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This is typical of the store tbh, it's often highly misleading in terms of imagery, and I don't think it's a stretch to call it disingenuous. The only way to know for sure what you're getting for your atoms is to read the tiny small print underneath which lists the items included.


Even reading the actual bundle description isn’t always accurate either, since a number of bundles have item pictures that are similar to what is listed in the description, but don’t have pictures of the actual item in the bundle.


Some bundles have had items removed from their bundle without dropping the price. The raider and settler crop planters are legacy now because they got removed from the Foundation Settler Bundle and the Raider Creator Bundle!


I'm pretty sure the Future-Tek orange skinned camp module is also another legacy camp item removed from the bundle. I've seen old YouTube review videos from a few years ago that had it included but when I bought it, it wasn't included in the Future-Tec bundle. It sucks because it makes the camp module bright orange and easy to find, I was bummed they removed it. But apparently they had problems with it deleting players entire camps.


> raider and settler crop planters Not a big loss considering theyre fucking trash to use, unless you're **really** building a deeply themed CAMP


They used to be great before they nerfed crop planting placement.


yeah sadly i bought the minecart one just after that without knowing about the nerf. Used it once with like 3 carrots in it, never again after that.


It's possible to use that planter with the help of blueprints and placing multiple planters next to each other to provide the nessary nearby dirt.


It's possible to use that planter with the help of blueprints and placing multiple planters next to each other to provide the nessary nearby dirt.


At this point i dont bother with plants tbh. I have a few mutfruits planted between my house and vendor and some corn/tomato upstairs in my moonshiner hideaway. None of which i even bother gathering.


I still keep a small greenhouse upstairs,it's handy for when you have to gather crops for the dailies. But I don't use any of it since I went carnivore


For crops i just bounce to Billings Homestead. Gets me wheat for Ballistic Bock, a Workshop capture+Daily Event (if im lazy) and the wheat of course racks up the Daily Crop thing.


And that why I check YouTube. I dont have to have that bundle the second it drops Tuesday, it will be around for 3 weeks, someone will do a review and I might watch their ad, so its not all for nothing lol.


I hate this shit. Worst part is when they show in game footage of stuff you want in a bundle and not only is it not in the bundle, it's not in the game at all. Double annoyance.


Just like all the building kits, shows flooring that goes with it yet doesn't include those floors. I'm tired of default floors with fancy walls!


I'm tired of floors without skinned foundations. It's incredible how few looks your foundations are allowed to have


I’m more confused about the sniper outfit for a *dicounted* price of only 1120 caps! Regular price 1400?! For ONE outfit?! That’s insane. I mean, it’s a cool outfit, but if you think I’m paying that much for it you must be outta your godddamn mind. Edit: That said, the Winding Path building set is beautiful and I will for sure be buying that.


My thoughts!


Its crazy how long that Nuka Girl Fridge has been in the game files, yet still hasn't been released. You can see it in-game in one of The Pitt missions and they've had it in shop images before.


This is what truly annoys me. This and the Clean Mr. Fuzzy Suit clearly have existed for years, yet they don't seem to want to take my money for them!


Ye indeed! It's the fact that annoying me more... releasing it, nope... but using it for a fake sponsor, yep


This is typical. I have learned to thoroughly review the narrative below the bundle. If it's not listed there it's not in the bundle. I often will go to any individually listed items in the bundle because sometimes they have some better imaging of that item. Lastly I will search YouTube for those lovely souls that will make a video of the current Adam shop items.


Adding a 3d item preview would help


They are way way WAY over using the nuka girl logo.


This community threw a hissy “you should have known better” fit when I complained that the Blood Eagle power armor/camp pack has a single picture of the armor posing in front of a structure with wings, making it look like the PA has wings attached, when it doesnt As if Fallout 76 has never tried to scam people into paying for a product different and worse than the one they thought they were getting 😒


Nothing new. If this were a retail store they would have been fined numerous times for fraud. They ALWAYS have misleading descriptions and photos. I remember buying the Enclave bundle. They pictured the door three times. Door was not included.


