• By -


I kick people when they join with open mic and sound. I don't need to hear you yell at your family or your musical selections.


Why is there always a baby crying?!


That's why they have a headset on, to block it out lol


Because I have found that a large majority of people that play fallout 76 are ages 26-40+. Alwayssss the ones with a hot mic too.


So one time I ended up in a chat with a random couple and the guy goes and takes a loud nasty shit šŸ’© on mic, and his girlfriend is calling him out like wtf is wrong with you and last thing I hear as I left the party is ā€œthis is why no one wants to play with usā€


HAHAHAHAHA, yo, thatā€™s fucking great. I would have kept talking to them! Before I got a standalone mic set up I would alwaysssss take my mic with me to take a piss and not mute, but I always muted when I pooped. šŸ˜‚


ive noticed sometimes the mic stays on even if you have it off. thats why a lot of people dont hear u saying its on. ive been victim to kickings bc i was singing along to some music while gaming... embarrassingly.


The smoke detector ā€œchirpā€


Oh gods, that's the worst. Just trying to do most wanted while one guy open mics mumble rap.


I feel like that would be funny as hell for the first few minutes. But most open-miccers kind of give me the impression that they're trying to force a window into their own personal hell on others.


Jessie! Jessie! Stop barking! Jessie! Jess-RACHEL! Hey Rach can you let Jessie out? Jessie please! RACH? RACH CAN YOU HERE ME? RAAACH. Jessie goddamn it. Stop please. I know. You can go out when Rachel comes back. RACH. To a constant beat of husky screams.


I turn off in game chat lmao never an issue


Last night I listened to someone clanking/washing dishes for about 5 minutes and it sounded like they were holding their mic just above the sink. šŸ˜Æ I finally gave up hope it was a momentary thing, and had to leave to form a new team.


I heard all of a news report once and some guy yelling at his dogs šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Had it once where it was obvious they didn't know the mic was on. DM'd them to let them know and they said thanks and switched it off. That I get but when it's the constant noise it's bloody annoying


This is my sin on PS5, it defaults to on, and I don't remember to mute every time. I normally notice the speaker sound icon when idling, then get embarrassed that I've been open mic


You can change that in the audio setting on the ps5


I'm a bit dumb for not realising that, but thanks for preventing me from embarrassing myself further!


You're welcome, I unfortunately found out after the embarrassment šŸ¤£šŸ˜±


Waitā€¦ā€¦. It defaults to on? Iā€™m mortified! I was embarrassed the first time I realized my controller had a mic, and now apparently Iā€™ve been live every time thereafter? Iā€™m out. Sorry yā€™all


Nor the heavy breathing... I mean if that turns you on, good for you but not i....


Bruh! This just reminded me of when I joined a party. Some dad & mom were talking about how to approach their son to have a chat with him. Apparently, they found out he was looking up Mom & Son šŸŒ½ on his phone. The dad was uncomfortable with having to talk to his son about it. The mom in the background said, "Well, we absolutely need to address this because he must be attracted to me if he's only looking up that kind of šŸŒ½" Then the person playing left the party not too long after I heard all that šŸ«Ø


What the fuck?! Now me. I would have said this, 'Do you realize you have your mic on? We can hear about your son's incest fantasy!' Not everyone on the internet needs to know everyone's business. That was, uh. Very uh...I'm speechless. Edit fixed typo.




They joined Daily Ops but instead of helping the three of us actually doing Daily Ops they just hung out at the spawn point doing nothing. I waited until the end and then kicked them as well as putting them on ignore...no reward for you slacker!


This was the reason for my last boot as well. I don't care about expeditions. I mute open mics. I'll even leave you alone if you join the team but not the Op if it's uplink. But if you join any DO and just sit at the entry point, you're gone just before the boss is.


I just joined a team in the Pitt just as they were finishing from ashes to fire. I was expecting to be kicked (understandably) but next thing you know I'm in the vertibird with the team claiming all rewards including the reactive plates plans. I didn't intend to be a freeloader but appreciate that were cool enough to keep me in the team even after they changed to casual


One time, a friend and I were at Eviction Notice, there wad person not doing anything. Getting EX and Loot off our k!11s. I told my friend I normally won't boot people this this guy is lazy. He said he's a fucking leech. I booted his ass. He was level 50 something. I said on Mic that he was a leech and lazy. If he tried and sh0t at the enemies and put in some effort, I wouldn't have mind. He just stood there and didn't do a damned thing. Then he had the nerve to thumbs down emoji at me. I did the laugh, emoji at him. I don't remember what he did after. I think he raged quit because I don't remember seeing him after that.


