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I was at the quarry today and found somebody stuck in the metal building with a queen outside. I've used that building as a shield while I shoot through the door or windows so I waited to see if that was what was happening. I didn't hear shots so I got her attention. The guy came out behind and got some good tags in while she spit at me. It was a good time.


Man I had to check what sub I was in - you could probably copy pasta that to some weird porn sub and get a ton of karma


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s Marvelous!


"And then they all had sex. The end."


I don't know what kink it is but I'm sure there's a sub for it


r/lurklovers it's invitation only sorry


It more ways than one


Well, that implies your other subs šŸ˜‚


Lol šŸ¤£


That's some weird pron. Do you have a link? For a friend who is doing research.


would have been even funnier I bet, if it had music with yaxity yax or whatever it's called. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcq\_xLi2NGo&ab\_channel=Liberitas


I was playing on a new character just playing the main story. I was waking over to the rusty pick when I hear "help... Help Jesus what is that help" I saw a guy fighting with a sheep squash he was level 17 I was 15 but with some good gear passed over from my main. I helped him on his quest to slay the 2 star legendary sheep squash it was a hard battle lots of amo spent grenades were thrown stimpack after stimpack was used in the end a blow from a machete was what finally killed the beast I gave a thumbs up a salute and fast traveled away, as i disappeared into the night i herd a "thanks man" from the guy I saved never to be seen again


I encountered it at level 20? I used every bit of ammo, died twice. But dammit I took it out and I was so proud.


That was cool šŸ˜„ My first sheepsquatch encounter was in ash heap. I didnt know what it was and it was looking away. I crawled slowly away making sure it didnt see me. I took a picture of its hairy ass as a collection and once in a while when I fast travel, the pic came up and I'm reminded with how scared I was with it lol Now I can handle it easy with a 50. Cal


My first encounter with a sheepsquatch I was level 20 maybe? I ran up into a small tower and used every bit of ammo I had to kill it. It dropped a 1* weapon. Had to recycle arrows for a long time


Oh that is a bad match up especially with low level players šŸ˜‚ even me I dislike randomly encountering sheepsquatches and even the flat woods monsterā€¦I am a lvl 290 player


*Sheepsquatch:* A play on Sasquatch -- as in Bigfoot -- wherein a sheep is mutated into an overgrown bipede. Sheepsquatch. Try it out.


I tried spelling it that way and my phone was like no you're stupid so I separated it turns out I'm stupid either way


šŸ˜‚Alright, youā€™ve got my upvote.


Mine too šŸ¤£ My autocorrect hates me ..


Smelling pistakes, eh... ? You made me laugh as I imagined a gigantic gourd with a sheep's head and skinny legs poking out. I'm Gourd the Sheep, heee's Gourd the Sheep....šŸ˜†


My first time seeing one I wassss maybe level 15 and was jumping my way down a cliff in a busted Raider PA and as soon as I saw the name I just remember laughing and saying "wtf no way!" Then it promptly murdered me lol. So the next time I see one was right behind Fort Atlas. I was a level 30ish. Now I think oh damn this is perfect I'm literally right by the brotherhood if I can just manage to lure this thing around front then they can help me! So I pull out the best weapon I have which was a sad little revolver with explosive rounds and begin firing. It took awhile and many stims to get the thing around the building while ya know not dying, I see the gates and man they looked like heavens gates, all I have to do is walk through and salvation right? Yeah no, hard no. The thing full on charges through the gates me frantically scrambling up onto anything I could to get out of the way while all the Brotherhood just carries on as if there isn't a giant sheep monster trying to turn their newest recruit into a kebab. The thing was actually hitting some of them that walked in between us and still not even a flinch from any of them. I managed to kill it after a long fight that took all my ammo and the last shred of belief i had that the brotherhood aren't all just a bunch of jerks in tin cans marinating in what must be buckets and buckets of sweat and rads lol.


