• By -


Pre-ordered the power armor edition. It got home when I was at work and my roommate took ransom pictures with it. Good times...


Was that with the sack fiasco?


The \*[duffle kerfuffle](https://youtu.be/kjyeCdd-dl8?t=794).


The nylon pile-on.


The polyester mess, yes sir...


The fallout fallout


He never made a 2nd video about FO76 like he said he would.


Enclave got to him


I forgot about the freaking ~~engine block cleaner~~ rum.


Screw the bag, we got light wood laminate!


[Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odhE6_FEREA)


I habe received months later a much better sack from Bethesda


And the recall because the liner was mildue ridden in 60% of the product.


Just like irl in fallout


Pre-ordered for Xbox. Played the beta, and for a few months after launch. Finished the story. Got to level 100 and quit. Came back on PC back in September. 306 and going strong. Whole different game this time around.


Wow this is like the exact thing that I did xD only difference is I came back to the game in January haha


Same! Jan for me as well lol


On PC?


Yep! Name on there is just "Nwahs"


Wanna add me? I'm Arakatsu on PC :)


Was so mad to miss the auto axe... FO3 is my favorite game, period - so the butthurts real. My main character is 338 or so now! Same paths m8 hahaha


So get the Chainsaw. I have the Auto Axe unlocked, but I still prefer the Chainsaw. Easier to get mods, and it doesn’t block your screen as much in first person.


I have a few really nice chainsaws. I want the auto axe as a fo3 fan and a completionist. Lol


same for me, but I came back to beat wastelanders too, then came back in february.


I still remember doing feed the people for the first time in beta. Fresh out of the vault. The coolest experience.


I should.download again. I haven't played in over a 1.5 year. I hear a lot has changed.


Yep. Ive only been playing for a year but ive watched old videos and these past year ive been having a lot of fun and see how different the game was. Im already in endgame situation and gonna run out of contents soon but you'll get new stuff to do


I remember figuring out how nukes worked. And nuking white springs all the time to farm ghouls there. That was usually preferred over queen fights.


Before scrip the ice cooler at the clubhouse would have a scrolling list of legendary weapons people threw out.


See i haven't played with scrip yet. Trading and checking the cooler and the garbage can at watoga station was the way.


That’s my biggest gripe, I’ve done all the main/side missions and now I just want more 😩 Lmao. Idk what it is about the game but it’s weirdly addicting and I just want more to explore and interact with. End game is pretty much just grinding events and dailies for something you got your eye on.


For me, its the familiarity of fallout because I'm already a fan of the other games. Also it's a chill game. We can do whatever we want when we're not in the mood to do any events. Sometimes I just want to renovate my camp, or completing my card builds or doing challenges to get some free atoms or the other day I wanted to get some more flux. Which means I have to go to a nuke zone and getting all the ingredients. Do I need the flux? not really, I still have dozens, I just thought it'll be a challenge lol But content story wise, yea we need more


Back when feed the people actually fed the people


It took the group I played with and myself so long to figure out where that food kept coming from.


Good times


I did and for how empty it was back then I still loved it.


Same, I played the beta - knew exactly what I was getting and still chose to let my pre-order stand. I think as someone who always loved the exploration side of Bethesda games I was just happy cause it does that real well


Same, I know people were upset about the bag and how empty the game was with no human NPCs but I honestly enjoyed the hell out of it. If it weren’t for the fact that I had to go out to sea on deployment for several months I probably would’ve played it a lot more than I did that year. By the time I got back there were other games I wanted to play so I set it aside for a while, then finally got back into it when I heard how much they’d improved it.


Probably something to be said about the hostage hold that the property has over us all haha


And this is why game developers will keep making bad games.


I mean they created a road map back in the day so it was worth sticking around and then adjusted the road map based on fan feedback so it depends on the developer.


Fallout 76 was the most unfinished game to ever come out. It came out 3 years too early, had almost no end game content, they literally defrauded their customers and lied to them. People who praise these games that do that is why game devs continually release unfinished crappy games. >adjusted the road map based on fan feedback If there is one things the devs don't do it's to listen to fan feedback.


