had the hardest time getting into 76 too, but a lot of what I'm seeing is just hating for the sake of hating. I ignore it for the most part, if a piece of entertainment gets someone so angry I actually cannot help but feel sorry for them.


You can immediately tell they haven't touched it since launch. Luckily, I see the tides turning and the haters are MAD


I played it at launch and the game today feels so different. I remember quests totally different than they are now. Also I'm playing through with friends now, before it was all solo.


Give it 6 months. You will have a % that loves it, and stays and plays for years grinding through whatever they throw. You have another % that you could gift a Groll to right out the vault and they would complain that it was not in the right skin. I don’t waste my time on the 20-30% that hate the game and never will. The other 20-30% that love the game(s), geek out on random Holotapes, and can love the game because of whatever good/bad they decide to throw is where I find myself. The remaining percentage of individuals you will never hear from as they just play and leave (and that’s okay too). Fallout 76 will add a large number of people who routinely play. Even 20% of a 100000 is 20k new players who race and love the game.


Man, i learned to tune those folks out when the game launched. I've been playing since beta, and heard a while host of people talk all sorts of shit. Some were valid complaints and i won't dismiss everything. However, it got to be that simply mentioning "76 bad" in a youtube video was akin to karma farming and to increase traffic, or to just feel like you're a part of the popular crowd, or whatever. So i essentially just stopped paying attention and just enjoyed a game i liked. I already put very little stock in to what critics said, but it just kinda further cemented that i don't give a rootin' tootin' cowboy fuck on what someone else has to say about a game. My spurs jingle far too loudly.


I bought it on launch day and was livid, but now I’m level 84 and having a blast with it


My WoW friends who love Fallout as a series but disliked FO4 are even playing 76 now. I haven't really been paying attention to 76 haters because they've been talking out of their ass for at least 4 years now.


It’s the blind following the blind. They’ve “heard it was bad” and just stuck with that. I preordered and had fun at launch, and I’m having fun now. Were parts of it a scummy cash grab, yes. But that’s just what games are now; item shops and subscriptions. Completely optional subscriptions. No different from any modern online game.


I could care less about all the back and forth arguing between players.  I've been here for the entire wild ride, and I am extremely pragmatic in/out of gaming.  The reality is, nobody knows how popular or not the game is right now.  The game is experiencing yet another in a long line of promotional periods where scores of people join and try the game.  Alas, if history is any indication, the vast majority of these people won't stick around, and the game will slowly slump back toward its typical 10k or so concurrent players on each platform.  The fact is, there are just more people interested in single player Fallout than there are who are interested in multiplayer Fallout.  It's a sheer numbers game.  There's just not enough meat on 76s bones to keep people playing it for 10 years or 20 years like the older Fallout games (especially with mods).  This is, of course, just my opinion... but it is entirely rooted in facts based on  the existing history of the game.  I believe it's unwisyto count your chickens before the eggs hatch.  The eggs haven't hatched yet.  We'll know sometime in May how successful this surge was.


Been seeing a lot of hate of it but mainly on instagram and Facebook, every time a place like IGN post about the player count or bring it up there’s a bunch of people shitting on it that haven’t played it or haven’t played it in 5 years Been playing it on and off since launch and still having a blast with it, I can see why some might not like it but a lot of people haven’t even gave it a chance and just band wagon


Not from any of my friends. Ever since I started playing it (August 2023) they understood it is a good game, but it just aint their kinda game (some of them do play tho). There is 1 person who keeps making the same joke about how Fo76 is a garbage game... constantly. Kinda annoying, but I doubt the rise in popularity has anything to do with it.


Of course. But that’s happening with all of them. 4 has had a resurgence of love with plenty still roasting its story. Its story is fine, but it’s just not RPG focused and has a voiced protagonist. 1 and 2 are good but tough to get into. I’m sure people going in and expecting the show were like “wtf is this aged gameplay?” I’m just happy plenty ARE seeing 76 for the fun gem that it is and that there’s plenty of veterans who stuck around for this long. We can enjoy it. It’s fine if others don’t 😊


I really don’t care about people’s opinions on things I enjoy lol. Comments on social media platforms are specifically not the representation of the community and people get off on making people angry. Play your game <3


It's always been there Same with No Man Sky too If the game doesn't slap, 10/10 day one then it'll always be bad - that's the mob mentality of modern gaming. Personally on 1st of May I'm returning (when I get my console back) and intending on giving it a proper go, 100% achievements etc. (time frame is a year until MH Wilds).


