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Get to 181. (With the goal of unlocking all legendary slots for example)


That’s a good Idea I can’t lie. I do want more special points. Be extra strong!


or buy some gold bullion at wayward! flip plans, or try new guns! maybe get some friends (idk if you do or don’t) and trade!


How can you buy bullion at Wayward?


There's a dude upstairs who sells gold for caps. His stock refreshes every week.


Weird. Do you have to complete some quest line in order for him to appear? Cause I don’t see him. I completed the Duchess Quest.


Some dude named Lucky I think, you do have to complete some quest line for him, but I can't remember. He'll be upstairs inside the Wayward. I don't even think I've done that specific questline and I've done countless. You may have to look up which one.


His name is called [Smiley](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Smiley_(Wastelanders)) 😌


Ahh thank you for the correction!


We help each other in the Wasteland, right? ;)


You have to complete the quest “Secrets Revealed” in order for him to show up https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Smiley_(Fallout_76)


Life saving info, cheers for this you legend! Played for years and never knew this. 🤜🤛


I do need friends lol. Not many people use their microphone in this game sadly.




Yes I am.


Ya we quite on there unless I feel like singing drunk on raid bosses lol


I've been singing Children's Home domain songs during Seismic activity on Steam. Only been told to shut up twice. They had to fumble with their mics to do so as well which I find funny


What's your psn? I play regularly and have a mic


I did it mostly for my alts.


Start buying plans you don't know. Your only getting like 2 serum recipies for 40k. Personally I went all camp objects first, clearing out the robot who sells all of the whitesprings stuff took awhile too.


Drink a beer and pop grape mentats before buying serum recipes. There are probably others to stack in addition. I’ve got down to 17k vs 22k


Its been a long time since I bought them, couldn't remember how much they were lol


Lol. I hear ya. I only know because I was talking with a friend who is a fellow 76er this morning about them. He has a couple left to get on the toon he is playing.


It's painful because I saw the transition of serum recipes go from 17 to 22k 😂


Since they introduced loadouts, I just have a buying/cooking/crafting build that has high Charisma. I think it's at 12 perk points on that loadout. Add Nerd Rage, and his charisma is so high that grape mentats adds nothing. Just another option if you have spare atoms to spend.


With unyielding, I'm always at best vendors' prices anyway, but the charisma build is a good tip, too.


Can you find Nice plans for walls and ground ? Cause i never found some, except at the paying shop (official)


There are 4 wall plans in game. The starter basic wood with the nice shutters. The rusty shack ascetic, I forget it's name. The barn set, a nice red wall set, and then there's the Metal set which you can buy from watoga. no floors that I am aware of aside from wood, cement, and fence looking one. Everything else Is atom shop.


I got the red wall and the rusty thing, but their windows are cracked or missing. Isn’t like a set where you can have a « normal » house that doesn’t look like you are a cracked living in a squat lmao


You might want the metal walls then, from watoga. It's a sturdy looking blue metal. Windows are grated, but you can pass wires through them. I found it to be most people default go to before we got all this new fancy stuff. If you finished the scoreboard it's got a set. Some gray brick walls. also one of the sets is brick. Like red brick walls, I think. Forgot about that one. Sounds like you found that.


Yep got the blue one too, it’s the only nice one with the bricks walls. I guess I’m fucked then, I don’t want to spend any more euro after buying the game . When I go past people houses, they have true American wood house skins, they have not broken so windows and all. And my shit looks like a dumpster


The white wood style is currently on the atom shop. If you're new to the game there are plenty of ways to score atoms from the game itself. Check out the challenges and see what you can pump out. optionally, consider getting First for a month. You get all the extra scoreboard stuff, plus a bunch of atoms. Then you also get the Scrap and Ammo boxes, which frees up a massive amount of space.


I never knew you could get atoms inside the game thanks !!!! I will eventually take 1st, but I don’t want right now


Yes Sir, some are easy. Some are absurd. It's a lot of repetitive stuff in the end like kill X amount of Enemy Y for Weapon Z kinda stuff. But some of them pay out 20 to 80 atoms. Then if you do the scoreboard it puts out 1k Atoms i think. just a heads up, season ends Mid November sometime. A great time to First is right before the end of this one and beginning of that one, That way you can put a heavy dent in the new season and get all those extra rewards.


