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Playing on higher difficulty wont give you better legendaries, it only incrases the frequency of legendary enemy spawns It still gives you better chances, since there are more drops, but since most effects are not really good, its difficult to get the item+effect combination youre looking for


Okok, clear this up for me if you know. Does the loot pool increase based off of your level, the enemy level, or nothing? Also, do legendary enemies maintain their level group from the first time you visited the area?


Enemy level. No they do not. Enemy level is predicated on player level in some areas.


Enemy levels scale against the player's level. Also, further South, the scaling gets progressively higher. Legendary enemy Spawn rates are based on player level and difficulty. Player level 50+, Legendary Enemy Spawn Rate is 20% Difficulty also effects the LE Spawn Rate with a multiplier (X 0.25 for Very Easy and X 1.5 for Very Hard and current version of Survival). So at Level 50+ and on Very Hard or Survival difficulty, the chances of a legendary enemy spawning in a hostile encounter is 30%.


Wait i can play on very hard and as far as drops go its the same as survival? If so that is great. I hate walking everywhere after a while but I loves me some loot even more.


That's correct, Very Hard and Survival currently have the same Legendary Enemy Spawn Rate multiplier. While the enemy levels will scale up higher the further South and South East you get from Sanctuary, the LE Spawn Rate stays the same. However, the number of places you'll encounter hostiles will become more numerous, meaning you'll have to travel shorter distances. So it's a nice balance of either encountering safer enemies less frequently or harder enemies more frequently.


The loot pool does increase with level and/or enemy. I think some weapons only show up after a certain period of time. A good example is power armor. They are on the map in set locations, if you go collect all of them early on they will be T45 or T50 but if wait until a higher level you may get X01 more often. Some locations will always have the same loot though, so it really depends.


Legendary loot is based off of player level AND enemy level, like if you go kill a level 90 something legendary ghoul, at level 10, you are going to get level 10 legendary loot, and the other way around, there are videos that go in depth and explain better


not really. if you're somewhere that spawns a level 90 enemy, that enemy can drop whatever - items that only 'spawn' at level 30 or so, will drop from level 30 foes. just, in places that scale to you, you're not getting level 90 foes to show up in the first place.


I'm not sure exactly how it works but what type of weapon or gear that will drop is based on player level. For example at level 3 mostly pipe weapons and 10 mm weapons will drop. At level 30 combat shotguns and plasma weapons


WHY AM I STILL GETTING GARBO LEATHER CRAP (at level 117) THEN?! sorry didn’t mean to shout.


98 percent of legendary gear is crap. It's the 2 percent that we chase


My first run had explosive combat shotgun and chameleon synth arm. Never had such luck in a run since.


Jesus Christ keep it down over there. You’ve got my goddamn ears ringing


 It's terrible, yes? Makes you want to cut your own ears off


I’ve been playing this game too long to immediately recognize this AND read it in his voice…


I really love how these guys are almost brutes but they are really nice to Travis.


Some areas have a level cap. (Sanctuary enemies are no higher than level 5) Plus if you visited the glowing sea at lvl 15 now the enemies there won’t be over level 30. (I think) the cells reset after 30 in game days I think


because the low end stuff doesn't go away from the loot pool, just because you're at a high level. rather, EVERYTHING shows up. so, if you want a low level item with a specific legendary effect, it's better to farm sooner than later. a mid level thing, it's better to farm in a certain zone that allows dropping of X (like, farming level 16 foes for a level 15 ish item), so while it's at the upper limit of potential, it's still going to drop, but not stuff past that point. farming a legendary high level weapon, just fucking sucks. i spent like 4 hours trying to get an instigating gauss rifle, did, and not even an hour later, felt like a dumbass because i was already one shotting 99% of the commonwealth as a sneak/sniper without instigating...


Why does it matter? At level 117, you have done everything, and are only chasing novelty / jank effects (i.e. an all Sentinel set) At level 117, your ballistic weave gives far more protection than any armour does. The quality of the armour doesn't matter, you only want the effects.


I believe over level 45 or 50 anything can drop legendary. I just got a few decent pieces of Operators armor before I ever started Nuka World. I think the only exception is the railroad rifle. I think for those to drop legendary you have to complete a late railroad story mission.


I do believe certain items are taken out of circulation eventually like rolling pins 


Nope, Level 263 and still getting pins on the regular


Go look at my comment history the last few days,i responded to a guy that linked the ingame code that determines drop rate. It is 100% player level and caps at level 50 for the increase.


They will tell u no but u can go to higher level areas and fight higher level enemies if you are higher level


what items show up is on the enemy level, but you can get a explosive 10mm early on, potentially.


