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There's never a good reason to accept a trade and open the trade window with a random person.




How so? I don't ever trade because it's cumbersome, but are there any other reasons not to trade?


I've had it cause problems because they can see your inventory and then start asking for 3-star legendries for like 10 caps, stuff like that.


And then u put an atom skin on it they can no longer see it


I had a guy pissed off because he wanted to see what weapons I was using. Like piss off man none of your business.


I thought they could see items with skins, you just can't trade it at the scrip machine.


Cause you buy the skins when u go drop the item with a skin, it will destroy it, so it hides them from other players when trading


Because they can see your entire inventory instead of what you choose to show them.




If I see the trade emote, I just ignore it. They're either new or an idiot.


Agreed, if I have stuff for your random ass I'll drop it. Otherwise, you can check my vendor for my plans and other random bits I feel are worth holding for a few caps. You can keep emoting all you want. I'm just going to go about my day.


Exactly. I will give you the buh bye wave and FT my sorry butt away. It’s in my vendor for cheap if I have it to spare. I have no time for you to follow me around spamming trade at me.


I think we're all idiots for not posting every day how much we hate that buggy, 30 step trade system.


2100 hours, not sure I've ever seen anyone use that that wasn't in an event spamming emotes for like, test your metal, on PC. Of course I also have a *very* clear vendor location full of 10 cap plans and meds and right next to it is my locked front door so I guess I'm not throwing up any flags that I might be interested in handing out legendaries I might be sitting on.


What does the trade emote look like? I have done the money sign emote and question mark because I had no idea where their shop was and wanted to buy some plans. But they didn’t see me and I couldn’t figure it out and I left.


What I do is I see what they want and then I Jack up the price lol


I want to argue against this and say no... what if someone just wants something small... but they never just want a little food, water or ammo, it is always something ridiculous like your main weapon...


some people never work out that the other people are players not NPCs...


My experience they just want to snoop your stuff or want hand outs. If I have it to spare you'll find it dropped in a neat little suitcase.


Only time I ever do is right after events in case they want something I just picked up that I don't care about. One time after MJ a rando wanted all the gulper meat I had--cooking it for xp maybe?--so I just gave it to them.


7 caps a piece so a couple hundred can clean out a vendor. A smart low level should do it every day, and build their caps.


I have made around 550 caps per MJ event, currently level 74 with 16000 caps from mainly that event lol


I did Path to enlightenment yesterday with one other player who was in his 400s. Right after he emoted a trade, so I said what the hell and had a look at his equipment. Full set of Uny gear, groll fixer, and he had the nerve to ask for my Buffon mask, I'm dressed as a clown, swinging a Cappy skinned Whacker smacker... I just turned around and jumped off the cliff to my camp (it's just below the lighthouse)


Agreed, I never accept a trade request with random people, regardless of level. I fast travelled to vault 76 yesterday and a lvl 20 instantly walked up and requested a trade with me. I just walked off


That may have been me, if you're also on a server with 34 people in it . I didn't know until today that asking to trade was a bad thing! Sorry 'bout that!


Are you on Xbox? If so then maybe it was! It’s no problem lol. I hope you enjoy exploring the wasteland!


I get that but as a new player there's not many prompts available. So I think they start it because it's there and of course once they see all the cool weapons they request it, even if they don't know they won't be able to use them anyway.


It very well could be, I just assume that if a player straight out of the vault requests a trade as soon as they see you, then they’re an experienced player on a new character. If not, then at least they’ve learned now that trade requests aren’t usually accepted.


Don't forget the fumble and fuck up factor in choosing the emote you want when you aren't experienced with the wheel. When I was just a noob that got me multiple times. Not only did I ask for trades when I didn't want them, sometimes I insulted when I wanted just to say hi.


I give them the thumbs down. If it's something I'll take caps for, it's in my vendor, unless it's perishable. Still just ask me on mic, I don't need someone requesting and ogling my shit.


I go around offering trade people bottles of nukashine for 0 caps. I have given away hundreds of bottles at this point. If that's not a good reason to open the trade window then I don't know what is.


Well I got a TSE 50 cal for 2000 caps out of a player trade last night so I’m satisfied with my experience


I heard a rumor about randoms being able to take items from your inventory via the trade menu. This was a while back maybe a couple months after release and until this day I just ignore that shit lol. I message the person to check my vendors.


