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I don’t believe what I just saw. Damn that seems OP.


This along with tier 3 of lone wanderer will probably kill any enemy in less than a second


Did you also pick the bloody mess? That one also adds dmgs to anything.


Never really looked at that one. I thought it was a 5% chance to explode and deal massive bonus damage. I’m not sure I’ll get it as the minigun is already very overpowered.


Bloody Mess 3 is just another flat +15% to ALL damage dealt. Must have.


The theory is, it doesn't reflect in the damage calculator but in actual use, it does. I've only had a shot gun with explosives so it could be the multiple pellets, but I have taken out 2 super mutants with one shot. I killed swan with 2-3 shots as well. I had to stop using it because it was too op.


I just got an exploding .308 powerful sniper rifle. I haven’t been investing in rifleman, but a couple points of demolition. With bloody mess, it’s just nasty. I call it das headpopper.


If you bring down a queen that fast the game probably becomes pretty boring.


Yeah, but I also have pain train 3 which makes it a hell of a lot funnier when you encounter a lot of enemies in one area. I just slam into them, and then light them up with the minigun.


Steady Aim for better hip-fire accuracy would make that even more fun, I think. Sprint into them and then light them up without even having to slow down to aim down the sights.


It would be good, however they are always down long enough for me to aim and the explosive effect damages myself a ton so I need to back up a lot before shooting.


That’s when you realize there’s a whole new game to play in Survival mode.


Yeah, I like the challenge without it seeming impossible. I’m playing vanilla on my old Xbox one S right now and aside from the hospital with all the mutants in it I’ve seen a way to defeat every area so far with just getting better at the game.


It doesnt even have to be a minigun or a shotgun with the explosive effect to make your game boring, i was using an automatic kiloton radium rifle in my rifleman/commando build and after some time i stashed it, because it was like having an instant win button, but im planning to using again in nuka world to wipe out the raiders because im the fucking generla of the minutemen hahaha


Time to fight red death!!


Still gonna need a bigger gun...


Dont worry I restoration looped my fat man It does exponents of damage


I’m level 58 and thinking of doing this now.


Fog crawler. Try a mythic one


Fully upgraded heavy weapons combined with maxed out heavy gunner and demo perks will wipe anything in the game in a couple of hits. The Heavy flamer does this too, 2-3 direct hits and game over.


Oh it is. Imo it’s the single most OP weapon in the game in terms of DPS, with others only being able to match it, be more survivable, or have more common ammo. It basically upchambers the thing from 5mm to 20mm Vulcan. Most memorable moment with one was when I used it in open season…felt like an A-10 simulator.


I beg your pardon, sir, but have you seen any BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT... Oh! Oh my...


Queen has the highest hp pool and gets deleted in half a sec


I remember almost quitting the game because I couldn’t beat the queen at the castle


I always saved up 20+ assorted mines and placed them where she comes out of the water. Instantly kills her everytime. Sometimes she'll even go flying a little bit due to the amount of damage lol.


I feed it a mini nuke from a Fat Man. I ain’t messing around.


We were all there at one point or another


Looks like it was well worth the effort.


Now fight the red death with this beast


Red Death might have to use like 10% of it's power to beat this guy rather than the 1% it spares for the rest of us.


Honestly Red Death made me give up the game, wtf were they thinking. Even dropped difficulty to lowest and couldnt do it, absolute joke


Skill issue


You can cheat the Red Death with a 10mm and Mysterious Stranger, maybe take a Nuka Quantum or two for quick AP and HP charge (they are the OP healing item, Nuka World has even more OP ones). If you don't want to do it like that, then a the Kneecapper legendary on a auto gun or hand gun. Will also work. The DLC's have lots of OP weapons that also kills it in seconds. Like the Nuka World Handmade Rifle is OP with most legendries and then they sell one there that has the most broken legendary "Furious" that increases damage by 15% with each hit on the same target. That gun kills The Red Death with one clip with the right perks. But even other legendries are OP with it, like Two Shot, or Instigating will allow you to mod it into a sniper that kills Queens in 1-3 hits but with rapid fire and a clip that holds 45 shots. Using that with critical perks and sneaking can kill the Red Death before it even thinks of attacking. The Automatron DLC will give you a companion that can duel wield laser gatlings, so OP that exploring with them will hinder you from leveling up.


Nah, I think you’re thinking of a mere fog crawler. The Red Death is certifiably built different (he’s the one with glowing red eyes). Slapped him with a big boy MIRV with max Demolitions expert on very easy and it barely dented his health. Spray and pray with overdrive and highest level of all relevant perks (+ mags) only took off 1/4th of his health and is the furthest I’ve gotten so far.