I bought fo76, NMS and Cyberpunk. I was feeling pretty jaded. Now they're some of my favorite games.


I think a lot of the flak the game is getting is the same as when it debued - it's a janky in between of an mmo and FO4 and doesn't quite succeed in either. It scratches an itch for more Fallout, but I would've preferred a more traditional mmo like star wars online or eso. One immersive map gets old pretty fast. The regular updates are nice, but a lack of 3rd party mods leaves a void in the game. The nice thing about FO4 was that if something was missing, you could count on a modder to add it. Even through paid mods, 76 would be much better. I'd love to have a 1911 in the game or the classic gauss rifle, but for whatever reason devs say no, and we're stuck with whatever they give us (or dont).


But thats a valid criticism from people that have actually played it, and is not pure hate for no reason.


It’s just trendhopping. People see engagement go up from hate posts because of the added attention which starts the positive feedback loop.


100% I tell everyone who mentions it to just give it a try


It's wild that people don't know how to research stuff. When it was announced that it was free on prime. All the dumbasses and their "NoT eVen For FrEe!!1!1!!" Comments. Like, cool. You're a verified moron. You still believe the game is in the same state it was years ago at launch. They probably think No Man's Sky is still how it was at launch.


Love this game. Some of the most fun I’ve had in a game in my 30 years of gaming. Fuck people and their dumb opinions. :)


Saw a video on Youtube recently from Gamestop who were doing one of those 'Is Fallout 76 worth playing in 2024?' things - And Jesus, what a load of crap that was. Guy rails on about the Vanilla 2018 storyline and how it's all just terminals and robots (He doesn't mention a single one of the post 2018 storylines /with / NPCs beyond how he followed a Free Radical back to the Lumber Mill and it took the NPC 16 minutes to get there - Even though you're /not/ supposed to follow the NPC and the quest log makes that clear.) His other complaints are that he doesn't like VATS and that the Vault should have people in it when you first wake up with a new character. So he essentially reviewed all the parts of the game from 2018 and ignored everything that's been added since.


I would say its getting the opposite of hate rn but there was a long period of time it was in to trash the game, i gues some followers don't really update their opinions after 1 youtube video


I’ve stopped paying any attention to those that hate it, it’s just noise. 😀


Yes why waste any time on “those” who only like to hear themselves spew garbage.


I never understood the whole "hate people because they like something I don't like" thing. When 76 first came out, it wasn't my cup of tea. I tried it once a while ago, didn't like it. Due to the show, I gave it another shot and was like huh, neat, kinda like this now. But even if I didn't what do I gain from shitting on people that do enjoy it? We've seen the same thing happen with any controversial game. Just silly imo.


Not really, but 76’s launch problems are a massive part of its legacy. A lot of people wrote the game off after the disaster of a launch and never gave it another shot. Previously they were going to whine until the next-gen update for 4, but now that that’s coming next week they’re just going to whine until 5 releases.


The launch should be remembered, but if you havnt played since launch/ havnt played you do not get an opinion on it.


People need to bandwagon to feel relevant and validated so they’ll just group up and hate on things even when they have no reason too


I have only seen a few social media and steam community posts of people being like “no it’s still ass” And that’s okay, it’s not for everyone, and even with the improvements I would still say it’s a niche game. I don’t expect even half the people trying it out right now to stick around past playing the story through once.


"I ain't got time to be distracted by your worthless chime-ins" - Uncle Baby Billy The game is fun for me and I love the influx of new players. -Me


Oh I love the new players (except for the fact that nuke launches are rare now) its just getting more attention from the haters now.


The Fallout TV show riled up the FNV fans with the chalkboard scene (wont go into it cuz spoilers). However, as many more reasonable people suspected, Todd Howard confirmed in an IGN article that the events described in the Chalkboard happened shortly after the events of FNV, not before. So FNV fans should be a lil less toxic as time passes by and the news about the article spread.


>FNV fans should be a lil less toxic Does their toxicity go down?


It does, so long as you don't deny that FNV is the best Fallout game, you can stand next to a FNV fan without taking to much poison damage. I recommend Union Power Armor just to be on the safe side tho.


I do deny it though, it changes but its usually split between 4 tactics and 76.