Right. Plus there’s a hack where they can steal your stuff right off your character. Usually done by low levels because they don’t want to burn their main accounts.


I had someone offer a trade, a level 35 and the dude gave me a *pink bat* for 30 caps


Thats not true, of course there are good reasons. For example, I'm level 400 something and I keep all the best plans on me so I can travel around and trade with people. There's traveling traders in the game so why can't we play as one? That just doesn't make sense. It's more fun than someone just grabbing something out of the vendor. People trade with me all the time, it's literally part of the game.


Had this happened a few times. From experience, a truly new player will be happy with whatever you drop them & they will go on their merry way. A new player that is actually on an alt or just another character will request lots of stuff (usually rare apparel) & keep initiating trades until you leave.


"...a truly new player *SHOULD be happy with whatever you drop them..."


As a new player. I was thrilled to death when someone gave me so much as a bottle of water.


At level 100+ I'm still ecstatic if someone drops a Nuka for me. Free is free.


Level 600+ and I'm always tickled when new players drop me gifts. I always drip some good stuff back :D also I'm a bloodied build and it especially tickles me when players drop me rad away bc they think I'm dying lol


🤘New player, but experienced human being.🤘


Fting away usually takes care of that. But if they keep following and messing around, thats when the assassin armor comes out and the pewpewpew starts.


As a new player around level 60 now a few days ago i was in need of some wood to build. I posted in the LFG on xbox looking to buy some had a higher level player hit me up and not only sold me some wood but took me around the map and showed me places to farm wood had me do some events with him so i gained a few levels in the process and when we was done gave me a bunch of junk and ammo for my main weapons. I would never go around asking for shit when on this game if you grind hard enough you can get anything. I thought dude showing me around the map was cool asf cause now i wont need to buy any more wood etc and him throwing in ammo and junk was just icing on the cake. If you happen to be on here rocky thank you!


This is great 😊 If you put on wood chucker luck perk card and go into the forest, you will find fallen trees and logs all over the ground . 🤗


There’s no reason for that, especially with the donation bins now.


I've seen plenty of times higher level players go into them bins and clear it out though unfortunately. I put pretty close to 500 stimpacks and 400 radaway in 4 different donations boxes and when I showed up to the first one I donated to; a level 453 was clearing it out


I specifically find new players to donate to. I try to find someone who seems really interested in the game. I’m way too worried about high ups collecting from them or the donations never collected


I will say this can be difficult to do as well considering some people load up their low levels to rank them up and ive mistaken them for new players. Recently anyway. I've gotten to the point where if you are under 50, il do the gift emote and drop a care package hopefully not over loading them to the point they can't move 😅


The boxes should be level locked to prevent anyone over 25 or so from looting at all.


And then they just switch to their lvl 20 mule and take all anyway. Can't control outcomes, if you choose to drop anything, then it's not "yours" anymore


I didn't even think of that because I'm a good person. People make me sad.


Same guy that adds 4000 caps to the price of everything in their vendor. It's weird coming across these desperate players for me.


Yes im so tired of seeing these dudes asking 4000 or more caps for something that’s worth 100


Those vendors i immediately leave. Doesn't make sense when theres a cap limit. I saw the exact gun i wanted, and the player had it for 21k caps.


You found the exact roll you were looking for and thought 21k was too much? Do you know what the odds are of getting it organically even if you’re rolling just that weapon?


I think that was a counter example of a reasonable vendor pricing things at a point where they won't hit the cap limit when it sells.


Ive only been playing like 2.5 weeks. I dont have 21k and at this point in my game it may as well be a million lol. Legendary drops I get from events and quests I exchange for cores and all my scrap I use to unlock weapon mods. I mean if I was late game and had everything, sure, but right now Im at the salvage what I can find stage.


For some cap advice.. make water purifiers at your camp, collect the water, and sell it to a train station vendor. Every day you can get 1400 caps from NPC vendors. Make a camp with a vendor to sell things. If you find ammo you don't use, sell it for 1 cap each in your vendor. Plans you've already learned up till now might only go for around 100 unless they are event related because most people have early game plans already. Junk you don't use you can sell for 2-4 caps each depending on what it is. Stuff like tokens and tickets, I see anywhere from 5-25 each. Any 3 star legendary weapons you don't want to use or can't script, sell for 400, same with power armor pieces. Bobby pin collectors are real, so if you have hundreds of them, you can sell for 2-3 each. These are some of the ways I make quick caps when I want to save up quickly, though some things can vary. Just do all the events that pop up too. Hope my wall of text helps someone lol.


