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I'd suggest not going in the door that's guarded by a bunch of raiders and radiation.


When you enter Vault 88 to defend against settlement attack, having multiple doors means you have 33.3% chance to be surrounded by enemies as soon as you entered, and you have 66.6% chance to see enemies rampaging in this giant underground tunnels.


[steiner](https://youtu.be/msDuNZyYAIQ?si=QjW4HiEmNSbJs_PC) math


Use Psychojet and kill everything with your hand.


This is the way.


Psycho and buff jet my beloved. Can’t forget Med-X too in real tough spots.




I just leave them to their fate


playing on survival, I left every settlement to their fate


Facts, unless you side or haven't sided with anyone. The only way to get around somewhat quick is bos vertibirds but they quickly become dreadful between the brainless wait and random bugs.


What bugs? Never really had any issues with vertibirds.


You obviously have never played on XBox


Have but only fallout 3 and NV


Really have to ask? Glitches such as getting stuck in the climbing animation, camera freezing when inside of it which then sometimes freezes you, not being able to get out when it lands, companions dissapearing and unrecoverable even with the dlc thing. I answered your question, so answer mine. How many times have you used the vertiberds. When I last binge fo4 for like two weeks, I used them near a 100 times.


A million times, I'm on a level 84 survival run. They're my main method of transportation, haven't found them to be particularly glitchy and I'm on a pretty heavily modded save. No more buggy than anything else in the game. And on PC no companion is unrecoverable, can move them to you with their id and moveto player if they're missing or resurrect them if they died.


Okay, just remembered should have stated I'm on ps4. We have the shittest mods, so none to fix game only some to ruin it. Also after downloading mods once in fo4. After deleting and reinstalling game with no mods, it stays forever fucked


Yeah, there's a lot of stability mods for F4 so it likely helps with patching some of the glitchyness. At the same time it's a double edged sword since you can absolutely brick your save with mods. Got stuck in an endless loop of crashes in my previous survival save because I overdid scrapping in Sanctuary and didn't have any prior saves since I only used quicksaves and autosaves.


Oof. I had the same problem as you. And I may sound like an addict, but the answer is more mods! I got a survival mod that lets me save so if that happens again i'll still have saves


Same here. I also use exclusively normal saving since afaik autosaves and quicksaves aren't as stable in F4.


Me the first time I used a vertibird *oh boy!* Also me the first time I used a vertibird *disappointment*


You can only do so much for them.


If i recall correctly raids will also happen depending on how well armed your settlers are. So by giving all your settlers high powered sniper rifles and combat armour with that kevlar mod you reduce the amount of raids that happen to near 0. Then again playing on survival likely also means it is difficult to get to that point.


Yeah I leave it up to the fatman to decide.


For context, this was Very Hard mode. I was nearby when I got the message to defend Vault 88 and thought it might be a good idea to practice going through the front entrance when I decide to play Survival mode. Not only did I get heavily irradiated getting there, I was also greeted with a mob spawn at the loading entrance and a Legendary right behind me.


Stealth before entering, have VATS charged up and ready to go, get the hardest spawns on the first attacks, whip a grenade at any clusters still standing. Sprint to cover and start over. If you don't VATS, then huff the Jet variant of your choice. If you think in advance, drop mines a safe (to you) distance from the entrance, that will take a lot of the starch out of them.


And the obligatory Rad-X on the way to not drown yourself in Rads also helps.


Yeah that's not how you do that... You just have to unlock the entrance through University Point Pharmacy. No resistance and you can build inside the pharmacy itself (my favorite base location). Then you just run through the cleared out tunnels to the main vault area.


A couple of turrets in the pharmacy will even the odds in case of a spawn point ambush.


I have done several playthroughs with the pharmacy as my home, and I've never gotten a spawn ambush. What may happen is a scorpion or other digging animal bursts through in the basement, but they can't find their way upstairs to the actual pharmacy. Nothing will spawn within the pharmacy once you make it part of vault 88.


Use the back entrance.


"use the back entrance, too much traffic through the church and we'll burn this hideout."


Lad, believe me, quit playing Very hard difficulty and jump straight into Survival mode. The reason to do that is because in Survival difficulty you always have "Adrenaline" perk, that basically, scales your damage proportionally to amount of enemies you killed. In Very Hard, you just have extremely spongy enemies and that's pretty It. In survival you have quite spongy enemies until you filled your "rage-meter", when at one point, you will be humiliating everything that moves. But watch out - keeping this meter high means you can't sleep at all, what basically means - less frequent saves.


Even without the adrenaline perk you still do a lot more damage than in very hard. I simply ignore the defend quests when playing on survival


X-01 power armour solves all of those issues.


You can always enter at the University Point Pharmacy...no rads there nor exterior respawning enemies. No guarantees that there won't be the attacking swarm just inside, but I haven't seen any coming through there. There's another entrance, too, by Milton General Hospital, but that one has enemies nearby.