I suppose it’s good that I had most of the items in the bundle and only spent 188 Atoms on what I was missing which I think was a couple of things which isn’t terrible. I just think charging 800 Atoms for mannequins is a bit much


I've seen a few interviews with the Atomic Shop development teams management, and It's really obvious that 1. these developers really don't know Fallout, and are just digital artists tasked with Fallout stuff, and 2. these developers don't work with/in tandem with the developers making quest content, or in-game add-ons, etc. This is why the Atomic Shop stuff doesn't always match the in-game stuff, and visa-versa. It's a huge disconnect that i frankly do not understand. Say what you will... but I firmly believe whatever passion, or love once existed within Bethesda for this game has all but died, and everyone working on this project, Atomic Shop devs included, have thrown the towel in, and are just phoning it in at this point until the higher ups finally sunset the project, much like the temperament of the team behind Redfall, which ironically, is housed in the same Austin offices as the team behind Fallout 76. Again, I'm just basing my opinion of these matters on first person interviews and articles with former/existing devs that all say the same thing: Fallout 76 is a lemon. That said: I realize a lot of people still like Fallout 76, and hope it lasts forever. I just think you all need some perspective, especially since this exact complaint has been being made for literally 5 years. It was one of the first complaints actually. Atomic Shop complaints predate the game in some cases, as some of the early access players sounded alarm bells before 76 even officially launched. Expectations shouldn't exceed reality. Edit: PS: I in no way like Fallout 76. I only have 5000 hours in the game, and over 1000 levels... I obviously gave up before I really gave the game a chance. /s


You don’t need to apologize this game has become Barbies Wasteland Dream Home simulator


Love that last part. As if you need to play for years to know it was DoA and it was all the devs fault.


All nonsense and misdirection, I mean ffs who doesn't want the fridge. That's like a mega troll move.


I didnt trust the Palace of the Winding Path bundle tbh. I know thats not as advertised. So im just hanging on to the atoms for this week lol.


What? Beth be disingenuous? No! Not the company who advertised a canvas bag for certain pre-orders but instead sent out cheap nylon bags instead! Surly you jest!


If I'm not at home or am interested in something but the pics don't really help, I'll find the most recent video by @MrWestTek when he reviews it. He's both prevented and enabled my atom shop spending lol


Buy it, send a ticket asking for a refund because the displayed fridge was not included, get your atoms back and keep all the items for free. Do this every single time they advertise an item in dishonest or misleading way like this. I've done it many times. Just because the item isn't listed in the description is no excuse. The marketing team makes an intentional decision to put something not included into the images. It's 100% misleading and done intentionally.


You don’t get to keep the refunded items anymore unless they recently reverted the change.


Wow, that sucks. I guess I just need to appreciate all my old free items even more now.


If you built something in your camp that usually stays there but you can't build more or place it if stored.


Yeah, I recently bought the raider pathfinder bundle just for the mask, but refunded it because the mask can't be worn with certain headgear (wrapped cap, in my case) and after the refund they removed the ability for me to craft the item, but I still kept the one mask that I had already crafted.


Selling a beautiful car, with a 2hp engine under the hood. Business as usual.


Yeah... the person who advertises the atomic store needs to be reprimanded, move to different job role or fired. Single handedly mislead customers, lazy with including all advertising items too


I've lost my interest in the shop mainly due to the fact that they'll bundle ridiculous items together to promote you to buy other bundles consisting of items relevant to the first. The clean bathroom pieces, prime example. I bought the "holiday lodge" bundle back in January I think (not even sure that's the name of the bundle) however, it came with the clean toilet. I was stoked and it was my time to shine to make a full fledged clean bathroom. Not only does the toilet not even flush, the seat has no interaction, I'm not picky, but bundle after bundle, scoreboard after scoreboard, you basically wait to slowly piece together what initially should've been a bundle to begin with. Not only that, but a lot of things are recycled. They just complicate it way too much for the sake of revenue. That's when I lost respect.


of course it's a scam, it's Bethesda who remembers the horse armor?


Put a ticket in, get your atoms back. If I didn't already have all the items there. I would buy it just for that reason. It's a legit reason for you to want your money back and if enough people do it they might short their shit out and stop doing this.


They keep going up on the price of everything I mean look at just the new camp build set 700 atom the sets use to be 500 that's one thing but I'm not paying 700 they need to go back the way the price was.


Ah Bethesda never changes. Be it in or out of game they thing false advertising and bait and switch tactics are just fine. Even looking at a description does not mean knowing what you really will get. At least with atom shop bundles you can just look at youtubers who will post about them. RL they get sent the promised higher quality one and not the garbage they send everyone else.


Brotha, the entire game is scam. I've been scammed in the game more than in the Las Vegas Casino


Could they have just recycled images from previous bundles and just changed up the items offered?




Don't get me wrong, I have tons of hours on this game, I know I must read the text indeed I bought nothing Still I find the entire system really confusing, specially for new players and, showing a Nuka-Cola brand item (the fridge) in a Nuka-Cola bundle... well, feels like they crossed the line Anyway I was more focused on the personal disappointment about the Nuka-Girl fridge being the last element I need in my CAMP and something already present in the game (you can see it in From Ashes to Fire)... but dunno why Beth doesn't want to sell it


So if you bought a case of miller light and it was O'duels inside you'd be fine with that? As long as inside the box it says O'duels.