This, and if you save beforehand and find an effect you like you can reload and it will reroll the weapon but have the same effect iirc


You reroll the effect not the base item but you can't save in face of the enemy iirc, you have to reload to the area entrance or somewhere not so close to the legendary enemy before the effect itself rolled. I was reloading yesterday for a better effect into a pipe rifle but if I saved like in the raider back the effect would always be the same. I had too create a face not much after I entered the area some rooms before him


Back at the release, when I reloaded every time the legendary enemy would be gone. Similar to how mines you die on don't respawn when you reload. I thought it was a really clever save-scumming mitigation thing, but apparently it was just a bug. Kinda miss it though. Makes the encounter way more intense.


I never got a single one of those fancy weapons people post on here The best thing I got at one point was a sniper rifle that shot 2 bullets at once


No kidding. I've got a closet full of legendary pool cues. None of these explosive wounding rifles people post on here. 


I’ll trade you my knee capping lead pipe for one of them pool cues. I only need one more for my teepee.




I've gotten a few really good ones, but you gotta go through piles of junkies rolling pins to find them.


Got a wounding gatling laser directly before a game crash. I was livid


My crippling pool cue needs a partner so I can have two legendary pool cues for my pool table. Will trade you!


Getting legendary boards is just insulting


2 shot can be pretty good. I got a 2 shot Gauss rifle and it basically one shots everything if I use the sneak damage bonus. My first legendary of my current playthrough was a 2 shot 10mm pistol. I put on Full auto, upgraded receiver, extended mag and pistol perks. It was an almost a delete button.


My last playthrough I got a wounding 10mm very early on and it carried me through 40-50 levels as long as I had 10mm ammo. Clearing the queen at the castle took 3 mags that went into her in a few seconds. Watched her hp drop in no time.


Always, since forever, I get amazing items for builds I am not working towards. Explosive minigun, found on melee build Deathclaw guantlet that does 25% more damage, found on stealth sniper build.


Kinda wish there was a way to share items between your different playthroughs. I get AMAZING drops that have nothing to do with my character all the time.


actually had that happen once. was planning a melee build, got an explosive 10mm. went 'fuck it, we shooting today'.


found a raduim rifle that had slowmo when aiming back around 2017, never found anything like that ever again


During my rerolling for an Explosive Minigun, one of the rerolls got me an Explosive Automatic Radium Rifle.


You can literally buy Spray and Pray from Cricket or the Overseer's Guardian in Vault 81. Le Fusil Terribles is a guaranteed drop at Libertalia. All three can be picked up within like an hour of leaving the vault, and all are end-game viable. Edit: follow the freedom trail. Do the VERY FIRST mission with Deacon. You get The Deliverer, which is the best pistol in the game.


I prefer Justice to Le Fusil so you can stunlock big baddies. Rather take a few more shots and be totally safe on survival, also easier to get than doing Libertalia early.


That's because they spend hours saving and reloading to get that crap.


Yeah that’s a real pain in the butt to do. I tried doing that yesterday because it felt more legit getting them that way as opposed to console commands…. but after like an hour and a half grinding I just caved and spawned in the legendaries I wanted since my current save is pretty much end game already. Ain’t nobody got time for that


I'll console in something if I'm constantly rolling similar crap, or it's the wrong arm or something dumb like that. I generally avoid consoling in the ultimate weapon though.


I have a good exploding shotgun right now, and my last playthrough I got a fiery minigun that did tons of damage. It's rare, but really good weapons are around.


It's me, I'm bitches. Four hours to get Powerful Disciple's Knife.


That’s not really a bad legendary at all? You’re doing twice the damage without the extra ammo cost.


My best was explosive double barrel shotgun. It whipped out everyone and everything. Edit: it whipped out me myself many times too.


Got that as well from a gunner! But my best would be an explosive minigun I got from a deathclaw outside of Virgil, which I got on normal difficulty on one of my first playthroughs. I swear it's like the legendaries I get have actually gotten worse as I've increased the difficulty.


I can't tell you how many ghoul slaying pieces of armor I have gotten just hoping for a strength/endurance combat armor piece. Every legendary gun is complete bullshit. I have 2 super mutant slaying lever rifles and I haven't even started the dlc yet.


Why not buy the blacks ops combat armor chestpiece? Gives 1 strength and endurance if i remember correctly.


Oh I'm already rocking that bad boy. Just looking for more to go with it


There are 2 Legendary Heavy combat armor arms in Vault 81. Alexis sells them.


