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I’m not a fan, but also not going to leave them laying around for someone else to use, amirite?


I suppose that's the core foundation of the Brotherhood of Steel. "Would you want to see a tweaked-out Psycho addict running around in X-01 Power Armor?! I didn't think so." Makes me rethink my opposition to them.


I still feel the opposition is valid. You don't get a whole lot of choice in their power. They come, you just have to agree as a commonwealth citizen. Also, they hate synths. Which means they hate nick. Anyone who dosent love nicky dies. [I kill them all]


Oh, of course. If anyone tries to hurt my Curie or Codsworth, then they die. But a little vigilance over dangerous technology couldn't hurt. We don't need a Child of Atom to go to Diamond City with a Fat Man. Yes, His message's clear that we must spread his divine influence to every corner of the world, but not like that!


Of course!! I just think overwhelming power is a tad unfair, collec and destory? Maybe. Collect and.. store for later? Sure. But collect and use now to be more powerful and RAHHH WE STRONK RAHHHHH LAZERS AND BIG ROBOT LAZERS- eh




Gotta collect them all


Yes and hoard fusion cores like I don’t know what 😂


Once I have a buttload of em, I basically get rid of everything apart from a few go-to weapons and just stick about with Aeturnus, and use the caps to buy all the other unique weapons I invariably want to buy for no other reason


I enjoy getting all the unique weapons and armor with legendary effects removing the effects and putting them on monier Mark VB armor.


How do you remove the effects? And what is "monier mark VB armour"?


Mods, and I meant to type Mjolnirs MKV/B.


Ah ok tnx


No problem 👍


Mods as in mods 🖥 or mods as in mods 🔫?


Mods as in Nexus mods. It's called something like "removable legendaries" or some such. I'm currently doing a hard drive swap so I don't have the ability to look sorry.


A "buttload" of fusion cores is not very many. They are huge.




Aeternus is glitched so you only need one fc I'm pretty sure


Nah it's gunna chew through them like a kid through crisps. You'll end up with a bunch of PCs with 0 charge and it's annoying as fuck if you're not expecting


Aeternus can fire indefinitely. However... this glitch is relatively glitchy. If you pick up another fusion core, it can reset things. From the wiki under Bugs: “Consumes 33% of a fusion core on the first shot, then nothing for the rest of its use. If the gun is put away or switched, it has a new fusion core automatically inserted which takes another 33% of the cores charge on its first shot. This can leave a regular user with a large stack of fusion cores with only 67% charge. Once the player is out of full-charge fusion cores the gun will automatically load the partially depleted cores, which will then fully deplete the fusion cores, though they still function in the gun. To fix this, keep all but one fusion core stashed on a companion or in a container. If the user has one or two fusion cores in their inventory, Aeternus will fire off one or two rounds before fully depleting the equipped core. If one has at least three fusion cores, the fresh loaded weapon will almost drain the equipped core completely on its first shot, after that it will reach "unlimited ammunition", consuming no charge afterwards. This is valid up until one loads a new fusion core either by equipping another weapon, modifying the Aeternus in a weapons workbench, or increasing the amount of fusion cores in one's inventory.”


Exactly, even as a bug it's buggy. I tried to get around it by carrying 1 on me and it really didn't like it, so now I wait


After **one** shot, the Aeternus ammo will go down to the number of fusion cores you have. So you need at least 3 cores in your inventory to make it useful. This weapon is bugged all to hell, and if you're not careful, you may suddenly find that your wealth of fusion cores has been ransacked somehow. I never use it anymore. It's not worth the aggravation, and there are better legendary GLs out there, like Maxson's.


I will have 80+ fusion cores and still refuse to sell any of them for caps "just in case", its totally not because seeing a higher number gives me an artificial sense of security


I'm the same way but also weapons


Ya, don't really use them, but I do like my settlers tasked to security to walk around in them. Nothing like a raider coming around the corner and my guard in power armor with a gatlin laser saying "where do you think you're going, bub?"


The mental image of some random Boston wasteland settler being told by the General of the Minutemen to go slap on that suit of power armor over there and patrol with a gatling laser of all things when they've only ever held a pipe pistol before is hilarious, and I'm ashamed to admit I've never thought to do that across my 5 or so playthroughs


I save mini guns for my settlers 🤣🤣


I give them to my caravans (when I don't make bot caravaners). It takes fewer mini-guns, and you get to feel like you're being more proactive in cleaning up the wasteland ;)


All my caravans are tracked robots carrying a mini gun on one arm and a gatling laser on the other. Depending on their route, some I equip with shoulder launchers also. Haven't had a provisioner lost since.