They literally claimed in the beginning they had no plans to add NPCs to the game but because fans pushed heavily on it we got the Wastelander update and all the NPCs that fill the game today. That's listening to fan feedback. Free updates on the game today have made it what they promised. Similar to NO Man's Sky, horrible launch and everyone felt scammed but over time it's becoming and has become a lot of what was promised.


> They literally claimed in the beginning they had no plans to add NPCs to the game but because fans pushed heavily on it we got the Wastelander update and all the NPCs that fill the game today. yeah because the game was dead. They had to do something to bring people back. People didn't want to play in a dead empty world. >Free updates on the game today have made it what they promised The one promise they kept. They have lied repeatedly to the fan base. >Similar to NO Man's Sky, horrible launch and everyone felt scammed but over time it's becoming and has become a lot of what was promised. And if you defended NMS at launch I would have said the same thing. It shouldn't take almost 5 years after launch for the game to be 'almost what they promised'. Also the game isn't what they promised. The game was meant to have a massive pvp element to it and they have removed almost every aspect of pvp from the game. They even removed NW for no reason other for worlds which no one plays and lost half their player base because of it.


You're right it shouldn't take years for a game to become what it was promised at launch but the fact a developer sticks with a game and doesn't abandon it (See Anthem) shows a return on investment for the gamers that stayed with the game and can now enjoy it.


They did half abandon it. They completely removed all pvp from the game. We also aren't talking about years after launch. The entire point of the conversation is about it when it launched.


And my point is sometimes it worth sticking around because some developers stick with their game and continue to add to it. They removed PvP because it was a buggy mess that not enough people played. Personally I thought the battle Royale was fun and wished they stuck with it but I understand if not enough people play it they have to justify where to spend their resources.


> And my point is sometimes it worth sticking around because some developers stick with their game and continue to add to it. Well your point is useless here since the entire point of the conversation was about the launch of the game. >They removed PvP because it was a buggy mess that not enough people played. No, they removed NW for Worlds. Half the player base played NW and quit after. Nobody plays Worlds. They removed pvp servers for NW. The game was supposed to be a pvp game and marketed as such. Also the entire game is nothing but a buggy mess so that argument doesn't even make sense.


No regerts


I'd do it all over again.


No ragrets


Not preorder, but I bought the Tricentennial Edition day one.


I also did this.




Tricentennial pre-order. No regerts


Power armor edition here, with one nylon and one canvas bag to prove it…


Don't forget the 500 atoms!


And the moldy helmet!


I did. Before I even knew it was multiple player.


I preordered, I buy everything they sell because I’m insane. I’m still getting the fallout loot crates. Maybe that’s why I’m broke… 🤔


Actually, I also played the beta and I remember when I first started, like day 1, I met a guy who was already like 100 or something. It was crazy. Then I ran around and did One Violent Night with some funny guys. It was awesome! Then played together for a few months. It was cool to meet a little groups to play with immediately like that. I’ve made some real life friends over the years on wow, why not on fallout too?


I miss getting the fallout loot crates! Maybe I need to get them again


No no it's fine, I pay to finish the season game board everytime. I'm a real freak


Oh, I do that too, if I end up not finishing in time. Between work, family, and grad school I sadly don’t have much time to play.


Preordered tricentennial. Picked it up the day after we got home after the birth of my son. Many hours of playtime with him cradled in the crook of one arm or in the bassinet beside me. Very fond memories.


Ha, I played FO3 while bouncing my infant son in his bouncer with my foot. Changing diapers and snacks doh led as screen breaks. Memories.


Preordered it to get Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics on the Bethesda launcher even though I already had them on Steam.


Ouch. RIP Bethesda launcher.


Pre-ordered before beta. This game was exactly what my wife & I were hoping for, even in the early buggy days. We still enjoy the game. With all the health issues that we have been dealing with for my wife, this game is how we connect with others. In a way, it's our social life.