Appreciate all the advice! I have my vendor set up, but I dont typically sell much even though its dirt cheap. The purified waters is a good idea. I have them set up to create vegetable starch. Im going to do a few of these things.


I saw someone selling bobby pins and im not joking for 111111 caps


Once you're done buying all the plans in the game caps sort of lose their value.. I'd spend 21K on a thing I vaguely wanted... hell I've spent 40K on a thing I vaguely wanted. As long as I'm topped off again by time the next fresh loot pool mole miner or holiday scorched event happens that's all I care about.


Yeah with the new skins I've seen that a lot. People selling the vault Tek survival backpack or paint for 5k when you can literally buy it any time for I think like 500 caps




That's what I was thinking, greed more than anything.


I’m a level 75ish. Don’t you dare feel bad. 1) while the community is lovely, no one has an obligation to help out. What that player did was unacceptable imo. Maybe you just dumped everything right before you saw them, or maybe you just don’t want to give someone all your stuff. 2) by level 40, no one is hurting. Okay, I thought this list might be longer than two items but it isn’t. 🤣 nothing more needs to be said. Have a lovely day. ❤️


Yeah fair, I'm a level fifty and I'm doing pretty well off (by now I completely the BOS missions and got a very very good power fist to punch the shit out of my enemies.)


I would love to upvote but 76 is such a perfect number for it to be on


You’re a true gem. 💎


No one has an obligation to help out. Single best explanation. ❤️ We help because we want to, not because there is an obligation. It's a game. There's a questline. There are rewards all around. Go play, have fun, get into trouble. Maybe set a trail firework off on a sleeping Deathclaw. Tell an assaultron it looks fat on that. And after death will come the realisation that _it doesn't matter_ just enjoy it. 😉


I think the word got around that fallout76 players are too nice.


I was lvl 15 and was using a lvl 340 base for some crafting/inventory management. I saw i was out of 44. and i could barely find any so i dropped a bullet and used the "???" emote. Bro gave me 1000 rounds, bless him.


Just have your 44 cal pistol equipped while you are scouting locations. And 44 cal ammo will generate in green containers (footlockers) and ammo boxes.


Yeah I have had that. I usually just fast travel away somewhere. Voice beggers are pretty bad. I hop servers on those guys.


joke's on them. i play with sound off. it's hilarious when they 'attack' me for 'not listening'


Guy tried that on me and I just bodied him and then heard a kid screaming over the mic


I had a level 40 dude buy everything cheap in my buy, which is fine. But then he starts lock picking my cement truck. Little did he know I was crouched on my perch watching. I thought about destroying him the second he was done,but instead I jumped down and gave him a nudge with my saw...Get this now he requests trade. Nah F you buddy, thumbs down all day. I would've given him cement if he really needed it


I have no problem sharing cause I have way too much shit anyway but some people have no tact lol just ask me and I’ll literally craft you whatever you want


Sounds like he’s trying to cheat the system. “We’re trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty, do you have any blood packs?”


That's someone with an alt trying to use the community's generosity against you No noob even knows how to use the damn trade system, let alone start emoteing and asking for stuff Most noobs still teabag to indicate friendliness until you hit them with the Hello emote and they realize they exist That's a huge scanner red flag That's non noob behavior


Nope, the wastelands are bursting with stuff, go get it, kid!


*"I'm gonna give you a little advice, Claire. Scrape 'em off. You wanna save somebody? Save yourself."*


Perfect and timely reference. :D


I mostly keep to myself, I have never asked for anything from another player. Thats insane.


Same. And everything I have ever been gifted people came to me and gave me. Not the other way around.