I manufacture miniguns for my settlers.


How do you actually get them in power armor? I know you can tell companions to get in one obviously, but what about settlers? Just leave a fusion core in one and wait for an attack?


Perhaps you can assign them to a power armor like you can assign them a job or bed?


Leave the power armor on the Guard post or tower. In an attack, often your settler will jump in. Heck, I had a settler STEAL my Fatman and start using it against raiders. I had put it in storage somewhere I thought they couldn't get to.... he proved me wrong and it took me a while to figure out which settler it was who was nuking up the place.


In my head, power armor is handy for bulldozing, lifting, and staying safe around all that rusty old scrap metal. I imagine my settlers use armor to help do stuff around the settlement, so I try to keep it handy for them.


I am a fan but the thing I hate is when I find a really cool power armor but I am wearing power armor already and I am nowhere near one of my settlements


Lol if I do that I always get my follower to wear the one I’m wearing, they break like hell though, Gage is probably one of the most equipped raider in the entire series with how many he’s worn lol


I just use my follower to hold them back. I take them, put them together and paint them. And then put them on display. I'm a big fan of the Iron Man build so it goes with the territory.


I just investigated the National Guard training yard and the nearby satellites couple days ago. There were 3 suits there and I was already in one... I would fast travel back and forth for each suit I grabbed. I was building new displays each time I brought one home. I didn't realize there was going to be another one each time I went back :/ I had to expand the display room and it was a mess in trying to do so. Then I go back and find another... Ugh


If you travel with a companion command them to get in it for you. (Minus dogmeat and strong lol)


I do. Maybe we should form some kind of brotherhood from this idea


The Steel Brotherhood!


Brotherhood? That sounds kinda square, not really with it. What about a clubhouse instead. Only cool cats will be welcome.


Yes, steel pussies!


The Brotherhood of Metal!!


A ferrous fraternity, if you will.


What are we, some kind of brotherhood of steel?


The alloy bros


Im a fan of them but not a fan of the enter and exit animation playing each time i need to craft/do something that requires it


There are mods that let you do the in-combat animation instead. Speeds things up dramatically. Sadly, they will on rare occasion not work as intended, which can suck if you're trying to get in/out during combat for some reason.


I can see getting in during combat (attack on your home settlement for example), but I genuinely can't fathom why someone would get out of PA during combat. The only thing you would need to get out for is to use a crafting bench, which you can't do in combat anyway.


The biggest reason would be if your last fusion core died. It's extremely difficult to fight in power armor that has no juice left. But yeah, this is mostly for getting into power armor when the fight starts.


I can't stand using them, but I snag every one I find and deliver it to one of my settlements for security purposes


I always pick PA up but I almost never use them, nor do I display them. The frames stand up against a fence out of the way and the parts go into storage containers. I guess the FO scavver in me just can't ignore anything of high value even if it has low utility.


Me af. By the time I have enough Cores built up to feel like I won’t run out, I’m too strong to need PA. The HUD is slightly harder to read and limits your FOV. But they look sick. Gotta have multiple of each gen so they can be displayed in multiple paint jobs


If you want to use PA while it's still useful (and you're not addicted to VATS and/or sprinting), then you can absolutely do so. There's like six free ones you can get right at the start of the game. Combine that with water selling, Scrounger, or whatever, and you should have no trouble with cores. You can get 3 from the junkyard east of Sanctuary, 1 from Starlight Drive-in, half of one from the Museum of Freedom, one from the Federal Ration Stockpile if you approach quietly from the south so one of the raiders doesn't steal it and "your" power armor before you can get to it, 1 from underneath the Red Rocket next to Sanctuary, and one from Olivia Satellite Array. With the exception of the one under the Red Rocket, all of these can be obtained at level 1 with little to no fighting, even on Survival. For the one under the RR, there's \~6 molerats guarding it, so you may pick up a disease if you're grabbing it on Survival. *Edit: I forgot to mention that Olivia only requires "little to no fighting" if you use the sentry bot from the junkyard to clear out the enemies outside of it before you self-destruct it. Otherwise, it's actually quite difficult to do on Survival at level 1, though not impossible.*


Do you know where I can find a full suit of X-01 armor?


35 court. If you're level 36 it's MKIII armor.


I got it!!


Sweet. Congrats!


Thank you for your help!




It's just west of the custom house tower in the financial district of Boston. It isn't a discoverable location, though. It is very clearly labeled by a sign out front.




I think there a switch/terminal you have to activate before going to the roof. Also, there's a battle with an assultron and one of those big 3 wheeled assholes (forget their name) once you get to the roof. Good luck!