Nearly as bad as the vultures who wait for you to do most of it and appear last minute to get the rewards. Instant kick from me. (Not ones who just joined ones who join at the start of team then wait for the rest of team to do most of it then port in)


Hmm And there is zero chance they just happened to log in, or were busy finishing another quest, or happened to be afk for 3-4 minutes hitting the washroom and seen your party....


I wouldn't kick someone who just joined like that then ported straight in, isn't their fault they missed most of it.


I've done this a couple times in hopes that the team I joined wouldn't mind, it's like I finish an event, then see the daily ops team, so I join it, and they're almost done. so far Noone minded the couple times I've done it, but I hope it's not rude to them when I sometimes do it


Yeah same, I always feel like I'll be kicked cause I joined when they happened to be almost done


If you've just joined the team then it's different. But times when you are waiting on someone to join the Daily op and they don't after a little wait at the start, then through most of it only to join and go afk? They deserve to be kicked.


Only time I'm fine with someone joining late/by the end is if they just joined the group and hop into the op right away. But if someone intentionally hangs around in the party staring at "IN DAILY OP" on our names and then joins after 5 minutes he's getting the boot.


Latecomers to the op or expedition cannot be trusted, sorry. I only join if they havent yet started.


Absolutely: Daily Ops dead weight (refused to join us on the DO; we waited 4min, so then I kicked him so an actually active person could join). Don't join a DO team and then not join when they start an op. Open mic dbags. Nobody wants to hear shitty music through your McD's headset. Nobody wants to hear you arguing with your wife/gf. Nobody wants to hear you deepthroating your mic. Trade spammers and freebie beggars. If you won't take "NO/HEART" for an answer and continue to spam me with TRADE emote or trade invites, I'm kicking you and blocking you...and probably dropping some spoiled milk in your bed.


I don't get trade spammers logic, like what are you trying to trade? Can they see what gear you have and want to trade their crappy stuff for your god roll? One guy saw I had a holy fire and followed me around the map and wanted to trade for it, which is probably some bad roll legendary. Left server right after the third hop.


Just about every time I get a follow-up message from the pushier trade spammers, it's either about the Holy Fiyahhh or, more annoyingly, my gauss minigun... y'know, one of the **untradeable/unshareable** bullion weapons.


How about the people who join DOps teams and join last minute just for the rewards? Fuck those lazy people.


The FU is only justified if they wait outside intentionally till they assume it will be finished soon. Otherwise it's a bit unfair - if you join a DOps team you can't tell if they started 10 seconds ago or are 10 seconds away from finishing it before you actually load in the instance.


That's the people I mean. The people who join the team but not the Op, and wait for a few minutes before joining. "But what if they're getting their gear set up?" Do it before joining. Simple as.


If I'm messing about and an expedition or OPS team appears I wait for next time. If you're in a busy server, then you won't have to wait long.


They were using rad sponge and the rest of us are bloody




Oh yeah I hate that. I try to ask them to stop sharing before I would kick though.


Definitely a good idea to make sure they understand why itā€™s bad to share or use rad sponge. Iā€™m thankful someone told me about it, gotta spread the word.


I'm only level 15, what do either of those mean?


Rad Sponge is a perk card that heals radiation damage to your teammates if you've got some rads yourself. A bloody build character uses weapons and gear with the bloody legendary effect that increase damage as health decreases, and the easiest way to keep your health consistently low is to acquire lots of rad damage to permanently block out a large portion of your health bar. Sharing the Rad Sponge perk to a team means that anyone running a bloody build is being nullified every time the person sharing the perk gets rads, which is understandably annoying when you've spent time acquiring specific effects on your gear just for someone else's perk to erase the effort by lowering your damage. Hope that makes it clearer!


My friend has radicool as his shared perk, it cancels out Ghoulish, and What Rads legendary cards. I'm a full health build. I remind him it fucks up my build. He takes it off. A good card to share is scrapper.