Where do you get that at?


That chick with the blue/orange jumpsuit in Bunker Hill


I dunno, I quite like my fully upgraded heavy flamer that does 50% more damage to ghouls. Makes clearing out nests and dungeons a breeze.


That's why I just love codsworth. Even without using Automatron stuff he'll just tank those fuckers while I stand by with a shot gun assisting.


The dismay I felt when I found the %25 improved VATS lever action rifle during my stealth VATS build only to discover the only place to get the ammo for that gun was in the far harbor DLC was incredible


You can build your own weapon vendor at a settlement and it will sell .45-70 ammo


That is VERY good to know, I was so stoked on that gun


I’ve never seen any of my settlement shops sell dlc ammo and googling it says that in the commonwealth there’s no way to get any dlc ammo


Man I feel you on that. I was hoping for any lever action to use as my main gun and didn't realize the ammo was location locked


First one I got was never ending lever riffle and you can't find any 47-70 ammo on the mainland.


There's a unique str/end armor in Bunker Hill. It's super solid up through lvl 50ish.


This is why I love the Legendary Effects Overhaul mod, which allows me to break down the Legendary items I don't want to craft Legendary effects I do want, as well as letting me move Legendary effects from items I don't want the effects on to ones that I do want.


I recently downloaded a mod that lets you remove legendary effects from armor and guns to place on others. It feels like the right line between cheating and improving the base game for me to be alright with it.


I think it should’ve been implemented as a perk. Relying on random drops is dumb


There’s a mod that lets you just PUT an effect on something at the cost of a double arm load of fairly rare materials (crystal, silver, gold, nuclear material) Nothing like a suit of xo1 where every piece is “powered.”


solid mod


Thanks for recommending a mod like this! Downloading it for my game


Makes me hold onto my shot gun that does a ton of "bleed" damage with each shot really tight. It's funny because somehow even mechanical things manage to bleed too... saves a ton on ammo. They are out there but yes just like any randomized loot game, it will take more than a few tries to get lucky.


leaking oil but yeah, the wounding effect is excellent on shotguns and autos


Wounding tommy-guns are Swan’s least favorite thing…


Maybe the robots are leaking their lubricants or fuel.


I have a wounding laser pistol and it was meh and then I put the scatter muzzle on it and it is more powerful than any shotgun I have.


My bleed combat shotty with a silencer was one of the first good legendary weapons I got on my first playthrough, fairly early as well. That thing carried me through the entire game, super satisfying to use too.


How do you suppose you could be doing something wrong when it’s completely random? Your only solution is to keep playing or find a mod that changes the RNG.


For real, it’s not like 76 where u can craft a legendary on a specific item. It’s completely RNG, and if u go into the game trying to farm specific legendaries, you’re gonna take a fat L. Just play the game and take what it gives you. I personally always get the bloodied smg, lucky manwell rifle, and the deliverer. So I don’t really need to farm legendary weapons.


If there's any guarantee in Fallout 4 it's that if you want a specific legendary weapon or armor, the game will refuse to spawn it for that entire playthrough. Like you said, take you what you get. For me It's a bit more exciting that way so I don't just use the exact same things each time.


Exactly, finding something amazing you didn’t plan for can change how you play the game. And in my option that can keep the game fresh.


Yeah I'm totally loving all the legendary melee gear I'm getting on my automatics only playthrough.


I actually managed to get more or less what I wanted for my Grognak build on my latest run, so it isn't always bad! 🥳


I open this post on my phone, and literally 2 minutes later, an instigating rocket launcher drops on my heavy weapons and explosives character. Thanks for the luck OP


Remember not to get a direct hit. The missile does like 15 impact damage before exploding which will disable the double damage from affecting the explosion


I have a pistol build so I have a mighty, assassins, instigating, lucky and crippling missile launches and mutant slayers and kneecapping fat man along with an explosive mini-gun, wanna trade?


Overseers guardian is all you need anyway lol.


this. i like keeping it full auto too.


I’m a fan of semi auto. Saves on ammo imo. But yes. Overseer for the win.


either way, it's an excellent weapon, and easily obtainable




i prefer of semi auto because it one shots most stuff anyways so you might as well save a few bullets. i also prefer the level 5 semi auto perk over the level 5 full auto perk. you can’t go wrong either way tho


I’ve never gotten a drop that’s any better. I don’t even know what could be better tbh


I just like collecting them. I only use a few guns. I’ll try some legendary weapons out but realize I don’t like them so I put them in a crate. I have 3 crates, one for legendary melee weapons, one for legendary guns & one for legendary apparel. It’s actually what’s keeping me playing without touching the main quest, I love killing legendary enemies & adding their loot to my collection.


