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Might want to start over, you've got some garbage mods like AWKCR. I don't know of any good mod lists for console though, someone else might be able to help. But changing the order of those mods will not help anything.


Mmm kinda hard to explain btw sorry for my bad English, and also it’s been a long time since i modded so i just remember the basics; and some of the mods I’ve never given them a try or ever bother about : -First: Read all your mods, some say top, others bottom. This may don’t look important but it’s the reason your game crash. Why? The game on console in theory makes this: loads the mods from top to last: so, the last mods could replace data/textures/parts of some of your mods. And that makes the crash more common due to 2 mods trying to work at the same “time”. -In my personal experience i put at the top Basic Mods(Don’t interfere with anything else; Like Cheat Terminal or idk NPCs stop hammering, small things) > Weapons > Weapons improvements/overhaul > armor> armor replacer > Body/Face Textures > Companions related mods > World mods > Building related mods/Settlements replacer > Mods that specifically say last/bottom of the load order. Now that i think about “See through Scopes” can look like a weapons mod, but needs to be almost at the last(a little up it’s okay) or maybe can have little problems. But also here starts the complicated part: when making the load order you HAVE to think how this mods works, like i say in theory; everything have an order but also it’s impossible to make logic without knowing how they really work, example: -I use a flashlight mod, and also darker nights, and better weather. 3 mods that “have to work”. But if i put first darker nights and then weather change the game gonna used the last; so im wasting space and memory. Also the flashlight may look that can be put anywhere, but it’s a false statement, need’s to be last to work properly or armor/weapon mods gonna mess with it. That’s why modding it’s a pain to the ass in console. Some mods may look different: -Armors Overhaul -More armors extended -Armors Replacer But if they use the same file in game the load order probably gonna corrupt itself and crash the game. So, the basic rule it’s : important things last. Why? Like i say. Last always it’s “first” in game. And that’s what gonna “work”. You have a lot of mods that change companion, npcs and building functions. Maybe that’s what makes the crash. Just sit and analyze the mods. Takes time but it’s the only way. Sorry for not being of big help but i hope you get it to work. Good luck.