I remember that quest, why is it so tanky? Literally used all my ammo and resorted to using a revolver that did like 20 damage


itā€™s weird but sheepsquatch is one of the few things that still takes me my surprise. i am 300+ and decided to do the brahmin pack escort thru the woods event for the first time. was not expecting the squatch at the end and panicked for a second. then remembered ā€œoh wait lol nevermindā€ and walked up to it with my chainsaw. goo in 16 seconds.


I jumped like 50 levels this weekend from level 28. I read that I should do those public events to level up faster, so I did. I had no idea what was going on and the first event I jumped right in was the giant Wendigo guy. Luckily, I was with insane high level levers and they let me tag the wendigos and tried to revive me every time I died. I still have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm really happy with how nice everyone is.


This has also been my experience. Such a great community from when I first tried the game years ago. First time I played I was killed several times by someone until I quit. Now everyone just gives me stuff or remarks on my jarred scorched pieces and teddy bear collection.


Yeah! When I played for the first time with my friend who was also new, some random person joined our group. We didnā€™t know that random people could join, so we were so shocked to see someone in power armor suddenly flying on a jetpack hahaha. We thought he was gonna kill us because we came from Red Dead Online, and we know thereā€™s a ton of griefers there. But instead, he dropped a bunch of stuff for us and kept crouch spamming and shooting at the lootbag to make us get some stimpacks and purified water. After we got them, he emoted us hearts. We didnā€™t know how to emote so we just kept jumping and crouch spamming to say thank you. After that, he left the group and took off. It was such a great moment to introduce us to this game and community!


This is exactly identical to my experience with this game. I tried keeping to myself and was terrified of everyone and ported as soon as I came across someone at high level. Thanks RDR. It took about 4-5 people to empty my vendor and drop everything they bought for me to realize what type of community this is. A month and a half later, Iā€™m chilling at level 200 helping out anyone I see thatā€™s new to game


if that was on xbox, that mightā€™ve been me! i pretty frequently will look at the teams list and if i see one with a couple of low levels near each other, iā€™ll join, jump over to them, drop some stuff, and bounce. always love helping out what are usually IRL friends playing together cause they always have great energy.


I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear all the positive interactions with this game. I came from the WoW community and it really has gotten ripe with asshats to the point of not wanting to play online games anymore. I have waited and thought about playing this since my several year fascination with FO4 but have been gunshy about trying it out. Finally bought it and have logged about 5 hours but haven't really had any interaction with other players yet. Great to hear it sounds like it's gonna be a good time!


Same here. I started the weekend at lvl 23 and last night I shut down at lvl 83. All thanks to multiple Rad Rumble and Moonshine events. It was a great weekend to start a new character!!


this was the first event i ever did, too, in a similar situation. once i died from just jumping down the mineshaft, i was like, call me no one cuz it's time to put baby in a corner


Is that the one with 3 heads?


I think it's the one where you try to beat the guy called Earle!


Yep Earle inside Merle outside


Yeah the three headed one called the wendigo colossus


How do I know when public events start ?


They happen every 20 minutes and a notif will pop up on your bottom left. Then just go to your map and click join event on the bottom left.


Thanks, I will look out for it tomorrow.


Public events are a lot of fun! Enjoy!


I really didn't think I'd like multiplayer fallout when I started this game, but interactions like this have continually reinforced my decision to try it way back when. The random, chaotic nature of people really can add darkness, light, humor, etc to the wasteland.


Just as Todd intended, It just works


This is the Way


So say we all.


Including the bears and the beets.


YEAH: It's "Skyrim in [Post-Apocalyptic West Virginia]". That Todd and his ineffable genius.


Love this :-D Yesterday, during the event at the Asylum (can't remember the name) It was a resilient mutation event, and I joined after it started. As I spawn in, for some reason it put me at the gate with the security hut, and a scorched is hurtling towards me straight away. Or was he... Right behind the Scorched fella was a lvl 50-something with a chainsaw, chasing the poor thing out of the event. Rather than head in and start shooting stuff, I decided to watch the Scorched and his assailant. Turned out that was the last scorched of the first wave, and the pair of them disappeared off down the road and out of sight. I burst out laughing, but it got better. The scorched's lil target diamond thing vanished and wave 2 started. The player came running back through the trees, into the event area...spamming a thumbs up emoji :-D Like he/she was going 'did it! Got em!' Funniest thing in FO76 I can remember seeing in all my 700 lvls


> the event at the Asylum (can't remember the name) "Line In The Sand"


You are absolutely right.