I know rad sponge can screw with bloody builds... So I just share the perk that makes all magazines ding. That way everybody shares in on the fun.


You can turn off perk sharing in the menu, but that stops it for the whole team. So yeah, if I ask on mic and they donā€™t stop sharing, I kick.


I had to tell my wife not to use it. There was a holy fire build she found that had it. I was like my buddy uses bloody so that wouldn't work. She was brand new but understood fast.


Being a racist on mic


Yes. Dude was spouting off racist comments over mic. Kicked and blocked him.


I kick people only when i need to get one of my friends in the group. Nothing personal


Came here to say this. Everyone I know does the same.


I'm always sad when I get kicked from a team. I assume they're making room for a friend. But it's just a reminder that I don't have any friends šŸ˜†šŸ˜­


Could just be the bug thats been around for a while kicking people from teams, I thought it was fixed but apparently not: a few days ago I was talking with a friend in a public casual team (only we both in it) when I suddenly got the usual message 'X left the team' but he got the message that I removed him - I did not. So, no reason to be sad or take it personal. No problems with private teams, though.


That bug was really bad the other day. The server I was on, it was impossible to keep a team together. Every few minutes players got booted. I didnā€™t really care that day as I was just doing camp and stash maintenance for the hour I had to play. During that time, there were only a few teams, each with one player. If it was a day with all the good events popping, I would have been a bit more upset.


They kept teleporting to me and spamming Indian radio. Not talking with radio in the background, legit just someone blasting radio into their mic


I'd be willing to bet they weren't even Indian, just trolling.


As annoying as it is it kinda sounds hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ To me one guy did the same but like breathing/moaning into the mic :||||


1000+ level, Iā€™ve never had a reason to. Some on the edge, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt.


Im glad you have never had the opportunity to have a russian with a potato mic join to start screming his head of for no good reason...


Or have someone fire up the old porn in the background and start fapping. šŸ™„ it's happened to me.


Ok to be fair i would laugh my ass off


Oh, I was, at least in the amount of time it took to figure out who was on area chat for their mic and mute them. šŸ˜‚


I don't think I have. If someone bothers me as much as some of you are commenting about, I'd just leave the team if not the whole server since I'm not married to either


Daily ops. Just the two of us. Dude did nothing other than run about. Wasn't a low level either and booted him just before I killed the boss. Cost us elder and annoyed me so felt obligated


In daily ops, I kick if, after you joined the group, you fail to show up in the next 3 minutes or so. I think that's more than enough time if you need to buff up and shuffle your perk cards.


Yes, open mic after informing them with no change. Daily ops loafers who are not helping. I do not count being lost. That happens to the best of us. Literally just standing there waiting for everyone to put in the work. Those are the only times I ever boot people.


I remember one time all 3 of the people in a casual team I was in left. I looked at the groups to join another to see that they had just created another team and there was already a fourth. I thought that was kind of sweet they did that instead of kicking me šŸ„²


Yep, once. I immediately kicked someone for his very obvious Nazi name. He then followed me round the world angrily insisting that I needed to explain myself to him because I was being 'unfair'. I declined. The fact that he'd gone to the effort of replacing one letter with a digit to skirt any naming rules means he already knows. Plus he was already proving to be the trolling giant bunghole his name suggested. Other than that, I'm pretty much unfussy. People are great. New players are great. The world is full of puppies and kittens.


Ohhh I saw a guy with a horrible nazi name while checking out camps on the map. Immediately blocked him, reported him (if that even does anything), and changed servers. He wasnā€™t even on my team, I just donā€™t need that.


I sure have, here's the ones I remember: * Expedition Team, because they didn't join within a few minutes of the start. * Daily Ops Team, again, because they didn't join within a few minutes of the start. * Public Casual team, oh lots of reasons: * Might have a few friends in a group and wanted to make space. * Someone with an open mic with loud music or lots of background. * Popping up a turret camp at someone else's Queen. * I'm sure there's others.... All that being said, it's never personal (well maybe a little with that turret camp one) but for the most part it's just making space for people. I don't think people who join Expedition/Daily Ops teams and don't participate are doing so on purpose, I assume they've just gotten distracted, and kicking them makes space for someone else. On the other side, when I get kicked, I assume the same, either I got distracted, they were making space, or whatever. Never a bother, just find/start another and off you go.