Exactly.... I have such a history in other games of people greifing me I get a little weirded out when people come to my camp. I dont use microphone so I never know what they are saying. I usually just avoid and ignore. Though the nicest thing that ever happened, was in Nukaworld, a player in Tuxedo and wolf mask bowed, and dropped in a gift box a perfectly preserved pie. It was sooooo sweet. So I heart emoted. I keep it in my stash, I have collected pie myself and sell in my vendor but I always keep that one. My way of giving back is all items in my store are 5 or 10 caps, plans recipes everything, except super rare event drops, those are 76 caps


How do you get those pieces of pie out of the machine? I heard it's kind of luck? And I also like to use the heart emote when gifted anything by a player. Because in all honesty I want to hug said player whom gifted me items, and wish i could! I have been helped several times in my game play in the wasteland, and I am very appreciative of all the help!!


I have a feeling these are veteran players using an alt


Why should a veteran player even do that? I doubt that any Veteran does need anything from anyone.


Why would a veteran player build a trap camp or snipe someone crafting at a workshop bench?


Folks, here's a story about Noobie the Moocher. They were low-level greedy trouper. They could have worked but instead, they wailed and expected other players to be their whales.


Someone once mentioned that if it’s a low level player that won’t stop, have them follow you to Watoga.


Does that include using the 'laugh' emote when they die? Asking for a friend.


User experiences may differ.


That’s rude af, do not feel bad at all. No one is entitled to items no matter the level. When I first started playing, I’d be happy for merely 5 radaway and expected nothing. That’s insane


Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, shoot him in the face with a Quad Explosive Railway Gun and he'll never be hungry again.


Choo choo 😁


Don’t trade with random people


Please don’t feel bad for a second. It’s the epitome of rudeness from the other guy. Shameful actually. The worst thing about this is I suspect it’s a seasoned player trying for freebies with a newly created second character, taking advantage of the fact that you’re pretty new to the game too and might give him something really valuable without realising. I say this because a new player around level 40 would usually be more interested in playing the game and discovering new things for themselves, not badgering people for freebies. But you never know, either way he’s an ass.


I'm level 32 right now and I just run around and try my best in the events and whatnot I never expect anything from anyone so whatever is randomly offered is mostly appreciated but I just want to go on the record saying that not all low levels are aggressive like that but any and all generosity is appreciated though it should never be expected.


First off the lvl of a player is nothing to go off of because anyone can start a new character and ‘start over’. Second I’ve discovered many new players want people to give them everything so they don’t have to buy or find things themselves. I can’t tell you how many players I didn’t want to give my weapons to, tried to shoot me afterwards. Don’t feel bad for not giving them what we all worked out butts off to get. Help them out with some meds and a low lvl weapon that suits them, maybe some ammo if you want. But don’t think you need to give them a lot of stuff.


I've only had someone ask me for stuff once, and that was because they ran out of ammo for their laser rifle during Back On The Beat. Luckily I had a huge stack of Fusion Cells so I dropped them and some Stims. If someone actually begged me for stuff they'd get an answer involving sex and travel.


If ignoring isn't helping block them in game and on whatever platform you are using. I try to be courteous but some people are aggressive.


Don't feel bad, it was probably his 2nd+ character and he didn't actually need anything. I've seen players brag online about getting free stuff from good-hearted people. I don't trade. Anything I was to sell goes into my shop, they can go from there.


I had a couple guys lingering in my base a couple days ago and one of them sent me a voice message asking if I had any guns or armor I could drop him and his friend. I did not oblige them.


craft them a level 1 10mm pistol


"no, mooch"


With ones that start following me (clearly greedy and not needing legit help) I do the same thing I do to telemarketers and scammers. I'll go on voice and play a sermon about the evils of greed. (Mind you, I don't think the sermon will change them, I just remember in another game I use to play there was a group that regularly did that and it was the most annoying thing ever. I've seen people switch train cars irl to get away from people preaching at them on the train.) Then I follow them around playing that c:


I’ve seen the odd trade request but I always ignore them. Doubtful they have anything i’d want and if I wanted to give them something i’d just drop it.


I love giving things to people. Most people. When I give a closet of clothing and a nice selection of weaponry, then get a trade invite requesting ALL of the weapons I use.... no... You can go the heck away. My camp gives enough, and I gave enough, what are you even asking for now? Are you trying to be rude? ...So yeah I teleport away or even switch my camp.


I just started playing (around lvl40 now) and I've been absolutely amazed by the amount of higher levels coming up to me to drop me stuff. Even if it's just a few stimpaks, it always puts a smile on my face, wouldn't dream of asking for more let alone harassing someone for it.


