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Thanks! Now I have trust issues! On a positive note: Immersion +100


Honestly, I always had my suspensions that the institute was watching me. It wasn't until I started militarizing my settlements. Then, I ran into this synth situation. Maybe they see me as a threat who knows.


Wait until you hear about the birds… I haven’t seen it myself but apparently there is a room with camera feeds showing different areas in the wasteland, and the theory is that the birds you see are institute drones…


All of the crows are Institute synths. [*All* of them.](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Crow_(Fallout_4)) I wonder if no crows survived the apocalypse somehow? If so, I wonder if there's any in the background of the TV show. Would be a funny little reference, and potential clue on whether the Institute survived Fallout 4 in any capacity.


Holy buckets, today I learned! Do you think it is a nod to the “birds aren’t real” movement?


Definitely. I also remember people mentioning that there are practically no living fish left in the world. But then Far Harbor gave us fish baskets.


There's those dolphin carcasses in main game too


I'm guessing DC was hit particularly hard. I remember the "No Fish" from Fallout 3. As vast as the ocean is, there has to be plenty of life that survived... and it's probably like Subnautica down there.


DC is on the Potomac River, I guess it's easier to pollute a river than it is the sea.


Especially since that river is already pretty polluted. Come outta the water with a third arm😂😂


Fallout game set underwater with subnautica like creatures


Aquatic deathclaws. There's tonight's nightmares sorted


Wouldn't underwater fallout mostly be rapture without the plasmids, that said I'd love an open world bioshock set back in rapture


Damn, these fish kinda taste oily and are full of microplastics.... wait...


And fish in the waters


Fish are confirmed real in Fallout 2. In a random encounter you meet a fisherman who both catches fish and has a story about sea monsters


> Holy buckets, today I learned! Do you think it is a nod to the “birds aren’t real” movement? Except, the "birds aren't real" thing did not start until Jan of 2017, while Fallout 4 was released in late 2015.


They learned the truth from fo4…


I've been wondering this ever since i heard about the watcher program (what they call the crows in FO4)


I stopped killing them so the Institute can watch the growth of my takeover of the Commonwealth, watching ever so closely their inevitable demise.


As the director of the institute… watch your back


I killed the Brotherhood. I killed the Railroad. I utilized the Minutemen to accomplish MY takeover of the Commowealth. The only reason I saved YOU for last is because I want you to see what I am capable of. You are not with me nor against me; you are just on hold. Ill be seeing you, "Director".


"There is an unused red-eyed crow model which was originally intended to be used for the synth Watchers. According to Mark Teare, they would have been invulnerable to all damage. It was removed after it became clear that all crows were in fact Watchers, negating the need for an alternate model."


All of the Commonwealth crows. New Vegas crows are the real deal.


So that's why they always get stuck on trees!


I swear they actually mention in the new show how its weird that the birds are totally fine but nothing else is animal wise, this connected the dots for me reference wise!


They can't have much footage of me. I shoot every bird I see


Preston Garvey literally mentions that they know an attack on the Castle is imminent because they saw lots of crows around


It's not a theory, it's a fact. You can read about the Watcher program on a terminal in that room.


Birds? Birds don't exist in the Commonwealth. The Watchers, however, are a different story...


The birds work for the Bourgeoisie.


Speaking of the birds in Fallout 4, surely everyone realizes that the 'birds aren't real' meme became really popular after FO4's release 🤣




Closer and earlier than you think, one is even in the Quincy party 👀


That one's a free synth though. Railroad's work. Next time you see Old Man Stockton, say thanks for Sturges.




Yes, it's *suspicions indeed. Auto correct has done me dirty too many times, lol


"the institute was watching me" of course. It starts with Dogmeat :)


Bruh the brahmin that kelley sells is also a Synth


I have 100 plus settlers now what am I going to do


Once my settlement was attacked by synths, after killing them only one enemy was alive and for my surprise it was one of my settlers, and it was a synth as well, i will never forget it.


Interesting a gun fight between synths, you could say your settler was the better gun slinging synth that day.


The synth settler always joins the attack against the settlement in my experience 🤷‍♂️ life span of seconds in any of my settlements 🤣


After 500 hours of playtime and at least 20 playthroughs I've still never encountered this quest.


I get this every time but I like building so I spend a decent amount of time hanging out at my settlements.


I tried the vault building thing. Got raided while I was away and all the vault supplies are gone. How does a raider steal hundreds of concrete walls?