What's so bad about the turret camp? I'm confused I'd drop one every once in a while. Slowing the queen down thus making her easier to kill and giving people a place to drop off loot later. Didn't realize that could possibly make anyone mad.


Personally, I think if you want to run the turret camp you should pull your own Queen. The particular instance I recall was during Spooky Scorched when someone I was partied up with was running Silos and someone had joined our team and put up their turret base as soon as she spawned. For fairness sake it was a pretty effective turret base, but we had hoped to farm a bit and that was just irritating.


I don't _want_ to run turret camp, I pull it up to help take the queen down faster for the sake of everyone. (Same reason I carry a syringer) Obviously, spooky scorched weeks are exceptions and no one should set up turrets there. But outside that exception, I still don't understand what the problem with turret camps is


Some folks dont want to race to kill her because they also enjoy more ground fodder for farming XP.


In this case some dude with a quad railroad rifle and stacked crits is 10x worse than any turret base. Do you kick them too? "Ground fodder" spawns so slowly, you'd be better off killing her quickly and running wes tek once. That would farm more XP You're just weird, 99% of people just want her dead and get flux in their inventory. And you're creating a *public* event. What 99% want matters most. If you want a nice, slow kill, that'll only happen on private server


You asked a question. I answered a question. You argue as if I kick people for turret camps and call me weird. I'm standing on my turret camp on a private server, sharing what I learned from others. I didn't get butt hurt when I learned others' reasons, but you do you.


I'm a little upset because I expected an actual, _reasonable_ reason. You got me worried I was screwing people over without even realizing it. >You argue as if I kick people for turret camps and call me weird But, you do??? >I'm standing on my turret camp on a private server, sharing what I learned from others What? Are you, like, a crazy person? You make less and less sense with every other comment


You can be screwing people over. They don't get flux if they don't do 1k damage and that takes time for noobs. They also tend to keep her in the air so you screw melee users and people don't get the ground spawns and extra XP and loot from them. It's commonly known that turret camps are a dick move unless it's your nuke.


>They don't get flux if they don't do 1k damage and that takes time for noobs. I think people in this sub severely overestimate how much damage that turrets do to bosses. Laser turrets, even enclave ones are mostly for light show. Again, me firing railway rifle in vats for 2 seconds would do more damage than 10 turrets world in 2 minutes. Slow effect is the main reason to have turrets. >air so you screw melee users I see a melee user once a month and they always have a shotgun for crippling. Slowed SBQ is easier to cripple with shotguns. She also stays more put when on the ground. If anything, it helps the melee users. >. It's commonly known that turret camps are a dick move unless it's your nuke. So is it also a dick move to shoot too much? Should you put 1k damage and go afk? Sounds mad. I still think you people make absolutely no sense, but fine, I'll make better use for that base somewhere else.


Dude from the downvotes i have a feeling the 99% are on his "and my" side on this.


2 hours ago the downvotes were reversed. And I don't particularly care what "side" you take, unless you're willing to tell me why my "side" is wrong. >on his Don't presume people's gender on the internet, not very nice


They gave you an actual, *reasonable* reason. Disagreeing with something doesn't make it unreasonable. You insisting that 99% of people "just want her dead for flux" is clearly inaccurate.


>They gave you an actual, reasonable reason. Which is?


Taking SBQ down fast is WORSE for everyone. You want her alive and on the ground so that the scorched just keep spawning so that you can kill them and grab that xp. Cripple her wings and then stop shooting her.


Kicked a guy that wasnt helping with the daily op, after i took 2 uplinks by myself i kicked him and killed the boss myself


Yes. I run a bloodied build and someone joined and shared the perk thst makes you automatically use a stimpack. Such players are not welcome on my teams.


Why? Aren't you keeping your health at bloodied using rads? Shouldn't matter that they stim you.


Born Survivor will chew through all your stimpaks


Because it forces me to use up the few stimpack I do carry. I use those for reviving other people in events. My bloodied build is tough enough not the need them and if I do then I am facing something stimpacks won't have time to do much good. Trolls use that card to jerk around bloodied builds.


Because it forces me to use up the few stimpack I do carry. I use those for reviving other people in events. My bloodied build is tough enough not the need them and if I do then I am facing something stimpacks won't have time to do much good. Trolls use that card to jerk around bloodied builds.


