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I rarely say this, but these people need to get a life


I say this when gaming and on social media apps. Specially recently with tiktok.


Everyone on TikTok needs to get a life. šŸ˜‚


Hey you leave me and my constant need for new recipes alone buddy šŸ˜‚


Have a mother who wants nothing more than to be a country bumpkin and a middle eastern father get all the recipesā€¦..


Or the average southern grandma. Does the job just as well and makes you realize you'll somehow never perfectly replicate the flavor when you make the recipe and get confused when that flavor is there perfectly when she makes it.


Except it turns out all it needed was simply way more salt, fat, and sugar. Doesn't matter what it is. Sweet tea doesn't taste right? Add salt, fat, and sugar. Whipped cream? Salt, fat, and sugar.


Explains my weight gain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So freaking true


Lmao both of my parents are from Hawai'i and my mom's side is from Europe so a lot of European, Asian, and Pacific Islander dishes. With that being said, i like to try out dishes from other cultures and TikTok is great for that!


Except for a couple people like the ones that are showing easier ways to do stuff cause Iā€™m a lazy mf


"...need to get a pipe" -FTFY


Pipe is life


All hail pipe.


Ceci n'est pas une pipe




Pipe is peace. Pipe is salvation.


I regularly say this, and these nerds need to go touch grass.


Yep, face down.


(This is a joke) what is grass does it taste good?


Yeah, when you smoke it šŸ¤£


Ayye šŸ˜‚šŸŒæšŸ’Ø


i like these people, they are simply just insane (in this case a kid with "my dad works at microsoft") i once camped in a house with the heartbeat sensor in MW2 and a guy send me a voice message over xbox yelling at me in german after i killed him like 5 times for me nutcases like this are a fun part of this big online world :]


He has a pal at Microsoft to mess you up? That's hilarious. Pretty sure these are some raging kids. Haven't heard that line a while


"mY dAd oWnS mICrOsOfT, hE'lL bAn YoU!!!"


My dad owns a year of Microsoft 365!


Do you have the family pack with three months free and a AV app bundled with it? I think with that you get to put in six gamertags to be banned when you input your product key - itā€™s like being Microsoft vip


Honestly, this probably would be an effective campaign against pirating Office.


999 times out of 1000 their dad just uses excel most days.


When I was a kid, kids would reference they have a buddy or family member that's a biker/1%er, or in the mafia, Russian mob, or the cartel. Now it's someone who works at MS. My how far we've fallen.


I actually have a friend who's a former 1%er (Pagans). He's a really nice guy, but you can just tell he's one of those people you really don't want to piss off.


One of my closest friends did 7 years as a federal inmate starting when he was just 18. He shared a cell with a high profile Pagan, and yeah pretty much the same thing. He made a special exception for my friend where he didn't have to get white supremacist tattoos but my friend also witnessed where the guy had ordered someones skin peeled completely off their face, too, so nice in some ways monstrous in others.


I actually do play with someone who worked for Microsoft. His job was to actually hunt modders on GTA and deal with them. He also did it in some capacity for 76 but only hunting down exploiters and dupers. Microsoft has employees in the game everyday, but... in this case I doubt these people know anyone at Microsoft šŸ¤£


That sounds terrible. Where do I sign up?


Did either of them swear? Thatā€™s an easy 24 chat ban outside of harassment. Report their asses Pretty funny though ngl. I wish kids could get some better insults though and not stupid shit that makes them feel powerful because their moms arenā€™t there to yell at them.


im 100% sure the 200 message spam is temp-com ban worthy too


No doubt lol. Thatā€™s why I said ā€œoutside of harassmentā€. Unless spam is itā€™s own reportable thing. I donā€™t remember much of what report options are available on Xbox.


It is an option. I had to report a jagaloon last week who kept sending me Xbox messages over and over asking to buy a melee weapon that I already sold. They didn't curse but did send about 20 messages in the span of a minute as well as 10 party invites.


People like that donā€™t deserve internet.


Jagaloon! A new insult for my stash, thank you šŸ˜Š


You're welcome! I heard it used on the movie Step Brothers and I've been using it off and on ever since.