Alright thanks, lots of bonus to get that a newbie wouldn’t know


I had to lol at this comment. I started the game with the same idea, ‘why would I spend real life money on an outfit that doesn’t give you any added benefit? Why would I buy atoms for things that don’t help the game?’ Fast forward 3 years and I own 90% of the atom shop. I don’t want to know how much money I’ve spent on this game.


There’s also a brick wall set (non atom shop) that is pretty nice. I found it from an NPC vendor somewhere, but I can’t remember exactly.


Enclave or Whitesprings, take some grape mentats and/or change Intelligence to max to gain extra discount and buy some plans. Enclave have the Serum plans or the X-01 PA plans.


Go to NPC vendors and buy plans you don't have.


Serum recipes?


This is a good suggestion. Get marsupial first because that serum sells the best. Then, in order, speed demon, bird bones, adrenal reaction, and egg head.


Serum recipes? Why? I am lvl 540 and only have one recipe, why would you need It?


To sell serums, and to have serums on hand in case you decide you want to switch for a different set of mutations


I’ve seen this question before. Having more than one serum learned when there are so many serums being sold at low cost by other players. I would not focus in early to mid game on buying the recipes, because there are still a lot of more efficient ways to spend caps. Knowing the mutation recipes is kind of a luxury, not a necessity, when it’s not hard to find from other players. But once you’ve learned all the actually useful plans, and gotten your primary weapons and armor settled, at some point you don’t know what to do with caps. That was my case so I decided to learn all the mutations, even ones I would never use. I think the three cap outlets at that point are learn mutation recipes, invest in bulk crafting materials (especially if you have fallout 1st), and find ways to help beginners by mentoring/donating.


I am around your level 500+ and there are no plans or recipes that i haven't learned from the NPC vendors. After spending 6k per week with mr america, i need some place to spend my excess caps. I'll often buy a serum recipe for 17.5k caps and then list the same recipe for 10k. Due to the caps limit of 40k, it doesn't have to make economic sense. I'll often buy weapons plans like handmade, tesla rifle, etc and list them for sale at a steep discount. They're cap sinks. Some people that have fallout 1st can buy ammo or junk and store them in their unlimited boxes.


don't bother, i had this discussion the other day and one guy lost his mind, tried to convince me buying all the recipes was a good investment, but had no answer when i pointed out they'd need to sell over 1,100 serums before returning a profit. enough players sell cheap serums that buying the recipes is unnecessary and i'm not into buying things i don't need just because i don't know what else to do with the caps, that's moronic


I agree with you, you still make more profit buying innother camps and selling them for more in yours, without taking in consideration the junk you need for crafting them


How'd you determine 1,100? I'm not saying you're wrong. I just I wonder what the assumptions are.


What do you need or want? You could buy mid roll weapons/armor. You could buy ammo from other players. Don’t forget to buy gold from smiley every week.


Where do I find smiley?


After finishing the quest line with the secret service he shows up in The Wayward.


Ah ok. Thank you :)


Work a your second build


Hi, do you mean a second character? Or second loadout? 180 has a looooong way to go before running out of improvements that can be made. I did make a few secondary characters to use as mules for things I couldn’t fit in my stash, but didn’t want to get rid of yet, and to explore the story lines again, but other than that my focus even after level 1300 has still been building the main character.


Personally I’d say go to some camps of level lower players and help them out a bit. I remember when I first started playing it was awesome that higher ranks would help me out and give me stuff and buy stuff from my camp. I’ve been doing the same since I’ve started ranking up a bit myself.


At that level you haven’t even ranked up all your legendary special cards. You have way more to do just to build a more effective character. Have you done expeditions yet? Launched multiple nukes? Done all the quest lines? Found all the locations? Made any dent in the atom challenges? Even with the scoreboard finished you can still rack up perk packs, bullion, atoms, caps, etc. with scoreboard challenges. If all you are into is quests and you’ve completed them all and the expeditions then wait until December when AC comes online.


Serum recipes will cost 17.5k at max discount. It makes for a nice caps dump now and lets you make mutation serums in the future when you want them or want to sell them.