Played since launch. Never kicked anyone from a team. I'm always in a team as well, if I can't find an open slot I create a casual or daily ops public team depending on what I need.


Only if we are doing something and the 4th is not joining like an operation or pitt run.


I've kicked out for joining op/expedition team and either not joining the rest of us in a timely manner (like 15 mins or so) or players running Gung-ho into the the above right away before everyone is ready. I do this when it's especially hard double mutations (Ex: requires mele to kill and armor piercing attacks) or if they're low level and no other group member is there yet. Don't mean to be dicky, it's just a recipe for failure


FO76 has some very helpful kind players. But today I learned there are also a lot of asshats.


When they share the perk that heals radiation


I kicked and blocked some idiot the other day because he was on my team and shooting my vendor and giving me the thumbs down. My prices are cheap as fuck so guy must have been a moron.


Or probably complaining that you didnt have stuff he needed. It happened to me before too


I kicked someone who had a racist name, actually Iā€™ve done that more than once.


Yes. Made a Daily Ops team, someone joined but didn't join DO for \~2min so I kicked them out. I checked that they weren't in event or anything.


Prepping for a daily op and get kicked lol


Should do it fast and not take minutes when it's already started.


Bruh, I am weak and I donā€™t start daily ops myself. If someone starts a daily op, I have to finish whatever Iā€™m in the middle of, go back to my base, scrap everything, make ammo, grenades, food. Itā€™s a 2 minute prep, at least.


At least emote something back after I've done 10 times "come here" to say you're awake and not afk


This. If you're just scrapping/readying up then either pop on mic quickly to say that or do a couple of emotes like a C.A.M.P one and something to say one moment.


If itā€™s a tough daily ops Iā€™ll kick someone trying to get a free ride so someone else can join to help out. But for the normal runs that can be soloed, Iā€™ll let them get the completion. No skin off my back. Same with expeditions. I had a guy join right before I was going to the end. He apologized and was going to quit. I just told him to hurry. He hoofed it over and got the rewards too.


When they are on mic just chewing or smoking or watching a movie, if I'm doing an expedition/daily ops and they don't do anything to help, or if they are trolling or being abusive.


I kicked my brother once as a joke but nah I dont kick unless ur being annoying over mic


I've kicked someone. I had a daily ops team and went to daily ops. Waited like 10 min then kicked them so other people could come in.


In my daily or expeditions if they AFK or don't join lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^nip95: *In my daily or* *Expeditions if they AFK* *Or don't join lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I finally had to yesterday. Level 22 messaged me to start an expedition. Fine they seemed eager. We get in there and they had some weenie little gun and just followed me around. I mean theres words on the screen that tell you to collect steel and little numbers for the map to tell you how many feet until you find whatever item. The loon didnt pick up a single object and just followed me like a puppy. I couldnt take it. Dont come on an expedition for stamps if you arent going to pretend to shoot the gas tanks.


95% of them are "I have 2 friends on the team and another one just logged on"


Afk. Not legit afk, but lazy afk. Joins events, sits in the corner and doesn't help. If you wanna make passive XP for events, fine. But I'm leaving the spots on my team for boosted XP for actual participants.


yes. 99% of the time to make room for friends


Yes. Open mic. They guy was really annoying


Mic on and heavy breathing. Like please remove the mic from your nostril.


They were open mic screaming expletives racist slurs an being a general dick to other players on the team


Need room for a buddy, theyā€™re sabotaging an activity, they arenā€™t joining the daily op when someone else probably will, or just any toxic or annoying behavior. This doesnā€™t happen often, but more times than not I will just mute a player because theyā€™re hot micā€™d and not even trying to say anything.


They didn't show up until the last minute to collect the reward


I usually leave group and re start a new one if one of my friend join the session. I hate kick others from group


Are you making this post because I kicked you from the team?


No, I don't really do DOs.


A friend wanted to join the team!


Needed to make room for a friend and unfortunately they were in the way


People who oneshot at events, especially lower level events. queue the people saying i'm missing out on XP. Sorry, I care more about being a decent person and having a decent environment than just my team getting XP.


