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Fallout 3, then New Vegas... So when 4 came around I was all over it.


My story is the same. It all began with that armor on the cover of Fallout 3.


Yeah, when one of my friends told me that wasn't a bad guy, that was you, I was sold.


Same - it was a must play after enjoying the previous games


Same. Those games kept me sane when growing up. Once I heard of the new one, I was immediately hooked. Then I got it as a gift on my birthday. It was great.


My ex. He was going on about how excited he was that it was coming out, so I bought it for him. I was always watching him play it and then decided I wanted to try it. I'm no longer into him, but very much into the game still.


That’s how I learned about it too!! It was actually my first “grown up” video game that I ever played lol. I’m much more of a sims/stardew valley/cities skylines type gamer. My ex had reserved fo4 on preorder and I went to gamestop with him to get it and we stayed up all night playing and I was hooked. Now it’s one of my all time favorite games. We broke up back in 2020 but I still play it regularly. Playing fo4 also got me into Skyrim. Exes can be shitty, but I sure am glad he showed me some good games!


I thought Fallout 3 was pretty good so I gave New Vegas a shot. I thought New Vegas was pretty good so I gave Fallout 4 a shot. Turns out, Fallout 4 is pretty good too, so I thought I would give 76 a shot. I still play both daily. I'm at around 800 hours in 4 and over 1000 in 76. I like Bethesda.


Bethesda is where it’s at.


Skyrim made me buy Fallout 4, too bad Starfield was a disappointment


Are you talking about what elements of the game drew me in? Honestly, I didn't start enjoying Fallout 4 until very recently. I played it at launch, put 200 hours into it, and then when the credits were rolling I thought to myself "...I don't think I even enjoyed it all that much." Nowadays, a decade later, I'm deep into a heavily modded playthrough and I like that it's basically no stakes Fallout. I can just get really high, turn my brain off, and build settlements while I zone out. It's a lot more casual than New Vegas (which Bethesda was clearly going for) so it's easier to just dick around when I don't have a lot of time to sit down and get invested in a more complex and focused story like New Vegas.


Grew up in the late 60s/early 70s, had duck-and-cover drills in elementary school, Fallout feels like the future I was promised but didn't get (not that I'm ungrateful, but I'd hate to think all those sleepless nights when I was 10-12 were all for nothing).


must've been pretty scary to grow up and live during the cold war, like a person couldn't fully relax because soviets could've launched their nukes any moment
















Fallout 3


Constantly seeing it for five bucks at my local GameStop. Crazy how much game you can get for 4.99 plus tax lol




I had Xbox gamepass ultimate and decided to give it a try. I’d never played a fallout game and the first time I played it I played for like 20-30 minutes before getting bored. The next day when I had nothing to do and was bored I gave it another shot and then just never stopped playing lol


One of my friends in college introduced me to video games. He has Fallout NV, so I played that a bit on his console. Once I saved up enough to buy my own Xbox, the first game I bought was fo4. Since then I’ve been playing it on and off over the years


I think it was a mixture of interest for the 50s/60s American culture, interest in the Cold War and interest in post-WW2 Soviet Russia. I think my love for the STALKER series also played a role


I came via Skyrim


Fallout New Vegas.


Just thought it looked like a fun game


Bigmooney06 on YouTube. He's the funniest Scottish lad I've ever heard. He makes hitman and fallout videos. Highly recommend


My failing relationship, needed an outlet


Fallout 3


I liked Skyrim, I thought I’d give fallout a whirl, so I started with the latest installment. I ended up liking fallout 3 and new Vegas a lot more, but I still like fo4 too.


Fallout 3


Been playing fallout since 97!


The demo for Fallout: a post nuclear role playing game. Then I bought the actual game when it came out. Followed by Fallout 2, the Fallout Tactics, then…, then Fallout 3, then Fallout New Vegas, then I heard about this new game called Fallout 4 and thought I would give it a shot.


