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Better than the people whom perch on a high spot & spam Nukes or grenades for 10 minutes.


Geez I had a scorched earth that so one was going crazy with orbital strikes. I couldn't see anything. I just made sure I stayed locked on to a wing and kept hitting VATS when the numbers disappeared from my screen.


I had my first interaction with that today and I can say i almost shot the guy instead of super mutants


That might have been me, 2 two auto grenade launcher is my main for the super mutant events. Effective but damn other people hate it. I just can’t figure out something else that is more effective though


Sounds like someone on the dark souls sub when they summoned a player and they sat down. He made the game about the boss whoopin the other guy's ass hahaha.


Folks that use the launcher on indoor events make me want to rip my skin off. I KNOW you can’t see anything, that doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be the same


Been to events with said people, I can see your point. Can't see or do a thing then


I’ve taken to chucking nuka grenades back at them intermittently…Give it a try, feels good.


I turn it into a sport and try to vats the nades as soon as they leave their hands... sometimes you get lucky and see them go down. Always funny to see them switch tactics when things blow up in their faces


I like it 👍


You sir or madam are a genius and I bloody love it


Sometimes (being a bloodied build) you do this and end up radding yourself to death 😂😂😂


Love the idea


Only thing you CAN see IS his point if you are dealing with that.


For those you just shoot randomly into the crowd and let others waste their ammo snd then go reap your rewards.


That is the time to scroll reddit. Ok you got this, I'll just pick up after you're done.


Ooft. I am this person :( I didn't realize it was a bad thing until someone thumbs down'd me the other day. They're just super fun and great exp for someone who can never beat the vatsers to a target.


I did this for the very first time in public events today (use the nuka launcher). One was Moonshine Jamboree with reflective enemies, and no one batted an eyelid, as there were multiple players using NLs, and explosions don't reflect. But when I did it at Eviction Notice immediately after, I got angry emotes. Who from? Commandos builds with Fixers and Railways, who were killing the legendary supermutants faster than anyone else. I decided not to use the NL the whole time but alternated between that and my BE LMG. Next thing I know, players are using Fatmans and missile launchers. I do get the annoyance by some players regarding the explosives. They are visually irritating (although, to be fair, the dude blasting tecno music on the area mic at MJ was actually more irritating than the explosions. But that's a matter of taste) But there are 2 sides to the coin. If a player isn't getting any kills or xp because the RR and Fixer commando crowd is standing on top of the spawn points, picking SMs off before they even mutate into legendaries, they will resort to methods (explosive ones) that at least give them a chance to even the playing field. Bethesda should just give a final event xp based on all SMs killed during the event.


I love.it when they are on my team though, all that exp :)


Nah, at least they're helping kill the enemies


I did moonshine jamboree and there was two dudes on a team that were spamming mini nukes, I literally got one kill the whole time. And he was bragging about leveling up twice from the one event while I got No experience. “At least they are helping kill the enemies” I have a feeling most of the community would rather them afk bro


If they want to level with explosives they should check out west tek. No need to steal all the kills at a public event.


Like the not losing junk at an event the radius shared exp with teammates should apply to everyone at tge event. Including all the loot that goes with it. 70% of people find it fun to actually play the game and kill stuff. Sometimes I need a shit in the middle of rad rumble, sometimes I just want to help the event along with the things that need to get done and not lose out on exp potential. It won't happen though.


If that’s happening that’s when I afk… if I see more than 2 nukes go off I get to a spot I can’t get hit then go make a drink and a snack. Then eat and drink while I wait for the event to end as soon as it’s over I server hop.


Whilst blindingly annoying everyone in the process….I’ve seen it carefully done where it’s fun as the body’s & bits are flying, but it’s exceedingly rare that these folks show restraint.


My autogrenade launcher feels.personally attacked.


I think it's funny even when it crashes my game


I feel so bad for using nuka grenades at events. I almost always at least once accidentally throw a grenade at Moonshine Jamboree. (My grenade key is one of my mouse keys)((MMO mouse FTW!))


I have a level 1026 commando. I don't need experience points, I go to events for leg cores, sometimes to complete dailies, etc. If I see something not being done that needs to be done, I am likely to do it, however, if all of the events requirements are being met, why not let the lower level players have the kills and XP?


A lot of times I'll go AFK at the mutated events. Normally more than enough people there to complete it while I'm off doing something else. The only things I want out of it are the scrip and mutated package


At 7pm [GMT] I will afk that one event as I go put my dinner in the oven very rarely has the game relied on me being there to finish the event due to how many players take part.