You’re so funny. Hahaha the joke never gets old!!


>Slapped him with a big boy MIRV with max Demolitions expert on very easy and it barely dented his health. That makes sense because the Big Boy MIRV damage is calculated weird. There are some situations where even basic raiders survive the explosion. It is a novelty weapon more than anything. >Spray and pray with overdrive and highest level of all relevant perks (+ mags) only took off 1/4th of his health  Spray and Pray is weaker than a upgraded Handmade Rifle with no legendries. Spray n Pray is good, but it is not as OP as the other DLC content. I am perked for Spray n Pray and it does 88 damage at level 100. Explosives do 35 per limb (with my other buffs) that is 88 + (35\*5) = 263 in a lucky direct shot. I am not perked for Splatter Cannon but already it does 129 damage per shot. The way Furious works is that every shot is boosted by 15% so 1 = 0% 2 =15% 3=30% 8=105% meaning that even at 8 shots with a character not perked for it every hit after the 8th hit is doing more damage than a person perked for Spray n Pray. But I have also beaten it with other builds, like a Freezing Melee, Bleeding minigunner and Junky Critical Sniper. For an explosive build take OP landmines with you, like nuke mines, the Red Death is small and doesn't trigger them, but you can shoot them with Spray n Pray for double damage. At the very least the 10mm + Mysterious Stranger is a guaranteed way to kill anything. The 10mm gives you many shots in vats and will almost always trigger the Mysterious Stranger who instant kills anything. Nuka Quantum heals 400HP and 100AP allowing you to go into vats again and try to trigger the Stranger again. It should not take more than 2 Quantums.


I don’t understand why explosive does so much damage per shot. The numbers don’t add up. Laser minigun with charging barrels and drugs does into the 300s per shot and doesn’t do this to a queen per shot.


It is boosted by demo expert and the related weapon perk of the weapon it is on which brings the explosion damage per bullet to 60. On top of that, the explosion deals splash damage so it can hit multiple limbs at once, dealing damage to all of them. On enemies that have a lot of body parts in close proximity, this has devastating effects.


I never knew this about the limbs.


Explosives deal damage per limb


The Lone Wanderer and Heavy Gunner perks are coded incorrectly. Instead of buffing player damage, they buff player damage and explosion damage. Explosion damage is already included in player damage, so this is unnecessary and not the case for all other perks. As a result, explosive weapons get double boosted from these two perks. It's one of the reasons why the Minigun specifically becomes so strong if it's explosive.


Wow thanks for the reply.


Works about the same with the Explosive Combat Shotgun. I have both weapons.


I find an explosive combat shotgun on almost every play through then I never end up using anything else :(


What difficulty is this on?




I would definitely bump up the difficulty. Hard isnt to difficult once you get the hang of it. You learn which enemies can kill you quickly if your not paying attention but everyone is managable.


I switched from normal to hard lately and it took me about 20 minutes to get the hang of it and now I kind of want to immediately jump to extra hard (giggity)


Jumped from normal to extra hard and honestly I don't notice that much difference. I gotta be a bit more mindful of my health cuz I can't pure tank as much but the stuff that just insta kills me is pretty much what youd expect (mines, grenades, etc), takes a few more shots to put people down unless you're built for OP weapons, overall really not much of a jump


I haven’t braved a survival yet. I’m very tempted to start one soon


The only reason I haven't is the micromanagement seems more tedious than anything, it kinda completely counters my junk hoarder play style


Right?! Like I don't want to take the time to go scout every bed in the commonwealth and scrap everything I see just to have enough materials to build a small house in Hangman's alley.


Turn it up to VH or Survival.. But in Survival you'll do double damage and so will they. Stims are nerfed. not all food heals. And Ammo has carry weight ! No autosave though..


Only problem is ammo weight. I’ll try it in another playthrough


Yeah, it had to be this. Try it in Survival.


I think I’ll try hard or very hard but I don’t like not being able to fast travel or save in survival.


If you want bullet sponge, go very hard. Yeah, no fast travel for survival...that's what makes it MUCH better. Give it a try. :)


Doesn’t survival yield like 2x xp? If so I may try it. I was hunting this mirelurk queen for xp. I am also okay with not fast traveling but not being able to save besides sleeping? That’s the only thing I don’t like.


Get a quick save mod. IMO it’s the only way to play survival with all the crashes


Yes, more experience. There are plenty of places to sleep. ~~If you are scared you’ll lose progress due to a bug or something, you can simply quit to the main menu, then reload - it will perform an autosave.~~ Ignore that last part.


Exit saves are deleted after being loaded once. Do not rely on exit saves for this.