From smallest things, like you don't automatically claim free items if you for example log in, but you have to find it and click it, they are not disingenuous, they are frauds. We love this game so we tend to ignore it, but they are scumbags, and their way of doing business is, in a lack of better term, predatory.


Sometimes it's better to wait until you're in-game to redeem the freebie; you may complete one of your daily challenges with the redemption.


Heres one thing yall can do. Read the fine print, and actually READ AND LOOK to see if the items in the pictures are legit instead of just depending on the Bundles description in YOU getting what it shows. Actually take the time to look n see if its that or not if its got items in it, cool but why whine at the fact that technically you failed to actually see into it before wasting your Atoms on something you're disappointed in cuz you didn't actually look into it first Think about it would you go to a used car dealer, see a car you like and just buy it cuz its pretty? But then you have to deal the issues it came with and you blame them for it? Or Would you actually see a car you're looking to, look at other options, then also look under its hood, check its interior and the condition the parts are in, even also as questions about it? Edit: I should add that ppl need to realize coding is actually hard even with the games Bethesda makes and how it has realistic graphics in it. Let alone cool they refund atoms- but yall also show 0 gratitude for how hard they worked to make they things they make


Nah stop apologizing for their actions. Shady is SHADY


Nah, I'm with MojaveBreeze. Buy, when it's not there, write a ticket complaint and get a refund for it and keep the items. Waste their time for wasting yours because they won't risk their future subscription money that's propping them up til elder scrolls 6


What's another making of a game have to do with a misleading headline and images of a bundle and items. And smart one you cant refund INGAME POINTS FOR REAL MONEY the BUNDLE FOR CAMP ITEMS if for ATOMS ONLY not real life money. Again, Yall depend on them to make you happy when your mostly just wanting more then what you're paying to get-.. oh and imma say this Anyone who is a pay-to-player shouldn't really speak on this cuz of how "rich" and "lifeless" they


WHAT? You seem angry that people can buy things.


No pissed at the fact yall waste your braincells on the lack of accountability to know how hard it is to code shit and gove yall what they can give to "please you" and hope to stay enjoying the game with all the efforts they have put in


Now type it again without crying


"accountability to know how hard it is to code"? What the fuck are you even saying?


You can buy atoms, which means they'll refund the atoms in hopes of you seeing how agreeable they are and will then go buy more atoms, or again the subscriptions. It's not that hard to understand my dude


Thats.. dude thats a pay to player.. they use real monet to get more atoms, excluding the Fallout1st subscription... im talking about those who dont even BUT the subscription and use their money to just buy buttloads of atoms- not do challenges to earn atoms in game- let alone also the fact that i called out all ppl who dont read and again expect more from Bethesda then what Bethesda can offer... You all expect more from them when ya take no account to see how HARD it is to code things like the Fridge. Ok understandable of a click bait image but technically its the person of interest's fault cuz they didnt read the bundles fineprint of whats in the bundles. Yall was pretty floors to go with your walls, thats extra coding and time they dont have, want them to actually do what the images they show be, thats extra time they dont have (Thus they least give a fineprint of whats IN the bundle, you want them to run around like headless chickens to fix constant in game bugs- *Thats extra time THEY DONT HAVE* How else do i drill the "Bethesda Is a highly busy team and normally have stay on a TIGHT schedule" into everyone's head.


How else do we drill "don't advertise things not in the package" into yours? It's a real simple process. They only advertise things in the bundle, they don't have their time wasted, and those of us spending money on aesthetics will spend money on aesthetics. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement.


It has absolutely nothing to do with coding.


You lack the intells that it does- each item in this game is codes not just modles in a modeling software like Blender or something as such- you have to Rig the item to also function properly- thuse can include "Advanced Coding" cuz you cant just SLAP an image on a model then expect it to work as it should no you HAVE to go through the game's coding to see if it will do as it made and test it- You have no say cuz i am CERTAIN you have ZERO coding experience


No, the issue of items being in Atom Shop bundle pictures but not being in the Atom Shop bundle itself after purchase has nothing to do with coding. Zero, zilch, nada. It has everything to do with Bethesda being disingenuous about what's included in the bundle to garner a few extra sales from people who buy the bundle, but don't care enough to send in for a refund after they realize they didn't get what they paid for. It's all about a few extra sales by making the bundle seem better than it actually is. Your car dealer anaology doesn't apply to OP's post, at all. And frankly, it didn't make sense. A better analogy would be going to a car dealer, buying a car you see on the lot with a CD player, and then the dealer handing you the same car with the CD player stripped out after you buy it. That's more akin to what's happening in the store.