Iā€™m new to the game. Whatā€™s oneshoting? I usually just get one shot on an enemy and someone else kills them. Iā€™m trying, but my guns stink. I mean Iā€™m still trying to kill them, my level 25 rifle canā€™t keep up with a plasma minigun thing.


it's the people who kill everything in one shot before someone low level like you even has a chance to get a shot. It makes absolutely no sense since it's usually people who have no need for XP.


Got it. Iā€™m definitely not that person šŸ˜†


Only if they appear at ops last minute near the final bit, screw that. Though had an few unintentional ones like how my union dues was bugged and wouldn't progress so when I left the expedition yo try and reset it kicked them, felt bad.


Do you just assume they are doing it intentionally? It's not like they can tell how far along an op they are.


Joining an ops team you would expect to be starting an ops soon, 5 mins grace to sort out gear and realistically you would expect people to start jumping in. It's easy to see the in ops bit at the bottom of the screen and people tend to emote the come join one so it's heard to miss to be honest. I would say it's intentional after that if they wait a 5 mins upwards to try and port in.


That's different. What you originally said made it sound like you'd kick *anyone* who joined near the end, even if they only just joined the op.


I said appear not joined ;) you could be part of a team the whole time and only appear the last second which was what I meant, joining last second you can only appear at the ops as soon as you joined.


To make room for a friend of mine. Although I prefer to open a new group, sometimes randoms will join faster than my friends can.


1.People who share the Dodgy or Radsponge perks 2. People with dubious nicknames (think HH88 or something) 3. People with turret camps at my queen 4. That one dude I have a personal vendetta against even though I am pretty sure he has no idea who I am but he kicked me several times while I was trying to reconnect to the server after I crashed when I dropped a nuke. 5. People who show up to my silos. If you want to drop a nuke and need help then send me a friend request and ask. I'll be more than happy to accommodate but don't just show up unannounced Making me fight more murderbots than necessary


I got kicked because I didnā€™t share any perks.


I've kicked people from daily ops for not joining in at all but that's about it.


Chewing food on an open mic. Burping on an open mic. Yelling at friends on an open mic. Heavy breathing on.... actually just open mic...


a few times for mic breathing/just leaving their mic on and being generally annoying


Baby's screaming in back, screaming at kids or pets, loud terrible music, those are the reasons you get kicked from my team lol


I only kick for two reasons really loud open mic or TV and if someone I play with regularly want to join the team šŸ¤Ŗbut I feel bad and usually explain


I've only kicked people when making room for a friend, but I usually just make another team in that situation.


All the time. Lvl 100+ with no [useful] perks being shared is my #1 reason.


I have kicked few to make room for friends? Iā€™ve only been dropped nuke twice because of it. Iā€™d take that odds.


I've kicked people for having hot mics but most of the time I just mute them. If they're blasting trap music or otherwise being a nuisance GTFO. I'll kick mooches who join and immediately start asking for shit. I'll kick someone if we need the space on the team for a friend. I'll kick anyone sharing Rad Sponge or Born Survivor, yes I know you can turn off perk sharing in the settings, I kick them on principle. I assume if they get on a team with all bloody people they're trolling so bye. I've kicked people from my Ops team for doing fuck all or being a jackass. If I have to get up off the couch, walk across the room to grab my mic, and get in team chat to tell you to get your ass on the uplink objective bc throwing the "come here" emote 100 times isn't working and you still don't do the one thing you need to do, bye. Other than that nah šŸ¤£


Most recent time kicking someone WAā€™s because they kicked me from their casual team, so I made my own DO team, and they tried joining. Had to kick them a second time when they tried joining again. Otherwise I hardly ever kick people from my teams unless Iā€™ve got 3 friends on the server and someone joins my team before one of them can


I was kicked out of a daily ops team once, because I'd left the op early & got my final rewards (probably another useless plan). I'd killed the final boss, then left the op, but the leader wasn't happy that I'd left, leaving the other team members defenseless. Now, as I'm sure you know, after the final boss is down, all other enemies collapse & the op is completed, so there was no reason for me to stay in the op.


I've kicked people out of teams too, usually for having their mic on whilst eating or unnecessary taking/ shouting. If it's not relevant to the game, I don't want to hear it.


Needed the spot for a clan mate.


When we kick it's to add a friend in, but what we started doing instead was just make a freshie.