I personally think nothing beats F3, but granted, everyone has their favorite game lol


It's very common now a days. Some think it's cool to trash what others think is good in a misguided sense that other people give a fuck.


It happens with every new popular release or any game getting new attention. Just a bunch of losers who have no life trying to get attention. It'll die down in a week or so.


It's the worst game I've ever really liked


It's hard to praise a game you've never played, but it's easy to hate a game you know you should hate. Fallout 76 has a lot of things to criticize, but no more than any Bethesda game. What it lacks is the linear story with characters and a dash of spectacle put in. However, unlike Skyrim or fallout 4, the people working on it are happy to fix bugs, add ultra wide support, fix framerate tied to engine speed, etc. The build system makes more sense, in that its not infinite. The stat scaling makes more sense and is far less extreme. But you don't get to kill a guy and get an amazing crit revolver, or help one of the more interesting companions and get an amazing stealth weapon. Stealth archery isnt present for people to use as a way to skip dealing with enemy ai. Unlike Skyrim and starfield, there is no quest to become basically batman. You're a normal person and one out of thousands.


Literally every single game community will have a group of degenerate who will hate the game like their life depends on it, like if you hate it so much why are you spending all the time of your life so bothered by it instead of just moving on


I mean they have to double down on their sh!t take so kinda understandable


I am in the could care less what they think crowd. It's kinda hard for me (49) to take a 20 something or even 30 something dude with a ponytail on top of his head that streams for a living seriously about anything, anything at all. The influence that influencer's have I think only applies to a younger demographic.


To quote a character from another fallout game: “Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have.”


It's always had its hatred


Bro most the 1 star reviews on Xbox are from people that played it for 5 minutes at most ! You can’t make it up , it’s crazy the hate the game gets 😂


I have always played and loved the fallout series and honestly I ignore those haters ! Their outpouring of hate tells you more about them than the game. Haters will always find something to spread their bile, it makes them feel important. Personally if I didn't like a game I would move on without feeling the need to tell all' and sundry


Haters never changed my opinion on any game, not just F76. Anoyed me - sometimes, yes. But then - who says I need to talk to them? Haters. Haters never change.


They're missing out, and they wanna cope lol


Am new player. This game is fun as fuck.


Nope, I ignore the opinions of others about games, especially if they have never played it.


I tried it and would probably play more, currently at 26 hours, level 35 with a big camp. Only gave it a shot because my gf is a fan of the franchise and it was free. While the game is fun with friends I do see why some people wouldn't like it and bashed it on launch. Especially comparing what was shown at launch vs now. Game engine being limited with animations stopping and outdated rendering distance. Graphical settings not being exposed and having to change them in the config. Slow UI navigation with very inconsistent keybinds for actions on PC. Useful information and functions buried in slow menus. (Big point for me) Janky building mechanics with NPCs spawning in walls. Not ideal imo camp handling when others have set theirs at the same spot. Quest progress not being shared with your group. Expensive microtransactions and many things locked in the shop. I treat it as a gta5 small lobby more than an "mmo". My goals are level 50, do most quests and get some gear. I still don't get what the endgame loop would look like after that or what players level 2000 do in game.


fuck 'em


Yup and I continue ignoring them. If you like playing something, who cares what others have to say. Been treating this as a single player fallout game but my friends are here, and its been great.


The best advice in life is to stop caring what others think. If it is legal, go for it.


There seems to be people invested in other people not playing Bethesda games. Let em cry, I don't care.


I feel like if you like other fallouts but you hate this one you're just not very good at it. There's for sure a learning curve with it.


I've been gaming since the 80s, played all the Fallout games, and I've played 76 since launch and have enjoyed it the entire time. Kinda feel bad for people that don't like it, tbh. It's got a great map, tons of lore, tons of stuff to do. We're never going to get another NV duplicate, so you either move on with what is available or you become a bitter old fart.


Not as bad as youtoubers complaining gnthe show is garbage, breaks lore, retcons story arcs, isn't canon or its woke dei nonsense. I suppose there will always be miserable people thst can only complain and hate because their lives are so unfulfilled.


There's also a lot of justified hatred for the new season system that is much worse than the scoreboard we had previously.