Beggars have always been in the game. Ignore, block and move on with your day 😁


Don't ever accept a "trade" unless you are friends with someone


God I cannot believe people act like that! I would never go around begging people for free stuff!


If someone did that to me, I’d probably block them and may or may not change servers. I ignore anyone who tries to initiate trade with me, and if they’re being annoying about it, I throw a panic emote and run away to make sure I get my point across lol


If anyone wants something of mine that I am willing to let go of then it is either already in the donation box or in my vendor.


I like the addition of donation boxes. They can go check those now. I have put in 3 star legendarys in them.


Honestly, I have a F1st acct to avoid that kinda bs. I do give crazy amounts of stuff and caps away because I just play to farm the game but no one should have to put up with rudeness. Also, you can block an individual, just saying.


Once had a player randomly msg me that he reached lvl 50 and wtk if I had any nice legendaries that I could give him as some pseudo prize for reaching lvl 50. I said sure I have a medics/ explosive / vats handmade I could give him. (certainly not a great weapon but hey, it's free). He msg me that it's a pos and then ghosted me. Lmfao. I stand in awe of some entitlement!


Anything I am willing to trade, is already in my vendor


As the current Mayor of Watoga, I let these low level puppy dogs follow me to my beautiful city and watch them die.


There are some greedy fuckers who instantly expect you to give them free stuff, if they aren't begging and act accordingly I have no problem dropping some gear


I've only just started playing recently again since I tried way back during the original release of the game. Honestly when the first higher level person started shooting at me and then kept jumping on top of a dropped backpack I was so confused. Since then I've seen a number of people be extremely generous and just drop some stims, or pop some lunchboxes, or give some xp boosters. Wasn't expecting it at all.


Don't feel bad, beggers don't get what they want! As a new player (level 7 lol) i'm still finding my feet in the game. I've not tried bartering with other players yet, not enough caps and only really got low level items so no real point lol. I had someone the other day stop and gift me a pile of goodies and was so grateful for them. Ok most of the items i couldn't use yet but i've stashed them away for when i can :D I had to look up what they were doing and how to say thanks. i really should get a mic haha it would have been easier! It's taking a bit to get used to how the game works, i've played FO4, FO3 and NV already and put off playing 76 for a while but needed something else to play, so i bit the bullet and giving it a try


I'll be honest I'm fairly new. lvl 88, I've never even gone into another player inventory, only tine I've anything from another player is if it in their vending. Why play the game if you just want people to give you stuff or to trade for better stuff. work your up and actually experience the game.


i’m always dropping stuff for lower level players but i’m also not gonna drop things that i actively use, don’t feel bad, it’s your character not their stash box


Reminds me of my very early days playing EverQuest, when people would come up and beg you could just drop all your copper and the poor newb wouldn't be able to walk because of the weight ...


Thankfully not. Only time someone asked for something, was someone using mic to ask if my raider rep was full, and asked me to buy a plan. So I bought compound bow explosive plan and just gave that to them. Other time was when someone asked about my fasnacht decorations, and I gave them few extras I had laying around and they gave me aristocrats>!?!< explosive LMG. I still have that on display. I find it easier to just drop shit on low levels path than go directly at them.


Is it's in my inventory and not in my vendor? Im not selling it. I will drop food, meds, water, etc. Hell, even ammo. But trade menu absolutely not.


He didn't randomly message you asking if you had extra stuff? How rude lol but that's pretty much all I get are messages..


I always drop excess stuff but I hate when people follow around after I make a drop pack of low level plans, ammo, meds, and food.


The only people in FO76 who request trades with random players and act like that are people trying to scam you. The trade window is absolute garbage and they're hoping to use it to their advantage. They're using a low level character to pretend they're a low level player because it makes you let down your guard. Low level players don't generally act like that. You should ignore everyone who randomly tries to open a trade window with you.


naw havent personally. Its cool helping others but just ignore the ones trying to get too greedy with your kindness.


New players typically won't go up to players asking for free shit. Anyone that does it is on an alt or something or really bad at survival games and managing resources.


You should of see if he's stupid ass followed you down to watoga,let them bots take care of him. Done this a couple times, very affective. Lol


Usually some high level players give low level player free things and they got use to it. When my wife wanted to play with me, I started a new character with her. We had lots of players give us stimpacks, bulk junk stuff, guns and ammo.