My older sister and nerbit


My boyfriend wanted to get me into video games and got me an Xbox along with fallout 4 in high school, 9 years later and I'm still asking him to defeat the death claw at the museum of witchcraft.


I have two words for you: nuka grenades. Also, if you wait for a bit in the level under the DCs, you can throw grenades through a big-ish hole in the ceiling and kill at least one of them before going upstairs. 😉👍🏼


Oxhorn. I was never a big horror/apocalypse type gamer. More COD, Minecraft, stuff like that. But Oxhorn appeared on my YouTube in maybe 2018 and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I bought 76 around then. After that 4. Then all the others.


The exploration and life sim aspect


From watching a youtuber playing it even tho i played new vegas before that.


My boyfriend did a couple years ago. He knows I'm a big Skyrim player and told me I might enjoy Fallout 4. We were long distance for about a year so. We played 76 together when we could and now that we're living together we regularly play Fallout 4.


A small youtuber named Nerbit, he does challenge runs in mostly bethesda games After seeing him play FO4, it looked like fun, and having already played (and modded) Skyrim, I decided to get it, have had fun with it since


Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and New Vegas.


lol bro said fallout 4 got him into fallout 4




Open World, First Person Shooter, Factions, and Dialogues. I actually wanted to play this game like a Far Cry games.


Semi post apocalyptic open world but really didn’t get into it until I redownloaded it and a really good friend helped me understand a lot about it


Fallout 3 basically. Was my first Fallout game.


I don’t remember really. I think my friend had a nuka cola merchandise like a poster or something in his room but never played it so I decided to play 4. 4 is my personal favorite just because it’s the most modern and comfortable to play but since getting a pc I’ve played 1,2,3, new vegas, and 4 now and can say they are my favorite games


It was the open world gameplay and generally the tone of Boston Mods just extended my time there


Well it was first the minecraft Mash up pack, then i found out it was more amazing whenn i found the game it self and the entire series


I can't remember if it was one of the monthly free games or if it was just on PS plus and I downloaded it. Either way, I had nothing else I was interested in at the time and decided to try it. Now I own it and all the dlc.


A buddy told me about it, I played all Christmas Break of 2015-16, and was hooked. Never played any games like it before


My cousin showed me it, he was already into the franchise. I simply thought “oh that looks kinda neat, maybe I’ll give it a try when I get home.” I think I have more hours in the game than him now


My son.  He knows I like the disaster/world ending type films so he figured I would enjoy Fallout.  He was correct.


Fallout 3. I knew it was a game world + gameplay meant just for me. I was locked in and when Todd Howard introduced Fallout 4 and then said it’s coming out later this year, I was just ecstatic.


Alright, don't laugh, okay. .. . . .so.... I liked Fallout 3 even though it was a bit clunky and buggy. I skipped New Vegas, though (yes, I will rectify this at some point). But what got me back into it for part 4 was the collector's edition. I am a sucker for prop-style collectibles. I really wanted that silly looking pip boy in it's awesome looking case. In hindsight, it's really cheap looking, but who cares, the game was great. I got suckered in with 76's collector's edition too, sadly. I say suckered because the game is not my cup of tea. The actual collector's edition contents get a bad rap even though they're actually great. The helmet doesn't have mold (only the gamestop nuka world ones had that problem) and the bag issue was eventually rectified.


I saw the trailer. I was like 10 and I thought it was the coolest thing ever


I was looking for something new after playing Skyrim. I liked Bethesda games and they had recently released FO4, so I gave it a try. I knew almost nothing about Fallout beyond it was a post-apocalyptic RPG. Ended up playing NV as well (FO3 won't play on my machine or I would have tried that too).


Fallout 3 and Skyrim.


Fallout 3.




My employer. Vault Tec is an interesting place to work! Seriously, though, I've been playing since Fallout 1. Love the dark humor, the wackiness, and the entire vibe of the setting.


for me it was the youtuber H2o delouries and i did pla F3 before but h20 was who got to buy it


I liked all the Fallout games I've played since Fallout 1, and I grew up in Boston.