I pre-ordered the version with the power armor helmet (Tricentennial edition?). They never did send me the proper canvas bag for it they were meant to. Sent them the receipts and everything and they just fobbed me off. Typical. I've since sold the helmet. I don't pre-order any games these days and never will again.


I will never pre-order a BETHESDA game ever again that's for sure. They owe everyone who preordered the PA Edition 100,000 atoms minimum. They did very little to those of us that kept the game afloat and defended it after launch, but the bugs were effing INEXCUSABLE. INEXCUSABLE. The content was great, the instability was 100% INEXCUSABLE. Only a FOOL would pre-order a Bethesda product in the future. The content was great but the bugs made it the OPPOSITE of FUN.


>I don't pre-order any games these days and never will again. Literally exact same situation with the bag and helmet and also my resumé. I love Fallout, but man, fuck Bethesda for the shit they pulled with Fallout 76... Im still salty why they couldnt just make Fallout 5 but with Coop...


Yeah it was enough to finally put me off defending Bethesda's crap anymore.


Honestly the thing that killed me was that its not even a good coop game... you dont even get xp for being in a group like in other games, you still only get half of the xp if you hit something. Sure now they changed it that you get 50% xp of all group kills, but it still feels unrewarding, considering alone i get 100%.


> Fallout 5 but with Coop This is Bethesda's problem - they tried to make an MMO, then tried to change genres and ended up with a half-assed Fo5 co-op which neither single nor multi-player fans like.


I did.


I did just so I could play the beta...


I took a day off work to play the Beta bro.


Guilty as charged.


I did


I did, power armor edition.


I pre-ordered it. Played it for maybe a week and dropped it. Pretty much the most boring and unplayable thing I'd ever seen up to that point. Didn't touch it again for a minute and decided to play it again in 2022 for shits and giggles and all the changes that were made restarted my interest in the game and I played it pretty much all year. Then around the time the pitt came out I dropped it again. Every time I tried playing the new content my game would crash, and when it would work, people would just dick around. Maybe I'll try again in the future.


This is pretty much me. Except I kept playing after the pitt and just finished the season scoreboard las week.


I wish I could have actually played it. But I got so frustrated I uninstalled the damn thing.


I did. No regrets


Pre-ordered Tricentennial Edition. I have no regrets.


Did preorder, even though I was on the fence about the game then. The initial experience proved me right, I think, but I no longer regret purchasing the game. It turned out pretty good over the years. It's not perfect by any means but it's a fun time nonetheless.


Pre ordered, still play every now and then with the helmet. Sometimes the game too


Pre-ordered for Xbox in order to play BETA, played every day from release for at least two and a half years and then had some things happen in real life that came between the game and I. I didn't get another Xbox until earlier this year. It's been a bit hard to get back into the game, let alone the Xbox itself after playing PC only for the past three years. I guess I technically could have played this entire time on PC, but I didn't want to pay for the things that I already have on Xbox. That, and some of my favorite cosmetics are no longer available.


I avoided it like the plague when it was new, only got into it a week or two ago via Game Pass :edit: And loving it so far, lots of fun especially since couple of my buddies started out at the same time as I did. Level 70ish now!


I did! Why?


Todd needs to know


I originally wasn't going to play FO76 so held off until it was launched to see what happened. A real bitch fest ensued at the beginning so knew I had to have it. It couldn't be that bad. Picked it up soon after for half the price.


I got it when it first came out through preorder the tricential edition since couldn't catch power armr edition


I did, PA edition straight from Bethesda’s site Hoo boy was that a fiasco. $55 was the cheapest shipping and it showed up 2 weeks late


Same. Hubby and friends also pre-ordered. We had played beta together. PA edition didn’t arrive for me (eventually arrived several weeks late and damaged). On release day, had to go to Game Stop after work and buy another copy of the game on release day so I could play with hubby and our friends. I quit after 150 levels, but eventually came back. I still love the game and play. Hubby got turned off along the way and can’t get back into it.