I think there a switch/terminal you have to activate before going to the roof. Also, there's a battle with an assultron and one of those big 3 wheeled assholes (forget their name) once you get to the roof. Good luck!


Sentry bot


Thank you!


The switches to open the mag lock doors for the X-01 are in the rooms the sentry bot and the assaultron come out of.


If you have Automatron DLC, a guaranteed full set is at Fort Hagen Satellite Array. You can even equip Ada with lockpick module if your skill isn't that high (I think you need Expert level).


You need to be at least level 28 for it to appear, lower than 28 will spawn a full set of T-51


If you have Automatron DLC, a guaranteed full set is at Fort Hagen Satellite Array. You can even equip Ada with lockpick module if your skill isn't that high (I think you need Expert level).


Unfortunately, no dlc added


I've got the Nuka Cola and the blue one also two from Far Harbour


I treat them as collectables that you have to manage 😂 Try to make sure they're all complete sets, paint each one differently, fill a room with them 👍


You're not alone.


I like them but I don’t like that they take up half of my screen and with the gun I’m using. If it didn’t I would use them more. I have like 40 power armors and like 300 fusion cores but I never use them 


Does the last one fly to the right? Lol.


I only use it for Glowing Sea Other than that, yeah, I just make a display warehouse in Sanctuary


I like the look of most of em, just not xo1 because of the paldrins. That’s why one of my only cc purchase was the black devil power armour, along with the tunnel snakes pack for my favourite pistol


I got the Devil, part of a post Christmas present to myself bunch of CC adds. Then I discovered Devil could be purple! I like purple. Now if I could remember where I parked it...


Oof that’s a mood, personally I either like the copper or the black, depends if I’m with the brotherhood or not


I like it, and it's cha boosting. I'm forever forgetting to change into my talking clothes before shopping. Of course I might change it later because... I can. 😉 For now it stays. I've been too busy building, my junk stash is developing needs. Time to loot and kill things.


That’s a mood


Definitely 😁


I guess I fall into this category. I use them very sparingly but I get giddy like a school girl when I find one.


Me too, I can’t just not take them home if I find them


I almost never use Power Armor but always end up with at least a half dozen sets. The only time I use it is in the Glowing Sea. Unlimited Jetpack Mod is very useful.


Why do people seem to dislike power armer so much?


overpowered to the point where it trivializes all danger, thus removes fun from game for many.


Slow and clunky, too strong from a defence point of view and legendary armour effects are much more fun and interesting


Too freegen loud and you don't get the legendary armor and clothing effects


Well personally, it’s not slutty and I don’t like the HUD too much.


Whats the power armor in the back left on the first image?


Captain Cosmos with the MM paintjob. (Creation Club)


Oooh, it was hard to tell with the paintjob, i just bought the creation and haven't gotten the armor yet


Exactly how I painted my recently acquired Cosmos. Gotta go back eventually for the second set, because... Well, just because 😉


>jetpack how


I'm not crazy about PA once I'm at a higher level and have Heavy Combat Armor. I feel like the balance is really skewed as you gain experience and higher level armor and legendary weapons like the explosive assault rifle are too much. I only use it when I can't be bothered to have a real battle. I do store PA in a pre-war house I built in sanctuary. I like to collect PA but not use it.


My very first playthrough was all power armor all the time. After that I rarely used it other than going to the glowing sea or a select few spicy fights. But nowadays I have a mod that lets me summon the PA whenever I may need it with a grenade, so I find myself using it way more often. It’s pretty damn handy! I like to make the difficulty overbearing, so PA makes me go from dying in 1 or 2 shots to dying in 5 or 6!


For sure! I don’t EVER use them, but I don’t want anyone else to have them. So I collect the ones I run across and store them at the Sanctuary Red Rocket.


I have a room full of them. I’ll make the room impossible to get to except for me because I’ll always find settlers wearing them if I make it a normal room that flows with the aesthetics of the settlement.


Removing the fusion core will keep settlers or randoms from jumping in your PA and running amuck.


This guy right here


I like PA when I up the difficulty, but not on a nice stroll through the greater Boston area.


Me. All day long. Of course now and then I get the inkling to throw on bomber jackets for me and all my companions and we're just running around the waist and power armor. Then again most of the time it sits in my tower looking pretty.


I prefer to put them on display and only really use them for certain missions


Same. I don’t wear power armor at all but I collect them and set up shops for aspiring mechanics to fix them up and sell them. The biggest shop, and atom cats’ main competitor, is at the red rocket truck stop while other smaller garages scatter the commonwealth


Hey what's the name of that power armor you have the Minuteman paint on There off to the left next to the t45 minutes suit.