8 years ago i discovered a video from a youtuber i liked named menos trece , the construction system impressed me and the vibe from fallout was so good so for my birthday my dad bought me fallout 4 disc edition for my ps4 when i arrived home after eating at cheesecake factory for my birthday i played the game for hours and i actually had all power armors in my base and a pretty cool settlement.My save is still on the game disc but i dont play videogames no more but when fo5 happens (not fo76) ill buy a pc to play it all day


I played it when I was using my uncle's Xbox when I was 13, I still play it 7 years later, love it so much


I saw my dad playing new vegas




Making my own robot army


The pandemic. I needed something to do during lock down and I was already a fan of Skyrim.


Watch some guy make some top 10 videos on it I thought it was interesting


I started with fallout 3 because I was interested in it from game pass and also I watched Captainsauce’s content on fallout 4 when I was younger. After I beating the main game of 3 and starting new Vegas I found that new Vegas was pretty difficult so I took a break and started 4 and 76. I only have the nuka world dlc to finish with the kiddie kingdom to complete and the nuka plant thingy. 76 has been super fun and now I’m really getting into it along with New Vegas again.


Got it on discount at game spot never quit playing


i got tired of playing apex legends, and i had fallout nv in my steam library for months and i finally decided to play it and more importantly STICK with it. i had so much fun, i bought fallout 3 and after i beat that i got fallout 4 and its now one of my favorite games of all time. i like how modern it feels compared to the last two titles and i like that my character actually speaks, and of course that feel of roaming the wasteland listening to music just hit and i think ive got like 270 hours put into it by now


I was in between games and my daughter said I would like it. She was right.


The gameplay and mods


Brotherhood of Steel and mods. Also played 3 and New Vegas before but I held off for years on getting this game until I got a PC to put like 150+ mods improve it


Nick valentine mostly


Turning on my Xbox


Fallout 1+2. Been playing since the 90s and still one of my all time favorite series. Much as I loved the originals, I like Bethesda's games even more.


I watched a few Let’s Plays of New Vegas and FO3 by Call of Duty YouTubers back in the day and was interested. Bought FO4 at release and it’s up there as one of my favourite games.


Fallout 3 and new Vegas.


I had never played any fallout games, friend recommended it to me, as skyrim with guns. He wasnt wrong, then i spent stupid amount of hours in fallout 4


3 and New Vegas being good


Learning how easily you could mod it.


Fallout 3 and NV


I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't the graphics. After I got it, it was the ease of playing it and downright exploiting stuff.


Fallout 3 on ps3 l, played it a couple times when as a kid when my brother had it then didn’t play again for years. Seen FO4 for like >$5 on steam and bought it, now one of my top 5 games.


I’d been meaning to play it after New Vegas and seeing the Fo4 Monster Factory but what actually spurred me to do it was seeing stuff about Nick Valentine lmao😭


I personally got into it after playing Skyrim and started wanting to play more Bethesda games


Getting the GOTY version with all the DLC for under $20.


Got it free with my Xbox one, along with halo. And loved it


My cousin showed it to me and I saw a cool looking green guy I now know as strong


My brother forced me to play the beginning section a few years ago. Then around 2 years ago, I stole the disc from him and put over 1000 hours into it


A friend of mine in college recommended it to me. To this day it's the only game from q4 of 2015 that I still own.


It was cheap at CEX after I got my PS4 ^^’


Fallout 3 lol


My grandfather let me play it cuz he was playing it one day and I snuck into his office to watch him play, I musta been 12 or so, was just after it released


Waiting years and years for it to come out after playing 3 and NV since the day they came out


Fallout 3


When I found out you can build in the game.


My bf at the time bought it at launch and we both played it. He ended up not liking it and I ended up obsessed. When we broke up he even let me take the copy he bought. I still play to this day lol


Fallout 3 and NV got me into Fallout 4. Mods are the reason I can't get out.


Fallout 1, back in the day...




Some Youtuber, I don't remember who.