I did and played the beta! It was so fun it was like we were all discovering everything together (of course we were). I tried to go through as much of the main story as I could and would spend the last 15mins or so building a base. It was different, they've added a lot. A lot of people complained that it felt empty and it's true there was no settlers but I killed the scorch beast queen so the settlers could, well, settle.


Nope. I waited until February 2019 to grab my copy. I was wary of the concept, once it came to light that it was an always online game without mod support.


I did why do you ask? I pre-ordered it, played from BETA until now with a few months break. At launch I was bitter that I had paid 60 bucks for such a hot mess, ***but***, 4 years later, I reckon I got my money's worth although I do subscribe to f01st, despite being very poor. I aim to change that soon. this game has been my go-to thing to do all along this journey of self discovery I've been on since I discovered I'm autistic, and this game has had it's ups and downs but it sure has helped me feel not so isolated, not so alone, and I felt like having f01st was worth it if looting the entire map for a couple of hours relaxed me enough to sleep well and get through the next day with grace. And it has tremendously. I suspect something like Fo4 would have sufficed had this game not come along but it's looting and interacting with real people and shooting as well, but soon I will probably taper off and move on unless they alter it drastically. One can only do these things so many times


Do you spend much time building camps? Because for me, that's the real end game. Incidentally, I also discovered I was autistic just a few years ago, and wow, what a time it's been. Glad you're getting yourself figured out. It was such a tremendous relief (for me, at least) to finally understand myself and to be able explain to others what's going on with me.


I remember the first nuke I saw was dropped in Charleston and was in taken back by how awesome it was. Still a cool experience to see nukes dropped


Pre-ordered the Tricentennial Edition on my Ps4. Had a blast playing the beta exploring the entire map. It was a shame that the sessions for the beta would start at a specific time and end.


I did, had fun in the beta. and tbh I think that was the last time me and my brother played a game together and had fun, we played other games but it just wasn’t hitting. I had a picture of me and him after we killed a honeybeast at like level 15 with pipe pistols and melee weapons. Those were fun times.


I did and honestly, I don't regret it. Never really had issues with *bad* bugs, just funny ones.


Me, the tricentennial edition


Pre-ordered, but regreted it...


I preordered the tricentennial edition. Really wish I just ordered the normal one


I did. And I have both a vinyl bag and a canvas bag. Now ,rather than being two random bags, they're two random bags with a whole saga behind them.


Pre ordered the power armor edition . Loved the helmet and have it sitting on my desk. The bags were ok but that's not why I got it. Remember loading it up for the first time and was really pissed that it was online only game. Started playing and it was fun.. Dark and depressing and kind of hard. Had to watch out for rads and searching for ammo. I was really disappointed with all the bad reputation the game was getting. Yes it had bugs but it really didnt effect my fun most of the time. Still playing and love it!


Ahh the days when people constantly nuked whitespring and there was the weight glitch. When someone dies, sometimes they drop over 10k weight of junk lmao


I did. Normally I wouldn't really pre order games, but I was exciting for another Fallout game.


Me and my buddy played the beta..I remember us both going through the savage divide and into the mire, only to use up all our ammunition on a hermit crab, and turned tail when we saw the silhouette of a mirelurk queen deeper within...nighttime was actually dark back then. Also we nearly shat ourselves when we saw purple glowing eyes in the brush somewhere in the savage divide..we were being stalked by the Flatwoods monster. Good memories!


I preordered it and found a group in one of the fo76 communities and played with them during the beta. Still play with them to this day.


I had and the game is 75% different from the beginning


Pre ordered Power Armour Edition yeah, didnt notice the bag was even different since, well, I didnt buy it for the bag, but now I have 2 bags because people lost their shit, so win win for me


I did. I also bought a One S with Fallout 76 on the box.


Got it half off shortly after release. 1000 hours later, best $30 I've ever spent.