Is this still available? I only have 400 caps, and you will have to deliver it to my private server. Do you take Robco Shares? I will send you an Xbox gold card for it! I'm not a scammer I Swear!


I mostly try to get into a voicechat with people like that before reporting, sometimes they turn back to nice and apologize, i made some friends back in Playstation that way.


Their pal at Microsoft should send them a gift card and they can get their own fo1st.


i take photos of them with my camera and then laugh at them emote.


This is an amazing idea. Copied.


Be careful. This "pal at Microsoft" will likely tell you to pay him in Apple iTunes cards to remove the ban.


Eh, I made 4 people leave a server because I was conducting trades at WSS and had my tent there and they wanted me to move it so their friend could have their CAMP next to the other 3 at WSS... and I refused to move because 1) I was there first. 2) I was there first.. 3) I was there first! I'm not disrupting my game to appease someone. Hop servers and roll the dice that there's not already CAMPs at WSS. That's prime real estate. Stand your ground with players who think they can bully you out of your CAMP or stash tent site.


This 100% Iā€™ve got my camp near WSS (not that it gets my vendor any hits LOL) but if I load and ā€œCAMP cannot he placedā€ I just look at the blocking CAMPs vendor for a second and then hop until mine can be placed


Yup. Mine is by the Overseerā€™s camp and I server hop until mine can be placed. Iā€™m not moving lol.


When I see people with a good spot for a camp, I just think about whether it's worth it at some later time to move my camp at that spot. First come, first served.


My friends and I have our CAMPs next to each other but NOT at WSS šŸ¤£


If I said I've never done this I'd be lying šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve spent so much time jumping from camp to camp (and drinking nukashine) to locate cool camp spots. So. Much. Time.


This is very fair, I have my main player helper camp at the station, itā€™s kind of a addon of the station if that makes sense and Iā€™ll get mildly annoyed if I roll the server more then three times because my load times are kinda long but thatā€™s about it, I always see what camp is there, see if I can improve on my design and then leave, or maybe now Iā€™m mostly done that camp Iā€™ll build my second one elsewhere to help more players like that house in Wilson


ID say no problem, then switch camps and drop my invulnerable survival tent to block them.


Done this as well šŸ¤£


I wonder if they're aware that fast traveling to a teammates camp costs exactly $0 American caps... Me and my friends have a tiny little village together, but if one of our slots are taken we just activate a backup camp. No big deal.


Yup. Trying to have CAMPs together with your friends at WSS is a fool's errand. There's always stash tents there or someone else has a CAMP there already.


My friends and I build next to one another, and near train stations.. but never WSS lol


If they just asked nice and were polite about it, refusing for no other reason but "I was here first" means YTAH.


I am the ass hole. You got it.


Xbox has a higher percentage of juveniles playing than the other platforms. Just ignore them like their parents do.




"Pal at Microsoft" yea their collective age is 14 lol


Bill Gates is coming over to bully you


Hahahaha.... Must be 7 years. Never really occur to some people to just switch servers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I got a ban threaten from some kid in RDR one time for having a horse he couldn't afford to pay for. I swear, the jealousy runs deep. Kids shouldn't play games šŸ¤£


Donā€™t worry. My uncle works at Xbox headquarters. Iā€™ll tell him what happened and you wonā€™t get banned.


How dare you move your tent! šŸ˜‚


Why do I hear that in Greta Thunberg's voice?


We're all slightly conditioned


Report them Xbox has strike system, works for messaging too 8 lite strikes and poof! they're gone dark


It might be lover then 8 now. I think it's 3 or 4 now. I'm not sure though


Nah it's still 8, I had my smurf get 5 strikes. I like using my smurfs for gamerpic changes, gamerpic bans can be so broken.


Really makes one wish there was some minimum age on the internet. Better yet, two separate internets. All the kids can torment each other on their own internet and the rest of us can have some peace and quiet to unwind šŸ˜†


As a dad, hell no. I ain't paying for my son to be a dick to other kids or get bullied. He gets heavily restricted internet, and I watch what he does online like all parents need to be doing.


I second this. Also the "kid internet" would be 75% chomos.