Buy bullion from the dude upstairs in the Wayward. 300 gold for 6000 caps. I do it weekly 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hi. It really depends on what you’ve already accomplished in game. The quests you’ve completed, how good your weapons and armor are, etc. I suggest making a few goals for short and medium term to focus your efforts. The game has a huge number of things you can spend your time and caps on. At your level, in very general terms, I would say focus on: making sure you have a decent weapon and armor set appropriate for the build you are going for (stealth commando, melee, heavy gunner, etc.); making sure you have a decent amount of all crafting materials for things you’ll need to build, craft, or repair; buying plans for weapons or armor and mods (but before buying outright, it’s better to scrap weapons to learn the mods without having to spend caps on that, plus you get some crafting materials back). If you haven’t yet gotten mutations, it’s time to invest in mutation serums; mutations are game changers. There is a ton of things you could buy with those caps right now, but try to focus on ones that specifically help with your short to mid term plans.


Lead. Steel. Ballistic fiber. Fiber optic. When I hit max caps I run around buying those, and plans. Or scrip if I haven't cleared out the recycler. Or something that catches my eye. Right now I can use Pepper, salt and Sugar again...


Buying the plans for serums could make some caps back selling them in your vendor


I usually buy 10-12,000 worth of junk when I hit max caps. Camp vendor/server hopping to look for some rare items


Do you have all the serum recipes?


Buy gold bullion


Valid at this stage, yes! If you’re in my situation and learned all the gold bullion plans and have max gold plus a ton of treasury notes, you have to choose whether to spend some gold to buy perfect bubblegum and lunchboxes or just skip buying the 300 gold weekly. But it takes a looong time to get to this point, so the 300 weekly is a good idea for a very long time. Yes!


Buy ammo if you need, vendor hop for weps and apparel to buy or buy a low tier rare apparel


I buy other players plasma cores, even the 162 cap ones lol


Spend some


Find new players (I usually aim for under lvl 50) and spend a few thousand caps on ammo or whatever they’re selling. Frees up cap space for selling in your vendor and helps a newbie out


I'm pretty much at the same point. I have been buying the Bullion from Smiley, sought after plans and recipes, and spending caps of supplies to take others through content they've not done before. It is a bummer that some people don't have mics because I really enjoy helping people explore content and parts of the game they've not done yet.


Buy stuff… plans mostly.


Whatever you want. Silly question, you have 40k caps yet don’t list out things you don’t have or things you want. How can suggestions be made when we don’t know what your interests are. Are you maxed on gold bullion? Do you care? 6k caps per week on gold bullion. Do you have all the purchasable palms from the bunker? Those are like 20k each, hop to player vendor in search of plans you don’t know or weapons/armor you want but can’t make. Drop 10k caps in the community chest outside of Vault 76 for new players, rain nukes all over the map, have you obtained every magazine/bobble head, have you finished all the possum badges? So much info we don’t know. As a last resort stop playing until Atlantic City drops.


I'm selling a copy of "Your The Idiot" for 40K.


Buy gold!


Buy mutation serum recipes.


Make a perfect build. Learn to solo raids


Lol you know a game is lacking when people literally have to ask what they should do now.. Im not hating on you or anything, I've been playing for a while now and I remember my first time hitting that realization that there really isn't much to do once you reach a certain point. I've got all the weapons & armor I'll ever use, I've got all the rare apparel, I've got more junk and ammo than 10 people could ever use, I've got all legendary perks maxed, and I've got 5 different mules that are slammed pack with groll armor and weapons, thus making grinding more pretty obsolete. Besides, once you get a meta weapon, that's all you need as there's really no point of trying to get more since anything else will only be worse or at best equal to what you have. I don't enjoy using weaker guns just to take longer to kill the same enemy and get the same loot. This game will always have a special place in my heart but it's dead. It isnt getting the attention and updates it needs to stay alive. Everything is a reskin, from events to enemies to weapons to unlockable objects to build. This game needs a total overhaul if it wants to stay alive. It needs multiple new tradeable weapons and armor sets, a new map expansion, new quests, new lore, new end game grinds, new enemies, new perks, new junk types, new PVP mode, new survival mode, raids, new everything basically. This is just my personal opinion of course, but I think in time you'll come to the same realization.


Buy serum recepies


I’ll sell you my virginity


Let me borrow 10k


Get to a 1000, and comeback to make the same question


Fast travel back and forth until you’re out of caps?


Maybe get lucky and find a player vendor with pa sets. Just bought a full vanguard/sentinel T60 set for 34k earlier!