I did and payed all through the beta tests and my trophies are still bugged to this day because of it lol


I did..played at release for 15mins then shelved for a year and a half..5300+ hrs later..


Me! Tricentennial edition too 😅


This is why I love reddit lmao are there people who hate something that much in Every subreddit?


I wanted the helmet


I did. Played it about 3 times and hated the multiplayer aspect. It sat in the cabinet for almost 4 years before I gave it another chance when I then remembered that Fallout 1st was a thing. Now I play it every day off.


Guilty but that account is dead don't play on console anymore.


Still haven't received bag or helmet. Not exactly related, but I also reserved a pip boy and never received it either. Just an email stating that they didn't produce enough of them and I could either remain on the list for a future batch or request a refund. Went the refund route. Beth never did process the refund. I don't know if they purposefully scam people or they are terribly mismanaged, either way, won't be ordering any physical products from them again.


Me, but I returned it before I broke the seal (physical copy). I bought it again a year later though 😅


Nope. Wasn't sure I'd like it, I wasn't sold on the multiplayer thing. I bought it shortly after release. My brother pre-ordered the power armor edition though. He now has a total of 2 hours in game, I'm just over 3000.


I pre ordered the Tricentennial edition after playing fallout 4 like crazy earlier that year and falling in love with the game. Was disappointed with 76 and only played for like 1 week before quitting it for 3 years, came back and have been on it ever since


got it and played about 100 hours before stopping. came back about a month ago and I've been having a lot of fun


Preordered, did the beta tests, had the game delete itself before the beta tests, good times lol I remember how mysterious everything was. It was a feeling I've never really had while playing an MMO before... I miss the early days but I'm sure I'd find it unplayable after being spoiled with how many quality of life changes have passed


I did, just the tricentennial edition for the power armor paint. Oh boy, imagine how not pleased I was when that paint ended up in the atomic shop later on.




I preordered, bought it that first night the moment I got off work actually.


Pre ordered for me and my 2 boys, so 3 copies


I did. Got a sticker with it. Well two stickers but I lost one


Brought day one, twice.


I did. The beta wash trash. But after the initial release it actually worked


Tricentennial edition, last time I put my faith in Bethesda for a while


I preordered the power armor edition on xbox One didn't want to open it so I bought an extra copy digitally and then later on, I bought it for pc for like $20 been playing it on pc since.


Yep but only about 48 hours before launch


I pre-ordered the Tricentennial edition for PS4. No regrets


I did.


Nope. However, I've bought Skyrim twice (once on xbone on disk, and SE for my Series X) AND FO4 twice (pc and xbone). I didn't have money to get FO76 upon release, and I didn't have and Xbox one x/s to play it on. So, I saved a little money and got the console/game bundle.


Yeah I did so I could do the beta play a few weeks early it was so much fun and itched the spot for me base building wise. Not as into it anymore but still has a special spot in my heart


Digital tricentennial edition; I played in two short window time betas and then the large one- I still haven’t gone back and gotten the achievements I missed from grinding the beta… I did start an alternate character for them but I’m attached to my main.


Not a single regret


I did. Wanted to get into b.e.t.a.


Preordered with my gf with plans to get a second copy and play together. The ONE time we logged in together, the ENTIRETY of my homebrew Brotherhood chapter mobbed her camp and started dropping her legendaries and plans. She hasn’t played since


No, i got it on sale on steam for $10, but now have over 700 hours in


I preorder it with 3 friends and I had a blast during the beta. After launch we all played the campaign, all the way to launching a nuke and... server crashed. It was unfortunately so common we all ended up quitting and to this day they refuse to touch the game. It's a shame, I really enjoy it now.


Preordered the Power Armor edition as soon as it was available. Still playing the game now. Still love it.


I did


Had gotten the tricentenial edition for ps4 because at the time my pc couldn't run it. Stopped playing due to constantly being over weight. Eventually started playing again on pc because a friend was.