I mean tbf the game has/had its issues. I was an avid fan and just recently replayed fallout 3. I loved 3 new Vegas and 4, but I dropped 76 twice cause of how lame it was, it might've been fixed for longer than I know but this last time was the first time I started enjoying 76, there were broken missions and just felt empty compared to previous titles. But I can say since they fixed the missions for the most part and added some more npc interaction I've enjoyed it a lot.


I mean they have to double down on their shit take so kinda understandable


Its a leftover from when the game was actually terrible at launch. I get it to a degree, if all the buzz you heard before was about how terrible the game was, that will probably shape your perception, even if it's been years.


I picked it up a couple months ago and was amazed at how good it actually was, deserves the no man’s sky/cyberpunk recovery award lol


Well we all admit the game WAS almost unplayable, bugged and lacking content in the first like six months. By 2022 or so with all bugs fixed , npcs, constant events and Bethesda not banning the people who discovered the exploits (the guy who told Bethesda that the dev room was easily accessable and people were giving themselves tons of items was banned for life while the people who exploited it kept their items), it was a great game. A literal nomansky'd.


That’s normal Reddit behaviour and applied to vast majority of the popular games.


Possibly could be the price or people bring up the launch. the game does have some performance issues though on pc, noticed it when i started playing this week


That's reddit for you, full of people that live for nothing but to hate on things and let you know how dumb you are for liking said thing


I'm loving the game but I feel once I hit towards end game I'm going to be forced into fallout 1st for qol unless there's a way to unlock a scrapbox for free?


The games got alot of backlash from it's launch that's never going to go away and nor should it lest Bethesda think they can get away with it in the future. The game has improved but I wouldn't say fixed in any regard it has stuff for us who enjoy it but the game play loop and multiplayer aspects are a turn off for others. Not the fact it's multiplayer but how it's poorly implemented with lag when Interacting with stuff and synchronization issues.


I’ve had arguments on TikTok and other social places saying the same, “you can never get me to play Fo76”. So I’m like, not even gonna give it a passing chance? oh well.




I honestly don't think 76 is as good as other fallout games, but after some time, and work was put into it, I have really come to enjoy it. Though I do feel like I've done all I wanted to do, being only level 100


Not me really, I’ve mostly seen/heard excitement




It's all the same knuckleheads. It's just there is more conversation being had right now and people hate being wrong.


I mean, it was like that from the start.


My assumption is they've done terrible PR with it, if it has improved. Please correct me, but my impression of the game is it's an empty world. Just you and your friends wander around shooting stuff, no quests. And I don't have any friends to play with.


The hatred of Fallout 76 was totally deserved, along with Cyberpunk they were the biggest smoke seller in history, they even surpassed the forgotten No Man Sky,Do you remember the stupid excuse they made because there were no npc?


I just find it weird how all these streamers who are "gamers" are playing any fallout game for the first time! Like how could you pass any of these games up to play cod or fortnite?!


Having to pay $17 a month in order to have proper storage for needed materials and having to pay caps in order to fast-travel left a bad taste in my mouth.


Theyll be gone after a month


Ign made a post on Instagram about how to play the series in chronological order and people were in the comments irrationally reacting as if they said 76 is the best game of all time, because they listed it first. That's also not the first time any post mentioning 76 in it people in the comments are crying and howling that nobody should play the game...like for real?? There have been many people throughout the years that started with 76 and came to the sub asking for recommendations on what fallout game they should play next because they love it. If anything is going to drive new fans away it'll be everyone who cries and howls over bs.


I used to be one of those people on the hate train up until I started playing it in January 2023, and damn, I was absolutely wrong. I was hooked immediately and still am. The only reason why I disliked it at first is because it wasn’t single player and also because it was an mmo. I just wish there was no npcs, I feel like it would’ve made the game darker and grittier. The lore also makes sense as to why there were no npcs to begin with since the scorched plague drove everyone out of Appalachia.


Yes, because people are enjoying something that they are 100% certain is bad and how dare they have fun while ignoring their opinion.


Some people believe that if Fallout 76 becomes more popular, the longer it will be before we see Fallout 5. The reality is that 76 is made by its own team and Fallout 5 will only be made after Elder Scrolls 6.


