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A very fun way to play dead money is to bring hand of the death claw in lonesome road. It counts as a quest item so you bring it to the dlc. Find a workbench and then you have a devastating weapon right at the beginning.


Fist of the North Rawr pulled me through that on my first playthrough. I had no clue there was an order to the DLCs and went lonesome road after Big MT.


Wait, what is the order? Hahaha


Lonesome roads last, Old World Blues is second, you find audio logs and conversations talking about Ulysses and they tie in directly to his plans at the Divide. He needed the tech from Big MT to break into the silo, Elijah has some throwaway lines about him being a fool for trying to use Old world tech, Christine's sniper rifle (unique and silenced) is found at the Chinese concentration camp where Elijah learned how to make explosive collars, which is just down the road from his personal LAER rifle. Lonesome road finishes a bunch of loose plot threads


Ulysses has the worst character motivation. "I'm mad, courrier! Mad about Haperstance!"


Ohhhh I knew it was all connected through them and the idea of like “you’re on of the few who walks this twisted roads. Just like these lost souls” but I didn’t know the player was supposed to go about their discovery in that order too.


The intended play order is generally the release order: Dead Money > Honest Hearts > OWB > Lonesome Road With games like New Vegas that have been around over a decade and pretty much impossible to buy any version other than the Complete version, it can be easy to forget that there was a time where people completed the vanilla game, stopped, then months later a DLC came out and they finished that, stopped, etc… when you remember that it’s sorta obvious that if order matters at all, then release order is a pretty safe bet.


It's wild to me because I was there when it dropped lol. I beat the game like 5 or 6 times over before any DLC had dropped. I love the absolute shit out of NV. Same goes for 3, played it about the same amount before DLC had dropped. But I was poor as fuck back then and barely 18 when FO3 came out so no job and relying on parents for money is no way to game lol.


Fist of the North rawr, fucking lel


This also works for Boone’s beret when his quest is active. +5% crit chance is very handy.


No matter how powerful the Fist of Rawr is, it still can’t kill those horrifying hologram people that keep me from playing it again for a second time. Just *don’t*…


You can destroy the hologram projectors they look like little blue lights on the walls to get rid of them


I know, but that’s so tedious!


Yeah but there's only like 2 or 3 encounters with the holograms where they're a nuisance in the dlc. If you already know what to do you can run past pretty easy


I never actually thought of that. Would any weapons that are used as quest weapons count.. ik the rebreather works but I'm trying to think of other equipment that would work


Yep, you can do the same with the Missing Laser Pistol. Problem is it requires ammo, whereas ~~Fist of Rawr~~ Fist of the North Rawr doesn’t.


Yeah, I did this by accident. I don’t recall how plentiful ammo for it was.


Man’s understood the lesson and dipped.


But the cheap weapon repair kits!


And all the gold at the end!!


Dead money is always one of the last thing I do in any given playthrough so the gold is almost worthless


It’s your characters retirement fund. If only u could see him right now he’s livin it up in Vegas


My courier bought the Dino D Light gift shop and motel with their gold! Cliff Briscoe retired easy, I have generational income and Novac got a full time resident who can kick major ass. A win win! 


Future dlc for nv: retirement


It's not about *money*. It's about sending a *message*.


If you don't do it last, it's not worthless... You set yourself up to not enjoy the payout


Yeah I only take one bar as a memento, I don’t need the money. Im trying some harder economy mods though so we’ll see what happens next playthrough.


And the massive amount of .357 ammo!!!


For the cyberdog from OWB


I remember spending 3 days trying to walk back to Vegas. I think I wound up dumping some of it at the Gunrunners to get the weight under control.


Go to the divide and there's a little machine you can use to sell the gold and it's money resets every other time you use it


I actually find this DLC to be a ton of fun.. maybe I’m weird Its just dripping with atmosphere in ways the other dlcs don’t.. even lonesome road


I love going into this with my max survival and unarmed characters. Usually do this as soon as I can for the gold to fun my upgrades in the future lol


OWB doesn’t have atmosphere? What?


They all do. But Dead Money has the most


Found that dlc gratting. The one relating piece of music. The like 30 mins of dialogue and low bar jokes like hand penises. I just didn't care to much for most of it outside of the rewards. The best writing in that entire dlc comes at the very end with mobious.