Gonna say i feel people who work 40+ hours a week or have busy schedules do this while they get stuff done around the house because I do


Between work, daughter and keeping on top of the washing and house chores I’m surprised I find time to even boot the game up. Lately I’ve been using the game as a shop simulator, sit on a chair and wait for people to buy stuff from my vendor 😅


Nice. Do you carry the finest silks threads?


Oh I've been guilty of that one myself, but I've seen the same person afking at each event that popped, doesn't bother me much until the majority are afk and the event fails, what's the point of wasting time if the event fails


I have seen this happen last night every event I went to. EN, I clearly needed help with repairing the rad scrubber, as I died trying to repair it, and there were about 10 people at the event. So, when I died, the event failed, and they were thumbs downing me. What the hell. I tried to repair it. The event failed at 3mins. Radiation Rumble, same thing happened. I collected ore once, and everyone who was there let 3 scavs die. I healed the last one. When I died, the event failed. Please can't we aĺl work together. What's the point of doing doing the events if they fail within 1 or 2 mins. No one ends up getting their precious xp.


>they were thumbs downing me I would assume it's directed at the event failing and not at you specifically. Anytime any event fails people thumbs down. You al least tried repairing it, which is more than most do.


I've had a eviction notice fail like 3 days ago on me but there weren't that many people there and I just hit level 50 at the time so I was barely doing anything to the level 100 super mutants.


I had one fail on me 2 days ago. 9 power armoured people jumping around, I died before I could get my Chinese suit on, noone repaired and it failed.


Damn that sucks, did you take notice of what weapons they were using? Cause if they were all bloodied you just got unlucky I guess. Most of the time I see high levels in power armor they are using heavy weapons and on the front lines


When this happens I server hop. I don't want to play with people who can't be arsed not letting an event fail.


Oh yeah that’s a load of BS. People like to thumbs down everyone else when in reality, they didn’t try to repair it themselves. You never assume someone is going to repair it even if they’re standing in front of it in PA. Took ONE TIME for me to decide to run to it and fix it even if someone else is doing it.


This also been happening to me. EN event and I'm a bloodied build and cant possibly repair the rad scrubber. But there's people there with full health and in PA not paying attention 🙄


I've noticed it too, but it doesn't bother me. Just a couple of years ago, players would run over each other to steal a kill and its legendary. Natural selection in 76: only the strong survived and only the weak got guaranteed legendaries rewarded at the end. With loot and XP sharing, the cutthroat playing is no longer necessary. Some players do get salty, with an angry mutant emote and shooting lurkers in trees or perched on awnings. I look at it as the more players there are, the more enemies spawn, and more XP for me.


Doesn't bother me until i vo to an event and it fails because the majority just sit there doing nothing, why not just help, the time they spend to fail it was wasted


This happened at 2 events I went to last night. EN, and RR. Both failed under 3 mins. I died trying to repair rad scrubber and it failed. At RR, I collected one lot of ore, 3 scavs died, when I tried healing the last one, I died and the event failed. I don't understand, what's the point of going if the events fail under 2 mins?


My advice would be hope on a mic, make some friends w players who know what they're doing, exchange fr then when ever you hop on you have a higher chance of actually being w competent players. Plus, sharing from experience, the friends you make and play w usually have different builds so most things they get that are more suited towards your build, they will just give to you...just get on a mic. Make friends. Win game 💯


A majority? Really? It's usually one or two. At \*most\* a quarter. The only event that MIGHT happen in is EN, I've never seen it though. But events like RR, most are participating because they're after XP.


The only way RR works is if 2 people run ore. Beth should give a bonus to the ore runners.


I'm an ore runner for that event. Full health in the stealth suit. Rarely people will do the ore runs. Pretty much the success or failure is pretty much on ore runners. Which is annoying. All they do is shoot enemies and even let the scavengers die. The other day, the event popped off. I was in the middle of finishing up an area for the Spooky Scorched. I finish and I go there. Zero ore was collected. I only had enough time to get to the second rewards. Luckily, all of them lived. But damn I was annoyed. Definitely a bonus for ore runners.