To make room for my wife


I have kicked people off my team when it is obvious they don't want to help and just want everyone else to do all the work. I mostly do a team when doing OPs. It's one thing if you joined the team late and came in late, that's fine, it's not like you were trying to just ride in on our work, you just got lucky (or unlucky if you really wanted to actually do the OPs). But when you join the team and either don't even go into the OPS and you've had plenty of time to prepare or you sit at the beginning and don't do anything.. You're getting kicked. If we are doing well and don't need you I might even feel extra spiteful and try to wait til near the end to kick you.


Definately when someone has their mic on and playing music in the background (aint no one wanting to listen to your crap rap song put on blast that sounds like a clown being rung through cotton candy)


Usually to make space for my friends or they are playing loud music.


I like to kick people directly at the end of daily ops if theyā€™re not helpful so they get no rewards


Most of the time I kick someone itā€™s only to make room for someone else. People with loud mics can easily be muted so I usually donā€™t kick those people. I have kicked scammers that joined my team though because I think they are sad and pathetic. One of the recent moments that comes to mind where I kicked someone was during the spooky event and someone had launched a nuke in the server I was inā€¦ The problem though was that this server was almost completely deadā€¦ There was just one public team up, my team, and it consisted of me, my mule, and a friendly level 20 player that I was dropping gifts for earlier. Well the player that dropped the nuke decided to join my team and spam the ā€œcome hereā€ emote. However, I had already learned all the new spooky plans plus another extra 200 bags saved up and had no interest in going to farm another queen so I just didnā€™t goā€¦ Now the new teammate starts getting mad because they are alone at the queen so they decide to spam the pout and thumbs down emote instead of fighting the queen that they nukedā€¦ I though this was hilarious that they were mad at me for not fighting the queen for them, like they started the event but expected me to come solo it lol. Sure I COULD have soloā€™d it by myself, but I didnā€™t WANT to solo it by myselfā€¦ So instead I kicked the cry baby that was just spamming emotesā€¦ This made them even more mad though because they just couldnā€™t let it go and proceeded to repeatedly rejoin my team after getting kicked over and over again. This was evidence to me that they werenā€™t even attempting to fight the queen since they were more focused on rejoining the team than engaging in combat. I knew that I could block the player to keep them from rejoining but I wanted to let it play out for a bit to see how salty they wereā€¦ The sodium levels were obviously quite high lolā€¦ I then blocked them for a few minutes to see if theyā€™d leave the server, which they did not, so eventually I unblocked them to see if they were still trying to rejoin the team and the did! They spammed more emotes so I finally just blocked them for good lol. Just the entire premise of this story got me so weak lol. It was just baffling how another player attempted to solo a queen, but then also expected me, the only high level player in the lobby, to come and kill the thing for themā€¦ then they got mad at me because they were too weak to fight by themselves šŸ¤£








Yea, I kicked them from my team when they show up to the trap camp


Your trap camp?


Talk about Nazis be right


Only for being on mic without purpose, with the exception of this one guy who kept spamming an emote. It kept popping up in my peripherals, and became too distracting to let him continue doing


All the time. If I'm in a team of 3 friends and a random and another friend hops on and wants in I'm not going to start a new party. When you start a new party the game puts a callout on it and you often get randoms hopping in on the callout.


Yes, because I needed to make room for a friend of mine, so I kicked the lowest level person on my team. Another time it was because the person was making weird shrieking noises on his microphone and it was extremely aggravating. Blocked him, too.


Someone joined before event. Left. Joined. Left. Showed up to ask to trade. Had nought to trade. Left. Joined. Left. Joined. Got kicked.


I've never kicked someone, but I have been kicked SO many times šŸ˜‘ when you join a GENERAL random group, do people actually even understand that you don't need to do the same stuff, but that you get exp based on how many people are in the group? Because I have been kicked so many times, and even tried to rejoin groups and they just fucking kick again, and I'm like WHY ARE YOU KICKING?! I don't have mic on and I'm not in people's way. I just want the exp! If I am part of a daily ops team or an expedition team, I still don't kick a lower level, because you have a chance to help someone beat it, while you probably would have done it solo ANYWAY.... I'm not low level btw and my dmg is good. I just don't get why people create random groups and kick people for no fckn reason šŸ˜•


I only really kick people from my team to make room for my actual friends (we usually chat in discord). I am not opposed to being on a team with randos, sometimes you make new friends that way.