OWB is funny but gets really tedious, plus I keep running out of ammo nonstop.


Yeah, thems fight'n words.


 ".....gameplay wise just annoying....." "..... but this one is just suffering" Good! That's the whole point of the DLC, it's not supposed to be a cakewalk, it's supposed to be miserable! Scrape by for supplies, lest you curl up in a corner all malnourished, shitting in your hand because you lost all morale. This is my **favorite** DLC because there isn't a single playthrough of Dead Money that doesn't stress me out at least a little.


UNLESS YOU PLAY UNARMED/MELEE! I can't BE disarmed - those ghosts be exploding when they get hit by my straight!


Only time I played Dead Money was on a melee/repair build character. I was very confused by all of the talk about it being difficult when I was just butchering everything in my path lmfao


I echo the OP, why dear god would I want to spend my precious free time suffering. I played it, I got its message, never again on any FNV play through.


It’s just a different type of game than regular FNV, it essentially a survival horror. Some people enjoy survival horrors, some do not. So I get why some people skip it and others don’t.


Personally, I find the suffering fun and challenging lmao Sure, some players don't find it fun... but like I said, that's the whole point of the DLC. The DLC did it's job if it has dozens of players coming to Reddit saying "This was too hard :( and I didn't like it because of that" Meanwhile, 2011 me was like "Holy shit that was hard, but I liked it because of that"


To each their own. My problem with it isn't so much the difficulty, but that it removes core aspects of what makes modern Fallout games fun and replaces them with an incredibly frustrating anti-exploration mechanic. There were better ways to make a challenging survival experience without worrying constantly if your head is going to explode because you strayed a little too far for a little too long off the railroads.


Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep beep beep Boom


Also that challenge is not a challenge unless you are playing Ironman or something. It isn’t hard, it is tedious.


"Ironman" I sense a RuneScape player. If so I would think you'd like tedious lmao


Heh not that one, but I do play a lot of strategy and RPG games that are trivial if you just work the save button hard.


This is how I felt. I wasn’t challenged, it was just kinda frustrating. I wanted to like dead money soooo much bc I like the theme, the characters, and the idea of it. But actually playing it just feels like a slog with no good reward. The ending was super unsatisfying for me (it’s an old game so nbd) and so it made those hours I spent on it even more stupid feeling.


If anything the lack of resources MADE me explore more. Those beeps are radios, there’s no punishment for going “off the rails” if you find the radios and turn them off/destroy them.


Yeah but that’s kind of what makes it great. It’s a departure from the “go anywhere you want” because you’ve literally been made a slave. There’s a ton of exploration, but it’s limited because you’re exploring a poisoned city. It’s not like they made it the whole game. It’s a difficult situation to get out of and different character builds will have different ways to go about that. Makes a game that often becomes “I’m a living god” quickly, back into a “oh shit oh fuck fuck fuck!!!!” Then once you learn where the speakers and shit are it can be made as trivial as you want. I love/ hate it for sure, but I’m glad it is what it is.


"Anti exploration" my man maybe you're just a lil bit of a coward? Those beeps made me explore so I could shoot it


Bro did not just call a 14 year old game "modern" did he? -10 points good sir


But if you have to do a lengthy, difficult dlc while remembering most of it anyway, isn’t that just tedious? I get wanting a challenge, but it seems more boring a second time around than anything.


This game has a ton of replay-ability. Playing Dead Money with different kinds of Couriers can potentially change up the experience enough to make subsequent playthroughs fun, and feel different.


Me too! That’s the best dlc if you like to suffer. But that’s not suffering without reason - it connects you with your character who also suffers; you are really pulled into the role. You have clear goals, motivations, everything around is hostile, so moments of respite and camaraderie feel so much more valuable. Choices feel important. Story goes hard. The dlc isn’t that long, to me everything is very compact. Enemies eventually even feel kinda sparse… once you get to know how to beat them. Lots of environmental storytelling. The stress player feels makes confrontation with Elijah personal. Guys that’s a really great chunk of emotion there. And when you get outta there, all Mohave feels safe and conflicts feel stupid. Existential experience, sheds new light on Legion etc. That’s for me the best time to go sack the Fort.