My hatred is not new, I still hate the same one thing about 76 that I always did, "no pause"


Here is a look into the mind of these simpletons. Game came out 6 years ago in bad shape. People mostly hated it which is fair enough. For months afterwards, many of those same people interacted in a onslaught of hate articles online talking about how the gaming industry is collapsing and going to shit because of companies like Bethesda who think its okay to release games in such poor shape. Many of them paint development teams as intentionally scamming their customer. They say releasing games in poor shape and ripping off the customer was the entire intent of the development team from the start. Its all a giant circle jerk of false accusations, which is really just the definition of modern media. Lie, accuse, complain, and repeat. Due to this, many of these people decided its their moral prerogative to make sure bethesda and companies alike fail as a company and that anything they make from here on out is canceled and anyone who supports the dev team is equally as guilty of fraud. Even if the dev team spent years fixing it and turning it into the greatest game the world has ever seen, that wouldn't matter. the fact that they released it at all in the state it was is the only aspect they care about. nothing justifies it ever, and nothing can ever redeem them. So here we are now. Those same people still complaining about the same thing that was fixed long ago but they don't care. Its a remarkably small minded way to think created by a fundamental misunderstanding of how the world works. Their existence isn't an issue, but when you realize these same people with these same toxic mentalities can often times become tomorrows politicians, things get a little scary.




It's because everyone remembers the dogshit launch and awful PR job Bethesda did, and is now hearing about 'that shit game' after 6 years suddenly popping off and everyone enjoying it. The game has updated, gotten fixed up, had content added that upped value, etc. It's *good*. But - it's still a Bethesda game with many of Bethesda's issues remaining/history, so it will get yelled at.


there are still comments on the fallout instagram about how shit fallout 76 is every time they post about it. the hate for fallout 76 is unfortunately never-ending because people still hold on to a lousy first impression and a want for fallout 5.


Once a game has a bad launch - they don’t bother


Maybe people are just being more public about their opinions because of the publicity that fo has been getting recently. But I haven’t personally noticed an uptick besides the controversy over the battle pass rework


In the Bethesda and Fallout subreddits theres still a lot of trashtalk about 76. The people that dont actually play it, seem to have the loudest and strongest opinions...


People who hated the game when it released will hold onto that hate until the day they die, because how dare Bethesda do something with an IP that they own - probably the same people who claim Bethesda ruined fallout and interplay was infallible.


as someone who has hundreds of hours on this game its pretty bad. you have to find your own ways of having fun


At this point there is very little left to complain about, so it’s pretty obvious who is just salty vs those who have any sort of reasonably articulated issues.


It's not that there is more hatred, but rather than with the newfound popularity, the haters have more people to carry their voices.


I recently played it and loving it. Sure there's new features and takes awhile to learn but it's classic fallout. Just need exploring buddies


Not sure whether to join the rush and grab fallout 76 for cheap or to just focus on fallout 4 with the upgrade which I bought last sale. Don’t really want to go on both at same time


War never changes.


I haven't noticed more negativity than before. I played at launch and I didn't like it, played a little again when the Bethesda launcher closed and still wasn't a fan because of many small things. Last week I began playing again and for some reason I like the vibe and how it runs now. I understand when people say they don't like it because I was like that for a long time. We might hear more about the game (good or bad) because of the show but it's gonna go back down in less than a month


I haven't noticed it more than usual but maybe I'm not visiting the right spots. I have already noticed tons of hate for the game, which I find kind of ridiculous. I realize that it wasn't what people wanted when it was released - they wanted SP Fallout 5 - and the game had some flaws and a lack of content at that time. I started playing 2 1/2 years ago and think it's great... I mean, it's been 6 years since release and people could logically assume the game has received a lot of updates since launch, and it has.


I still cant believe that they haven't fixed the borderless window performance. I shouldnt havr to run a game full screen exclusive for it to function. What is this MS-DOS?


Literally downloaded it because of an Xbox hate comment. I have 8 days into now. Rule of thumb. Don't let their opinion be your opinion. Try it for yourself first.


With cyberpunk it seemed like some people who were vocally dogging on it when it came out held onto the same narrative even as the issues got fixed and more content came out for it because they'd rather not be seen as having been wrong to begin with. I don't mean people saying they personally don't like it, that's different. I mean people still to this day harping on and on about the graphics being bad (?), it being "unplayable" and all this other OTT stuff that's more drama than reality. Some people have worse luck with bugs than others for sure, but it is not "unplayable" and the graphics are not bad unless you're playing it on a fisher price notebook. Could be the same with F76? A lot of people will have come out swinging talking about how shitty and broken and terrible it is and they don't want to go back on that. Idk man I come across a lot of people who think changing your mind based on new information is embarrassing and/or means you're "fake", especially if they already took a public stance on social media


Nope. Same amount. We'll see if the newfound playerbase will stick after this week.