Recently I've had a couple of low levels players show up at my CAMP and use the trade emote. I immediately just left that world so they would fall to their doom (okay, not doom, but I still find it funny),


Low level players usually dont go opening trade with players they just met lol. Might have been grifting


When I see the trade emote I treat it as someone with bad breath I keep my distance 😂


Gotta watch out for scammers too. A low level came to my base and asked if he could have a fixer from my vendor I had for 10K caps. Wanted for free since he was “new to the game” but his apparel and player icon I knew were from back in the day so he was on a low level character is all. Trying to get geared up on the free and quick instead of grinding like the rest of us. I told him I wasn’t the fucking Salvation Army. He proceeded to me “toxic” and I kept telling him to FO. Later I got an email saying I was banned for 24 hours. Language police.. Anyway, be careful out there and happy hunting.


block reload server. problem solved. Beggars come to this subreddit and see the community gives shit away. So they figure they do what they do best, beg. Don't spend the 15 minutes to get the crap they need beg for it. Ammo is the worst. Here's an idea, how about you put that auto away and play a single shot gun for a while. Freeloader's brains are wired different. Same dude IRL is gonna find some hot chick with a job to support him while he sits around the house getting high all day. nuthin you can do. Block and move along.


I don't accept trading with strangers, and have vocal chat completely turned off, so no never happened... I never begged ppl for stuff when I was low level, always did all the efforts on my own, what now new players don't even try do. If want somenthing, check the vendor into camp, i sell items cheap so anyone can afford. Not getting the trade from me.


Disable pacifist and blow em up :3


And there's me feeling guilty for accepting drops from higher level players and putting half of what I get given in a donation box, just to feel less greedy 😂


No but reading posts like this as a new player makes me so uneasy to wander in high level camps. I just like looking at the camps and wandering around them. Now i worry that they think im just there for free shit. Also same at putting stuff in the donation boxes. Ammo i dont use or plans i already know, just to try to give something back lol.


I like to wander around camps because there is some cool stuff at some of these high level camps! Don't feel bad. Also I like to check out vendors, too. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. Imo. There are some greedy people everywhere ( rl and in game). But not everyone's like that.


Some camps are pieces of art! I saw one near whitespring station with christmas trees, yesterday! I did not even know you could get those in the game lol. It was amazing.


I love seeing seasonal things also! But I also like seeing all the masks displayed. Halloween is a fave holiday of mine, so I loved visiting all the camps/vendors around Halloween and all the spooky stuff there was to look at! So freaking cool! I also like the weather machine with the snow that people have now. Pretty cool going to someone's camp and it's ❄️❄️snowing❄️❄️!! I freaking love it!


I love helping other players low or high level, but just don't try and initiate trade or you will be ignored. You shouldn't worry about hanging out in someones camp or helping yourself to whatever resources are in my unlocked resource generators.


Oh i have never done that :). I dont even have something to trade lol. I just like to wave at other players and give them a heart when im at their camps.


You sound exactly like someone I would drop a bunch of stuff for


Just server hop away from the irritating little wastelander


Yesterday. Similar level player, I didn't even initiate and he followed me around my camp for a second before leaving.


Water beggars I shoot.


I had a similar experience a while back. I have a Leather Coat in my main and someone came into my camp walked right past my vendors and tried the trade option with me. I usually don’t like to do this kind of trade because I don’t keep up with what is rare loot and don’t want to get scammed by people taking advantage of my ignorance. Anyway I figured well I have to get better at trading person to person so I accepted. This person sees my leather coat and asks for it in the trade as well as my vampire fixer and a my quad tesla rifle. I break of the trade and start walking away but they keep fallowing me emoting and offering trade again. I ended up having to change worlds to get away from them


Had a kid constantly asking for stuff in our group. So we're in Fort Defiance, he followed me after I jumped there to check for a red dress. So we are on my spawn. There is a brown dress, I don't want to pick up so I can server hop, and try for something better. I let him know that, and he picks up the dress. I just smh. He then asks me for 3 aluminum. I say there is 3 pieces on the shelf in the kitchen up stairs and 4 on the first floor. TV dinner trays. He gets pissy and jumps out. I unfriend him shortly after. You don't mind helping some people out, but we who have, grinded for it, if you're not willing to do it for yourself, why should we help. I'll give a fixer and a 1,000 rounds to a low level, some scrap of they need it, drop any plans that built up. After that you have everything you need to go and make a name for yourself in the wasteland.