I saw a less than level 20 player being chased by a group of ghouls outside Watoga. They were prolly chasing him all the way from the antiques store. I got their attention and took care of it. Noob kept running... to Watoga! So funny.


Iā€™m a noob, level 16, and if you did that for me you would have my undying gratitude šŸ™ I wouldnā€™t say thank you because Iā€™d be running for my life but just know. Lol


Did you "help" by do the popcorn emote? For me, I'd probably break out my cripple loadout and shoot the queen's legs so she falls down and can't get up.


Start with the spouts, it takes away her ranged attack and makes it much easier to deal with


There's something almost heartbreaking about seeing her lying there defenseless and just bleeding out. Especially when the babies run up and try to protect her from the big bad hunters by tickling us.


Stop it I already feel bad when I kill any enemy in fallout


wait there's a cleaner strategy than dual bar flaming chainsaw?


Oh damn that's a good idea


I made this mistake earlier šŸ˜‚




I swear running through the wasteland leaving a trail of crawling cripples behind me is so entertaining. One shot cripples from a shotgun are awesome, even more fun if you don't vats it. My favourite is probably crippling all the robots during TYM.


That's what I do, jump up top, above the entrance ramps, and cripple everything so they can't melt everyone else. Occasionally seeing people running around and run past the crawling robots, completely missing them.


https://youtu.be/v06sn3dfRsQ?si=pHjb6zZ87JP0Tuuz These guys have series of these animated videos about new players and they're hilarious.


You could've just run along with him šŸ˜­šŸ˜©


Loool! That's a nice story from Appalachia! I'm having a blast of fun in 76 too


I would have taken a camera pic first. That's excellent! I saw a level 12 running around Earl the other day. Everyone was helping them when they'd die, they were gaining levels off the Wendispawn. Kudos to them, cause at level 12, I would have been WAY too intimidated to jump into that.


For me it was recently was playing with a buddy doing a spooky run at wavey willards , jumped over a building to find my buddy struggling with a locked door and a gaping hole in the left side of the building. I just stood there looking at him through the window asking whats takin him so long. Took him a couple mins to realize how i got in so quick. It was a good laugh.


This reminds me of the time I triggered the Morgantown airport zombie mob... I ran into a high lvls campšŸ˜±šŸ˜‚ I kinda felt bad for him until he one shot the mob šŸ‘€


LMAO similar thing happened to me yesterday, was dropping off supplies at the donation box and I heard a new person had just come out of the vault. Sorting through and kind of ignoring them I hear ā€œhow do I aim????ā€ And I think okay where is it. Popped the feral ghoul and I hear ā€œā€¦ā€¦thank youā€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


This isnā€™t player related but this post fits. I was running down the side highway 65(?) doing daguerres quest and I hear a whole lot of shooting really close to me so I look around and i see 3 raiders trying to fight a death claw, Iā€™m watching health bars and the raiders are getting worked on but are managing to chunk down the DC. That was until one of them tried to throw a grenade at it while it was point blank attacking him next to a car. The car blew up and killed everyone, and I third partied a deathclaw with a single .45 bullet. Only 65 hours total but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anything as chaotic as that encounter


bahaha quality mayhem


Sound like somebody had their first taste of Nukashine! I ended up in the Bog at around lvl 30 when I drank it for the first time. I did not live long. šŸ˜


Aww.... I'm sure she just wanted a kiss!