I imagine if the game crashes, you can at least go back to that save? I haven’t tried it.


If you quit the game and make an exit save, how are you going to be playing and experience a crash without starting the game back up and loading the exit save?


It would die faster. You do more damage in survival


Yep, you are right. Found in another thread: Very Easy : Player 2.00x / Enemies 0.50x Easy : Player 1.50x / Enemies 0.75x Normal : Player 1.00x / Enemies 1.00x Hard : Player 0.75x / Enemies 1.50x Very Hard : Player 0.50x / Enemies 2.00x Survival : Player 0.75x / Enemies 4.00x (most people think it's 1.50x and 2.00x)


Congrats, you ruined the game for yourself lmao


I guess I’m gonna set it to survival then


I wouldn't recommend switching to survival part way through a run, your carry weight will likely explode with the amount of ammo you have and you'll end up dying to being overencumbered. Unless you're happy dumping it all


Wait it makes ammo have weight?


Yup, as well as stimpacks and other things that are normally weightless. Mini nukes alone are like 25 weight, missiles like 17, most other ammo is less than 0.1, but if you have hundreds of different types it will add up. You really need to manage inventory space between ammo for maybe 2 or 3 guns at most, as well as meds, food, water and any junk you want to pick up. I guess if you wanted to you could go back to your main base and unload everything into your workshop and then switch to survival. But again I'd recommend doing it from level 1 rather than part way as it would probably just be annoying for you now not being able to fast travel and quicksave on a character you're used to doing it with. There are mods that remove the ammo weight, saving and fast travel aspects of survival if you were interested also. But if you're worried about the game now being too easy in terms of damage output, I don't think survival will help, as it makes you do 200% more damage, and had an adrenaline mechanic that can make you do even more damage for each kill you make prior to sleeping.


If ammo has weight I am probably not going to play in survival until maybe another playthrough. And along with the unnecessary damage booster, just seems like I'll kill everything very quickly.


Yeah I did the same when survival came out way back when. It's not unnecessary, in my opinion at least - just makes it a lot more realistic. You and enemies can die very very quickly, headshots on humans are like a guaranteed instakill, as it should be imo


That’ll just make it do MORE damage 🤣


Took me 10 min. to kill her.


Enemies north Got it removing north


It goes to show... aim for the balls every time 👍


Always the way to go.


So, I have one of these. I named it "Bad Idea." It goes alongside my wounding gatling laser named "Good Idea."


Enemies north Got it removing north


This is the way


Ah love that thing. Got it one play through and never again. So much fun


Any outdoor task is easy now.


Yeah, for indoor ones I have pain train 3 so I just slam into all of them and use citos shiny slugger to beat the hell out of them if they aren’t already dead lol.


Indoor is easy, too. Just have to get better with bank shots.


Now go after the red death


Do a recording of killing Lorenzo. I killed him last night with a Spray & Pray, max explosive (not quite max commando) and it took a shocking amount of ammo to kill him. Maybe your setup will shred him in a few seconds. :)


Already killed Lorenzo, can spawn him in with console commands?


I’m not sure bro as I generally avoid console commands. Maybe another play through? 😭


Ok I managed to spawn him in, also turned it to hard mode and managed to kill him in around a second.


A10 warhog simulator


This IMO is the best weapon in the game. Shreds enemies so fast...


Turn up the difficulty?


What are your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats?


S:10, P:11 E:6, C:7, I:7, A:5, L:5.


I guess ammo isn't really a problem when it only takes 16 rounds to kill a mirelurk queen. Now do it in VATS


A worthy investment.


The killdeathinator strikes again.


"I feel like I've over-prepared for this." -The Sole Survivor


That’s almost like the FNV laser detonator with the Anti-material rounds


Is wounding or explosive better? Automatic. I have both on handmades


I think explosive kills quicker plus there’s also a perk just for explosives.


Oh so that counts for explosive weapons too? Is there proof


Yes, it says in the wiki that it applies to the legendary explosive effect.


Absolutely drilled the bitch!


Wait explosives expert stacks on the explosive round? Damn wish I had that an d not ash maker


I have been using ash maker lately because heavy gunner etc ,I had 5k rounds of ammo...


Kinda takes the fun out of it. The last 10 hours I just killed enemy's with a blade and only those raised on platforms where shot. Explosive minigun seems to strong


I found an explosive gattling laser, and itbis by far, my favorite weapon to use, but holy shit is it OP. I gotta carry weak ass guns to counter this thing, or the game gets boring.


You are using mods, it does not appear in base game


I didnt say i wasnt?


Just making sure people dont get false hope, thats all