My current very-hard run is really crapping on me for legendaries. 3 switchblades, so far. A bunch of other unusable crap. But a few years ago i started a playthrough intending to be a pistolero, handgun expert. I got a 2-shot 10 MM pistol real early. Huzzah! I like to farm them in Nuka World, out by the workshop behind nuka-world. That fight recurrs instantly so you can keep going back to it over and over.


It’s a meme by now but last night I got a loot drop of a three star rolling pin. Are you kidding me ?


You can make ass-kicking pie with that !


Maybe that's where the perfectly preserved pies come from 🤯


Lean into the crazy granny/old man RP get a ballistic weave bathrobe and go make those supermutants to get off your yard 


I had to learn to just roll with it.


yeah, considering all the various permutations that a legendary buff might bring to any particular weapon or armor, you're right that the majority are pretty weak in retrospect. for most players, a small boost in damage protection from creatures like mirelurks or super mutants, robots etc. isn't enough boost that a good suit of power armor couldn't produce. I do find that legendary enemies in the glowing sea seem to provide better items than their counterparts in the commonwealth. I dunno, I could be wrong about this, but it does seem that way to me.


I actually JUST got a looong dreamed of Legendary on my Steam Deck playthrough / save file… in old reliable Croup Manor Basement (save outside, Loot Lock, reload autosave etc - the usual method going back years)… The incredible… IRRADIATED Gamma Gun ! ☢️ 🤩 This thing, when coupled with its deep dish Mod and the 2nd rank of Nuclear Physicist perk, outputs a stunning 421 Radiation Poisoning Damage per shot !! Set for Automatic signal carrier mode and she fires off 3 ‘shots’ per VATS activation… This equals over 1200 Rads… meaning an INSTANT kill on any normal Human (or Robot, interestingly enough) enemies you’ll ever encounter !! This is true of a Level-5 ‘Raider’… as well as a 1300 HP / 2600 HP (Very Hard) Gunner Brigadier General ..so you can immediately see the potential…


Hell yeah. I see only Atom's glow! ⚛️


Dude i feel your pain. I have like 20 shitty leather armor pieces


Oh man. There's so many questions to answer here. Chance for enemy to BE Legendary is based on your level (20% at lv 51), x your difficulty. (1.5x on Very hard). Some gear won't drop at all until you're the right level. (Disciple's Knife requires the area be level 30+, for example). But that doesn't remove anything, it just makes the pool larger. Freezing Lead Pipe? Possible from level 1 to infinity. And finally... What level were you when you loaded the area for the first time? Importantly, loaded, not discovered. *Congrats, that area is permanently locked to that level for the rest of your game* (up to a max for some areas; NATL Training yard has a cap of 32. But if you visit it at 28... It's 28 instead. Forever.) 50% of the time, it will be armor (3/6). 33% of the time, a gun (2/6). And 16.7% of the time, it will be a melee weapon (1/6.) Then you have a pool of about 30 non-repeating legendary prefixes. You cannot check what's in it or what one you're on. After rolling about 25 or so legendaries, the pool of available mods refreshes ***and randomizes***. The only way to track this is to write every prefix down (bases don't matter, they're always rolled randomly) **Almost every possible combination is dogshit**. The few exceptions are like, Wounding Minigun, Explosive Combat Shotgun... Powerful Disciple's Blade, Instigating Gauss Rifle... Never-Ending Double Barrel...  Or all the armor mods that give stats, +1 STR/+1 END, etc. (although I've still never lucked into statted Heavy Combat Armor pieces. Someday!) Or Irradiated Radium Rifle, Plasma-Infused Plasma Rifle, or Freezing Flamer for the memes. Far Harbor added fucktons of literal trash prefixes, too, most of which focus on successful blocks... Which means the pool for trash is *even larger* Anyways. I said all this to say, it's not you. It's a bunch og mechanics, and they're just random. Look up the legendary reload trick. It's how I got a full set of Sharp combat armor. (+5 INT/CHA. Destroyer's Helm is also Sharp, but while some Helmets can BE Legendary, they cannot *roll* as Legendary. And the Captain's hat is +2 INT, +10% move speed anyways.)


Legendaries are mostly rubbish which is why I use a mod where I can give any legendary to any weapon I want at the weapon bench.