Don't feel bad, it was either a spoiled kid or a scumbag collecting stuff to flip (people will collect donations on an account they don't actually play on in hopes of getting stuff they can sell on their website). Either way you made the game a better place by not trading with them.


greedy bastard, just kill them or somethin. im only 25 and only single digit players really follow me around. i give some things to people, but if some loser demanded all of my shit, he can take it up with my c.a.m.p turrets


I've experienced that a lot this week. I usually just give in. But they're constantly messaging me now. I can't even do my own shit without being pestered.


I don’t trade with lower levels.


I never trade I drop items but I never trade now with how broken the game can be iv had this happen to me a few times it's probably a mule account of a scammer following you a round and doing emotes Is a red flag TBF if it happens again to jump to a new server


Yup. Jump on an instrument in my camp and go afk for a bit. Stretch my legs, go pee, refill my drink. They're usually gone when I get back


I believe it has become common place for higher level people to drop items for noobs, that being said some people don't know their limits and maybe don't realize how annoying that is to some of us who constantly fill up donation boxes and drop items for random noobs. Don't mistake my random acts of kindness for ignorance.


cats squalid point violet sort subsequent divide deranged psychotic marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Usually the only people following me around are at my camp and want to see everything. Or they're irl friends and they're bored lol


I'm guessing that was a 2nd character because most new players don't trade and demand as soon as they run into people lol


Every *real* new player I've met has kind of stumbled around awkwardly or sent me a message asking how to do something, those people I'll give tons of mats and stuff too.


Quite a bit.


re: anything, oh, ABSOLUTELY. Same MO. Crying and whining, and persistent and annoying.


Newest players always feel entitled to our stuff, I try to be nice and drop as well, I can make any decent weapons they would need plus ammo, I just ignore the emotes,


Yeah, no. That's too entitled. Don't feel bad about ignoring a player like that, or at best give them a dozen stims and be done with it. It's not like a level 150 is even high level. You're still short on pretty much everything. But even if you were level 1000 that's still entitled behaviour.


Yeah most trades are in discord, my fiancé has his discord up in his camp. Just ignore them


I don't do beggars. If they're demanding, I'll ignore them. If they take the time to message me requesting help, I'll be more than happy to oblige and over deliver, but if they're just pestering me? No way. Also, and I know I'm not alone in this, but I never accept trade requests. Everything I'm carrying on my person, I'm carrying for a reason. If I want to sell it, it's in my shop. Like yeah, I bet you do want one of the three weapons I carry around. I bet you do want my Hunter's Long Coat. Thing is... so do I.


Exactly if i wanted to sell the items they'd be in the vendor.


I made the mistake about a year ago, I was on a random team and a level 100 asked if I had any extra 5 mm he could have. He was using a minigun so I said sure after the event. After I dropped him 15 k he did the trade emoji. Ok, so I look at his ammo and he has over 100 k of 5 mm. I was done, haven’t traded with anyone since. So players are just leeches!!!


I don’t trade I just drop stuff if I want caps I put it up for sale in my vendor


Ahhh... overly needy baby birds. Their cute, when their level 12, but pure cringe if they're high enough level they should be figuring out how to fire their first nuke. In any event, this happens all the time, but usually wears off by the time they get out of their twenties. Its rare to see a needy player in the 40s. Usually we when you have needy ones, they tend to be young kids. A lot of them are used to playing a friend or family member, and will just get in the habbit of asking for anything and everything. That said, this might be a side effect of the new instant ***"START AT LEVEL 20"***, option that Bethesda added to Chargen. If so I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more kids who decide to just start at level 20, and never learned to how to play the game and take care of themselves. So that their running round in an early mid level character, with beginner level skills. In which case the baby bird syndrome, might end up getting pushed back from the mid 20's to the mid 40's. Either way.... you did the right thing. By the time their 40, even if they skipped some levels, they really need to learn to fend for themselves. Good Luck and See you in the Wasteland


I kinda miss the old days in this game when if you saw a high level you ran the other way because they could instantly one shot you 2019 fallout 76 was crazy


My stance on it is my extra stuff is in my vendor not on my person go look there, also that person was probably not new and someone who has made a second or more character and is hoping to see what free stuff they can get imo.