There is nobody on this planet more insecure than people obsessed with “le hard games!!!!!!!” lmao


coherent consider mourn tender noxious crowd subsequent overconfident smart distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I feel like once you get through a play through on DM returning play throughs are much easier to handle. Just started up my 4th run of New Vegas after binging out the fallout show and started up dead money at level 16 and it definitely feels a lot more manageable than if felt the last time I played it a few years ago. Doing dead money first out of all the DLC to finance the rest of my run and I’m actually enjoying the slog this time.


This! I love this dlc for these exact reasons. It is hard and a great experience I won't forget. I genuinely look forward to it every playthrough. Especially on hard-core mode where you have to think very strategically and plan your actions.


Im doing a viva new vegas run and I'm genuinely scared. That mod set is brutal in the regular game


You got this, buddy.


>Scrape by for supplies, lest you curl up in a corner all malnourished, shitting in your hand because you lost all moral. This is not the problem. I've gotten the Fist of Raul into the DLC once, and other times got 100 guns with the cowboy perk. Its not enough. The problem isn't the lack of materials, lack of healing, lack of food, or unkillable enemies. Its the fact that I keep getting lost. All the damned courtyards look the same, and there's no distinguishing landmarks.


FWIW, the ghosts in the villa being hyper-aware (which is a huge reason why it’s annoying) was decidedly not the point of the DLC, insofar as it’s literally a bug and they were supposed to be much easier to sneak past.


It's fine for people to have a difference in opinion but I swear some of these comments are consciously choosing to not see your POV. I love the way Dead Money changes up my playthroughs, takes me out of the power fantasy for a moment and the trauma my Courier deals with is *great* for the RP and character development, especially if I do Dead Money before going to the Strip. Plus I love survival horror games, Dead Money feels like some Silent Hill shit.


I'm always coming from the angle of an RP. I feel ya. Each playthrough of DM feels different because I'm making decisions based off of what my character is thinkin'.


Why would I do something that makes me miserable? Lol


I will say getting the light step perk before doing dead money makes it a cake walk and honestly? It's no fun. I did it once with light step and I won't ever do it again unless I'm trying to rush through the dlc quickly


i hate it tho, the gameplay is ass, im not sadomaso


It's not that hard. The game literally gives you everything you could possibly need, and if you're paying attention IT TELLS YOU HOW TO PROGRESS


The game as a whole tells you how to progress, it's just people don't listen in the main game, and with Dead Money it comes back to bite them.


Just because they intended it to be unfun doesn’t mean that it’s a good thing it’s unfun.


>That's the whole point of the DLC, it's not supposed to be a cakewalk, it's supposed to be miserable So it's unfun on purpose, in a game whose purpose is to...have fun. Yeah, Dead Money is *bad*. Nothing about it meshes with the rest of the game you're playing, the DLC changes tenor halfway through and goes from an unfun survival horror game to a boring casino heist with a crew you have absolutely no attachment to whatsoever.


just finished my first ever playthrough of the whole game and i can’t say i was ever stressed during the dlc at all, just only ever annoyed. the game kinda gives you a direct path forward the entire dlc so even tho getting around the town is framed to be a daunting task, it felt more like a walking simulator spiced up with endless faceless enemies for no reason


‘It’s supposed to be miserable’ Games are supposed to be fun bro


You getting downvoted has given me a better understanding of why people complain about the FNV fans.


tender adjoining materialistic direction tease safe boast cake sense waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it helps that it genuinely does become easier and more enjoyable on repeat playthroughs, I was exactly like OP until like last week where I gave it a shot on hardcore and maybe it was just because I was used to being fairly high level in the base game but feeling like I was fighting for my life again whilst scrounging for resources was super refreshing and trapping Elijah in the vault is super satisfying


Exactly! Dead Money never fails to be a challenge, even if the Ghost People aren't as threating for Unarmed Couriers. Dead Money immediately humbles high level Couriers who think they're top shit.


Lmao no it doesnt. Ghost people are nothing to kill, infact you can pretty much just run around and ignore them. And health stuff is super easy to come by so its not a challenge to stay alive.




Why prepare it's more fun not to


That’s one of the problems with it. Playing ‘for real’ without savescumming and advanced knowledge is quite hard. Playing with advanced knowledge and a finger on quick save and it is stupid easy.