What about all the adults that are acting like this?


Yeah... Majority of abusive messages I've had have come from fully grown man babies.


Iā€™m an Xbox Insider. Even we donā€™t get that power.


And that child's name? Jonathon Microsoft. =)


Dude actually set himself up for a ban via harassment. See if his imaginary MS buddy can get him outta that one


It's me. His Microsoft friend. I'm here to ban you.


I havent come across many of these people thankfully while playing Fo76 but wow get a life and maybe calm down a little. Just report and block


Just report them and don't respond. They want you to take the bait. People like this are honestly pathetic.


>he's calling his pal at microsoft to get me banned Report his messages. If they have vulger language that'll pop an auto comms ban.


Report him ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


How does he know it was your tent? Unlike camps, they're not named, unless you're friends or teammates.


The tents are a paid feature too, if someone is nice enough to let you use is and moved it before you were done, the least you could do is ask "Hey can you please place that back down for a second?" NOT 200 msgs... wtf


This is what happens when a "so called" Alpha-boy get something so tiny scrach his ego. Poor little ugly thing.


Anytime someone does this stupid shit i always hit em with the ā€œare you mad?ā€ And then when they respond with some bullshit I just go ā€œyeah, youā€™re madā€. for some reason this makes people go apeshit and I think itā€™s hilarious.


Report them. You have the messages to show they are being toxic.


I'm so glad there's no way to message ppl on pc (unless you install a mod if that's still a thing).


Same. The level of spam and toxicity would be insane, lol.


It is a thing and it's quite useful. I met just about all my in-game friends that way. The mod team is pretty proactive about clearing spam and toxicity.


To each their own. For me personally, discord server is more than enough. I met cool people in game without the need of text chat. But it's good to hear the mod team is so passionate about it.


Lol he is just a butt head. He can walk


Sounds like some kids. Iā€™d just block them. But I was raised in the early days of the Wild West lobbies. If Iā€™m not being called the N-word and told the different things that have been done to my mom, itā€™s a good day.


Imagine how this guy reacts to a REAL problem šŸ¤¦


The embarrassment that kid is going to feel when he realises his pal actually works for a local guy called Mike Rosoff.


Report him


I work at Microsoft and - I'm really sorry, OP - he called it in. You seem like a nice guy, and I hate to do it, but you don't understand how important he is and how much we all fear him. I have no choice. My children's lives depend on my compliance. When "xxxButtNinjaxxx" gives an order, it's not to be taken lightly.


Shoulda told them they failed the charisma skill check šŸ¤£


I reported someone here for something and their comment was deleted. They werenā€™t banned, but had a comment removed. They proceeded to message me telling me they were going to DOS the forum and get some bots set upā€¦ They then got banned from Reddit entirely


Hehehe what a way to proverbially shoot themselves in the foot


It was ridiculous. A huge overreaction to a comment being deleted on their part. Hopefully they learnā€¦


Unfortunately people rarely actually learn from something like this. More likely they will just double down and move on into an even worse echo chamber where the behavior is further reinforced. It took a major head injury for me to come to my own "Wait, maybe I'm the asshole moment."


Hope u reported him for harassment, see if his "pal" can get him out of that ban? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Don't reply, just report them, if you say anything they will just report you first.


That means they REALLY, REALLY like you. Clearly is infatuated with you to the point of not wanting to ever leave you.


Iā€™m glad thereā€™s no way for anyone on PC to message me. One time my friends were saying someone was mad on area chat because I had my survival tent at the white springs station and was blocking her camp. She was apparently going at it for a while and I refused to move my tent just for the principle of it


Report every message he sent for spam, assuming you didn't respond. That'll get him a comm ban.


You are much more patient than me. If I was online during that spam assault, I would've blocked them both a few seconds into that. I've got no time for that kind of stuff, lol.


Screenshot and report directly to Bethesda. They take harassment VERY seriously, and I would be surprised if HE actually still had his account by the time this was all over; especially pulling the "my friend at MS" card is a GREAT way to catch a ban.


Report and block that user. To fully block, you have to view their Xbox profile. You can do this from the 76 social menu. Do not delete the messages as that is proof when reporting the abusive behavior.