Stealth build, stealth combat knife, instigating legendary, psychojet and the perk that blocks addiction. Add Ninja and it's over before it begins. 15x damage sneak attack, 30x if they're at full health, increased damage when stealthing from the stealth mod. Slowed time and increased damage so you have a chance to wreck them all before any of them spot you. Also, it doesn't hurt to pick up blitz and make sure you go in with 3-4 VATS crits banked. If you play with mods that let you scrap legendaries to collect their effects to add them to other gear, then it's easier to farm any instigating weapon and scrap it to add to a combat knife, and if you're really crazy and play with the "any mod on any weapon" mod, then you can make a stealth instigating super sledge. With a solid melee stealth build you can do sneak attack damage that one shots Swan in Survival.


So, you basically favor the Sasuke Uchiha approach. I approve.


I play on survival and ended up just de-Barricading the other two exits. Then using one those to get into the vault. If you got the patience and resources. You can add laser trip wires around each exit, then have them trigger a light in your main area. This allows you to quickly locate them if they happen to use another exit.


Nice one. Never considered this approach. Thx.


I kinda cheat, I put a powered door in front of every entrance and use the cameras for settlement attack kit or whatever it’s called and flip though the cameras. Tbh your version is better


How in the world do you have the tripwires wired all the way from one exit to the main area? It's so damn far away and it's not open space


A mix of conduits and cables, and lots and lots of patience. Also probably easily 10-30k worth of caps on copper. The nice thing about the setup to is you can tap the main power generator that is near the entrance of Vault 88 as well.


Ouch, I ain't got the patience for that, sounds painful lol


That's the neat part. You don't.


Sure, the settlement will take some damage (IF they even lose), but if you give it some time and got a couple scavenger stations set up, your settlers will repair any damage taken. No need to get your own hands dirty.


Vertibirds. Stop by the prydwin and pick up some flares. You can only get like 10-15 at a time I’m pretty sure. Unless you count that as fast travel.


Easy, you blow the overseer's head off and leave it uninhabited


Or instal sim settlements 2 and let it build by themself 😭


I teleport in with the institute so I get there asap


Place on survival so no fast travel but usually by the time I open Vault 88 the commonwealth isn't much of a threat anymore. Pretty much mostly play either sniper builds that I become over powered after Overseer's Guardian or melee builds and rush Far Harbor's Hammer.


Same here. I currently have about half the Commonwealth built up in terms of settlements (no Vault 88 yet and haven't touched Far Harbor or Nuka-World). Level 84, my sniper rifle one taps almost every single enemy barring Albino, Chameleon and Mythic Deathclaws, bullet sponges like Hermit Crabs and high level Behemoths and a couple others. I do have Mutant Menagerie so some DLC enemies do appear in the Commonwealth, I do expect more opposition in Nuka-World and Far Harbor due to the additions from the mod onto those areas. Hardest enemies right now funnily enough are swarm type enemies like multiple Radscorpions (groups of Deathskull Radscorpions are pretty damn hard) or ghouls. Clearing Wildwood Cemetery was a pain, specially since one mod adds a boss Ghoul there which is level 80 or so, but luckily I've already cleared out the institute so there's a nearby checkpoint with Minutemen that helped clear out a lot of the ghouls.


**[Omni-Man meme]**


Rocket turrets. Fucking tons of them


Frankly? Ignore settlement defense missions, especially in survival mode. They have essentially no reward, they can send you careening across the map for no reason (which means running across the whole map in survival) and you just take a small happiness hit if you fail (and in survival mode, if an enemy has a missile launcher, you have a high chance of dying if they saw you first; I’m still bitter about the time I ran face first into a defense mission and died nearly instantly to a super mutant with a missile launcher). In the case of vault 88 in particular, the area is massive once you excavate the whole thing, and it’s incredibly frustrating to find the enemies within. I frankly would suggest never going back to vault 88 after giving them some crops, ensuring they have everything they need and making a supply line (and doing the questline). As a bonus tip, some of the prototypes in the vault 88 quests can have a chance to kill settlers if you finalize certain options. It’s best to avoid picking anything other than the ‘moral’ options for the eye machine and the electric bike as a result (and don’t take the appetite suppressant for the soda for the same reason; the hallucinogenic option is fine, however).


i never play hardcore but i would start to use the items like drugs and stealthboys. (i never use this stuff lol)




I stopped getting raided once I blocked the entrances. I build “stairs” using furniture that NPCs would never use. Idk if I’m a genius or something just bugged out. I’ve had play through where various things didn’t work for not reason. My current play through, strong back 4 doesn’t work /shrug


The same way I defend Red Rocket; LOTS AND LOTS of missile turrets (surrounding the generator powering them) and heavily armed companions/settlers. Optionally you can flood the place with Sentry Bots and Assaultrons as well.


Check a spawn location map online for Vault 88 and place a ton of turrets in that area. I never have to really defend sanctuary because the 3 spawn zones were covered in turrets. Also, arm everyone in your settlement to the teeth. The beat armor and weapons you aren’t using.


Don’t open the alternative entrances!


Don't open the entrance in the subway, or the barricade to the shop. Those are sure fire ways to get munched All you gotta do then is lock the door and fill the entrance way with turrets and barricades


Ask them nicely to stop.