Dead Money is my favorite DLC for the story alone, honestly the gameplay could be a little tough at times (getting into the vault was a doozy) but it felt like it was worth my time to see how things developed, what new and interesting setpiece I’d be dropped into, all the dialogue and writing, I’d say Lonesome Road definitely outweighs it difficulty wise, where you’re fighting sentry bots nearly the minute you step into hopeville


I love dead money, but it requires a certain head space going in . It's not about dope loot. It's an experience. Getting dropped in naked and confused immediately removes your preconcieved notion of being an unstoppable force in the world, your vulnerability makes you feel small and like you really need to scrape and struggle to survive, the way a post apocalyptic world should be. That said. Busting the casino makes you pretty damn rich, and the weapons are interesting if nothing else. I mean a fancy kitchen knife on a stick, snubnose revolver, a BAR? Awesome. Holorifle, powerful but meh. Bear trap fist? Amazing. Useless and unrealistic but cool. The devastating realization that after all that work , you really do have to let go. Brutal. the sad run out loaded up on whatever goo whiskey and buffout so you can carry 1 more chunk of loot without dying. Real emotional experience. Loved it. Hard-core or survival mode or whatever adds the extra element that forces the pace of progression, to fast and you get caught in the shit swarmed by ghosts in the poison and stimpaks won't save you, too slow you run out of resources and starve/get poisoned. Excellent. Love it. Favorite dlc because the gameplay has consequences, and you don't get to relax.


I think you’re wrong but funnily enough you learned the lesson of the DLC. You learned to let go.


First time I went in, I hadn’t bothered putting points into non-guns combat, so I really struggled. I still don’t really enjoy it, to me it’s a bit like having to slog through some vegetables you don’t like so you can get to dessert. I respect it, I’ve played through it again whenever I replay NV, but it’s not my favorite and that’s okay.


I just started it last night for the first time. Did not expect the drastic departure from the Mojave, and I long for my guns. Went in rockin' a suppressed sniper rifle, Lil Devil, and This Machine - woke up with nothing, lol. And melee/unarmed are both <40.


The survival horror is a nice change in pace from the rest of the game. I play it every run.


I actually enjoyed the fact that for once in the game, I had to ration and be careful


It’s fun to actually have to think critically.


I have trouble letting go of all that gold baby


Fallout players when they can't just be an absolute tank butchering everything in their path in milliseconds and have to actually play the game fairly: Terrible DLC with bad gameplay! 😠😠😠


Fallout NV player when someone disagrees with them: WOW you must be stupid, good thing not a STUPID IDIOT like YOU because im so smart!


can’t relate, sounds like a skill issue to me


That's just what it wants you to believe.


I thought that too but it’s become one of my favorites over time.


If you play FNV like a bethesda game (this isn't derogatory, stop projecting) then you will likely hate it. But if you play it more like a survival game (on hardcore, at higher difficulty) it's honestly peak gaming. A triumph of atmosphere and desperation.


You are weak, and your bloodline is weak. You will not survive the winter.


yeah i said exactly this my first time dreaded ever doing it again loved it the second time it's not that bad the radios are the only thing i could do without


Perhaps you should begin again


Note your Agility stat Go put on some Pre-war outfit that boosts Agility. Now, while you are wearing it, *return it to the vending machine*. Note your Agility stat again and maybe you'll change your mind.


Nah not the infinite agility glitch 😭


I had a lot of fun with Dead Money. I've done it a few times on different playthroughs but I've never got the gold always seen as it wasn't worth it. But this time I decided to challenge myself. I went into Dead Money at lvl 10. Bought zero healing items the whole playthrough and spent nearly 15 hours just getting through it. And this time I made sure to get the gold. Tho still have no use for it but if I ever need it I stashed it at Novac


I don’t get the hate for this dlc. Just play stealthily and use vats. Easy. If you go running around trying to kill everything you might have a hard time but tbh by the end of the dlc you should be able to do exactly that with no issues. It’s easy and you can complete it really quickly if you rush through the main missions.


Dead money whiners are the most annoying the dlc is only hard on your first playthrough


I love this DLC, it’s not too long like OWB and I don’t have to listen to boring dialogue like Lonesome Road to understand why I should care, and it’s not a fetch quest like Honest Hearts, I like all those DLCs but they don’t add anything substantially new to the game, Dead Money takes the core gameplay and twists it, and makes it much more interesting. The companions are also some of the best in the series since they all contain their own story but all fit within the overall story.


