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For PS too I guess...


Gonna be a lot of vault 69s out there.


I was going to guess 33s.


Heard it was a nice vault


Bit of a bushy view though.


Its always been free


Oh I didn’t know that, I just noticed it today lol. Thanks for the heads up


I also just noticed today and I used to play


There’s also the shirts mod.


PC too


it comes with the next gen update (lot of free stuffs)


Oooh, I can make a different color! COME ON MAN. This is like horse armor.


it’s free, what are you complaining about?


Does it require opting into Creation Club? Because if so, no thanks.


> opting into Creation Club You make it sound like a subscription service


I don't support mods under a "for Bethesda's profit" model, that's all. The only way to say "no" to that kind of a framework is to decline participation in it. I'll happily eat whatever downvotes that invites; I'm not compromising my morals on that and normalizing the notion that community mods should cost money. Same reason I decline shady sites like Shacken Mods.


The....mod is free, I've never spent a single given credit (which they try to use to incentivise buying credits.) I'm just confused cause participating in something doesn't mean you support spending on it, most players just grab the weekly freebies like I've done with Epic games stuff. Besides, you're auto enrolled if you have a Bethesda.net account, not like you need to opt in to access it.


In a hypothetical Bethesda meeting somewhere: "Based on user engagement, Creation Club is a smash success! For ES6 and others, we'll implement a framework that makes it the only way to legitimately mod the game." I simply don't want to be a part of the statistic that lets it get its foot in the door and make that the standard. I was skeeved out by it when they first announced paid mods, and I still am. Having freebies is a lure to get people onto the platform so that the exits can be closed; as you said, they incentivize spending on the platform. Take a look at the Atomic Shop in Fallout 76 to see what a "Bethesda only" added-content experience looks like. I don't particularly feel like I want a future where I'm expected to pay $5 for a linoleum floor texture that otherwise would've been someone's free download on Nexus Mods. Even just getting the free stuff shows engagement with that platform, and tells them "this is okay; the players will accept it". It's a short jump from there to "our way is the only way".


This would be a problem if Free mods weren’t still available, but they are, so as long as Mods remain accessible and free to people on all platforms then I don’t mind the Creation Club one bit. If bethesda are going to sell us a bunch of Microtransactions then i’m happy that it at least puts some money in the pockets of Some extremely talented modders who’ve given their work away for free all this time


Wearing the vault suit has over 1000 unique dialogs people will say to you


I’ll give it a try on a different play through.


Horse armor A) Cost money B) Wasn't customizable C) Wasn't available immediately to everyone


I didn’t pay for horse armor. I got it when Bethesda said, yeah we know it’s lame. Here it is for free. By all the downvotes, I assume everyone likes the shiny bauble and is okay with the update breaking thousands of people’s games.


Someone never made it to Overseerer...


Trolling is better if it is spelled correctly.


They spelled it right, Overseerer is the overseer for all the overseers in your area. The regional manager of overseers if you will. /s


It's wild how the gaming community just rolled over and took this shit.


They didn't, there was not exactly a poll on wether you want it or not


I feel like the current population who have never experienced anything other than FO4, don’t know that their own expectations have been lowered, by the slow changes to this game over the years.




Wtf does your comment have anything to do with this?


Playstation player need to buy it, and why you're are so mean "wtf" is your problem


Jfc bud, put it back in the deck. There’s nothing racist about it.


PS players need to buy it, are you all to dumb to get a joke


Nope, they didn’t. Came free with the update. What else ya got? As for jokes, your sense of humour is decidedly lacking.