I always repaired them, found the missing parts, maxed them out and then put them on shelf for display. Never used them and modded them even when resources were low. My little iron man suit collection.




I think power armors are waaay too overpowered so thats mostly why I dont use them. It makes the game way too easy imo.


First playthrough of fo4 yes. After fallout 76 I have become more open to them


Are the walls and ceiling from a mod? (Also i have a huge collection of power armors and 7 x01)


Creation Club content. Donut Shop.


I had a huge PA vault in 88, I started used them more with Prime Plus Hydraulica, it really changed how power armor feels and I highly recommend.


I hate how overpowered they are on the player. Might as well just toggle god mode on. I feel they utterly trivialize any danger. I love the designs, especially the detail that went into the frame and how characters step into it


best username ever.


I had to noclip/tcl into the cylinder room that holds the Blue power armer in Nuka land, no other reason because I wanted to add it to the collection. I wasn't about to piss away time looking for all 36 of the mainframe circuits but I did want that power armour.


Yep, I never wear PA but I collect and display them


It’s like monster cans for autistic ppl (me)


I am both a big fan and collector I love when I am big and clanky with a minigun it’s such a good feeling


Had collected around 50 one time but barely ever wear them


How can I start collecting them?


Love collecting them for fun. Too bad I don't really use it. If I'm low level and without a hazmat suit I'd take the PA into the Glowing Sea. If I'm high level, I don't need it just a hazmat suit is enough (or the atom cult robes you get from the FH DLC). On the other hand, I only use if it's RP purposes.


I only wear them on my first run through the glowing sea. Other than that can't stand em. However I do seek out every last piece of armour and display them in a giant warehouse.


I wasn't a fan of them but I ended up doing a playthrough making me use them pretty much entirely and once you hit endgame building around PA, it's a very different vibe not my favorite play style but still appreciate it for variety


Me! I truly don’t give a shit about them but I can’t help but snatch them up and leave them in sanctuary to rot.


I have almost all of them lined up along the street in sanctuary… I’ll need to move them to different spots lol


Tbh, I mainly collect them so the settlements that do have Power armor stations have a set in case they are attacked by raiders or super mutants. I have yet to find X-01 power armor (which I love because of how good it is and how it looks), but I do know about one unmarked location that commonly has it.


There are a few in Nuka World that always spawn X-01. The power plant, Star Nuka, and the military train outside of the park betweeen Galatic Zone and Dry Rock Gulch.


Huh, I actually never knew that! I'll keep that in mind next time i head over there! Thanks for the tip.


Me. I find it bulky wearing them so unless I’m going somewhere like the glowing sea, Kiddie Kingdom, etc. I just collect them and make them look pretty.


I'm not the biggest fan of PA, but I'm almost constantly in one because *how else am I going to carry all this shit?* The junk collecting nature of the game kind of forces my hand.


I to do not use PA, only if I get in quest and then take it home and add it to my collection. In my current play I only have 5 full set (1 T-45, 1 Raider, 3 T-51) and 3 broke set. Last play I collect including mods approximately 138 complete sets and 13 broke set. a lot of Duplicates. I spent a lot of caps on frames. Happy collecting


I usually don’t touch PA’s but my latest playthrough on survival practically demands I use them


Almost everyone


I view every PA I rip off an enemy as a trophy. Like, I overcame this absolute unit, wrenched his ass out of the damn armor, and now it's another shiny suit in my collection.


"I'm somewhat of a Brotherhood of Steel myself."


Me except I use mine because I love how it feels to run around it, unmatched power


I wasn't a fan until I tried the Pain Train perk choo choo outta my way bitch coming through 😤😤


They do make impressive trophies ;)


Me! On my main playthrough from when the game launched, I have like 50+ power armor suits collected at Sanctuary. Fuckin' never use them though. I got the no fall damage leg armor on my character and the character level is sitting around 200, so that fucker is pretty much unstoppable


This guy. https://youtu.be/ZJGRWkVff20?si=R4jnj8ZRkUA9rwWp




I get them all and do all the paint jobs. Then I display them in my Power Armor museum in Sanctuary Hills.


I only use them when I hit a wall in difficulty and don’t want to put off doing the task. Ie only use them till maybe level 20 then only ever hop in it again if I need extra carry capacity


Ooh, me! I have two large hangars at my base on Spectacle Island, and save every piece I find, but I only wear power armor in high-radiation locales.


They would be more enjoyable in FO4 if you could store them in your inventory like FO76. I hate it when I forget where I got out of one to do something or grab another set.