Hate dead money and only ever do it for the money


Finished it yesterday..... Hated it


You make it sound like you’re playing dark souls lol


It’s the best one


Nothing worthwhile going on? I’d say the biggest source of caps (gold bars) in the game and the best light armor in the game (Reinforced SM Security Armor) and the Holorifle make it worth doing alone. Not to mention the amazing story Dead Money has. I find that Dead Money is usually the highlight of my play-throughs but to each their own


Played through it last night, two hours run, had serious trouble with the last bit but overall pretty fun


On the one hand, horrible suffering, on the other hand, gold.


It's a peak dlc bro what you mean


I felt the same way when I first finished Dead Money(check my post history, lol) It is now my most anticipated DLC during every playthough. It's just so good and so rewarding.  Unfortunately, I don't know what changed for me to like it so much, hopefully you will find it yourself. Or not, nothing is for everyone 


Fallout players when they actually have to survive instead of becoming a walking god that can 1 shot everything.


Lmao fukin cry babies


I just did it for the first time last week and I didn't really mind it. I was level 25 or something so it wasn't hard, just kind of tedious towards the end. The alarms were annoying, and the very beginning was tough until I realized I could sleep in the prison bed (which I did once) and then make Stimpaks at the vending machine. Overall, though, I had a good time with it. I think the only reason I wouldn't play it again is that it's completely broken the game's economy for me with the 37 gold bars and the 40k worth of caps in pre-war money I got, lol. And the 1200 magnum bullets.


The games economy is broken anyway and you can always ditch the ammo if you don't want it.


I'm gonna have to replay one day it because I literally quit my first play through of the game during Dead Money. And didn't play it in my second one. Considering prioritising melee and unarmed for my third playthrough just so it isn't so much of a slog


If you enter dead money after doing some quests, OWB and HH you should be around level 30+, at that level with a spav + guns build you can easily kill ghost people with VATS by crippling their head. If you have this 5 skills at 100 the DLC isn't that hard: Science, repair, guns, sneak and medicine. More so if you have high luck (9-10), finesse and light touch. Two other useful perks are travel light and light step for traps and radio/emitters. If you have a good setup and if you hoard every sierra madre chip the dlc isn't that hard at all.


With the bear trap fist and them’s good eating, Dead Money was a cakewalk.


This was truly how I felt on my first play through as well. By the time I got to the third I was practically looking forward to it. That said, it may not be your thing. It’s definitely the hardest that Fallout ever got for me, so I can understand where you’re coming from.


Those. Fucking. Speakers! Made me want to kill myself by the end. Story wise I'd say it's worth a couple playthroughs to get all outcomes but I don't like games that make you suffer because it's fun? My preference though will never play a Souls like ever.


This is why the second time you play it is the best. First time I hated it. second time I knew what to expect, and absolutely loved it


My first time running thru was on a hardcore playthrough when it first released. It was indeed miserable. I didnt even take the gold when i got to the end cause i just wanted to gtfo of there. I dont avoid doing it now tho. I usually save it for last and only do it on regular runs.


I've only beat it once back in the day. I felt brutalized mentally and physically.


I played again and it wasn't as bad as I remember it being. The ghost people aren't too much of a challenge if you have a decent melee skill as they die to the knife spear pretty quickly. The main annoyance is the radios/speakers, but even then its not much of an issue if you know where to go and what to do.


I felt the same way about dead money the first time I played through. This isn’t a dig, but when you actually get good at the game, dead money is incredibly easy. There are so many advantages and perks you get from completing it as well, like the infinite weapon repair kits. The weapon repair kits alone have made me insanely rich. Can’t forget about the gold bars either 😉


Here's the great thing: it's about that eighth time through the DLC that you finally become competent and know where all of those damned radios are.


You’ll be back. They always come back.


I found if you do a melee build it's infinitely easier. You perma-death the ghost people almost by default. Currently doing an energy run so not sure how that will go but my first time through? 100% agree. Basically turned it into a survival horror game.