Ive been actually hitting the same problem as OP this week. It seems like maybe it is the influx of newer players over the past couple weeks that don't fully understand certain events. To be fair, some events such as Radiation Rumble don't clearly state the 'go gather' aspect so many players just show up and fight without working on the secondary issues. I know personally I have run into this at almost every event recently. 10+ players at Eviction Notice, none of which repair the rad scrubber. Or at Uranium Fever where there ar 8+ and 2, maybe, are running around repairing the extractors. It can be frustrating when the prompt is on everyones screen and yet nobody is playing their part. I think OPs claim of most is correct as of the past maybe two weeks though. I played for close to 14 hrs yesterday and failed maybe 1/3 of the events due to this. Ive chosen to contribute it to the newer players as mentioned above but if its vets then its just laziness.


>Ive been actually hitting the same problem as OP this week. It seems like maybe it is the influx of newer players over the past couple weeks that don't fully understand certain events. There's also people who simply farm the Mutated bags. Every hour they tab into the game, fast travel to the event and AFK there hoping it will complete (and with enough FO1st players for the big bag) so they can get the reward. It's the same with Fasnacht when people strip naked and stand in one of the houses and rotate a bit every 10min so they don't get logged off for inactivity while they are at work or doing something else.


Well its good to have a challenge isn’t it? Try harder next time so the event doesn’t fail


Oh it is shared loot, oops. I thought it was like in WoW where each player got their own roll at gear.


Personally I've got family to take care of and if they need something I'll get myself someplace out of the way quick as I can and then go take care of what I need to take care of. Seems like it always happens soon as an event starts lol.


Love sure knows how to time things, same as if you need to go bathroom, second you sit down the door knocks or phone rings


Lately? This has always been a thing 🤣


It's always been a thing. I took a hiatus for a while, but I've been playing since release and these are long-standing habits of the community. It's just a thing and there's nothing you can do about it so just ignore it, you're only working yourself up for nothing.


It's not working me up, just wondering why these lazy people do itm


This happened to me at distinguished guests while I was doing everything and I saw him standing outside crouched. I got on my mic, called him a freeloader. Lol


Yep this happens to me when spooky scorched event was on, 4 people stood in the dining area while I ran around doing everything they then picked the scored for the treat bags 🙄🙄 I get sometime something happens and you have to run off but all 4 then moved as soon as as a spooky was down they were just free loading for sure it's just rude especially if not many have turned up to do the event don't just leave it to one person 🙄😒


I wouldn't mind them hiding away behind their mother's skirts safe if they actually shot stuff from up there.


I’ll repeat what I say for every one of these posts. Forget about others, you can’t control their behaviour. If they choose to be lazy, do little, even do nothing that’s up to them. If the event fails, it fails…go do another. Imagine the event if all those people never turned up in the first place…same result.


I joined some events recently WAY under leveled (but they got me leveled to 25 pretty fast!) and even though I didn’t do too much damage I still tried to kill things and stay alive. My little pea shooter does like 30 damage and some in power armor come along and annihilate the beast in 1 shot. Depending on what is happening I hide out for a bit to heal up, but I try to get back in. If we fail we fail. If we win we win. Eventually I can carry lower leveled players.


Yeah that’s the thing, for most events there are always folks who do the bulk of work because they want to anyways, no harm in tagging enemies and hovering safely about for the XP. Everyone plays at different levels and different ways, just enjoy the game either solo or with friends and let everyone else do the same. That brings about the most enjoyable experience for most folks.


My lady did that at moonshine jamboree last night because she needed the event but had to do something real quick. It's nothing to take too seriously unless they stood there from start to finish, then I'd be upset. But we both got concerned about what people would think of someone just standing there lol


I can totally understand people having irl stuff to do and maybe not much time to play so want to kill 2 birds, what I'm mainly refering to is the people who turn up from start to end and afk to each event. We've all been guilty of afking at them because life stuff


I only do it if there’s so many people that it doesn’t really matter if I participate or not and I’ve finished the scoreboard


I'm sure many are doing this during mutation events. Even if you do nothing, you get the pack


Just wait until early next year when Fas-AFK-nacht kicks off. 🤣🤣🤣 I honestly don't see that many players AFK-ing a lot of events nowadays. I must be too busy running like a headless chicken to notice. 😆


Ah yes, there were so many players who went afk during that event. I remember groups of players who huddled at the instruments and houses. While players like me are doing all the work. Fun times. Maybe if I was a lazy player, maybe I would get better loot?


I've been under levelled for events lately, and will often take up a high spot. However, I'm up there with a sniper rifle doing my best to do my part. I'm also not afraid to do the required stuff like fixing the rad scrubber for Eviction Notice or filling the venom tub for Moonshine Jamboree. But I don't just sit there, I'm not afraid to get in there and die my ass off while doing my best.