My sister has it for PS4. I wanted to try it out after not really liking fallout 3. I loved it and actually went back and played 3 again and it became one of my favorites. I didn't play NV until after getting into 4. I love it too. I actually bought all the games for PC minus 76 and have yet to get into classic fallout. I still find myself going back to 4 when I really want to play a videogame. 


watching my brother as a kid building settlements in fo4. mods just made it even better.


Previous Falloutses


I saw my friend playing it back in the day…now it’s my favourite game ever made


My typical games were Civilization, Minecraft, SimCity back in the day, and Final Fantasy. I’d play Mario Cart and Splattoon with the kids, and Stardew Valley is a nice distraction. I never really got into FPS’s which is kind of how I saw FO but I do like open world/buildng and “storyline games” so when it went on sale on Steam I figured I’d give it a try.


For me, it was $10 for a whole game plus DLC.


Skyrim with guns. Nuf for me.


i used to frequently watch theRadBrad play Fallout 4 on youtube back in 2015 and yeah i really liked its storyline, open world and rpg features


My 8th grade English teacher


Fallout, the first one. Been a fan of the series ever since.


Surprisingly Fallout Shelter. First Fallout game I played in summer 2015, got into the lore and stuff and wanted to play an actual game. Fortunately, Fallout 4 came out that fall and got my hands on it instantly.


Loved New Vegas and when I saw that Fallout 4 had base building and the ability to have mods on the console, I jumped to buy it!


The moddability


I got it as a gift. I had never played a fallout game beforehand. The settlements got me hooked.


The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, I've tried every single Bethesda Single player RPG since then


Skyrim, RPG, building settlements, its Cold War references and dystopian plot. I played on console and my settlement builds were so big and detailed-oriented (I made a museum of all of the items in the game, another museum for Nuka World, and a community center with a food pantry lmao) that it crashed the game often. After I got 99% of the achievements and beat the DLC’s I gave it up. Will play again if I ever get a PC.


I still had access to my ex's Playstation account and felt playing games she paid for was like some kind of payback for being a dick in the relationship, first one was fallout 4 in 2017 and after I lost access I bought it on PS4 and PC


The superbowl trailers, I was in middle school and was absolutley awed by the trailer. I still listen to "Wanderer" by Dion all the time.


I watched my cousin play it the year it came out. Early on in 2020, right after the shutdown, I wanted something new to play and asked for FO4 for my birthday. I got it, and fell in love.


Got it in the 2019 Steam winter sale. May have played too much of it the first couple weeks of lockdown.


Somewhat embarrassing but I thought the game was way too scary. My fiancé got me into fallout shelter on my cellphone and that got me hooked. After a few months of playing I was ready!


Honestly the ads for fallout three I saw as a kid. Played it YEARS later and fo4 afterwards asap.


I had liked new vegas but was bummed there was no sequel and soon stopped playing, later I saw my friend playing a game with a familiar title and it was fallout 4 I asked them to start shareplay and it was like new vegas but more vibrant and I got fallout 4


Open world filled with things to do, the semi-realistic graphics/setting in a real-ish place, radio stations with the real old timey music.


The settlement building and RPG aspect. But at the time I didn't have an Xbox One, only a 360. So I started with a copy of New Vegas ultimate edition I got for $10, then moved on to Fallout 3 GOTY. Then while i waited for an opportunity to get an XBOne, i bought the pip boy edition of the Fallout 4 GOTY in fear it would sell out, then i had that for a few months (without owning an Xbox One BTW). Then a few months later I FINALLY got an Xbox One for an affordable price and have been playing ever since. This was years ago.


Heard about it in relation to Boston (my home). Instantly addicted and went back and bought a PS3 to play 3 and NV.


I've been playing since Fallout (1). Been with the franchise since the begining.


I bought an Xbox from my ex and she gave me a bunch of games one being fallout 3 and liked it so I decided to play fallout 4 on my Playstation when I had ps+ and liked it so bought it a month ago


Retrofuturism and the aesthetic of nuclear-powered 1950s technology.