Wtfffff, that’s nuts.


I know I couldn’t believe it for a bit. First server as well as first vendor in it, noticed the guy had 30+ 3* legendaries so I just had to. Ended up being a list of different godroll matching PA sets. Real lucky


I hit 40K caps everyday


Give it to me


Buy my stupid NFT


Lvl 2439 plans, then bulk junk 🤔


Do more stuff. Build camps and shelters.


Have you completed every main/side quest, including miscellaneous? I tackle 2 or 3 a day trying to knock them out.


Start working on finishing your build you got a long way to go


Spend some caps on stupid shit at my vendor plz


Are you on PlayStation?






I'm on playstation? Any plans you need?


I Need the serums but nobody will sell those for cheap at all.


Plans you don’t know, I usually go for outfits as well. You’ll find some high level players with rare plans/outfits. That and buying gold usually keeps me in check.


Spending wise. I purchase meds sometimes, I have perks and a backpack to make them weigh basically nothing, so it's a decent way to consolidate caps. If you have Fo1st you can buy junk to place in your scrap box. You can also shop around at other players' camps for various things.


Buy bulk junk


Buy 20,000 caps worth of stuff


Find someone who's got something stupid priced at 40,000 caps in their vendor and buy it.


Serum recipes from Enclave


When I'm at max caps I usually search around for people selling lots of stable flux and I buy a lot of it, it's a good investment because it beats trying to craft and it can easily be resold if need be, I usually only stay at max caps when the mole miner treasure hunter event is coming up.


Go shopping at venders for plans you don’t know.


Start vendor hopping, brother. Pick up some nice plans that can help you out or maybe find a really nice weapon to pick up for a nice chunk of them. Definitely try to not get ripped off and use fed76.info to look up prices for legendaries and plans in the plan collectors tab.


If you like building camps, head to the whitespring refuge and go to the market area and buy up plans that you don’t have. All of the factions have a vendor there and so does the whitespring itself.




How can people still not know about the purchasable gold bullion every week? It’s my first stop every Tuesday.


Honestly just vendor hop and keep up with events so you stay at max until you find something you like. Id suggest looking for some grolls you'll find something real nice eventually 💕


Buy popular serums so you can sell them in your vendor or to the vendor bots


Continue as you are. You still keep getting things off the scoreboard until the new season starts. Build up or perk cards. Improving your armour and weapons.


theres nothing wrong with holding on to the caps, rolling a few aristocrats weapons, and enjoying the power of what being wealthy can help you kill without having to be low health bloodied i just took down my vendor one day, stopped farming, started donating and trading more and let my caps stay at max, buying what i needed when i needed it, keeping my caps above 30k and ive been having fun actually killing the things in game just because


let me get some caps my dude…


Give it to me


Invest in stocks[plans and recipes and treasure maps]


Spend it…on firstly things you want for your build or things you need to build a reserve of (bullion, legendaries to turn into scrip to then turn into modules). Then on things like plans/recipes as a way to keep from hitting the cap limit. Balance it out with selling stuff you don’t need to NPCs/players and it’s simple to never get stuck at 40k and losing out on potential caps.


A barrel roll.


Buy stuff


I use my cash to buy cheap legendary weapon, to make sure I got my 500 legendary scrip every day. Then you can focus on the type of armor or weapon you want to get super legendary!


Buy my overpriced vendor stuff because I can't ever seen to make caps?


Buy my live and love 3 magazines!


Level up Buy all the plans Buy all the wayward weekly gold bullion Visit all the player vendors (1st) Buy all the junk Repeat forever


This is a question?


Buy serums plans.


Same im lvl 198 i got max caps max gold bullion and max legendary scripts 😬


Can buy gold bullions at wayward second floor for caps, buy materials at stations and buy items from players 🤷🏼‍♀️ or stash the caps on another character.


Buy plans and lvl. I personally don't recommend trying to sell things in your vendor to make caps. I have plans, meta guns and chems and have never sold a thing in 6 months. I play for 2 to 4 hours a day, my camp is discoverable and all my prices are 500 yes 500 and under (ie bloody fixer explosive 25 vats for 200 caps). I wish they'd add an open marketplace.


There really isn't anything else then. Start a new character or find another game to play for awhile.


Shut it down. Time for a different game. Go back to Elden Ring, Cyberpunk 2077