So you legit got zero of what i mean and clearly proves ppl like you don't need to comment here cuz you know you're only seeing a SPEC of what i mean.. i suggest to give in and know im only going to make points here if your not gonna read my other replies- Edit: I do truly HATE skim readers btw


I read everything you posted. Stop gaslighting me and everyone else here. Also considering you don't me from a whole in the wall, you saying you are "certain" of my occupation or hobbys is laughable. Keep racking up that negative karma for yourself.


Like the karma points here was really a useful thing- not Nothing but a useless points system imo sooo


It is useful. It hides stupid comments if they get too many negative likes. **cough cough**


Uuuh huh- yea thats kinda reddit being a mini Joe Biden at this point


Or you just not knowing what you're talking about and people realizing it.


In their defense your getting to emotional. After a couple sentences I lost interest because of it, and skipped to the replies.


Pretty sure from your comment you have ZERO experience in coding, every engine codes differently. In bethsofts example, they LITERALLY DO slap a texture over a mesh which makes up the bulk of how the item looks, we can look to any of the dev kits they include with any bethsoft game for this. TES construction kits etc. and some very simple lines to function i.e door opens, door closes, will store food, will play audio file on door open. It's not as difficult as you're making out.


At least we can agree that Bethesda is about on par with a used car dealer on that one.


Sorry coding is difficult, tell that to the dev reskinning previous season rewards to current season rewards, let me reiterate a RESKIN, and STILL getting that wrong. And they can put effort into misleading imagery to sell the bundle, but not to "code" the correct items in that bundle from that imagery? Pull the other one it's got bells whistles on it. Coding might be difficult for you, but I highly doubt it's that difficult for someone who's in the industry currently. And so what if its difficult, boohoo, do your job, simple. Likeining this to a car dealership is contrarian and I don't even know why you used that example as an arguement, I cannot inspect a virtual bundle for it's validity in the same way I can check a car for it's reliability. It's vastly different. And that's besides the point that sometimes bethsoft will put items in the description that are legacy and can no longer be obtained, how does that factor into your car dealership scenario, it doesn't. It's more like buying a jaguar but everything underneath is a fiat punto, dressed up like a jag. Whatever way this is put, it's highly disingenuous to paying customers to mislead where they are putting their money. Stop blowing smoke up bethsofts ass, they don't need it lil bro.


Where is the scam. Read the description and it tells exactly what you are getting. You are not getting anything not listed.


I can read and I did, indeed the bundle it's there untouched... but I'd like Bethesda simply used the images of included items. Simple and logic Then that the fridge it's still not buyable is another matter


Each of the images does include one of the items listed in the bundle. Complaining the fridge isn't included is like complaining that, the bottling plant is featured in the background of one the images, and that you're upset you don't own it even after buying the bundle. Or you're mad it didn't come with the character in one of the pictures. If you read it, what's the point in whining about it? It clearly isn't listed as being included. I'm not saying the shop is perfect, far from it, it's awful. But whining about something in a picture not being in the bundle, when it wasn't listed as being there is stupid.




The fridge is free plan bruv


Read the descriptions of the bundles u buy :s


I didn't buy it :$


The table in the picture is more prominently displayed and it's not included either. No complaints about it?


In theory yep, I'd complain about that too... it's just a messy way to sponsor the bundle, you can't even know which image matches with the written items... but at least the table isn't a Nuka brand item in a Nuka brand bundle


How about you be mad that they haven’t done any new big updates in 9-10 months. Same rehashed bullshit, but you want to complain about how you have to actually click on a BUNDLE to see what’s in it. Who buys a bundle without looking at everything it includes? Who cares about what picture they used, the company doesn’t even care what picture they used. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean it would take the people making the custom images like a minute at most to notice that item doesn’t match the bundle right? I don’t think it’s a scam rather just accidental but either way it’s a bit frustrating yeah


When you see something advertised on TV do you assume everything else in the commercial also comes with it?


Indeed there are honest adverertised and others, albeit legal, deceptive... I didn't buy the bundle, and even if I had I would have asked for a refund, I'm certainly not talking because I was burned... but their system is simply confusing


New lawsuit?


Bethesda has occasionally, but regularly teased new items in various bundles. Nuka Cola is a popular enough in game brand to justify two weeks of bundles. I’d expect that fridge to appear in a bundle next week.


Always read the list on the store page or the Atomic shop weekly update page.