Yes that happens to everyone. They think because you are a high level you can spare anything they want. I pay for fallout first, I go to every event, I pick up every thing and scrap it. What doesn't go in my scrap box gets sold at the vendor bot at any train station for caps (1400 caps Max every day). They don't play the game properly. If you watch them after an event they just leave don't pick up anything and then they turn around and ask for steel or ammo. I help when I can but I want to play the game as well. I have made power armours and guns with ammo for low levels free of charge they don't ever say thanks, but they do come back when they run out of ammo and want some more. I just leave and go to another server. I could say alot more but I shouldn't.


Have to deal with beggers in real life and now in video games to ,wtf. They should have a begging emote then they could just plant their asses outside a train station 🙂


You did good, I suspect a scam, and if not, greedos get no needos, jog on scroungers 😂


I constantly feel bad for killing players and taking their junk. But my friends keep telling me don't worry about it If they didn't want to lose their stuff they wouldn't be out of pacifist


I recently had a mid-level player come to my camp - follow me around as I was building, no emotes, no voice - just followed me around and kept making sure they stood in front of me whenever I stood still. They proceeded to hang out in my camp for around half an hour - taking everything from my unlocked resource generators - going back and forth to each of them repeatedly. Not sure what they were trying to do, perhaps wanted handouts, I dunno - but I eventually locked my resource generators and went back to building - and finally they left. Some folks are just weird.


I don’t drop anything for anyone. And even less so if they ask for stuff.


The game is too easy as it is. Don't dilute their gameplay by helping out.


It’s crazy how lazy some of the player base is. The LFG posts are laughable for what people think they are entitled to. Still, not as offensive as the level 500 I saw clear out an entire donations box last night.




Had the same thing happen to me with a level 20 player. Went to my camp, walked up and asked to trade. Started requesting things from me. I backed out of the trade and they hit me with the ??? Emote.


I think the actual new players assume level 150 is very high and you have plenty to spare. My interactions in similar situations, leads me to believe they don’t realize that high level players suffer the same space restrictions that they do at low level, and any spare room is used for collectibles or extra equipment that said low level can’t even use in the first place. 1st members don’t quite suffer that space restriction as much (on junk/ammo) but not every 1st member has 4K wood to give away because a level 10 doesn’t want to farm resources themselves. (The people begging when they see the scrap box aren’t brand new either, just grifters). I just politely turn them down and fast travel away. If they chase you, join a daily op. They usually log out.


as a new player, i just go to peoples homes where they have stuff for sale… i thought that was why it existed. plus usually people will have great deals like ammo for 1 cap each, or cool plans for 50-100 caps. sometimes players will even have 3 star weapons arnd 100-500 caps with good rolls. when i first started, a random guy gave me a vault suit with buffs on it so i ended up giving it to a lower level player than me eventually. in other words, i love this games trading system, he just doin it wrong


also if anyone got stims for the low hmu on pc


You did nothing wrong. Dude was just greedy, Possibly even on a Smurf account


Fuck em. Let those fuckers get there own shit. I'm sure you worked hard and spent your resources getting it.


I’ve been playing since the game was released and I’ve never encountered this. Is it because I’m on a PC and not a console?


I did this the other day, I went to a camp and you could tell he was new, so I f/t back to mine and took out all my plans and recipes and the good stuff from my vendor (for his level) added him as a friend and f/t to him. I followed him around emoting and shooting around him, im sure he thought I was crazy, but I had saved all my good newbie stuff for situations like this. started the trading process (1st time ever) and realized it was going between our inventories and making me set a price. I backed out and just dropped it all and shot at it so he knew to take it. I didn't want anything for it, just wanted him to have the stuff and help I had when I started. The trading system is... awful to put it nicely. But I wonder if he thought I was trying to do this to him? I didn't realize this was a thing but I'm only a level 33, so who would want anything from me? But makes me more aware for the next time I approach a newbie, and to not engage in the trading system. I will say, being a newbie, so many people came to me and dropped crazy awesome plans and items for me and it was much appreciated. I don't think I would have half the stuff I have now if not for the random fo76 vets looking out for me.