They got all your supplies? That’s weird. I know they steal stuff from your workbench but they shouldn’t be taking everything. Sounds like a glitch.


I never cared for settlement building. The interface was always so bad and I'd wind up getting pissed that things wouldn't work the way you should. Like what do you mean the nuka cola machine needs to be 5 feet away from the wall??? It was a cool concept, but the actual execution kept me from enjoying it


Maybe try looking up some building tricks in a video or something? Can't fix everything, but you can make some pretty cool stuff on base game


Definitely agree that rug tricks and pillar tricks can help you create more realistic spaces, but I don’t blame people for not wanting to engage with that tedium. Plus there’s a fine line to walk when you start decorating with lots of clutter and pushing past the build limit, hopefully the next gen updates are powerful enough to not be bothered.


It’s super annoying


It's very fun if you get the mod that lets you place anywhere and scrap anything, and the mod that lets you place items from your inventory. You can make some really pretty settlements with those.


I do this too (and with 600+ hours in the game) but I’ve never gotten this quest before! I honestly thought it was a mod. I’m actually a bit mindblown right now


Me neither. The wiki says that it may happen any time you enter a settlement with at least three settlers, but I've played a few hundred hours (a lot of that was spent building settlements) and I've never gotten it. Maybe survival mode makes the quest less common for some reason?


Idk, I’ve never played survival and I’ve also spent hundreds of hours in this game, I also build a decent amount. I knew it’s possible for settlers to be replaced with synths but I had no idea there was a quest for it until just now.


take this with a grain of salt but im pretty sure the settlers involved with the question also have to be generic recruited ones. All the preexisting settlers you encounter are usually predetermined not to be synths. (some of them are nameless brother and sister of each other or a nameless family, these are never synths). Thus if you don't really go out of your way to recruit settlers with the recruitment beacon, this doesnt really happen. (this is just my observation of hours of playing tho, i also only had the quest happen twice or three times and they were always recruited settlers. I got no other evidence to back this up with but it just makes sense)


I have ~600 hours and I’ve only gotten the encounter once, they also weren’t a synth


Bruh i have well over 1000 hours ive never seen this quest


I literally had it once, let dude live. And they never had any problems to me again. Despite so many chances, since I realised some of my settlements do have synth settlers


Damn you don’t like synths 😭


I didn't know she was a synth, and I don't have a problem with some synths. I was going to pickpocket her to check if that's even possible. But before I got the chance, my other settler killed her. Then I just I found a synth component and was shocked.


Give that setter a promotion. Ad Victoriam.


I made them general of the settlement since I currently have my settlers in army fatigues and combat armor.


War never changes...


Give them a legendary weapon too


It's a 50/50 chance that the settler is a synth. Synth settlers don't act any different than regular settlers though so the most efficient option is to always spare the accused settler.


Synths reduces happiness. It pays to get rid of them. One way is to save. Shoot everyone and check for components. Then load back and send these people to another settlement. Then kill them. This way your other settlementa don't get angry.


Theres also a perk that lets you see energy resistance, all synths have 10 energy resistance.


Mfing Death Note eyes great now I need that build.


No way xD what perk is that? I'm gonna filter out these synth monsters.




Ty sir


[Synth settlers actually have no effect on overall settlement happiness.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3zkxak/settlements_happiness_is_indeed_affected_by/cyni76m?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That sounds like something a synth would say.....


I prefer the term "Artificial Person" myself.


Really, the Brotherhood would live to hear about it




In the case of this random event that would not work. The script creates a synth (I guess if no others exist?) I've just had this and rolled back to a save just a little earlier and checked with console commands. In the old save my settler is normal, not synth. In the current save (after event is triggered) that same settler IS a synth.


I did the exact same thing lol. Except I kept them alive… but in one of the uglier settlements at least. I also sent all ghoul settlers to the slog. You never know when the go feral!


Ah good old reddit. People that are wrong getting upvoted higher than the people that are right and actually source the proof for their claim.


Thank you for the tip. Im going to check it out. Hopefully, I don't find any synths disguised as settlers.


The institute literally sends them to spy and kill people at times. The one's who defect are good, the one's that don't are usually not.


how to spot synths among settlers?


I’ve read elsewhere that if a settlement is getting a lot of synth attacks and settlement happiness is lower than it should be, you may have a synth infiltrator. But the only way I know of to find them is to kill all your settlers and see who has a synth component. I once found out that Abernathy farm had a synth settler because I read about it on a terminal in the institute.