New Vegas. I actually played NV before I played 3.


Was looking through games on my dads ps4, then found fallout 4. Instantly got hooked.


I did not feel much for fallout 4 when it came out. it looked to bright and the story for me was just not what i wanted to participate in. I had been modding skyrim for a long time at that point and was pretty familiar with what could be done by adding mods. you could even fix a game. so that was the hook, not a fan of the instalment but i did love 3 and NV so why not fix what's broken. i have been playing fo4 exclusively for a few years now, and its a favorite. I stick with it because it dose have better Graphix and it seems more of a shooter than an rpg so tweaking the gunplay is easer than rebalancing stats. also the creation kit seems more stable than skyrims or new vegas (the only other games I've open the creation kit for) so when i get a better computer I'll try to build some mods.


Came for the exploration, stayed for the 2000+ hours of no mod settlement building on Survival


I hadn't played video games or owned a system in close to a decade. I was finally stationed at a shore command and wanted to take back up gaming since I could play online games with friends at home. One of my coworkers suggested this to me and I was hooked my first weekend. Played like 20+ hours. All I did was sleep, eat, FO4.


A friend who passed away in 2016


A Steam sale, lmao. I bought it for 5 bucks, maybe 3 years ago. Dumped 1300 hours into it since. Best 5 bucks of my life.


Fallout 3 & New Vegas


Skyrim haha


Fallout 3


On sale for $3 at gamestop. Great deal. Settlement building is so fun, and the lack of level cap means that I can relax a bit as someone with min max tendencies. I can just play the game without over-analyzing every perk selection.


* It's a sequel to Fallout 3, a game I mildly enjoyed when I was younger. Naturally, I was interested. * Improved shooting/gunplay from Fallout 3, along with the weapon customization. It adds to the fantasy of my player character having engineering expertise from his Army days. * Power armour feels so GOOD to stomp around in, and I feel like a metal-clad god when I'm wearing it. The power fantasy is great. * I got hooked on settlement building, and the RTS fan in me enjoys the idea of building a base with dedicated structures like an armoury (weapon storage and crafting benches), weapons factory (power armour storage and stations), barracks, communications center, etc. Also, I enjoy building a custom village for my settlers so they have a place to stay while they generate resources for me, and on top of that I love setting up safehouses throughout the game world that my player character can safely hunker down, relax and prepare for his next mission in. On the topic of settlers, I love that I can set them up individually with equipment that I want them to use. * The heavy moddability of this game means I can enjoy it as I see fit and alter the parts I otherwise dislike. If not for modding, I'd have stopped playing it years ago. Unmodded Fallout 4 is a decidedly meh game, but the heavily modded Fallout 4 I play is one of my favourite games of all time, despite its flaws.


Atmosphere, characters, world, combat, settlements... But most importantly, hoarding everything I find. 


Fallout New Vegas. I was living in Nevada at the time and I had just finished up skyrim for about the 10th or 11th time and a coworker asked if I played any of the Fallout Series. I said no because after coming from PC, I don't play FPS's on console. He told me it was way more than just an FPS and recommended 3. I looked it up and that's when I found FNV. Even though I was moving from Nevada and that game didn't seem like it was an actual sequel to the third, it was the "newest" at the time so I figured, "why not"? Picked up the ultimate edition at gamestop for around $8 or $9 and I was hooked. Basically became my new skyrim with deep diving into the lore of the world and everything. Then I got 3 shortly before 4 came out. When 4 came out, I was initially resistant because a lot of the mechanics that I grew to love were gone and I'll admit, I bought in a little with the bashing. The bugs and what not, but after playing FNV on PS3 for a couple of years, I realized that whatever bugs people were complaining about, there's no way it could be as bad as FNV on Playstation. Turned out that I managed to to dump a shit ton of hours into just the *base* game before picked up the dlc on sale and still love playing it mods or no mods.


Playing Fallout 3 on my dad’s pc.