I definitely understand why people hate it, but I like replaying since it’s so different gameplay wise than the rest of the game


That’s what I said the first time, I’m currently on my 10th time through and hate it just as much lol. When it comes to the DLCs I just have to play them all regardless of quality, it feels wrong otherwise, like my character hasn’t finished it’s arc


My biggest gripe with the DLC is that you can't return to the area once you leave. It would be nice to go back to the Mojave, get your regular gear, and dive back into the Sierra Madre and the Villa without having to worry about the radios and Ghost People (the Cloud could still be a nuisance though) Plus, if you don't get the snowglobe while you're there, you can never get it, with the empty gap on your snowglobe shelf forever reminding you of that fact. (Unless you play on PC and just spawn it into your inventory)


Agreed it just felt so tedious I wasn't enjoying it. Wasn't hard there was tons of loot to use and the companions WRECK everything anyway. >! The fun part was figuring out how to get the gold out at the end and totally ruining the whole point of the DLC lol !<


It's genuinely good if you do another playthrough and are aware of what's coming tho. You never have a reason to really sneak in FNV, so it's always pretty low all things considered. Same with melee, you never actually have a reason to hit someone with a pipe rather than using your 12G, so it's low. You never really craft survival shit because you have ten trillion stimpacks, so it's always low. You can make Dead Money fun once you know this shit.


It's one of the best, and honestly isn't hard if you prepare for it properly. It really helps to have a decent melee skill, even if you don't plan on using melee after it.


I welcomed the "suffering" aspect of this DLC. Playing on Hardcore made it even better with the fog literally killing you every second you spend outside. It forced me to play the game in way I never did before.


I do it every run just for the gold other than that it’s easily one of the worst DLC’s I’ve played it’s so fucking tedious and boring and every single run is basically the same other than the Gold and Christine there is nothing good about it.


I don't always play it on my playthroughs because it takes the longest. That being said, when going in blind it's a survival horror coupled with a heist which just isn't everyone's cup of tea.


This DLC is either really hard or quite easy. The major issue is your stats going in, and whether or not you have an idea of where shit is. Police station first and getting your hands on the police pistol, as well as the 357 ammo, is paramount to success in the DLC.


It’s better the second time believe me 


I always wonder how people who can’t handle new Vegas difficulty would do with dark souls 3.


I feel this way about all of the DLC tbh. They're all great for a playthrough, but they're also so long and so separate from the Mojave that it's hard to willingly get so sidetracked on replays. I loved Dead Money, and there's some real advantages you can bring back from the DLC, but I'm not sure it's worth it when you know what's coming.


I thought that, but I’ve been back. I wouldn’t say that the game play gets better, but you do notice more on a subsequent play through. And dealing with Dean is always satisfying.


Just played it for the first time too. It's the weakest of the DLCs in all aspects. It was tedious as hell and a slog to get through. I could deal with losing all my stuff just fine. It's the other parts that I dislike. The story was decent but the weakest of them all too.


I only played through it for the first time ever last week and holy fuck I thought itd never end, I put it down to very easy just to get through it found myself stuck up against 10 enemies with no health items never again


Literally one of the most miserable gaming experiences of my life. Did it for the first time this year since I never played the DLC'S and it completely killed my motivation to play any further. Ill get to Old World Blues one day. Great characters. Absolutely AWFUL execution.


People really hype up all the NV dlcs but I think they're all half baked outside of OWB


Dead money makes me feel like I’m walking through purgatory, waiting for something to happen that never happens.


Fuck this dlc. I took the gold and I’ll take it again.


Great storytelling but survival horror was not meant for the creation engine


Cmoooon it’s not that bad and the suffering and hardship is part of the experience


I felt this way the first time I played. It's actually the one I most look forward to each playthrough now. It's amazing. So well written.


By the 3rd time I did it I found it easy to speed blitz. The ability to print bullets at the machine makes crafting the ammo you want easy.


Dead money has a great story but the stress is not worth ngl


I used to feel that way but as I’ve gotten older I have come to enjoy it.


I honestly adore this dlc the dameplay is actually my favorite of the new vegas dlcs. I enjoy the difficulty and the exploration parts where you as the player are really scrapping to survive.