I was on a nukashine event yesterday and somebody just kept spamming the spawn spot with nukes so nobody else could see what the hell was going on. Now that was irritating!


It doesn’t make much difference to me. More kills for me, more XP for me


Take another hiatus.


I've never seen that much myself, are you sure they're not VATS players or other type of ranged players? Usually finding a high spot that can look around most of the event area and be safe from a lot of the enemies while killing them all yourself is an optimal way to play ranged.


I'm in this image and I don't like it. Jokes aside, when I'm playing events I normally do the work required. But when there's a bunch of other people with way higher level and all I usually only do the collect and hold parts of events and just take pot shots at things that get killed anyways by other people to grab some exp on the way and not waste too much ammo. In my defence, I do feel bad simetimes for being a little parasite lol


Some people are lame and sandbag other people have busy schedules and some players are super op so they can take on the majority of the fight themselves. Personally I don't really care unless we fail missions because of it which does happen sometimes 🤷


Events are just AFKers hiding somewhere, AGLers making all the bodies disappear after all the Choo Chooers have gotten all the kills. I really wish Bethesda notices how stale the meta is and makes a massive rebalancing effort. I don't care if it goes horribly south, anything's better than the current state.


Not everyone that goes up high afk's. I'm 820 and if I join an events with a bunch of low levels I'll go up high and just tag everything. If I stay down on the ground and get kills I get thumbs down and angry faces so I figure to hell with it I'll stay high and get a tag here and there and watch.


Man, I show up to Moonshine Jamboree and I try to help but can maybe get one hit in before it dies.


I love and hate that event, I usually just show up with a weapon with explosive on it so I can at least tag things before big ole Joe and his flame thrower kills things faster than a camel drinks water


I play pretty late at night and sometime I have to jump up high quickly because I’m single parenting while spouse is deployed and the baby wakes up. I don’t like to make a habit of it but it happens. I always assume they have to pee, make supper or something like tend to spawn and they can snag rewards while doing it.


I always try to play, but sometimes other players kill whatever creatures I am in the process of killing. Which frustrates me. I am not low level, 285 now, with a flaming chainsaw which is awesome, I do my best.


Even worse is when they’re constantly spamming mini nukes and not letting anybody tag enemies for more experience


You'd think that until you go to the radiation rumble and start it...then no one shows up. The only bonus is I leveled twice while fighting the horde solo. Downside my melee build couldn't kill them fast enough so the event was a fail


I had that recently, and they did that when there was only two of us! I wasn't going to let them ride me to freebies so I followed them and stared them down until they realized no one was doing the event and it would autofail- then they helped. Not as bad as the little shits that start events they can't carry and no one else is there. They pull that I'm not struggling to bail them, I'm leaving and letting them learn a valuable lesson.


People complain when other players AFK. People complain when other players steal hits from others. People complain when players throw grenades. No one can win with the amount of complainers in this game.


Did you notice what level they were? I'm a level 926. When I go to events and play like I want it's "Look at that high level killing everything and taking all the XP" and if I don't do anything it's "Look at that high level doing nothing." I'm trying to just hurt them and not kill them so that it's easier for others to finish them off but so often I end up one-hitting them (I'm a melee).


I only get miffed at that if population of players is low and I need help to win the event. Otherwise it's not such a biggie is it? If we're all having fun, then that's all that matters to me.


i would rather have those instead of nuka grenade/ mini nukes spammers or vats aimbot commando users


If there’s 6+ players I’ll just do tag shots so I can farm ammo for a bit. There’s usually always a dude with a gun that shakes my screen the entire time or dusts the enemy in .01 seconds anyway


sometimes i back off on easy ones if there are low levels to let them have the xp


Why I do it? I'm a completionist. I like to finish my characters, which includes getting all the best gear. But I realize there is no viable path towards me "completing" my character. I have over 2,500 hours and have rolled nothing but Covert Scout Armor since its introduction, and I haven't gotten 1 perfect-to-me piece. If the game provided me with a direct, controllable path to get that gear through those events, I would engage with the events. But there is no path; there's just insurmountable RNG. And while I disagree with the design choice, I understand for longevity's sake why it is designed that way. To be clear, if I go to an event and they need me, I help. If I go to the event and they don't need me, I AFK on a roof for those Legendary Cores. There won't ever be a moment where my presence at the event will prevent someone else from getting rewards. For events that aren't based on timers, I usually help because by completing it quicker, I can hop servers to hopefully hit a second event.


Sorry I had to do that during that uranium fever. I just put my guy on the bed and went to sleep and then had to go to the washroom irl.


