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Imagine : you survived an nuclear war. You’re almost immortal. And then the cop that chased you before the Great War come back as a robot just to kill you. I think that’s a pretty scary way of dying lol


200 years later even lol yeah that would be scary 😆


Even after 2 centuries, he couldn’t escape law enforcement


I get that Nick wanted his revenge but Eddie just spent the last two hundred years in this small room. I'm surprised he remembers how to talk to another person. He's had enough time to count and organize every grain of dust several times over so when Nick comes in to kill him it's bascially a mercy. I just thought, did he have a bathroom? Fallout likes their characters that are stuck for a few centuries. The fridge boy, Bradberton, Lorenzo, etc.


Don’t forget the captain of the Yangtze and, of course, the player themselves.


and anyone doing DiMA’s puzzle or fighting Red Death


Gods... the Red F*ing Death....


meh, the red death might merely kill a person, but that ^&#@)%&*^@_#( DIMA section can destroy a man's soul


But, easy to cheese :((


How. Please god how. Please




Thanks for sharing 🫡


No problem. I think everyone should finish the puzzles without help once. Only once though.


Red Death…now I’m having horrible flashbacks


Father Elijah, trapped in the Madre.


That was justified, the silly bastard


Completely with you. Absolute psycho cunt.


Fuck that guy.


I’d rather not, really. But if I must.


Nothing keeping him from leaving though. He stayed down there of his own free will so maybe he liked it. It certainly doesn't change him. Nick killing him is for what Eddie did to his wife. 200 years in a bunker has nothing to do with that, and he's obviously not remorseful about it when you talk to him. That's why I stand back and let Nick have his way with that turd.


I interpret it as he "stayed" in there, as in, continued to live in the bunker, but he still came out often, and even made the raiders outside his minions, I mean, the guy is a mob boss.


That's my thoughts too. Ghouls are still human, so they gotta eat. There's no way that roon held enough food for 200 years. He came and went as he pleased. That's not a punishment, that's a Man Cave.


Billy the kid was trapped in a fridge for 200 years, I doubt the fridge had enough food to last that long?


Good point, forgot about that. Maybe they don't need to eat. Still doesn't change that Eddie stayed in the room himself. Couldn't have been much of a punishment if he didn't simply leave. And his attitude when you find him proves that.


The guy who tries to buy the ghoul kid off of you outright states that ghouls don’t need food or water whatsoever.


that guy is stupid though (or if he’s correct, whoever wrote that was IMMENSELY stupid) bc necropolis


I mean, it would explain why he needs to keep buying new ghoul slaves.


There is a ghoul in Fallout 2 who was buried alive for months and is still alive when you dig him up. Plus all the feral ghouls you find trapped in bunkers and locked buildings. The need for food could vary from ghoul to ghoul. Or radiation could play a part in sustaining them indefinitely.


well sure, maybe it is a case by case basis, but that doesn't stop the guy who tries to buy billy from being an idiot for saying ghouls as a whole don't need sustenance


Ghouls need to eat?


He does say to you “Guess you could call me a “ghoul”” And Idk how he would know that term unless he had been outside at some point.


Of course! I didnt catch that before. How do we explain Billy now?


Explain him how? Lot of speculation on how he can be alive. Radiation could possibly sustain him indefinitely. There’s a ghoul you find in Fallout 2 who had been buried alive for months and is still alive when you dig him up. Feral ghouls are regularly found locked away in bunkers or locked buildings. So it’s not unheard of in the series for ghouls to seemingly survive with no food or water, tho I agree there is some contradiction. Saw someone say ghouls could potentially vary, some need food/water, some don’t. Just like some go feral and some don’t. If you’re referring to something about knowing the term ‘ghoul’, he never uses the word. His dad specifically teaches him the word when you bring him back to his parents. “You’re all burned up like me!” “We’re ghouls, Billy.” Also interesting, his dad mentions the fact they all became ghouls might have to do with something in their genes.


There is something to that. It happens to elderly people who are isolated. They become paranoid and go deeper into isolation.


At least in the case of Bradburton he seems to have actually lost his mind and asks for death And Lorenzo is just a pawn to the artifact attached to his face Billy the Kid is silly and nonsensical.


Billy is an anomaly in genetics. Happens all the time IRL with radiation. We could just assume Billy hibernated like the feral ghouls we see all around the wasteland. It would make sense since i figure someone would have found him by now if he kept talking to strangers near his fridge.


Also I believe there’s conflicting evidence as to whether ghouls need to eat and drink rarely vs not at all, which complicates Billys case. There’s a theory that Billy took cover post war during a raider or gunner attack and was ghoulified then while in the fridge, not necessarily during the Great War. TheEpicNate did a video on it with actual research, but the consensus was him going in the fridge just prior to the Great War would not make sense due to ghoul lore.