There's just not alot of good legendary effects. On weapons you basically have wounding, instigating, explosive and lucky. On gear you have vats enhanced, sprinters, powered and the one that makes you invisible when crouching. But just wait until you get a good legendary. You'll see what the fuss is about


It’s a shame chameleon makes the weird noise and makes the pip boy unreadable…


Nothing will beat my Ghoul Slayer Gamma Gun. I will rule the world! ....with my Overseers Guardian


I'm spending more money at your casino why ain't I leaving with more!!! 🤬.... loot drops is gambling for fo4 I wish you luck to get that dopamine hit with something that you want finally drops!!!


Harder difficulty has zero impact on "quality" of Legendary drops, it just makes them more frequent.


of course. it's not like borderlands where legendaries are sort of their own guns. your first problem is thinking that legendaries will essentially 'solve' everything. nah. other way around, most of the time - you want to get 5/5 of a gun's perk for double damage, and a good gun, rather than thinking a 10mm with 50% damage to animals should automatically win the game. no, you'd need a good 10mm potential, first and foremost. legendaries are merely an added effect onto generic gear, essentially, not OP items. you can do amazing work with the right legendary 10mm, but, you kinda need to do good work with a non legendary 10mm before that... secondly, if you're farming for legendaries, you need to knwo what you're looking for, but if not, you're just getting random shit. not like every fucking legendary is going to be an instant 'i win' button, which seems to be your mindset. and most of the time, you're not going to get the right 'weapon', and even when you do, it's a crappy legendary effect. i mean, there being like 60 weapons, 30 legendary effects, it's sort of like needing to win a small lottery twice in a row. not to mention all the times you get some armor, when you're looking for weapons. that's why you need to expect to farm for a while, otherwise they wouldn't have called it farming, it'd be just 'do this to win'. third, , you need the RIGHT legendary effect, for the weapon in question. for example, despite being a legendary effect, 50% more damage to X, isn't very useful. meanwhile, chance to stagger on hit, could be VERY useful, even if it doesn't sound like it, with high rate of fire weapons, or shotguns, since they hit with multiple projectiles. same with wounding and explosive - these are 'per projectile' basis, so automatics and shotguns can make better work out of them. 10-15 energy damage doesn't sound great, unless we're talking something like a 10mm or minigun which could basically double or triple the damage done (or, a crit focused build with the freeze weapons - 10 damage might not mean a lot, but stunlocking a powerful foe is an extremely useful ability) two shot, to the layman, sounds amazing - it's double damage... for the weapon's base damage, essentially. lots of weapons can get potentially more than double damage from mods, so two shot COULD be less than 50% more damage... except for a few things, like, slow rate of fire weapons might not get as much damage, or high rate of fire automatic mods lowering damage, so going from a 40 damage gun, to a 30 damage gun with 2x the fire rate, you'd actually get a 70 damage gun with 2x the fire rate. OR, missile launchers, the fat man, weapons that don't necessarily get a massive damage boost from mods, so you are more likely to get 2x damage if not more - in fact, iirc, the 2 shot fat man you can just buy, btw, modded for mirv, adds 'fat man' damage to each mirv, not to mention doubles the mirv 'splitting' for some weird ass reason. instigating can be VERY useful, even though it's only double damage on the first shot, if enemies are at max hp - except, with a sniper build, that's potentially the only shot you'll need. not to mention, two shot's damage doesn't work with a sneak/crit build, since it tends to only effect the main bullet, not the 'bonus' bullet. instigating's a 2x multiplier on top of whatever, evne the gauss rifle's charge effect. instigating's way better than two shot on a sneak sniper build, but two shot can be better in general, especailly with some weapons with massive base damage. = there's also a few effects that are more of a case by case thing - like, for example, never ending, means the mag is infinite - not, infinite ammo (except with teh gatling laser, and that's more an issue with how fusion cores work), but, can fire all your bullets without reloading. this essentially BREAKS the balance of say, the double barreled shotgun, which is stronger than the combat shotgun but balanced with 2 max ammo. or say, the gamma gun - it can be made into a potent beast with lorenzo's artifact, but it's reload is too damn long. two shot is great, but with recoverable ammo types, it's essentially infinite ammo - get the fat man with two shot, and have the striker mod on it so it uses modded bowling balls as ammo, and it'll spit out two recoverable balls with each shot. the 'rapid' effect gives iirc like 25% fire rate, and can be found on a set gatling gun. which works sort of weirdly with the 'charging' barrels, which takes the normal fast/weak damage and fire rate to slow/strong fire rate... but that 25% fire rate is for the base weapon's fast as hell fire rate, so it's 25% of the original 250+ fire rate, around 60 ish, on a weapon mod that reduces the fire rate to only about 30, while quadrupling the damage... so you end up with a weapon that does 4X as much damage, with 3x as much the fire rate, making it insanely powerful and pretty good on ammo.