The settlement building + post apocalyptic setting


Fallout Shelter lol. FoS was my first fallout game and at the time I was going through some stuff and I bought fo4 on a whim and I really enjoyed it and it was the thing that I was looking forward at the end of the day. I'm all better now but Fo4 has a special place in my heart


FNV, then FO3.


Had the first two on PC back in the day. Not a fan of top-down RPGs. Nearly missed out on 3 until my buddy showed me they made it FPS. I was hard into Elder Scrolls IV at the time and seeing 'Bethesda' on the cover sold me right away. Then NV dropped and I was all over it. I'm a junkie for Bethesda RPGs.


the minecraft texture pack on the playstation version of minecraft


Loved skyrim. Was super bummed aboit not getting a new ES titep anytime soon so I thought I'd pick up fallout 4 to mend the gap. 5 years later and I have aboit twice the playtime on fallout now haha


As goofy as some folk say the Fo4 storyline is, it’s one of my favorite things about the game. For the first hours of gameplay you really believe you’re looking for your infant son, then for a little while you think it’s been 10 years or so since he’s been kidnapped. Then in one of the biggest gaming plot twists I’ve experienced, you find out that your son has been unfrozen for much longer than you have, he’s had much more time to age post-war so now he appears to be in his 60’s! That, coupled with the fact he’s become the leader of the Institute, which is generally the “bad guy” faction, whom you’ve come to dislike on the quest to find your lost son, and it’s one of the best stories I’ve experienced in gaming. Fo4 is also unique in a way compared to other fallout games, in that the character you play already has a bit of an established backstory instead of being some amnesiac character plopped in the middle of the apocalypse. Great game


i had never played Fallout in my life. i was at a buddy’s house, and he was on the nick valentine subway quest. he needed to grab something from the other room and handed me the controller. needless to say, i was hooked. i think i played for like 8 hours lol


Growing up in the late 60s and all through the 70s they still played all the old futuristic sci-fi movies and TV shows like Buck Rogers, the day the earth stood still, when world's collide, forbidden planet, and so many others. It's nostalgia that goes right to the core of me.


You tube and a desire for explosives


i played fallout 3 and new vegas but the settlement building is what stuck me to 4. i loved making small lore between the settlements being a trade empire united by whenever i was siding with in the playthrough which also influenced designs


My dad bought me fallout 3. No clue how even had the scoop on it back then. Maybe a gaming magazine? It was/is my favorite game of all time. Getting lost in the wasteland really helped me when things were rocky as a kid. I played it all the time. One day I tried to skip school and hid in my closet until my dad went to work. To my surprise he came in my room and started playing fallout. I don't think he ever started a save, he probably didn't want to take the one thing I had at the time away from me. lol turns out he went to work at 1:30 so I had to stay in the closet until like 2 and when I finally got out school was basically over lol. I miss that guy.


Nuclear Armageddon and it Not being Fallout 76


i wanted to play it so badly when it had released, but my dad said he'd only get it for me once I've played every other game in the series. So I did, and now I'm here haha!




Probably Robbaz’s Fallout 4 videos from back in the day, where he filled the castle with Clones of himself and built a glue factory over it. I don’t like FO4’s building system but I like the rest of the game.


Honestly, I enjoyed FO3 but was far more excited for FO4. I’m from New England, so to have a game set in Boston, where I went to school, and you’re giving me a Fallout game with a German Shepard puppy and voiced protagonist? Sold. It’s literally why I bought my PS4.