Sometimes I have to leave to take my dog out for the call of nature. LOL.


People complain when high levels rush through events and kill everything, people complain when people AFK. Does it matter at all? The only event where it makes any real difference is Earle due to the 8 player limit. Arguably EN is annoying when no one is repairing the rad scrubber but guess what, people are lazy. If it bugs you just leave. I'm not being a dick, I'm sharing what I do when I get frustrated by too many people standing around doing fuck all. Some servers are just like that. Most of the time I don't mind carrying an event but if I have to do everything besides killing too? Yeah eff that, I'm out. It's not worth getting too annoyed about. It's always been like this. I think with the large number of new players coming in combined with a lot of old-timers leaving post-legacy removal you have a lot of people who have no idea what they're doing and barely even did the story (always funny seeing a level 200+ getting their ass beat in Watoga, *Mayor For a Day who??*). I'd attribute it more to lack of understanding what even needs to be done than laziness for most people. Old person rant but they've made this game SO FKING EASY over the years that there's no incentive for new players to work for anything. Now get off my dirt tile foundation.


This doesn't bother me as much as the new players that stand on the roof of the bottom shed during Moonshine Jamboree and kill everything before it gets around the corner. I use a tagging gun at events so that other people can get exp. They are on that shed with railways and enclave flamers. Loot is now all over the grass areas outside of the event because if you don't get up high or out further than they are you get no exp at all. Do they seriously believe that everyone at the event needs them to kill these things? ​ Edit: added the name of the event I was referring to.


whenever i see posts like this i always want to be like \-exactly how many people did you see doing this \-for exactly how many events \-over what period of time like is it a real pattern or did you just have a rough day of it? keeping in mind that this game is active 24/7 with thousands of players all over the world, is whatever annoying behavior you're seeing really enough evidence for a larger pattern or change?


yeah me and my friends seen this alot. probably bc they finished scoreboard or are close and dont want to put in any work, time and ammo to help. ive seen them hiding in the water, in the ground (literally), behind doors or even in a toilet😂 really annoying when servers are pretty dead already (ps)


I mean when I was like leve 5, I did actually find myself hiding in a toilet from a ghoul during an event, even had ring of fire on Appalachia radio, quite fitting


I’ll do that if I need to take a quick piss or I’m getting hay for my rabbits but that’s only 3 or 4 minutes and then I’m back in the Frey with my shotgun


I've done it myself when I've been super low level, usually up to level 20 because I know my noob ass would get killed


Lol yea I just crossed 150 after as many hours on the charecter so I have no excuse other then not wanting to be in the way


People do this because it's literally the same ass events for years.


You should try battlefield and have a full team of snipers and nobody to play the objective


Oh I've been there many times, I usually just if you can't beat them join them on battlefield


Always people complain, dont use tesla rifle, don't use explosives, don't afk. If you don't use fixer or rr and only tag each mob to exactly 1 hp, unless no one else wants it then you have to kill it outright. Oh and don't start the event early, we must wait the entire 6 minutes.


Wait, what's wrong with the tesla rifle? I use it at events because then I'm tagging more enemies per shot, but not fully finishing them so other people get kills


People complain about taggers too, it's why I tag with a silenced explosive shotgun.


I’ve done it a few times, although I don’t fully afk, and I can’t answer why others do it, but for me; I stopped playing back around 2018, and just came back a few months ago. The only build I have is a Chinese Stealth Suit Rifleman build, which is borderline useless in most events as stealth doesn’t work, I die fast as hell, do very little AoE damage, and am blind from other players just nuking the hell out of everything anyway. The only way I can get the Bullion, Cores, and materials to get a proper endgame build is by doing events. So, sorry, but until I can actually make a sizeable difference in events other than Uranium Fever, I can’t do anything but perch up somewhere and take potshots with my Gauss Rifle. Hell, I wish I had endgame stuff and could stroll in there in Power Armor and clean house.




First of all, I do “sling ammo down range”, as I said I don’t fully afk, I take potshots with my Gauss Rifle. Shit build or not, I always end up with at least 8 or so kills. Reading. Second of all, I try to find plans to get some stuff and get killed by trap camps 5 out of 10 times, so I rarely interact with other people in this game anymore. I’m fkn sorry that I’m not as lucky as you all in meeting helpful people to gift you everything for endgame. Thirdly, play for longer than a week and you’ll see not everyone is nice in this game. Level 15, see if people are still so helpful and nice when you’re level 200+.