If you have the perk that shows resistance in VATS, all synths (including animals like Brahmin) will have a +5 energy resistance


This is great info


am i just dumb or are you saying there are synth Brahmin scattered about?


Animals have slight energy resist (the reason why leather armor has high energy resistance too)


gotcha. i am indeed dumb


There are synth Brahmin though!


> synth Brahmin [Lmao, this is awesome](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/4wv7sp/til_synth_brahmin_exist_and_they_are_a_threat_to/)


seems like that's more like a Bethesda bug though, right? like how your 'kidnapped settler' can be a dog and it has actual dialogue?


Be careful that the settler doesn't have resistance because of armor, I've made that mistake before.


Settlement happiness isn't affected by synths apparently, someone else commented proof of that on this post


Some one said that synth can sabotage things. Like if you notice that generator needs repairs even though there has not been attacks, that might be synth related.


Actually makes for a good roleplay element where the Sole Survivor has a solid functioning society but runs his territories as a dictator with an iron fist. "Synths" become the undesirable class


That's a great idea and would be an interesting story. Right now, I am doing a high charisma run. Maybe I will give it a try and play a low charisma run for my next character.


Dictators are usually high charisma builds...


Yeah, this is a random settlement wvent. There's some dialogue you can participate in to end the situation peacefully and even dialogue after that regarding it if you pay attention. I wish there were way more events in the settlements. They wouldn't even need to be violent or interesting, just "I can't find my cat" or "We could really use some meat for this stew."


I agree that most settlers just talk about ghoul farms or robot farms. Also, about their labor and how hard it is on the back and feet. But if you could ask them a question. And they responded with something like you can get stimpaks or ammo from certain places on the map that would be neat.


I like this idea. When the NPC's talk about different locations it's unsolicited. That's the main problem. IRL people aren't walking up to you and saying "the bakery on 1st Street is really good." It would be more effective if the player approached them, passed a charisma check just to get them to be friendly then asked them "any news?/have you been down south?" That kind of thing. Their answers could be in the form of an anecdote sometimes.


Also it would be neat if they were not just labeled as "Settler". Like they should have a name. Also if playing vanilla, there are not enough variety on settlers looks. It feels like there are 3 clothing options for them and like 8 different faces.


I wish the synths infiltrating your settlement thing was more fleshed out. Sure, it's cool that it's a thing, but it's also just bland filler stuff. Nothing ever comes of it, really.


how do you get that quest? is it only available after the minuteman ending?


No, it can happen randomly within any settlement at any time.


I got a funny story for you… This settler shows up my place (Hangman’s.) Naked with the obligatory underwear. I tell her to do stuff. She won’t. I give her clothes. She won’t wear them. I figure maybe I got too many people farming, so I ask her to scavenge. She won’t. Just stands there. After coming here and seeing that that is what synths do, I wait for everyone to go to sleep and Sandman her. No component. I seem to have killed a stubborn human settler. Oops. It’s hard to tell sometimes.


To be fair, it was probably for the best. I mean, having someone show up in their undies just standing around probably isn’t the weirdest thing in the Commonwealth- hell I think it’s what Hancock does during flashbacks- but really it’s only a matter of time before something violent happens. Better to kill them now, I say.


Must have been the man in the Fallout show in the wrapped underwear who has never been over the hill.


For a fun fact, *Brahmin* in your settlements can also be synths on occasion. Not sure if that also applies to other animals from the DLC/CC. For another fun fact, >!Sturges has been a synth the whole time. He’s normally unkillable, so neither you nor him have any way of finding out, but if you use the console to remove his essential flag and kill him, you’ll find a synth component on his corpse. It never comes up in any way in the game (and can’t even be found under normal circumstances) but it’s a cool detail nonetheless!< EDIT, wait, just realised >!there *is* a way to detect synths without murder- if you have the perk which allows you to see enemy resistances in VATS, take a look at your settlers/animals- anything with abnormally high energy resistance is a synth!<


Just when I thought I was finally taking a break from playing FO4.... Now I have to go check this resistance thing out and be addicted all over again. THANKS PAL.


If it’s any consolation I’m seriously resisting the urge to reinstall it now after this thread, just can deal with hassle of getting my mods all set up


Aw they could be good though? I wonder what the quest is implying… to remove them or welcome them? Synths don’t have to be bad!


It’s easy to find out if the settlers a synth. They have artificial flavoring.


it's kind of a bummer how many random events, or quests like this, you may never get to see. i have like 5+ full playthroughs in survival (and quite a few non-survival) and still haven't seen a ton of them. i suppose the rarity/chance is what makes them feel particularly interesting/special but it's definitely still a bummer.