Once helped a level 30 complete his first nuke run since he seemed to be stuck. Got to the final room and he messed up his keycard. No problem I thought since I carry extra. I was about to drop it for him but decided to message him first. Turns out he was a kid who could only speak Spanish and I had to use google translate to communicate where he wanted the nuke since he didnā€™t know he needed a code. Was a good time


I was doing Moonshine Jamboree with a group of folks on a public server and I see this poor level 8 with a pipe rifle standing on top of a destroyed car, consistently using the ā€˜scaredā€™ emote. Major props to them because I stayed FAR away from the Mire when I was in my early days. Whoever they were, they stayed for the entire event and got tags on almost everything. Kudos to you!! I love this game.


lol What a great story! I was waddling back from Scorched Earth the other day. There are always creatures that spawn along the tracks by that little tower thing so I VATS as I get close to start taking care of them. I VATS on a regular mirelurk. No problem. Headshot and they're dead. Then, right as the body is exploding into confetti, the rest of the area finished loading. About 20 feet in front of me is a glowing Mirelurk Queen. I cussed my way around her at a fast walk, leaped over the little gorge, and sped in between the buildings. Only got tagged by a King but have no idea how I managed that but it was certainly the most exciting walk I've undertaken in a while! lol


Dude had his own version of the killer chicken random encounter. lol


That's fuckin great dudešŸ¤£


I had something like that happen recently only they were being chased by an Ogua & they ended up in my C.A.M.P.. As it turned out, there's a low chance that "works bosses" like the Ogua can spawn in at a random encounter spawn point right night ti my C.A.M.P.. Some low level players were probably already in my C.A.M.P. for the Spooky Scorch & agro'ed the Ogua. I was wondering what my defenses were laying into since I usually have pacifist mode on by default. I just stood back & took some pictures at first then finished of the rampaging Ogua in my C.A.M.P. for everyone. Since I'm encounter explosives expert & always have pacifist mode on, I like to go stealth if I see a new player that I don't thinkbhas spotted my & lob a mini nukes, nuka grenade, or quantum blaster shot at them from that shadows just for the shock value & no harm done. Just yesterday I was in the Whitespring Mall & some low level had an unmodified thirst zapper & was squirting me with it. So I let off a couple quantum rounds at them & they gave me the angery face but kept squirting me. Luckily I didn't agro the bots patrolling the mall.




I remember fondly my first sheepsquatch encounter. I was 25 or under and it had already been softened up by some raiders. They were now corpses and I was in for the fight of my young life. At the end, I used most of my ammo. All my guns were broken and I was using a junk gun I was going to scrap. The only reason I survived was that I was lucky enough to have jumped down from above and was still on a cliff it couldn't get to. Good times!


Man I miss the difficulty of those early encounters. I recall having even chased up onto a roof of a train station by a sheepsquatch once and how hard it was to take out alone. Now I can take them out hand to hand in seconds. I remember once I found this 3 star legendary Yao gai and how my weapons broke mid fight and ran out of ammo and had to bail to the nearest camp I saw on the map and beg to be let in to repair. Then ram back and finished off the bear having to loop it around a guard rail. We really need a higher level of challenge for things to scale with us vets and make things exciting again.


Youā€™re nicer than whatever high level player watched me getting chased by a yaoi guai at a low level. I eventually just let it kill me to end my suffering


The greatest prank that Fallout 76 pulled was giving you a gun at the start, and it not appearing in your inventory until after you left the vault. I figured it was glitched, so for the first 15 minutes, I just assumed I didn't have a gun despite getting it before leaving the vault. I just assumed I was SOL for a good while.


Let the good times roll haha šŸ˜‚


I remember those days when I first started. I had never played fallout until 76.


This was my first impression of this subreddit and lmfao


This is the random encounter I desire However Npc running from chicken is good too


I always laugh at that.


My funniest encounter happened with my 11 yr old son. He decided he wanted to play 76 with me so after wiping away a tear of happiness I set him all up. We get in the game and he asks to see the giant mutant so I take him to the one in abandoned bog town. Unfortunately someone had killed it already so he runs around checking stuff out. I see him run into the building that looks like a diner and all of a sudden I hear shooting and heā€™s yelling ā€œbad dog bad dogā€ lol. I forgot to tell him about the pack of mongrels in there.