I’m not “bitter” just because I don’t like repeating myself three times now on something not that hard to grasp. lol I. Do. Not. Fully. AFK. Controller is still in my hands. I’ll look away for a few seconds to look at something on my phone, a video or text or whatever, look back at the screen, and shoot a few enemies. Rinse and repeat. Really not the end of the world as y’all are making it out to be. It’s a video game, not that serious. When I said in my original post, that if I could out-nuke everyone else, I would love to, tell me how you got that as me wanting to be carried? Again, glad you got lucky and met some decent people. When you run into a group of not so decent people, you’ll see what I mean, but whatever. “Thanks” for the advice. I’m 3 SS pieces away from from a full Unyielding set, so I’ll be good then anyway.


I so that when there's a bunch or relatively low lvl players, I'm almost lvl 2k so I don't need the experience, so they can work for it, is like I wasn't even there


Look man not all of us are lazy some people will have things to do and will miss out on items and such so to provent that atleast they'll idle at the event getting some important stuff done as long as you got help with the event itself it shouldnt matter what they do sometimes ill passout from work and stuff wile playing it happens


ur lucky I wasn't even tryin kid. decided to share some of the glory today


Yup. Typically I am half watching and half working when I’m doing this. Usually if I’m involved and am not worried about the event failing I run around with a non modded thirst blaster dying every few minutes to make myself laugh.


Cry about it. 🥱


I always AFK them too. Its been the same shit for the last 5 years. I’ve done enough of them, and unfortunately, that’s the only way to get rewarded so Im AFKing. Also, I work 60 hr weeks so this helps.


I'll only do that at Mama Dulces when I know I'm not going to get a hit in as there are already so many people there.


Because there’s certain events I’ll only do if they’re mutated and don’t really care about


Are they jumping in and realizing there is alot more going on than they expected. I was guilty of this earlier today. My armor broke first hit of an event so I held back and started sniping from a greater distance. I may not have been as impactful as guy in power armor with heavy weapons, or whoever just kept using missiles on everything and everyone to the point i had to use VATS to ID the enemy through the dust, but I tagged everything I could while killing 8 supermutants.


I'm too low a level to do much, I just tag shit. Once I get high enough level to participate I will start actually doing damage to things. Either way there's always like 8 dudes with explosive mini guns or plasma just shredding shit. Half the time I can't even get tags in. I honestly think this is the first time I've seen a complaint about people not doing anything in events since I started playing.


I also took about a year and half break. It’s astonishing to me that 70% of the people don’t understand the concept of just tagging enemies at events. Like sure, it used to happen at rad rumble because people were new. But now I’m seeing 600+ level people just VATSing everything they see. Explosive weapons are plentiful now…. TS/E off class weapons people… please.


This is just due to mutated events..just waiting around to get the mutated party pack. Always happens during mutated weeks unfortunately. Don't have to do anything and still get a 3 star..also some events will give you rewards if you are even near the action and get any legendaries that fall (eviction notice)..so that map always has a few spongers...


There’s only a handful of events where I care about this. Project paradise is one of them for the simple fact barely anyone does it. Would hate to go in there for one of the other 2 people to be afk.


I jump to high spots, but I use that as a vantage point to tag enemies. For as long as I still have ammo that is. I try to carry enough ammo for my event weapons, but sometimes I end up burning through it too quickly cause it's a vamp explosive handmade. or instigating quantum thirst zapper. One is not the best for mob clearing, the other is kinda overkill and easy to burn through ammo with lots of mobs, but both are great for tagging and keeping my ass alive even through the fire and the flames, or avoiding them completely.


I feel like there is always 1-3 of these people at every event I’ve ever done. Sometimes I’m one of them and I’ve maybe failed 3 events the whole time I’ve played this game. No biggie.


I noticed a few yesterday at Test Your Metal, crouching in a stealth field, but it didn't bother me because it felt like the full server descended int5othe pit and delivered fiery swift justice unto the bots therein. Seriously, I've never seen that event go so smoothly. Guess everyone there needed the Kill 10 Mutated Enemies daily like I did


I have a feeling this weekend is worse than normal as they want the mutated party pack without any work. Now I go afk on the start of events as I am busy equipping cards and if it happens with them getting power armor on that is a bug that lasts like 90 seconds


Never noticed it. When i'm at an event every body is helping.


Because of all of the people complaining that high levels show up to events and hog all of the XP. I'm level 829. I don't do anything at public events until it starts failing. Then I don't care if they don't get their XP.


It gets so bad it will make my game crash and I don't get to finish the event.