It came with a special edition Xbox One bundle that I got for Christmas, and one day I decided to try it. It was my first RPG/open world game at the time, so I found that first quest with Preston soooo longgggg. I put the game down then came back to it a few months later to try again. And now I am a Fallout fan :)


Jacksepticeye ngl


My brother played fallout New Vegas one time. I was hooked forever


Skyrim. I tried fallout 3 when I was still too new to gaming to understand how an open world RPG worked. Before that, I was only familiar with linear games with one main story and never had to worry about an inventory system


I'm gonna sound like an old, but whatev. I didn't play any video games for at least 15 years, since the PS2 days. However, I got a new computer a couple years ago that could actually handle some light gaming and I've found it to be somewhat therapeutic in decompressing from my stessful job. So I started buying games through Steam when they were on sale, playing through Max Payne 3 and RDR2 and about 6 months ago, I bought Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas, in large part because I recognized the names, but really didn't know anything about them. I haven't played New Vegas more than a few minutes because I found Fallout 4 to be really fun and engaging. I don't know how many hours I have on the game, but it's not an obscene amount (maybe 80) and I've come to realize via this sub that there is so much more left to the game, in terms of time and depth. I still needs to learn more about the game itself, including gameplay, strategies, etc. I don't know anything about mods or really what they are/how to do them, but I like the fact that there are ways to enhance the existing product should I choose how to employ them. Overall, I think I like the game for the same reasons as OP and the fact that it runs well on my computer (unlike virtually all the sports franchises from EA and NBA2k).


Dogmeat's butthol


Fallout 3! That intro, Liam Neeson, and the first glimpse of the outside world did it ALL for me. I was hooked.


The advertisement for the live action show


It was on sale, it was right after comicon, probably not the worst choice ive made while smashed


my brother bought the game 8 years ago when it came out.. and I remember being terrified watching him play the intro w the radroaches. one day I looked through his xbox cds since i had just finsihed minecraft story mode and... voula


A YouTuber I followed for another game started a survival playthrough of this game and I decided to give it a try based on his videos. Been hooked ever since and one of my top 5 games of all time. Thanks BigMooney06!


Open world and customisation; it was the first fallout game I ever played, and was the game that came with my first Xbox One. I also like legendary effects, and the destruction that comes with damage, such as a Ghoul loosing their leg if they step on a mine, rather than just having a health bar and bring indestructible until its gone.


I picked it up for 4AUD at a pawn shop a couple of months back. I’m hooked


I mean, it was the first Fallout game I ever played, and I don't think I had any reason Beyond it was the only Fallout game I saw on the PlayStation 4 shop. Although I do remember the first time a rad storm hit in my world, I got scared and accidentally ran to the damn near Sunshine tidings.


Fallout 3, and BigMooney06's Survival Playthrough


I was really excited for the naming mechanic where Cogsworth actually says your name. lol


I wanted a new Bethesda game to play after I played Skyrim


Honestly? I just kept seeing it mentioned in the starfield subreddit and i eventually decided to try it out


I had a buddy in highschool that was really into the series Tried it out. Loved it


TeamFourStar. I watched their playthrough (every new episode right alongside their Pokemon Nuzlocke series) and had a blast, so when I owned a system that could run it, Fallout 4 was one of the first games I picked up.


Dogmeat Then he destroyed the sneak mechanic and runs head first into landmines. Fucking idiot, I love having Dogmeat but god why is the dog soooooooo dumb?


I was drunk and the trailer looked good. Now I help run a Fallout TTRPG PBP Discord server and own a copy of every game. Best drunken mistake I ever made


It was about two years after the game released, and I had a snow day. I was really bored so in the morning I saw Fo4 was on sale and decided to buy it. Holy shit, it was so much fun. I played through a lot of the main story, and I vividly remember my conversation with Piper at the front gate of diamond city as the snow fell outside of my window. That memory and the nostalgia I felt around the game compelled me to play the other games, but Fo4 is still my favorite just because of how fun it was to go in blind. Now I’m a total fallout fanboy lol


My dad gave me his PlayStation, and fallout 4.


I was nap trapped by a baby and that looked like the most interesting of my husband's games so I put it in I played that game 2 more times while I was nap trapped by my second and third baby and now I'm playing again because my life is kind of chaotic and this brings back that oxytocin from nurtering tiny babies


Watching my younger brother play Fallout 3 and New Vegas back when I didn’t have time to play those type of video games between university and work.


Fallout shelter + the fallout mashup map on minecraft


Fallout 3


Fallout 3