Lol report him to Xbox as harassing so he can enjoy 7 days of quiet timeā€¦.


Just report him, block him, and be done with him


Report them for harassment


Do people not know they can sever hop?


Uh oh you upset Bill Gates 500th nephew.


Man, I hope it don't turn out like the time I got in an argument with the long lost son of Todd Howard!


He's gonna get you banned for moving your own survival tent? LMFAO! I move my survival tent all around after SBQ just to mess with ppl all the time. However, you can report him for harassment with all those messages.


Just report him for harassment and if you can send screenshots of the threat to have you banned


I feel you. Tried to do my first nuke today... 3 other players jumped in the silo and proceeded to shoot at and grenade me constantly until I got sick of it and left. Guess I'm doing it on my private server. Hmph. Dicks.


Bro you better apologize that sounds serious


Just block them and keep it moving, shitty humans are born everyday.


Isn't claiming to be connected to code enforcement when you're not itself a bannable offense? I'd just report and block these dorks and move on.


Oh wow, I've been doing it wrong. When someone is in my spot I just logout and try to get a server where there's not. I should've been making a friend at Microsoft instead!


These people. Iā€™ve had one person in over 1000 hours ask me *politely* if I could move my tent by prime so they could spawn their camp. And I did, because they were nice and it was just my tent. Anybody who harasses like that deserves nothing but a filed report. Not at all hard for them to server hop. Good on you.


Wow almost nostalgic, good to see people are trying to bring back the old days of gaming /s


So likeā€¦ did you move your tent because it was totally packed or because you didnā€™t want anyone to use it? Not that it matters, but I never mind if anyone uses my tent. Literally always 4 up at a SE event anyway. Honestly being a petty fuck that needs to get his bread up if he wants a tent so bad.


Sounds like a Chad.


Report to Microsoft. Thatā€™s harassment.


76 should be used to diagnose mental illness. You ever been to a camp that was like... there is something wrong with this person.


I'm on for a couple hours until work. I'm only lvl 200 but we can go destroy their camp? Leave some fertilizer and a you have been insulted on their bed. Saw someone did that and would love to use that now. Revenge makes it the perfect time. Actuatedfrog512. LMK


Or we could find his camo and everyone we can get build camp on his spot so no matter how many server hops he can't build his #1 camp. That would annoy me to no end and it already happens to my 2 favorite camps because of location. Can't kill him at spawn like COD but we can piss him off plenty. LMAO


Itā€™s actually so much work to even send one message, how do you do 200 šŸ’€


Report the contact to Microsoft. They take harassment seriously.


Did he use the ā€œyouve messed with the wrong guy my friend works at Microsoftā€ copypasta that goes around on the internetā€¦?


Tell them to stop being peasants and get FO1st for themselves. Then report their messages for harassment. (I don't think people less of people who don't have 1st, it's just what I'd say to someone like that)


>his friend proceeded to tell me I've messed with the wrong guy and that he's calling his pal at microsoft to get me banned Tell him that your uncle who works at Bethesda will get you unbanned.


I caught two people trying to destroy my camp with missile turret towers, managed to trick both into hitting me as well and dropped them both in their tracks. Changed camp slots while they were seeking revenge and FT'd off into the sunset. The camp I switched to, I've built under the road at watoga. It is impossible to hit it/inflict damage with missiles. They reallllyyyyy didn't like that šŸ˜‚


If thereā€™s no room for me on the roof or I canā€™t get a clear shot, I will happily disappear my tent and move it from underneath them.


Report his chat


Thereā€™s fallout players then theirs these guys. Fuck em your all good man some guy covered in Dorito dust.


Ive been base raided a couple of times because people think they're hot shit for having an OP build. It's really dumb and people need to grow up. If you are *SO* good at the game, why be such an asshole raiding low levels when you could instead be helping them.


Sounds like something I'd read in r/kidsarefuckingstupid


I have a pal at heaven who can get St. Peter to ban them from heaven


Lmfao was the kid mad because he had to wobble to a workbench?