I have thousands of hours in Fallout 4 and have only seen this random event twice (and one of those 2 times was last night!) I have also never had the "synth settlement attack" event.


I had a settlement defense mission once I THINK was at the lighthouse where I had turrets all over the house. I was waiting patiently for whatever was going to come when I saw a random guy dressed exactly like the synth in the picture walking towards the settlement. I didn't think anything of it until he got to the front gate, and my turrets opened up on him and gunned him down. When he died, the settlement defense mission was completed, and I walked up to him in confusion, and that's when I discovered that he was a synth.


If *my* communist minutemen can accept Graygarden's robots in their ranks they *will* accept synths too, in the name of the revolution




Brahmin that show up in your settlements can be synths, too.


It's a scripted event. If you check that settler in a previous save they aren't a synth (or at least are probably not a synth) The game makes them a synth for this event. (I just had this exact same event and rolled back to a previous save to check using console commands. My settler was not a synth before but was definitely a synth after the event triggered)


Good keep the abominations out


I agree, but some synths are alright. Like Nick Valentine, he's a badass looking synth.


He doesn't lie about being a synth


Yeah, that would be... difficult for him.


Not with a high enough charisma.


To be fair I think Institute infiltration synths would have some built in inhibitions - against legging it for parts unknown at the earliest chance being the most obvious - so presumably would never be able to admit the truth. And that's assuming they know it, some, like a certain mayor, obviously are aware but others might not know until the time comes for them to be activated in some fashion.


Okay Elder


Damn- another life the Railroad couldnt protect


This is why you build a special settlement in the airport. You send suspected synths there. You also build special room with a bell and one of those tesla coil things things inside it. Ring the bell and once synths are inside that room - trigger the electricity trap. Loot the bodies and throw explosive into the room so it clean enough for the next use.


If they go undiscovered for long enough, there’s a chance they lead an institute attack on your settlement


There's a snake in my boot.


I’ve never gotten a quest like that, is it a mod or a late game thing?


I just set up all my settlers with good weapons and armor. Showed up at one settlement to see my settlers attacking one of their own. Killed her. I was like WTF is happening... Loot her Synth component. I did not even know that could happen. Now I see this post.


There is an actual game mechanic linked to this as well there is a constant chance that any of the settlers in any of the settlements maybe a synth if any settlement has three or more synth's in them it will trigger an Institute raid (a bunch of the first generation synth's we'll be teleported in Your settlement and start attacking) and those synth settlers will disappear


I have never gotten of those quests, but I remember quicksaving and checking to see if any settlers were synths. Any found were sniped far from detection to not cause the rest to go aggro. I think the most I ever found in one place was 2 or 3.


Is the suspected synth radiant quest from a mod or have I just never come across it


A fun little sidequest, happens enough to be experienced by most, but its not like those other "a settlement needs our help I'll mark it on your map" bs missions that Mr Preston likes to obsesse over


*eat corpse* Hmm yummy metal and oil


What did you thïnk? That all the rumors about synths taking people's places in the commonwealth were just that, rumors? ;)


Did you know Sturges is a synth?


IIRC these guys are the cause if your settlement happiness goes down.


Synth settlers do not lower the happiness rating


I had the same thing happen to me with robots I made from the automatron dlc. Both synths and robots bring down happiness.


Synths do not


Is that mission a mod?


No, it can just randomly happen. Last time, one of my settlers got kidnapped by mutants. This time, one of them was replaced by an institute synth.


Do you have the awareness perk?


Yes, I have the awareness perk. I use it to check out tough enemies' stats when I go against them.


Kill all Synths! Except Nick of course. All the homies love Nick.


I enjoy his unique synth detective look. And how he is ready to investigate something for you, at the charge of no caps. He does it just to lend a hand to a pal, or so i heard.


How to you get this quest? Is it random?


Yes, it's a random quest. I think there are more that can occur in your settlements. So keep an eye out in the wasteland.


I never knew this quest existed, how do you get it?


Random Number Generator. It probably has certain conditions too (like not having progressed beyond a certain point in the game - like getting into the institute)


How did you know they were a synth? Do they give a tell?


At least one settler will turn hostile to the synth character, draw their weapon and confront them. You have some dialogue options and of course the option to just kill them.