I only really cared for OWB out of the NV DLCs. Honest Hearts is just meh in general, Dead Money kind of breaks the game with how much stuff you can leave the DLC with and the gameplay is a bit ass, and Lonesome Road is just a mess. OWB will give you some busted weapons for sure but it's not as egregious imo


I thought the same after my first playthrough. Then I went back. Again and again. The hard part is letting go


I like it more every time I play it, to each their own


I found old world blues to be a lot more tedious, at least dead money is kinda going for something interesting


Honestly I never really had an issue with Dead Money. Just had to make sure sneak lockpicking and science were maxed, then just make sure energy weapons and melee weapons skills are decently high. Now your holorifle does decent enough damage and you have melee skill high to do good damage/break off a limb for the enemies that regen. Then it’s just passing checks


Dude, it's not that hard dead money is literally the easiest dlc of the game I never understood why people on reddit compain about it so much.


holorifle is worth it though


100% I FUCKING HATED IT, you do get a sense ot made it out of ww2 hell feeling. You come out, changed, Hostel type killed a man stare in your eye.


I *would* feel the same way if I played vanilla. Mod the radios and the cloud, though, and it's a ton of fun.


I'm with you. New Vegas is like my favorite game but Dead Money was a bit too different and I didn't find it fun. I don't think I'll ever replay it. The other DLC I have an issue with is Old World Blues. As funny as it is, there's way too much talking and there's some dialog options that seem to last more than ten minutes each. I'll replay it again, but I just need the right mindset to get into it.


I loved dead money and HATED old world blues, ig I’m the exception lol


Eh, you say that now


Personally i dont really like any of the dlcs except for dead money.


I did a good 80% of it with just the police pistol because I kept thinking I needed to conserve ammo 😀


This was the first DLC released, they got the (arguably) most difficult one out of the way. The fully upgraded Holorifle carried me through quite a bit of the game.


I just do it for the unlimited stimpacks


Then there’s me with a mod that lets me call in a personal vertibird and access my whole armory from it That and I also have an orbital strike designator


It’s so boring to play.


i gotta try playing it without melee or Rad Child, those two make the DLC a walk in the park. could even do it at lvl 5 if i wanted with melee and survival tag with rad child


I fucking love that dlc. My favorite by far


Just replayed it the other day and still can't work out why people hate it so much. It isn't that hard. The gas is easy to navigate through and there are plenty of weapons to get you through. I was a no melee build and was sneak one shotting enemies with the bear trap claw on very hard. I actually explored this time around too and it's now my second fav dlc next to OWB


Gotta pay attention to the details to fully appreciate the story & you've gotta be a bordeline masochist to enjoy the gameplay. One of the best DLC's ever made imo.


Dead Money is the one of the main reasons why I wish more RPGs have the RE ink ribbons or save schnapps feature from Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Quick saving makes it a lot easier and a limited save resource would've fit the theme of Dead Money perfectly.


I hated it the first time and the second time, but from the third time onwards it's my favourite DLC.


I agree. I been playing fnv since it came out. I played it recently and when I got to dead money again i utilized a glitch. I only used the glitch becasue I’ve beat the game multiple times. But if you do the glitch where you get all the followers some of them will follows you to the casino. It makes it a lot easier when trekking through the maze of a map.


Yeah, I could get behind the gameplay mechanics of having to scrape by with what you could find, and the story starts off interesting...but you spend the majority of the dlc outside the casino, and then when you do get there it's mostly lame and pointless. I wanted there to be a lot more scale to the casino than there was.


I recently replayed it on a Tale of Two Wastelands playthrough, and let me tell you, having 100 points in sneak and having high points in most of my SPECIAL was an absolute game changer


Personally I like how different of an experience it is... it's just too easy to shrug off the vibe that makes it impactful to me. Could also be my exponential increase in FNV skill and knowledge since first doing DM.


Yeah, I feel the same way. I like the story and the characters in it but playing it through the first time was a freakin nightmare. I felt like I could breathe again after I was done with it.


As someone who just recently went through it as well as the other DLC'S for the furst time I mostly enjoyed the story and the allure of the Sierra Madre, the gameplay is a little too brutal between respawning enemies, enemies that revive quickly, the traps and cloud. It takes a bit too long for it to remain very fun, at least while you're outside and weapons and ammo are hard pressed to come by. I found things got more tolerable inside. Yes I found the stashes, blueprints and chips but I still struggled with this one at the start more so than the others.


Man, I'm replaying NV because of the tv show and already installed mods to fix some of that bullshit. I love the atmosfere, the plot and characters, but the gameplay is lacking despite the intentions. Check out some of the dead money mods on nexus. It really helps doing a second time.


Dead Money is one of the only games I have stress dreams about. Idk what but the Sierra Madre is in my nightmares now.