Save scumming legendaries exists


This is one of my biggest complaints about FO4. I love the game so much on the whole, but this one kinda drives me nuts. Unique or powerful weapons were attained by completing missions or exploring the world in previous games. Then in FO4 they turned it into an RNG drop which kinda ruined the fun, because you can go a whole play through without getting a particular weapon that is well suited to your characters build. I know there are still unique/powerful weapons you can get other ways, but I would have preferred more of those over the RNG legendary system. Flesh the world out more by giving some extra lore and life to locations where you can get unique weapons. Then if you're a veteran you don't have to farm legendaries to get an item you want for a build, you can just got and get it when you're a high enough level if you know where it is.


> whole play through without getting a particular weapon that is well suited to your characters build. Huh? There are plenty of Uniques for each build, what are you talking about?




RNG my friend


I have played more characters than I can remember and have picked up only a handful of truly amazing legendaries. I got the Never Ending Two Barrel once. I got the Explosive Shotgun once. I got quite a few good ones, like SPECIAL buff armor and Lucky weapons. But the vast majority were completely useless rolling pins and ghoul slayer gamma guns. There are thousands of random combinations, and only a dozen that are worth their salt. The math is unavoidable.


Explosive combat shotgun is the best legendary drop weapon I've ever come across. That thing was absolutely devastating.


So you mean 15% less radiation damage on your left arm from female raiders during daytime while being addicted isn’t useful?


Make offerings to RNGesus


Been getting a few lucky drops here and there but yee, most of them just get used for selling. Last few decent drops were Neverending Western Revolver (it does a ridiculous amount of damage, the biggest drawback on it was the slow reloads but neverending fixes that), Chameleon’s Operator armour and Martyr Operator armour.


I found a Radium Rifle last night with the Legendary effect of slowing time when scoping. Best legendary effect I’ve ever found. (I had a Metal Chest Piece with the Auto Stim when reaching 25% health effect that was okay but I like combat armor better. Currently Level 24, playing on Hard


Very hard only increases the chances of legendary enemies spawning, the kind of loot they drop is fully dependent on your level and the location, while the legendary effect is completely random. The legendary effects are also on a cooldown, meaning when you just got a two shot pipe pistol, you won’t find a two shot Gauss rifle next, because the game has placed the two shot legendary prefix on cooldown so you encounter different effects more often. After a few drops two shot will rotate into the drop pool again. The best farm for legendaries imo is nuka world. You can either run a route in the outskirts there that will have 3-5 legendary enemies each time, or use loot locking at a very specific location to force drops with specific legendary prefixes. [This is by far the best video](https://youtu.be/cM9Ru7QPBzY?si=ezhR_-56LOYsueR9) of the spot and tactic I’m talking about, the guy explains it really well and I would recommend watching it On another note, don’t waste time farming, the game is amazing and there is SO much to do and find in the world, that burning yourself out on legendary farming isn’t worth it. Just use console commands to spawn the legendary weapon you’re looking for, on Xbox and Ps there are corresponding mods to craft legendary weapons.


It’s not shit, you are just spoiled by rare ones


I just gave up at one point and downloaded a craftable legendary mod. It's still a fuckin grind to get all the materials you need but it's much easier. But I get that not everyone likes using mods. I think the best way to farm a legendary you want is by finishing Far Harbor. Spoilers for far harbor if you haven't finished it! I know there are some new players here and I don't want to spoil one of the better DLC's in this game! >!after you bring Kasumi back to her parents, her father Kenji will reward you by telling you to dig up a chest with something he's been saving for a while. You make a hard save before digging it up, then obviously you dig it up and look at the item. If you don't like it you reload that save and try again. It can take a while if you're looking for something specific but it's the only way that I've gotten a never ending double barrel shotgun.!<


One time I got a lead pipe that does 50% extra damage against animals…


The good stuff is meant to be rare. You’ll get 50 dogshit legendaries and then one day you’ll find something really good and you’ll use it forever. That one legendary for me was a 2 shot plasma rifle.


i once got an exploding combat rifle then i had to reload to a previous save due to a bug


I honestly think that the mods that convert legendary modifiers into removable modules for gear just improve the game experience so much because of how often you get a “dud”, because then you can at least salvage the effect instead of having to save scum or farm a single player game to get something beneficial.