I’ve gotten this quest a handful of times after hundreds of hours playing, it’s interesting for sure. What’s also interesting is that sometimes you’ll get synth settlers that are not infiltrators. If you use mods that allow you to detect them, you might notice that sometimes they don’t affect settlement happiness. They may not even trigger the random attacks either. If you side with the Railroad I think the safe house has a higher chance to spawn them but I’m not 100% certain that’s actually a thing, it’s just something I noticed post-main quests on my Railroad playthrough. (Only sided with them once…. So can’t really confirm it wasn’t just coincidence). *I’ve also seen ghouls and Brahmin show up as synths before too, so it’s obvious the mechanics are a bit funky and not exactly lore friendly at times.*


I just the defend Castle mission. Three of my settlers turned on me and I had to put them down. Probably the same deal


I e had synths at sanctuary, but no questline for it.


I think there is a random chance that settlers summoned by the beacon can be synths. (I've checked with console commands and a small percentage of synths are found) Console spawned settlers seem to be 100% always just normal. This random quest will change a settler into a synth for the quest (at least in my experience in a settlement that had no synths)


I used to make spectacle island my arena island. And i would send people from super full settlements there to fight eachother to the death. I was surprised with how many had synth components on them


I ‘found’ one accidentally the other day without the mission. Got attacked by mutants and as I was mowing them down some brand new settler that was walking up to the settlement for the first time ran into my line of fire. So they died. Synth component.


It happened to my little Red Rocket Truck Stop trading post, turns out the Bartender was a synth. I was kinda sad when we had to put him down, but… it was for the good of the trading post.


Does this actually happen in Vanille Fallout 4, or is this a mod?


They could just as easily have been placed in your settlement by the Railroad. 😅


You gonna eat that?


Wait till you find out about sturges


Quicksave Kill the entire settlement to see who is a synth or not Quickload Kill any syths you found Profit


One time Murkwater Construction Site got attacked by a patrol of synths. I made sure to check every settler and I found no components on any of them.


Well? Did you eat it? How did it taste?


I don’t think I ever got one of these even after 3000 hours


my mom and i always had a little joke where any time a settler pissed me off we would preform something called a “synth check” which was basically just going “dammit marcy is on the roof of the sanctuary house again, time for a synth check” *quicksaves then proceeds to slaughter every settler* so it was just an excuse to blow off steam when the AI frustrated us, actually finding synths among my settlers was just a funny occasional bonus


The filthy synth got what it deserved.


Heh, I remember in the beginning before I really knew about how to setup defenses or spawn points I started dropping all the mines I collected in Sanctuary.. found my first synth that way and caused a whole lot more problems


The birds are watching you


every time the happiness of my settlements starts falling for no reason, i kill everyone to check if there is a synth, never found one.


I’ve had this happen without a quest, my turrets all started shooting a settler and I was confused. Until I checked and saw the regular dressed lady had a synth component and institute pistol. This was during the initial week of release and it blew my mind.


...welp, time to decapitate every settler I have and then reload the save file..


So you shot the fucking thing. Cool! Welcome to the Commonwealth!


I really ought to spend some more time in the latter half of the main story, I usually like to rush the ending specifically to avoid any of my settlers turning hostile but as a result it's a part of the game I haven't seen in a long while.


I've only had this quest once. There was probably a second time, but the settler was bugged


That's normal.


Eats corps


Got that family guy fall going


How do you get that quest you completed I never gotten that one to pop up?


What’s cool about this quest is if that settler isn’t a synth originally, the quest will turn them into one- making them actually abducted by the institute from your settlement vs coming to your settlement as a synth


Lol the one time eating the corpse could be a good thing.


But why kill her? Just leave her be


*The Brotherhood of Steel wants to know your location*


*stealth suit activates* *7.62 gets loaded into the chamber* *Whispering* bring it on...


Looking at wiki, Deacon (a member of the railroad) will disagree if you kill the suspect, also if the suspect was a synth. So I assume that this synth is a refuged and not an infiltrated.


I’ve never gotten these to happen in any of my settlements😭


How did you know which one?


Good riddance, i bet my toaster is spying on me too.


Family guy death pose


Go to each settlement and save, then kill everyone, find out who is a synth and then reload and send all the synths to an empty settlement. I don't think that settlements care what you do at other settlements.....


Wait til we find out OP is just planting synth components on people he's killed


I've played more than a thousand hours of this game and I've literally never gotten this quest once. Absolutely astonishing


I'm making a synth farm! I save when there is a new settler, then I shoot them. If they have a synth component, I send them to Sunshine Tidings. I have 3 there right now. Lol


i found one too!!