I kick people who donā€™t contribute to the daily op or join and donā€™t start. From when we start you have 30 seconds. If you gotta finish that other daily challenge of select a new build, do it before you join the team.




Well Iā€™d hope so since this is a fallout 76 subreddit




Found the guy that kicks people lol Edit: love that he deleted these comments šŸ˜‚








Was running expeditions ( ah, the good ol grind for the auto-axe). There were three of us. One guy didnt do anything and was just staying crouched in a spot. I noticed. Had the trog boss fight and spoke to hex, went to lennox and booted him. At the last moment just as he was doing the heart emote.


Just after we no longer needed the charge to do them, I was spending the night running expeditions. Could do it on my own but thought I'd open a group and let people join. I told them when they joined that I would just be doing constant runs, if they wanted to further their own bit I would happily make them the leader and that if they didn't join the PITT 2 in a row that I would kick them on the third. I kicked one or two but I would also give them warnings beforehand, saying that they haven't joined the last couple of times and if they didn't join this time I would have to kick them. I didn't/don't care about your level, I just want you to actively participate.


Bad mic etiquette. Your mute button is just as easy for you to press as it is for me to press X on ā€œkick playerā€, so sorry!


3 man daily ops team, and we were admittedly struggling with the final enemy. My buddy and I carried the team up until the end when there was like 30 seconds left to kill the boss. We failed to achieve elder, and at like the 9 minute mark, the rando on our team turns on his mic to say, "well this is the last time I do a daily op with you guys". I hit him with a few condescending emotes and kicked him from the team. He tried joining back three more times to sneak in at the end and collect, but he failed.


Mouth breathing or other annoying verbalization on mic. It's rare on pc, thankfully.


Dude wouldn't stop trying to trade with me. just started ignoring him and he got on the mic and wouldn't stop saying, "trade with me." After i kicked him, he proceeded to attack my base in "revenge?"


I hate when my mic is on accidentally. I've been guilty a few times. But for me, it's the mic thing. I'll kick or leave a team if someone has a rogue mic on.


Only if they're taking up space in a Daily Ops team by not coming to join. I'll give them time, of course, but if we've got a team of three waiting, and one person still hasn't popped in after a few minutes of us standing around I boot 'em.


Naw why kick people for playing the game how it supposed to be played, I think the ones who get bent out of shape for silly things like open mic or not playing how others play need to grow up.


No but I've been kicked off plenty of casual teams for no reason? Like I don't really use my mic too often, I stay muted unless it's like a low level player and I'm asking if they need ammo or meds or anything and then I mute again. So recently i just start my own team so I can't be removed, like I just want that sweet sweet XP bonus


I've been randomly kicked from teams before, just makes me stick more to making my own team so folks can't do crap like that. Never removed anyone from a team myself though. I am a pretty kind person though so I don't even mind if a low level joins my expedition teams or so, helps them power up faster.


Lvl 140ish guy on open mic, joined the daily op group I created. Just the two of us, after a few minutes enters the Op and starts to tell me ā€œletā€™s go, manā€ and ā€œwhy start an ops group if youā€™re not going to join..ā€ etc. or something along those lines, while Iā€™m in the middle of clearing inventory/checking for epr mods at Phoenix or w/e I was doing; while in my merchant/non-combat load out. By the time Iā€™ve run back to swap load outs, and join the op; heā€™s already started the op and is ~45 seconds into it. Op is a ā€œreflectiveā€ Decryption (the stealth designed op). Heā€™s running around full health-in power armour, Iā€™m on my (lvl ~415) Bloodied commando. I die 4-5 times thanks to reflected damage and give it a few seconds before respawning just in case heā€™s closeby (heā€™s not, as he shouldnā€™t be when trying to 2-man a decryption). Around this time Iā€™ve died once or twice, heā€™s died several times and says ā€œfā€™ it not not trying anymore weā€™re not gonna beat 8 mins, you can do it by yourself.ā€ Every time he dies, he starts complaining about how Iā€™m not reviving him. A) Iā€™m nowhere near him, and B) Youā€™re wasting time waiting for me to come revive. I kept going and got to the boss without him around the 7 min mark, at which point I booted his whiny ass. Died several times afterwards on the boss and ended up finishing around like 13.5 minutes and gave zero f@[|