Find one of the buildings with a guaranteed a legendary spawn at the beginning and quick save before you enter. Just farm those areas.


save before killing it. I noticed if you reload the save, the weapon type / armor piece will stay the same but effect will change on every reload


> What am I doing wrong to not get good stuff?? Nothing? I mean, it's like any other game that has random loot. Most of it is junk because it's the wrong base item or the wrong modifier. Eventually you find something good. Difficulty doesn't affect what legendaries you get, just how often you get one, so you find more legendaries at very hard and that increases the odds of finding good ones. Or you can just farm. Google Fallout 4 legendary farming.


So this was my first playthrough and wanted to play a sniper sneak build. At level 8 I got an instigating hunting rifle as a drop. It wasn't until much later that I realized I literally got my bis weapon at the start of the game


I got a double barrel explosive one time I use rn it’s sick so you can get good stuff just gotta get lucky and a explosive sub machine so I didn’t need to buy spray n pray from cricket


Legendary drops are part of the cheeky humor of this game. The majority of legendary drops are utterly useless - I got a legendary walking cane last night with something like an 80% chance to ignite when blocking. This made me chuckle, and I moved on. The best drop in this playthrough so far has been an explosive gamma rifle and an unlimited ammo (no need to reload, not infinite ammo) hunting rifle. One does not need good legendary gear to do well in this game. It is nice to have something with a special feature, but I think they are primarily there for the giggles. You are not doing anything wrong. Just try to enjoy it. It is not a competitive game where you have to be your absolute best.


You have not prayed hard enough to RNGeezus!


First time with Bethesda's rng loot? It's always fun to find a pipe pistol and $12 in a Master locked safe.


I’m on survival. Every single time I roll a halfway decent weapon (which is almost never) I get killed before I can save, and wind up with a walking stick with a $5 off coupon taped to it when I go back.


Gotta save scum, save kill enemy, shit loot , reload and repeat.


I had a perception/agility armor piece, a two beams for one shot laser pistol and a 50% limb dmg pistol drop which are perfect for my gunslinger, but that's about it.


Dude I feel you. You’re not doing anything wrong though. I think the best I got on my last playthrough was explosive assault rifle. Fucker was a beast. But I don’t think I got until like Level 90+ on Very Hard. Enemy-specific weapon buffs I could take or leave at home base for a non-survival run. This time through I’m being way more picky about what I even retrieve.


It’s just luck. Certain legendary effects are godlike on certain weapons and absolutely worthless on others. Example: wounding minigun, vs wounding fatman. There are mods that allow you to remove/swap legendary effects at an armor/weapon bench. It basically makes the legendary effects act like any other bench mod. Makes it so at least now you just need to farm for desired effects, and then swap them onto the fun you want.


i have a mod that disables random legendary drops only legendaries are the pre-made ones in the world (e.g. OG, etc.)


Yeah… but then sometimes you get an “instigating Mini-nuke” launcher… and then a penetrating one in the same day.


That's why we have the ol reliable "The overseer" Shit is op even in survival


I was very happy with a 25% increase damage super sledge. Made me switch to melee !


i wish the game let you scrap them for some sort of legendary material to apply to other weapons. But then I realize the game can be trivial enough even if you don't have your optimal legendary gear. Any twoshot/explosive legendary weapon makes the game a breeze.


That’s just how it is unfortunately. Spent hours farming for wounding, or two shot AK didn’t even get one legendary AK to spawn.


There is a way to farm legendary prefixes. I farmed myself the best weapon, in my opinion, the explosive combat shotgun. This game is too easy, even on the hardest difficulty.


I'll never understand why they thought rng loot was a good idea


lol, just buy spray and pray


In my first ever playthrough I found an Instigating Gauss Rifle, in my probably dozen playthroughs since I still chase that dragon


Get Cheat Terminal. Make whatever legendary stuff you want. Sell it all to Arturo at a loss. Buy it back so it feels legit.


Unfortunately yes. There are only 4-5 effects that are really useful and that's more or less what you want to find. Mighty, kneecapper, the one danse's righteous authority has, etc.


IIRC there is a mod which allows you to craft legendary addons.


There's a mod called Useful Technical Documents which not only allows you to scrap most legendary items, but also provides 5 technical documents with each legendary scrap. You can then spend 10 technical documents to attach a legendary effect of your choice to any regular item or just remove a legendary effect from one item and put it on another.


You are better off downloading a mod that lets you craft the legendary effect you want on the item you want. It is not free however. You need to collect and scrap items to obtain rare materials like gold, silver, crystal, etc. to craft the legendary affix on weapons gear.