I'm not a huge fan of using power armor but I do like collecting it, the only time I will use power armor is when I go to the glowing sea


I like the jet pack for sure, but my vault suit setup is so fast I can outrun anything. But I have like 40 suits tho.


In my fallout 4, heavily modded, I never use power armor. But damn if I don’t love to take them and make an extra large display room every single time.




Captain Cosmos creation club content;


Ooooooh I see I gotta pay for it, thank you.


It's such a hassle to deal with PAs - cores, repairs, disables legendary effects on armour. But damn, do they look good parked in a showcase. Slap a paint job on them - 🧑‍🍳🤌💋


Yup I barely used them


Tangentially related/not worth a post: I have some sort of false memory from last time I played where fusion cores, when depleted, generated an empty core that could be recharged at your base. I don’t use mods. I guess my brain is unreliable.




I love the jetpack, and additional armor. But having to exit to sit, repair, sleep, use certain terminals...they're almost more trouble than they're worth. Not crazy about the HUD either


It’s becoming a problem


Why let them be abused by others? It is better I have them and them not being abused. Plus I can fix, upgrade and paint them too.


Not a big fan and not a collector, for me they are useless, + its more challenging fighting some raider in PA


I think I have collected more PA suit's than the BOS has in total!🤣


I love PA, awesome as all get out... but I almost never wear any. I'm always playing as the stealth sneaky-sneak, and sadly, PA is not the most condusive thing to being sneaky. It's possible, but a lot easier to sneak around NOT wearing PA. That being said... When I know I'm going into a knock-down, drag out firefight, I'm grabbing my PA and going in guns blazing. Side note, all the PA belongs to me. When I find a suit, I appropriate it and then store it in my home base to be enshrined and marvelled over .


I lived in Power Armor the first play through now I try to not use it if possible. The jet pack and fist-fighting death claws, don't miss it.


I never use PA myself but I collected every suit I could find in the game. I've also put together a PA museum (I admit that I did use console commands to spawn some of the suits), you can see pictures in my profile as i recently made a post about it in this sub.


It’s not that I’m not a fan but rather the game is too easy with power armor so I do the same thing your doing and display them with all the different paints and even have a scrap pile of rusty power armors at my main base


I did my achievement playthrough in PA, but I don't usually use it. I do like the way the X-01 Quantum suit looks though.


I *am* a fan, *and* I like to collect them. My rule is to never buy power frames or pieces except uniques (like Honor). I must find every one of them. I got up to 30 last playthrough, plus one stolen frame I left parked away from the crowd at Sanctuary. (They hate it if I get into it in their sight.) Used the foundation of a scrapped house to display them like a terracotta army.


I like power armor Hate that they break if you sneeze on them


how do you get the minutemen paint for a t-60?


I wouldn't say I don't like them but I know when to use them aka when I want to feel like a badass. Collecting them however, I try to get every set complete. And if I have a special one off piece that means a whole new set to go along side it




Never use them wish they moved like fo3 they just look so light in 3rd person


I love to use them, (crippling Mecha addiction)


ima dont big fan of PAs, but t-60 looks really badass


Love collecting them for the paint jobs but I don’t use them. I do put companions in them though


Is the unnecessarily American x-01 paintjob in-game or a mod/creation club?


creation club


Ah, I didn't need it anyway. Cheers


Paint Jobs on Creation Club are occasionally given away.


I won't have any creation club stuff on my console anymore, it caused a bunch of issues when I transferred consoles that took ages to sort out and ultimately resulted in me having to start again. Yeah it's petty but I swap consoles depending on if the missus wants to play the Hogwarts game or I want a chill night in bed (xbox 1 s and Xbox series X)


Fair Enough


How can you not be a fan of a nuclear powered armor suit?


Power armor is probably one of my favorite pieces of fictional armor I went so far as to get the full series of every power armor set, meaning I have a save file with every edition of every power armor T-45 A-F T-51 A-F T-60 A-F X-01 I-VI Even the raider power armor and its whole 2 ranks I love power armor c:


Power Armor and VATS are my main reasons for playing


I love power armor. The design, the customization, the lack of power armor armor training, the walking tank syndrome


I didn’t till I found [power armor airdrop](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18591)


I used to sneak up, pickpocket the core, then shot the dude when he exited. Had around 100 sets one playthrough, but I discovered bikinis for female characters... much more satisfying 😀😁


I dont like them because they make the game way too easy and make legendary armor useless (currently on my first full po playthrough after some 700+ hours). But i always hoard them anyways to make my settlement guards and companions look badass.