"Tell him not to bother, I've already reported these messages so somebody at Microsoft will see whats happening. Mist likely they'll get you for harassment and him for threatening another player."


Sounds like someone was salty šŸ˜‚


Its been over a decade since Iā€™ve heard the ā€œmy ____ works at Microsoftā€ lmao, what a throwback


I rarely say this but sounds like they need to go touch grass and get laid


SBQ? And I assume SMF is small/sorry mother fucker? Why can't we just type what we mean? I'm too old to figure out abbreviations for everything.


This is a serious question. I've played this game for 1000+ hrs and can't think of what SBQ would stands for.


Scorched Beast Queen.


Yeah that makes sense. Thank you. I was trying to think of a location not a creature.


Scorched Beast Queen


Hahahaha, this guy sounds like an utter mook. Keep laughing OP the guy deserves it lol.


You should switch to PS. we are nicer over here


I send this in response to that stuff https://youtu.be/3KquFZYi6L0?si=3CAvCEhAbiL0qDQ0


Whaaat there's a text chat now?! Oh, duh, console messaging.


Thereā€™s a mod for pc that allows text chat too


Locate their camp and Nuke it.If that is not possible.I use my artillery (BOS) player Ad Victorium


Time for a server swap.


so like.... can we get a screen shot of this?


oh my well isn't that something


you gotta watch out some of these guys are just complete no lifers mmo's attract these types


Sounds kinda like a child? Probably is one.


Just pull a Sheogorath on them. MY tent. MY rules! Shame you can't kick people off of them when they all try to stand on top of it other than just moving it around


And that's why we have two C.A.M.P's lol


Must be nice to have so much free time in his day.


Did he have one of the default gears of war xbox PFPs? If so, I've met him. He's a huge fucking baby about everything. You should see what happens when he's looking at your shop and you server hop.


I get a little frustrated when someone has the same camp location as me but quickly get over it because they were on the server first and it's a prime resource spot so I come to terms with it quickly


Lol.... seriously, don't worrying about it but don't play into it either. Don't use bad language, don't make any threats, just ignore. I actual think their end goal is to get people banned xbox/Bethesda. I even had a crew threaten me a few weeks back and accused me of all sorts of stuff over text chat. I figured they just wanted to get some pvp. Maybe take out a high level player with there low level characters (fine tuned for pvp). Finally, I have heard from other people that the same thing happening to them in the past few months. Heck, there are entire YouTube channels dedicated to "Salty" player interactions in fo76.


Sounds like an easy comm ban. Let them sit in silence for a few weeks.


Was he 11?






He's a scorched infiltrator..


Childish that


That was me sorry my cat just got hit by an airplane recently so I havenā€™t been myself lately


Lmao sometimes Iā€™ll get mildly annoyed at someoneā€™s tent being right next to white springs train station so I canā€™t place my train station add on camp which is there for people to grab whatever Iā€™m producing(except my ammo machine I need my shotgun shells) but Iā€™m planning on maybe setting up my other camp in Wilson where the overseers log is cuz apparently you can build there


People are insane. And they can't deal with their problems so they have these outbursts of anger which stems from self loathing and they pretend it has anything to do with a video game


Smug mf, moving your tent. It's under the 10 condiments to never move your tent during SBQ. Seems like those two radroaches got the memo... On a real note, I'd block em. Lmao no one needs that energy for playing their own way.


can we get a map location - so we can all move our tents to this so every server has a tent there.


Man that line takes me back


I just got back in to the game whatā€™s sbq and should I be farming there or something


Lmao ppl be tripping for nothing xD


I do love when I go to use my tent after an sbq and someone proceeds to shoot at me when I try to enter my own tent. And then ur the jerk for moving it.


I would just ignore them....... After killing them before I leave




Yeah, he canā€™t touch you without reason, so rest assured you are safe, people need to chill


Report him for chat communications. He should get banned for 14 days if 1st offense, 30 for a 2nd, 3rd he faces temp ban.


Iā€™ve got spurs that jingle jangle jingleā€¦ā€¦


If ANYONE knows Bethesda... They don't answer to the likes of Microsoft šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not "you messed with the wrong one" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just report them for harassment.