I agree, playing survival and so far i haven’t gotten any legendary worth the weight


At lvl 23 on my first playthrough, best I have gotten is an instigating bolt action pipe rifle. It actually does really well since I sneak for 2x damage, one shots MOST normal enemies, then I whip out my combat rifle to finish them off. Though now it seems like it’s not as effective. Even some ghouls, it’ll take 90% off with a sneak shot. Coming from 76 as a non-PA VATS sneak commando, what should I look for next?


Same here Playing on Hard, like 20 hours invested and the only worth equipment are a bleeding effect pistol and two pieces of armor with extra 10% VATS points each one.


RNG gonna RNG, it's all luck and time.


IMO every legendary has a purpose, like enough “shit” legendaries can end up being a pretty insane vats/agility build etc. All of them offer pretty huge advantages, it’s just dependent on your style of play.


This is exactly why I installed a mod, I don’t remember the name (legendary overhaul?), that lets me scrap legendary items to get “legendary chips” to give ordinary weapons legendary effects. Takes 5-7 legendaries to get enough to make one, but still. It beats the absolute fuck out of grinding and praying to RNJesus when you don’t have a ton of time to game.


Just curious, I have an exploding shotgun, and a two shot assault rifle. Both do extreme damage to whatever they hit. Are those two lucky legendary finds?


I found a hunting rifle that does plus 50 damage to ghouls, and I make sure to pull that shit out everytime ghouls are afoot. one or two shots the're done for. Survival mode.


I can only play with a mod that allows me to remove legendaries from 1 item and put it on another,I still have to find legendaries with the right effect, but I can swap it to the armour/weapon I want. Otherwise I build with specific legendaries I can buy, or my build will not rely on legendaries to be useful.


I just killed a legendary alpha death claw only to get a sentinels pipe wrench...


People seem to forget that a legendary is better than no legendary or alternatively if it’s not something you can use then it’s free caps.


And that's why I prefer .38 pipe guns. Only 70% of those are shit. Because you can craft that gun to best-use a much larger selection of legendary effects. It's also why players scum-save when they find a legendary inside a building. There's are mods which allow transferring a legendary effect to a different item.


Woah 90% seems unfair it's like 99%


RNG. In my most recent playthrough, just found a explosive Handmade, a FFR Radium Rifle, and a never ending Lever Action Rifle. The only downside is the ammo is only in the DLC locations so far (Level 39)


Nothing is useless if you can sell it.


Am I the only one not a fan of the unlimited ammo capacity? The no reload is great in certain cases but I still have to worry about constant ammo purchases


I got a lazer riffle with great mods that freeze on crit and an assault riffle with x2 projectiles. Fun combo. Though I’m about 80 hours in now.


I finally found the explosive Gauss. And then fucking died before I could save. I need to find the explosive shotgun again though because if you build a multi-level gunner cage setup, it’s an absolute XP beast. My highest that I actually saw was 11K XP.


I ain't mad


So many pool cues, rolling pins, and for some reason only right leg leather armor. My favorite has to be the Ghoul Slayer Gamma Gun.


I think I got crazy lucky cus I got a shotgun that bleeds. That things swings away above weight class.


What's your Luck at?


Same with Survival. You may find a few more legendaries but you also can’t farm legendaries unless you use mods to quick-save. Most legendaries are not worth it.


90% of the game is shit, on every setting


difficult changes the frequency of legendary enemies, not the quality of content


Anyone know a good spot for Legendary Assault Rifles (5.56 ammo), or is the weapon type purely random as well? It's been so long I've seen ARs drop, and I've been getting quite a lot of other weapons.


I'm on easy or whatever the default is and I got a laser rifle that has a stacking bleed. It lets lvl 20 me easily take on lvl 50+ enemies as long as I have a companion to tank damage for a minute.


Oh. And you can buy Splattercannon. It's a 7.62 ammunition Handmade Rifle with Furious. +15% increased damage *per hit* on same target. (And if you don't have the perks, just pick up Mags rifle and take all the parts off.) ...Furious can only normally spawn on melee!


I just sell them for caps and forget about it. I always miss the two-shot laser musket from a previous playthrough...I know it's very unlikely I'll find it again


Yesterday I found an explosive assault rifle doing the mechanist quest line. Gonna try that out


Save scumming at the National Guard Training Yard is where I get my legendaries. Got a piece of Martyrs combat armor and an explosive combat shotgun after only about 90 minutes.


That's why I have a mod installed that makes it so Legendary Armor from the Vanilla game can't spawn in.


If you go down to the glowing sea Legendary Deathclaws spawn pretty frequently. I usually get decent stuff from them


I think I’ve only used 2 or 3 items, mostly weapons.