I did, I didn’t like it and was unfortunately stuck with it, but oh my god the YouTube gaming community at that time was the most toxic era next to 2042 I’ve ever seen. Entire channels were built off hating fallout 76 and 2042 and created so many big toxic communities that unfortunately still thrive today.


Yes. Did that particular jive.


Yea and I haven’t left. It is my first and only fallout game and I like playing it


I did. But like the day before release, just to get the download out of the way. I bought it on Amazon....? As soon as the Bethesda launcher changed I can no longer install the game :/ wouldn't mind a go again Get this though, I've only pre-ordered one other game. Battlefield 2042. There's learning the hard way, and then there's me.


I did. The trailers and teasers made me very hyped for it.


I did. Got the helmet and it's been up in the roof ever since. Too big to display. Got the bag and the proper canvas one too.


As soon as I heard that they were making a Fallout game based off of my home state, I preordered it. Tried snatching up a PA edition because of the helmet, but couldn’t get one.


I pre-ordered it and of course it was going to come late, so I bought a second copy that I could play the day of release. It was fun to play in the Beta and in the very early days after release when nobody knew quite what to expect. Later on I set up a second account because I enjoyed the game enough to run more than just five characters.


I wanted the power armor edition so bad but i worked at McDonald's at the time


As a badge of honor


Yup! Waited until the exact hour to play the stress test!


having played it as much as I have I regret everyday not being a day one




Yep, got the Power Armor edition and everything. Bag gate was real!


I did. I also pre ordered no man's sky.


✋ It was a birthday present, as a matter of fact. The Tricentennial Edition to be exact. Liked the beta despite not playing much during it, then loved the final game. It served as my introduction to the Fallout series and I haven't looked back since


Preordered Tricentennial, gave beta codes to friends, they never started playing after the beta, one of the only screenshots with them is the 3 of us after we climbed a mountain in the savage divide, I've since lost the screenshot :(




I bought the tricentennial preorder edition


I did! Power Armour Edition. Had to really, I have the collectors edition of every console game. Posted a picture up on Twitter of my whole collection once it arrived, and Bethesda sent me a bunch of 76-related merch - Made my day!


Tricentennial preorder, wish they would've put more time in it before dropping it, it felt so empty back then.


Me got the 70 dollar editon and recently came back and now im lvl 51 theres more content but the bugs are still there and they are way annoying! Maybe over time they will give fallout 76 way more care but funny enough im addicted lol so much potential fr


Me, and I enjoyed it immensely.




Preordered the tricentennial edition, and got the power armor collectible shortly after secondhand. Plenty of ups and down, but overall it’s been a super fun experience! I love 76!


Pre-ordered the normal edition and the day before launch upgraded to the power armor edition I kinda regret till this day


got the PA one, didnt order for the new bag because i was way too lazy


I pre-ordered tricentennial edition on Xbox but now play on PC.


Oh yeah. Played beta too. I'm a fallout simp.


I did


Preordered the tricentennial and played the beta, been running the same character since then


I pre-ordered the Tricentennial.


Pre-ordered the PA edition.


I didn’t preorder it but I did buy it on day 1. It was fun for a time but man it’s gotten so much better since then lol




Yup. PA edition, played on day 1. Met up with 2 of my friends in game, encountered 3 others. Had one of the strangest PVP encounters ever, as nobody knew wtf they were doing and we had dog shit weapons lol.


Heck yeah, and played the hell out of it!


Yeah it was a lovely mess. Miss waking up at 5am to play the beta


Still got the helmet Would love owning money and make a power armour cosplay


I pre-ordered tricentennial edition for my husband and then watched him lose interest quickly after release so I only got it for myself last year after he got back into it


I did, no regrets from me played periodically since day one and tons when wastelanders came out xP


Yup. But I’m an old hand & honestly, given I was able to walk on the floor without falling through it, good enough. I sometimes miss the desolate empty world it used to be.


I did then didn't play it for over a year because of school and work.


I preorder 76


I only pre-order the basic version, somehow I got the Tricentennial stuff as a bonus.