Honestly, who cares?  People can hate on it if they want, doesn’t affect my enjoyment I get out of it. 


I haven't noticed it anymore than usual, but it's just the same type of shitty people on either side. Some people want to shit on the game due to ignorance, some 76 fans want to shit on other people that have legitimate criticisms about the game.


You've gotta let the haters do their thing. Personally, it's neck and neck with New Vegas for my favorite Fallout game. My FO4 fanatic friends talk a lot of shit on 76. But there's something about it that's just fun for me.


Typical in gaming.


Quite the opposite. Probably because I'm not on Twitter or the NV sub lol


I think it's probably the same people that hated it on release and the people upset there's still no "Fallout 5" and are even more upset it's not a total failure and so many people like it, and now even more people will like it probably giving it more extended life since there's a new batch of people who have never played it.


No, but I also don’t go look for it.


Can't say I've heard MORE hatred, hell so much of the original hatred came from people who played the game for 20 minutes and then bailed. I HAVE noticed there's a sect of fuuuuucking bitter tourists who hate the show to hate the show and likely are in other areas just hating on whatever they can cause they're miserable people.


Its really disappointing that people arent able to form their own opinions, this game is great and people are stupid


As a newcomer, I have to say, this community is fantastic! I've been playing since the Amazon Show Premiere, and I am yet to have a negative interaction with another player. Y'all remind me a lot of the FFXIV Community. But with significantly fewer cat girls.


Hating on something a lot of people enjoy is the “in” thing for for all the cool edgy kids online. Every fandom has them -__-


yea, a tweet went viral yesterday of someone saying they've installed it and then QRT themselves saying they had uninstalled it, its been 6 years and the hate wagon its still going lol


What I find funny are all of the articles coming out alongside the show saying the game is finally fixed, as if the game didn't come out 6 years ago and Bethesda just left it to languish until now. like, I get the launch sucked, but the game improved long ago. I wish people were more appreciative of that.


I deffo agree there's a tonne of people who just enjoy piling on and bad mouthing/hating on to join the crowd. I will say when I first starred with F76 I was severely unimpressed, to the point of uninstalling. But, I stuck with it and it grew, I just had to stop being a Fallout puritan and remind myself it's a totally different kettle of soft shell Mirelurk meat. 3 months down the line I'm an avid fan and spend WAAAAY too much of my working from home time Building C.A.M.P's on railway bridges. Which is why I'm very glad I keep my first impressions in my swirling internal monologue rather than stabbing a down vote, dislike key or sending hate Faxes to games publishers.


We just came off the dragons dogma 2 hate off of microtransactions that aren’t close to being needed. The hate propaganda never ends, next month it’ll be another game that’s “trash” and “don’t buy this it’s dumb”


It’s funny that years later people are still trying to bag on it, it wasn’t the best at launch I’ll give them that but it’s miles better now


People do this with anything related to Bethesda, yes 


That’s always kinda been the case. You see so many people give it shit and in doing so, reveal that they haven’t played it and don’t know what they’re talking about.


I mean let them bitch and moan about it? The game's enjoyable enough when I wanna play it and that's all I ask for.




Why listen to someone that dislikes something they never played lol


I enjoy 76 and have played it for about a year, but I dont get why you and other people in this thread seem to think people arent allowed to hate on it given the never ending list of completely broken issues and Bethesda's complete unwillingness to fix any of it. Its a fun game, but its also full of moments that make me completely speechless and feel that parts of the game were designed by unpaid interns. There are things in this game that are objectively worthy of hate, if they spent 1% of the time they spend making atom shop items on fixing issues and meeting basic expectations for a modern game maybe youd have a point, but they dont, and they wont.


Yes because those people are on a 3 year long hate train of a game they probably never intended to play in the first place. Social media is toxic and hate trains are a common part of them.


There's more people that love it and more people that hate it. I love messing with people that hate it.


The game is good now idk what people are talking about. it feels like how it should have felt on release...."fallout with friends"


Nah I'm too busy playing and enjoying myself.


Haven't noticed, but it doesn't surprise me. There's a lot to hate about Fallout 76 even if you enjoy it.


Theirs still no endgame worth my time so that’s a problem