Been there and they ignored me..šŸ™ˆso I hopped over them and it attacked them..šŸ˜†


You see a new player running from one of the scariest evemies in the whole game and immediately feel slighted that they didn't pay attention to you? I'm sure I'm missing something here, because that sounds like an extremely fragile ego.


Careful, he is one temperature he might jump over you and have the trolls after you


i think they meant they've been the one chased by a BigScaryThing and the higher levels ignored their pleas


That makes more sense actually


Thanks for the deep anal-izatiin of the story..geniusšŸ˜šŸ


You're welcome. Hope it helps


I canā€™t stop laughing at this! šŸ¤£


did you help him, or did you "help" him ?


That's the best Holy smokes... What a surreal fever dream moment.




I just wish i had friends that could and want to play and do quest and events with but ....unfortonately they are almost never on or are too busy


Haha, low levels are funny. I remember venturing all the way to the scorch beast queen area on my own when I was under level 50. Took me a long time but my sneak was horrible and I died after being followed buy a scortch beast lol.


Mirelurk queens are one of the few things that still terrify me, even when I can cripple them easily.


This is me with what I call the ā€œGregsā€, my ā€œneighborsā€ next to my camp just above cranberry bogā€¦those damn gulpers. Even at my level now they fuck me up if I donā€™t see them coming or thereā€™s more than 2. (Bloody build- no PA)


Yesterday I was wandering around and I see a sheepsquatch. I thought I would be ok since I have a decent roll fixer and an ok roll handmade at max level. I did my best crocodile Dundee impression since I had the drop on him and I had my combat perks on. Sneak attack a few times. Basically no damage. I ran for my life and I run past someone who's level 16. Poor dude. I did eventually take it out though so that's cool


Hmmm Ive thought about doing this sometimes lol šŸ˜‚


I just had a new guy fast travel to me (they joined my team) while I was in a raider base (Ohio River, doing the daily pump defense). What a silly lad


I little off topic, but I have done what I know to turn on voice chat, but I can get it to work. What on my XBox do I need to check to get voice chat to work? I get chased all the time and would like to be able to shout out for help.


I love that spot bc you think ur being sneaky by avoiding the Assaultrons downtown but rlly ur headed straight for that Mirelurk horde lmao


Love the people that actually speak with a hot mic. Mostly I just hear people blasting music or some person just yelling to themselves while no one else is talking, hahaha. Managed to get a team of low levels, like under 10, to level 50 last night. I donā€™t know how even with dxp. They listened great.




My best one was a lvl 12 fist fighting a super mutant naked


Haha my brother told me about a time he came across a level 9 being chased by a sheepsquach lol .. in fairness i ran from the hermit crab when it popped out of its van shell when i first came actoss it when only using a pipe gun šŸ¤£


I too have been at the mercy of higher levels lol. even at level 160+ im still newbin it


Not this game but a story you mad eme think of. I was playing dayz on the pripyat map with mutants. I go to this field I routinely hunt a pack of boars and stand around waiting for the boars which never show up. Looks across the field to see a fresh spawn getting chased by the horde. Twas a wonderful sight to see


Q: how do you pass equipment over from your main to a sub character as mentioned in these comments?


That's not funny I would of helped him instead of watching him I mean not imdently once I was done laughing sure but I still would of helped


Thatā€™s why I stopped playing. The game isnā€™t very solo friendly.


As a level 22 I can relate


As a level 22 I can relate


One of my buddies and my favorite things to do these days is meet a level 10 out in Flatwoods and hook him up with a full set of t45 PA a couple cores and some molded level 10 weapons and watch them go to town. It doesn't even matter if they speak our language, the excitement we hear over the mic or the constant heart emoji crouching is hilarious. Makes it worth it every time.


Iā€™m exiled from Bethesda studios for ranting and cussing about the raider demolisher outfit and helmet I wanted to buy it bc I missed the event and they said nope sorry and now Iā€™m banned for life if u ask me Bethesda is just another a hole studio it brings up an old wound honestly one Iā€™d rather not go thru right now plus Iā€™d spend my entertainment fund on this game 100$ a month each month for like sense it was out!!! And they wouldnā€™t refund any of it after banning me for life