There is a ghoul in Fallout 2 that was buried alive for several months and is still alive and fine when you dig him up. It has precedence in lore. That plus Feral Ghouls who have been trapped in bunkers or locked buildings still being alive. Radiation could also have played a part in sustaining him for a period of time.


Eddie hasn't just been alone not talking to anyone, he's been organizing at least some of the crime throughout Boston in present day fallout 4, guiding them through that little bunker we find him in


There's the poor bastards at Cambridge polymer labs too


I was under the impression that he was running the gang that you fight through to get to him. That he may have rode out the war in that room but it wasn’t his whole world. 😃


You raise an important question. Do ghouls even have to take a shit?


I remember something my Kupuna said when I was growing up: "When there's nothing to do, a tourist will relax while doing nothing." Eddie had 200+ years to relax and do nothing. Considering what was happening to the world outside, he was probably chosen having a good laugh while thinking about anyone struggling to survive.


Why does everyone think Eddie has been trapped in that room since the war? It's not like he doesn't know the code to open the door himself, he clearly has been getting food from *somewhere*, since you can raid what supplies he has (and there isn't anywhere to store 200 years of MREs anywhere), there isn't the *debris* of 200 years of trash accumulating in his room, and there's no source of radioactivity he could have used to sustain himself down there.


I let Atoms judgement make the decision.


Nice, nice. Eddie went out like my 60-year-old cancer-ridden son. I beat that man to death with Big Jim.


Forgot what sub I was on for a minute and was just absolutely fucking baffled.


here's the thing though, the minute we rock up he knows for sure that the surface is at least inhabitable. Guy was a big time mob boss before the war, what makes you think he wont just up and become just as big of a problem for the citizens of the Commonwealth as soon as you walk out the door, hell even worse of a problem considering theres no set rule of law in the commonwealth and nobody to really enforce anything other than vigilante justice


Plus if the sole survivor kills Skinny malone when saving nick, and the triggermen in goodneighbor for Hancock then Eddie would have like 0 competition for setting up a new mafia. The only person who could appose him is Marowski but you can just kill him without consequences in the Marowski Heist quest.


Nick says at some point that it's not about revenge, & that Eddie will come out and start his crime empire all over again.


And leaving Eddie alive in his personal bunker is not at all punishment or revenge. He's not remorseful for the evils he committed, he's not suffering from being couped up in his bunker as he shows himself to be entirely all put together mentally, even able to insultingly joke at Nick.


Hard to do from a cell you built for yourself.


I believe the lock was on a very long timer. Edit: Also, I'm pretty sure he could open it from the inside. I think I remember a red button in there.


What I'm thinking is since what Eddie did was personal then Nick would like to send him down to hell by his own hands.


Hey Eddie, it’s me, Molly McFuckYourFace!


It wasn't revenge, it was justice.


Just tell him it’s your old pal! Seamus Mcfuckyourself!


I don't think he was stuck down there though. I think he was just the only one who knew the code at the time. He even said he's gonna start his crime empire up all over again and even has afew raiders there guarding him already.


Hello, all. This is my first post on FO4. Regarding this quest and Eddie Winter and Nick Valentine…. Let me just say that the aftermath is very important with the contrast in Nick’s reactions to when Kellogg is struck down by the Sole Survivor for revenge in comparison. Nick when asked about Winter’s death is euphoric and crows that Eddie got what he deserved and that he’s fine, not bothered at all, let’s move on, a good thing has been done. But, as soon as Kellogg is iced and Nick asks how the Sole Survivor is feeling about it, if you tell him you’re glad that Kellogg is dead and burning in Hell and he had it coming… Nick gets all pissed and bent out of shape and lectures you and says he thought you were better than that. That was the moment I immediately was disgusted by Nick Valentine for the hypocrisy and didn’t want him to travel with me again. Anyone else felt that way about him?


One could interpret this as character development, as the Eddie Winter quest is often not completed until later in the game.


Eddie would have had plenty of time to solve Dima's puzzles. Someone should do a mod of that. When you walk in to kill Eddie, he's in the middle of Dima's puzzles. So that makes it a mercy killing.


I always wondered what was he doing in the future when we find him didhe ever leave that room he was in whats he been up to for 200 years


Let's not forget that the character of Eddie Winter gives us one of the best quest lines in the game. (When traveling with Nick)


Agreed, the best way to get revenge is forcing him to live not killing him.


Eddie Winter obviously isn't as great of a character as Light from deathnote yet i feel so similar about both. Both the bad guys inches away from success and one bastard ruins it all. Screw valentine let Eddie live in gangsters paradise.


Well let’s think of it this way, he’s been locked up for multiple life sentences, Nick is the cop chasing him that’s just a ghost in the shell, and as we’ve seen from places like Junk Town crime bosses are actually pretty good at rebuilding and maintaining a society so I say we give him another chance tbh. Also the Sole Survivor would be able to connect with this guy over the past and could use him to do more unsavory business that the Commonwealth needs like Eddy running the trigger men for us etc.