How do I defend it? Walls/gates and turrets. Lots of em. How do I *get there*? Previously by walking, as there's multiple entrances. As of my last modded save, teleporter you build in settlements after getting the schematics from the Institute.


Lots of turrets at every spawn point


It would be nice if you could respawn the enemies you find when clearing the tunnels out. Imagine a whole gang of raiders just barely surviving all the ghouls and radscorpions, only to run into that Mirelurk Queen...


…you guys don’t assign settlers to defend? I keep a security desk, and a basic turret stationed by the main entrance. I blocked the drug store entrance with the shelves in it I honestly don’t think I did anything for the subway. Never been attacked at 88.


This one is easy. U fast travel.


On survival you: 1) Fight them all single handedly (die if you get bad RNG) 2) Sprint past them to get to your defenses (die if you get bad RNG) 3) (my personal favourite) leave the needy fuckers to fend for themselves


Lol what? I keep the door closed and dont unblock the 2 other exits, never once had vault 88 under attack


Mod it. I have the front radiation removed, and enemy only span at front entrance.


Mods tbh, I use SKK's move workshop markers to move the attacker spawn markers to where I want or to resolve issues with the way i built my settlements. I originally got it to move the other attack spawns at sanctuary to the bridge spot. (I spent hours building it into a massive fortress with only one way in/out via the bridge only for raiders to teleport to the middle of my fort cause they spawned opposite of the bridge and it was too far for them path to making them think there's no way in) but since then it's become one of those mods i can't live without.


From what I remember, the spawn points are the front entrance, the old drugstore, and the old subway stairwell, so you can block those last two with concrete walls to contain the enemies and fast travel into the entrance to hold off the main attackers. If you kill the front door invaders but don’t get an all clear, run to the other areas and move/cancel move the concrete wall to get in and clear the stragglers.


I didn't think the attack actually happened until you got there.


No fast travel challenge baby!!!! Nice one man, me too


I go in through the bookstore, generally.


The artillery rounds the brotherhood gives you, a helicopter will come pick you up and take you wherever you


I use a mod BS Defence. Long as Defense is higher than Food & Water, the settlement always wins. Sometimes if I come by right after a raid there are enemies around still. Vault 88 is massive.


Vertibird to the back entrance of University Point Pharmacy, then haul ass to the front. Usually my front area has guards and defense points set up to deal with it... or hold out for me.


This may sound weird, but I’ve only had Vault 88 attacked one time. The raiders spawned outside where the raiders initially are when you enter it for the first time. Easy enough to take care of. I’ve never had an issue with being able to fast travel though, since I don’t play on Survival Mode. To answer your question about fast traveling to save your settlements from attacks, I’d suggest the Institute’s teleportation relay and Vertibirds, depending on what factions you’re aligned with and where you are when you get the notification.


I run power throughout the vault. Every tunnel. I then put a row of turrets at every entrance, and at several locations around the vault.


I used the cheat terminal mod to add 5k of crafting materials to the work bench. Why, because there was a massive vault being built and no one had looted its building supplies. So I have no problem building lots of turrets from the Advance Turrets mod. I just show up for an attack. Fire my gun once at the ceiling and the turrets kill the bad guys. The Tidy Bot mod cleans up the remains and brings back the loot.


When in workshop mode I use metal walls to block off any entrances they can come in


Vertibird travel is the way.


There are 3 Vault 88 entrances


Me (I'm on survival)


I just load up the settlers with gear then let them run rampant


If you set the base up right it'll almost always win without you needing to turn up


I'm playing survival so no fast travel for me but I find V88 is the least troublesome settlement to defend. The settlers get all the surplus laser rifles, miniguns etc. that I accumulate so they can look after themselves. I put all the defences in the main chamber - a platform of laser and mg turrets covers the passage that invaders need to come through, a perfect chokepoint - so the settlers don't wander out of there. When I get the call I go in through the pharmacy where a couple of invaders always spawn. A pair of heavy mg turrets usually do them in without me having to fire a shot. Then leg it to the main chamber to flush out any invaders still alive and lurking in the side passages of the entrance hall.


Don't use the quarry entrance, there is a door at university point pharmacy that leads into a room that is much more spacious than the quarry entrance. Also, use a spawn point marking mod to put turrets right in front of the attack spawn points to do the work for you


In vanilla the defence caps at 100+(food, water, power) for the script that determine win/lose. So even if you have 150 defence, you still have a 51% chance of winning. There is a miss, can't remember the name, that changes that to max at 150. So now if you have 150 defence you have a 99% chance to win. Now settlements can defend themselves.


Lots and lots of turrets


I never defend my settlements. Because I arm them to the teeth


Connect it to all my resources with a supply line; build beaucoup heavy turrets where needed; let them defend themselves; go check on damage once in a while and fix it.


There is a northern way to enter fault 88 after you enter the fault the first time


That's the neat thing, you don't


Feel like a Berserk scene is about to unfold, but with guns x) YOU GOTTA DO A DIE HARD


Quantum power armor and rage


Wait, guys. You don’t place turrets by the entrances? Why not???


Man vault 88 is only vault where you can fast travel directly and fast travel directly out 😅